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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE CANADqAN STATESMAN, BOwMANvILLE, THTJRSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1929 A Joint Savings Account is a Real Convenience pAR:TICULARLY as a matter of familY conyen- ience does the joint account deinonstrate its value. Ail funds deposited are stbject to withdrawal at p any turne by either of the persons in whose naimes the joint account is oépen ed. In case of the de- cease of one of the parties holding a joint account, al noney may be 'withdrawn hy the othem. A joint savings account in The Canadian !Bank of Commerce is a real convenip-nce where two peoiple desire access to the saine funds. TME CANADN BANK 0F COMMERCE if w.tih .-,hh.Smi$.19 tId Ià HE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA ) homne af Mrs. Robt. Pari-, an Thurs- in St. John's CemeterY. The large aifte municipal clerks acconipaniedý day evening, July l8Vb, -ith the funeral cortege and lavely floral tri- their reovos. Mr. McGili said ho president, Mrs. (R-ev.) P. G. Powell, butes evidenced te love and este-on believed no satisfactory equalization presiding. The study bock chaptem. in which te deceasedl was held. Ho cauld be arrived at except by sanie on "Child Lfe in Indea" was taken beaves Vo maurn bis Iosa bis sorrow- independent committee. Mr. Hoot- by Mrs. T. Smith, and a r.oading on- ing widow and two step-daughters, on's course had been urged by many titled "Making an Inpression" was Mrs. Citas. Smith and Mms. RobV. Cavan rate-payexa, and was not an Sgiven by Miss Btty Riddell ai Tor- Archer; bis only daughter Winnie attempt at self-glorificatiýon. AI onto. It was docided ta hold Aug- having predecease-d him. a few blenket percentege increase, Mr. Mc- ust as holiday month as usuel. Ne-it ega. 1Cil] said, was no guarantee oi equal- jCLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL J COUNTY ASSESSMENT RÀJSED COUNTIES COUNCIL DIVIDED i., ____ IIN FOUR TOWNS ON ASSESSMENT PROBLEM Ia Council met at Orono, Juiy 2nd, I1in with Reeve Holman presiding and Coboujrg, Port Hope, Campbellford Rea-v Hooton Gains Point But mu nienbers ail present. and Bowxanville were the niunici- Towns May Appeal1 w Communications were received palities that suffered from the revis-1 val from: Counities Clerk, report of ion of the equalized assessment oi (From Cobourg Sentinel-Star) W& Equalization Comnittee; Departnient the counities by the reeves of the The special session of the council cen Public Highways; Canadian Nat. counities counicil at a meeting in Co- of the united counties of Northum- pos Railways; F. D. Boggs, enclosing bourg on July 4th, Cobourg being Iberland and Durhamn on July 4thi At agreement with counties for Orono the hardes bit of the lot, its equal-;which sought an equalization of as-Au street pavement widening; Work-ý ized assessment being increased from sessments by compromise and inutu- Gil înen's Compensation Board re notice $1,600,729 to $2,058,033, an in- al agreement instead of by appal o n of accident to Frank Allîn; The Sol- crease of about $450,000. Bow- the county judge failed ta effect a Lyl dier 'Setlement Board re direction manville's increase of $412,699 is unanunous settiement. W. of assessment of S%2 Lot 15, Con. 8, next highest, while Port Hope get.s It merely transferred the shoe- for 1929; Arthur Roebuck and New- an increase fra'm $1,370,618 ta $1,- from the rural to the urban foot, and son, a letter and stateinent re Ran- 761,398. It is aitogether likeiy that even in thait respect the proqiosed ex- daîl vs Fellows.-Filed. an appeal wiil be made by soine of pedient f el short of the demand of Treasurer presented staternent of the towns fi-rn the decision arrived Reeve W. S. Perrin of Soutih Mona- receipt% andI expenditures for the aet y the counties council, as it will ghan. haîf year ending June 30th. niean a considerable increase in the By a large majority the council Treasurer acknow]edged receipt of mili rate. The resolution passed bylappointe<I a committee recoimnenda- $20 from W. F. Roix>h as license fe elruraî unichties ore ain as they1 tion Vo leave the townships' equaliz- forirra two pool ables eo une 30, 129. wered assessment unchanged for 1930 fortwopoo talesfo une30,192. wreand that a reduction of 30 per and to fix. the equalized assesanienta Councillor Lovekin gave a verbal cent be made frorn the assessment1 for the owns and villages at 70 peri report of O. E. A. convention in Tor- roîls as returned for the urban mun- cent ofi their local assesaments as onto. cipalities. In the case of the villages!t shown by their assessinent roîls for Councillor Lovekin gave notice1 they received a reduction, while the1 next year.1 that at next meeting of council hoI four towns received an increase. Thel The adoption of this report en- would introduce a By-iaw to pon new figures for each municipality is listed the support of the representa- a Collector of Rates and taxs loras f ollows : ives of almost all the rural munici- 1929. Roils as As palities, but opposed to iV were the Mrs. F. W. Taxnblyn and Mina Returned Equalized Cobourg, Port Hope and Bownian- Kate Waddell asked for a grant Vo1 Alnwick Tp. ... $ 429950 $ 398420 ville delegates, and also South Mona- Horticulturai Society. $25 was' Brighton....1157138 1290375 ghan. given. Cramahe....1076667 1201100 Reeve Perrm'a objection was thati Councîl accepted offer £rom n Wm Cartwright ... 1030562 1156874 South Monaghan's equalized asses- Hale for fencing to'wnship gravel pit Cavan..... .. .1666505 1931765 ment was oo high, and the 30 per onLt1,Cn . Former Vo up Clarke......... 2200900 2181750 cent reduction from the local assess- poy fotn1inGoand. Darlington ... 2447827 2470000 ments of the owns and villaes of- labor. Councillors Lovekin and Haldimand ... 1479335 18308001foi-ad neither relief nor satisfacton Couch to bho a committee ta supervise Hamilton . .. . 2118563 21679901 to the rural ratepayers of Southi the work. lHope........... 2156555 2167990 Monaghan. Manvers ... 951885 1441300 The resolution was nioved by Treasurer w-as instructed to ac-, Murray......... 1248513 1464594 Reeve W. H. Nelson of Percy town- knowledge receipt of communication 1 S. oaha 72810 7661501 ship and seconded by Reeve N. R. and statenient from Arthur Roebuck Perey 961 1264 atofMrytwnhp and Newson in case of Randali valPeymo...........99736 112640 nHarte raey sto nship. Fellows, which shows a collection on,!yor1436 630,A ltraiersluinoira Bowmanville 2261615 1582181 origin suggested that the equalized' acc't of the judgmnent £rom Huhs'Cmp.lfr 1408800 986160 assessments of the towns be increas- san Agromrpresoernte o tan- Cobourg.....2940046 2058033 ed 10 per cent and of the villages 5 ToanshiCopan $ nce00 d0andith Port Hope . 2516282 1761398 per cent. It was rejected by the di 1rs- Brighton Village 645440 451808' reverse vote which carried Herb. ments as follows: Solicitors' Fees Coîborne 370060 289042 Neison's motion. $1050; Officiai Guardian $75; Imci- Hastings 2e8500 187950 Reeve George Hooton, of Cavan, dental expenses $154.50; Balance Milbrook . ... 274975 192483 who precipitated the assessinent re- submitted $242050. Municipality Newcastle _. 279025 195318 volt, threatening appeal Vo the coun- is further entitled to $1750 in the ' The former equalized assessmenttyjdewamoerlssaise- aBvle aepse n ad for the towns and villages was as with the day's resuit. IV offered a Buiswer pased nd pid: follows, showing the increase or de- measure of actual equalization by Dept. Public Highways, car crease: whittling a considerable suice off the cement ............... $ 675.00; Bowmanville $1,169,432 $412,699x difference bet-ween the urban muni-1 Mrs. E. J. Randali, payment 1 Campbeliford 798,780 167,380x cipalities' local and equalized assess- Randali vs Fellows ...1301.43 Cobourg . ... 1,600,729 457,304x ments, and Vo that extent was an ap- E. L. MacNachton, Treas. Port Hope .. 1,370,618 390,780x preciabie concession Vo the Cavan 50% maintenance Sophie Brighton . .. 470,889 19,081* reeve's claini. Kiecka ................39.38 Coiborne . .. 300,000 10,958* But, if Reeve Hooton decided noV Workmen's Comp. Bad Hastings . ... 191,604 3,654 Vto press his throatened appeal Vo the assessinent year 1928 . 19.171 Millbrook .. 198,510 6.027* county judge, the reeves of Bowman- Machineriy & Equipuient Co. Newcastle . 194,508 1810x ville, Cobourg and Port Hope and ai- wheelbairows and 2 tar- x adenates increase;* decrease so of South Monaghan intimated paulins.........67.10 With the above additions and de- that; heir dissatisaction with thel The Pedlar People, 1 steel ductions the equalized assesment ai majorîty devision of he council culvert................. 32.34 the courties is increased $1,388,253. would lead straight Vo judicial arbi- Canada Ingat Iran Co., 1 tration of the equalized assesaments- steel cuivert............ 89.18 for 1930. J. D. Adams, grader blade 7.80 DONATIONS TO SANITARIUM Thus, if revision of the assessment A. J. Staples, 6 mos. office 46.72 eventuates this year iV will be upon A. J. Staples, 2nd quarter's The Treasurer -of the Muskoka the appeal of the reeves of Cobourg, salai-y.................. 150.00 Hospital for Consuanptives desires Port Hope and Bowmanvilie instead O. W. Rolsph, repairs Town gratefully Vo acknowledge the foi- of the original coniplaints of Reevea Hall................... .50 iowing contributions receivod in Hoaton, Perrin and F. S. Hyland of J. Honry, Road Supt ... June 126.851 Bowmanvilie by the Field Secretairy Cartwrig'ht. R. H. Wood, caretaker.. 21.751 of the National Sanitarium :-X.Y.Z.i This apparently aborliive termina- Hydro Power, light for hall 6.801 $5.00, J. A. Poilard $2.00, C'ouch &I ion of the day's speciai session real- R. J. Loveli Co. stationery . 5,851 Co. $2.00, D. L. Weese $2.00, Coi-tett izecl the June predictions oi Wardon S. Cutteli, advance paymnent IMtor Sales $2.00, F. P. Morris Wood and othor akeptics of conciliak- on printing acct......... 80.00 $2.00, T. C. Jewell $2.00, W. F. ian, wo asserted that no reeve Mrs. R. Johnston, winter Ward $2.00, Rev. J. U. Robins $2.00, would agree Vo the asseasment in- road through field..... 2.00 A. L. Nichoils $1.00, John W. Je-wel creases which Hooton, Hyland andi Jno. Henry, road anainten- $1.00, Waiker Stores $1.00, W. F. Perrin demanded. anco for May.......... 881.77 Dale 81.00, frs. J. Infantine $1.00,1 A comparisan of the two proposais Jno. Henry, 30 rods wire H. Allin $1.0t , J. W. Knight $1.00,I follows: Cebourg's 1928 local &seosi- fencing ... ............. 14.10 E. J. Gibbs $1.00, L. W. Nelson ment was $2,940,046, and its equal- F. B. Lovekin, eqpenses O. $1.00, Sundry Contribution 50c- ized assessmont waa $1,660,7.29, a E. A. convention........ 6.00OîTtal $30.50. disparity Vo which rural reeve abject- Council adjoqirned o meet Tuer-1 ed. W. H. Nelson's plan Vo increase day, August 6th, at 10 e. m. for ICommunity singing will be hbeard Cobourg's equalized assesâment by transaction of generai business and at the 1929 Canadian National Exc- 30 per cent ai ité local assessment is striking rates for 19129. hibition Grandstend prformiance. based an the new local assessment A. J. Staple., M. J. Hoîma h new Engineering and Electri- rail, but tihe 1928 assesment wili Clork. Reeve. calhBuilding, costing $600,000, was serve for an approximation ai the officially oponed et thbe 1928 Cen- actual assesanient. And on that BLACKSTOCK adian National Exhibition. basis the increase would be $397,303, The kindly words, that rise within making the equaiized assessment for Miss Olive VanCamp attended tho the heart next year $2,058,046 instead ai Summer Sehool at Stirling ast week. And thuill it with their sym1psthetic $1,660,729. Miss Mary Corley, Toronto, is tone The otte-r owns and villages guost of Mi-. and Mrs. W. A. Van- But die ere spoken, feu Vto play their.,would be similarly but not necesaar- I Camp. part :iiy proportionately affecte-d. 1 Mrs. Robt. Pari and FIai-rie at- And dein a neit that is flot their But the urban expedient of a 10 tended te funeral of te laVe Mi-. 0MM per cent increaseaiof te presenti Myers in Toronto last week. --John Boyle O'Reilly equalized assemoent would amnount, in Cobourg's case, Vo an bnci-case of Mx. Jack Hancock and iriend, aiof ___________1__ I$i166,072 as conipared Vo the Nelson Toronto, spent the weekend at the 1 alternVive ai $397,303 which te haine of Mr-. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. meeting will be held an'-Soptetmber. cauncil adopted. Rer. A. T. Weir, Rural Dean, and Lunch was served by the bostess. These figures tend Vo explain tihe Mrs. Weir, of Omeniee, wero recent On Tuesday, te 16th, deasth enter-1 preferenceofa the tawns for the 10 guests ai Rev. P. G. and Mrs. Powell. ed aour efIlage and called awaY a jper cent increase instead of the rural Mi-. Lawrence Mountjoy, Toronto, iaithiu] wiie and a loving and de- reprosentatives' plan ai raising te i6 holidaying at the homo of his par- voted niother in the persan ai Mrs. urban equalized assessanents by 30 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy. W=i. Venning. The deceased was per cent ai titis year's local assoe- Miss Dorothy McBrien, Toronto, e long and patient sufferer, havingiments. and Mrs. W. Kennan, Oshawa, visit- be-en confined ta her be-c for the past, arden Wood estimated that te ed et the home ai MT. and M1rs. Ràbt. Vwo years with perniciau .aema. total increase by te 30 per cent Hamilton. The funeral was held frini ber laVe ache-ne would exceed one million Capaînan M.s.Pery Jlife ndreaddence on Thursday aiternoon, dollars, and the alternative ai 10 familyai To rVspent Suife ndythb service being conducted by Rev. per cent increase for t-owna and 6 ehaViofTeoroto. ws adeInVtetJi _4C _4er. Vo_50,_ 0 Budy,.esidser-, 1nd Vie+eca#d-ftr ite aunig pohiar BALADA quality nover change. while cheap brande constantly vary with market prices FiciAT A7l AUqq If Itfs Cooked Meats SEE EDMONDSTONE'S APPETIZING DýSiLAY We have always prided ourielves ini the at- tractive assortment of cooked meats we always have in stock. There's a big variety to suit every taste and at economical prices. For a change t4cooked meats on the menu. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES -This department is proving very popular with our ceustomers. You'll know why when you buy here. Our store is now more than a Butcher Shop -it's a "Pure Food Store." Prompt Free Delivery Service G, A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville LEWGH VALLEY SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using Ouri Coal. We buy nothing but. the best and guarantee that you will sniile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfoit-giving qualities. Let us serve you wUth our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phono 153 or 202 Bowmanvill. A Friend in Need Whether your income is from f arm or f ac- tory; whether you handle the plough or the pen; whether you work in office or in the open fields, you need the protection of sound, dependable insurance. Insurance after a loss is a friend in need. But tdon't wait until after a ire or other misfortune. ISee this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heavy loss tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phonoe5W King St. E. Bowmanville Furniture and Furnishing for the Home We have sold almost entirely out of many lines of Sumnier Furnituiie. We have a few articles left in some uines which we off er for July at greatiy reduced prices. Visit our stores and if you require any of these pieces you can pur- chase at a great saving. VERANDA SHADES A f ew veranda shades left with green siat and ail complete with cords and hangers: 1 shade 8 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $12.00, for ........................................ $8.0 4 shades 5 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $7.50 for ....................................... $500". TWO REFRIGERATORS LEFT Just 2 Refrigerators of good reliable make: 1 regular price $25.00, to go at ....$20.0 1 regular price $18.50, to go at ....$15.00 LAWN SEATS REDUCED Some lawn seats, and a few uines of splendid reed goods speciali-y low priced for July. FEF. MORRIS Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanvilie stion because there was no assur- cock of Cartwright; L O. Wad. of nce of a common method of valuat- Brighton Township; F. Smithson of ig the properties in the various South Monaghan; James Blacklock inicipalities. The relation be- of Haldimand; W. J. Grieve ofi Ham- 'een the a.ssessnient and tihe actual ilton; H. S. Keyes of Coiborne; A. lue of land ini one niunicipality W. Young of Cobourg. as probably different to this per- ntage in others. Hence, the pro- sed blanket increase was flot fair. Some of the clerks present were: PUBLIC LIBRARY CLOSED ustin Lean of Alnwick; J. N. Me- ill of Cavan; Alex. Wilson of Hast- Bowmanville Public Library wil], is; George Hay of Seyrnouir; Alex. be closed from Aug. i2th to kAg. yle, Town T-reasurer, Bowmanvil.le; 24th, inclusive, to enable Librarian rA. Jakeman of Manvers; W. Bea to have holidays. 80-2 TIRES OME A ND UNNE CE ir SSAR Y You are costing your husband money when you do your own washing. Not only is the laundry less expensive and better ....but you are only incuxiing future doctor bills when you lift the heavy weights of clothes and the tubs. Cail up our iaundry now ....let our mn eall this week for your things. We eall right at your door and deliver direct. Jsn't that better than doing your own washing and Iaundry? BOWMANVILLE AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED -W % 0--,

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