THE CANAD6AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 PAGE TBREE Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Norman S. B. James, Publimher, deceased. Ail p4ersons having dlaima against the estate of Norman S. B. James, deceased, twho died an or about the 2th day of IJue, 1929, are hereby notified te send ln to the office of M. A. James & Sons, PubIlshers, King Street, Bowmanville, on or before the 22nd day of August, 1929, full particulars of their dlaimse. Immediateiy alter the said 22.d day of Auguat, 1929, the assets of the Teatator wIii be distributed amnongwi the parties entited thereto, havtng regard only ta dlaimsa o whieh the Executors shali have notice. DATEI) et Bownianviiie this 17th day of JuIy, 1929. W. R. STRIKE, Solicitor for Elena Gertrude James, George W. James, 29-4 Executr!x and Executor. mm@ummý Account is a fa Real Convenience PARTI CUTLARLY as a inatter of famdàly conwen- ience does the joint account demonstrate its value. All f unds deposited are su>bject ta'withdrawal a.t any time (by either of the persons in whose naanes the joint account is oqpen ed. In case of the de- cesse of one of the parties holding a joint account, ail meney znay be withdrawn by the otheir. A joint savings account, in The Canadian IBank of Commerce la a real convenlence where two people desire access to the same funds. THE CANADIN BANK 0F COMMERCEH MTE STANDARD B3ANK Or CANADA 3 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Misses Nellie and Sybil Burk, Toronto, are taking in the Mackinaw trip. Misa Bernice Werry, IKedron, who has been principal of Aslsburn school wilI teach in Westmount Publie next termn. Acton F'ree Presss ays thegre Party seems to be pasaing as an en-1 tertainment-eame thing applie6 ta Durham. Mr. and Mis. S. T. Dow»on, Pro- vidence, spent a couple of days asat week ýwith friends at Kirkfield and Coboconk. Miss Mabel and Mr. Alvin Dowson visited their cousin, E. Jake Lowes of Lindsay Gollegiate, during the week at bis home at Omnemee. Mr. Robt. Holmes left to-day for Vancouver ta attend Supreme Lodge Imeeting of Sons of England wbere he wilI represent Lodge Wellington, No. 19. The senior editor's thanks are due Mrs. C. 'S. Palen, 123 Lake Shore Drive, New Toronto, for a super fine bouquet of assorted roses-bhis fav- orite flower. ,Mr. R. L. Werry o! the editoniall staff of The Faimily Herald and Weekly Star, Montres], returned homne last week after a very pleasant visit witb bhis numerous Ontario friends. *Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Jollow, Norman Jr., and Misa Florence Ker- shaw of Pawtucket, R. I., are visit- ing Mrs. F. J. Jollow, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewe]I, and other relatives in Bowmanvi]le. Rev. J. W. Rae, formerly of O-r- ono, now of Toronto, will supply IActa n United pulpit the Iast two Sundays in August He bad a most succesaful ministry in that village some years ago. Mrs. C. N. Ruse received the sad news of the death of her uncle, Mni.1 Phillip 'Phillips, who died at bis home in Rochester, N. Y., on July 3lst. He was we]1 and favorably known in this vicinity. Rer,. Wesley Elliott, Port Perry, Joccupied the pulpit of the UnitedI CuhFenelon Falls, during July,' in the absence o! the pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, who with Mrs. Wash- ington and the Misses Joy and Anna was holidaying at Mortimer's Point. -Cosbourg World. Bowýmanville F]ying Club flew their first young bird club race on Saturday from Streetsville, Ont., but an account of the bad weather the birds made very slow time. The following is the result: F. 'Bottreil, 6 hrs, 4 mins, 2 sec. F. Bottrel], 6 hrs, 4 mins, 13 sec. Woolner Bros., 6 hi-s, 6 mins, 26 sec. Woolner Si-os.. 6 Iu-s, 6 inins, 29 sec. M. Prout, 6 brs, 20 miîns, o sec. C. Mutton, 7 hrs, 14 mins, 2 sec. Len. Richards, Thos. Wright & Son, and J. Turner no report. P-ey. C. Melville Wright, who for nearly ten years, bai been Directe., of Religious Edincation in Bloor St- reet United Cburcb, Toronto, bas been invited to beceee associate minuter and Directer of Religion. Education in &Firut Presbyterien Gbureh, Est Orange, N. J. This je regarded as an outstanding opport. unity in the field of work among the Young, having 'been developed in a residential cemmunity, twenty mile. from New York, by Rey. C. pvýr Helaiirom, Who la leaving te ecenpy a aimilar position in Dr. Foedickos chuýrch, Riveraide Drive, New Yor-k. lt is understood that, if accepted, the eall will be effective early in Septem.. ber. Mis. Wright (ne. Pearl Os- borne) daughtea- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Osbor-ne, is a BOw- manWv'lle eil and ber many friena off er congratulations on the splendid epportunity offered thein. Green leaves wblaper When tbe wind blows, Secrets only A basswood knowa. Fair as a bride Eacb lovely tree Lifts up ber face Exipect.antly. Just a flutter 0f pale green fril Whien the wind langhs As be tops the hille. What a commotion There seema te b. Wben tbe wind caresses A basswoed tree! Laura Bedell. Il M BUSINESS 15 GOOD And you can make it better by having that necessary repair work done to your Eavetrough and Furnace before the cold wet weather cornes in the Fall. Agent for Hecla and New Idea Furnaces Sole Agent for Hecla Furnaces Re Shop located next door East of Royal Theatre Phone: Shop 264; House 453. Bowmanville FUTURPLAINS OF <GOODYEAR By A. &L Hardy in July Issue of The Wingfoo< Clan Believing that aur emplayees would like to knoyw more regarding ors building programme and pro- duetion expansion, it la of interest te know that the new addition te the header building wil1l Ie ccimaen.ced in thse next couple o! weeke. The' new extension will lie on tbe eastern end o! the beader building aud will be 72 ft. long by 60 ft. wide, fibree atonies higb, and the constructioni will beofo!the -most amodern type, ?oe.. ing steel and brick. The appear- auce o! the building will be eutirely different from anything we ncuw have. Tbe large steel sasb wÀnd<wa opening into 20-ft. bays will gfive au entirely different appeerance !rm our present type. The fcoar capacity will be 250 peunds per square foot. The ground fleor will -be used for Sblp2dug Boom. TIses-e ill lbe a (platfornm ail alon the front next te the siding, and a 1 5-ft. platforzn on the east end, botbi plto-scovered. The second floor will lie uaed Mer belting storage, and thse third fioor for base storage. This will inake it possible te reneve aIl finisbed produets etorage frot thse grouud floor. W. are not in a position to say at tbe prosent time just wbat arrange- ments will be made te occupy saur made vacant by Shippiug Room aud Flinisbed Storage. This la under ceusides-ation at thse preseat filme and we hope te b. able to announce thla in the near future. The îBowimaurville Plant bas b.d a gradual growtb in Meebanicui Goods. Eacb year we find oupIseves produe- ing more. T'he moitAsof May wu thse largest productive m.onth in tsel bistery o! Mechanical Gooda at Bow-, manville. Thse increase ia deusand for Mecbanlcal Gooda, beth Domes- tic and Export, pr'omise.s te gave us goa<l future production. Future expansions of the Bowmanville Plant will depend on the deunand for Good- year Medsanical Goods. Eacb aud every e.nployee should watcb tbe quality and appearance of eves-y art- icle passing through bis hands. Thse management dosa not want any ps-oduct leaving the plant unlesa it la fully up to Goodyear Standard. if the Canadian produet looks better and more attractive, and wears bet- ter in the Expont Field, it will be a great factor for thse Sales Depart- ment ta increase sales in our lin.. This la relati.vely true o! Domnestjic preducta as well. As competition becomes keener lt is necessary that we should develop new produets and know that every article going eut will do fier the consumer aIl we dlaim and more. Eacb of us la part of Goodyear and if we carry ont Goodyear's principle, succeas will be ours as well as Goodyess-'a. PUBLIC LIBRARY cLosED lBowmanville Public LIbi-ary will be clesed frem Aszg. 12tb toa ug. 24tb, inclusive, toe nable Libaarlan to bave holidays. 80-2 If It's Cooked Meats SEE EDMON'DSTONE'S APPETIZING DISPLAY We have always prided ouxelves in the at- tractive assortment of cooked mea±s we always have in stock. There's a big variety to suit every taste and at economical prices. For a change WI~ cooked meats on the menu. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES This department is proving very popiilar with oui! customers. You'll know why when you buy here. Our store is now more than a Butcher Shop -it's a "Pure Food Store." Prompt Free Delivery Service G, A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanvîlle j ~LE1I1&HMA LLEY ÀNTfRACIT91H M .Cow AU 7aSamai, SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to, regret using oint Coal. We buy nothing but the beat and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment yrou enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuelis and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvllle 'I b' A REGRET TEACHER'S REMOVÂLI (Froan Cobourg World) Much regret is felt because of the expected removal of Mr. and Mms G. I. Wagar to Bowmanvil]e. Mr. Wagar bas acceptedi the position of Mathematical Master o! the Bow- manville High School and will leave Co'boung the first of Septembe<r te [assume bis new position. Mr. Wagar bas been very popular at the Cobouxg Collegiate Institute, both with staff and pupils. The regret that la feit in school circles la recip- rocated by citizens and in Trinity United Cburch, wbere not only Mr. Wagar, but the members of his fam- ily, have been valued menibers and efficient workers. A Friend in Need Whether your income is from f arm or fac- tory; whether you handie the plough or the pen; whether you work i office or in the open fields, you need the protection of sound, dependable insurance. Insurance after a loss is a friend i need. But don't wait until after a fire or other miuifortune. See this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heavy los& tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Furniture and Furnishing for the Home We have sold almost entirely out of many lines of Summer Furniture. We have a few articles left in some lines which we off er for July at greatly reduced prices. Visit our stores and if you require any of these pieces you can pur- chase at a great saving. VERANDA SHADES A few verianda shades left with green siat and ail complete with cords and han ers : 1 shade 8 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 mne§es drop, regular $12.00, for............................ $ 0 4 shades 5 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $7.50 for................... ..$5.00 TWO REFRiGERATORS LEËfT* Just 2 Refrigerators of good reliable make: 1 regular price $25.00, to go at ...$20.00 1 regular price $18.50, to go at ...$15.00 LAWN SEATS REDUCED Some lawn seats, and a few lines of splendid reed goods specially Iow priced for July. F.F. MORRIS Co.ý Home Furnishers Phono 10 Bowmanville E. ogan WARNING!, Mlotor Car Drivers CARRY YOUIR LCENSKS TIMl Highway Traffie Act reqnires that every Iperson operatinga motor vehidle shail secure an operator's or chauffeur lioense and shail at ail tiines while driving carry same. A penalty is provided for failure to produoe sucli licens when demanded by an officer. It is necessary, owing to the number of motor. ists who persist in driving without licenses, that the police be instructed to require the production of these licenses from time to time. This law has been passed in the interest8 of safe driving and to prevent incompetent persons from operating motor vehicles. The production of a icense is the only proof of ownershlp of one. Carry yours at ail times and avold inconvenience ana prosecution. Ontamno Dprn<n of Ihway STAFF-CAPTAIN MARK AYRE Au Appreciation By Lt.-CoI. Edwy White-Hia 0W Friend and Comrade I have just learned o! the deatb of Staif-Captain Mark Ayre ("Little Mark," the 'Butcher Roy), at Den- ~ver, Col., where be was visiting at the time. His many friends in Bowmanville will regret to hear o! his passing, -for be was an outstand- ing Soldier of the Cross and bis whole life bas been "an epistle read and knovrn of ail men." As a boy 1 remember Mark as he made bis daily -rounds with M. D. Williams' ibutcher <wagon and, also, as an attendant at the Bible Christ- ian ýChurcb. When the Salvation Army came to Bo'wmanvi]le in 18841 it made an instant appeal ta Mark who became a soldier, then an oficer and be neyer looked back. I ;have visited some o! the cities in which he Iahored and everywherel he went he le!t a inighty impression for good; and litera]ly thousands have isen up and called him blessed. Thougb officially retined for some time froin active service, this gaod man bas rlot been idie. He bas been a tower of strengtb and inspiration to the Armny people of Las Angeles where he bas made bis home of late years. He lored - owinanville and we neyer met -sitbout speaking o! tbe old home town-it beld a sacred place in his -beart and lhe neyer ceased ta pray for its welfarp, and wherevei- he 'went be felt, in a w.ay that be represented bis home town. Certainly be reflected glory and was a credit always to the town that sent bim fortlh. Among 'bis own comrades be was esteemed very bighly for bis Godly life and for the character o! bis work. Thus another warrior whose early inspiration came froni the sainted, and now glorified Captain Ada Hind, fis-st officer o!f the Bow- manville Corps, bas passed ta bis re- ward and bis memory like a sweet incense will live forever. 384 Nortbland Ave., 'Buffalo, N. Y. CA4RD 0F THANICS Mr. Thos. H. Brown and famfly, Liberty St., wisb to thank ail the kind frienda 'wiio were se good to bim while be was ini b.d as a reonlt o! bis accident, aIma for the cout- lems giftsreceived. THE BASSWOOD TREES Whispering softly Trees in a line, Out on the lawn W-here the moonheains shine. Fair white blossoana Twine in their haîr, Sweetly acenting The evening air. THE CANADflAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 PAGE TEREE