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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, D0WMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 DeLuxe Motor Coach Tour Oshawa - Philadephia - Atlantic City New York - Syracuse - Niagara Fala lu Collacutts New Luxurioualy Equipped Coach fitted wth Electric Fans, Waah Roomn, Ice Water, Smoking Compartment and Commiaaary. Capacity 29. FARE (Return) *22.50. A proiposed tour sponsored by several in the district who w;ish to take the trip. PHONE OR WRITE THE STATESMAN OFFICE. Give Your Cook a Holiday iLet our Expert Bakers Supply i the Eats1 The Bowmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE Walker August Stores Clearance Sale ALL SILK FROCKS ALL WASH FROCKS COATS, MILLINERY AIL SUMMER MERCHANDISE Reduced 20 to 50 percent SPECIAL SALES FEATURED FOR THURSDAY A VISIT TO THE STORE WILL REPAY YOU. WALKER STORES, Ltd. Formnerly S. W. Mason & Son Phone 164 Your Favorite Shopping Centre Bowmanvilîe, Ont. Pay Cash and Buy for Les& OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE TUESDAY NIOIIT, AUGUST, l3th FRA>JK COSGROVE. P,,... ,eubbihrng oter waiM merrme mow~uaù's*, aoseà ami'aw THE WORLD'S GREATEST UIT AND ND MOST POPULAR CARTOON S MUSICAL CONEDY ç ýWITH A CONGRESS 0F COMEDIANS AND THE FAMOUS MUTT &JEFF )~- }~~BEAUTY CHORUS THE GREATEST LAUGHING 1 SHOW ON EARTH 41LiNEW THISITIME 25'2 Jolly Comedians, Singers, Dancers 21 and Pretty Show Girls 2 1 ADMISSION: 50c and 75c, Plus Tax I/FLAN 0F SEATS AT MITCHELL'S PHARMACY NOW OPEN bimmm- I -1 isted at botb the churcb andd undayI I Phones: IScbo)ol services. Rev. J. W. Bunuer, j Bcowmnanvillt: 235'B ownville, will occupy the pulpit Adrs:24AgsaAe, Mas. Sheridlan Dever, son Edwin, Directly Opposite B Adres:24 ugse ve, andî daugbter Doreen, Guli Lake, Poe6 Toronto. 32-5 Sa-sk., havE, beeu visiting Ma-s. Irwin Poe6 IR. Bragg, Providence. ENNISKILLEN yENFIELD jSOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason and Visitors: Mr. and Ms. Walter Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grills j J. McGill, Orono, Mr. H. Bateman, Cochrane's; Mr. and Mrs. John Gib- ard, Wihitby, at Mr. Chas. Blanch- Bowmnanville, vrisited at Thos. Mc- son, Misa Jean Gibson, and Mr. ard's; Mr. M. Moffatt and Miss Aud- Gill's *..Min. Hockridge, Torc>nto, Clarke Smith, Woodville, Mr. and rey Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Mrs. John Ormiston, at Mr. Harold Langnaaid, Mr. and Mns. J. G. Lang- Therg JBnsdley... Mr. and Mis. Abert Ormiston's; Mr. and Mms. George maid, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooksanaxd They don'l Stainton and son Clifford, Toronto, Fe6rgu.son, Oshawa, at Mr. Bert Fer- baby, Oshawa, at Mr* S.' E. Werry's, are holidaying with friends.... Mi. guson's; Mis. 'Branton, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mms. Chas., Scar- an d Mms. James Freeboin and Mms., Mr. S. Page's; Mis. Palmer, Mr. and boro Jet, with Misa Edna Reynolds; Sweelnnan spent the weekend with'Mrs. Mullen, Mms. Proutt, Mr. and Mr. Douglas MceIughlin, Toronto, Ki friends at Kendal... .Dr. and Mms. Mms. laver, Toronto, Mrs. (Rev.) R. with friends; Mr. and Mms. Walter Ferguson viited friends in Uxbridge Harding, Cincinatti, Mr. and Mi.. Cryderinan, Mr. and Mis. Everett The kindy ...Mr. and Mms. Charlie Rice, John Ormniston, Oshawa, at Mr. Ed- Cryderman and family with friends daughter Doris, and sons Morice and win Ormiston's; Mr. and Mis. P. at Sutton; Mi. and Mis. Chas. Smith Grant, Woodstock, Miss Violet and Densem, Mr. H. Ashton, Toronto, and Muriel spent the weekend with Mi. Bert Rice, Long Sauit, Miss Mr. E. Pascoe, Bîooklin, at Mr. Geo. Toronto friends; Misses Helen and B uet Grace Hastings, Hamipton, were Sun-1 Ormiston's; Mr. and Mis. Edgar Miioiel 'Baker, Evelyn Tiaak and B uet day visitors at Mr. W. H. Moore's.. Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Pies- Ruby Dewell at Mr. Clarence Tink's, .Mr. C. W. Scott spent the week- cott recently visited in Toronto; Providence; Misses Mary anad Katie end at 'his home i Whitby..Mr. Miss June Ashton, Detroit, Mich., Ekford, Cambray, Mr. and Mis. Ar- and Mms. John Gibson, Misa Jean Mms. Falconer, Miss Lena Nidderie, thur Wright, Oshawa, at Mi. A. L. and Master Leon Gibson, Woodville, Toronto, Mis. Levi Nidderie, Hamp- Pascoe's; Miss Pearl Gerry, Toron- Mr. Clark Smnith, Cannington, visited ton, at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's; Mr. to, at Mr. W. T. TayorI Miss Mar MT. and Mms. F. W. Smith. Mi.and Mms. H. Trul, Harmony, at Mr. gaet Scott as been holidaying with J. Semo Jr. Mr Fre 'bii*itrt, Jhn HpI ... lsie isbeig Toont frends Mr andMrs LLihi Eh, Hamnpton, spent the weekend at,threshed and~ is yielding a good aver- Orono, Mis. Steel and Margaret, Buint River... Mi. snd Mrs. Fan- age crop, being far better than asat Mr. J. R. Mcsaac and faanily, Mr. ning and son, Toronto, Mr. and Mms. year. and Mrs. Ciciri and family, Toronto, A. Herring snd Robbie, Oshawa, vis- at Mr. A. Milson's; Mr. and Ms ited Mi. and Mrs. Wmn. Herring. . SALEM Newton Stacey and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mra. Wil] Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pascoe, Enfield, faanily, Rochester, are visiting heri Mi. and Mrs. D)avid Alluan, Tor- with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mis. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. P- Pascoe; Mr. and Mms. Clarence bina ...The play entitled "Faim and Mms. F. Cator..Mi. and Mrs. Vice and Murray, Columbus, at Mr. Folk" which was given bY Scngog Albert Simpson, Toronto, ,ecently Walter Vice's; Mm. A. R. Wickett, Dramatic Club on Monday, August enjoyed a pleasant visit with her Mi. Bert and Miss Olive Luke, Tor- Y. 5th, was a decided success. Each aunt, Mia. F. Cator... Mr. T. H. onte, Mis. R. J. Luke, Kedron, Mi. took his or lier part well. The Lockhart, Bowmanville, occupied the and Mms. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, atl music between acts consisting of pulpit at the Sunday service, assst-Mi. A. L. Pascoe's; Mi. and Mms.1 solos, duets and quartets was splen- ed by his brother ... . A goodly nus-t Lattimer, Toronto, at Mr N. Wot- Ever, didly given. We hope to have thelber attended the community picnic' ten's ;Mîs Jas. Allin, Brookly, N. opportunity of hearing Scugog at Hampton Park <on Friday asat and, Y., Miss Maud Elliott, Bowinaaville, and most se young people again. Proceeds everyone reports a good time. Mr,* R. Katerson, Miss Mary Kater- 425 Dr. and Mis. Harding, Among those from other points were son,, and Miss Jean Hogarth, Hamp- "THE NEV Oshawa, set the holiday with Dr. Mi. snd Mrs. S. J. Honey, Mi. and!ton, weîe recent guests of Mr.Th. and Ma-s. Ferguson....Rev. J. M. Mrs. H. Brock, Mrs. W. J. Clemens, Baker; Misa Vera Baker bas beeu Mac 1WhYte speut a few days with friends Mr. T. H. Knight, Bowauanville, ýMiss1holidaying at Haliburton; Mr. John sable opposi at Eldorado...League as usual on M. Baîret, Newcastle, Mr. sud Mis. BakerMi. and Ma-s. Thos. Baker Wednesday night. Afteî openingl L. Savery and baby Keuneth Elgin Mis. J. 'D.*Hogarth visited Mrs. L. Beavei andi exeicises, the C.G.I.T. president, Newtonville, Mr. and Mras. W.* Sa, arsa e sme otg t $32.50 Up. Miss Alice Ashton, took charge. eîy and Miss Savery, Starkville, Kendall. 'Topic was given hy Misa Muriel and Rev. H. S. Cobb, Wolseley, Sask.1Ags etn fteWmns D FSE IMoore; the C.G.I.T. girls gave a ... .Mr. M. J. Hutcheson, Toronto,Agustite eing of the homeu' DESEf chorus, followed by a îeading by was a Sunday visitor with hiS sisteirj M.a-s . Smith on Tuesday after-lH rd Misa Elsie Moore; trio music and Mis. F. Honey ...Mns. J. Hutch- n, ust1h. PormwlM sln ad encore was given hy Misses Elva, esIn, Tonte, is spending a vsca- benoonchargestofSth. Pio a mwil j M shn an Laverue and Velma Orchard. Meet-ton with Mi. and Mis. F. Honey... bhe incrgeof a group 4ad wil take $1.50. ing closed with the benediction. M.adMs .Crih n ayThose not in poverty costume will be ______Carman, Orono, Mis- Etta Winteî fined. A good progran-i is beingh e a ndd Mi. W. lrwin, 'Torouto, were prepaied. AIL ladies weîcome......T COlT'ESunday visitors with Mi. snd Mr'. The joint Sunday School and Sn a E J. Doidge. .. MLS Cla o f Temperance picnic wilI he he]d on T h Mrs. (Dr.) Norman Allin s an d Misa Gladys Cann eujoyed a tripoui Community Grounds on Friday daughter, Edmonton, Alta., were to Niagara on Ssturday returniug to afternoou, August 9th, at 2 P. nm. A Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. G. F.1 Toronto and speuding Suuday there. good program. of sport. la being pie. Annis ..Miss Mona Morrow, Win- i...Mi. and Mis. Harold Goodwin, pared. Come snd bring your bas- nipeg, is visiting Mi. and Mrs. A. J.iMemphis, Teun., made a flyîng visit kets and enjoy the afteamoofi. _______ Gay ...Miss Lyla Osborne, Mms. te fiiends in Bowmanville, Tyrone EiOsborne, Misa Aura, Mis. Jesse and Salemi. Mrs. Goodwin ( nee ________ I not sud Miss Mahelle Walter, Susie McFeeteis) was a one time imotored te Toronto sud speut the Sale<mn girl sud ber old chums and - _____________________ day receutly .... Mi. and Mms. jack friends were se glad to greet her Empiingham sud family, Toronto, again .... Mr. sud Ma-s. Cann, Miss are visitiug at her father's Mi. Gladys sud Mr. Pea-cy Cann, Mi. and Archie Muir ...... .Mr. Ronald Court-IMrs. E. J. Doidge attended the G ILCU R IST 'S BI ice, Toronto, was home over the' Hooper-MeFeeteis picnic at Hanap- weekend... Mi. Wesley W. Han ton Park ou Mouday wheîe everyone cock, Winnipeg, is speudiug a few spent s pleasant afternoon and en- 15 IN FU days with bis mother, Mis. Ellen joyed a suanptuous repuat... Ms. Hancock, who bas been ili for soime P. Honey sud Misa Marion, witb R time at ber son's, Mi. Horace Han- their guest, Mis. J. Hutcheson, at.. RaI Bargain.s from Every Departmeii ccck. .Mr. and Mis. E. F. Wil. tended the !basebaîl tournament at save money on your purchases. Sa] lou.ghby sud, Winnipeg, are Newcastle on Monday .... Her aywe w lâon af fth many holidaying with ber father' sud friends will be pleased teo arnthatwek eîsto yafe ofhe an mother, Mr. and Mms. Geo. Vandyke. Mm. J. Irin la homue frona Bow- bill of hast week. But there are atil Miss Lyls Osborne, Mi. Gordon manville Hospital and gaining rap- money on seasonable wearing appari Oshonne, Miss Hazel RunIeanxd idly after her sericus operation.... Miss Reta Worden of Crystal City, Sorny te report Mis. Leonard Rich- Cohn o os-Cohn o Man., bave gone Ast on a mtor aidsansd Mi. Robert Collacott on the Cohn o osCohn o trip inteudiug te visit the eastern 1sick list. cities, Ottawa sud Montres], and' others .... On Wednesday afternoou MAPLE GROVE SUIT SPECIAL NO. 1 o1 last week the members of :Mis. A.I Psoe's group in the W. M. S. sea'v- Mis. Alex. Johanson sud daughtei at $1 9.95 ed tes on the lawu et the home ofiJane Elizabeth, Iroquois Falls, baveý Mis. A. F. RunIe Several smal been visitiug Mms. Ross Stevns...-i Men'a and Young Ma's Suite tables were set, decorated witb Mis Josie Balmser attended the wed- in &ll the popular ahadea, new pretty bouquets. The ladies weîe ding of ber sister, Miss Jean Balmer pig mdlbs iak, kept busy for a time sud severa] sud Mi. Arnold Lobb in Bowman- ariwngad gea hstip akfeat, frieuds from Oshawa called sud bad ville on Satarday... M. Arthur bonadge tîeefca tes. The proceedsasmounte<J to Burgess bas îeooveied sufficiently te double or aingle breaated mod. $19.00 sud will help te Taise the al- be bîought home fiom Bownaanville ela. Regular value. te $30.00, location given te this gioup for the Hospital wheîe she uudeiweut a ser- clearing for W. M. S.. -. Thuisdsy afteiuoon the ious operaticu. Her many fiieuds. monthly meeting of the ladies Ber- wish her a speedy recoveiy .. .. Mr, Only $19.95 this sale eau Clasa was held in the S.S. room, sud Ma-s. M. Mun<Lay, Si., Mis. Wmn. the meeting in charge of Mis. H. F. Jeffery, Mi. Herbie Jeffeîy, Mr. sud Osboîne's gioup. The bible lesson' Mis. M. Muud'ay, Jr., Miss Greta and Wss ead by Mms. L. J. Courtice. A Ma-. Elgin Muuday, sud Misa Ida paper on "Searvice" whicb was enjoy- Stevens are enjoyiug a visit with SUIT SPECIAL NO. 2 ed by alI present, was given by Mms. the former's sous, Messrs. Will sud H. F. Osborue. A vocal solo by Steve Munday, Couîtrigbt, sud other a 177 Ma-s. Marshall, sud a vocal duet by îelstives. .. Mr. sud Mms. Fîed Stev- t$75 Mis. Chas. Found sud Miss Hazel ens sud daugbteî Doris îeceutly vis-Mcna and Young Men's Suit&,, Rundle completed the piogram. AI ited their uncle sud aunt, Rev. sud most enjoyable social hour wau speut j Mis. H. W. Foley, Selhy, sud eujoy- double and single breasted mod- wheu Mis. Osborne's group sved1 ed a trip te the Tbousaud Islands... ela, tweed and worated suita of thiouh cte anod was not ni. AI-j Misa Melissa Steveus, Bowmauville, f6ner quality. Regular values thug te rod u etqutes1Mis. Allun Arnotat, Edam, Sask., to $25.00 and $27.50, large as usual every one bad ade-1 Misses Mary sud Florence Stevens, lighrtul afteiu.ou smud smong the Darliugferd, Man., visited the let- On Sale for only $17.75 other items of business cairied on ter's cousins, Mi. aud Mia. R. R. duriug the afternoou was tbe fact Stevens sud Mx. sud Mis. J. D. Stev- that the ladies will serve a chickenieus... M. Edwaa-d Foley, Misses MEN'S RAINCOATS ALL ON Pie supper this faîl on the last Wcd- Hilda Foley, Eliza Kiîkton, Myrtle uesdsy in Setpeauben... . Services n Green are enjoyiug a holiday at the SALE TO CLEAR QUICKLY Sunday were fiue, lu the absence Arcadia, Huntsville... Mr. sud Mra. Men'a Tweed Raincoats, rubb.e lined, cf oua- oRv.W .D.-ycP ket i.sdMm linDvs Smart GEO. R. MASON, Manager. a [G AUOUST SALE JLL SWING nt. Buy for now as wehh as for Faîl and le ends Saturday, August l7th. Thiý y wonderful values from our large sale ll many splendid opportunities to save el from any department of our store. rMen-Top Coat"-uits-Raincoats. SUIT SPECIAL NO. 3 at $14-75 Men's Suit& in fancy tweeds, grey and brown shadea; single breasted modela. Regular val- ues to $22.50, out they go At only $14.75 SUIT SPECIAL NO. 4 at $24.75 ln thia lot you will find our very funeat clotha in ail the new spring Patterns, the styles are ail new and combine the ever populaoe worstedsanaud tweed effecta, ini aIl wool cloths. These suite in- clude Cambr-idge and Society Brand Suit,. Regular values te $35.00, On sale for $24.75 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Ail new aPnung merchandise, including ail pure wool clotha ini the hest make, auch as Society Brand Clothes, Cam.- bridge Clothe., etc.; suite that it is a pleasure ta own. OUt they coe t the followung bargaun pric,:- Regular values te *25.00 For $17.45 Reguler value, to $35.00 For $24.95 YOUNG MEN'S 2 PANT SUITS at $9.95 These are wouderful values with coat, veat, and 2 pair pants, fancy tweed ef- fecta, brown and grey shades, purchaaed et lesa than manufacturera' prices and clearng at a tremendous reduction, For only $9.95 BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS at $6.95 Fine quality Suits,&Il wool suits, ahades of brown with coat and1 2 golf panta; regular $9.95, For only $6.95 to clear Sale ends Saturday, August 17th. CHRIST' Bank of Montreal Bowmanville Iappy Housewives re are lots of theni in and around Bowmanvill. i 'have corne for hey have used Nyal'a Corn Remover and they are making their pickles w;ith, rERSLAKE'S PICKLE MIXTURE you do not have to heat.-No fuse, no musa, just mix the ingredient cold and add vegetables. % gallon quantity 25c - 1 gallon 50c 3have penty of films fer the weekend. We can supply both Gevaert and Kodak Films. ~IAVL"C The Dependable SLAILDRUG STORE UT1 Like Them rybody is talking about them as the smartest ;nsibIe wearing apparel yet- V TRAVEL COATS"ý ýof French Tweed, real heavy nappy tweed, ssum collars, others trimmed with French 1Muskrat, so reasonably priced too, from CLEARING AT $1.50 Ily the cost of making them in Dimity, Voiles, 1Piques, sizes 14 to 40, while they last, only El 2 "- PAGE FOUR Shop For $21.45

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