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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1929, p. 5

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THE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST Stn, 1~ PAGE FIVE PURS REMODELLED Mm. E. Delmage wishes to inform the ladies of Bowmanville and viein- ity that she is prepared to do ail kinds of re-modelling of fur coata, repairing, ining, etc., at their homea or at the home of Mms. John F. Cole, Ontario Street. Now is the time te have this work attended te. Leave oiders eaoly. Phone 89. 30-3 Your Favourite SNAPS Deserve some apecial attention You are taking lots of pictures these days and you mnust like sonae better than others. Wlhy flot have them enlarged. We have the reputation of turning ouit the finest enlarge- ment of any firm on the lake front. Brîng your negatives to us and you oan be sure of the1 finest enlargements from theni. prkces: 4" x 6" (Post Card size) 20c 5"? x 7" .... ..........35c 7" x 9",.............5soc 8"y x 10" .............5SOC 11" x 14" .......... $1.00 These are done at home. Why not patronize home industries? The saine can be said of Our photo. finishing. And remeniber we give you 8 hour service. Let us finish your films. Jury & Loveil The Rexali Store Phone 78 We Deliver When We Test Eyes It la Don. Properly. Thi& is the Se&son To Can Raspberries, bers, Janis, thing seems now. Things Cherries, Cucuni- etc., etc. Every- ta be neady riglit It's very provoking te run out of something just in the midst of a morning's woîk. BE PREPARED Stop at the store to-day and lay in a comploste stock. We have a full lino of spices and canning supplies. Oii;-Famous' Seet-Pick-le Mix- ture, ieady toa dd to vinegar, 1 25c pkg. Paikes Catsup Flavaur ...35c Joui Rings .......... 3 dow. 25c Parowax ........ ...... 15e IL Old Fashioned Sealing Wax, 15c tin or 10c stick Coiks-every shape and size in stock. Jury & Lovell Phone 78 W. Deliver1 0e Bottie Filler and Capper This is one of the most important depait- ments of the new pasteurizing plant which assures absolute safety and cleanliness in the bottling of the milk. You must see this machinery to thoroughly appreciate its real value. Corne and see it work- ing any time. R. R. Stevens & Son PHONES- Office 408; Houa. 1783 BOWMANVILLE] We SeIl Ail the Nationally Known Brands of Groceries Ail the foods you read about in your na- tional magazines are conveniently displayed at our store. Merely ask forl them by name. Our courteous employees neyer try to sell you "some- thing just as good." They serve you what you ask for. You choose whatever brand you desire. And our prices are never high. Let ut fill your order to-day; let us prove that our service is better. Free Delivery Service HARRY ALUIN, Oirocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL AND OTMERWISE IlMaster Kenneth Ball, Leakard, is spending holidays with Master Lewis DeweIl. Miss Mary 'Bebee, Port Hope, spent the weekend with Miss Dor- othy Barton. Miss N. E. Neada lbas returned froin a pleasant holiday et Ipper- awash, Toronto, elte. Mr. and Mx'.. S. G. Ohartran spent the weelcend with ber m-ether, Mns. Elizabeth Wood, Prescott. Mr. and Mins. J. H. Black and childien, Warkworth, atitended the Aiçer-Bunner wedding here. ,Mr. and Mm. C. S. Haîlman and family attended Campbellford Old Home Wleek colebration on Friday. Mis. E. J. Smith, Mis. M. Docley and Pars. Jobes, Chicago, Ill., are vis- iting their aunt, Mrs. Wilson Neads. Mi. and Mms. Orton Bond and son Donald, Grand Rapids, Midi., were in town Tuesday calling on fniends. Mr. and Mms. Jas. Bowdler and MAr. and Mms. Donald Brown spent the weekend with friends at Flint, Midi. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Needham hav-e returned froin a visit to their native land ef England. They returned by the "Doric" of the White Star Line. Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Greenfield and daughters; Margaret and Ruth, Stratford, are visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Greenfield, and other relatives here. Mr'. and Mrs. George Pritchard, daughters Lillian and Helen, and Mr. Robert Hayes visited Buffalo and ! Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Queenston Heights over the 'weekend. Ars. Stafford, nephew and sons of Cleveland, Ohio, gave us a friendly cail on Wednesday. She had be-en on a visit to ber parents, Mr. and Mis. John M.%aynard, Campbellford. MAr. and Mis. Chas. Abernethy, Collingwood, were recent guests of the Misses Stephens. Mrs. Aber- nethy was formerly Abbie Alexander «of this ton-n and bas not visited ber former horme for 23 years. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Westaway, Westwood Cottage, Port Hope, an- nounce the engagement of their only daugliter, Gladys, to Mr. Roy A. Hocking, B.S.A., son of Mis. Hock- ing and Vie laVe James R. Hocking, Mitchell, Ont., the marriage te take place the latter part of Auguist. Messrs. Alex Flett and Joseph Flott of Bowmanville and their cousin, Mn. Isaac Skuce, Lindsay, lefV on Saturday morning on a motor trip ta Saskatchewan and Britishi Colunmbia to visit their uncle and otien relatives. Mra. C. Mt. Scott and son Bob, Ed- monton, Alta., and Mms. Pauline Mc- Donald, Weston, were recent guests of their sister, Mrs. Merle Nokes. They commentezj on rthe many changes in town, particularly in the vicinity eof their former home at head of Carlisle Ave., where Mi. and Mrs. Wax. Harris now live. OFFICE CLOSED Dr. G. C. Monnycastle's office will be closed frein August 5th te Auguast l8th, while an holidays. 8- OFFýICE CLOSED Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be closed frein Wednesday, August 7th, te Saturday, .Aagust sut. OFFICE CLOSED Dr. C. W. Slomon's Office will be closed frain Friday, August 2nd, ta Saturday, Aiigust 17th. 31-2. The engagement is announced of IJ. A. Werry & Son, Enniskillen. Pho - Leta A. P. Hancock, Reg. N., daugh-' 195r2.- 31- 11 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Hian-1 FOR SALE-Williams Piano and Piano cock, Orono, Ont., to Frederick W.i]Player; Victrola; Electric Range, etc. I Holdaway, Detroit, Mich., son of Mr. plytomiss violet McMillan, Victorial Geo. Holdaway, Port Hope, the Ar- e, Ohawa. -31-2 niage to take place in August. FOR SA LE-Massey- Harris Binder, No. 1 condition; also several second-hand Mr. O. J. Hutchinson, Mechanical cream separators. APPIY to L 1 Supt. of MacLean Publishing Ce., Wood, I. HO. Agent, King St., Bowrnan- Toronto, Prs. Hutchinson and fain- vile 5t ily, and Mr. W. J. Webb-, Printingl AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coupe Instruetor of Technical, Tor- 1927, In excellent running order, recentiy overhauled, ail new tires this year. A onto, and farnily, are holidaying at,real bargain for quick sale. Apply Windy Cove, Port Bowman'ville. It uart R. James, Bowmanvillc. Phone Menibers of the Y. L. B. lass of Trinity Sunday School spent a pleas- Real Estate For Sale ant afternoon on Thursday at the Cream of Barley Park. Good 1-IOUSE FOR SALE-A rug brick resi-f sports, good eats and good weather. denoe with ail modern convenience8; oaki ail cntriuted a mae th a fte-loors; tule bath; large lot. Terme ta1 all ontibued o maketheaftr-suit. Car taken on exehange. Apply noon pleasant and enjoyable toalal. ýtO J. E. Fiett, Centre St., Eowmanville.1 Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt are1 Phone 384. 17-tf spending their vacation at the High- - --- - land Inn, Algonquin Park. Dr.! HOUSE FOR SALE-B'rick bungalo Devit.t is looked upon by officiais a,' on corner Division and Velington St..1 thîspoplarsumrnerreart s ~good garage, good gar(ien, siriail fruits: thispoplar ummr reortas abrik rsidence on WVellington St., "ýpermanent fixture" for in the past frarrsidice and brick residence on1 20 yarslieliasonl mised tw..O' Scugog st. 'Modern conven ences In al. 20 yars e bs ony nisse E.SV teIrms. APPly ta Wm. l3rock, I seasons that hie has nost registered at Bloivmanville. Phone 114. 1-4-1 the Inn. -- FARM FOR SALE-200 acre farm,I belatlfllIY situated on Provincial High-' PIANO EXAMINATIONS way witli fine vlevv of Lake ontarioj gently sloping ta the south easî; short distance from Newtonviile Station: large The following pupils have been1 barn %vith atone foundation and stablIng;1 succesaful in passing their examin-ismaîl brick bouse; plenly of cedar a.nd ations in piano, under the direction- hardwood for fuel and fencing; neyer- i nfailing spring with large Pasture mun for of Miss Ferce Thompson, teacher of cows; 60 or 70 acres fine land free fromn Piano, of the Peterboro Conserva-; noxious weeds: tbis farm lias been a tory.1 Msic:Junir 'money-maker and will be sold at a big Piao, ighbarganto close out the estate of the Pass-Erma Bruce 68, Eva Ashton late Alfred Dean. For terme apply to 67; Introductory Piano, Honours-' Dr.S. S. Dickinson, Port Hope, Box Jean Coulter 75. 186. 32-4w ALDWORTH FAMILY PICNIC The Aldworth Clan met at thel home of Mr. and Mis. W. H. Haîf- acre, near Tyrone, on Thursday, August lst, and held a reunion and picnic which abounded in fun, good fellowsbip and sociability. (lames and outdoor sports weîo the order of the day, and a very delicieus and bountiful supper was, servied te the enjoyment and satisfactiton of aIl. Among those present were Mi. and Mms. Frank Aldwoîti and daugli- ter, Mis. Walter Logue and son Har- old, Haimony; PArs. S. H. Reynolds and daugiter Beatrice, Windsor; Mrs. Oliver Sandexson. and daugliter Joyce, Mis. John Montgomery and family, Toronto; Mr. John Aldworth, Ruby and Wilfrid, Mus. Ervine Foas- ter, Maple Grove; Mms. W. H. Nich- alla and daugliter, -Mis. Walter Snider, MAr. and Mis. HeÊtert Nich-1 olls, Misses Evelyn and Norma Wade, Ebenezer; Mr. WiIl Lymer and son Arthur, Oshawa; Messrs. Jack and Bill Belîman, Guelph. BIRTHS DUSTA N-At Bowmianville Hospital, on Wednesday, August 7th, 1929, te Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Duatan, a son (William Hugh). 34ARRIAGES EVANS-TAIT-Tn Bawmanville, on Saturday August Ird, 1929, by Rev. Gea. Mason, ietiss IsabeIIa Tait and Robert Ellis Evans, both of Bowmanville. LOBB-BALMER-In Bowmanville at the residence of the bride's sister, rMs. Walter Woolley, on Saturday, Augusi 3rd, 1929, by Rev. J. UJ. Robins, Mr. Ar- nold Benj. Lobb and ileorgina Sievenson Balmer, both of Bowmanville. DEATHS GIBSON-At Newcastle, on Tuesday Augusi Sih, 1929, Thomas Gibson, ageâ 78 years. Funeral fromt St. George's Church, on Thursday, Augusi Sth, at 3 p. m. stand- ard lime. Inlerment In Bond Head Cernetery. STEPHENS-In Toronto, on Wednes- day, August 7, 1929, Helen May, daugit- ter of Mm. sud Mrs. Philip J. Siephens, aged 20 years. Funeral from the family residence, Lot 14, Concession 4, Clarke, on Sunday Auguet Ilth, at 2.30 p. m. standard time. Cortege ta tLeave at 3 o'clock for Newonville Cemneery. FIELD-In Pickering, August 6, 1929, Dr. Byron Field,' dearly belov*d huaband of Mildred Field, aged 78 years. MOORE-In Albion Township, near Ballon, on July 29th, 1929, Jean Blain, beloved wife of WiVu. Robert SMoore, In hem 73rd year. Moiher of Mme. W. Leanard Elliott, Bowmanville. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un(lersigned. and endorsed "Tender for Harbour improvements, Port Hope, Ont.," will be reoeived until 12 O'clock noon <day light saving), Thuraday, Aug- ust 22, 129, for the Repaire ta West Breakwater and South End of Centre pier at Port Hope, County of r)urham, Ont. Plans and form of contract can be seen and specification and forma of tender obtained at ibis Department, ai the of- fices of thte District rngineer, Eciuily Building, Toronto, Ont.; Toronto fluild- ers Exchange & Construction Industries, 1104 Bay Street, Tor~onto, Ont., and ati the Post Office, Port Hope, Ont. Tenders wiii not bc considered unless madie on printcd forma supplied by the Departiment and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chanrtered bank, payable ta the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amouni of the tender. B3ondls of the Dominion of Onnada or bonds of thel Canadian National flailway Company1 wlll also be accepied as security, or bonds and a chequie If reqtiired to make up an odd amount. Note:-Blue prinis cao be obtalned ai this Departrient by <eposiIng an ac- cepted cheque for the Btim of $2000 pay- able t0 the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned If tho Intending bidder etbmit a regular bid. By Order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 1, 1929. 32-21 To Let GARAGE TO RENT-Mrs. Norman H., Taylor, Bowmanville. Phone 488. 32-11 ROOMS TO RENT-4 unfurnished oams. Apply ta Mme. Thos. Vanstone King St., Bowmanville. 5- HOUSE TO RENT-B-ick on Queen st., 7 roams, near High School, ail mod- ern canveniences, hamdwood floors; brick garage; Possession Sept. Jei. Wm. Quick. Bawmnanville. 31-2 TO RNT-Frni f 126 acres, close ta Oshawa, all under cultivation, good buildings aud land, limediate possessian ta Plaw full Possession Apri lolt, 1980. Apply df. D. Canant, Oshawa, Ont. 29-7 Wauted MEN WANTED-Encineer and bain man, for South D)arllingtô and Clarke Tbreshing Sndicate. Apply ta, T. C. 13nlme t. , BWnsmMvfile, Phsone 111ril, or W. J. S. Rickard, R. R. 4, Bow- mnanvIlle, Phone 11>14. 82-1 Ail Summer Goods to be Reduced 30 percent ONLY Thurs. Fn.* Sat. Corne and Look at Our Window Seeing is Believing Rovan's Reliable Shoe Store Footwear and Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings McMurtry Block King St West~ Bowmanvill. WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES DOUBLE DUTY 'I 10 DAYS 10 Remnant Sale Hundreds of remnants accumulated during our big July Sale. Hundrecls more we have purchased from mills and warehouses at a fraction of their value Hundreds more will be cut up <rom short ends of aummer fabrics that we wont carry over ai.,d markecl at les than half price. Remnants suitable for every purpose you will find in this big offering. Remnants of : Silks Dress Goods Flanel ettes Prints Cretonnes Pillow Cottons Chintzes Sheetings D imitys Voiles Batistes Organdy Rayons Fugi Silks C reyshene Sale Starts Thursday 9 a.m Corne Early for Best Choice Nelso e sStoire of Bigger and Bte i~ e so SValues Walk a Block and Save a Lot Messrs. Morley and Byron Van- Lost or Found ITEND:ERS FOR DRILLING WELL CARTING AND TRUCKING SION PAINTING stone and Harold SIemon are spend-'ITedr wili be received up to Auguet Oarting and Trucking, local and long I arn prepared ta do ail kinds of ei ing the month of August at Camp PURSE LOST-In Bowmanville, on lS1th for drilling well at Bowmanville distance. M. Bomnbard, Martyn's Bowl- painting, lettering, Mitg à O&M 0 Q_ Ahmek, Algonquin Park. Saturday, July 27th, amail black purse Beach, West Side. For particulars ap- Ing Alley, Bawmanvllle. Phone 36 or Satisfactann gsaranteed Chazriso Chna. M $1. Cawke rr Bwmnvle. vle .0 u. 32-1 I Phonet3175W. 2-t Mi. and Mis. R.ay Warren, St. i Conainig 1. Rweward, fo return ta1pvyle. j ucîsn or omn 6.31-80 Rowe, 114 Caibomne St. E., Oshawa. Catharines, recently visited with Mr. Phone 94. 31-tf 1 21Ihn 37W 2t and Mms. G. A. Edmondstone who- motoîred them 'home on Sunday. Mr. John Scott., Toronto, wa lnl Articles For Sale town Thursday visiting old friends.' PIGS F OR SALE-Yorkshire sow and Mr. Scott left Bowmanville in 187 9 pige, first litter; also Yorkshire sow, when he went west te jain the Northji due about 6 weeks, second litter. Ap- West Mounted Police. ply Chas. Shaw, Hampton. Phone 376-2. Mrs. J. R. Young, daugliter Mai- 3- ion and son Robert, who lflotord AUTO FOR SALE-Buick 5-passenger, touring, 1925 mode], 6 cylinder, mleagei S a t * gC lr n c Tuesday calling on old friends. They driven by private owner, uphiolsiering ini wereacompaiedby rs.IL er-perfect condition, a genuine bargain at, wereacompaiedby is.H. er-$350, for quick sale. Apply Dustan's ancourt, Oshawa. Cash Hardware or A. Mitchell, Bowman- Miss Agnes vanstone returned ville. 32-tf Saura fomadeihtulmnt' ATOFR AL-herle Sdna of Su m e o t ar f r M n Wm n vacation at Camp Wapomeo, Algon- real bargain faorImmediate sale. $125.m e o t e r f r M n o e Saturay fom adelihtfu monh~s UTO O AEevr et Sdana quin Park. She leaves this week C.-S. Maon, ho0 61 Bwmnv1l for a trip through Western Canada -13nd Chtfen We the Pacilfie Coast. POTATO DIGGER FOR SALE-Inter n h l r n naina- in A r c.n tA&' LUinn JIgh e - mommi THE CANADLALN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST Btn, 1DZ& PAGE FIVI t Ir tî t c 1 t

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