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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADuTAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST Sth, 1929 Shoes That Satisfy SPECIAL VALUES IN SUMMER SHOES Women's patent leather one strap slippers, with cuban or heels.................................... $2.65 pair W(>men's colo>red slippers with wide strap and high hecis, short vamps and round toes........................ $4.95 pair We are showing these in oxford style and one-strap pat- ternis, bot.h vth cuban rubber heels at .. .$3.00O per pair For those who want a dress white shoe, wve have a fine wahable white kid, narrow strap and buke at $5.50 Pr. Dorsay pump in patent leather, spike heel ....$5.50 pr. Black satin one-strap, cuban covered heel....... $5.50 pr. SANDALS FOR CHILDREN In patent and ceam elk: 5 to 7ýý ... $1.50 8 to 10% .. . .$1.75 il1 to 2 ....... $2.00 RUBBER SOLES CANVAS SHOES Misses' and Children's one- strap ...85c and 95c pr. W.omen's sport two-tone ox- ford.............. $2.25 Pr. Women'sa ailbiege, No hbcd..........$1.25 Pr. Wib bcd.........$1.45 Pr. Mcn's bown duck oxfords, $1.25 Pr. Boys' brown duck oxfords, $1.15 Pr. Vi8it our Foot Comfort Departrnent for Foot Relief The Elite Shoe Store Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager S-P-E-C-I-A-L 50 Men's Suits 2 Pairs of Pants Navy blue serges and fancy blue worsteds, grey and tan mixtures, in sizes 35, 36, 37, 38 and 40, single and double breasted, regular up to $37.50, $240 50 Ail summer goods mnuât go. Corne in and see rny prices. S. G. Chartran Ph one 26 Bowrnanville Hungry as Lions When the children from play they are usually "hungry as lions." They'll eat any- thing. But the wise mother takes advantage of this situation. Instead of g*ving the hungry youngsters just anything, she slices some of Cor- bett's wholesome, delicious, nutritious bread and butters it. Talk about good! Ask the children. They say, "Mother, let me xiing up Corbett's for another loaf of that wonderful bread." Corbett's High Loaf and Corbett's Butter- milk Bread are making new friends daily. W. P, Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner Bowrnanville Bakeries at Bowrnanville and Orono ~1 Sale of Used Washers A further reduction has been made in used Washers to clear this week: Water Power and Wringers ....$ 5.00 Hand Power and Wringers .......$1 0.00 Electriic Washers .... ........... $32.00 1 Electric Washer................. $60.00 Ail guaranteed. MASON & DALE POPULAR HARDWARE STORE DOWMAN VILLE PHONE 145 The N ewc aèt le I îdepe nde nýrt THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 BASE BALL TOURNAMENT :\jiss ':s it l; I-,l.. '- :Ilî. vi::" [o- :u1r.:mil rray tiiwkPort Coliborne, _______________ tl,1 SI,.-nlit t h .î-:la, i loinu. cF; n) tiw v 1- iai mr. Ueo. b.c s I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .ý Nw steTa BcoePemnn .'is4,rge C. \V i.hîutS rirl .dr ni 1i:,. Vi. L oan anti faîn- Newcasle Tem Becmes Pemanen'ifrO-l "Sij sîtedf rien Is [.ltoo. , p. ni sunday Nvjiii'%ir. and Possessor of Trophy fr.1 î wr, id.V. l1' i According 10 the gatemnn Chris iifti 111 N iadt tFalls andt'i otu. ' litrcit, lRfiFriday ona nonth's holi- LwadT. W. Jackson between 800 ii)OX r lt,î,1-21-,:tt,.îoiîuîtani,-d by Sîrs. James. and 00 poplewitnessed the severith: chlrn, Toronto, s. d iitiu,.tts,iiiir,,conclidaii this w .iý a lortniglit's j a n n a l a s e a l l o u r a m e t o n N e w j ýN i . j d r s . 1J . 0S il M v i t l ie iw i . t i l E r s . i f .1. ll a .. o h4 , T n o , castie community green on -Mondayl relativtes.lis afternoon when the Newcastle teara u.anti Mis. tc. ltislCiuvteand 1Sirs. 14144'.M. Sinson andi Miss Frances llnotrto it,ni a t ý,tlajîl i i Stiîss,,n i thi uioliday at Mr. Qeo. by first defeating Starkville and air. Jam,ioto" ni i:îîîro, .iack. t then Orono wton pemanent possess- U4iiaZt, tc., %vitii ot-Wr isai ..r nd Sus ,.Aylwii, Toronto, pn ion of the silver cup, having won it ' mr. and mrs. Rortlurre, cdaugliter Siisî ititNMr. Janies lZobinson a.nd Siargaret, 'Mr. and MNrs. lMNcFaul and thie -lss--s Robinsoun. I now three years in succession. Mâaster Jack, ToronLo. M\r. and Mrs. il. lt 'tas incorructiy rep-orted in last This is the second cup donat-ed by ('. iiiribert, Oshawa, spent Sundlay with week's itaper tiatt J. Anderson Smith the Sports Committee through the M r. and aIrs. A. F. Sp)encer and Kath- Co. liitd Toronto. Baseball Club to be won for k Mst e r ak abrn Mohet r . tanley lî iickard lias beeii appoint- IThe Orono teani managed by 0.A. who bas been visiîing luis relatives, Mir. wiii conduct te activities at Sunimer Gamsby captured the first one while antid Mrs. Ili. W. Dud,l.-, havîttg accomp- Scitool next year. Kendal won the present cup in 1926, ýt'iedI Miss Dunreathi hote, -kpects to MNiss Amanda E. Bond, Mlanager of rturn this weekend and take Master The Butterlck Publishing Companys but lost it the next, Gainaby Jack Ilare w il itnt for a short visit. Winnipseg Branch, was recent guest of says soft bail has been the ruination -Mrs. F. liaffner, accomiîanied by ber NiMrs. .ieo. C. Wright. of hrd bll i Oroo.îsters, Mis. W. Hl. Turner Jr.. antd Mrs. 11ev. E. 13. and Mirs. Cooke and Miss of ar ba] n Oon. lradIfortî Kay, îîîotorc.i front New York Iieelwi niolored liere froin Tweed on Three gaines were played: Orono iast week to stand the summr wtih tivic Holiday, brenging Miss Dorothy vs. Newtonville, score 17-5; New-I father, Mr. Ueo. Eilbeck. air. Riekard homne with them. cate vs. Starkville, score 11-3 New-' tr Nlre.tîmonStrdyfr i uand Mars. W. J. S. Rickard, Mr. casti va.cationsore 7- . St4ii. yý anti Miss Matrion, Mr. and airs. casle vs Orno sore 7-.Mr. and Sirs rP. UNfil, Toronto Si., IL. .IL eat-i'e and NMiss Sinnle and Mr. IMessrs Rosevear and Rowden uln- Ijoyted a visit front iteir cousins, Mr. iýýnneth 'îi larce, Port Perry, and Miss prdthe gaines with complete satis- a" ""i"M \ ntipers(,i id iit. i glter, airs. Liilian44CIe 1-ice are ai tend îng the wed - pîredIli, M'.\r. Atîti'sens sister, airs. Il. titi; tf 'Mr. Eric Pearcu ant i îss Flor- faction to ail and Rev. Thos. Wall- Výadt, MNr. andi airs. W.lter ThitOntsoui, ence Waikington hn Toronto luis Thurs- ace, Newtonville was the officialst ittie andttitlitighit.isJ,ýn itii441mar- day evening. scorekeeper. I <tii, 41Il o f tiliilso zt vis it fronTh1lis Colt) 01114 ty wit 551 titenedi .st scre ee er ir. 44.1 i Is. lI 44011 1It ithlre p chiil The members of the Newcastle 1i îtof Trenton, o f iclt, L t" k yth,-,ti-atit of S iesloroihy Wri~lî inSt. Josepflîs itositital, Peter- team that showed suporior class in l Daviiton, foiir of tiie, Nuecasile lýrU-I,ron1t oit .iiiy li as..stlit of lîR pend-ni.e linnitCarîsyrcieU in a niotor accident on t both gams are Clinon Caverly Spti misic e.~r, l- for the t illS'ttntliav c vliin t r-vlti 1 i1,-r Manager, George Walton who divid- 'nileti Chîtuto r . cal i 011 idtt rîtit '.\1irs. W ni. ilonaihan, ed honors with Caverly in pitching îiorninlg and i.%*. ,t Is Aitia 1i:.-k\,,Ir Si,.,411.1 se otI'1f1t 1w ottît his teain to victory, Tom Brw,1Rw,-,soitano. w ho lias Ibeen visiiing oi-of il,,,ii.t'ittendeIthte tuner- wr,, rs wi. ,-niie,,al ja Torotlo Sitiirirla tfiriloî. catcher and AIf. Graham, V. Rob- soztn'wo il asintr , 011î itSitnatn ili\ waliqt-. ý,olie - f Sir. eson, Claire Hennings, Chas. Thack- niorning, Rev , P. . tgoct- avcth'lite rikzhtî andtih,-i Iti, Mrs.Wrîiht, forni- cotîgregation an iia.,tteandi -nIilihi- trie MNisýs .Xie, l,t:tIiti .41141 idiltit" ray, Ray Brown, R. W'. Walton, Fred t-ring'rîti-u:y'Vit-w of lte Bible,'" iii- illti i cittît' n tiis village Butler and Clarence Clark, mascot,1 ttllitii th,, f i ti,- h1.tkttt.artiandwhere s lheýaccëuslomed 10 visil on many a cmig al payr.clalk. In the \,e-iiin, lit' - t14ti-t1 lus occesion Sin -- lu arly ceiultilood. tatd a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o coigbi lye.e-is0 alks on th.'ir tie i a1 ti.îîd lt-cittîrclitand Sunday School In the community Hall in the even-' with "Tîte Weak-ît.-ss of a Sirontimani.- of the Uniled Church. ing, with a packed crowd present to _____________________________ see the British picture, "Tommy At- kins," and the presentation of the__________________________________ prizes won in the tournament, Dr. J. AButler, Chairinan of Newca.stle Sports Comnittee, calied Mr. R. W. Walton, President cf Baseball Club, to platf.ormi together with the play- ing memmbers and presented hlm with s at resounding cheers in turn presented it to Manager Caverly who accepted it with a neat speech and in thtrn passed it on to Mascot Clarence Clark whoxn it almost hid froin vie'w; i but if Clarence was feeling a bit of the stage, holding the big shinyi cup, he had a perfect right to the feeling. a a . hougsandas s iDr. Butler presentted on behaif of beeause of it the merchants and others of the vill- age quite an array of prizes donated b by the'm to players who in various ways had shown skill and proficien- cy of an outstanding degree during SILYIERBIRCI the afternýoon's gaies. A full list will ESTABLISHED be given next week. 1859 Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's group con- sîîverbrook butter is maile in Ontario's ducted a booth on the grounds and l~~ ands by muster butter makers ..att tookin oer $25.0. rWERE CONOnew raisliscarefully prescrved . ou cal Oshawa Citizens' Band assisted byth ifrne rya tt."-,-e 'Mr. A. J. Knox of Orono and Mr. Harold Allun rendered a choice pro- grami of music afternoon and even- îng. Everyone enjoyed the mnusic which was of a popular, but not jazzy. The selections were al that could be desired in both quality j E evening the neimbers had tea at the Meats at A & P markets have been '.elected to please thse most Brownie Tea Roonis, while the baIl fastldlous. You wil find your delicate cults of meat, poultry and teamas were served refreshinents at delleatessen foods awalting you at Iower than usual prîces . . . visit the W. A. booth. 1a odhptdy Constable John Garrod looked a odhptdy very nifty in bis new uniforni and -U . we ike l elicited many favorable comnients SwoUeerSPi k l e regarding his natty and dignified h uerPk Miss Evelyn Allois l visting at her DELJCIOUSLY FLAVOREI) uncies, Mr. Eric Toms' in Belleville. !. U VRev. W. P. and Mis. Rogers loft Wed- nesdayon a onth' holiay SlieedrS flb. B a5o cotiage on Stoney Lakte. lcd M 5 Mis. Geo. Warren, Swift Current, visit to her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bona- e i e l ~ c a o Mr. W. W. Don SasI bs mk ing im proventents te his bouse on North P ae lB e a o ISt., New(tatstle, which bas been ieaaed fby Mr. A. E. Meuiow, Phm.B. Mis. Isaac Selby is confined to ber PIiS. lb. 41>0 £118M1,4g bed with illness and 1.9 under the doc -_______________________ tor's car,-. Her sigter, Mrs. Bone, Osh- awa, ls again staying with her. FANCY FRESH Mur. John Fénning, youngeat son of teat e.J. E. Fenning and Mrs.W b Fennlng, n0w of Toronto, is cmpin witib a boy chum on th Fenning pro i ____ ______ 32o perty, Newcastle-on-the-Lalce. PEC .Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaws, accomp- anled Mr. and Mim. Harold Martyn, IC Stratford, on a motor trip te o iceater brother, Dr. Hioward B. Rtiekard, ai PoH eanieal Cottage ]ROIS 133.e Colhorne. .Mr. XX m. J. Ftcktît ho-hIda suocessfui bain riîising Thurstiay afternoon underî l,.I u th, direction of H-enry Adams Wm 11,Ppiite au@gtspSJM I& PE V...S.E and A. Cowan and wiih lit,',.xiet ts'1 A. 0.iParke'r, Newcastle, Frank Parker R U M CHOICE l M lison Kenneth, Toronto, and A. F. if. » P.-itper. Whitlty. liceXW. 1P. ittgtr.sR B R A TCT w-ýasamong ti.heleprs, lus knowit-tlge only 10 the cims tlîî'n fluý<i. I ______________________________________ Dateti ai Toronto the Firsi day of GOULO THASTON9. ARLD, 929. T E GREA ATu4 Executor of the Estat.. of T z Cnu Ti T Gould Nash Thuraton. ROGERS AND ROWLAND, Solletors tT 32-2 4 Ricbmond Street BE.t, _____________________________ 13- Toronto. WEDDING BURKETON Smiths-Farrell Mm. and Mrs. C. W. Rahni and Betty, Weston, Mr&. Woods, Helen On Wednesday, July 3lst, a very and Margaret of Montreal, Mr. Clar- pretty wedding took place on the ence Pedlar, Swansea, Mr. and Mrs. lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Farrell, G . Avery, Little Britain, Mm. Cecil Tymone, Ont., when their eldest Woodward. Lindsay, Mm. and Mrs. daughîer, 'Myrtie May, was united in W. Gochrane and Jean, Bowmian- marriage w-ith William Randolph ville, were weekcnd visitors of Mi. George Smith, cidest son of Mr. and and Mrs. W. H. Rahai. Mrs. George Smith, Tyrone. The 1 marmiage took place underneath a1 TYRONE prettily decomated arch on the lawn,l and the ceremony was performed by Pleased to see Mr. W. H. Halfacre Rev. J. R. Trumpour, pastor of Ty- able to be out again after being con- rone United Church. fined to the bouse for ten wee.... e The bride, who w-as given la mar- A number from here attended tIhe riage by ber father, was charmingly Sunday Sehool picinc Friday and dmessed la white fiat crepe with report a good time... Mms. Addie rhincstonc timming, with shoes and Wyborn, Grand Rapids, Mich., in stockings to match, and wearing a holidaying at Mr. Russell Vitue's necklace of pearîs, thse gift of tise and Mm. Wm. Moore's .... Mr. Wm. groom, and carrying a bouquet of Staples and Miss F. Virtue Sunday- bridaI roses. cd at Mm. J. J. Virtue's, Hampton. . The bridesmaid, Miss Rena Far- . . Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Trumpour and el, sister of thse bride, weme a dress family have retumned borne afiter an of corsage green crepe-de-chine and enjoyable visit with friends la Mich- caried a bouquet of mcd roses. The igan. . .Miss Jennie Scott, Chathami, groom was supported by bis brother, is visiting M.r. and Mrs. J. H. Mut- Mm. Sidney S-mith. ton.... Mr. and Mms. Wm. Riddle The grocm's gift to the brides- and Ilene, Orono, visited ber parents, maid was a necklet of peamis and to Mm. and Mrs. Wn'. Virtue... .Mra. the best man he gave a white and Lauma Virtue bas returned home af- yellow gold watcb chain. ter visiting friends in Buffalo, N.Y. After congratulations and signing . ... Mr. and Mis. C. W. Woodley of the register a wedding supper was and baby Edith, Miss Clama Wo-odley served by cousins of the bride. and Mrs R. Woodley spent the holi- Later the happy couple left amid day at Caesamea..Mm. and Mrs. J. showers of confetti on a brief honcy- H. Mutton and Miss Jennie Scott moon by motor to Niagara Falls, the spent the holiday at Port Pemry. .. . bride wearing an Amerîcan 'Beauty Mm. and Mms. Artbur Barber, Miss C. fiat crepe dress and a coat of beige Mackenzbe, Mis. Morrison, Toronto, kasha withbbat and shoca to match.! Mm. Wm. McDonald, Cobourg, visit- On their retumn they will reside at cd ai Mr. IVillis Stew-art's and Mr. 458 Concord Ave., Toronto. - Ronald Scott's ...Mrs. McDonaîd The week previous to ber niar-land Katherine bave eturned home niage tbe bride was given a "sghowter" i aftem a pleasant visit with hem par- and eceived many beautiful gifts. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, and hem sister, Mrs. Ronald Scott.. Rev. John Bonathan, who hbasben Mrs R. Hodgson bas returned hotme iîolidaying in Montieau, vtis!idted inother, Sus., S. C. Bonathan. la.t Wed-i aftcýr a pleasant visit with friends ln nc-sday. Ile retuins to Montieau b ýthse States..Messrs. John, Harry SelîtePmber as assistant rector Of the, and Clarence Hathemly spent thse hol- clîtrcit of St.TJohntnhIe Evangeuist. iday at Port Credit and Toronto. - il This bttér Butter relaye S'IL VERBR 00K exclusively ts distinctive fresh clean flayop )OK BUTTER 2 lbm. 83e fine'tt dairv tef avo o în rsîC a t Ayshire Butter 2 lbs. £or.Si ,n ritsS L INCLUDE TEN POUNDS IN YOUR ORDER TODAY-WEEK-END SPECIAL ONLY! Sugar FOR ALL FINE FABRICS RINSO 10 Ibn. 540 2 Large Pkgu. 35e POST BRAN FLAKES ........SODAS-McCeemaek's Wasx- . -*- ...2 Pkgs. ne tUte............. 15-oz. Pkg. 15e GUEST IVORY SOAP....... BENSON'S CORN STARCH .......... ....... 3 l ".................... 2Pkgs. Zlc THE FINEST SELECTED TEAS ONLT ARE USEDU TEA S Blended India Orange Peke SM OUR BLENOS Mb. 490 Mb. 77o AYLMBE CERTIFIED GREE LABEL JAMR«ammIrry_40...Jar3]le AN EXCUCTIOM*LLY LOW PRICE ON TIS PAMOUS CHEESE- REGULAR OR PUMCN70 Chateau Cheese % -LB. 49n PKGS.~y MONE Y-USA VING PRICES CORNED BEEF - Fray Bentes........... lb. Tin 23e MARMALADE - C. & B. Little Chip Orange.. ALMOND BUTTERSCOTCH i................. z.' jar DROPS ................ lb. 21c SHIRRIFF'S Pineapple Mar- FRENCH'S MUSTARD - malade ....... b. Tin 5 Cream Salad.. 2 9-oz. JarsSU~f O'KEEFE'S GINGER ALE PEACHES-Aylmer Choice -Reg. 3O-ez. (5c R.efund Quality ......... No. 2 Tin 2ke on Botties) ..............2 GILLETTE BLADES ...... 2 IN 1 WHITE LIQUID ...«'"' ...3 Pkgus. $1 SHOE DRESSING.. Btle.1 A RtEAL SUMMER SPECIAL CRAB MEAT ................ 2 Tins 61c LOBSTER "TINB' 21 c G ILLEX- 1'MOTDK1, SALADA TEA ILABELW 56e 0ec Pkg. IOc I ý-1b. Pkg. :!7c 'ZOU WII, .TASTE TIIit iIFFEFENL'E SUPRNIF IN 9,e !I : à Ii! Isil c iTS AND 'VI" IE T 0'.11 AT AI..A't& 1P FS)DSIItJI»S POT ' T'OES , MIV NTVE.. Per Peck 39c f)lt4NNGES-C ilifoînia OS'ONS-Yellow Cooking Valencia Dos. 21c 4 lbs. 19e VEGETABLE NMAItROWS- CABBAGE-Green liard Home Grown 2 for 15c Heads ... >_- , 2 Iba. le NEW BEETS or CARROTS APPLES-New Green Trans- ..... l 3 Bunles 10c parent ...... - 2 Ibs. 19e roc & P.4CmFc M&4 Ce OF CANADA pi e k 0 a Nmm@mmý PAGE EIGHT THE CANADLAON STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, THURSDAY, AUGUST Sth, 1929 1 a ., -11

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