THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, ATJGUST lSth, 1929 PAGE SEVEN STOBIE, FORLONG & C0. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 1l King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense a WE KNOW OUR MEATS E Because we buy "on the hoof" direct from the farmers. We aiso make it a point to always buy from the best known iive stock breeders in the county. We are therefore enabied to recommend with confidence and assurance to our customers that the meat we seii is young, heaithy and of the best quality. We have suppiied the people of Bowmran- ville with meats for over 70 years and they know "Caw ker's Meats Are the Best." C. M. CAWKER & SON le - 4 Bowrnanville Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to heip you secure the greatest service from your car by suppiying such famous products as Aviation and Sheli Gas- oline, Sheli Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the worid buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Brin g your car, in and have lined with tis high grade lining. your brakes re- Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St East, Bowmanviile western States visiting Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. About tbirty of the W. M. S. suen-1 bers of Park St. Chunch visitad the Newcastle Society on Thursday, August lst, and gave the prograni which consisted of readings, vocal solos, an instrumental duet and an address .by Miss E. Sherwin of Al People's Mission, Winnipeg, after which the Newca.stle ladies enter- tained the visitons to tee. Ini the office or in the homne-at work A Conectoi of Pulmonary Tioub- or8. 1at U3y-eu es.-Many teetimoniais could ba ness counts 1 presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrii 011 in cor- And, by the way, recting disordars of the raspiratory did you "Nugiget." procasea, but the best testimonial la experience and tba Oil is re-om- your shoes thie manded to aIl who suffer frram these morning7 disonders with the centainty that tbey will find relief. It will allay inflammation un the bronchial tubes. Mis. Wesley Butchison, Toronto, is spanding a week or two with ber ~ ... 11a i friand, Mn.. Fred Honey, Salemi. jJ U L Many 'haie wilI remamber the Wol- n son family. Bill and Rube suc- cccded thoir fathar in thaeixvot and THER 'NUGGRT" lTIN OPENS shoe repair business iu Orono, later WITH A TWIST 1 60 giving Up the business and imoving to _______________ Bowmanvil. Mrs. Butchison, foxrn- enly Sarah Wilson, ris now the only________________ surviving member Df the family, Mrs. Aldread (Susan Wilson) having passed away after a short ilîneas., ook' Roghîating Compound about two yeans ago. A .afi, ,aUabL.reids m.dicins.Boid in thre dé- Thera vas a fair attendance at the ¶es etrenat No. 1.pr81o9 W. M. S. August meeting wbich waa . o à a iflise or mat held Tuesday afterno'on. Gilp8i-don reoeipt of price. Mis. A. J. Knox, convener, prepared TYrCO 1mphlet. Addrmua the prograrn. The subjeot was thatTHCOKMDINC. vital question, Tamperance, and sanie splendid facts voie bnought ha- fore the meeting. The piogiain consisted of a v.casoloby miss V. -S l~PtHOSPMODIF4U Allen; devotional leaflet "Christian- IM.URIbe Great EngIiîh Pmerarat10%. ity and the Liquor Treffic" by MIa - r SLd i sytem atel te w loI Davy, Temerance Issues by Mis. J. ZI n odVeinLUed for Ntvuf'is A. Green; vocal duet by MisacaPcv- Duitity. Mental and1 BrM. Wory ors and Reve; Temperance :redinp &a aliato by is T.H.Pavraand Mafro ~ . yaid-«t4 or maiI.d In plate Gwe e itcheu;ll; mx.A. J. Inox pqg. on ilpt et pis Ml iuA wL rare tl.alnt4froos Mu. Gordon ln czWSOS 0",l JU NI= aTreaslirer acknowleduged receipt of $465.64 from L,. T. Pascoe, taxes 19F28; Counties Treasurer, arrears of taxes, $28,0.76. Orders were drawn on Treasurerl as follows: T. H. Richards, cernent bridges..................$123.60 T. H. Richards, salary and st.arps and telephuone ... . 135.89 T. H. Richards, grading imaintenance.............807.185 T. H. Richards, maintenance 965.92 Mirs. R. Hatherly. milk sup- pIied Mir,;.S.aage (charity) 3.10 D. H 'dgson, supplies Mrs. Savaze, (charity)......... 12.63 ~¶A. Jamies & Sons, print- ing and advt............. 28.85 E. L. MacNachtan, 50% ra'ntenanc3 Duglas St.rutt, Sick Children's Ho-ipitil.. 5.25 1-. L. NiaeNachtan, 50% mnenance Douglas Strutt, Sick Children's Hospital . .. 18.38 F. G. Kerslake, fixing side- walk......................1.75 A. W. Annis, sheep damages 17.00 F. G. Kerslake, work in park 24.65 T. H. Richards, inspecting cemeteries, etc............ 7.70 N. E. Neads, insurance on refreshment booth.... 4.00 The Workrnen's Compensa- tion ýB'd, insurance bridge, 2nd payment ... 13.50) E. Haggith, Deb. No. 6, S. S. No. 19.................. 289.45 Bank of Montreal, Deb. No. 7, S. S. Nn. 6............ 407.60 Bank of Montreal, Deb. No. 8, S. S. No. 8............ 424.77 -Councîl adjourned to Sept. 7th, 1929, at 1 p. nm. W. R. AUj,,, Clerk BUT OOAIL NOW Mr. R. H. Gollacott wishes ta In- torm the publie that ho la prepared ta continue ta deliver coal et Tyrans station and to all parts af the tawn and tawnship. All orders promptly till.d and satisf action guaranteed. Phono 618. ORONO I _Wright's address which was given at1 AYO the Dominion W. C. T. U. convention (From The News of August 8th.ý held in Oshawa. (Intended for asat week) Mrs. M. Cowan and baby are vis Orono Branch ofth Canadian Mran s.Wle Rce M. iting Mrs. M. Br,,5lin. Bank of Commerce is now equipped . and Mrs. ha l eîCoope ndM. Miss Viola Gilfillan was home! ;v::n a model adding machine.adMs.Crt opean MiI Edgar Cooper, Mr. Ajan Cunning-' front Toronto over the weekend. Rcv. Wesley Elliott of Port Pari-y hami and -Mr. Wm. Hansford, Toron-' ýl..s_. Olive Stevený ind Florence tv A u ccupy Park St. ( hurch pulpit to, at '.%r. C. Avery's; Mi-ss Kate Me- M.lIe, f Tiro:ito are v,:iting at Yýr. during August and Septemiber. iNeil, Mr. Herb Sleniun, Turonto,i J. N. Powers'. Mr. and Nlrs. W. H. Middleton and Mrs. R. Moore and son Douglas, Miss a- her sister's, M.%rs M. C. Linton. 'Mrs. Charles Soper, Mr. Hicks Sr., buirc t eingroudon te lrg Miss Dawvson, Park St., was taken Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hicks and son _Mr aoue bein ef. arD eofT- to Bowmanville Hospital Monday for' Bobbie, Oshawa, at Mr. R. McNei's; onto.iantd oMrher Dey of tor- traatment for mouth and throat IDr. W. T. Briniacombe, Oklahoma, ount v-ise o.r He weeend ah1strouble. U.S.A., Mr Hazrry Mills, Bo'wman- autMr hms. F. Halli Nwcasye, Mr. and Mis. Oliver Clemence and. ville, visited at Mr Theron Mount- Mr a sToiais bMofft ewstler. !Mrs. Debrott of Rochester, N. Y., en joy's; Miss Dora Mountjoy, Mr. Hiai- Dasvi toffat hrsbrotas M. route to Rice Lake summer resort, old Gay, Oshawa, at Mi. Charles Davi MofatThurday ast caîîed on the f ormer's sister, Mm .J. Garxtard's; Mr. and Mis. W. Ridge Mrs. Elmer Little and daughters, jW. Chapman. and Margaret, Toronto, at Mr. J. Misses Eunice and Margaret, Toron- uigteasneothcny Wright's; Miss Ruby and Mr. Will to, are visiting relatives in tori mng terabsenceF.HellontyisBown, Fairlie Evans, Oshawa, at Mr. George Armstrong Of COluni- oadtmnaeri, M. . Harl, on bwis Mr.L. Disney's; Mr. and Mis. W. bus, Ohio, is home at his father's, esten tpa r.e f Hiein ofe Samelîs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. C. G. Armstrong, on his holidays. be ncharge o tissetin.f he ýMountjoy, son and daughteoe, count syseni.Cartwright, Mi. and Mis. F. Cross,- Mr. Ralph 'Barr of Akron, Ohio, Oromo Flour Mills have îecently man, Whitby, Mr. and Mi.. J. Miller, was a guest of Mr. John Millson at installed a new ball-bearing chopper Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall, Hay- his father's, Mr. H. Milîson, the past of latest design, also a wate.r-wbeel don, at Mr J. Coosmran's; Mr. and week. ofmore powenful and econoniic con- Mrs. Charles Cooper at Mr. Sulas M..and Mrs. William Undarwood struction, assuring a betten and more iTrewin's; Mr. Normnan Hall, Osaa and har sister, Miss Elma Fostan, rapid service for the farmers of the. visited at Mrn. D. Grahan's; Mms J. Toronto, spent Thursday last with community. S. Goreaenwood, Bridgeport, Conn., ut fniends heie.t Gardon Bill are champions Of the Mn. E. Bradley's; Mr. and Mis. E. Many bave been relieved of conns South Durhamn Basebaîl Leagua for Bradley, Renia and Viola, attended bas a powe is on Rthat w.ih 1929, having defeated Welconie ini the Decoration service ait McCrea's fbusdafwe fectve. tatwllb the finals in one of the most spectac- Chureh on Sunday; Mi. and Mis. B. Miss Vfecivn ter fLekr ular games of the series, the score McDonald and faniily, Bowmanville, rMturnd homaftler ofspeding as1 being 3-2. The winners piroudly at Mx. W. Thorspson's...Glad to retrne hoe aterspedin afew carried the cup home with theni. rePort Mr. Thonmas Mountioy is sonna days with Mr. and Mis. George lbetter after his recent illnesa.. Skelding at Kendal. Woman and Asthana. Wonien are, Congratulations t» Mi. and Mis. El-1 Mn. nd rs.H. Cttigha an numbered among the suffereis froTnt gin Mountjoy on the arrivai of a son. dsonthaadbythe cE.ntSeawthaudand. ... Mr. F're<l Ashton, Miss Mata son an Mr. E Shw ad dugherIn every climate they will be fou.nd, Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Gordon Beeach,l Pefcyshowan's, Sith hLine . halpless in the grip of this relentless Orono, and Miss Mabel Beach motor- Mis.y Melin',Sotth an onBo disease unless they have availed ed to, Niagara Falls Sunday .... Mr. EDMontoeln, Sota t and îsn Bbo themselves of the proper remedy. A. Beech was in Toronto recently Edmoton Ala., nd rs.Colin Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma ReTnedY where bis daughtai, Mis. Austin -MacDonald of Weston were weekend bas brought new bope and life toLarmar, is undangoing tneatment visitors at Mr. Harry Millson's. many such. Testinionials, sent en-I pîepaîrajtorý to an operation in tha Mr. and Mrs. Pattruif visited at tinely without solicitation, sh.ow the, Lockwood C]inic..An ideal day the homes of Messrs. W. M. and W. lenoîmous benefit it has wrought greated the S. S. picnickars who J. Stutt asat week. The bride is a among women everywheze. gatbened togethar at Pine Grove on niece of Mr. W. M. Stutt, Church St. 1Mr.F. J. Hall, whio was chosen by Monday, Angust Sth, to anjoy thei-1 Mr. H. M. Joy motored down fnom1 Wolverhamnpton Lodge, S. O. E., Or- salves at basebaîl and other sports. Toronto Sunday morning, reaching j ono, as their representative ait GrandI A game of basebaîl was played by haie in ttue t» accompany his bro- Lodge which convened in Vancouver, the wonten in the afternoon afteî thar-in-law, Mr. O. Scott, to Park St. B. C., August 13th, left Thursday which the men played. About six Church. for tbat city. Mis. Hall accompan- o'clock oven seventy sat down to sup- Mr. and Mms.Lan Gamsby spentj ied him. Befora returning home peT and shoitly after many began the weekend at han cousin's, Mr. E. they wil visit Victoria, B. C., and wending their way home. Stabler, at Kitchener. Before ne- bis brothai George at Seattle, Wash. turning they motored to Bariie and At Victoria the delegates and their DRIGO ONI other western towns. wivas wiIl be entertained at a ban- _______NCOUCI .Mr. and Mim Neil MacGillivray quet and dance. Newcastle Lodge and son Bruce, Port Elgin, Mis. is repicsented by Mi. Eriic Pearce Regular meeting of Council was Wrightson Glamis and Mis. Mac. who is acconspanied on the trip by held Wednesday, August 7th, with Donald, Kincardine, were holida bis bride; Wellington Lodga, Bow- members aIl present, Reeve Williams visitors at Mr. J. R. C, ay's manville, by Mi. R. Holmes; Tyrone presiding. 'MisesAgns ad ax-ha ellyby Mi. Hockey; and Blackstock Minutes of asat regular meeting, 'Msss 49esad arhaKeleLodge by Mr. Mountjoy. were read and approved. of High River, Alta., ana spending a ________________ A nma fcmuiain few days at Mi. Robert Moiton's, Aen readandflefomniat onts Centre St. High River is the loca- w*A T retr n ic olpany. heNoth tion of the Prince of Wales ranch. nUWUIELWUMRrI LUNny Worms in childien, if they ba not I OM NLS Wallace Miller auisroached Coun- attended t», cause oiusn, and cil re road allowance, Lot 7, Con. 8. often deatb. oth wulavs' on.s 2FA Matter laid on table for one month. Exterminator will protact the child- 28LDB>. OFFA Fred Cochrane and Mr. Essery in- ren froni thasa distressing afflictions. ____ terviewed Gouncil ne state of roadi Messrs. H. N. Junken, Wallace Sis- Thjs headline is exactly true and me-n and culvarts at Lots 33, 34, Con. 3. son Frd Ssso ad O A.Gamby us wht i saa. e.d 1r 'i, 'ttr:Referred to Deputy Reeve Annis and motore to Kichenerand *I take a daiîv lose of Krt,,schIeindn Road Supt. te, inivestigate. xnoore VoKicheer ndspent Sun- I îhave î,,qt tw' nch -q rouî,I the wadst J. Y. Kellougb, Port Hope, gave day with Mi. Louis Junker and fani- and ip,îi and 2,, lb,. sinve z,,,t sommr, notice that Rural School Fair would ily, former residents here. Robant 1i elvert weII ,,r it. anci people tel inle ahdat ant oSe.23d Junkr rturnd wth tein I Iok 'ey fit. 1 arn. ft. 4 ins. inii 110101 929 and askad for use of Park. Mis, C. Adamis, Toronto, Mis. 40 years od, and corne of a stout fmi. (Dr.) Holdcroft, Havelock, Miss N1iý*s E. L' iatd Florence Adams and Mn. Sid Lathan, If you are fat. first reive th cu-e M. A. James & Sons presented Toronto, were necent visitons with When your liver, kidnevs an,! îsv,î~c tender for printing of Votais' List the former's sister, Miss Florence oe4't tîirow off that ;ioisonous wa.-ie for 1929, on same terras as fur 1928. Ccbble'dick, and brother, Mn. Woul matarial which 's always accunuflating Tender acceptad. Cobbledick. in your body--befo)re you realise it Township Treasurer presantad bis Ms.R.E. reli, r.You aegmowing ki<eousy fat. semi-annual report showing necaipts Dr.andMi. R E Braln, n.Take Krumche,, Saîts ini a glass of bot of $19,873.39 and expanditunes of and Mis. M. Cowan, Misses Ailean water avary mnorning. In three weeks' Breslin and Minerva Raybold, Mn. tinte, qet on the scales and note 111w $19, 428.,S2. Balance on hand, Edward Breslin, Dr. W. W. Breslin, many pounds of fat hava vanished. $445.07, a nota having beeu issued and Mr. and Mis. Lew Cohen, Ton- Notice alào how you have ganedin fori $2800.00 to pi-avide for current onto, wera Civic holiday visitons at eeg and heaath. Your skmin s axpenses. Reisont approved and ac- Mn. M. Breslin's. cl=e, your eyes sparkle with gloriotis cepted. Mi. ad Mi. Jaes Sevenon a d hth. You feel youngar in body, Road Supt. pnasented voucher No. Mr.and-Mr. Jme Stvenon ndkeesier in mmnd. Krushen wiIl give 18, $135.89; No. 19, $123.60; No. son Arthur of Montreal, Que., spent many fat people a joyouusuraprise. 20, $807.35; No. 21, $965.92, which a f ew days this woak at han brother's,________________ were approvedl and ordered paid. Mn. J. F. Lorriman. Accompanie<I Reeve and Tieasunan waîe author- by Mn. and Mis. Loiniman and Miss ized to sign a nota foi $2400.00) t» Loreen they motored t» Lindsay, provide foi current Mns. StevensOn's girlhood home. 'Clerk ivas instiucted ta advertisa Mn. and Mis. R. Corner and Mr. for application for Township Col- snd Mis. W. Corner, Petaiboro, werellector for year 1929, sealad applica- racent visitons of Mn. and Mi.s. tions to be in banda of Clark by Eaglason. Mn. and Mis. Corer ' Tuesday, August 27th, 1929, at the have just returned forn a five thous- hour Of 7 ýo'clock p. m., dutis ta ha- and mile mutor trip through the gi-on----e st 99 99MIffl e With ail the bran of the whole wheat Two bsuswh wholem&lkand sm ruit , en for he ht dys ad m oo digyested and so fulo nutrirnent-fou breakfast or lunich. Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 King St E. Bowmanville 15 LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel' Red Indian Motor 011 Marathon Gasoline ALL MIGHTY GOOD McColi-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Road Service LED RESTORE THE CHILO TOýiORMAL HEALI.i NO NARCOTrICS-PLEAsANT AS SUGa A Friend in Need Whether your income is from farm or fac- tory; whether you handie the. plough or the. pen; whether you work i office or itiie open flelds, you need the. protection of sound, dependable insurance. LInsurance after a loss is a friend in eed. But don't wait until after a fire or other misfortune. Se. this agency of the. Hartford Fire Insurance C. to-day. It may save you heavy los& tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. F. Bownanville Phone 64 Paint up and Clean up This Means the Little Old Red Schooi House, Too Now is the time to do that Paint Job on the school-house and get it ail fixed up during the hoiidays. Let us give you an estimate on what it xiii cost. We guarantee our materiai and labor to give the best satisfact- GEO. PRITCHARD PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 4CD Bowmanville The old guide knows dhat careleas hwters caasq mny ftorestfires reajl hngithe destumctimof m ceft hunting grounds as well as valu"N timber. The good hunter Ls careful wsth fro km the woods. e lmUd b S*e0,L Good Health So Cheap And So Plea8ant To Take SHREDDED PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1929