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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1929 PAGE THREE Bus Direct To Ex hiïbitio n TRAVEL THE MOTOR WAY COMFORTABLE UP-TO-DATE BUSSES -GOING 'DAILY- No need to worry about Parking Cars, Crowding for Street Cars and Tickets, as this Bus takes you right on the Grounds. SAug. 23rd to Sept. 7th (Daylight Saving Time) LEAVES BOWMANVILLE AT 8 a. m. Bus stays on grounds Ieaving at 10.30 p. m. RETURN FARE $2.00 Patrons using our Busses may leave their cars in garage at Bowmanville free of charge. For information phone: Bowmanville 412 or 346; Oshawa 2283. T. A. GARTON, Proprietor. GYPROC 1Make'9 Old Homes Youngr By nailing the smootb, rigid, fireproof Gyproc sheets righc over the faded walls and ceilings and chen decorating, you can make the oldest home look new and handsome.20 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - BowmanviIle, Ont.-] Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 King St. E. Bowmanviite IS LOCAL DEALER FOR 1Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oil Marathon Gasoline ALL MiGfITY GOOD McColI-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Energency Road Service LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Tiiese are busy days for farmers for harvest is en in earnest. Mrs. Catharine Cullen, Newcastle, is guest of Acton, Ont., f riends. h Are you igetting aeoue exhibits ready for .Bowmnanville FaIl Fair? Yes, Bowin=anvzllians feit the earthquake at 7.25 Monday, Aug. 12. Rôomi at the top can be reached i M anufacturer's only by steady push, pluck and in- TUSAFIA N dustry. TUSAFIA N Mr. L. H. Cooke, B.S.C., has been re-engaged as principal of Stirling Dring tisi Certificate and High School. Mr. W. Len Elliott bas built a fineMaOd rsn gaaeand apyproach at his residence aill OrddetPrtîe on Centre Street. for Postage give j You have One to lean upon Who m arigNarcist neyer fails His own. His grace willI Powder-iworld's most elquisite face Po supply your need. Please sIgn yoorr nand address en the back of th An Otaro Shoo Boad averis-asking. Reniember, only 3 git sets to cacb rustomer a ing for a teacher holding first-classTRSOF certificate pref erred, salary $900! O ietFo Quakes are unusual in Canada tandFRNEJ I the slight crie Au.g. 12th inakes us Poe7 wih any that shake us inay always be slight. Brooklin Creamery waa destroyed by fire on Saturday afternoon dur- ing the severe electrical Storm. Loss estimated at $15,000. ________________ A vast difference exista between wishing and winning,-many fo]ki COLIRTICE LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS flaîl because their wishbone is where ____ their backbone should be. Junior Roons Bowmanville High School Frequent of late over tIli Namnes in order of menit: district have helped field and garden Cricaehvebnreiedf, vegtables, corn, fruit and pastures as Jr. II to Sr. Ii[-Frances eynolds, testificts whavce eenevewor, well as makin.g Fali plowing easier. ofga culogFedAas,, Forrn I or Form Il in the follow- Gooddea me aresuc a ineMargaret Gravalle, Ruth Nîchols, ing subjects: Goo clan en re ucha fneErnest Gearing, Dorothy Snudden, rts itrg egahAt asset to any community and it seeins1 George Edwards, Lor~raine Antil, Roy 1 Ariuture Histîy Geoay, Aetn bard for us to understand why use-ISpratt, T heda Taylor, Bernice Coch- Agrcture JohnAllanAodma, et fui, good young men are taken frcmirane, Sandy Muir, Heninan Allin AhoJh lnt odn rn their fainilies and friends. Doris Wilkins, Alex KooakRs ilaBon Elsie Carruthers, Char- Ini a letter to the editor, dated Ko eQad rcimnopaki,-E-thj le aker, Phyllis Challis, Laura Aug. lSth, Mr. D. Nicholson, Dunn-1 Walter and Raymond Balson (absent Davey, Ruth Hayman, Elizabeth ville, a former choir director andon account of illness). Henderson, Ethel Henderson, Lorna organist in Trinity United Church,! Htoi-atoE d er , Gordon Jollow, Violet Mc- sena egads to Bowatile Gee Bace Ewars, Abr etr, Howard McLaughlin, Beasie frend ears.o Bwm i G ,0Blnh Taylor, Frederick Martin, Christa Olsen, Elsie Saimis, friends. Varcoe, Ethel Wilkins, Thomas Bar- Marlon Siemon, Helen Smale, Doro-ý Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Greenaway,lber, Walter Staples; recommended thy-Somerscales, Dorothy Stevens,' Po)rt Hope, announce the engage-1-Gladys Welsh (absent for examl- Elinor Sykes, Madeline Veale. ment of their second eldest daugh-, inations). British History, GeograPhy, Agri- ter, Dorothy Evelyn, to Robert G. Sr. Pr. to I-Mary Rizneck, Char- culture I :-N-ora Adamts, Edward Melville, onlv son of Mr. and Mis. les Edwards, Carl Green, Carl Ad- Bagneil, Aleck Birks, David Both- Robert Melville, Cobourg, Ont., the;anis; recommended-Percy Walters. well, Winona Caverly, Elford Cox,, marriage to take place in September. 1 Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Mary Kono- Gordon Flaxman, Jack HallJack Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey, Brook- packi, Pauline Anti!, Myrtle Scorgie, Jenninga, Clarence Oke, Garne Rick- lin. announce the engagement of.James Snudden, Betty McCullough; aid, Betty Snowden, Orville Souch, their third daughter, Laura recommended-Percy Nichols, Henry Hazel Walter, Howard Wight, Don- leen. to Robert R. Richardson, sonI Edwards, Wilfred Edwarda (absent ald Williams. cf Mrs. W. H. Elms and the late for examnlations). 'British History, Geography, Art- Norman C. Richardson, Whitby, the Beginnm ers Jr. Pr.-Rex Tooley, Maurice Booth, Walter Cole, Mai- marriage to take place early in Sep- Jean West, John R3zneck, Allan garet Colville, Edward Fla.xman, Te enggmnti noucdo Trevail, Douglas Brock. Helen McDonald, Edward Richards, Th eggeet s noued fSenior Roons Marie Staîker. Ella Irene Carruthers, daughter of Namnes in order of menit: British History, Art, Agriculture - the late George A. Carruthers and Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Passed---Sadie I:--Jean Purdy, Roy Neads. Mis. Carruthers, Cobourg, and Char- Allun, Talbert Gearing, Hen.ry IIow- Geography, Art, Agriculture I- les Cameron Piiilp, son of F. A. Phi'lp ard, Eldon Essery, Florence Wilkins; Bores Murdoif, Alex Crombie. and the late Mra. Philp of Coîborne, Reconuended-Bruce Muir. the marriage to take place quîetly Sr. IiU to Jr. IV-Passed-Elsie Bri.tish Hîstory, Geogaphy-Rose f in Septemiber. Oke, Lillian Spratt, Rosas aIson, I- Bate, Leon Gunn, Florence Hewston, Mr. John E. Sheridan, Toronto, an vin McCullough, Rosenta Edgar, Aud- Yvonne Tighe, G race Welsh, Alan Oshawa old boy, writes us August rey Trevail; Recomnmended-Elsie Williamns. 4th front (Belfast, Ireland, sending Brock, William Antil, Florence- Geogiaphy, Agriculture I :-Ernest several beautiful views. He is viit- Courtice (absent but reoommende<i Hert), Albert Culley, Lewis Rundle. ing England, Jreland, Scotland, on year's work. British History, Ait :-Douglaa Wales and France. Left h«ome June Jr. iLII to Si. hI-Raymond Bar- Courtice. 13, and expect.s to retuin about Oct. ber, Edith Allin, Ella Baldwin, Leslie British History, Agriculture 1:.-! 1. Thanks, John.f Kinsman, June Walter, Rattie Saud.. Bertha Kellar, Russell Smith. den, Frank Gravalle (<recomnmended Geography--Bloss Campbell, Rob- TRAVEL LUXURY SUpREME ON on Oshawia report). ont Finnigan, Lawrene Williaîms. THE INTENATINAL lMI Sr. Il 1!to Jr. I[lHoniour&a-Gjad_ Agriculture 1: - Ivan Leighton,' THE«ITENAIOAL____ 'ysReynolds; Passed-Edith F-sey Kari Smiîth, Jack Weokes. From the Observation. with lie Vait. odnBlo Mrae dams, British Hsoy aodGibbs. Glass encioeed Sunrooni. through the~ Margaret Gay; Pecomnmended.- Ells rnnaPyiarpy splendid Club-Lounge. witb itisSodas Lorraine Green, Jean Gay, Elsie AiUmetîc, Agriculture Ul-Marion F'lountain and Radio; thirough the Corn- tpesniiOwadAdroCaaAh partmient-Di-awing Boom, ,Standard 1Sehno.Aln sadAdroCaaAh Sleeping Cars, Dlning Cars and Da I B.O. Young, Alice. M. Arnold, lee, Marion Battle, Leah Bell, Rota Coaches, the art of the interior decor ê,,eacheoîa Billott, Charlie Clemence, Stanley - ator bas been added to the car builder' -' Co'wling, Betty Flaxman, iPva Foloy, s kill n the new equipoient now beingi ni adnr rne ave operated on the "INTERNATIONAL Ani GadeFrcsHri, LIMITED," between Montreal and Chi -~ ~ Norah Hayward, Alice Jackinan, Je.- cago. Equipment and service tbat pro - Notice to CreditLfrs i noAl son, arc v ides the. utmost n refinement, esseeai nxAanOorMure and gratification n ail departments con- Rose ie Stainton, Tholma tinuously throughout the journey. Al Persons baving dlaims against the Wny Annie Wilkins, Kenneth Whetbher business or pleasure malien estate of Gould Nash Thurston, laie of oo t necessary for you to travel to Mon - tbe Town of Bownianville, Furrier, de- od treai or to Chicago, why- not try Ibis ceased, who died on or about the aeiai English Grammar, Physiography, latest n travel luxury-tbe "INTERNA- day 0of .uly 1929 are required to forwardI Agriculture IJ--Gordon Adards, Js- TIONAL LIMITED' lestves Toronto for full particulars off same to the un deri A Montreal every morning at q.00 a. m. signed on or before the 3râ day of Sep- eph Aexander, William Gray, Veral (standard tirne). and for Chicago ,very! tember, 1929, af er which date the es- Shackleton. cvening at 6.0e) p. m. (standard tine>. tate wIl be distributed having referene Egish Grammar, Agriculture II Fui! Information and reservatlons from only to tbe daims then fiued. Cle Eg any Canisdian National Railways Agent. Dated at Toronto tbe Firet day of --Joseph Barton, Marjonie Rowe. 34-1l August 3919, .Pbysiography, Arithinetic, Agi- _________ ______ I HAROLD GOULD THURSTON, culture Il-Maîjorie Bradt, Stanley, __________ IGould Nash Thurston. Dunn, Dvelyn Goddard, Newton IROGERS AND ROWLAND, Solictorst Hackney, Bradley Honeymian, Lilian 4 Richmond Street East,Jesn Abt 32-2 Toronto. ebci,,Abr Rundle, Minetta Shortnidge, Ruth Tuerk, George Weekes. Arithmetic - Marguerite Aiun- PUBLIC NOTICE IER 6.00 TO 10.00 A DAY strong, Gladys Jamieson. To ail persons having registered WrAj A it ÏPh. -!nculture il-Etelka Trimble. igBeauty Cultueor pt m English Granitar, Physiography-.. dlaims, or dlaimas of wkich no notice pn. Writ oroelfrietludi.,,,,, Oliver Bradt. bas besa registered existing ps'iooe t:DMNO WS Egis frmmr Arthetc1. June lat, 1890, agrainst lands in any prmelpovnsmnfser ...Cos t May Freeman. Registry Division in Ontario.____ -- ___ English Gramntar, Agriculture n Whereas "The Investigation of Tities -arinLylo. Act, 1929" enadîs inter ala,- Pysorh, Agriculture Il- 3(1î-F'romn and after the comnlng into KnehMth 1 byMthlBt force orf this sub-section, no pacson in KnehMthlByMthlSt dealing wth land shahi be required t0 ty Morris. show Aat he las awfuily entitîrd 10 such owner thereof througb a good And sufficient chnin o! title, avaýpnd e - O0010 4, immedatelyprècedi-ng the date0'f suùcbh dealing as aforesaid. and no claim which has- been n existence longer thon the said forty year perlod shaîl affect sucb land, unless sucb dlaim shall have bééen acknowledged or Biaecifiially referred te or contain-d n an Instrument regIstered against such land within te s:ùld forty year period or unless a notice As regist- ered againat such land as provided n subsections 3, 4 and 5 hereof. 3(2)-Stibsection 1 shall corne nto force on the lot day off June, 1930. 3(3)-Upon the coming lnt force of this Act and withln one year thereafter, any person having a dlaim against any land, wbich dlaim has ben n existence for forty years or more prior to the comm g Into force of Ibis Act, but n rospec te10wbicb dlaim no notice 0f t. existence bas been given, aisknowledgedl, or speciiicaily referrted te or contztned n an instrument registered against such land within forty yesrs prior te the cota- Ing Into force off this Act. or any person on his behaîf may regster n the proper registry office a notice n whicb shall be set forth the claimants fui! name a.nd addre8s and a description otf the land andi a detalIîr statem,-nt of such dlaim. yern. fle<l by te attiflavit of the pèrson régisi- ering sncb notice. 3(6)-Tbe registralon of a notice as [provided n subsections 3, 4 nnd 5 aoi not n any way validate a dlaimn whicn bas otherwlse expire,!. THEREFORE TAKE NOTICE thet nny rrrson havng a dlaim against any land as above set forth must reýgist,-r notice thervof n the proper reglstry office before June lot, 1930. If titis As not cloné, -'cept ,in(ir certain conditions, (ben any land which las subject Io such laim se regIstcred prier to June lot, 1890, or any dlaim existing prier te June lot, 1890, of wbich no notie bas been r,-istere, shahl be aibsoiutely freed a.nd rlenesed therefrota. PATED t aT~oronto tbis lth day of AtîgusRt. A. D. 1929. r ATTORNEY GENERALS DEPT. Parliantent Buildings,1 34-1 Toronto, Ont.! if you cannot nurse hlm tut oEale Brand, the leadng infant food aimoe I EAGLE BRAN-ID J. HERMON Buys Poultry and Wool at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Addrees: 274 Augusta Ave., Torojito. 32-5 William Chambes-., Caanbray Death has again iemoved one of Fenelon's oldest and most reapected residents in the poison of Mr. Wil- liam Chanmbers, wbo passed peace- fully away on Sunday, July 28tb, 1929, at tbe age of 77 years. The funeral was helà on Tuesday, front hi, late residence to St. Paul's United Cburcb, Cainbray, for soi- vices thence to Eden Cemetery for intentent, and was largely attonded. The deceased waa a life long faithful member of the Church and an active worker on the Official Board. The late Mi. Chambers was twice marnied, hi, firat mwife being Miss Mary Ann Colwell of B'owmanville. To this union wene bontbree sons, Thomas, of Valentia, William, of -Minto, Manitoba, and George, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. His second wife Nvas Miss Margaret Murray, Ux-1 bridge, w-ho survives him. To this union were bon five sons and pwo daughters. He is also survived by thirteen grand..children, as well as four brothers and four sisters. Deceased is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Geo. Gilbert and Mrs. Chas. Richards, Bowmanville. The Canadian National Exhibition 2,000 voice chorus will give four con- certs again this year. 1,500 perft>rmers take part in the jCanadian National Exbibition pag- eant. Red Rô-se Tea côrn-es diréct fo us from the fin-est te« gardens, then straight to your grocer -brirnful of flavor and freshness. Every package guaranteed-70 RtED ROSE T EAis dood-tea" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOEF, lexrtra good 's ( -fl~ FIRE AVD WEATINER Put il on wth PRE3STON LHD-HBD NAILS <dabso,.> Specially adapted for use in putting onmawa roofing. The lead on the. head positively semis the. nail hol. - making t weather- tight and water-proof. No washers; no more "threadlnu". S2eperlh. Fré. &ample on r.- Prevent Spontaneous Combustion and have a Weli Ventilated Barni Wam mlt air in an Amproperly ventila ted barn produces rodtin onducive to apontaneos i gnition Preston VentA. latore for the roof adjustabla side.wafl wsndown and apîclous doors protert tiie barn rn i re dangers by ketang the. air in constant ciruation. They are bouit to seep th.e 0 mOnta out. Write foc 12 ~ful partiuiars.à WMW Barni Door Tracks and Hanger = Preston hot-galvanized four-viiesi Rangers and bfrdproof Barn Door Track are the. haut hardware made for heavy barn doors. m m The Hanger As adjustable up and down. and An andi out. This makes erection au easy that hundrads of builders wiUl use no lm other type. PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARNS -the, stroogest barn on the. market. Tlere arermorelPrestonBeaAin tii Province than ail cther metal barns combinsti. Pireroof roomy. welI. ventiated, handeomie. To our knowlsdge, no Prenton 1 alrrss Bain han ever been destroy.d by lightning or spontaneoua combustion. Write today for aur bis Barn Éook. Over 1,000 in Osearo-Not on* lost tisrougblilghtuna Rib-RoU Glvanized roofung shields property fromn lightning and fire. Wooden roofs are easy prey. In 1927 lnl Ontario alons, $1,814,700 worth of property waa deatroyed by fte caused b y spontaneous combustion and byemberu faX! mng on inflammagble roofs. Bib-LoU i. abso- lutely fire-proof and wate-" ht It protecta your coe from dampnssu tht is conducive ta spontaneous ignition. Handsime; perman- ent; easy ta lay on any roof Han seven rib. ta nail; othera give les. aecurity and buildings. Write for a free aample pfh- ee-mlC-N 'Guelph Street TroaNTo PRESTON, ONTARIO moNTRHAL Do.. el THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1929 PAGE THREZ -1ýý-'ý- -- -Yi -Il.

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