The Elite Shoe Store SUMMER FOOTWEA1R MUST GO To make room for new Fali Gooda Therefore we are offering many extra good values Thursday, Friday' and Saturday Women 's Colored Slippers, one strap, To Clear $3.95 Patent One-Strap, covered heels, every pair made to seil at $4.50 or more ..........To Clear $3.45 Patent Pumjys, with large buekie, To Clear $2.95 Patent Tie Patterns, regular $5.00, To Clear $3.95 For ladies who prefer high heels and can wear sizes 31/.,, 4 or 41., we have some extra values in Kid and Patent Pumps and Strap Patterns, To Clear $4.95 Men's sample Oxfords, shoes made to retail at $7.00 to $7.50 pair, sizes 7, 71/:2 and 8 in the lot, SHOES THAT SATISFY T la 54 W. C. IVES, Manager Harry Allin's Grocery Store Features Quality and Service Victor' Queen Olives, plain, 32 oz. bottie ................. 25c Bodley's Chuice Caikes .,............... 15c, 25c and 30c vach Black Tea, cur speciai bicnd, tmy i. once and you'Il become a reguifir culcnier .... 59c lb. FARM PRODUCE WANTED We are alw-ays glad to buy ftîrm produce and pay outside marke-t prices. PICKLING-SEASON HELPS Cuciimbt,'rs. Tonatoes, Onions, Caulifiowem, Cabb.ages, Peppers. Beets, etc., Spices, Geins, vunegar. The quality of our Vinegar is unexcei]ed. Ask to see 3- yea-old jar of pickles. MEATS IN REFRIGERATOR Buy meats wit.h safety here. Our co'ked and cured neats are al kept in refrigerator. FOR SÈPTEMBER BRIDES There's the bridai bouquçt, floral decorations, etc., which we can euppiy to your satisfaction and at reasonabie prîces. REALLY WHY WORRY? Why bother about carrying home the groceries when we deliver right to your kitc.hen table witbout extra cost. FISH FOR FRIDAY We bave a variety of fish to suit your taste. HARRY ALLIN, Orocer P140NE 186 BOVMA?4VILLE Well Recommended We are .certainly indebted to many of our customers for recommending ourMHgh Loaf and also Buttermnilk Bread to their fxiends. It is in- deed gratifying to know the popularity and satis- faction our wholesome nourishing bread is giving. With such keen competition, the pyreference is for Corbett's Bread. See our windows for Cakes and Pastry. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono NEW FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS It's not too early to look around and see what the new Faîl styles are going to be in Men's Wear. We have received our first con- signment of Men's and Boys' Faîl Suits and Over- coats which we invite you to inspect. We know you'1l like them. T, B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville THE GÀNA.DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1929 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Lost or Found Miss Greta Sleinon, Toronto, is Mrs. John Allun. King et. Fast, bas I LOST-32 x 6 Goodyear Truck Tire on holidaying with friends here. been visititxg friends ln Peterboro. steel wheel. Finder please leave at Tte Mrs W.H. halers Kigatn, Mrs. (1ev.) J, H. Okc, Toronto, spent Statesrran Offce. Reward. 34-1 Mrs.W. H Chamer, Kigsto, 1the weekend at bier brothers, Mr. R. E. is visiting Mrs. A. E. McCready. Osborne. - Mr. and ?.rs. Harold Meath, New York Mi. and Mrs. Harold Gilapenti Çlty, wtre in town lest week calîîng on Articles For Sale Sunday with ber parents et Coiborne. friends. Mr. Byron Hyland, Nestieton.1 Mr. Norman and Miss Clara Harvey, MORSES FOR SALE-6 work hormes. sen th weken wih fiens ~Toronto, spent sundaywth their Par- Apply in rear of 539 King St. E., Osh- epn h ekn wt red n nt.9, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harvey. awa. 3- towf. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher Staples, Eliz- - Miss Ethel Hoar has returnied abeth and Joan, Toronto, are holidaying FOR SALE---lassic Kitchen Cabinet. fron aplasat oliay n uakkawith bier mother, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mrs. H. Jamieson, 35 COaMele Ave., Bow- dirit.a Msn hldyi Msoa lr. Cifford Bragg, Pontiac, Mic1h., and manville. Phone 261. 34-1 called on hie uncle and aunt,t,àr. O SL-A modern equipped hien Miss Margaret Colville i* visiting and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, while enrout to O SALEI y32ftblt esta isMonireal. bue 6f.b 2f. ul esta her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Underwood, Mr. and Mme. A. J. Wadhams ueyas g;as ere .Pofneh 341 Markhani. Balmoral Hotel have been enjoying a34 Miss Louise Cole is holidaying trii. to Montreal, Quebec and other HaBt- GOOCART FOR SALE--One Uoyd wih erautMs.Wî. idn,, ceri cities. areed fibre go-cartln fli*st clams condition, withheraun, Ms. im.Ridng, Mss Marion Warder has secune-da cheap. Mme. J. H. Johnston, Hersey St., Oshawa. certificate as Supervisor of Physical Cul-, Bowrnanville. Phone 299J. 34-1 turc, from the Teachers' Sumnmerj- Miss Grace Saunders, Lindsay, 13 Course in Toronto. 1 AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coups visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Geo. Webster, Mrs. D. J. Chambers assisted the Unit-1 1927, ln excellent runnlng order, recently Elgin St. ed Church Choir at Port Hope Sunday cverhauled, aIl new tires thtis year. A morning with a vocal selection rendcred ra bargain for cjulck sale. Apply Mis& Ruby Hobbs s holidaying in lier ustial fine volce. Stuart R aeBwavle Phone with ber uncle, Mr. Fred Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frankln and Mr.. 3041f Peterboro. land M m. F. A. Franklin, Pontiac, M'i FO AL Scndhnd Dern Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, ISpenAtr cknd with their.cHusins, Corn Binder; DeLaval 3-h Engine; fit- be boheM hrough ts. W. agnroy. o M.perilIJunior Gang Plow; these machines Marys, are visiting the ibeal eneosiy o Mr. are in good working shape; aiso a fes' M. J. Wight. and me. Neil Yellowlees, Centre St., thelcheap Cultivators. Apply to S. J. Hen- renior editor has bcen greatly enjoying ry, Massey-Harris Agent, Bowmanville. Miss Winnifred. Varcoe of P.ostlzan abundant supply of fine harvtst ap-I Phone 232 or 13. Office Staff is holidaying with ber l'Ies for momte weeks. 1 __________ _____ sistr i Tornto dn. Crawford of Detroit, Mich., whoj AUTO FOR SALE-Buick 5-passenger, sistr inToroto.bas iwcn enloying a visit with 11ev. and touring, 1925 model, 6 cylinder, mileage Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pingle have Mrs. J. F. Chapman, at I3owmnanvlie-on-iless than 17,000, ln good repair, always bee viitng her sn, r.Hary hc,-L;k,blas returned home, accompan- driven by private owner, upholstering in beenvisiing heirsonMr. aryled by hier niece, Miss Marion Warder. perfect condition, a genuine bargain at Pingle, in Windsor. Mîr .1.1.Sih h iseeî . $350, for quick sale. Apply Dustansa Mr. and Mrs. E. Guy of Toronto eral wceks at Fi'nelon Falls and vinity, Cash Hardware or A. Mitchell, Bownian- Mr.returned homc to I3owmanvillc on Tue-vile 32-tf were recent guests of Mr. and M.da y. Hc was accompanied l'y Mr. and FO SAEPao nd pyeVc David Keitb. 2drs. F. Taylor wlio sîcnt -e.trailtiaysitFORlPapLrEleic R ang ae, Flower Dr. and Mrs. James Colville, Har- jir.Stands, NeNw Kitchen Linoleum Mat, wic, hve eenvistin bi siter ~~At the Oslîawa Rotary ('lub îîcnic hcld Cheat of Drawers, Brass Double Bed, wich hav ben viitin hi, siternt anmpton Park on Aug. 111,, Ho%%-Dseec pl oQ nS. p Mrs. R. Colvilie. manlei1li. Rotary (Cliiwon ilIet' ug-of-I pos1it giC. Appl to Quen t, I opa- Mises . K SithandB. te- tar 1ndweýre runners-up in the soft ville, Ont., or Miss Violet MeMillan, bail totrnam,'ni, buing lmîîîati ,Y "V;ctoria Apts." Oshawa. 33-2 man are enjoying two weeks' outingi Oshawa Kinsnîan's Club._________________ at Lake Sinicue. 1 1ownianville Tennis Club took five of FOR SALE-ilîrse, Young cow single '11,, s e vneisfroin Port Ihope Club ,azon bh'egy, l-ri eand saldillý,, i pair Mýiss Ruth Arnmstrong hias return- 'ntrrnamnini laycd on local courts*di n l ge 5i tnwlmesl cdtoGrceHopial, Torontowhre__uî, aî,roo. Tu tiairsw 1c16 (t., fnilious for 32 ft. slio. 2 1-fl. rlrts cnt e-tai ncd al- h omne oflalders, 1 24 -ft. ladii ir, î'low, stonc boat, she is in training. 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, Lote St. Irags, culivator, 25-gail. drum, wtîqeel-i Mr'. R. H. Armstrong visited bi-s' W,-. o r, dlighlcd 10 recc.-tv, a caîl on i -rrowi. 12 corîis of sic, c Wood , ioîasuî] ssesin Hamilton and Winona .S:" ]tira fromRn 1.v. E1. F. Cli trch, liastori k L- i ii, ce oh-s ov,, (Li ah i r day). bu faloi sîsters ti~~f Ziaii1'itlureli 2dlonse .aîv, Sask. Mr ioi .- ibier a, ,.Isîah si:în'is, rthe~r o ver the w-e kend. 'irhandiifaimi lyv tv- b.-n ona i ol rs'lIar -.S. S Chan'tî, Lot 7 o Mm.andMm. J Dikison Sa trip to S'iih iFille and ut in, -îîicofr, arîi oH .1 I iuînîîtoîî. loe Mr. and ~~ ~Mrs. JDiknoSn1M,'A. W'. lellamiy c.îll'îi on lier lîro- (iOshawaî 165,2,3.13- -Francisco, Cal, recently visited at tirMr. .1. il,(r 1,r an,1titi ii-du- IDr. R. Coix-ilie 's, Liberty St. i iii cf liThe ai sî N lr.' b o relî Watch for New Rogers Radios. - ~5sea magnelie perscnaltty and - Mrs. A. Colvîlle visited ber cous-i spiri of oiîtirnieiî eliurateritic of We'st-: mes, Mrs. Thos. Cowan, and the' rnurs W-icb also bubblcs ov-r Nitli gen-' Ra saeFrSl in h1unior aî in( akes oný- fuel hetter R a saeFrSl Misses Colville of Orono. for lîiviitg gill. Ilhi., lani andi bien in _ Mrs W.C. asingon ac e-hie lires, nei.. cant imagine any- HOUSES FOR SALE-Two new brickl Mr.W.C Wsintn a or-n com :o dcci, in Zion I'btrcb îvhen ronî.n. e ii.on Giorge St., and one turned froni six weeks' visit wt .MIr. C(riliurelt is lireaching. 'Thaiiks. Mrs. 'on ' rtiîi v-Alenvnece.Br friends in Eastern Ontario. jllaifor baving Your pasior cajl. gain forii Alonrm,,. ie.. BAp- Mr. nd rs. . F DoweyPeter-i Editor M. A. James and Mr. and Ž,Irs. ply to .1. F. Flett, Centre St., Bowmnan- Mr. . . Dwny, Geo W.Janmes bail lte plasure on Sat- 1výiii,. Phone' 384. 17-tf boro, and Miss Mary Smith, Whitby, 1 urda.y aft,,rncon of entertainîrtg Mml. andi!- called on their niece, Mrs. E. V.Â)îrs. Go. T. Smith and daugliter, 'Miss HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-Brick, Hoar onSunay..1Wnnifrcil Smith, of Chili, South Amner- residence on Ontario and Wellington St.,i Hoar onSunay.ici,, 10 a motor trip Ibrougli the central witlî ail modemn conveniences; also Do- Mr. Walter Cooper, Weilwood,.part of Dtîrlington. A brief call was minion piano andl household furniture; is isiingreltivs hre.Hematie aI Elliott Memorial Park, Hamp-1 garage and garden. Apply on premises iMan., svstn iltvshr.H ton, wherc the visitors had the lleasure1 to W. B. Tapson, Bowmanville. Phone h as been attending the funeral of his of meeting Mrs. C. J. Kerslaki-, one of 314. 33-tf 1bohrat Barrie. the of this Popular anîl beautiful - bohrrendezvous for picnickers. Next tbey i HOUSES FOR SALE-Brick resi- Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore and Miss l'isiteel Mr. Frank Orchard's farm wherei dence un Wellington Street; fmme Mr. miiî w'as born. Calîs ivere alsolresidence and brick residence o Evelyn Moore, Brookiin, were gtlests made o.n Mr. J. J. Smith, a sebhool nmat( Scugog St. Modern convenlences 1nal of Mrs. A. E. McCready and Mrs. J. at Bakers Scitool, biick in the 70%, and Easy ternis. Apply 10 Win. Brok Flmngo Siay r. Fred Smith, a cousin. The Smitils Bowmanville. Phone 114. 3- Flemng o Sunay.are now in Toronto and expeol 10 leave Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hughson and for F'nglanîl eariy in October. 1 FARM FOR SALE-200 acre fari son Toont, hvebeen hoiidaying. Watch for New Rogers Radios. 'beautifully situated on Provincial H1gh- son, ToAontoAhave i way -wlîb -fine vlew of Lake Ontv0'. et Mrs Alex. Iayior's and witb other friends here and at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Amoes Bond, Roland, Man., visited a nunber of Bocvman- ville and Dariington friends this week. Tbey motored froin honme. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison and Mr. and Mme. T. W. Cawker are tek- ing a week's boat trip froin Toronto on Lake Ontario, down the St Law- rence and up the Saguenay River. Misa Helen Argue, wbo is visiting friends in Kincardine, sang a solol last Sunday evening in Knox Unitedj Chuircb. She will assist Gbahners Choir at Milverton anniversary next Sunday. Next meeting of B.owmanville Women's Institutse wiil be held on Friday, August 3 Oth, in S. 0. E. Hall in charge of group 6. Miss Rey'nolds, Hampton, is expected to given an address on bier trip te Eng- land. Every member attend. Mr. Wieford F. Souch, son of Mrs. F. M. Soucb, Bowmanvilie, wbo ban been witb the Wentwortb Radio, Piano and Auto Supplies Co. in Hijamilton, has been transferred to Montreal as manager of the two new brencb stores opened in that city. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Hamilton of; 234 Heath St. E., Toronto, visitedi ber aunt, Mme Mary L. Wesbington,I at Lorne Villa on Friday on their - return froin a holiday tour to Ot- I [bewa, Quelbec City, Montreal and: other places. They aiso visited the' old Sherin homne on Ontario Street wbile bore. Dear Edit.o:-ln lest week'si Statesnman Editor James wanted to know w.ho could beat 50 years in Bowxanville at one place? I have iived et one place in Bowmanvillo for 60 years at t.he end of Sept. next, coaing to Bowmanviile wben a girl 11 years old. Now, wbo cen beat that? Mrs. Joseph Rogers, <neel Harriet Winters). Watch for New Rogers Radios. BIRTIIS-I QUINN-At KalmRr Villa Rest Home,1 Bowman,'ille, on MondayAuue 9th, 1929. 10 Mr. and Mrs. YRoyalQuinn, ai daughter. MARRIAGES RICE-RAMSAY-At St. Paul's Manse on Wednesday, August 2iat, 1929, by Re, D. W. Beet, D.D., Mtr. Iarry RIce and Florence Marguerite Rarnsay, botix of Bowmanville. MATHSON-BELL-At Whitby, on lWednesday, August 14th 1929, by 11ev. John Lindeay Mr. Frankt T. 'Mathison, Pont naster,6ehaw, and Um Eva M. Belldauciter of the lte Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Whitby. LEE-STAINTON - At Zion Ujnited Clîurch, on Thuraday, August 151h, 1929, by 1ev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, Rosas Bd- "'ard. youngest son o! Mm. and Mme. F. W. Lee, Kedron. and Audrey Doris, eld- est daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staînton, Zion.1 HOLDAWA-HANCOK-At "Lacust' View Flamm," Tuesday, August 201h, by Re-,'. Thos. Wallace, Newîonville, Fred- eick W. Ho]daway, Highland Park, Micb., son of Oeo. Holdaway, Port Hope, and Leta Athea Pearl, daugbter of Mr.1 and Mrs. H. Egerton Hancock, Orono. HUNTER-SQUAIRt--On Monday, Aug- ust 19th, 1929, at Knox College Chapel, Toronto, by the 11ev. Stuart C. Parker Marion Rose, daugbler of Mrs. Sqjuajr and the late Profesaor Squalr, Toronto,I t0 Ha.rold S. Hunter, son of Mrs. Hunt- cm and the laIe David HunIer, of Edin. burgh, Scotland. DEATHS JONES-At Newtonville, on August 141h., 1929, HarrielI Jane Jones. Inter- ment et Newtonville Cemetery. EDDY-In Carke, on Monday, August l9th, 1929, Estella Maud, beloved wlfe o!l Mm. C. M. Eddy, aged 67 yers. MARTIN-In Bowmanvilde Hoopital, Monday, Augusî î9th, 1929, Jose'ph Hen- ry Martin, EnnleklUen aged 66 yearsJ1 [ntermed in Bowmanvilie Cemetery. COPELANO--On Thursday, August 15,1 1929. at hie late residenoe, 87 Dearbourne Avenue, Toronto, 11ev. George& Howard i Copeland, dearly beloved busband o! Hanna Barclay, and father of lMr@. P. B. Richardson. ELLIOTT-AI Edmonton Hospital, o Satumday, August 101h. 1929, Martha Alto Tilley, relict o! the laIe Matbew ElottI o! Mitch-ell, Onrt., ln hem 801h year. Sister o! the ale Dr. W. E. Tlley and aunt o! Mme. J. E. I, Cole, Concession SI., Bowmanville. LOSCOMBE-Passed away aI bis rest-1 ROTARY DISTRICT GOVER 1R3. C., Monday, Aug. 51b, 1929, Chtarles Wintringham Losýcombe, eldest son of VISITS LOCAL CLUB the laIe 1R. R. Loscombe, K.C., o! Bow- _______ ImanilltOniaio. Funeral took place I WenesayAug. 7th, 11ev, C. C. Oweni District Governor Chierles Buchan- officiatîng. an, Toronto, of Rot.ary Internationtali paid bis officiel visît to Bowmenville Rotarylub Fiday. A business sess- Wauted ion was beid et Balmoral Hotel dur- ing the efternoon when satisfactory SILO WANTIED-Ap.;.y lIsaic Hardy, reports were received froni various R1. H. 1, Bowinanviîic. Mtte 167r4. committees. In the evening the Ro 34-1w tarians and Rotary Annes journey- WANTED - nris'd r.... or4 od We Elliott Menioiai Park et Ham- houe,' itanucîl by iperman,înt quliet order- pton where a banquet wes served in Ji.coîxîi.anîiy .W.h' iaîî abundance and feultless style by l ---- ilvle.*4-* the Hampton Women's Institute.BARES ATD President Dave Morrison intro-1 BARFh WNE duced District Governor Buchanan ROOM AND BOARD-For two Young gave a very inteesting and inform- t.'offlu who wili shtire roorni near 111gg ative address on Rotary extension Se hool1. Pione 653.3- eniphasis being given to internation- al service thmougb Rotary auspices OUT WHERE THE WEST BEGINS witb a view to world peace. Rotarian Me]. J. Hutchinson, Tor-, That's Mlnîîki. on the Winnipieg onto, a former Governor of Distric t River îîhere the lakes and pine o! On- toin hgin 10 chaînge' 10 the roiling No. 4, wes preserit and spoke brîefly. Western prai1ries. Minaki Lodge, own- cul anîd operated l'y the Canadien Nat- innal ltailways. 1 s in the heart o! a wil- der'ness o! Inkes and foresîs and anyoné CARD 0F THANKS wlthî tue spiril o! ailventtre will flnd s challenge In the rushing strearns and wihuiwoouh trals thal lenul (romi the Lodgel Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden , mb the unknowîn. Gooih Maskinonge wish to hen t1 and trout flsbing may be had qulle near Maple Grove, Iih t hn h he Lodge. A really fine golf coutrse friends and neighbors of tbeir sister,,and unsurpassed tennis courts are lter. the ateMis Liy Trnouh, or bo1Make Minaki a resting spot on your many kindnesses, floral offerings end:bwestern trip, elîher by train orGra sympatby extended during ber illness: I'eke Stae. Tu Cnde kion- and deeth. woal e cao tell you cverytbing you geiitîy sloping 10 the soulh a;shr istance fmom Newtonvillle Stationlag barn with stone foundation and sibig amaîl brick bouse; plenty o! oedar and hardwood for fuel and fencing; neyer- fallng spring with large pasture run for cows; 60 or 70 acres fine land free from noxious weeds; Ibis farm bas been a 1 money-maker and will be sold at a big bargain 10 close out the estate o!flte late Alfred Dean. For ternis apply to Dr. S. S. Dickinson, Port Hope, Box 186. 32-4w To Let GARAGE TO RENT-Apply te Mrs. A. Hobb , Uberty St., Bowmanville. Phone 561. 34-If ROOMS TO RENT-4 unfurniabed rooms.. .Apply 10 Mrs. Thos. Vanstone King S. Bowmanvllle. 31- HOUSE TO LET-On George iSt., Nw castle, new garage ln connectionc p ply te John Scott, Newcastle, Ont. 33-2' TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Application for Office of Collector of Taxes ,;Seald" applications for the ofiloe of Cohector o! Taxes for year 1929 will bel received by the underslgned up 10 Tues-J day, August 27th, 1929, ai the boum of 7 o'clock p. m. Duties te begin on Qetober let, 1929. W. R. ALLIN Township Cierk. Hampton, Aug. 10, 1929. 33-2 SIGN PAINTING I amn prepared 10 do ail kinds of sign painting, letterIng. strlplng of Cars, ée. Satisfaction guamanteefi. Charles R. Rw,114 Colborne SI. E., Oshawa. Phone 9176W.3-t LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kIcnds o! launlmy work done prompt- saifatriyand aI reasoflable Pricea Ir tite o Mce Box 12. or OUlI Mr@. W. Marjoram, King St. B. Bowmanville. Phone 478W. "BIG 20"' School Supplies See our new lines of: PICTURES PHOTO FRAMES GIFT CHINA and STATIONERY J. W. Jewel BOWMANVILLE PAGE PIVE STAMPED OOODS Just arrived-shipments of new designs in Aprons, Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Centre Pieces, Buffet Sets, Runners, Luncheon Cloths, etc. ALL AT SAVING PRICES TOWEL SPECIAL 6 Dozen White Terry Towels,-a very special purchase-big size, and colomld borders, 25c Each Glass Cloth Special In Red and White Check, only 22 inches wide, worth 25c yard, for .............15C Yard $1.95 Swiss Panels 50 only to be sold at less than the cost of production, 21/4 yards long,..........Only $1.19 Swiss Curtains A real bargain and only a few pairs left- to be cleared at ............................$1.79 Pair Plaid Blankets Our stock is now complete and can offer you all the new designs at big savings, $2.29 to $7.95 NEW FA LL HA TS An advance showing of the newest Paris and New York styles. W. have secur- ed a nice assortment of sample bats that we can vouch for being the very latesti- style--and at prices that wilI surpris. you. Drop in and insper-t them. RENJcUMNANT CLEARANCE Friday every piece goes at HALF PRICE If it is now.marked a dollar you get it for -5c-so corne early. Htundreds to choose frorn. NELSON'S STORE walk a block arnd save a lot We Guard Your Health Do you wash your bottles dlean enough to have your milk returned in them without prioper sterilizing at the dairy? If you do, have you any guarantee that out of over 500 bottles handled daily yours will be returned to you? Then it is essential that every bottie be properly washed and. sterilized at the davy. R. R. Stevens & Son PHONES: Offae. 408; House 1753 BOWMAN VILLIE UELPJNG TUE COOK The family is some times thoughtless and expeets the cook to be everlastingly baking over a hot stove. Why not suggest that you lighten her duties occasionally by filling the menu from our large variety of cakes, buns and pastry? Try it to-day. The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE Phone 200 10 Phone 61 I - I