THE CANADI.AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR5DAY,. AUGUST 22ad, 1929 PAGE SE YEN f e' POPULAR HARDWARE STORE BOW4MAN VILLE PHONE 145 STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Buildin-g Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calsa At Our Expense The 'Roya atik Thouansofdolrshvebenvan or alB dly apent ulpon reniedies fior athana sd aeldom, if over, wt n eif 39Uof C a ad Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Atm âe so little that it la within reach of &U. Bowmanvile Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Maae It la the natilonal reniedy for sathua. far removed trom thse lam of d&>ut- 1"9 fui and exprtrmatai proepartlas. Your dealer can supply it. (*le WE KNOW OUR MEATS Because we buy "on the hoof" direct from the farmers. We also make it a point to always buy from the best known live stock breeders in the county. We are therefore enabled to recommend with confidence and assurance to our customers that the meat we seli is young, healthy and of the best quality. We have supplied the people of Bowman- ville with meats for over 70 years and they know "Cawker's Meats Are the Best." C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville 011 Stoves Clearing At Big Reductions Step quickly as we oniy have a imited number to clear. MASO N & DALE TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST Istone hedges, somewhat like the t _______ Ibouses in England. We finally ended up in Stanley Number 3 Park, wh'ch 1 think must be the best y0t. There is a 6-mile drive nearly On Mn~1a e.on :g, JIy lt~. ai nd i oke ol 1paved, B t On Mnda evn.n, J l 'land natural growth We t NIMr. and Mrs. Jacksun, neC n on-whr hr a Pen Li' Da:r.g on, xe u- ooe.onr.vecthr a hoe :Vanccuver in thc.r finecr a high tiiuse. away up froin lie water and drove us through some of the on a b"autiful green grass slope wîth residential sections of the city. Weistones piaced ail around it. They saw more flowerà la gardeas than we C311i'f Prospect Point. They have a had seen on oui trip out. The stone monument here, erected ln dentil part. We were on one street July 26th, 1888. This steamer wasjo which Mr. Jackson told me wsas bush built for the Hudson Bay Contpany,l three or four years ago and aow at Bla ckwell, England, la 1835, and there are residences worth from sailed for this coast immediately. $5,000 to $9,000 with beautiful t was the pioneer steamer of the f ronts. The growth must be some- Pacifie Ocean. thing wonderrur.1 We took a walk on one of theNe rfo They lso roveus to Mxs. Philip roads in the Park just to see the im- e rfo Tyler'.s place ad~ we had a real mense size of the trees. We meas- ns h friendly visit as Mrs. Tyler was se ured some of them. There was one es w glad te meet sonie folks from her old cedar tree we measured about 4 feet *i homne t.ownship, Darlingtoa, Mrs. from the ground and it was 50 feet in a bad !Tyler i in her 82nd year but looks arOyufd, and one spruce tree that was more like 68. So the west la the 22%A feet around. We saw one lal- mean sci climate!len tree with twenty-seven other travellin trees growing up on it; some of them OIC In the iornng, our Snoa e ng wo kabe abo t 00 fee h gh companion, Mr'Ths.SnoIensawl be aotre0 e tt iuldbe came up White Rock and we hn1saateta wude3 got on the boat, Princess Marguerite, or 4 feet through, at 100 feet u .If Vou ar, She la a fine large boat with three fBakeh, lea' deeks, 365 ft. long with a 60 ft. Well, alter a beautiful afternoon8,& ,la beam. We had a aice voyage across sperit with Rev. and Mirs. Frank, whicb took just four hours. We sightse eing, we came back to the and traffl stoppe'd at the Strathcona Hotel in Place Of eats. 1-t was at the Cen- Victoria and looked Up Mr. D. Hock- tral Cafe, where we lived iost ofLe u ai ley, who came from Bom-manville. the time we were in Vancouver. 1Ie sa H1e came to our rooms and mehdarust tell people to visit it when go- two hour visit with him. î ng west. Most of us had a chieken We took the sight-seeing bus in supper with pie and whipped creani the forenoon and went out te the for dessert. Butchart's Gardens which are about Alter having an hour together ati twele mlesfrom Vicori onthe table, we started on foot for the twelve mes from icto riat t-station, accompanied by Mr. and traction for tourists from a"l Parts bye Fantok the trainfornEdmon-1 of the world. These gardens are be undtote f traser EPark open to visitors by courtesy o teton butsopdofa aprPr ofteover night. We found it a pretty proprietor, 'Mr. R. P. Butchart. TheyncpaeVospat Wegtp are a marvellous floral display on l16 ierl a a k ast andour- acres of grounds and in a sunken neyed on te Edmonton, arriviag garden la a disused old cernent quar- there 3.20 in the afternoon. We ry. Mr. Butchart la a mllionairefon thKigE aravryie and hla expenses to keep the gardens, onthKigEwraveyfe attnde toar $4,00 yarl. 1e'place. Alter eating, we strolled attnde teare$40000yealy.Hearound to find where we would go was an Ontario boy-born ln Owen to church, an.d alter seeing two or Sound. Ithree we decided on the MeDougail IWe boarded the boat again about1nte Curh evM.SewtH i l w 4 p ni fo Settl aa ha superof Winnipeg preached and we had a on the boat. When we arrived at grand senwmn wnrch made one think Seattle dock we met Rev. W. C 1he was homne hearing our 1ev. Mr. Frank froni White Rock. H1e hadj Stainton. driven down by car some 125 miles!t Alter going home Vo our roonis, I to bring us np by road. H1e led usi looked up Sain Cole's telephone nuni-IL to a good hotel where we had a nîce ber. H1e married Nellie Hiigginson, rest as we were tired. In the morn- formerly of Maple Grove. I had a ing, in looking over the telephone talk with both of them, but couidn't OBITUARY book, I saw Nelson Armstrong'sl make a caîl as they were on another name, se I called hlm up and he line. Mrs. J. J. Souch, Langdon, Dakota came over and met us after break-f We went out to find Dr. Allia, a ____ fast and had a aice visit. Nelson former Bowxnanville boy. Dr. Ed- Mrs. J. J. Souch, aged 70 years, has been away about aine years se gar AIlln was away to Alaska on a pse wya h oei ag he was as glad, as well as we, to meeti vacation, but we found Dr. Noriman padotaw ay a h home lra Lang- one another. Allia. 1He did not know us at first ig uut2d olwn w 1ev. Mr. Frank got permission Vo but was quite interested when he mnth A ins t was the culmin-w be shown through a very large build- knew and could not do enough for ation of a stroke of paralysis suifer- ing just about co'mpleted, where the jus. H1e drove us away out through ed five years ago. Funeral services floor space covers 12 acres. There the west side of the city la hie car, were conducted at the was a large moter for washing and and showed us corne of the older Episoopal Church la Laagdon Sun- cooling the air. It sure would be places, such as the North Western day morning at il o'clock by Rev. sorne store Vo shop ia. They were Lumbering Company. Ther e were E. E. Dudea, pastor of the (Jando M. very obliging to us. They were go- as many as one whole train load of E. Çhurch, assisted by 1ev. Duncan ing to open on August 5th. logs la there, besides huadreds of Matheson, temporary pastor of the We had a very pleasant drive up legs lying la heaps. The road was Langdon Presbyterlaa Church, and the highway from the Americaa side1 winding and Dr. Norman said it was spcial mnusic was furnished by a te White Rock, Mr. Fr.snk's home, the old traîl that was started to the ladies'quret nstigo Ms arriving there about 5.30 p. m.Yukon, but it ended here. The, he Fred qarett .nisgo Mrs. 1.J ak Thursday. We saw some nice townsigraciously took us to the. grand Mns. John Milne Jr., Mrs. James; on our way up and sorne reai good hotel, The MacDonald, which is own- Cheatley. Members of the Eastern crops of hay and grain. As we ed by the C. N. R. Alter a fine Star, of which order the deceased' drove, we would be up the side of the dianer, he drove us over to the bet- was a charter member, past atron mountain sorne hundred feet above ter residential section of the City, and life meniber, attended the serl- the railroad track, and that would be and ahl around University College vices la a body, and Wm. Stevenson, some distance above the river belo'w. and the grounds, where they have Hugh McDowall, J. D. Milae G M This road was nearly aIl ceniented thef experimental Plots of grain of Mossing, Henry Albrecht, Rbr and it was a very pleasant drive, aIl lcinds and also stock of differeat Murie, members of the Maaonic or-i We had dinner at Everette and took breeds, like our farms at Guelph and, der, were pail bearers. Intermeat1 la a few sights of the town, staying Ottawa. We drove around the'was la Lebanon Cemetery. at Mr. Fraak's over night. Parliameat Buildings and also saw We struck out for Vancouver, Mr. the Lieutenant-Goxernor's residence Mina Adeline Bradley was the Frank taking us ln his car that al- and garden which were very beauti- youngest daughter of the late Mr. ways seems Vo go. We topped at fuI. We alco saw where Dr. Nor- bon nd M rs. Thos. B rlnd, 1e59,! Westminster for dinner and looked man Allia's residence was, and aisoe a nDrigo, .rl n,15 arond t sme f te sore. TenDr. Edgar's. We were up Vo r. an was married there in 1879 to' Mr. Frank drove us up behind Van- Norman's office and he showed u s r'abes . SAfhte a bfran ce couver and came up hrough the Dr. Edgar's and another doctor's on sinvines. ,Atheryoua copef came Marine Drive. I must aay 1 am the came flat. They are in quite a in Cavaiper, ceoun inu1l82 aidtoo much taken with Vancouver. We new building, andi are up on the SthteCvlr onyi182adok must have driven eight miles aIl floor, with an elevator. up a homestead la Harvey township, around by the edge ol the water, a1 The bridge we crossed to the other hee tey esbied ucte rsa paved road and inatural tree drive, ide of the city where Dr. Allia Jie'hoe'sesalhe. with "ome wonaerf ul residences on 1 is one of the largest we have bee Durinig her long periosi of resi- 1V, nd ardns asi iowrc. he n snce e cinewest Ltis n d ncelaDangdoa until stricken with it, nd ardes ad flwer. Th Io sine w cam wet. I isanher fatal iliness, Mrs. Souch took an fronts of the hbouses are built withf iroa structure between 14 and % 1 active part la the work of the Meth-' ____ __________ --odist Episcopal Church of which she was a member, andi her service to the Ladies' Aid was recognized msany years ago, when she was made a Ilife memnher. Surviv'ing relatives besides her husband, are three daughters, Mrs. Cota Smith of Malta, Mont.; Mrs. Eva Reeve of Winnipeg, Man.; Mrn. Dors 5trickley of Success, Va.; and 1,)ne son, Tracy Souch of Smiaekover, 4.rk.; two brothers, A. L. Bradley of jBellevue.; Henry Bradley of I ai.Okilania; . )sisters, Mrs. i1 rM 1 .r'Jos. C e-fP Rd ee,,lera Lhands on the wheel!1 heyes on the road! ýget... a single moment's careless- le driving may easily involve you 1smash. A littie inattention may rious, even fatal, ijury to yoursell ,rs. re a passenger, for your own safety's vre the driver free to watch, the road le undistracted. 1work together to prevent accidents. ay Safety Comniittee Hou. GSo. S. Henry, Chai rman Il u '1 n 'I I LEH1G MA LLEY ÀNTH*RAC lITE- Vie Cod 71at SRtifioe SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using oui' Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you wiIl smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. IQuality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanviile Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have built our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying such famous products as Aviation and Sheli Gaz- oline, Sheli Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world built of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car, in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. Bartlett's Service Station KgSt. East, Bownmanvile Phone 110 Evening Rates Begin at 7 p.m. Many usera of long distance overlook the fact that reduced Evening Rates now begin at 7 p.m. These reduced rates (about 25 per cent less than day rates) apply, of course, on Station-to-Station calis. After 8.30 p.m. the reduced rate is still lo-er-about 50 per cent off the day ra,: (The minimum reduced evening rate is 35c; and the minimum reduced nigh.t rate 25 cents). And an additional convenience-charges on Station-to-Station cails may now be reversed, where the rate is 25 cents or more. Remember - evening rates begin now at 7 p.m. by your local tine. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY j0ý 0F CANADA QM m- PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, - AUGUST 22nd, 1929