THEP CANATIAN STATESMAIN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUSI 22nd, 1929 CARTWRIGHT CIRCUIT NEWS OBITUARY r EXAMINATION RESULTS NEWCASTLE HIGH- Rev. F. W. Neweii, B.A., B.D., Pastor ilios. M. (;ibson, New~castle 1 The V C jj Following are the MdleSoo Lower School Results ir Aninual Decoration Day anti Memn- Lt -urtftn ppr-High School: ciUce*ioz~i.i TTl~ 2d 1-75 per cent o10prcn. Tcfioigppl orial services for Cartwright xiii 1w; recoriid e dahandi buriai tot10prcet h oloigppl helid Sunclay, August 25th, at l.-W io is M. (libson, a native of TH RDA ,AU U T 21111929 2-66 per cent to 74 per cent. granted standing in the pam., in the Armnouries at Iiack-1 lrkip ibtfrmn ers e -0prcntt 5prcn. dicated:-Charies Alid 1 o l ucnt t.Intln as I e1 -60 per cent to 659per cent. Brei ere Buck~ stock. From there xiii proceed to i t Nx a-t lre. t' sentci -0prcetfo 9prcnt uklGog Memiorial Park, where services wili "1 thu RectOr Of St- (eigsch-ct NEWCASTLE CELEBILXJESs ý:lh IIH> REEN'E REPLIES.TO CîunCS Anderson, Eleanor-Can. Hist. 1;- Blackburn, Bruce Dit be held at 3 o'ciock. Thev attenda . luV E. R. Janies, Rex-. J. Scott Mc-_____Agba3;Ce.1 ai uh ; ry on(oe,(o asi then o o ise ci c met- 1 tan I mvix arofcAusted',,the u- Mr. Cecil Saui iders, Toronito, s A picasant eventt rai spired Satur- 1 notice by thelasteditioi uf The Latin Comp. 1. Antiabelie Hiendry .JO as heydsre. Rex-. 1'. G. 'ow1 i1 exie nAgst hwthtRvi:itiîîg his sistor. NMrs. Asa Clark. i cim eve-ning, Augud I 1i, xxheii une Statt-siniiisoie conents'o o atLrn (n it .AarHnok on1 wilpeach the sermon aî lt 1k tatteora. tD. IMaster BLrenton Rickard, SlîawY fNcx as s *taidniur.t es to unîiprox e ŽNewcastle sumniiier resort Butir rdEg.Cm.3 an. Kmai rhrL S p e c ia l s e r v ic e s vi ii lie d a t jt enU 0ît z n , c e l i o n F s n i i aa nsth e t o s a n i e 1 I w o u ld lik e H is t . t 1l ; ,G e o m . C ; CEng . m 1 ; L a t in al c , W m .r u o i d N est eton at :3.45 1). . A ddre . es Aniio g the floral offe ings t int i t last w e k lt M l -R. . h* I arce S. tue e, c i bt en s M r thW elin tg a .to F os- a d n sav Aut.hsa3neLatCn Co m. 3; LFrench Mario, n S i s o n, ub w ili be gi en bv 1ev. C hancellor c veredi andtiba iked the casket w ere l M iss M argaret Tonis is isitiîg her ter hl sb t ehe a i a few fbrtil nis ook 1 .ha t l ri o er i us s A u h. 3; LFr nch C om p. 3c. FJenes Mrigh i n geogr Bowles, . asor eaa Meelad tes illeronMr. ad rs. . Thmas rndoheMsaSut, i ,oot. tthe home ut bis iniece, Miss B . z aiIable for Newcastle un the Lake Butler, Murray-Can. Hist. 3. graphy, arithmietie t BIîller t. antiMrs.eD.t.iXalieu, j axMrs. E. G. Beninett, Chicago, spent! McIntosh, iast minute preparatiolis as for anyie eswînt~Cwn uyEg oi . c*Dorothy Bonathan,F congregationai nmeeting Fridav night. r.W.E1 llt, ast week with lier sister, Mrs. Iîiiip \verconîlieteti 't lits ixen homeanti People there aie ieîîy to guairantec Eng.Lit. C; Can Hist. 1.' Florence Spencer, and i Commîttees.) xx-ereniapMointed MforGeticLe res Iey. w~hen he returnedti iere at 8 ociock the Hydro-Electric Pow~er Cu.asuf- DMioinx.Eg.Cm. ~geography, physiogr. annual Chicken-pie Supper on Faimr ibeMr M . and Mrs. . L .e Miss Marion Greeni, Orono, is Pav-1 lie was greetec bx- an assemblage of ficient amounit of nionev to warrant Can. Hist. 2; Chem. 3; Latin Auth cioy; an aneli Night, Sepît. 2th .A cominiittee "'as Heîmn, the FamîlMcad eaos ing a retuca visit to lier friend, Miss his oldest and iîost intimiate friencis, their expenditume. 3; Latin Comp. 3; French Auh olas, Rosa Cwn n aloaponedt oo ftrte iyWright, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. edwi Hilda Rowland. i ixho ivarmiy oftered tiîeir good wish- 2. The bathing iîouses and beach1 Dudley, Dunreath-Can . it. in physiography and at Christnmas time. and family, Dale; Mr. anti Mrs. A! issEey Allia has *eundi es and congratulaîtions. After a have repeatedly heen cleaned andj Garrod, Neîie-Chem. C . Jessie Van Dusen ia gE 2ît Ms vlnitieIzooy Cadmus Suaday School is planning F. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mat- pleasant evening together, supper repaired, but those usiag samne have j Jones, Roy-Eng. Comp. C; Can. _________ for n S S.AnniersrY.clîett, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler, -,%I1 from a vist xvth Mr. aad Mrs. Erîi fo[ey thereaad rs. Rx.WyAn, ims, served la the big diningroom. absoiutely no regard for 1publie Pro- HsL3-AleMareta 3en h Comp. 3. onwsageto Owxing to the Decoration Day teeadMs.RxW ,Brantford:,i: 01 -cMiCss tueocain tetbl engdn 3 h ote t ale' rekHst3 leba3;FecMAt.orMssKtlenMr wiil be no service at Nestieton or aOsMrsaS.C.,onahan M5 week en -. w' heocasdon, ted xithflotie 3 . . TeotlI ane' k1Can. Hist. 2; Algebra 3; French Keneic Miss Moran i Blackstock next Sunday. The Cati- Rltieadf'edspesn romOhwa a awe-edges f ith pink snaptlragoas andi ccntre( ixas well openeci up ixhen the new Auth. C.o h ome isA mus service iili he heid at Il a.m. u ftw ee .E edwsMs .A s. by the two-tiereci bitiîîay cake bridge ivas but, but with Lake On- Lycett, Helen M.-Eng. Comp. 2; whose people iived betw Pastor Neiveil of the Unitedi and famiiy, Dale; Mrs. Jas. Douglas, Mc. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and alight wiÎth candies. la a very felici- tario as high or~ higher thaa the Eng. Lit. 3; (an. Hist. 2; Algebra 3; Joses and Capt. John C Chrh.oi iet ero n M. Wmn. Coulson and famliiy, AM.i daughter, Toronto, vîsiteti Mr. anti tous speech, repiete with kindiy ai- creek, sureiy no one wouid think that (hemn. C; French Auth. 1; French D.SalyUlwa sickness or disability on the circuit ec oiM.adMs.BvsMs .R ie. lusions to the Nvortli anti character ofthte water could be lowered. Comp. C.r tneyUlwa M.Frank and Mc. Ernest Gibson, of Misses Patricia and Margaret is oid fciend, Rev. J. Scott Howardi 4. The municipal councîl has ai- ocafDrt -a.Hit ;CcciCarv ad hi - I ~Toronto; Mc. Geo, Farcomb, Oshi P'arce visited tiîeir cousin, Miss proposed bis heaitiî. which was ieady tione consiclerabie xvock on the Ancient Hist. C; Che.m. 2; Latin ~J gov h a aNva; 'Mrs. (Dr.) H. Clarke, Brighît-j Helen Rickarui, Shawx's. crunk xith zest by ail present, anti oid elevator site by removing stones, Allth. 3; Latin Comp. C. hecJ so la haobars un tgeh rithteliowing L Miss 1Mary Stewvact, Amaprior, anti to which Mr. Foste remsponded in a etc., anti as soon as funcis are avaîl- Rcad vlmEg on.2 Glbson, Niagara FaIls; McIl. and Mms. IMiss Marlon Dunlop, Carleton Pllace, happy vein, expressing bis own auble it is their intention tO Still i'm' Eng. Lit. C; (an. Hist. 2; French ewcstePulc n sCH O O i ~D A. Valeau,J.ances), Oshawa: vîsed Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glienney.1 pleastre at being thus surprised and prove it, but tlîey oniy bave certain Auth.iP scsCCChm.xiiNe-caslen nPublesd aniIStriends, many otfxxbonî veme lite- oerueiatepayth a futaxesy9;quancifie sC P!~ !I ~ lort Hope; 'Mr. and M Wallace1 S. S. lbcld a verv enjoyabie pucnic at long acquaintanct.s. MI. S . Acoirn 5ovecbudniag ata~ers itht axesyoFenThch ,Cp.- . Lt. ers as foiiows: Public SUPP I ES D Holmes, (Winnifred), Lake Shore,' Lakex iexv Park, Oshawaîov a Otur o. 5. thrninscn iav xx-oainid su orcstgthatinons ack it. C; Cha.e ng. Lit.2; A. Rodger, principal; 1%1 Mlaks.r ad Robent W. Gib- .a. 'fioedwtias1îe' eiasei a-mgcmhliat îsgetos(n i .C hm Masoa, supt. of musica (iake M. nt ildà aît ivim Coîx-îiof bis fi'iend ip) with Mu. Foster to niake would comne direct to t he Wright, Douglas-Can. Hist. 3. joric Pucdy; High Scho( son, Toroato ant'iMm. and 'Mrs. C. F.! Athtur Bragg adtv-fiCowi i wexears. e leid ftir otiî-ough thepesad tousuiteto- Cannon, (Bessie) Oshawva. niotoreci to Sa.-katchexvan to get soni .exedig iet apmid thi' oni, ised o ctczn ~Coyne, B.A., Principali BOOK andMs.E T . Arnold-Foitr- iam oxelgee ii e t-ivtte cocl, omif the evenin hrgethe o piaere atle aa(i e - Watch for New' Rogers Radios, l Physical Culture an, ste, Jesie cble teii srrxv x iat croo). the guests departel atfter xxisling castie on the Lake more heautîful. 'Miss A4udrey Bonathan visited Mc. Sxvite.sciitlaA S CRI BBERS i ani synipahy trom heir hom ~ i Mm.Lorîte Phare, Gliddemi S-k.Mi-. Foster many ons f tomtimioc W. F. RICKARD, Reeve. anti Mcs. James Haugh, Toronto,ce tsMcCon'xvh Eîîglaad, whiie numerous letters and' iand ibulie, tomiîieriv Miss Ex eiymî îîappiness antid o~-iy turing wxith theni on Saturday wxhen1 of Education are la Il telegramiîs conveying like expressionls Breit, ut Tyrumie, i isitei M. andt Watch focrXNew Rogers Radios. 1thîe visited Mis. Haugh's motherw t tt have the of PENCILS ivere eceived by Mrs. Gibson ftomiî Mrs. George Joli. Mc1,acbr, ot . and Mrs. Webb anti famitMS. WlimBntaadhcss ateCmuiyHl tWriends in Pot iHope, Niagara Falls_ Rev. J. W. limer, luxmîavliiagtoa, spent (bu '.veke tii îith 'Mr. Bowxmanvilie, wxeme guests of Mr. and ter, Mrs. Geo. Warren, from Swift m iembers of the Boardl PENS Belleville, Toronto, Newv York CitY, ipreac lîi dili Unitetd Churcli Stilay i anti Mrs. W. C. l'akb)urn. Mrs. Isaac Selbv, Sunday xveek. Cuccent, Sask. 1 fiends of the pupils al RULERS, etc. The pail bearers were A. A .. it)(ig'mc veig au ieue xiii, Jouan Middicton, A. E. Meadow- j two fine atidresses. Joseph Couison, Franik Gibson ant IrM. anti Mmx-. Hudsomn Stuîrrie, antid______________________________________ New supply just received W. H. Gibson. tmvarisitingi oot hr Ia addition to the miembers of thie ' Mr. Stocrie attemided the Maanufac- family alceady mentioaed the late i tucers' Life coa vemîtiomi. P aas h ro u gttnl G a t 'Mr. Gibson is survived by ý,tvo si- Mr. A. E. Meow bas returnet>ci:; WALL PAPER ters, M rs. Wmi. Deioag (Agles) 0f rom bis holiday trip, accompanied cesides with hec caughter, Mcs: A. by bis bride. Wcdding report ap- VARNISHES E. 'Meadows, Dale; anti Miss Wîna.i- , pears on ami inside page._ _th A fred Gibson, Newcastle. 'Mr. Ailan Bacc, weli krlarîaatist t PAIN S ec.1 and portrait painten, ut Toronto, and, P IT et.Watc rNewRoesaio. family are'spending the xeek omie We welcome to our community Mr.ofDr.Carets O'age sof u n soa u~,ejyn -M. miltoamn o g vn ep or t'1I --ous CoVee-- Cobo' motiier, Mcs. Foshay, foc- îH. McLean ut Picton, is, hoidaying G eo. Prichard rerly of Oshawa, wo have leased1 at NIrs. W. T. Lockhart's. We o asirg h rne'Gtsit h w-ekEhbto oi fli teformer Masscy home and are M I hnyups Gruht1Pne' ae noteto- kEhbto 4rmunitst Decorator conducting it as an apartmciit bouse I Mn. Xcii M1cEacbern, Oshawa, basi nterest and amusements, we hope you enjoy to the full the mnany opportnte andtouiss' cstho e by were engaged with 'Mr. Seivard Dawson, Canadian National Exhibition offers to voung- and old alike. Indeed, we hope that1 bigS. Bwmnil ouser wekfiledto orfloxviuig wth iast Mc. JhmnAli i st obdav 1e permitted to contribute s-jmewhat to the cnjoyment of your visit by a compli King t. Bwmanille not ere wee befoe thy ha thei asth9ehermiiofisthist jb beag ETABLSHEDthe amqusBok9 Cofee-te C4îffe stîreme __________________guests fcom fac and near. Mr. H. E. Hancock has improved ! 6859 CUD cforedexluivlybyu i the appeacance and added to the I h~at better timte to test thr mencrt Of tbikse ir hedmpre exuselbyu comtont of iis homîe by the ciectioui WHERE ECONOM Rl S' Vhcn voit revel in li .- i;Iitnhle cFoîns youl are ready again to make the ro _______________ofta ncw ve-amîda on the sunny side. Ii xhhi inac-ve -i~ l at fired feelirng drcons from your shoulders like a wrao). i miit~t~ r. nd Mrs J. H. ose reentiyf you would nl- 11ýlç" te'!,e bnefit tof aur experterice as to the best ways o aiga niîexand to Bellevilie, Kingston, andl nC n'r; Le ba c~ettr osreyn nBoh 0--0i AlexadriaBay and aiso cossei the iL ote, r:,._zbr1a v ýr. osreyui ots2891 nt B a k t c o ljbortder un a businaes- anti sight 5eeiîugFot r'~'. i tiph.________________________ Mr. nand Ms.Percy EBroiva antiý caughter, Rochesten, arc vu-itimîg Mr. s taking an t-nttcil ioliilay, (lue to I tmŽmturiîîg tour ribs. WEEK-ENI) SpFIxE1Ll-VP-1. RANULIti- i -2tAR NT .A REAL LOW Sarrzple Cups Served FREE at Booths 208- -çiMrs. Harold Tomis andciiaughtens, PIE E VI I NLu 9(I -0IB.I O'tODRTI ~~1Frnei ad PhRIC ae eure E-. B (iTiiC.V).iOt2 S Nvi .ODI HSPure Food Buildingr tntia viitWit he alnt Mn. ~- - *TIIE PERSONAL BLEND 0F THE GREAT COFFFE PLANTE! ( n ancesi K th le ae ctanned INWEEK-ENINS Haîry Elson, Miiibrook, tand ber sis- PitJ. IiiOtPCFDN R1HTIS M ns. Lo)ng, Oyapeia, Newcastle-on-,__VIS i he-lake, isliauving a visit froni hec j ~~son, Mn. Aubney Log1ew Yn city, and hec grnddaughter, MlissSu 'W . Margaret Matthcws, Toronto. M ~ l~ Mns. John Douglas is isiting Mn. meaN - E ~~and Mcs. H. J. Ragen, Toronto. MissWlb i' ianie Bancett, wbo is ieaving Mn. 5 %0l .TnC inW. Henry's bouse, wiil make hec home with Mcs. Douglas after Sep- GENVINE NEWSEASON SPRIN<. tember lst. . Tin. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Mn. E. E. Ovecend, office superin- School Das will son be her! Now isthe time tendent of the Metropolitan Lite In-MAEI NRO'FNSTCABIS Sehool ays wil soonhe here Now i the tme i jsurance Co., Toronto, entectaincd the 3 eMD NOTRO IECEMRE the mise mothers buy their children's school shoes. ' ayafenoff t e arklum Hall, L E G S Tender SoRt Mleate4 lb. Ce s e l.3 I At Rovan's Shoe Store you will find a large assort- N Aston eete-ike LO NS lb.30 FR NTS lbthe ment of shoes for techildren, fromthe firstlittie LOi. Been,- 300 FRONTS lb..- lake 1 1 wc ce Miss (arroi, Toronto, Miss Mc- moccasins to the growin'g girl'S sizes in women s Carty, Toronto, Rev. and Mns. Cam- SUGAR CURED1-HALF OR WIIOLE shoes, shoes that give exceptional Wear. This cron, Toonîto, wbti wene part-time C o mEEK rtS oapm w 10 ari g P ~~~~~~~guests of Mc. Fuller and family, and ~i0zl.vvg b A store specializes in the fitting of kiddies' feet. Miss Kathleen Mocan, Hartfortd, G3 dT4RZRBADS SA CISBI i onadMiss Little, of Toronto. __________________________________________ SPECIAL j Co Frinndscihave receix'ed word of the...........................................................Pgs. $1 GUM DROPS-Wm.1 SPECIAL INFANTS 1 bictb o fa dauglter in New York city BACON-Casing Back ...... Sliced lb. 59c KABAVAN DATES. .2 Pku. 3Me son's....... Sevra uesof hidcn' ST APOXOR S 1 to Mn. and NIrs. John Wrigbt (nec SHiRRIFF'8 LUSHIUS .ELLY RASPBERRIES-Ayli1 Stitchdons ofst h ldes toLîlueMcCily). Mis MCoieWEINERS-Tasty, Wel Flavored. . .lb. 23c POWDEKS .... 3 Pkgu. 3C hoice Quallty No. finishlout theewcastie Goos SolesoyethJELLIED VEAL ......Sliced lb. 42c CHRISTIE BROWN Chocolate ASPARAGUS TIPS-- finsh uttheS 1er God Ad oot.nSftNolwcithstle______________________ looking and good wearing. padded insoles. These he wi Ms Geo. C. Wright, anti took AOGLDELIHCR-STNIVINLVO Straps with buckles and fancy are made to give ample room an activ-e part in the ivonk of St. fralthe toes. Sizes 2 - 5. ILH I ALECETIDGEELBL patteas, fr ailReceut visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. Size 5 71 $1.9 $.35 nd 1.5 I Hrr~ W IL T S H IR E -19 ohe A M stvawbe,v & 40-0. jar PAGE EISCHOOLr R-INCOM- .28c 290 .45e . 2 lb. Me Patter- S2 1s. 2Me Imer .2 Tin 28c o. 1 Tin 29e 370 'n 34c 1 7c 1 2c lar 4ac iar 29c ris 27c Dos. 21c 4 11-3. IlI Con e( er.uticî è. evn do the Iatest i I L T - rs l m k d . . . . b 8 3 la 7IO IO I radio r.--ceiving Bts, make for the ideai ____ I Re J. Rovan's Shoe Store lntravt-e >rnfort. lae oot fo*V nÀtlv- aiy ai 9 P. m. (standard T wA TATC&iiervrT, o *)pst h Bovwmau Hou. in the tUme. scrving e-n route Winnipeg, J ~ ~~~~~~~~~~Brandon. Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton 1T E G ET AIA Tc&~CFC T~~C> old McMurtry Block-Phone 528 and Jasper eraos t. îo _________________________ any Agent of Canadian National Rail-LI TD VC AA______________________ _____________________________________________ Iways. 34-1 i1 1 là 1 -A ný 'L'TtT-Tlr 1 in Midsummer 1929 shave been ýsubjects in- dread, Leone :1ey, W'alter biner', David (i1On (iarrod, )hf Hoimes, endry, George khart. Albert Johni Rickard, Shaw, and raphy. physio- and zooiogy; 1'red Cowan WVilliam Toms rahy and zo- Ruby Nich- Marion Rinch zoology and sography and -n, }fartfo4 Miss Anmue .s a daughter me Henessey, xeen Mr. J. H. Goldring's. id son George YMr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. been visiting ved home last iHigh Schools day, Sept. 3rd staff of teach- School-Thos. Miss Hattit, A. and Miss Mar- ol-George A. and Specialist .d Miss Neva .t andi Science. and the Board hearty accord )ficial opeliflg [and have the d, parents and ifl present. ucation, that the we may nentary ounds of ind serv- he Purre