PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUSI 29th, 1929 iLEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS IS YOUR NAME RECORDED? LOCAL AND OTHERWISE EXAMINATION RESULTS m. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. As ..cît-,s w 11 openi for the Fail V Results of the Upper Sehool Ex-ý Barrimter, Solicitor, N3tary ter:i n Spuair2114 or 3rd, w.1eý TheVters' List of Bowmanvl î :, IE. A. Ieterý na heen vi-iting, arinations at Bowrnan%-i11e High Moeytoba o ar ad ow thk i. a .~ :pr1: ocain toi is printed. An adx ertisement ca1Li her niece, Mrs. N. Bîckle, Caniton'.Sho: Property. Royal Bank Building, 'ur reatiers who have children for the inspection of every voter M .L B. NîchoIs returned on Tonvni< f the f'rtv-twa rt Bowmanvilla. Phone 351. gonIlg osei . xpect to have 1:hntrcwc~funtedyc Friday afler 1~odn~ a candidates wvric*ng on Upper Sehool W. . TRKEt a jt-n -,j iatîer on, about an posting to seec hat bis or her namn, eks in Chat nn., and Detroit, papers were .ucmn-.siul on al papersý .e w i.. cen:lyrea lutheappears thereon. John Lyle, Clerk,' Successar ta late D. B. Simpson, K.C. i A t î'î -inin at chnîan bv A. l agely crrtshmeft a ossa e his A. E. \ .î~Mis,; u y loar oIt îinýîl too Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary r ýV. spald' I cieded "The World's Ils snai rc spsil.f i~iLn Svuenha.n ýnd 1 îcî'ven ies, ý anrir' g %th five firsts and S oi ci or fo B n k f o n re l ~ . ~ w a ~ n e- si n .Il' A fte r th i s list is p o sted th e o n u s ise n Money toLonhoeitt e we read this poem a1 n the voter ta seethat his naine ap- Joan hone9ht0'.<gh' r onuhewi ar0uud theat 'unr l19, -75*" 1' Bowmanville. Ontariob. Li Ni xk:par ntelswt poper viii Lan . I o Pi) ' - li'a -, i - u e , an d J -:o m e th in g : q u a lifica tio n s fo r h is v o tin g . It l 4 . s A d a g . . l c , 0 O 7 W. F. WARD, B. .: your duty co attend to this now.lRuth leterîý, t nu Ji, vect, tcun- 3 60 to 65 BarseSlctr -ay oElection day is too late and it is g.usofj. ato.aaIlr..D C O. u~ BaritrSoiitrNtay uTiI fid WtOo you roani , Do' ' nyfll iin-Aig. 3, Geoi. 1, Mony o an Bodsfo s 1e Th-i i, arble.0floors and gilded waiis rather disappointing a' that time ta A. Alikread. r:g.3.l C. ' Moffcn ekey tol . Bok nd for itexe k a1 find out that you have no vote. You Mirs. Jessie Grigg and Msc Jane Bowmanville, Ontario. phones:-1But every hous;e where love abidestbiapligtateT1 .lek ndRt Gig oronto, have îieen HMreie Ar-ng. on-p. AC. Ofie12;Hue40.Adfiendship "s a guest, before Aug. 30th, avoid chat disap- her sistlcri, Mrýý J. J. Mutton, r Mîuei3.nicogFr uh Ofic 02 urey home, and home, sweet pontment by being sure that your and other relatives here. Lawrenc e A-sho-Eng. Comp. C, -~ -.orne an jname is properly reor fl ow. aRev. J. .U Robins, Î-res.lenti;a E . tC. Foi re__the______________________ of Quinte Ca)nference, preached ded- i an B\n Ag ,Go.1 DENTAL chr catry senons at -,11 Opening of Tri g. 1. PhyS. 2, Ch em. 1, Fr. Auth. DR.G.C.BONYASLE The writer thon starts off by say- derstand speech, and may continue the new Kinsale United Church oni 2, Fr. Conîp. C. DR. . C BONYCATLE ing that the greatest school in the into adolescence. Besides these' Sunday. I Noveldla Ber-n.C .2 Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto worid is the home. It was the first staies, with advancing age the child Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Fraser, Missi Eng. Lit. 2.Ber-n. Cm.2 University. Graduate of the Royal~ school, it is stili the beginning ho uld become acquainted with the Bernîce Eddy, Dunbarton, and Mr. Fredl Biliett-Aig. .4, Geom. 2, CGolege of Dental Surgeons of On-'ascio; and because of its priority in moral code of the Bible in the dera- and Mrs. Chas. Grass, Brookiin, Tr'g. 2, Phys. 2, Chem. 3. tario. Office King St., Bowman il~ eachithshieadoeaue fhabgue and in the teachings ofJel s spent Tuesdlay with Miss T. Mue onBcly.îatd sadn Ofic pon 4. oue hae .,iretcainîng certain powets which neo n ihisbifrm.sepee l efud on year'., work in Alg., Georu., Trig., X-Ray Equipment in Office. i other educational agency psess literature, such as the Shepherd I Phys., Fr. .Auth., Fr. Camp. DR .C EITi sthe nmost important sehool. ItPsa was(re)entdguese f Rev. and LoveIBertha Can-Eng. Comp.C.Lt DR . .DEIT os the foundation iu aIl the oie- 1(1 Corinthians 13). The child a, entgs oR-,adMr! W. R. ifanto Auth. C, Lat. Camp. C, Fr. Auth. 2, Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson mLnts of education,-moral, inteîîec-l Christian parents, indeed, will corne l . Tnn, Cobourg. sang a solojFr on.. Graduate of Royal Dental Colege,ituali social and physical; ud harlto know 'the Bible as hie knows noi n Trinicy United Church in thottFr aComp. C. c, Lati Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-, the individual home acciompli.shesi other book, sud it will work lu himtwno Snaynoring, Aug. 18th.! Comp. C. manville. Office boucs 9 a. ni.oto de-erm 'nei iu grea t degree w-bot thé ' that building of life, that making lofi lMr. and Mrs. Ge,). Peufoand, and' IPhvllis Clenence-Eng. Comp. 2, o p n. ail ecet Sndy.Phoe .e1character, that ivili enable hlmn to r Mr. and Mcs. Victor Penfoand, Lon- Eng. Lit. C. 69.0. dBousxe phono 283. Pntprotessional school salI be oble 10o c' ùne scs ad odnO.,fernoygaweki in, Office.e 83.accomplish. ,auin VO 1oudeet sucesk an ce ' dn, af2, X-Ray Equipmient i fie Everv old experienced teacher *llcontribuce nmuch to Che well-beýnug cf OccaAwa and Moncreol, spent the Lac. CJinip. C, Fr. Auch. 2. Fr. iiagi et, th propeMir.ofche notr, weekend with their cousin, Ms .iCm.C DR. R. E. DINNIWELL *aee itMc Spaulding that it is scey h rseiyo h .i MssT oi.C Boo raut o oonoUivr,ýthe home chat lays the foundazon;auJ n the sacce.-, cf the ch'îrch. Such r Moude Penfcund. Gregory Colmer-Mod. Hist. 2,) sity and member of Royal College ifaf Re he elemenzs cf education. h~e te,,: îonv of the greatest meni Mr. and Mc,. L Taylor lefc on Aig. 1, Geomi. 1, Trig. 1, Phys.. C,1 Dental Surgeons. Licensedth rcgii to Rr , plea-se read ioftherc forofeg cs voingahe;l qacurday uight, Au,. 2-lth, for their Lat .Auth. C. Lat. ('ca"P. C, Fr. practise in Ontario and the Dominion paragraph over again to sete for ce- I he priviloge cf knowing the oe nHlad Mnioa ofrlA uth. C, Fr. Comp. C. inoî is rachs. 'tain that you agree with t; Bibe, nZtie ¼5steiErh uîninhswith HretC.m'rFi.Cm.3, King St., Bao'manville, oprperosit.aneM .foc.'J rcnes u Eng. Lit,. C. Bau cfMotrel.3~j* * orunae. oc isth chldbor chec friends in Easteru points. -Murjorie Co'ivan-En,. <'amp. C,j He says further that in the begin- in oo, is the _______________'-j Enz. Lit. C.1 He oyafuche tat u he egn~~luthe home ce Christian parents w-ha Mrs. EJ. Pettis, Grand Rapids,' Beatric0 ('rxîierman...Eîl Cmp ning the hume taught everythîng: have established a family alcar, for Mich., daughtler cf the latc Rex'. 2, Eng. Lit. C. MEDICAL bhohnd, the mind, the seul, were the family altar is the center cf re-ý Thos. Butler, fornierly cf Bowmon-, Byron Cr-ydrman-Eng. Co, under the Lutelage cf the home liglous instruction in the honte. It xvil, and Mca. John Collidge, Brook- Ecg. Lit. C.omp.3 C. W. SLEMON, MD., CM. I teachers until proficiency was gain-I can scarcely ho expected that chere lin, have been v. sitilîg Mca. J. B. Margaret Dixon-AîIg. 1, Trig. C 1 Graduate of Trinity Medical College,1 ed. As society became more com.I 'hall bce'ligious instruction or ef- Mitchell and Mca. J. G. Manning. Lat. Auth. 1. Lat. Camp. C, Fr. Athi Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen., plex and the demonds cf civilization feccive moral training lu the homeljMs .C AlnadgadI2 c o~.3 Office and Resideuce. Dr. Beith'a' broader, and, moreever, as the home that has ne forai of family worsbip, Mr.W .Ali n rn_2, former resîdence on Unuren Street,ý became more negligent of ites duties,' o, h diicc eiinxvi oua-aughtec, 2Miss Hi'la Grills, Valencia, Elfre a E!iot'-EnL-. Caîp , Bowmanville. Phne 259. 44-ýî other educationai institutions fere thevsniift l orlghi illtb al this renew-ing old acquainc-ances, vis- Eng. Lit. 2, A!g. 1, Lat. Atth C i. i ingmahecebrother% , Mespi'ith iintheLat. Camp. C, Fr. Auch. 1, Fr. Conp. JCLR BELfounded, an.d te aerk mr chil fren included. But famiiy wor-. ae1 hr Esau3a. te J. LAK BLLon moe f te or ofodcatcu~hP, ta be cf value, miusc conta:n the ifiends. Mrs. Ailin recently re- Mary Greeu-Eng. Camp, C, Eng. M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.M .:from the home. Today public spiritc aud nec merely the. forms of cejived a pair fcom her son, Mr. Lit. C. (Successor tu Dr. A. S.TiIIey> I schoolsfrom kindergaccen ta uni-, Chr'istianlie Thredgoce- rmn linLdc, i MaolHncs-E .Lc.2 fios. rauat luMeicieAbe-I ocity asum alas ai obigtio ipeat ing cf che Holy Scri'ptares aci chat he hod been appoiuced Mayor ofi Dorothy Hoar-Eng. Comp. 2 deen University; Feliaw of the Royal for inceiectual traiuing, and mare ori this hour is cf undoubced hopadLuc En g. Iý:t. 1, od- ia.2,Ag91 College of Surgeon.s, Edinbùrgh ' bss for manual and moral trann einng hog b e land L-Ieduc._G'n.1 Ti.1,Py. ,F. uh Office sud Residence, Queen St.,ý But chey eau neyer be perfelct sub- ficieur lu Bible stady;1,bac far, more: 2, Fr. Comp. 2 Bowanvile Phne 9. sttucsand, indeed, silice they de thon the informational ý'alue cf thel THE AIR IS DIFFERENT Wallace Horn-Eng.Cop. , Office Hotirs: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 ta .3o p. mi. 1 not have the child in his firat ycars,1 sciripturce l.s the spiri c bpp d-it ng L1.C loat cheir lucmest they blnild upon samo v clan that inspires and energizes o.k f 1lOvsis o1 r.!tolaI q. lo' Nellie Krkcn-Eug. Cm.2 W. H. BIRKS, M.D. foundation cf home educatio. telie I s sean. to ta C"oui*to i iilnlîttiu Eg2Lt, Office Hours: 1to 4and 7to 8.30. jthe* ' 'tr ' .tît.tî ,thri . k-rrriti,rîoit g. i- Telephone 108. Iuntic single field *does the home parents stu<-ly not only ta know bo [wru u.i'nt!mîi 'r- 1, Morgan Lannev....Mod. His;t. III Offcean Reidnc: r. azewodsi or %laly urctonte niake th"e exorcise of the fami4y ti- visitor t n'a " u1)-t iou i Fr. Auth.C. than inthe worr'ipi eioj vanud a"d rc i i I John Minre-Eug.Lit. C,Gom former residence, Wellington Street, ceaching cf mocals aud religion.I ing, bat choc they carry ta it the smin anyttis " l . tof"em Bowrnanville. This L- the Most important phasec eesiiulc fCrsinliig ,r' 'i~'i I.t rz Py.2 se.of tre -piriuat: r'of*n M'bl-n.Camnp. 3, education; for ichoat marais, edu-j falîh. aJisiain. Sctnc-itu oi rtii.t1l.""t.ttN Env. Lit. C DR. V. H.STOREY cto ilbtdvlpmr klflpr ndisiainiuha etP p*l!;ýC cacion w-hi bac develcp mare akilîful porince xiii ho an integral part ofti trert 't . 'ýl ~ Mundaly-Fng-. Cr.C Ofic bus t ad ie ePl*:, rminatsý, and xithaut religion there' i heeuoiaamp. Cf h 'r ','rn .' i'o After 8 p m., by apointrîrioniti. i- 'rr 1"'thete"ational pozra' thEng. C. Aflr p n., y ppin.ntauys bne heart orsu to maorais. homre, and out of ofilntcly r.rIA i<On aîoI, îc 1ce ati rda-Of i ht. 36-pe 9tfiou cf Werer the principie of separatianli iv 1Wamnire e.xtee ti pe ri cf ce- ,ý.ii 'nHtitst.liIAlt o . ,G .Trg .C, :fchut-ch aud ':a-,.Lis consistentîy j 'cita-r iusr,,',uof rott îu nt i1.r9rr o li at - DR. R. W. CLARK ifollowed, the 10vernmn~)ft shIsil h oe ,' h. ortr~'ollr(I-Eig. Caup. 2, Pliysician & Surgeon i con uit teoch religion. Anud x-hile Ae ,(-en . r -.C r Offic-DivsionSt.,Bewmuvjlevery one opprove, cf their inculca' ___________________________________ Cm.C Offie-DitviTiinit.,uied Car h îu1ig moral principles, aos thev ny - MarionuRickoid-Mad. Hist. 1, (net t Trnit Untedehuîî)eov-1i Mg C. Gea'ni. 2. Lot. Auth. 3, Lat. or ta d , the effort, unlesas; spportedi Offce our-3 o 5and7 t 9 . m (on p. C. Fr. Auih. 1, Fc. Comp. C Offce aus-3 tapo 5au tme 9 . n. îtt'ide î.eligioaUS elements, is like R a y F r W i t aRuin'e.C Suxay yaponmeto ly. reatiug a body witou tebreath rr IEn. i' q Phone 24 45t oflif. D thhe aîJTrgEntLt. L;h i We tamn naiiuralîy co the cbuccb, Drty ilý(-Ti.3 Lt DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS thon, as the proper ageucy for the utAEV'JDI~~ICit.3 teaching cf religion. The church 3~~AY Lat. Conm1. C. Fr. Au'h. 2, Fr. The Physiciaus af Bawrnanvillbethas o po'werful influence, by no1IU~I~iiL ~.~VHlo Rwod.a.IIs.3 have agreed ta close theïr ffices i means te ho- discounted, but is op- C ap.a d- .I,. it Wednsda afernons. in aseof prtuitis f i iFUR ACE NOWTrig. 1. Phys. 3. Lat. Autb. C, La t. e ue dy a flers nie. u icae fi e r iti e fr tea hing m ra s a uj i F U R N A C E N OC . emrgny IIbstieenurecî eigo aelimniced. If ba-s the' Ello Tamblyn-Trig 1, Phys. 2, the baspital or tebephone operator Sabbath-day pcogrom cf religiaus m-I o vi e ete'srietaîifx atfrte Lat. Aath. 3, Lac.Cm.1 ,Fr foiadAath.o wllge e3, f uCamporth . Co. r for docor.struction lu Sabbatb achool ondi lte ailrus.3VcoFr.mong. Cmp eut the weekly one hunded six lVr rml- n.Cm churh srie, a ttl f tv b usiE uz. Lit. .3. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS -i gh.J "*WbRCO M NDI enzg. Lit. 2.. Co DURWIN E. STECKLEY mustcoc-cpecacle with the church, yetjIWalcAg honor graduate of Tarante Colege tîli the hoermina the mas t im-i HECLA FURNACES Bol. 2, Chemn. C. hameremaRalph Waad-Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. of Chiropractie wil be lu the Bow- portant agency for religlous instruc- fit.2 manville Office Tuesday, Tbursdayltian. The cbild's tirst concept of.NE1IEAFU NA1Si and Saturday eveuinga, phone 141J. God is determined by bis experience NWBowmonriii0 C Residential cails made duriug fore- W .ith b is fatheil and mother; the be- ti ____________________ __________ l'n u i no.ginnings cf ethical ccnduc-elf. j jleFlin lu fe _________ contraI, obedience, geuerasity, truth We Repair Ail Makes of Furnaces, Drumiaaon audy Ag1 7h funssaeudrtesupevision' terhlt o ng irdyclu race fromi 1 05mle arlino. ResaIt flas oUEA IRCOS f the haine; tbe science of know ngi j. nrBr, 3hr, 12 , .n FUNERAL DIRECTORS God throug b His word and is workstwT r e r i 2 s F.F ORSC. lit is the privilege cf the parents ta JI Turer, hrs, 15 mins, 19 sec. F.F MRISC.begin ta open. C- ~ ' . MactrL , 3 h rs, 32 min, 139sec. Comple'ce Mter or Aud aIl these chings the bo-emray F.I rel rs 2mn~s, 12 sec. AIlcrse quprmpntly ecl ersIJeuce bismdTurner, 3 lire, 43mina, 31 sec. Horse Equiprnent. 'Most offectively ceach, because lu the 'R .d<M F..atrLo g3arn 5 Piivate Ambulance, r m st iupressioable, it has bs etieWi. al ce attanendedthhmthog e:Shplcae nx ota.t fRoa heteL. Richards audJ24. Prout no report. 1 BmiI bhon. tintaeane d eatsWib in.Tmhb are bp oae ex orEato1oalTeteA Haasehoîd Mdicin-They (bat' 10 aud 31, 1avneo lann. h O Phone: Shop 264; House 453. Bowmanvibbe tr caiîdwihteseln r 1 Brancb Stare- euts are w-ith hlm in the bouse and pre cf tD. Th th stalig po- Orcue & Newcastle. in the open, w-hon he lies down aundj u tho troletc ayale w'hen he ri:ies up, wben he cat',s, w-e thevald et benthofan il'lu thenus he rans, and wheu hoe asks questions. ___________no'_________________________in___th__e____s ALA M WILIMS hcc~Ir an uiicxamied rppcicuityl ________ _ It iS tl'Ulv a hoa-eoldîti edicine anti Cabîs giv ndomt uneraaco.lofi- , tra h is incfanGoJ. cthhe ' -___ ~__ -__ - i as id le effective in dealiig xith any EaleromudtFand er Direct r i offilii 10(r. n-i--a-d-IIlordinacy coilnpia;iîts it .s au lîmex- tentian. Na extra chanrefor di.- i* *ipeiv neicn. Skpita primeT ntMoov TMTNA*Nor. mthar ,oaltistudybc heomeor 4. NýOHTS tft*tITATION QUICKLY lu the equiPment of the parent- on,,î lr'ittWiîfalîiiii tf~ USN M EEYTj,"uMteacher. Every father and eve-ry Bo'C .anM .le houric&inSfNomamoti narpi a Par- this art the narrative portions of the Msk ok r erî ist vian re ort a cametet saryteI~r, ThrughI Pone64Agi-'nt for information and iiteraturé o IBible rnay be madle verY fanijlar to isoandt vru eothtes tecidas soon as he begine to un- etc. 3- 001 Stoves ' A Clearingi At Big ReductionsI Step quickly as we on!y have a Iimited numnber to clear. MASON & DALE POPULAR HARDWARE STORE MN MANVILLE PHONE 145 Blending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine flavor and full-bodied richness required years of experi- ence. Every package guaranteed. ai RqED]ROSIE 'T' EAis good tes' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra izood For 1929 motorn condition, 71cJ2M y Here is the 1929 tire for the 1929 car. New in design and construction. Extra thick tread has deep-ctit blocks ta give greaer non-skid ifleage. Rugged carcass is built with web cord. It baBs trength where 1929motorimg con- dition demnand it. Side-wals are strongly butreumed ta regist rut and curb w,,,. "Or MfetY a-d long mileage, for the job YOar19cr I uhasta do, the new Royal Cord in te ame tire for Yom. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BO MA VIL . .......... ............ Jamieson & Jmeo Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Luinber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, w'e shall be glad to sup1pdv vou at ail times and L resonabL Yc We ar'e also prel)ired to take caî'e Of xOur order for 1). L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Call and see us and get our prices bef ore you buy. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmaanville PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TTIURSDAY, ATUGUST 29th, 11929 i el McClellan & Co. Ltd,