THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 PAGE THREE Bus Direct To Exhibitioni TRAVEL THE MOTOR WAY COMFORTABLE UP-TO-DATE BUSSES - GOING DAILY- No need to worry about Parking Cars, Crowding for Street Cars and Tickets, as this Bus takes you right on the Grounds. Aug. 23rd to Sept. 7th (Daylight Saving Time) LEAVES BOWMANVILLE AT 8 a. m. Bus stays on grounds leaving at 10.30 p. m. RETURN FARE $2.00 Patrons using our Busses may leave their cars in garage at Bowmanville free of charge. For information p)hone: BowmanviJle 412 or 346; Oshawa 2283. T. A. GARTION, Proprietor. A Friend in Need Whether your income is from f arm or fac- tory; whether you handie the plough or the pen; whether you work in office or in the open fields, you need the protection of soiznd, dependable insurance. jInsurance after a loss is a friend in need. But don't wait until after a fire or other misfortune. See this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heê\vy Ioss tomorrow. J. J. MAISON & SON .Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvilie e Coniquens Astbma. To be nelieved from the terrible suffocating due to asthma is a great tbing, but to be safe-guarded for the future is even greater. Not only does Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthnîa Remedy bring prompt relief, but it introduces a new ena of life for tbe afflicted. Systemnatic inhaling of smoke or fumes fnom the remedy prevents ne- attack.s. A WORLD APART yVx on i l,.î t1li sieanwer -tii-ttcof Ti-ilfaiii v , ýn, a ,iutr-treat sl- ,iaigly thiiixls uf iles froni the :t-ý 11w cliief iws of ihiq forest king- iitol(,la,ilý,-an it i i (irîntl r ioini a street 1 I<l i la k t ', ardely u ir - ifT ni gm i , I ,il, n nait for 1, tIshr, ni n lieIl,' n- n n nivliratO ,- lak eS4. The quaint n d Ian siii~îthpii m;initieetii cenery ancl Ili., nany oth er a ttiaciions s1if ty crin' t he. apiprecratedt-i liltyou sep t hlin. Ak yoîir (anadian National Agent foir lit enata r-- a n(l t1iformatlion on Ti-nagati n. WEDI)INGS Holdaway-Hancock The marriage of Leta Aithia Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. d Egerton Hancock and Frederick w.a Holdaway, son of Mr. Geo. Holda-R way, Port Hope, took place at the l bride's home, "Locust view Farm," o Orono, on Tuesday, August 2th, i0 1929, Rev. Thos. Wallace officiating. lu The bride, who was given in mar-1h niage by her father, was gowned in Monet blue georgette and lace en-Ic semble with grey bat, sboes, gloves1x and purse to match, and carrieda Sweetheart roses and maidenhair'] fern. Master 'Marlow Hancock ei Ipla yed Lobengrin's wedding march!s and Mlaster Gien Hancock acted as W ring bearer.1IN Mr. and Mrs. Holdaway left for a a honeymoon trip in Eastern Ontario. a They will reside at 16631 l2th St., f Higbland Park, Mich. r Previous to, the wedding, Miss t Hancock was a much-entertainedE bride-to-be. Following the shower a given by her associates in Bowman-e ville, another was given on Wednes-p day evening at ber home when 70 t îoeighbors and friends pleasantly sur-d prised ber by gathering and spend-0 i ng a social hour and presenting ber4 Iwith a sbower of china, linen and their sîncerest wishes for future hap- riness and prosperity.9 Lee-Stainton Zion United Chuich, whîch was'1 beautifully cecorateci with fenns,9 phlox and gladioli in the varyingi shades of pink and white, the guest pews niarked with snapdragon, babv ffhlox and fern, was the scene oi ad ,)ietty wedding on Thursday, August l- itwhen Audrey Doris, eldestà' 4:aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. t Stiinton, , ccane the bride of Ros E<lward, younigest son of Mi. and Mirs. F. W'. Lee, of Kedron. 'ih niarriagu Nvas con(lucted by Rev J. lZ. 1,ick. While the guests wcre ai- rîvang, Miss Aime Mc.Naster played -<Icctioiis. The ushers were Mesî'. Percv Staintonl, Toronto, cousin ci I the bride, and Bruce McGregor, Osh- awa, cousin of the groonm. T1he bride entered the church on the armi of ber fIather to the of Lobengrin's wo(lding mardi, played by Miss Mc- Master. The pretty bride looked very lovely in a french gown of whiteI georgette trimmed witb pearîs and i adium lace, charming in its sim- plicity. Her embnoidered lace veil was en train andi held in place with a wreath of orange blossonis and wvas carried by wee pages, Kelvinz Edgar and Lee Scott, cousin and nepbew of the bride and groom re- spectively, dressed alike in whte silk blouses and black silk velvet pants. The bride carrîed a sbower bouquet of Madame Butterfly and Sweetheartj roses, hules and maidenhair fern with streamers of white satin. She was attended by ber sister, Berenice Eleanor, who looked sweet in a per- iod gow,ýn of pale green georgette and picture bat of mohair with matching streamers. She carried a bouquet of Sweetheart roses, pink and white asters and maidenhain fern. Little Ruth Ballard, Moose Jaw, niece of the groom, made a winsome flowen girl, frockçed in pale pink crepe de chine with lace trim- mings and carried a basket o we peas and snapdragon. The grooms- man was Mr. Frank Lee, Ottawa, brother of the groom. During the signing of the Register, Miss Don- othey Allun, Bowmanville, a friend of the bride, sweetly and feelingly sang "Because." Later a neception was held ait the home of the bride's parents, which was decorated throughout with early autumn flow- ers and myrtie. A buffet luncheon was served by girl friends of thei bride. About one hundred guests were present. Rev. Harold Stain- ton, Courtice, acted as toastmaster, uroposing a toast to the King; Rev. J. R. Bick the toast to the bride; Mr. A. R. Scott, Arnprion, the toast te, the bridai party; Mr. Frank Lee re- sponding. Good-will speeches were macle by Mrs. J. C. Langmaid, Osh- awva; Dr. C. W. Slemon and Dr. W. H. Binks, Bowmanville; Mr. F. W. Lee, father of the groom, and Mr. 1 Thos. Stainton, grandfather of the bride. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Harold Stainton and Miss Dorothv Allin, and a piano selection by Miss' Annie Mcliaster. Mrs. Stainton, mother of the bride, wore a becom- ing gown of sun tan crepe, with a matching bat of wool feit. Mns. Lee, mother of the groom, was dres- sed in black georgette over mauve, with a smart bat to match. Mýr. and Mrs. Lee left by motor for Mus- koka, North Bay, Ottawa, Montreal,1 Quebec and touring in the U. S. A., the bride travelling in an imponted ensemble of blending shades of brown with accessonies to match. The groom"s gift to the bride was a diamond set bracelet; to the brides- At LaIst àAA Electric SALEM (Received too late for st week) Ideal weatben favored both Sun- day and Monday for the anniversary and a large gathering attended. Rev. H. S. Cobb, Wolseley, Sask., de- livered tAvo very impressive sermons mn Sunday Mr. Colbb is a favourite on tibis circuit and many old friends were glad to welcomne bim and bean rda messages. A ladies' quartette of Trinity Cbunch, Bowmanville, consisting of MNrs. J. E. Anderson, M1rs. C. H Dudley, M1rs. H. M. Foster and Miss Greta Pollard, witb Mrs. D. Alldnead as accompanist, render- ed excellent music at the afternoon service. In the evening Hampton's well known quartette, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur, Mrs. H. Petens and Mr. T. Salter, with Miss Horn as accompaniat, lived up to their f ormer reputation with splendid musical numbens. Collections for the day $44. On Monday the Soft BaIl Tournament was a meal succesa and drew numerous spectators. The contending t.eams were Tyrone and Providence, Maple Grove and Hamp- ,on. At 3 p. m. Tyrone and Provi- dence played their game wvitb a score of 14-11 in favour of Tyrone, and at 4.30 p. ni. Hampton v.s Maple Grove, with a score of 30-9 in favour of game between Tyrone and Maple Grove resulting in the prize going to Tyrone on a score of 20-12. Mr. Ewart Pollard, Mr. W. Werry and Mn. H. Fosten were refere for the games. A cafeteria luncheon was served by the ladies and netted $75 to tac fund. At 8 p. m. Saleni Younîg People pu-, on -heir fine d rani i entitled "Star Bright," and each mnenîber of the cazst handled bis or ber part wvith an easy gracs. not always found in amlateur pro<luct- r inýz. Several voca1.. .'îu cai and urîtertiîv nunîbers w-Ire cot:ribu ted. oh-(en the acts by the foiloving artists: \Irs. Davis, Saienî, Mis. F. H. Moody-, BcxvnivfcJi. Tý,e Mis<es1 EllnngIami, Cooksville, Mrs. A. Rov, O0rono. and Mr. Goodiman Jr., Ty- i rone, each number being thoroughly' cnjoyed. Proceeds of ententain- mnent a1mos*, $100. Annivf-nsarv xisitors: Rev. and )Mrs. H. S. Cobb, Wolseley, Sask., Mrs. N. Garbutt, Sycamore, Mrs. A. Wight, Bowmanvillc, Mn. and Mrs. Langmaid, Solina, with N. and 'Mrs. G. Stephens; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hoar, Mrs. S. Bragg, Newcastle, Mrs. J. Lord and the Misses Steph- ens, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat andl family, Onono, with Mr. and Mrs. Squair; Mr. and Mrs. T. Ghapman, Mn. S. Ghapman and Miss Chapman, Orono, Mr. and MNrs. Bige- low and the Misses Bîgelow, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Welsh; Mr. and1 Mrs. Foîey, Miss Hilda Foîey and ,Mn. E. Foîey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wor- den, Mr. and Mrs. Munday, Mr. Wal- lace Munday, Mayp1e Grove, Miss E. Kirkton, Bo-%wmanville, Miss Margar- et Heard, Oshawa, with Mns. Alex. Wilkins; Mn. and Mrs. I. Hooper, Miss Lamna Hooper, Tynone, Miss Mary Rundle, with Mn. and Mrs. Cann; Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Honey, Mns. H. Foster, Mrs. Anderson,' Bowmanville, the Misses Gilba-nk, Newcas'tle, with Mn. and Mrs. Honey; 'Mn. and Mrs. W. Wright and Miss May Wrigiht, Tyrone, Mn. and Mrs. IHoward Coucb and dau-ghters, Reth- esda, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Wei-iy, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs Pol- lard; Mn. and Mrs. H. Barrie and Gordon, Providence, Mn. and Mrs. Geo Hoeyand Ruth Honey, New- caste,IOrn3. Campbell and Miss E. Campbell, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Goodman, Tyrone, with Mn, and Mns.1 W. G. Werry; Mn. and Mrs. Hawk, Orono. with Mr. and Mns. G. Cor- nish; Mn. and 1Mnfs. W. Stewart, and Mn. and Mrs. R. Scott, Tynone, with ,Mn. and Mrs. Cannuthens; Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards, Mn. Charles Rich- ards and fiend, Scarbono, witb Mn. and Mrs. Richards; Mn. and Mrs. C. Billings and famîîy, Mrs. Staples, Orono, Mn. and Mns. Irwin Bragg and sons, Providence, Mn. and Mns. Edgar Horn and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Mutton and Miss Ruth Mutton and~ Mis McQueen, Oshawa, iwith Mn. and Mr,. Leslie Collacott; Mn. and Mns. Geo. Edger and daugh-j ter, Courtice, Dr. and Mrs. Davies,j Oshawa, Mr. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Bellman and family, Miss S. Syos Bowinanville, Miss; Found, Courtice, witb Mn. and Mrs. C. Collacott. Mrs. M J Hutchison, Toronto, has retunned -ho-me aften spending a very. pleasant two weeks' vacation with ber niece, Mns. F. Honey .. . Mn. and Mns. Geo. Dillick of Butlen, Pa., whoi lare on a motor trip thnough Ontario, spent the weekend with Mns. Dil- Tr HEY said it couldn't be done, but Majestic .engineers tackled the job and did it! Power Detection with the new .45 Tubes, developed to its highest form in Majestic Electric Radio Sets, bas eliniinated ail trace of A.C. hum or oscillation at any wave Iength. Gone are squeals, whistles, and other background noises that detract from radio reception. You only hear the marveilous reproduction of speech and music ...ricli, undistorted, true to life! The 1930 HUMLESS Majestic Model 91 is housed in an Early Englisb cabinet of Amern- can Wainut witb instrument panel overlaid witb Australian Lacewood. im pro ved Super- Dynamic Speaker. Escutcheon plate and knobs finished ini genuine silver. The 1930 HUMILESS Mfajestic Model 92 is a laco beau period design in American Walnut. Doors of matcbed butt walnut uith oicrlays on doors and intenior panel of Australian La4ccto od. limproied Super-Dynamic Speaker; hardware finished in genuine su ver. At Iast HUMLESS electric radio! If you have been waiting for such a set, you need flot wait any longer -.Najestic is IT! Ask for a FREE Home Demonstration and let us prove this to you. RADIO King Street Bowmanville lick's cousin, Mrs. E. J. Doidge.... The Pure Food Building at the, I9% miles of paved streets suppuot Mrs. E. J. Magnet of Bradierd, Pa., Canadian National Exhibition cost the Canadian National Exh.bfioin lias returned home aft-er a pleasanti $300,000 to construet. traffic. visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. J.* Doidge. _______________________________ . .. .Miss Inez Luke, Wihitby, ia 'vis -____________________________ iting Miss Thelma M......... Master Jack Moffat, Orono, spent last week with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Squair..Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cor- nish visited friends in Oshawa on Saturday .... Glad to see Mrs. J. Ir- win out again after her serious il]- nes...Congratulations to Mr. C. Carruthers on winning the radio at the Rotary Fair on Tuesday even- ing. ..Mr. and Mrs. Richards and baby Joan, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Parker and son Billy, Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. u1 WON A TRIP The nîany friends in Bowmanville of Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Addinall, of Blenheim, will rejoice with them in the good luck that bas come to theni as the nesult of MnI. Addjnall's bard work. The Tribune says:- Mn. W. Addinall bas won a dis- tinguished honon in having won the trip to Banff and the Pacific Coast offened by the London Life Insun- ance Company to the agent writing up $225,000 insurance. Double that amaunt would include the agent's wife. Mn. Addinall was one of three agents winning this double honor and consequently leaves sbontly with bis wife to enjay this much-coveted prize. Mn. Addinall ia a son-in-law of Mn. and Mns. Chas. Cox, Ontario St. Modc-l 91 $197 0 il " M . i T' P BES jz I'ý \j~l92 à LFSS lUBES Easy . L' if Desirctl Sce a-tid Ilear Tbese 1930 Humless Models! e A. L. DARCH Majestic Dealer I i Art. Cole's Red. Indian Station an d Garage Phone 54 King St. E. Bowmanvilte IS LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oit Marathon Gasoline ALL MiGH-TY GOOD McColl-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Road Service MEATS 0F QUALITY Who is there that doesn't demand the fin- est quality in meats? That is just where and how oui' service fits your reqtuirements. We serve only the choicest quality of meats at most reason- able i)rices. A PURE FOOD STORE Besides meats w~e have launched out into a real "Pure Foodi Store" specializing in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Butter', Cheese, Tea, Cof- fee, Canned Goods, etc. Free Delivery Service G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville Furniture and Furnishing for the Home We have sold almost entirely out of many lines of Summer Furniture. We have a few articles left in some lines which we offer for Aug. at greatly reduced prices. Visit our stores and if you require any of these pieces you can pur- chase at a great saving. VERANDA SHADES A few veranda shades left with green siat and ail complete with cords and hangers: 1 shade 8 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop, regular $12.00, for ........................................ $8.00 4 shades 5 ft. wide x 7 ft. 6 inches drop,, regular $7.50 for..........................................$500 TWO REFRIGERATORS LEFT Just 2 Refrigerators of good reliable make: 1 regular price $25.00, to go at ....$20.00 1 regular price $18.50, to,go at ....$15.00 LAWN SEATS REDUCED Some lawn seats, and a few lines of splendid reed goods specîally low priced for August. FEF. MORRIS Co. Phone 10 Bowmanville Home Furnishers PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 ,.MMIr