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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMÀN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 What women need is wrist watches that w:Ul run and stockings thai won t. If your Iuck isn't what it shoulc be, put a 'P" before it, and contnue to try.-Se]ected. Do you know that the ready con- cession of minor points, is a part of the grace of ife?-Henry Hariand. Eyes of Today S EVENTY people out of every one ýhundred have defective eyesight. And this is flot be- cause eyes are being made "poor- er" than they were in grand- father's day either. Our present mode of living, with confining work, insufficient exer- cise and too many hours spent with artificiai iights throws a ioad on the eyes which they were ney- er intended to carry. As a re- suit, more and more people need the comforting help of glasses for eyes which have been overworked. Do flot put off giving your eyes the attention they deserve. t s more than ikely they need it NOW. Consuit Kersiake the Opticist and know. Kerslake's Thse Dependable Drug Store BOYS AN~ ATTEN We Are Ready for S Corne to " BIG SCHOOL&5 High School Texts Engiish Grammar........ 45c Latin Book .............. 70c Latin Reader............ 25c French Gramnar......... 65e Arithmetic ............... 45e Geoetry................ ,5 oc AJ«ebra.................. 50e lPhysies ............... i.oo CoenPosition .............29e Physical Geography ...39c Histo-ry of Canada ....... 49c Britajn's History ........ a9e Cheristry .............5e A fulllline for both Publie See our wind J.W.Jil LPhone 30 We Guard Yr Do you wash your« have your milk returnedi sterilizing at the dairy? guarantee that out of oV( daily yours will be return& Then it is essentiai properly washed and steri R. R. StevE PHONES. Office 408; Hou». 175J IFALL OPENINC THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Men's new Fail Suits ju arrived in ail the new up-t date cloths and models, Price $15.00 to $35.00 Men's new Faîl and Wi: ter Overcoats now on dfi play, $1 5.00 to $45.00 Men's new Fall Stiff or Soi Men's new Fall Neckwear. Men's ÏICw Fail Shirts... Men's new Fali Sweaters.. Just corne in and look ov, stock whether yoi S. C. CHAI Phone 26 S: SALEMi MAPLE GROVEp HAMPTON SOLINA tiPastor J. R. Trumpour occupied ! Miss Winnie Rickaîd, Newcastle,1 Visitoîs: Mrs. Jane Osborne, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Heatlie, Indiana, 11the pulpit iast Sunday. ManY co=- spent the weekend with Miss Greta Misses Lyla and Aura Osborne,l Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Coium- ements were heard about the beauti- ýMunday. .Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie,i bus, at Mx. John Pascoe's; Mr. and fui bouquet of gladioli suppiied by Snow.,den and daughter Betty, Mr. T. Soiina, Mrs. A. Penfound, Orono, at Mrs. Cecil Brunt and Master Gor- Mrs. L. Buttery .. Aternoon seir- 'Snowden and Mr. T. J. Cole motored L. T. Pascoe's; Miss Margaret Pas- don, North Oshawa, at Mr. J .W.~ -vice will be withdrawn next Sunday1 to Brantford on Sunday to visit the coe with friends in Hastings recent- Yellowlees'; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley' r fin favor of Tyrone snniversary. atter's sister, Mrs. D. H. Coates. ... iy; Mr. and Mis. Ernest Clarke and Miller and fami]y, Sunderland, atj Messrs. Kyle and Lawrence Squair iMISS Jean Stevens spent a f ew days daughter Ethei, Mrs. R. Rushworth, Msb W. T. Bakeî's; Mr. and Mrs. A. cenjoyed a motor trip iast weekend iast week with her sister, Mrs. Cha1 r-Ms. Hayes and daughter Norma, J. Reynolds were guests at the Rey- W4.0 ]eaving home on Saturday and re- lie White, Oshawa....... Rev. -'r..Mi. and Mis. Fîewray, Toronto,1 nolds-Lewis wedding at Welcome turning Monday evening, stopping at! Painton, Ardendale, wiii oceupy the spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. iast week; Miss Vers Shortridge has Toronto, Oîiiiia, Woodville and Nott- puipit next Sunday... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwell; Mrs. F. Poirier andireturned home after a pleasant visit The awasaga Beach, and eailing on Mis. H. G. Freeman, Thelma, Lyra and Mr. John Oke of Huntsv!lle, Mr. and in Manitoia. Her littie sister tion is of *T. Norrton (nee Dora Prout), at Marion, are spending a few days Mis. W. Osmnan, Mfiss H. PoirieS, and Phoebe accompanied her home .*. Fi o Locust Hill. . .Master Grant Moffat, with his brother, Mr. E. R. Freeman, Mr. Donald Harmond of Toronto, IMr. and Mrs. Massie and Miss Haw- Fi o Orono, who has been visiting bis St. Catharines .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mis. T. Baker and M;ss Vera Bakerikins, Port Ho~pe, spent Sunday with itor. A grandparents, Mi. and Mi. Squ.air, Stevenson, Oshawa, 'visited Mi. and Solina, at Mis. R. Kate.rson's; Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds. Mrs. returned home on Sunday....Mr. Mrs. R. D. Trimble iast week. Edna Crydeiman, Belleville, at Mr. i Massie sang a solo very nicely at the sired by and Mis. Broad and daughteîs of Master James Ijppeî is visiting i A. B. Cryderman's; Mis. Lorenzo afternoon service; -Miss Laura Toronto attended church ser-vice last Oscar Waiker, Toronto, .... .Mr. and Truli, Gladys and Lewis, Miss Ruthi Hands of Scaîboro Jct. spent the Loo] Sundy. Ms. Boad s adaughterIMis,. Geo. Garrett visited Mi. and Johns, with Mrs. W. MI'%illan, Pet- weekend with Misses Edna Revnis frti of Mi. T. Grigg of Cannington and Mis. Lou Hockin recently ...Miss erboro; Mi. and Mrs. G. Wilkinson, land Margaret McKessock. ....Re- frti a grand-daughtei of the late Thos. Doris Trirnbie, Town, visited at Mi. Toronto, at Mr. E. Tîull's; Mr. and1 member the Division meeting Thurs- I Api Grigg of Salem, who for many years1 Fred Hockin's last week. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranton and Margaret, Tren- day night, Sept. 5th.I was a regular attendant of Salem Mrs,. Wili Whetteî, Goard and Jessie, ton,* Mr. and Mis. borne Robbinsi Mason, E Church. Mrs. Broad was interested Mr. Hall, Woodviiie, Mi. and Mis and Pauline, Leskard, at Mis. W. CORIC to visit the home of her grandpai- Frank Goard, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Virtue's; Mi. and Mis. Geo. Barron ________ D OM ents, also their church home and McMilian and daughter Margaret, and Austin with her sistear, Mis., took severai snap shots of suiiound- Beaverton, Mr. and Mis. Charles Fawcett, at Lake Simcoe; M.and! Mi. and Mis. Jesse Arnot and faim- ing scenes . M..ýrs. W. Cann, Miss W.hite, Oshawa, Mr. Ross Martin, Mis, 0. Ciatworthy, Mi. and Mis. ily, Taunton, were Sunday guests of Gladys Cann and Mis. E. J. DoidgeNapanee, Mrs. Spargo, Miss Vesta Lane and baby, Oshawa, at Mis. J. Mis. Eli Osborne .... .Rev. Mi. Mc- were guests at the Tyrone Women'sf5paigo, Mr. and Mis. Stapies and Clatworthy's; Mrs. Geo. Edgei and Kenzie, Yarker, for7neily of Ennis- Institute meeting Wednesday after-' two children, Bowmanville, were Rosina, Oshawa, at Mr. H. Wilcox's; killen, has been guest of Rev. and noon, heid on the beautiful law,ýn of wveekend visitoîs atMi J. D. Stev- Messrs. Percy and Harry Cowling, Mis. J. H. Stainton.. .Miss Ameiia Mis. A. W. Annis. Ideal xweather,, ens'. ...Miss Eliza iikton, Town, Toronto, at Mr. J. Cowing's; M.%aster Lear, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor a cordial weicome froin oui hostessispent the weekend with M1is Hilda Ciiffoid Johns, Courtice, at 'Mis, C. at Mr. A. J. Gay's... Mis. G. F. and members of the society, a spien- j Foley. . . -.Mr. anld Mis. Geo. Laird Johns'; Master Neil Woods,' Orono, Annis, Miss Ada, M.%rs. A. J. Gay and D n did pîrgrarn, and a dainty luncheon knd daughteî Connie, Hamilton, vis- at Mi. J. L. Johns'; '.I. Kenneth MNis. L. M. Courtice îecentiy spentDo combined :o make the afternoon a: ited Mr. A. baird on Sunday......Caverly, Windsor. M Mr. C. W. a few days in Feneion Falls wit.h jvery pieasanî one ...Congratula- 1j Mrs. Alex Wilkins and -son Neison,1 Souch's;-,'M,. and Mis. Wm. 'Bunt, Rev. and Mis. C. C. Washington... tons to Kenneth Werry on his ouc-13fisses Joyce and Doîothy Richads Kemble, Mi. and Mis. H. Bunt, Toi- 3Irs. Arnot, Maidstone, Man. is visit- 1ces i pacin te rcen examsISaleni, Mi. and Mrs. -MilfordWi onto, at Mr. J. Colwili's Si.; Mr. andi ing relatives here... Mi. and Mis. and we wish him furthez success as Ikins and Theodore,31i. andMi.Iis J. Colwill, Jr.. at Port Perrv.l Chas. Doubt and Mis. Wilson, Osha- he reszumýes his -'udJes at Normal . Frak James and 'Dorothy, Oshawa,I The villagers and people from the xva, weie guests at Mis. Jas. Shortt-Ti Soiry o repot Mis.F. Catr and %IrieM. and Mis. E. W. Foley on surrounding distije' were delighted 's on Wednesday last when her moth- ode eî .r. Gordon Strutt on the sick îIst. Sunday. %with the band c,ýncert given by the er, Mis. Agnes Hairis was cel ebrat-, g n tl wýve hope they will sor n he _______ Orono band in Eliîott ýMernorial Park;ing ber 89th biîthday and we wish, again. ... Lasr w Salem n around on Saturday veig... The sym-1 ber nîany. happy retuins of the day. . on page 3 of 'his issue. ENNISKILLEN pathy of the community i.s extendedi - Services on Sunday vere good. It the family of -,he lare X'Wm. Smaie Oipsore.J H. Stainton )tzg Because right is iight, to follo-w iightj VisitOis: who d ied at bis home here on Tues-,pîeached two fine sermons to good !Were wisdom, in the scorn of con-: Miss Greta Oke, Bûwmanvill., Mi. day mornin. ugusî meeting of1 congregations and the attendance at sequence. -Tennyson.: Cyril Rundle, Maple Grove, weie W.M. S. Auxiliarv was held at the. Sunday Schooi w-as good. .... The I iceont visitors at Mi. Wilfred San- Ihome of Mis. Sheikleton, _Mis. Bick, la diesý' Berean Class wili hold its. 1Ioferson's; Mis. Elmer PethikT- reient. taking charge of open Iong l meeting :n the home of Mus. BlueberiT ______________________ onto, spent a week with her >.îi"tl elr- cisesý and huý:ness. Heiald,1W-. R. Courtice o'n Thursdav at :2.30 Lemon Fi in-law, Mis, S. Po-tbick. 'Mi-. S. Mi.-s Katerson, rep 'r'ed on Temper -'pin. (standard time). AIl ladies aie Petbick was the lucki, winneî of a ance; and Mirs. C. J. Kesak - requested to be presenta h e- tn pound barn at the RotarvY Carni- China; Mis. Stephens took charge of Ie~r arrangements have to be madle!j ai;GIRiS aal Mr. an J. J. Ormiston,!the prograin; Mis .MhlTyo for the Chicken pie supper inSe-)) Oshava, at Mi. and Mi>.. Aylme i read the devotionil eafýet, "The emben. ... Mis. Jas. Brow.,n's i Yup [Leecl's; ýMis. .Albert Stainton and IStewaidship of Ci-d~ a duet was will be in charge of the meeting... ITIO N ! sonClifford. ietuined home on Sun- sung bv Mý%isses ,E1loanor Sykes and .%I. ndMrs. W. R. Co urt:ce da% after a rnonth's holidays here, Hellen K nox, accompanied on the ted heunrlotela M. ichool. Are You ? Master Gordon Stevens returniog piano by Miss Jeit.: Knox; Mis. J. . Man rtin at n .iie at.wekPon Jeffiev, Scugog Island, with heriîngs and Dieanis," taken frein onto, Mi. and Mis. Amos Bond, Ro-1 9 l" for brother, Mi. Orr Jeffîey; Miss M ir "Druins in the Da-kness," giving a land, Man., were recent guests of, - 20 tl~weks n, satha n, wieth her very interesting talk; Mis. Clat- Mi. and Mis. L. A . J. Short. week in asktcheanwithherworthy and Mis. Avery gave îead- E S 7T ll7 i ster, M.irs. Robert Preston, îeturned ings on the same subject. We had1 >UL L3home Satuîday and spent the week- the pleasure of having at oui meet- M UR WALKER end witb ber parents, Mi.adMs n r. and Mis catny o Public School Le'.i Brunt. Mi. Frank McGill, To- Tin is.anitd Miss cC ulart yo Lii ronto, was also at Mi. Biunt's; Mi. Toronto. Miss McCaitney gave an Aritbmetic............... 10e and Mus. E. Darcey, Mis. M. Spinks, itrsigadisrcie ako Speler ..............19C Blackstock,at Mi. J. H. Fieeborn's; iTheesinad intctive talk o Speler..............1e .%I.and Mis. Freeboin at M usJ. the nMisostion onnt."sowingi Composition & Gramniai .25c Stone's, Manchester; Mi. Paul Cur- usteSeUofiPiEoRetonwt Geography............... 75e tis, Toronto, Rev. G. A. McKenzie, Oui W. M. S. work. Mis. Sheckie- S UE1 History of England....... 25e Yarkeî, Mi. and Mis. Bonetta, Mai- ton miade us feel very mueh at home,- garet and Harold and fiiend, Whitby, and at the close of the meeting t:eat-i Primer.................... 4e a Mi. Thos. McGil's; Mis. E. C. ed to apples and candy. Next meet- . First Book................ Ge Ashton is visiting friends in Toronto; ing at the home of Mis. R. Avery. Second Book .............. 9c Mi. and Mis. John Tyeîs, Toronto, ThrdBok.........1e Mis. Lorne Sanders, Donald and TYRONEI For Friday and S, Fourth Book............. 16c at'Theo Slemon's; Mi. Chas. San- Tyrone Harvest Home ServicesX. 1 Canadian Histoiy......0c « ders, Winnipeg, is visiting Mis. John will be beid as follows: Sunday,I Sanders and sister, Mis. Tbeo î Sept. lst, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. rnm and High School pupils. Siemon; Mis. Kennedy and Mis.isermoDns wili be preached by Rev. R.1 E ' R A C O H S IT I Hoîben and son Walter of Cleveland, T. Richards, B.A., B.D., Port Peîry . M NSB O DC O HS I ow display. Ohio, and Mis. Haiiy Balson, Bow-i Music at botb services by Tyronel Made of fine Engiish Bxroadloth mnilspent Tuesday at the home Choir, assiated in the morning by a of iNs. George Preston; Miss Mil- quartet of Bowmanville, and in the j of superior quality, perfectly taii- EW ELLdred Coolidge, R. N., London, Ont., evening by a quintet fîom Ebenezer 1 E W LLvisited at Mi. F. C. Orchard's; Mr. Collections in aid of chuîcb funds.I )Âe4, fast colors, ana gu.aranteea and Mis. A. Jeffeîy, Winnipeg, Man.,!I Monday, Sept. 2nd-At 3 p. m. a'- in every way by this store; new Bowmanville are visiting their cousins, Mis. . Softball Tournament between Map]ei fancy checks and stripes, collar at- _________________________ Reid and Mis. Frank Oichai ; Miss Grove, Providence, Saleti and Pon- ___________________ Elva Griffin, Toronto, bas been1 typool; A Horse-Shoe Pitching Gon- tached or separate, size 14 to 17, -spencling two weeks holidaying inj test wiîi take place during the after-1 -_________ Rochester, Lockport, Canandaigua,1inoon for wbich liberai prizes will bel $1.95 Each Niagara Falls, Tonawanda, and Buf - 1 given; Chicken Pie supper will be' ___________1____________ falo. Wbile in Buffalo she visited ,served at 4.30 p. in.; Grand Concertj h l a er cousins, Mis. F. LaBelle and Mis. wiîî be given at 8 p. mi. by the Young l MORE NEW FELT HATS ýour rieaitn W. Il. Griffin. She is spending the Peophe's Society of E'oenezer consis t-j last week with ber parents, Mi. andI ing of reading, music and their po p- In the Soft Shades Favoured for bottles dlean enough to Mis. Wm. Griffin; Miss Doris Giif- uhar play, "Between Acta." Ad-j1 inte ihu rpr fin andl Miss Belle Addie motoredlmsin dls upradcn Autumnn-At Only $2.95 J dohaedovmadsetSndya r m ceit 65c, supper 50c, concert 35e; How becoming they are, these er 500 otthae hanle AGmetig f he ades.jChidren-Supper and concert 40c, 7er50 btteshanle Nonhlbmete om of M ais. supper or concert 25e. Ail services chic, face-framing hats of light- dt yu Ames Bad hlyo d aythehoe uogust on standard time. Rev. J. R. weight feit. For trimming, they 22nd. Afteî the opening peiiod, the Trumpour, Pastor. i that every bottle be meeting was turned into a business 1Mis. A. J. Crawford, Detroit,j rely almost solely upon felt bands meeting to make arrangements for Mîcb ., Mrs. Wm. Sanders, Miss E.j and appliques and subtle littie 'lized at the dairy. the Sehool Fair on September 19th. ;Wakehin, Bowmanville, Mi. V. A. lasadtcs nsf hdso At the close of the meeting a delie- Hooper, Toronto, Misses Dorotbypeas nducsin ofshdso ious lunch was serveil....... Sbool l and Edit.h May, Windsor, Mr. and1 beige, brown, lido and green, as opens Tuesday, Sept. 3i<l. Mis Mi s. Hall, Winnie, visited at Mr.j well as navy and black, ens & Son Dalton, a former teacher, in charge Dai Hoopeî's. Mi. and Mis. J . ~ns c~r Sonof the continuation and Miss Reva H.H, s Trno îstd Ms At $2.95 Each MeGilI in charge of the Junior rooni. bauîa Hicks and Mr. Raymond Day-j BOW74AN VILLE ......Two stîong games of footballI ey. .. Rev. and Mis. J. R. Trumpoui,1 weie played by Enniskillen and iGrenfell, Jean and Joyce, have re- iBO S TW E _______________________ Bowrnanville teams at Solina Wed-! turned home aftei a pleasant holi iBO S T EE __________________________ nesday and Saturday eveningsofdy Ms R. S. Wade and Wal- i BLOOMERS last week, whicb resulted in a tie, lace, Nfr. Charles Nunn, Toronto, Satuîday evening one of oui Ennis- and Mis. L. G. Eastman, Bownsan-1iGo * i le n b o s h a d t h e m i f r t uin e t o v ille , v is ite d a t M i.- B y î n M o on r ' s. d ' T w e d B l o e i g uy or not. j odn' hcwe are I ocîtad-pted. Forrnerly S. W. j itc. 501ucceani was served .-.. Phone 164 qhut youî m<'uth Mî'-I Frence CGardiner andl fîin,j RTRAN Anfl open Vous- eyeq, Id 'îa Ws-nzenjye h.t tdapYour Favorite ]Bowrnanvillje Ancd vnu'Illnoe<nothing 1->n teS.Lwece SetadShopping Centre ji -Cynics Calendar. ret uinùdic y way of Saguenay River. eDominion Shothorn Breeders' Associa- Dffering special prizes at the Bowmanville rtwo calves, either sex, owned by exhib- Aso a special prize for the best steer calf 7a registered Shorthorn bull. k over your calves at once and get ready competitiori. ply to the Secretary of the Fair, Mr. C. H. 3owmanville, Ont., for a copy of prize list. UINION SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. 't Forget the Holiday Next Monday hat means oui' store wvi1l be closed. So ough cooking on Saturday to keep you Il Tuesday. We are making extra pre- foi- a big (leman(l of our tempting ap- cooking. DELICIOUS FRESH PIES Ve are featuring this week, Apple, Raisin, yv and1 Purnpkiin Pies at 25c. Home-madeI ?ies made to order. V. P. Corbett ]Baker and Confectioner 1 BowrnanvilIe Lkeries at Bowrnanville and Orono RSTORES-1 '5AVINGS >aturday Shoppers MEN'S NOVELTY SOCKS 10 doz. Socks in this sale »- made u p o f silk and lisie and silk and wool, in new fancy blocked a nd checked «~"~ designs. You are in the habit of p aying mucli more for these A several at this low price. Friday and Saturday, 49c pair ALL WOOL SAN TOY 37 inches wide, extra nice make in a wide range of colors including black, navy, scarlet, sand, copen, green, etc., ideal for kiddies' and women's dresses, 98c Yard SAMPLE SILK GLOVES Just 60 pairs Silk Gloves, mostly manufactureî's' samples, in tailor- ed and fancy turned cuif styles, ail the beige shades as well as white and black, value $1.50 to $1.75, Friday and Saturday to Clear 98c WOMEN'S SWEATERS New shipment just aprîiveçl in silk and wool, cardigan style, in black or white, copen and sand, etc., size to 44, $3.50 and $3.95 FORES, Ltd. Mason & Son Bowrnanville, Ont. PaY Cash and Buy for Les r. Shorthorn Breeder ATI I I H I $11 PAGE FOUR THE CA.NA.DLA-N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 rENTION! tAin.oo qp-gu 1 IN SPECIAL PRIZES

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