THE CANA.DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 Meàsrs. Chas. Pethick and La7-- rence Mingeaud are on a motor trip to Detroit. Monday afte.rnoon the Bowiman-1 ville Tîgers journeyed to Hamnpton and played a basebaîl game with the juvenile Beavers of that enterpris- ing place. Town lads won 20 to 9 and ined up: Catcher-Clyde Rob- inson; Pitcher-David Osh«orne; Tt Base-Boyd Slenxon; 2nd Bas- Murray Mitchell; 3wd Bse-.Clifford' Hall; Short Stop-Tom Sheehan; Left Sires; Right Field -Dick Campbell; Centre Field- Jack Parker. Mr. Normnan Creeper, Hamilton, has been holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper. Miss Mildred White and Miss Eliz-1 abeth Wood, New York City, N.- Y, who are on a 7000 mile motor tnpý through United States as fan westi as thru Yellowstone Park and toi Golden, B. C., in Western Canada,I reached here Tuesday evening andl are visiting the fonmer's grand-1 father,, Mr. M. A. James, and otherl relatives enroute to their homes via Niagara Falls and other cities. They have had a wond&ful and thorough- ly enjoyable trip. BOWMAN VILLE High Sehool Re-Opening Wednesday, September 4th, 1929 Although the addition to the High Sehool is not completed, students will assemble in the old build- ing as follows: Forms 111, IV and V at 9 o'clock a. m. Forms I and Il at 1.30 o'clock p. m. It is very imp)ortant that students register on the opening day. TEACHING STAFF: Mr. L. W. Dipple, B. A. Principal and Teacher of Science Mr. G. L. Wagar, B. A.-Teacher of Mathematics Miss I. K. Smith, B. A. TeacheÉr of English and Art Miss E. M. Stednian, B. A. Teacher of Latin and Greek Miss L. P. Whitton, B. A. Teacher of French and German Miss C. I. Ogden, B. A. Teacher of History Miss A. Parker, B. A. Teacher of Lower School Subjects W. B. Couch, Chairman H. S. Board. C. H. Mason, Secretary H. S. Roard. CAN YOU BEAT THESE e? e e 5 doz. Men's Blue and White Striped Overalls, $1.29 value for .............................79C Pair 3 doz. Hleavy Khaki Drill Overalîs, regular $1.98 for ............................................... $1.39 10 doz. Men's Police Braces, the heavy kind, 49c Pair 5 doz. Men's Heavy Work Pants, the best value in the trade, at .............................$1.79 Pair Back to School Specials Girls' Heavy Jean Middies, in sizes 8 to 14 at $1.39 Misses' AIl Wool Pleated Skirts on waist, sizes 8 to 14, very exceptional value at ..........$1.19 Misses' New Faîl FeIt Hats, ail samples and great value, only ..................................... $1.98 School Bags in two grades, in heavy fabrokoid, 29c and 49c School Hose Misses' Silk and Lisle Hose, a great wearer, in al sizes and colors, worth 6,9e for .............49c Boys' Golf Hose, two qualities, Penman 's pure work, also an imporited English line, alI 75e qualities for ..................................... 59c Girls' Lisle Hose, a fine mercerized finish at 39c Girls' or Boys' Cotton Rose, in black or sand, al sizes at....................................... 25c pr. This Week's Extra Special Value 6 DOZEN SILK KNIT COMBINATION BLOOMER-BRASSIERES A clearing line purchased at a big dis- count, in ail the ncwest shades and in al sizes. Reg. values $2.98 and $3.50 pr. for $1.98 Pr, NELSON'S STORE Bigger and Better Values Walk a Block and Save a Lot LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 BIRTHS Mastr Grrad Tit i hoidaing STAPLETON-In Clarke, on Tuesday, Mastr Grrar Tat isholdayig 1August 6th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil with Mn. J. H. Miller, Tynone. S5tapieton, a son tstiliborn). Miss Mary Sherard, Toronto, vis-, LARMER-In Blackstock, on Thurs- itedMns.F. A Hady o Monay. day, August 15th, 1929, 10 Mr. and Mre. itedMrs.F. A Hady o Monay. Ernest barmner, a son (John William). Hear "Star »nigbt" in St. Paul's, CAVERLV-In Bownianvllle Hospital, Lecture Boom on Tuesday, Sept. 10 on Wednesday, August 2ist, 1929, 10 Mr. and 'trs. K. A. Caverly, Windsor, a son Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Masion and (John Douglas). family have been visiting friends ati BRIGGS-At Wellesley Hospital, Tor- Gaît. onto, on Monday, August 26th, 1929, to - -- - II. ad .Ir.Chas. C. Briggs, 57 Home- Miss Winnifred Varcoe recently visited Mrs. Hugb Mc'Donald, Wood- stock. Miss Muriel Henderson is visiting ber uncle, Mr. George Laidier, et Hamilton. Mns. C. W. Hicks and son, Girand Rapids, Mich., have been visiting old fniends here. Mater Douglas Nichols is spend- ing a couple of weeks at "Yerex- villa," Whitby. Mrs. Hicks, Tyrone, was a recent guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. Brisbin, Omemee.Va- Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr, Vn couver, are visitors witb their sisters, Misses Allen, Beech Ave. Mr. Alpha Pinch and grandson,I Milton Grahami, Oshawa, are on a fisbing trip to Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. George Laidler and two boys, Hamilton, visited his sis- ter, Mrs. W. J. Henderson. Miss Minnie Mitchell of Boston, Mass., spent the weekend with Miss Haycraft and Misa Wakelin. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hamlyn, Ot- tawa, are visiting his father, Mr. Thos. Hamlyn, and other relatives. M rs. J. R. Moore bas returnedi home to Bowmanville, after a brief visit with friends in Salem, -Mariposa. Mrs. A. C. Huett of ShoaLke Man., is visiting witb ber sister,j Mrs. R. H. Collacutt, Concession St.' DEATHS SMALE-Iit Hampton, on Tuesday. August «_,, 1929, William James Smale, aged 60 years. Funerai Thursday at 2 p. m. to Hamp- ton Cemetery. BAIRDC>-At Port Hope, August 21st, 1929, Ebenezer John Baird, in bis 76th year. DENSEM--On Thursday, August 22nd, 1929, William H. Densem, Bowrnanviile, aged 47 years.. FARROW-In Clarke Township, on Friday, August 23rd, 1929, William Far- row, in his 51st year. CAMPBELL-In Toronto, August 22nd, 1929, Ellwood Earl, de.rl belovefi son of Archie and Mabel Roberts Campbeli in his 27th year. Interred in Port Hope. IN MEMORIAM 'In ioving memory of Harry Balson, who died at Courtice, Ont., August 28th. 1923. W'ife.* To Let GARAGE TO RENT-Api'ly to Nlrs. A. Hobbs, Liberty Si., l3owmanviile. Phone 561. 34-tf S-IGN PAINTING 1 am prepared ,, do ail kInds of sign painting, lettering. st.riping of cars. etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charles R. Rowe, 114 Coîborne St. E., Oshawa. P'hone 3175W. 32-tf Old Time Round and Square! Real Estate For Sale Dances at Gene's Hall, Countice, ev-1 ery Tuesday and Tbursday. Goodjr HOUSES FOR ýSALE-Tan ow.N brick mu sc. 3tf rsicnve,one- n George Stand onie musi. 33tfifTi Gant ve.AIl convenienue. iOr-1 Y.foand uick sale. Terms to suit. Ap- Mr. and Mrs. Byron Y Haddyan y oJE.FetCnreS,1 daugbter Betty, Toronto, spent thei vl. Phione 384.17ti weckend witb n n Ms A FARM FOR SALE-200 acre farm, Haddy. beautifully situated on Provincial High- way, with fine view of Lake Ontarlo, Dr. Norman Hall, Kalamazoo, gcntly sloping to the south cast: short Micb, an bi siserMrs.C. . I lisance from Newtonville station; large MitcellHamlton arevistinýolàbnrn with stone foundation and stabllng; Mitcell Hailtn, re siingol~smnal brick bouse: plenty of cedar and friends hore. i hardwoodl for fuel and fencing; neyer- failing spring with large Pasture run for Mrs. F. J. Cole and daughten 1 cowsq; 60 or 70 acres fine land free from Marare ar inToont ths wek noxious weeds; this farm lias been a Margretare n Trono ths wekmoney-mnaker and wiil be sold at a big taking a course in Permanent and, bargain to close out the estate of the Finger-aving.late Alfred Dean.. For termas appiy te Finger-avîn.Dr.S S. Dlckinson,oPort Hope, Box Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Hamilton and 16 32-4w Mn. and Mrs. W. Brown, Millbrook, _____________ visited at the home of Mrs. Hamil-1 ton's brother, Mn. W. D. Bragg, on MARTYN'S OK USED CARS Sunay IWe are offering to the public Used1a' Mns. H. E. Day and Misses Alice Cars at prîces wthin the reach of al. 01 adBessie, Kingston, apent thej This sale will oniy iast for a few days CG wekenndt i an, n. .C and we are asking those who need a L weekend ith is ant, rs. . C.good car or wish to traite ln the oui one0 Washington, enroute to Toronto Ex- to see me at once before you are too hibition. late. See me on usedi car lot opposite Knttting Factory or at Bowling Alleys.1 Mn. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy and Ger- Do not phone me as I am too busy selling aid, Cburch St., spent the weekend cars. Come and see me for we have the goode. W. J. Martyn, Bowman- in Bubcaygeon and 'vicinity. Jean, ville. 35-1w Alice, Veda and Ruth returned with. them after spending the bolidaysi BUT OOA.L NOW with relatives there.I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hartmanj IMr. R. H. Collacott wishes to in- iBradford, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Aurore,j form the public that ho ie prepared Mrs. M. M. Hartman and Miss Laura! ta continue ta dellver coal et Tyrout' Hartnian, Olds, Alta., and Mrs. Davidi station and tealal parts of the towa E. Wells, Toronto, have been 'vsiting eand townebip. Ail orders promptly Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gox.1 filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Senior students of Forms îru, IV, Phone 518. V of Bowimanville High Sceel ne-.AD0 cently presented Principal W. J. CR FTAK Morrison with a desk set. The pre- sentation was madle by Esther Wal- Mr. and Mn.. S. A. Burgess and lace and Marion Riekard. sons desine to thank their many fnienda and neigbbors for the many Mrs. Alpha Pincb bas returned acta of kindnees in the way of flow- j fromn a pleasant visit with bier son ers and other gifts received byM. William at Cleveland, Ohio. She Br-gess duning bier ilînessaiand while was accompanied home by Mrs. Ken- in Bowmnanvîllo Hospital to the Sup- nedy and Mrs. Hoîben, Janet and. eintendent and nurses for theiri Walter of Cleveland, who are enjoy- 1 very kind attention. ing a vîsît bore. Next meeting of Bowmanville THE CHURCHES Women's Institute will be beld oný Friday, August 3tb, in the S. O. E. St. Joseph's R. C. Churcb-Rev. Hall in charge of grotup 6. Miss: P. P. Butler, Paston. Sunday, Sept. Reynolds, Hampton, is expe.cted to;Islt: Mass at il a. m. and 7 p. m. 1 give an address on ber trip to Eng-1 St. Andrew's hurch-Rev. P. Mc- land. Eveny menlber attend. !Derment, M.A., minuster. Sunday Mn. Wî. MLefand Hamilton,; services: 10 a. m.--Sunday School; bas been visiting bier brotber-in-1 il a. m.-Morning Worship; 7.30 law, Mn. J. H. Crydezman. On! P. m.-Evening Wooeuip. Sunday in company witb Mn. andi St Paul's Churcb-Rev. D. W. Mrs. Fred Crydenimnan and Ruth they Beat, D. D., Minister. Morningi had a veny enjoyable moton trp t worshi'p at il a. m.--"The Case of Peterbono, CamPbellfond and Belle- the Irreligious Man"; 7.30 p.m. ville. "Quantity and Quality"; 2.30 p . -Sunday Scho.ol. Very rapid transmission of mail: St. John's Anglican Church-Rev Mrs. (DrT) William A. White who R. J. Sbires, Recton. Sundey, Se;- with bier daugbten, Mosetta White, tetmler lot, l4th Sunday after Tin- B.A., and niece, Miss Marion Phil- ity: il a. m.-Holy Comimunion and îips, are on an ocean cruise of 12 Sermon; 12.SiO-iSunday Scheel; 7 days frotin New York te Miami, Flor- p. m.-Fivening ftrayer. ida, and Galveston, Texas, snd re- Trinity United Chuch-Bev. J. U. turn, wrote bier father a letton on Robins, pestor. Sunday services: tbe Gulf of Mexico which sbe postod il a. m.-i-.Chur<sh and Sunday on Friday, Atug. 23rd, in Galveston School; 8 p. m.-PreeMhng Service., and it reached Bowmanville on Sun- Rev. W. J. H. Smith, M.A., B..D., day p. m. in change of ail services. Mn. ________ IFrancis Sutton, oniganist and choir Jdirocton, in charge of the musical THE UGO IGO CLUB services. ________Trinity Y. W. Auxiliary met at The Ugo 1go Club held Itswekl the homo of Miss Lena Haddy on meeting ai lira. W. Tordiff's, Queen ITuesday evening. After opening Street, on Auigust 2st. Over twenty exorcises the scnipturo lesson was memirs .andlfriewls w, r. lîreseni t a ead Ms rn adr;sl rîal lleasant evening was enjoyed. edb r.Ien adr;sl Airs. lIatlg-.îItt %vas tii, winner or te was nicely sung by Miss Helen Fos- whist table, receiving a rose crystaliton; reading in two parts iby Miss cream and siigar set. 'Mrs. V'ent wae acatadMs.EmrCx n the lucky one in couchrp, being the~ re- Hyzf n r.EmrCx n ciîieni of a l'air of sait ;il penîter a reading by Miss Lena Haddy. 4 shakers. Mrs. siton m-lsrerdî Rol vas called, arrangements made' witth scîn(i pmîze n ,îîciîri i ove. aî iiitn eiieithe Itùîaîî)ers." Thi- for Soptember meeting, fllwone. ]);)<),y lrize, a molto, was urose(ntedi toi and the play "'The PilI Bottle" to bo .%îrs. P. ,yl,.. Airs. trouil santg an nov. a nd glven carly in the faîl. Vote of1 lire WIntt iv Amoî'itne ot thanks wvas extended to Miss Haddy( lteing icconti,.i ilîy vlirs. IlairV - Smithl,~ n.igbr oe n etn m p heîino andi e ehetrîlly appînuâu- focloen le hmad etn cil. sae<mlance, tigîitisomo reeil 'sd itb Mizpah benediction. anl' t, lîomenaîi e talz n î li) the________ iing iwîrîîrtnî ir. T. \rgi anti 6,500 MILE MOTOR TOUR Mm.wiuîî .iai li ltiihe îaiihTango ln fiii 0 te ( l o ltt t he ii owd. jut. ýfr.siîiens aio lîvit inîliviui- After a miotor trip of more than il uable Oîlf fourj, set with hand emn- 6500 miewihastkn hm iîmoiîlereul linichon neSts %andidpeorated ,,ýWibbtstknte tlli Selliîw tea roses . Anoîtr hap, fr asteirn Ontario te Winnipeg, tir a ingegi -1111yasmile ndgooad thrttugh Western Canada to Van- hiasiî ndanb )i)oil3 mie n.go couver, thonce to Seattle and back te ,rite ulîîîî itîli îîîtîî ils ietx meeting nt Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Airs, Wistenîan'si on SeItenîber 4th. Pickard, of Bowmanville, Ont., are Anyone wieiing t0 join phlone 458. i visiting this week at the home of Mr. Pickard's brother and sister-in lave, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Pickard, OFFICE CLOSED 35 Prospect avenue. Mn. and Mrs. Pickard have beon about five weeks Dr. . making the tour, and tarting D.VH.StoreY's office wilI be. with new tires, bave only had one closed f rom Wednesday, August 7th, pruncture.-Port Arthur~ News-Chron- to Saturday, August 3lat. ile Lost or Found HOW ABOUT A TRIP. TO THE WEST THÉS SUMMER TEETH FOUND-Lower set of false te£-th found in Bowmanville. Inquire A region which can offer the finest at tatsma Ofic.____________in natural beauty is the one which PENCIL LOST-Goid fillied Everebarp, niakes a direct appeal to the vaca- engra ved W. H. W. at Bomanville tionist. If that region has good Beach Sunday, August 18th. Return to Canadian Statesmian Office. Reward. botel accomaodation and every ___________________________facility for vacation enjoyment, the PURSE LOST-Black Patent Leather1 greater the appeal. Purse on Tueaday on King St.. Bow- o the person takinga an Augwnt1 manville, containing bank book, person- o ai papers, etc. iteward for return to or Septemnber vacation no better Salesman Office. 351 choice could be madle than Banff and1 MON E LOST-On Saturday night Lake Louise in the beart of the1 near corner of Concession andl Horsey, Canadian Rockies. There you can smai lather purs e-conta ining abu $10. Finder 1leave at Statesman Office I and receive reward. 35-1 Aficles For Sale FOR SALE-Melotte Creamn Separator, used 15 months only, good as new. Chas. Shaw, Hampton. 35-1 AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coupe, 1927, ln excellent running order, recently ôverhauled, ail new tires thîs year. A real bargain for quick sale. Applyl Stuart R. James, Bownanville. P hone FOR ISALEDet.val -hEngine; lm- peril Junior Gang Plow; these machines I are ln good working shape; aiso a fewl cheap Cultivators. Âppiy to S. J. Hen-1 ry, Massey-Harrls Agent, Bowmanville. Phone 232 or 13. 33-tf FOR SALE-Nev rug brick house, modern conveniences, with % acre landj .and garage, on highway 2 miles from Bowmanville, tý mile from achool andj church. Reasonable terms. Apy1 S. Snowden, R. R. 3, Bowman,ii 53 FOR SALE-Saddle, 850 tt. Ne w Lum- ber. 2 18-ft. Ladders, 1 24-ft. Ladder, Plow , Stoneboat, Drags, Wheelbarrow, Potash Kettle, 8 Grade Holstein Heif- ers, 35 Hens. S, G. Chant, Lot 27, Con. Ptar],îngton, R. R. 1, Hanmpton. Phone: Os haw9. 1652r3. 35-2 AUTO FOR SALE-Buick 5-passenger, touring, 1925 model. 6 cylinder, mileage; less than 17,000, ln good repair, aiways i tiriven ijy pnivate owner. uphoisterlng lai perfect condition, a genuine bargain ati $350, for quick sale. Apply Dustan's Cash Hardware or A. Mitchell, Bowman- ville. 32-tfi Wanted WANTEO-To buy five or ton acres of, land with faitr buildings, in or near Bowý&- 1 mianville; muet bc priced righit. d- dress: O. L. Drawer B. Bowmanville. 35-1w" STORES WANTEO-Best retail sec- I tion of Bowmanviill. List your store for rent with R. B. Rice & Sons. Chain Store Departmffnt, 60 Victoria Street, Toronto. 35-4 AGENTS WANTED: We have an op- ening for an ambitious, energetic man, in your locality to seil our Apple Trees:, Mcintosh, Spy, Melba, Deiclous, Snow, Greenings, and other paying commercial varieties. Complete uine of other Fruit Trees and ornamental sbrubs and plants. Ou tfit furnished. Your money every week. Write for particulars. Cavers Brothers, R. R. No. 1, Fruitland, On- tario. 35-4 AGENTS WANTED $100 W EEKLV EASY-EITHER SEX elling PANCO products to every home, office, garage, autoisi. Fast sellers. Good commission. Free samples. P. A. LE17EBVRE & CO. LTD., Alexandria, Ont.3-l LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kindis of launciry worlc dons prompt- I, satisfactorlly and at reanonabie pricen Wrlte Post office Box 12, or c&.i1Mn. WV. Marjoram, Ring St E. BowmanviUe. Phofle 478W. PAGE FIVE enjoy the finest of golf, tennis, horse-'back riding, mountain climb- ing-and afterwards a dip in the warm pools. 1 Banff Springs Hotel or Chateam Lake Louise are well equipped to make your stopover there Most en- joyalble. 5 Special Suniner Tourist faree are available until Sept. 30, final return liniit Octoïber 31. Nearest Canadian Pacifie agent wllbe glad to furnish literature and full information. Mr. C. B. Ken%, Agent C.P.R., Bownanville, Ont. Free Demonstration All next week we will have a Domestic Science Expert at our store demonstrating the E. W. Gillet Co's MAGIC BAKING POWDER You are cordially invited to avail yourself of this opportunity to learn modem methods in home baking. Questions welcomed and gladly answer- ed on domestic science or household problems. Free Cook Book Given Away SET 0F DISHES $4.49 Only one set left-21-piece Tea Set, very at- tractive design, clearing at $4.49. TOMATOES ARE SCARCE So better place your order early. Next week will be the week for canning Tomatoes. Pure Gold Coffee, makes friends,....57e tin Lay in a good supply of groceries on Satur- day as our store will be closed Labor Day. HARRY ALLIN, Orocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE jMaple Leaf Business College Tinmes Bldg. Oshawa Offors specialized training in STENOGRAPHY AND BOOKKEEPING Business methods and Secretanial duties te yonng people who wijah positions where efficiency and proper training leads to good salaries and repid advancemnent. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3rd. Write for particulars R. C. ASHEPIHURST, Principal OFF TO SCHOOL Mothers Will Appreciate These Values At This Opportune Time BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS AT $9.95 A splendid school suit in shades of brown, with two pair of bloomer pant8, At $9.95 YOUNG MEN'S 2 PANT'SUITS AT $9.95 Coat, vest and two pair of long pants, shades of grey, less than wholesale price, At Only $9.95 Boys' Blouses, aIl sizes and pattemis, values to $1.50 for ................95c Boys' Cotton Jerseys, with and without collars, alI sizes .............39C each Boys' Cotton Heavy Ribbed Stockings (black) .....................SOC pair Boys' Bloomer Pants, values to $2.50 for only ...............................$1.95 A line of Boys' Ail Wool Sweaters and Sweater Coats, values to $2.75 each, On Sale for only $1.89 each. Many Other Splendid Values for This Weejcend. Men's new Faîl Overcoats and Suits opened up for your inspection. We in- vite you ta sec the ncw Fail patterns in the differ- cnt lines of Top Coats, Overcoats & Men's Suits. BC A N A T. B. GILCHPRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanviile i 1: