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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1929, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAkN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 PAGE SIX $ho lookS 20 goars goungOï «I have talien Kruschen Saits for 7 -inr% and enclose my pli roat.,ton k >,icoip aln of My recorul. t lave be-n niirrtidl) -ar, have i3 sots. 29, -3, 19: il-a 2', randara C and 20 rnonthh. 1it '1Jtinsyuîhili appen ce ho K-ru chen traIts -taki-ur ach .nirntig. 1 siîald s-- i-rtliak ofstarhiing tire day wltili rt takiiu5 human. * 1 am 5M. Oiu. min it, ir lght l119 puisds. ea cassriure yort My uusbald la vrry promud ()j me.'I m rs. A. H . ltt nlie for i -aricrou. To pregerr'e p-rr pithfimic/urus a 110 uruua yue,rre ysarrhou 1. C/surru andeliatpia m ,,nriurla a ?z,-rul. r i-f th , Otaare rîllifh/ mtd chaT 411 ,-H11te b, ,,C fr/r Pi t1,1r fa1h fi the --ui/Jr' hti!lldiunfi' ,OtérI f.'irror-ar ui uaurl will feled -rTirs llruir efr-lre /,«u are mnar dauis eidee. RlritchPn -Ilts 19 obtaIn.lble at drug and departuent stores in Canaris t ire, a bottie. A s a)ttle c,'Iitâui -lOUgil tO a-at ror 4 or 5 mnonth-igood iheaitilr lu haa.t a "aY. MST people rely on Aspirin to make short work of their headaches, but did you know it's just as effective ini the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu- xnatic pains, too. Don't suffer when Aspirin can bring such complete comfort without delay, and without liarm; it does not affect the heart. In every package of Aspirin you will find proven directions with whicb everyone should be familiar, for they can spare much needless suf ering. *UAPIRIN Aairin ia a Tradsmurk flste1'ed laCmaad "I took Lydia E. Pirlk:,ýaru's Ve- table Compound because 1 '..ils so sick every month that 1 had to kecp my bed for two days and I suffeerd so that I feit badly ail the time. 1 had been working in a factory but for a long tirne was flot able to work as 1 was so run-down and nervous. My friends told me of the Vegetable i F - F, iORQUICK, 1IARMLESS COMFOW Ch ildnw Cr# lorIt After taking 1000 ZUIOO JABLEIS Says they are.Ilarmles ldue. (Di.) Shuitleiff, of Corticook, aays "I msust have takea 1000 Zutoo Tableti. After tryin -ryrmdy within reach, 1 di, dedt hem &Il foui years ago for tUTOO, which I have taken ever &Ince. 1 find the tableta a harmîca. and efficient reniedy for all kinda of b-adache. I ,ce-nts per box-at ail dealeru l a well attenmlr-dmlneeting on Thurs- i day,,th. 1ns'ructive pap- iL- à t-r- on the subject tof Files, Food andi iFingeî.sý weîc givýen hy Miss DmrothyM Co; m19n"ý I Rowe,.NMisa N. (<mville and Mua. O.1IM C L -R NT N C O L C rW. Relph. A xx cl preparc-d paper 1- vL-R N E AC O L C I on HIouseheld Budgeting was given Offices and Plants at Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary. Van hy Mis Marîion Green. Musical Distribîution warchouses at other con numbeus were supplieýî by Iisstes ORONO Betty Rowe and Kathleen Stark. vice last year in the subjects she! CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL After the program a dainty lunch of taught. The Board are fortunate in i __ (From the News of August 22nd.)> ice creain and cake was served by the securing the services of _Mr. Archi-j Couneil met at Orono, August 6, Mr.H .Hodei iiighrcommittee. bald C. Ritter of Kingston who' Reeve M.*J. Holman in the chair, sier, J. Roed ambly n g For years Mother Graves' Worm cornes very hjghly recommended.1 and membersail present. sseMrs. roe t Gordn.o N 1 o Exterminator has ranked as a reli- 'Mr. Ritter holds a permanent certifi-; Communications were read as fol- j Mr.toet a week n o Nw o- able worm preparation and it always cate as supervisor of physical culture lows: Arthur Roebuck & Newson; onospn awek nton. !maintains jts reputation. and is qualified as a cadet instructor. M.%rs. E. J. Randaîl; D. H. Chisholm, Mrs. John Foster of Bomanv1Ileý Mr. and Mis. Peey Lng and Mr. Ritter will give specil attentioný K.C.;, Workmen's Compeneation Bd., was a recent visitor at Mis. Hunter's. i to mathematics. Miss Foster and; ce cheque of $639.57, being compensa- MissLouise Stephenson, Oshawa, I auni, 155oMiss Adama willtbepinochage Of thel tion of Frank Allin. is visiting m-ith Dr. and Mis. Kers- mo ri on, t iaet rn ia, home Public Schoo], the f ormer as prin ci-1 Road Supt. Henry was instructed r t VemilonAlt.,viaSariaV1St*pal and the latter as assistant teach-! to co-operate with Forestry Branch l.ake.I ing frie.ids at Toronto, Orangeville jh Mr. Alex. McNeiI of Mitchell's and other towrns enroute. They haderly upin tw mnadtamo drug store, Port Hope, was home [a real enjoyable time here vissaîng aýsst in grading and maintenance Sunay.reltivs nd eetng oyhod LOW TOURIST FARES HELP xvork on boundary line Manners and Mr. nday MrrelWooes cndWeetong bhums. YOU SEE CANADA Clark. .M.an____oof eto hus Cheque for $S22.63 was received were Sunday guests Of Mr. aldMs Sunday visitors at Mr. D. T. AI- or course sou d liii- th î'.ît til- Uoaet from Provincial Treasury in payinent S. Billings. lin's weîe: Mrs. J. R. McKay, Mrs. 1fli on the0 wa- - kt!. tiwikfvli;;NOOel of re-distribution of Railway Tax for Mrs. J. H. Hall of Toronto is N. D. MeInnis, Mr. Oliver andlMiss Winnipe~g, radn, isaoo 1928. spending a couple of weeks with Belle MeInnis of Kirkfield; Mrs. D. Cagary. Edmonton, Vancouvr.andi Vic- C.J. Thointon and H. G. MacDon- frieds hre. . MEachrn o Vanouvr, B C--; tonai Park in ailk is>rlou[n ain spienàiir, l made application for Collector of Miss arjoie Tmbly , Ohawa Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Magee, Jean andi I n, oornbr ee. ixrtifmuI Rates for 1929. Mr. Thornton was ,Hospital, is at a5BuceToronto; Mrs. MKy îemain Slilta re allur-rrips Ljtid ff~a~pointe<l. copeo ekshldy ng for a few days with her sister, .. 1,t Sun. ,,randofiheais - Councillor S. A. Dent gave notice Mrs. Allin.Low Tourist Far. s hipr you see thel of motion that at next meeting of Mis. Sarah Hutch.ison, formerly Mis. Al s cuiun.ewilmoethtDeetue Sarah Wilson, apent Sunday atMr. iThe Ou for the Farme.-A bot- %0tr'ns t l astinsi ional gn t,'sk couie if orv5,00tareblaethe ;A. E. Morton's, Sixth Line. tle of Dr. Thomxas' Eclectric Oul inl iii- xiiiagu-e you ril11,11) iilp -u i en suu~r 1,O o elc h Mu adMr.J.A.Bewt Nwthe farm house will save rn-any a tiiaktig Your tril) itsoiutd1y worth'xii-,ý bridges washed away by floods and Mr n mJ .Beet eI jouîney for the doctor. It is not -- other township purposes. Toronto, are visiting bis mother, Mrs. onîy good for the cilîdien whenta k-1 By-lax %vas passed to assess Rate- IBlewett, and other relatives. en xith colds and croup, and for the able property in Orono for 1929. Mr. and Mis. Richard McGrath of mature who sufer from pains andVYUIIIWI D. J. Gibson, Collector, made a Bowmanville spent the past week aches, but there are directions for itsfnlsaeetfr12 ae n wjth Mrs. Frank Morgan, Sixth Line. use on sjck cattle.. There should ife eceî\'e( his release together with Wky uffeS2-i5.0O for isevc. Misses Katherîne Tow-ley, Fene- always be a bottle of it in the house. Bills were order pai(l: oke' InFalls, and Ele-anor Sheppard of jMr. Thtomas Finlay, Owen Sound,Pan Comp. Board, second payn-ent for Taunton, are spending a xeek at Mr. MIrs. D. Roadbouse, Mi. and Mrs. R. jrerloul CPan 1929, $88.91; E. L. M.%acNachtan, A. A. Rolph's. oey Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant and i Treas., maintenance Sophie Kueka, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis HaladM. 1 aughters, Mr and Mis. Ambrose 1j EEwlirleepeidcp i 5-.8Plet riigCoecd and Mrs. Norman Williams of Toi- Finlay and sons, Toronto, Mr. and 1 IcadNI LENExvii rlueesî, riedic s bo$77.4; anecPitir n d o. eqor(l onto spent the weekend with rela- Iîs. W. Finlay and Miss Betty Fin-IJ irache, ei, bsnkess, irtikacas. meno, 7.,4balanchieryand equip-5 C i ves in town.I lay of Peterboro, visited at Mi. T. J. and niany othe tuîr'îîîis froii ivuch C. A. Chapmnan, sheep damiages, i0 Messr. Oscar Seo ti , J. H. and E. E. 1 Carscadden's on Sunday. Before fxwîtîaettul rt ..xo- Nor-man, Allia, aheep inspecter, ; -Middleton and Frank Branten left paîting, with Mrs. Lowery as organ- I cîcful rocoitr toct1x r Nerve Tonic. Mletillic Roofiag Co., culvert and iMonday for a few days' fishing in ist, a full choir of good singers sang NIEE ~~'i in iiither coupflera, -ý490: Pedlar 1people, Ltd. the northern lakes. i several good old gospel sengs, much NIqaid or hefcrt at 'oo culvert and coperIl.S . H Mrs. B. Barstead of Toronto, sý enjoyed by ail. bottie or box. Wood, caretaker, S3.75; Bondl holul- spending a week at the old homne Mr. and Mrs. Crocker and daugh-1 NILENE LABORATIORIES, LIMITED e? opn S 12 ~l.6 n.j here, in company xwith hec aistea,' te-us, M's-es Doroth ad E Nie, h,,u i 126 Wellington St. West Henrv, Road Supt., and office, S13G; a 1 rs. *E. .T.Randaîl, rmonthly ptyment iMrs. Little and family. rmo)her, Mrs. Colvin, and Mr. and, TORONTO 2, ONT., CANADA .p ~R Iandaili& Felloxv, .34S; Dus. For- Dr. Andîew Somerville bas îeturn-1 Mrs. MeIsaac, Toronto, Mr. Willianîi! ed to Toronto after a twe xeeks" Kyle and family of BellevillýeMr-'.-- iestand Penson, prof. services, ýl00; holiday vvith his parents, Mr. andi Milîson and daugh'er of Solina r Du. Jn. A. Butli, er psuxcs 5 M.ýrs. T. W. Somerv.lle. and Mus. Kiissic of Detroit, M ch , J J V fI(N 2 ot ulcHgxas a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pipher of Ohio, î.at i- t-e,,Tsno J .;H ER M O N ci~ enint, ýýl2.50; D. J. Cibson. salarv- and Mr. and Mrs. John Walkeî of xvere receni visitùrs at -.I. A. J Buys Collector, 19 ý.I275.00: S. Cîîtteli.1 Port Hope, spent Tuesday wjth their Le gh's. Mrs. Crocker, who w;x1 il k fomai, $').(',0: Jno. Henry, rond jformerly Miss. Colvin, xxus a foirmeracuis uv cousin, Mrs. A. A. Rolph. t 1e rOrn colbada Poultry and WooI aCouncats July. tri4S.37. The case with which corns and iîachoer tOo Mu. hos. ChoarpeC>bCoucilatljoneto et gi warts can be removo-d by Holloway's th. oeo .I.Ths hre o at Fair Prices on luesday, Sept. 3rd, at 1 pm. Corn Remover is ia s srongesi recom-1Hý] : iaGay A. J. Staples, M J. Holma, mendation. ht seldoni fails. MsGa R. Ferrier, xvho basPhesCek.Rve taught se acceptably as ass,;stantla_____ Mrs. H. Chisholm and Mi. Fred, the Continuation School bore foi the Bowmanville: 235 Chisbolm of Toronto, and Mi. andj past two yeairs, bas heen pronioted Toronto: Trinity 3949J If you are la the rigbt stand up Mis. W. A. Chishoîni of Kearney,,î-te the principalsbip for the incomingj Adds:274 Augusta Ave., for it no matter if the heavens fallD j were visitors at Mr. D. T. Allin's on Iscbool year. Miss Ferrier w-Ilbecîss-5g if yeu lose every friend you have:, jTuesday. 1ahly supperted by Miss Mildred Cole Toronto. 32- God will raise up others who will be Mu. and Mrs. Chanton Gamsby and 1 of Columbus who iendered good ser- l _______________ better.-D. L. Moods'. family of three childien motoîed into j town from Toronto on Monday, ac- companied by Mis. Coomba, former- ly Edyth Pollard. Mis. Thos. Tysick, Perth,' is spend-I ing a few weeks with her daughtei, Mis. Perey Morgan, and ber daugh- ter, Mis. Atwell, who is here on a visit from Detroit.i, Mns. R. Atwell, of De- troit, who is here visiting her sister, Mis. Perey Morgan. Mis. Dever -and childien, who have been visiting Mi. and Mrs. Irwin R.1 Bragg and Mi. R. H. Allun, Bowman- k ville, left Wednesday moîning for -their home in the west. Mr.Ervans and daughteîs, aftei of Thousand Islands and Montreal 1 for their home at Caldwell, N. J. Mis. John Coinish and little son, Caîman, spent a few days at his sis- tei's, Mis. (Rev.) A. K. Edisn jLittle Britain; aiso Mi. and Mis. 011e Cooper spent Sunday at Little Brut- 1 * ain. Mr De ndit Mis. Clarence Vintage of J I < > DeriMich., Mr. and Miss Mc- Nichol and Mu. Vernon McNichol of &E Woodstock were recent visitous wit.h Mu. and Mis. J. B. Laurie Cdc ai 1 trwtonJase rPrVcoi ndiIi i i i XI. Mis. A. J. Staple-, and daughteî, Miss Kathleen Staples, ieturned on" Thursday last fîom a veiy enjoyable jPrince Rupert, B. C., ietuining by way of the Great Lakes. 1C. J. Thoînton, ex-M.P., wa a- Stop for gasolîinc . . stop f9r oil . .. stop ýpoiated collector of taxes foi Clarke srie~ tx~ xu ~ sain township at the last meeting of the for sevc !îIl Rd Lda sain municipal council, in succession toi Mi. D. J. Gibson who bas held the w 1 fid qI K co re us a en office the past thîee years. yo i *fn - Îk o rc u tii Mu. John Mills.on spent a few days dns.. pc ro&au1e- con..aii in Akuon, Ohio, accoonpanying hisl a ts sic ri'-o r . afl fîriend, Mi. Ralph Barr, on hisireturi u py o Ie ~ 1 L..±~ rne home. lHe aiso enjoyed a trip s<Vi Gashe (Noic-u -through the Alengheny mounitains, Ino u t h s rcutq~./1 returning home by Ne-w York. prdu ts T es po.ct, yca as(N Jean, little daughteî of Mr. and1 nc1 MooJulO..R d ~ i~ 'oo Mus. Robert Jobnston, was taken! - Ma ot rathon .. . dIoo suddenly iII last week, ber symptomsOu ...adL-o in What pleasanter wî of taking sugar? ere's Stomach-joy For You. Lght, Flavory, Easily Digested SHREDDEI -- With ail the bran of the whole wheat When fussy appetites are bard to please, these crisp, ovu laked, flavory sbreds of whole wheat give zest to the meal and energy for work or play. Deliclous with whole mnilk and fruit&. ~MAC OMPANX' LIMITED ncouier. Toroum,. and Mrrntreai ,nvflient imin,î C 1D k Chew and Grow Thin You know that certain foods furnish body energy without addinC-. uncomfortab!e fat. Sugar 13 one of thesz2 oods. supplying needed energy in concentrc-led form. WRIGLEY'S chew*,ng sw"eels give You sugar t lavor. your rietfi.

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