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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADL4.N STATESMkN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 PAGE SEVEN BALADA han the finest flavour la the worMd and it conte only onemquarter of a cent a cup "1SALADA"I TEA 'Vreeh front the gardens' LEHIGIf VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal TAat Satisfies SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You wxill nevei'have cause to regr-et using our Coal. Wýe buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you 'si-il rle w-th satisfaction everv moment ,you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you withi our high-grade fuels and courteous ser'vice. Quality Service t. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Pho~ne 153 cr 202 Bowmanville PJTY YOUR POOR SUMMER SUITS They have a lot to put UI) with at this season of the year-vwhat w-ith the heat and the dust and al...... You can't blarne them for looking a littie the worse for wear Lut vou can hellp thern to stage a snappy cornel)ac if vou send thern to us regularly for dry cleaning. Tliey'li corne back crisp and fresh andi iively readvy to make y-ou look and feel 100'C cooler. wi-ch o111- 1)ecia1 process of dry cleaniing, we specialize in taking that -ail gone" look and feel out of d1roopy suits. *When shail w-e eal foi' yours? Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMAN VILLE AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL *Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buiît our' business. We aim to help you secure the greatest Ser-vice from your car by supplying such famous I)1oducts as Aviation and Sheli Gas- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the oniy tires in the world built of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade iining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville OBITUARY Lily Jane Trenmouth, Hamipton T ier ra-eto '. St at tho l boni"- ifher t Il.-i iJohn twi 2.l 1;' .a'. 'i'.uli . A ..e v Etli-ti-tland tl iza Tretîruth ,-f j I-Irtpt ai, w ie s he i- idh<i unt :1 abo ut at. ycatge. w hen sh .' solil lo, la tm c a nd wc t to e sidc w ith hi -1-ter, owing ttt failing hcalthl. SI c I xa., a faithful mnîîi- erf Hamnpton Chu i-fb tntdISunant v Si-bool an~d ais, of the Womnen's Institute. T he funeî-al toek place on Tues- day, August 13th, service being con- duct<-d by Bey. W. S. P>. Boyce, whu. is supplying for Rev. J. H. Staintoît, the paster. Rev. M.%r. Boyce i)aid a very beautiful tribute te the life efý deceased and gave a very comforting message. The intfrment toek place in the family plot in Hampton cemetery. 1 The paîl-bearers were Messrs. W. jJ. Snow-den, Chas. H. Snowden, F. J. Groat, R . Avery, Theo. Salter, and John Colweil, Jr. Very beautiful floral tributes ex- pressed the synîpathy of nîany friends and relatives. She leaves te înourn bei' passing, one brother. Mr. Ambrose Tronout 'l Hampton, and twe sisters, Ms Geo. Stephenson, Oshaw-a, and Mrs-. John Snowden, Maple Grove. Among the friends pre-.ýnt fiom a distance were 'Mr. an d Mrs. E. Shv'p- hej'd, Toronto, NMrs. Fred H-edilon, -Seb and daughter., Columbîts)12; m2. a tid Mus. Gec. Stephenson, Mi. antd Mrs. J. N. Wickscn, Raf; anti IE:hanor of Oshawa. Helen M.%ay Stephens. laj A ycung life w-as called ta rest oi Wednesdav, August 7.-ini the pcr- son cf Helen May Steithens-, wI'e passed away in Toronto lsit, after a nîonth's illness. She w-as a daughteî cf 'Mu'.tand NTra- Philip Stephens, cf Clarke township, '.s-ere she was born on Seotenîilter 4, 19Os. She was cf a bright. cheerful <s- position and ivas wchl ikel liv al ber girl conîpanions. Shtî toek quite an active part in the yeung, people's seciety and wîas a member of Clarke Church choir. The funeral teck plnae frorn the residence cf ber parents on Sunday, August 11th te Newtonville cerne- tery, service being conducted by the Bey. D. W. Best, D.D., of Bowman- ville. Besides ber parents she is survived by ber only sister, Latin-t, and twio brothers, Theodore and Ernest, al of wbemn remain at home. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Ivan Farrow, Leonard Heard, Gor- don Martin, Oswald Wragg, 'Melville Graham, Alex. Grant. The flower bearers w-e e Messrs. Wilbur Baskerville, Clarence 1'urley. Bill Reid, Hildard Simpson, Westol Stringer, Eme Stringer. The floral offerings were very heautiful and included a broken cir- cIe fu'or the parents, pillows frcm the sister and brethérs. and one frcrn The Verdi of 276,0 W &AZ - G," say feeders v~ the eight months' dairy by the Purina Milîs. Figi 276,003 cows fed hand mixtu commercial rations. Here's m Yearly Profit per Cow: Average on band rnilxed n Average on 55 commercia Average on Purina Cow C, The average Purina profit feed more than on other c $27-04 more than on hand mJ Frankly, Purina resuits arei we decided te handle Puri know they'll make you moi let us help you with your phone us. Phone 77 Ml D-SUMMER WEDDING TRIP TO THE PACIFIC I n-latnNumber4 The marriage of Ethcl. daughter We( left Ednionton T <n '~ )f' M.and the iat4e Mr. R-.'XCly nAgs6.h Wea îir e% t(eîrurdc St.,Vro., Que., to nîues -on.e very good cr p-,*a, -r. David l'ring, oniy son of Mr. and wc îtau about -)0ml :~ n ,r .1 ' ing. Tai' tn:, was sel- a!m ni a ak.j ia nntzed at S:. Clenîent's Anglican grain 'Oc it rratind Church, on Mjnday, August 5th, at NV l moley tîn-i -id n -t look very val-I 7.3 0 p. n, uable. We arrîvedi Saskajttn The bride, who was given in mar-, about 5.10 p. ni. and checked ouri niage by ber brother, Mr. B. Clayton,ýsutcase.,. We we'-'? sarprised to wore a gow-n of white ' 'fn georgette fn s v.e carne up on the nmain l trirnmed with radium lace, with veil streets W-bat a crowd of niotor cars of white tulle and radiumi lace, trim-, there was. The streets w.ere niuch med witb orange blossonis, and she tw'der than the O ntario streets are-1 carried a Douquet of Ophelia roses jvvide enough so that cars would park and liles of the valley. She was at- three deep in the centre -af the str-eet tended by her sister, Miss G. X. and one deep by the eurb. T'Oere Clayton, ard Miss 1. Grist as brides-, was a one-wa3' drive on eit.her side maids, who wore dresses of yeîîow 'of the street. georgette and carried bouquets of t We looked up a very fine cafe and pastel shade sweet peas. M r. R.Ierdered dinner which ail enjoyed. Colin was best -man. Duaing theltho ugh we had had a long day on of the register, Mrs. j the train, we looked up the telephone Brighten sang "0 Perfect l ove'"'j book and found Mr. Wmn. Pascoe's, Following the ceremony, a recept- number, formerly of Ontario. ion was held in Wood Hall an atrTomas Snowden called him up and i t.he bride and left for Deerî he w-as much surprised te hear his Lodge, Haliburten, Ontario, where voîce. He arranged te corne in his! the honeynioon was spent. lovely big car, driven by bis daugb- Guests from out of town were' ter lys. Just let me say for ber Mr. and Mrs. John Pring and thei relatives' satisfaction that Iva is Misses Eva and Muriel Prlng of Tor- teacbing bier 6th year in the samel onto. Iscbo'ol at $1,200 a year. The happy couple are now residingi ln looking over the teleptiore at 5844ý Verdun Ave., Toronto. lboek, Mrs. Snow-den found senie I The groom is a nepbew of mrs.1Ifriends of bers, MIr. and 'Mis. Lorne I Fuller Cator, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Massie, wbo live also in Saskatoon. Wm. Parnaîl, Newcastle. We phoned them and they wrere soon ____________________________down te the station, accomnpanied byl their son Elliot, who is principal of the neighbors, wreatb, Mrs. A. Grant a'scbool, and their 17-year-old daugb- ndfarnîly; sprays and bouquets ter- Lor-raine, wbo bas finisbedbe l romn Mr. andIM:s Gerald Sweeting, d ear at Higb Scbeol and as Lake Shore Sun-day School, Mr. amPI Iwon in a singing competition, corn- Mrs. Jesse Baskerville anI farnIlypeting with about 1,000 rthers. Mrs. E. Ogden ani Viola, Iqazel 'yur- They bave a new Ford in which we b-,'.-,%Ir. and ' ll'aril nd j dr'ove over somne of the ni*ce drives of faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden bore bich anda ean- iur. cea Hlazel Hainess, Mr. and Mis. John hrewihi-abatflpaeal Robinson, Edna Millson, Mr. an<l shaded xith trees.1 Mrs. Moorey, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Saskatoon is the second largest i Phyllis, Viola and Lillian Hollings-I city in Saskatche,-an and basaop worh ad Dra triger Iulation of 42,000. The Provincial Aniong th e relatives f rom a dis- University and one of the three tance were 11,r. Alex. Allport, Cam- i NormalI Scbools oftePoicar bridge, N. Y.; Mrs. Bolton, Detroit;' std there. fasktoPon ca e Mrs. R. Humphrey, Mount Albert; b lue f is skoon cn e Mlrs. R. Elsley, Mrs. W. Salter, Mr. b ru fisshos S. Harper, Toronto; Mrs. A. Grant To give Ontario foi"- an idea of and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. how business 15, 1 wiil give a few Grant, Bow-manville; Mr. andi .r.J figures: Birks' new jewelry store cest W. J. Moorey, Enniskillen; Mrs. $125,000; Woolworths' have just Sweeting and Julia, of Midland. bulit a store at $150,000. There ___________are the Reobin Hoodl Fleur Mils- CARD 0F THANKS very large enes; The Quaker Oats Manuifacturing Plant; the Capital Mr. and Mrs. Stephens anI familv Theatre newly epened which cost desire te express their sincere thanks $450,000. Mr. Massie teld us he te their many friends for the sym- would like us te see the inside of the pathy and great kindness extended te theatre, so be being a very promîn- tbem during Helen's illness and ent man and once in the Council, death, and for the beautii'ul floral stopped the car and ran across the tributes. street. 'They were just starting the performiance and there were people Is it net goed te, have sucb great geing in by the dezers. The man faith in a future uniting us te those said, sure, bring your friends fromi we love bere on eartb? Were it flot Ont.ario in, se '.e tripped acrctss and se oui bereavements w-ould be toe saw one of the best decorated bard te be borne and our bearts theatres in Canada. The T. Eaton îvould be breken. Ce. bas a building that bas just cost ________________________-$950,000, se there mius, be much wealtb in Saskatoen. We drove tbrough the Agriculzur- IAKE MORE , al Greunds, wbere they have sontie AR YOU ON very fine buildings. The Fair bad .iust been beld before we got there. N<A! We aIse drove by the airpert and there were lots of people there, w-ait- S ing te go up for a ride. Then Mr. and Ms Massie, who weîe a veryl Z ~jolly couple, drove 'Mrs. Snowden and s içme eut in the country te whlere Mr. S adce bad taken my brother. We 'ba them geod-bye for we had cer- rtainly enjoyed the short visit we had with them. Then w-e bad a fice e, visit witb Mr. and Mis. Pascoe and t Iva. We spent the night with them and in the merning they drove us over te 005their fanm. Mr. Pascoe bas a haîf section, and it is a very fine farin. Mrs. Pascoe thinks their eropw are light this year; but we thought they à. were very fair. Then they drove their place. We started for Prince Al'bert at Ict about 8 o'cleck. The land from Saskatoon te Prince Albert was more unbroken, some fair pieces of grass 03 C ow s and some sn-îall crops of grain. But whenwe eftPrine Aber togo to when shown the resuits of1 Hudson Bay Junction, we passed profits sux-vey conducted farms more like those in Ontario, ;ures were obtained on witb larger fields of grain of real ires, Purmna, and 55 othet good quality. There did net >seem tel1 vhat they showed: be anv sign of dreugbt for about 50'ý miles.' We considered these cropsi extra fine. lu was about one-third -ations .......... $124. 10 1tair-v. But after we got eut about i rations ........ 138.70 50i :~e it becaine unbroken again. ýhow ........... 164.25 'e n we were 12.5 miles front Sw.. was Si9.8o per ton of n'.. or. it becamie îark selve iis-d i commercial rations and *.he views o.:t'Oaý sect:i,!.1 ixed rations. Wc arrtved fa:, S-an River atl the one big reasonwhy à«ýa -ý . e" . ;ii. anid fahleî Up Mr.1 -c moncy. Come ini and Sfeeding problem - or F. C. VANSTONE Flour Milis Bowmanville, Ont. The Store wvith the Checkerboard Sign STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Prîvat. Wir. s7stem il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phonos 143 and 144 Phone Calha At Our Expea. 'a:a c n...elIn -he af- t t '1v I s ' t 'vo us on t t i-, c L'a:v ' aat'1 -cun's vlýàce. t t îu .4 Iv ins as a -, a" tiin ý)f l-." q71,11 7eý' ect ions. i tavbro 'O< iaîd 1 i. ilked eover 'Os farni. 1: -Id uasotre of ou- Ontîîri) farniers good te have a loîok il bis; cr'îps. Just te give you sonie idea of it. 1 tiili give you a few- mare figures- Mr. Provin.s bas 480 acres, 290 of w-ich are workable land. He 'as tbiî-ty acres of sumnîci fal )w, and the rest seeded dlow-n te Timotby and Sweet Choyer. He bas ju3t eut and slacked about 100 tons of bay and bas tbree canhoads of baled hay in ýhis barn, of ast year's crep. At present the best bay la worth $20 per ton. He bas about 240 acres of grain nearly ready te be barvested. It î-eaIhy looks quite prosperous. Saturday merning Mnr. Fraser came over agaîn and dreve us up througb a' new part of the country. We drove te Tbunday Hill andi saw one of the nicest farming districts we saw in the West. They eall it The Valleys, between the nieuntains. We saw some grand fields. We left for Fort William on Mon. day merning where 1 stopped te judge at the 'Pair and then proceeti- on our way home. We have been toc busy sightseeing te gi', The Stateoman readers a real description of our journoy home. Saauel Saowdonj Le kat these.. il. k PERFORMANCE rF-ATIYIZ3 60 h.p., 200 cubie inch bigh-coinis.-cs ýio. -mgine. G-M-R Cylinder Head. Fuli p;resurn o4'ing system. Positive pump fuel c.1n--l expnnding four.wheel brakies. COMc',TFEATVij?- '.; Large roomy interiors. Aide rctstful sents. Adjustable drivet" s sent. t'- 1+3rui Shock Absorbei's. Leather spring cave.:s. AUPEARANC2I ~a Stylish bodies by. Fisà--r. -î.re'Lu<-'o- ings. MWidcz flaring fcrafrF. .sîctat raiatc.r desig-n.Fs'c' T - shield. Speeciaily designe Terniý. -! .---.B:-* car imipressivcneîs antd beauty. Long engine life. Sturdy Fisher body construc- tion, c'nbinaticn hardwood and he2vy' gauge steel. Rugged S3-pound short-stroke crank- shaft, counter wJgh-;teJ andi perfectly balanoed. Extra sturdy frarne with four strong cross- members. Real Big Six size, equipment and appointments. P-31-29ZC PRODUC'r OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMMTD PONTIAC s your Lýaier abou t he GMAC Delerred Fayman Plan Cor bett Motar Sales King Street Bowmanville - uýtar,0 IT'S BETTER BECAUSB Costly,, b ,casedbyd.2Lirg embr at lgt Ringol are bniing odnrof .fvoomtl BbRi ofing h as adozen features found ini ne other roq lng. Prry grounded accorig te the fire marshal's instructions it defies light eng it stands up agamnst every weather and clrntic condition. Handsomne, easy te lay on new roofs or over oid ones. Secure for a lifetime. Sheeta fit weathertight; there are seven ribs te nail into,giig ratersecuity thann any other roofing. Idealfor Bsrs, Sheds, Summer Cottages. IT'S CANADIAN Put it on wi±h PRESTON LED-HED NAILS T7he aniy nulle ta Une withmetsiroofing.The on the bondiar fectly seul, thie usi hale.Waterpi'aaftelinn- lates clumeywsuheie. NO more.".rad. . Their eau. snd sae Worth many timon their c 22, c per lb. FREE ssple gladly sent on roquent PRESTON Ventilation Prevents Spontaneous Combustion Teoeur knowledge, net a single Preston Ventilated Barn bas ever been burned because of spontaneous combustion. Warm,- moist air in an impreperly ventilated barn produoes condi- tions conducive te spontaneous ignition. Preston Ventilators for the rooft adjustable side-wail windows and spacieus doors protect the barn from fine dangers by keepimg the air in constant circulation. They are built te keep the elements out. Write for ful particulars. PRESTON STEEL-TRUSS BARNS A stronger barn built; wlth rugoeed S5teel Ti-usses. Every ~~e of tht. structure is braed againsut wînd- pre-oure. The framework lu compact. doing aw tt] cumhersome cross- ha. WeU - ventilated and wel Wghe ht. casiest bar-n bers. us ortm Over 1000 Ontario farmera have studied &Il makes aud chosen the Preston Steel- Trus Bar-n. Their satisfaction in our saronngeut agum.-nt. Cet the a s )u thiebtter harn. Wnite today for oui big "Book About Barns". Over 1,000 in Ofteuno- Net one lest through lightning Zook's R.gulating Compound mas&Sold intt. e of . t mant-No. I. il$ 2 83-No.885prb px.puàonreet44o rmat 11119 COOK MEICIlNECO. Barn Doer Tracks and Hanger Preston hot-gaflvunized four- wheel Haugers and bird. proof Barn Door Track are th best harýdware made for heavy bsrn doors. The Hsuger lu adjustable up sud dowo. sndintanad out. This maltes erection e easy that hundreds of huIiers will use ne other type. Edstnm ?e4u Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO Toronto -,% Montreal 's D$PHOSPMODINE11 âmalt e Gr-euat Fglish Preparaton. m .MTones ud n-igorates the hole ~fJ~ nervous System. maltes new Blood 1 l n aid Veins. Usi'd fer Net-ioui Orb Lt. eta n raeWorry Deqman? Lon-ofEn7g~, Palpitation ot eh#Hoa, isgZAmrne.Pnce lapetbo,3p for S$i»Sold by alildmuggists, or maiIed in plate pIc0 n ept of priqg. Nus pauphA sosd. 'ýMEDVE CWM WMOM PAGE SEVEN ' THE CANADEAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1929 IT'S BETTER BECAUSE 1 *Me

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