THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SFIPEMBRER 19, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN m ~in 1 I THENEWIM PROVED GYPROCI StrùIctural Strength FIRE-PROOF},e2 Funi/8 Thidknemg *~ew inprovea! Edge For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmnanville,_ L-b 1 InL A Friend in Need Whether your income is from farnâ or fac- tory; whether you handie the plough or the -pen; whether you work in office or in the open fields, you need the protection of sound, dependable insurance. Insurance after a Iosi is a friend in need. But don't wait until after a fire or other misfortune. Se. this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. to-day. It may save you heaxvy losa tomorrow. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bozwm anville LEHIGH VALE ANTHRACITE 77w Coal 7That Satiafies SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using oui Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you wiIl anijie with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Servce J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders'Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bwmmll 1,0 T HE knowing hostess takes advantage of every oppor- tunity to give individuality to her table. She always makes her own salad dressings. She prefers to create lier own desserts. And she makes lier own mus- tard pickles. In this way she can develop lier own coinbination of veg- etable ingredients--and be sure they are ffrm and fresh. She can use the purest of vinegars, peppers and spices. And, most important of ail, she can give lier pickles that superlative, indispensable tang of Ilavour imparted only Ly a real old Enalital Mustard like KEEN'S 1 PICK LED DEÂNS String a quarter et a = ek ftSnder gros.m .tbrew tisane lut. akettie of hoili.. wstsr. sdd 1 tâcespoo.- fui samit &Bd bell255 minutae. Whou domme drain la a aolsnâuv, lot staend nutti cola. Lb. put ite jassSyim !Itywith M or Kss' Iutad 1 table«, auluh. -" hues. - redisa"su 0»« te.whds uli - dis, c vlaonmm FREE - Somd for oacSpy ~a of6 o idag asuy j mal,' woderfulpickle and rab"sh. Kr*IEEN'S lNIUSTAKLD CI. m .(Canad) LIIa.d, '10MA.h.,a Su., »eaI ENNISKILLEN i One winter tisey isauled square timber peut the acisool. The, loe wara hewod as smaoth as a planed board. Someof thelog were 70ft long. I asked a teamanter bhoy it vas that hie teani could pull it se easily. Re said if the. log vas cuti into 12 ft lengths his teani could mot pull it. Be thon gave hia reeson. Bemay have beau rigisti. Tii. lasti stick I sam hauied vas the mint. There voe three teamns hauling it. It vau five feet at the. stump end, and, 1 think, ever 70 feet long. If it taipemed six inches every twelve foot, tisere womldi ho 6000 teet of Iusnber-board mss- ure. Theboss said they expected to get a prize et $500.00 viien it ar- rived in Montreal, for the hast niast, and they would get $500.00 fer it wisan it arrived in Liverpool. They paid John Smith the big sum o'f $15 fer the trea. Tise loes ere taken to ILake Scugog and fioatad te Lind- say. We in the 4th mmd 5th classes sat together. Wa played "Pins" andi other games, and were seidoin caugist. When we were, tisa teacher punished severely. Near the end efthtie 3rd year the large 'boys hec! ahnost ali quit scisooi. Tisere were only Joe Lucas, AnLson Taylor and mysei-f. Joe and Anson were Plsying some ýZ1i was looking on. The teach- eî- saw them, called them up, gave »Joe, t,'wo or three taps, sent bhim to his seat, none tise wovse. Ha gave Anson a %very seý-ere whipping. It ost!le DÏo ni (m I sSw Anson cry. IRe did flot cry because hie wa hurt but on account of the unfair treat- mient hie got. rt'a was One of the faults the teacher 'had. He hic! bis favorites and showe<J h, and was dis- iked hy a number of bis pupils. 1 salj tO Anson, "Neyer mind, wa viii make tisis rigist visn scisoci is dis- MLssed." We talked thbe matte.r over. 1 was ta do the talkimg, hoe and 1 te do tise fighting, if amy. When tise scisolars bail left, va stood At the end cof the desk tili tise teacher came dcvii. Ha asked vhat we wmnted. 1 aaid it vas in raference te the boys hoe whipped thisamftarneon. I told hlm hae had been very unfeir in hie treatmnent of tise beys, as I had seen visat they vere doimg. Tisay vera alike gullty, and ha sisould have pun- iahed iiemi alika. i said lho oughti t, gâpologiz8 te Azsaom. Be did very nicely and va wemt avmy tve prend boys. He finiahed i s tibree yetam teaching, got hielit Cies cortificatae mmid becanso a preacher. If ha vas as good at pradhlig as ha vas at temciing ha vould ha & suceas LAUNDET WAIfTED Ali lad IIor muattey errdon. Prompt.. ;P1satia«oto mnd At reesoble DMoeu tePot 0 ox U.or C.llIC V.Maflow Elu ea t. ILEeB.vtVM& P9a411W4 i -s ru~ VIRE AVD WEATIIED Put it on with PRESTON LHD-HED NAILS <aboya aboyai Spedaluy adapted for use in iuttlng os motai roofing. 1%l1ud on the head pogltiyely seais the mail hole- making h weather. tight and water-proot No wasahrs; no more "tirad n". llcpalb. Fr". sample on ru- Prevent Spontaneous Combustion and bave a Weli Ventlmd han W oair in an impropuriy v ptilated bara groduces coadi cond cltosstaoua Presto. VMS. lators for thé roof. adiustUbisi.wailwindows sud spadoeors L ciclto.Thor are, oflt= ep a Lam 0a"Gt.Write fer fiuparticulara. Prestos lot-s.adlsd feor-ueiRsrm u 00cr Tract are the. bout hardwsae m"fr s, o70Baur inadjge :ea;- 0M PRESTO STEE TRUS BARN Rib-Boil Galvanisd roofng ehilds propert' frorn lightminq and flre. Woodem roofs are es prey. Iu 1927 in Ontaxio alone, $1,814,700 w=or of propenty vms deatroyedby ro;ceused by speutaeaua combustion mad b1yembersfaL- img on intlammaible roofs. Bib-BoB la abso- lutoly fire-proot snd vator. ht. It prateots yaur crapa from dam pao..t is aconduclve te apontaneoua ignition. Hsndscnse; perma-. ont; easy to lay on mmy roofBai savon ziba to nail;, otiiori give lais secuty Tait. sta~vto proectycur rova and b xlne.wrte for afr&« ample ofEIM> A Joint Savings Account is a Real Convenience PARTJCULARLY as a matter of family conven- ience dees the joint acou nt demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subi oct te withdrawal at any time by either of the persons in whose namne the joint account is opened. In case of the de-. ces» of one ef the parties holding a joint account, al money may be withdrawn by the other. A joint savings acce.uut in The Caxadian 'Bank of Commnerce i8 a resi couve nï4nce where two people desire secess to the saine funds. TECANADIAN BANK O F COMMERCE aml S wih wAfcA o.% U ,,J.df ~ H TANDARD ]BANK 0f? CANfADA) I BLACKSTOCK Miss Florrie Parr is visiting with f riends in Toronto. Mrs. Royal Whitfield is visitingi friends in St. Catharines. Miss Esther Strong is progressing nicely after ber recent accident. Mrs. John Barton and Douglas, of Enniskillen, recently called on friends here. We are glad to welcome back Mr. and Mrq. Luther Mountjoy from their trip to 'Vancouver, B. C. MT. and Mns. R. G. Lambe, Lind- say, wore recent visitors cf the form- er's sister, Mrm T. Smith.. Services in St. John's Church on Sunday, Septeniber Sth, were taken by tev. Mr. Warren of Toronto. Corna cripple the. foot and inake walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Hoiloway's Corn Re- mver is wthin reach of &IL mrs. A. Roadhouse of Vancouver, B. C., called on Mrs. M. Smith, re- cently. Mm .R>odhouse bas been i the West for tii.pat forty years After tour years of faithful ser- vice as clerk in the Superior Store, Miss Margaret Proutt bas resigned her position in favou.r of Miss Ger- truade 'Henry. On Monday evening, September 9*, the Induction service for Rey. P. G. iPowell, forrnery of iBlac3tock, was heid in thse Anglican Church, Uxbridga, and waa conducted by His Iâordship Bishop Sweenoy and Areis- deacon Warren, of Toronto, assisted by clergy of thse Deanery. A re- ception was violO later in the pariah ,hall. The Septembar meeting of thse Victorian Woenen's Institut. vas held on Wednesday afternecn, Septensber 4th, at the home of Mas. Leith 0Byers, with an attendance idf 42. The meeting opened woith the Institute Ode followed by Bible reading by Mrs. ('Bey.) Milton Sanderson, and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The meeting was in charge cf group 4, Mis. Leith Byers, convaner. The foilowing prograsu vas givan: A pap- er on "Tact" by Mis. R. Stinson; a piano solo by Miss Mabel Arguae; reading by (Miss Olive VaiùCamp;t recilrtion by Miss Ldia Stinson. Thee meeting closed witis God Save theo King. Lunch was served. HAMPTON (Received toc late for last week)1 Visitors: Mrs. J. Vice, Saskat-1 chewan, Mr. Albert Elliott, Fort Er- ie, at Mr. John Golwill's Jr.; Misss Lena Niddrie, Toronto, Mr. Levi Niddrie, Brantford, at Mrs. L. Nid- drie's; Mr. and Mrs. Hoo(ey, Cameron,f with ber sister, Mrs. J. Clatworthy; Mi"e Vera Baker, Solina, Mrs. Thom-p-1 son, Solina, Miss Loraine Thompson,8 Ne'w York, Mrs. C. Crossman and8 Jean, Oshawa, at Mms. Mabel Tay-t lor's; Miss Muriel Moore, Enniskil- ion, with Miss Grace Hastings; Mrn. A. with her daugister, Mrs.c Roy Metcalf, Base Line..Rcent visitors wiVlh Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cur- tis were: Mfr. Jos. Washington, Au- burn, a scisool friand of 60 yaars ago; Mrm. Byron McLeod anid daughter1 Nomma of Winnipeg, Men.; Mra. Geo.0 Cailan and Mrs. bMCready, Bowman-1 ville; Mms. Wait. andj Mrs. Ira Argue1 of Oshawa.The Young People's1 annual corn rosât vas weil attended1 and enjoeod by ail prenant.1 i 1- CARTWRIGHT 70 YEARS AGO By J. H. Medd, Exeter, Ont. (Third Instaiment) The Geography was a large vol- umne in book f orm. The first part &bout the sun and the planet- ary system-the earth and its move- 3ments. Lt was quite a surprise to soea of us to learn that the earth was round and moved around the sun -te tbink that ail our lovely ideas about the sun giving us ligàt andl heat by day, the moon hight by night, wero ahatterod. We wouid aing thse grand old hyunn, "What talaoqgh in solamm atillnewsail Moves round this dark, terreatiai bull." Two -of the boys told tiseir f'ieze tisoy vere tmuht thse world was round. Ha said, "là tisat visat I send you to achool for--to leamn suchs nonsense? Thse wvend s as flet as a pancake. You eau stay at home aftar tii." And tisey did. To-day va w>nder at suah ignor'. ance. Yet va bave intelligent mon who believe nearly these ama as tiiet ignorant fermer. The. more va know of thse heavens and earth, thie more sublime wva sea Our grest Creator's Po'.er. I wl nowVive thesamres cf somje Of the familles that sent children ta achool. On tishe ntisvas Beberti Spimks, active in townahip politlcs. Ho sent tise, boys and one girl to siool. Onea of the. boys vas demi and dumb, but ho vas very smait. Tiser. vwer. tio otiser deaf and dumnb boys by tise mrne f mason, but tihey were mot in Our section. The. taach- o r had tise mre of baing a gcod teacher for the deeianmd dumb. Ha baugist me their alphabet, that they might bave comipmy, but tihey soem rot toc cleva'r for me,-made their linge"s go no fast tisat I could mot rea tise lattais. 1 never knev what became cf them. On the sanie concesionm, West of the gravai rond, vas William Taylor's fanm. Thora vare two boys and a nuniber of girls. Tise-boys wero An- son and Thomas. We callad the lat- ter "Sportar," becausa ha would take no part in our sports. I saw him do the quiekeet pieca of circus work I aver saw done. The couplîng broke, than the arma of the horse-power came againat thea 'hrsas' legs; the herses jumped into a run. Tommy ran along onaet tho ans mand jump- ed off. A mal movia picture-a homse fell and stopped the show. Tommy vas the haro and went up 100 per cent li our estimation. Tisera voie eight families in oiir section w'ise sent 66 childran te schooL. I vent witis moat of tbem. Public men -ask why boys leave the tarin. I would lika te know wht you vould do witis 38 boys on eight fanms? Tise boys my age were An- son Taylor-a special chum cf mine, a fine fellow who beck quita an in- terest in stock shows and in town- ship 'business. i family own ray tather's tarn joining theirs, making oe of tha bast tari in tie township. James Holmes, a gooDd-natured fel- low, lot 'wiiskey get the better cf him. He cama to Huron Ce. bought a 50-acre farci, soM ldte t a hotai- koaper, and teck tise psy in board and drink. Biily Taylor came waît and bocame M. P. P. Unfoztunateiy ha vas killed by a kick froni a colt. Robert Raynclds, a fine quiet boy, beCame a spreacher, came vest, and ha toc vas ccidently kilmi. Thioasl (Received to late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May, Sundridge, ,Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Stewart Rodman, Port Perry, visted at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. are spanding their holidmys in Roch- ester ... . Mr. and Mrs. Bradley, Mr. and Mm. Ross, Brooklin, visitad 1fr.1 James Bradley... Miss Myrtle Bran t, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber par- ents, Mfr. and Mm. Levi Brunt. Mr. T. A. Brovn, Ottawa, an oid En- n iskillen boy, took the service here Sunay vening and pveached a very «,,intraing and inspuring sermon on ,Fat Re" a as guest oet is 'nephew, 1Mr. Howard Stevens.. *Miss Lemere Bentham, Toronto, visit- ed Miss Rems McGili.. School Fair wili b. iseld heme Thursday, Sep- tomber 19,th. Thora vili be a re- fresiment bootis as usuel... Mr. and Mm. Will Tremoutis, Napamea, Miss Eva Scuch and Mms. Aillas, Bow- manville, were recent visitais cf Mrs. John Pye ...Mr. and Mm. Alpha Pinalh, Bovimanvilie, Mr. and Mms. Elvood Rahm mnd Betty, Mr. mnd lirs. Gordon Preston, Oshawa, Mxs. F. M<cCluskey and sons, Ne-w York, were recent viaitors ocf Mm. G. Pros- ton ...Misa Muriel Mcci,- visited Miss Assi. Trewin aet tise Paronage, Courtice, on Sundy ... . Mr. and Mm. James Freeborn spent tihe veekend with friands in Clarke. .%, . .U ansd Mm. Boadso-use, Vancouver, Mma Wocd, Miss GROSand Mr. Stanley Keschew ork, former residents hemvar avundremowing old ac- quaintauces alter an absence cf forty-eight years. An O'i lfoi, Ail Men.-The amilor, the soidier, the fisherman, tise lui- barman, the Out-door laborer and al vho are exposed tic injury amd tisa elements will find in D)r. Thomas' Ec- lectrie 011 a true and faitistul friend. To e«se pain, relieve colids, dres vounds, subdue lumbago and 0ever- cerne rheumatisml st is excellent. Tharofore, it should have a place in ail home mediclies and bha amengst those taken on a journey. Jobb was a blacksmith amd sottled ini Wimgham. Be was net aget lerner but a fine folie'w te have as friend. Wesley Gray whe lived with Mr. Shaw vas a jolly good tel.1 lo,-a leader in ail the sports, funs and mjschief--and becamne a docton and was a slave te strong drink. Jo. Luca" vas littie and claver. John Taylor, a very quiet boy, came vast and died at Grandl ;Bend tvo yaars ago. Thesa were My chums of long mgo-I think that I arn the eniy one lait. There wera beys eider: Bily Ferguson, Frank Reynolds, Bob Ev- ans, Jim Joistone and Kitt Jobb, al decent telieva. The achool vas enaetfthe leading ones in the tovnship and thse sciselars took quite an interast in -tise traffic in the vintar. Farmeri lsauled wheat from asarea te Bovmnnville fer feur cents a hushel. Thare vere tisrea teli-gates ti Pas&, and dinner te pay for. Thesaleda averaged about 100 bushals. Cartwright t«omtars vere at -tisastorehouse about 5 a. M., were loaded and past tisa Ocisool befere vo got thora. Dar- lingtom teammters Paaaed the. scisoc about 8 and 9 o'clock. We isad tise pleasura cf saeimg theni. It vas a *.here is one cause of...6 "LINE'S BUSY"I S*time wasted etYONEtrylng to call this telephano wllbe lime la ot buy. It lrmy ie. Someoe at the ther end of the office la wanted mnd te telephono waits ther mml ho arrive. The Mei telephome, with its receiver off the. hok. la a common cause of Lime' Buy", and a com- mon aue of uncompleted cla whilch are at- Intvaw million minutes every day in Ontario m=d Quebec. Other causes aofunecemry Llns Buey"are inadequate office equipment, long c o n v r i a l o n d u i n g e m k h o u i , r y ln g t a r e p e a t too son after the "bu"y" report, and asklmg am,- other ta get yaur party for yon. Many offices ay mt med mri telephones, but they do need ta hmv thir p rsent telphommo more convenently locatod. Yeu may bo lomng colis because your line la tii. "Buy" but reafly M.. Md you ay be losing business. W. wa- you ta have the. bout posible telephofe service and vo are malng every effort ta pro"id lt. W. are ready -at ny time ta urvey yeur toelphone equipmot and ubit a reprt. oNwteldrho m. pentmd wiLmeasoan outaay,,for 1929 alan., o0fumrMaisooo PAGE ELEVEN