- ~ ~ry~ * .. ~<:0~A ~ -ci <~, c.:' PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAIN, BOWMAINVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTE-MBER 19, 1929 Responsibility Knowing the vital relarionshîp of your Eyesight tLo the entire mental and physical system of the body we recognize the grave re- sponsibility which we assumle when undertaking to care for your eyesight. Our eyeglass service to v u N governed accordingly. It is based entirely upon personal, in- dividual requirenients. A host of those whom we have served wil attest this f set. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. What WiII We Eat? That's the old question that cornes up mor~e often than any other. Meat, of course, is the foundation on which every meal is based-and you will find in our shop a variety of cooked, cured and fresh meat suitable for any menu you are preparing. Just phone or cali at our shop, tell us what you would like and it will be delivered promptly right to your kitchen door. C.M.Cawker & Son Phone 64 Bowman ville The eAcu THURSD iBURGLARS IN NEWCASTLE 1Four houses in the village were entered on Satu.rday night and ready cash t.horoughly cleaned out froni the dwno;tairs sections of the houses, by burg]e.rs who were evidently profic- jent li their art, as flot a sound w-ms b eard by any of the occupants. Al- though the chief£aobject of the night prowlers seems to have been inoney, they took with thern two fine cush- ions, belonging- to the Misses Robin- son, also a remarkable collection of foreign coins and buis, including a counterfeit $10 bill, which belonged 1 to Miss Elizabeth Hancock, now of St Catharines. On account of these rece.nt burg- laries, as well as several other siini- lar affairs in the past, the nerves of the townspeople are pretty well on edge and determination is gerceraI that soniething should be done te put an end to such lawlessness. MORTGAxllGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ot the Power, contsined in a certain Mortizage which ciii be produced at the time of sale. THERE WILL BE OFFERE!) FOR SALE by Public .Auctjon on Tuesday. the T-enty-fourth day of september. 1929, at 2.3c) p.m., Eartern Standard time. at the Commrunity Hall. at the Villaie cf Newcastle. in the County ot Diurham. by J. H. Wilson . Auctioneer. TH.XT CERTAIN PARCEL OR TRACT 0F LAND) AND) PREMISES situate lying and beiniz in the Township of Clarke. in the County of Durham. containinc by admeasuremetit Tsvo Hundred and Forty Acres be the same mcore or less and being , ompoqed of Lot Number Fitteen in the Broken Front Concession -B- of the Township of Clarke; containing by ad measurement One Hundred and ninety acres bea the came more or iess: excepting thereof the North East quarter of said Lot Inow.'o-ned by the Estate of the late John jCoulson. and excepting the forced road run- ini nz acroFs said Lot: A15o the West hait cf the allowance for road between Lots Four- teen and Fifteen. lyiniz south of j asid fnrced Rtnad: ALSO the Eat hait of Lot number Sixteen in said Broken Front Concession "B" containinz by admeasuremen' One Hundred acres be the same more et- leýs. EXCEPTINc. eut of the amid parcels ot land. the said forced road and those portions ef the -.aid Lots sod and conveyed te the Grandl Trunk Railway Company. andtiat the Csmîîj, beltford Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company, ALSO eýcept lands occupied by the Seymour Power Company. THE land is practically ail cleared and Iunder -tate ef cultivation. there are thrcý acres et erchard with a izoci mixture ot apples. There ixs sid te ha on the land a ten roomed brick house. three barns35.. with stone stables underneath. two sceils ant oee cistern. there is aise said te ha streamm mnd rîcreinz wmter in the pasture. THE property ixs ituate tive miles emst from Newvcastle and one mile trom srooi bouse. It is known as the Burnham Farmn. The property ciii be ottered for sale 7uhjeî't tai a First Mortizace securing the sum of FOUR THOUSAN!) DOLLARS and s.eoin. terest and subjeet to a te-serve Bid. FOR FURTHET1 PARTICULARS A\Nfn CONDITIONS 0F SALE. apply te H. J. Xii. so n. Auctieneer. 'Port Hope. or te W. A. F. Camnpbell. Port Hope. Solicitor for the Mort. DATED at Port Hope. this Nintb day of JSeptember. A. D. 1929. 17-2 Mr. Sydney Knight, N"e-,vconviEe, who necently lest his home and most of his belongings by fine, w-as pre- sented on Friday evenîng, September Gth, with a collection of miscellaneous gifts, in the United Chunch S. S. Rom, Newtonville, as a token of the esteeni and svmpathy felt for 'fin * by his friends, and neighhox-s. The meeting wss in charge of Rev. Thos. Wallace. Newcastle friends, were surry to learn last week that their former fel-j low citizen, Mn. Steve Peri n, as under the necessity of having a leg amputated at Peterboru hospital. "x-I. Perrin, who in recen: years has iceen conducting a tourist resnt ntl Bewdley on Rice Lake, injured hl-, leg 1 some tume ago hut though, little of it. Jrt began recc'ntîy te g1ve -hlm ro rubleý andl i as found that a disea.ed h ie, wa nenacing his lfe.1 NEW FALL FASHIONS AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION AT THESMARTSHOP LADIES' FALL AND WINTER COATS ofExtreme beauty combined wvith the finest ofmaterials in ail the new autumn shades make charming garmnents in Broadcloth, Blin-Blin, Velabloom, and Crushed Plush. et ýLýùtThese are elaborately fui, trimmed and nicely lined. Priced to suit every purse. NEW FALL DRESSES More beauty than ever in the lustrous Chiffon Velvet, Georgette and Velvet Combin- * ' ations; Canton and Satin-faced Crepe whichI are ail outstanding qualities add much to the new auturnn shades of Avon and Palmetto Green, Autumn Brown, Phillipine Brown, Navy and Black. Outstanding styles and qualîties, and so reasonably priced, too. THE -SMA RT SHOP GEO. R. MAS ON, Manager. HADDIE FILLETS vm.,îb . 23o VINAN HADDIE Snmoked lb. 15o SMOKED FILLETS S*rok l b. zoo Byrd Antarctic Expedition in Need of Coff ee- briel radio message beazl.ng an ugn cui for "0 addltioakal ou~ et Bol=Z ba bbe eeved from tii. olar Expedtien base on the. le.rne LIttie Ameca. THE COFFREDO A SUPREEKA Soid 0 l1y et jour ½/,.b. Tin 29,0 7L juer- tlb.TUn 5 70 For This Week-End Only ",,SI, YOLNG IROASTING H1AMS, 10-12-LB. AVEDAGE HRAMIS " lb.ta25 FINEST QUALITYT A & P PRIME ROASTING BEEF iR OA4S TS PORTERHOUSE .................. LB. .IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LB. BLADE .........................LB. RaUMiP iound s sde 38c 35c 24c l1b. 27,e RETEA FM EQUALITY NEW SEASON SPUfl »M LOINS....LB.2@çFRONTS . &18 LEG S ma-35o nuU A9flILWIIPÀ Lii9m.O CBAA ~,.+i wMr. and Mrs. Richard Allin recev-( - r e ~ e c ~. r t a wire on Monday evening advising! a*s tcte of the death cf Mrs. William; Rickard a few houx-s previous1y at! - ------- the homne cf her son-in-law, Dr. Ern- est AElin of Los Ang.celes, ie.li:. Siieý )AYSEP EMB R 19h, 929had been in fairly giotI health and: -- - ____death came quite suddeny and unex-, NEWCASTLE RUNAWAY HORSE PROVIDES List Tue.zday's violent winl.tor-o« THRILLUNG EXPERIENCE blew and shiok down great quantî:-j Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brittain, Toý'ron- _____ es of apples in this localiy anfd aIs ciî ton haeoeeuvgtlaerss t er, M. wo high schoo>! -irle,. Annabe:îe pý,ax-s where there wcre any. NIr. Wl.î JohnDougas.Hendry and Bessie Lake. had a peri.,- .H. Gibson estimates that fr- ru al Miss Hilda Rowland left on Mon- oua and terrifying rcie con Tuesday quarter te a third of 'the a-)ples day to b>egin hier Normal School afternoon in a cjvered.c buggry bchind Lhix- ughout thi.s district wex-e on the course in Toronto. a runaway horse bu-. ca:*r.e thrcoug'.- 1grounid nex-L day.but he rem.arks that Mr. and Mrs. Erie Pearce returned the experience un-nerved and un-; ît cs .ust as weil any-way as the mnarket Sunday froni their honeymoon trip: harmed. John Hendry Jr. had dîiv- 1 is hot to pieces and the demand poor. to the Pacifie coast. en up for the g:rls about lime schc, This larze reduction of the quantity Report of South Clarke Schfl I was out but abou, -1he c xner of of maxketable apples righr. help to Fair with complete list of prize Nvinn-1 Chucch and Toron.o sr'eýs on zhe br'ng betterx pres. ers ppers n aothr pge.way home the horse br 'ke >ts bridîe. . W. P. an.d Mrs. Rogers en- r Allean anrti, e. . rgt John go t out te fix it and whîle he!itertained at the parsonage las' Tues- jwas standing by its head on the xoad i day evening week in ho-ior of theix- on, Ont., visited his father, Mr. Ro bte horse boîted with the two girls in i 9,n, M.%r. Raymond R. R,-gers -snd Martin, and othen relatives last week-I the rig without any nîeans of c-n-'bride %vho wex-e married on Augusti end. trolling jr AayitC et. _;me 21,st at Roland, Man. It wasarte Mrs. P. LeGresley, in company tumes on the road. somie:mes -)n thej unique party in that al the guests with relatives, motoned te Toronto sidewalk, the buggy swaying from %wex-e brides and grooms of recent and Niagara Falls for a holiday asat side to side, un il it -,a;s-i).rped n date . .Amonz the number wex-e Mr. week. ~~~its mad career by some Beli Tele - and Ms odnMriM- n Mission Band will resume its phone lineinen ýn Mx-. Chapli's hili. -Mrs. Clarence Allin and Mr. and Mis.. mi-onthly meetings next Saturday at The two girls were as rluckv as th-ey Albert E. Mellow. Dr. Stanley E.1 2.30 o'clock at the home of the Supeî-1 were lucky toe escape serîouts:nuo and Mrs. Stacey coild not arrangel intndet ,rs.(Dr) J A.Buter. and as the buggy was damclged be-te be present, w-hile Mr. and Ms United Chuch-Rev. W. P.* Rogers, yond immnedîate repaîr they and John 1Eric W. L. Pearce were on the list Pagto>r. Sunday, Sept. 22nd: 10 walked the res: of the way home. i Of pr'spective guests. but had net re- a. m.--Su-nday School; il a. ni.- - - ________the_____ Moxning Worship; 7 p. i.-Evening Worship. ______________________________ Mr. Max Hunter, Seattle, Wash., grundson of Mrs. Wm. Hunter, visit- ed Mrs. Chas. Coulter and other rela- tives enroute to Harvard University te study inedicine.B St. George's Church-Rev. E. R. James, Recton. Sunday, Sept. 22: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; 10 a. nm. Prayen; 7 p. m.-Evensong. Woman's Association of Unitedl Ohurch will meet at Mis. W. J. S.' Rickard's, Shaws, this Thursday afternoon at 3 o'cloek. Mis. A. Cow- an's group is in charge of the pro. grami. .Mr. Waybring and son Vernon of Rochester visited theix- cousin, Mrs. H. W. Dudley last week and ut the school fair spent pocketsfull of cash WNERIE WNOW mUiiS treating t.he youngstex-s and making business boom at the ladies' booth. Congratulations te Mr. and _Mis. Cecil Malley on winning first prize on their baby boy at Oshawa Fair.SA IF TON G A N E D Two of the proud grandparents are EVEY MEt PiyvtJRCHASE AT A P UT IE CMPET Mr. and _Mrs. Clifferd Brown of £VETFAT N RCMONEY ATLLAE&CHEEMUSTLY EFUNDED Brown's School Section. 1 AIFCINO OE IL ECERiL EUDD Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Fisher, Bell e-( SWIrr'S PREMIUM FRESH TOING ROASTING ville, visited her mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, on Thursday, enroute te oE '~ About 3If Toronto, where Mr. 'Fisher's father 3-11bib. is serieusly ill in hospital. Mrs. CI KNAeae 4 Rickax-d accempanied theni on thein retux-n home te Belleville Monday. PEAItEAL-BY THE PIECE Mr. and Mis. C. A. Cowan return- ed- on Sunday froni a two we'eks' vuc-C o t g l s là2 e Muskoka and visiting Georgian Bay ARA AU O SWE-N points. They spent some tume in ARA A O HSWE-N Midland visiting their musical friends, SWIFTS CIRCLE "«S" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tripp, forinenly of Newtonville. en HmSotl Yred eewere sorry te learn PiniaRa a 25ZÇ last week of the misfotune which be- felI Mn. and Mis. Perey O'Neil of: OT QUALITY Belleville when fire, starting probab-t, UU'AU5 ly f rom a coul oil stove, destroyed 13 VAAâD ff &bd Sli 1/2 Mb. 25o their new house and aIl theix- furnit- OUR OWN SUNNYFIELU BRAND BREAKFAST unre including many prized gift pieces froni Mrs. O'Neil's flather B C N S IE /-b ig 5 In spite of the chilly weathen aB CO L ED/2lbPk .- large nusaber of townspeo'ple were on ~ ll P l U ~ P S IE b ~ the grounds Thursday evening ta O N D ]E F SLC D M ,e witness the final contest for Docton EQAT Butler's Championship Bowling Tro- phY. Ail othen coîmpetitors having W Z N IRS SMOKED lb. 250 been eliminated, it remained for Mns. »I CGT J. R. Fisher and Mn. Bert Brereton FEECUE ton was the winnter, with the scor WHITEFISH Lake Nipigonlb . 220 24-3. YEuSE Soap Chips, Bulk- Exceilence Date- ... ....Pkg. 23e Kellogg's fSeerispies ... -* 2 Pkgs. 25e Lombard Plums-Cholce Quality. 2 No. 2 Tins 25e Scot Tissue Toilet Paper . .......2 RFOM n2e St. Ch.arles Evaporated MM . ..2 Tai Tins 25e Handy Ammona- ......4 pkgs. me Cheese-J-agerseliPlain or Piment- ..... .2 Pkgs.2SU Oliveb-CIub Rnon" Stutfed. . 8-ou. Jar 2Ek( Marmalade-C & B Orage .16-c&. Jar 2M I M ATLRSORTED AN EXCEPr"tiOm VALUe FOR *,0 Sweet Potatoos 6 "'a. 25e Caullflower-New Native Cooln Onions . ibo. 24e ...........2 for M5e Apples-Wolf River or 2 Heads (Jabbage- Gravenstein. .5 Ibs. 25e 3 Banches Carrota- Pickling Onlons S 81hz. 25e floth for.......... 2e (elery-Native- Prune Plums.... 3 1hz. 25ëe .... 3 Bunches 25e FANCT QUALTY Tokay Grapes Rte Z2iba. 25e Biver>' One a Real 250 Value CHOICE NO. 3 SIEVE pEAS SMALL. TENDER 5 A FA',ORITE EATH SOAP CREST CASTILE 9 CAKES 25Se CHOICE (>1 LITV PEARS GL1OBE BRAND 3 NO 250 PINEAPPLE S2 EDNe.25 TENDER(ft CDRNFLAK2à"S QUAKER 3 PKGS. Z5Se THr PF"t OF XLL SAUCES H.P. SAUCE BOrnE 25e NBC. .SSO! TiAl BISCUITS 5c PACKAGE 6 PKGS. 250 AYLN El 1 fQUALITY MEDIUJM SPRliUs TIPS NO TIN 2ý5e tYIf t CHO>1(1.QIJALITY BARTLETT PEARS Z2 l . S50' BAKED BEANS TOMATO SAUCE 2 MDHJM5O FANCY SANTA CL ARA pRU E LARGE 30-U*2sn 5 PURE GOLD BRAND CHOCOLATE BARS 7 MM 254 TUE POPULAR CUOICE OF YOUNG MM» 01.» ENGLIS13 ALL SORTS CANDY la. 250 LIRBY'U PREPARZ» MUSTARD2 25 'FIC M Are You Ready Are you re ady foir the FaIl rains ? Don't put off havýingl- the leaky roof put in proper condi- tion. We seli ROOFING-Shingles or Rolis ROOFING PASTE ROOF PAINT We will gladly give you an estimate for roofing, etc. e MASON & DALES POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bowmanville PHONE 143 qER jn Onlv a Quarter, But Look T his ekt e umbl -ct Jy 1 f %w T hisaktheIhubleya-c piece w]U boy many of Canada'. finesz foods. for A & P experts have scoured the world's best RE N T mtrts f ent............. m th s fo the . b. . . foods.for We ask You to accept our assurance that these outstanding Of ferings have not been achieved at sacrifice of quality-A & P standards have been conslstently upheld-they are slmply a tribute to the increas!in! prestige of tis company's tremendous buying power. A Big Weeh of Valueis Cail at our store and see what wonderful wonk Alabastine will do te youn walls. You can put it on yourself. Geo. Pritchard Deconitor Bowmanville1 DAVIES FAMOUS OLD 19NGLISHRCMRE S WIL TSiviffREBakSle Bacon " b.45 - id* - - - 1 --ý 1 -- và;%;7ý" - - - - 1 . EXTRA WEEK-END SyPEgCIALg OUR OWN FANCY QUALITY PASTEURIZED CREAPMEE BUTTER-SILVERBROOK BRAND Butter Zibasqso Fresh Creamery Butter-2 lbs. 83e TME WORIMOS M SELnîG SOAP P&G " &"7*&kes2ZÇe F/ "rw- ý MJLMý,.ý Back SlIced 1