THE CANADIAN STATESM.AN, BOWMÂNVILL1E, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 11A &GE TJ.WOJ LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS ýYour cblîdren will have some hobby WHAT OTHER EDITORS SAY M. G V. OUI., B.., u.n.they are anxious to follow above ev- M. . V GOLD BJ, LD. "Learniag by Doing"-The disci- i evrything else. Wbat wiIl you do GOOD BAND> AN ASSET Barrister, Solicitor, N3tary pline of niastering simple tasks in about it? Suppose the boy wants Money te boan on Farm and Towni arly life will sbow resuits later, saysý to be on a farm. It may be possible (Arnprior Chronicle) Property. Royal Bank Iluildig,ILeonard M. Miller, in an article in to place hlm througb some friend or Th hoil a fe ontendedl Bowmanvill. Phone 351. ITh hristian Herald of New York in relative or welfare organization. Tht a god be and is an aseo n W. R. STRIKE a recent issue. A favorite motta of We were pleased to read in The community. Those wbn beard the ours bas for a long time been "What Statestnan last week tbat nearly baif Renfrew band in their sacred con- Succefaor to late D. B. Simp&on, IC.C. ma, bas done mnan can do"-if be1 of the boys graduated f rome the Boys' cert last Sunday night were pet Barrste, Slictor Noary tries bard enough and long enough. Training Scbool here cboose to go on well convinced that there is a lot to Solicitor for Bank of Montreal We believe that succesa will corne tofarma-no better choice can be commend the contention. There is Money te Loan Phone 91 the average person who with deter- made, we think. probably notbing that wilI 50 arouse Bowmanville. Ontario mnatioa and enthusiasm acta oni .**tbe entbusiasm and spirit of a com- W. F.WARDB. JLthese two mottoes. Now the hall- Tbe average child to-day -wNill re- munity as the martial airs of a well- W.F.WADB.A.days are over for this year and tbe spond to any opportunity that offers conducted band. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary njgths are growing longer we suggest a chance to do sometbing on bis own, Nouey te boan. Bonda for sale. to tbe youth of botb sexes that they initiative. It is true that every: Offces-Bleakley Block, King St., decide to learn many thnigs by doing routine task will doubtless become1 SALE 0F BUILDING IN U. S. Dowmanville, Ontario. Phonea- and many more by trying to do what1 boresome after a time, but bere is PAVES CANADIAN STREETS Mfie 102; Roui. 409. se many others have done by ai'mng1 where many parents bace out wben ________________high and striving to excel. Here *13 they fail to reason wltb the child as (Wasbington Patbfinder) another favorite motte: 'Waee to the value a> seeing a job tbrougb omnilastugig ltl youattmip, d wll;thi lath be- t th fnish. One reason for the Caziadian hanilet, 40 miles out of DENTAL ter plan, and if in alI you don't ex- bs of interest on the part of tbe Toronto, is planning to pave its DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ceil Jl2t do the best yOu c&RL" child may be the constant dictation streets, equip a fire department and The opening tparagraph in the ar as te how a task la to be donc. Why build a new high scbool witb the pro- Houer graduate in Dentlatry, Toronto ticle 'by Mfr. Leenard M. Miller la one flot give the full value of the work cceds from the sale of tbe staid old Univeruity- GraduateoOf the. RoYal that appeala to us mightily as we re- Ite the child by explaining the way to> McGill Building, 908 G. St., one of CeUflgeOf Dental Surgeen Of un-. meniber our youful years 0On the do it, then letting him work it out the landmarks of Washington, D. C. Imaj. Office King St., Bowmanville. oId faruis on which wc lved: for himself? He reay noV at first Last year, during a beated town Mfie phono 40. Houa. phone 22. '1 wonder how many of our read-I do it as well as the parent, but ai.. election campaign in Bowinanville, X-Xay Equlpment luaUOffc. lrs, et some tume in their childhood. timately the child May develop sup-, one of the mayoralty candidates, M. DR. 3. C. DEVITT ha the assgnment of keeping the erior akilI by diseovering the way J. Elliott, promiscd bis constituents Asisan D. . . ieon wood-box filled? Have you ever that seema most natural to hlm. a part of the National Capital of the Asastut r.E.W* UaU topped Vo consider the advantages For the alert parent, it la possible United States if elected. After a Graduate et Royal Dental Cobflgeof a simple task 1k this? How it te get help on planning some fashion he has made good. Toronto. Office, Kng et. East 0w. instilled in you a sense of reepongl- creative work for any child. Let By a recent decision of the United manVillo. Office heurs 9 a. m to bility? How otten you wanted tOj him share in your program. Have States Supreme Court the seven- 90 p. oudabecp t dy honeo83 go out and play betore the task was you ever aakedj -hlm for un opinion storY McGill - Building, valucd at X-0 a Houa.ipmon. 28 fic. fininhed? Do yen remember the ex. about the summer, or tried to meet' $300,000, la the property of the little X-ayEqimet nOfic. cusea you made te get eut ot doing bis interests? Most parents wl Canadian tewn. Mayor Elliott, on DR. R. E. DINNIWELL it some daysT Do yen remember have more time. te spend with their hcaring of the decision, quite proper- Bono grduae o Toont UnveraIl the ways yen con'ceived te get the chibdren during the sununer thani ly expressed himseîf as very grati- H erandate of RuoUC ior- box se full that iV would last longer during the winter. Wby not plan1 fied- d 0an ebe tRoa OPU7. hui osbycul;d o cl h ume 0a o9hr e ni Dental Surgeons. Iàcenie " hni eebycud ddo taltesme ea to %Poe ra Si The judgment winds ap court bat- ise i ntaro andthte how ingenious you tried to be in or- bility and opportunity for creative tles whlcb have been going on for 20 Deel naroadh onWo.* der Vo carry iV the eaaiets way; how work as well as pleasure? years. Twenty-one years ago James Mi t ,in B is banchles. Offoice- o make the fewest trips poasible to This suggestion is late for this H. McGill, architect and building con- iiiAgof MoBor anviPhoe PSoi the woodshed; how you secured the year but may help ont next year. tractor, of Washington, but a native 1 au k ef toetreal. Phono 801.You could son of Bowmanville, died and left the hget tof thepa o e ida"seyou copraperty to bis birtbplace as a legacy. 1 You remember bargaining Vo share NOBODY SEEMIS TO CARE Blood relatives soagbt to set aside MEDICAL some of your weekly eard withi____ the will on the grounds tbat a non- C.W L M eN Mdica Coleg,' frienda for the help they gave Ifeieneiesident alien was probibited by act Trno s hing yeur tsho you ftegoenetwnt vdnethe District of Columbia. In 1912 fradualy of Enniakili isethe elp tbm ot sme ay f af ack of interest and co-operation an agreement was made by wbicb TorntDro.mrlBoeith yhle e? nteefreetofteWe o-tebohr ftelate McGilI were Office and Residence. i ter.frcmBeith'a *d on to roh*s f*h fermer residence on Uburcn Street, trol Act, it la to be bad bere in Bar- to receive 41 per cent. of tbe be- Dowanilc. noe 59. 44t meing the eldat of our fauily this rie, as it wiîî no doubt be found in quest. One of tbem bas since died, J. CARK ELLhome duty eIl oobe our taskcveryd most every town. Scores of acres and bis share goes ta bis daugbter, 190, J.. . CARK BEdLL i .p h. oome und o o-donyuseaIordfud of noxious weeds in vacant lots, Mrs. W. H. Cluxton of Cbicago. Tbe M.D, C~.B, PR.CS..<Edn).~ nV cme ntocomon se or uelfarms and on roadsides, are growing, other, John McGiII, a retired banker, (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tiîley) uiïtil many years afterwards. An- wild today and littIe or no attemptl ives in Toronto. lions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- other advantage of living-on a f rre as been made to destroy tbem. It______ deen University; Felow et the Royal at least-in those days of long ago- i.3 almost too late now as moat of the College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.1 was that alI children were given reg- weeds bave gone to seed. A GREAT MAN NEGLECTED Office and Resîdence, Qucen St.. ubar du tics to pcrform and wbîcb In Barrie the Town Coanicil ap-, Bowmanvifle, Phono 89. Ithey earned by doing and so devel- pointed Chief of Police Stewart in- (St. Marys Journal-Argus) Oece Ho-are: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.3o p. . oped initiative and efficiency as moat spector, adding these 'luties to bis; M.Mlom Mceh ulse farm boys do, and such fortunate numerous others. Colinci fl d rsoof 'be Milceon SunBt, dps pri W. H. BIRKS, M.D. ones will bave some idea of the nure- because tbe appaintment did noV en- dtofh lertontarindTrustes ss- Offce our: 1te an 7 e 830.berof ccuatinalexpriecesin ail expense in the matter of salary. ciation, is an ardent student of Can- Tebephone 108. . their earby life that bave had some Tbe Chief was net given instructions, adian bistory and thinks tbat the Office and Residence: Dr. Hazl.wood'si bearing on their later life. Doubt- was not asked as te bis knowledge ef study of Canadian history should re- former residence, Wellington Street, less evcry one who bas had the priv- weeds or abîlity Vo carry eut the re- ceive more attention than it does in Bowmanvilbe. ilege of 'being assigned specific chores quirements of the Act. The Chief our schools. He sees in the roman- in bis childhood would neyer wish te admits be knows littIe or nothing ef tic pages of our Canadian story, DR. V. H. STOREY have mlssed tiie experience. Per- weeds. Why sbeuld be? Wbat bas dating back 425 years, an opportun- Office houri 2 o 4 and 6 te 8 p. m. i hapa if tbey could have been made destruction ef wccds te do with the ity ta hrill the youtb of tbis coun- Alter 8 p. m., by appoin*mivnt o nby. 1te real lac that these experiences duties of a Chic-f of Police ?tranthrb sregen aiol Excptin-Ofic wib b opn 9toiwoud hbp hemin ate bie, hey It is net likely that Barrie is anI sentiment. In speaking at tbe Pertb 10 atudaynigt. 6-tf' eud hav taken a different attitude îsolated case. Se far the We'd(0- educational meeting bere on Satur- DR. R. W. CLARK toward them:. The discipline et trol Act seems pretty mach of a farce' day, Mr. MacBetb called the bister- Phyicin &Sureonmasterinýg hndicraft and routine and the oss caused by weeds is in- lana te task for tbe slight attention Ofic-Dvsioln &St., gomnvl asignments around the home duringI creasing rather than diminishing. paid te the founder ef our Ontario Offie-Dvison t., owmuvile.the impressionable period of child- (neit te Trinity United Church) hoed prepares us te meet emergern- Office Hours-3 o 5 and 7 te 9 p. m. clos i later lite. . Sudays by appolntment enly.* s Phone 24 .- We are greatly intereted in theA SELECTING THE NEWS "If you wcrc an editor what weuld yoa print?"ý asks the Creemare Star, and proceeds ta enamerate some of the worries ef men responsible for the publication of ncwspapera. Sure- ly any onc who worries over a decis- ion as Vo what ta allow in the col- umns at bis disposaIla sborrowing trouble, at lcast that la the way it appeals te The Alliston Herald. In the firat place a ncwspaper must conforin te certain requirements ef the baws of the land. An editer wbo bas a manual on the libel law and bas acquainted bireseif witb its con- tenta knows the brand et newa that will geV hlm imb trouble, and by the same Voken sboabd know how Vo han- dle sucb news in a way te keep out et trouble. Secondby, editors of local papers have consciences and know the portent of admitting n- usual news te their cobumns. It la for tbem te decide whether or not certain incidenta aboubd bave tbc light et publicity. Most newspaper beada steer cicar oethebcdoubtful news, much et wbicb la bighly sen- sabional and meana eager qucat for the paper the moment it appears. I There la, bowever, another aide te admitting sucb matter te newspaper pages. It is the effect of sensation- al news upon tbc future ot certain people. No newspaper man bas any pity for the degenerate wbo whim- pers a pIes for tbe suppression of a stery ef bis misconduct, but aîl ncws- papermen bave cansideration for the sisters andother innocent relatives of depraved people. But spart; from aIl this, wbo owns the columna et a newspaper? Net the people who impudently order tbe suppression et sometbing involving themacîves. It la usually tbe editor wbose inveat- ment is responsible for the existence of tbe newspaper wbose destiny bie guides. Tbese men can be trusted Vo decide wbat ta admit ta the pages they control. Tbey know tbe con- sequences to themselves and Vo others of everytbing Vbey write. For the most part the policies of indlvid- ual newspapers are flexible and aI- low the editor some latitude. Apart tram tbe insolent tellow xvbo imper- iously states Vbat sucb and sucb must nat appear in tbe newspaper, these editors are always ready to extendl consideratien. RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS Enniskillen-Thursday, Sept. 19. Oroneo-Friday, September 20. Hlampton--Monday, Septeniber 23. Maple Grove-Tuesday, Sept. 24. Championahip School Fair at Orono educational system, Dr. Egerton Ry- erson. Dr. Ryerson gave Ontario what xvas admittedly at that time the greatest system of education in the world, and bis ideas were freelv copied elsewhere. Dr. James L. Hughes recently referred to Dr. Egeiton Ryerson as the greatest man that Canada bas produced. And yet, pointed out Mr. McBeth, neitlbor our present publie school history nor the previous autborized bistory gave credit to Dr. Ryerson for bis magni- ficent accomplisbmient. DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS in which boys are learning to do ma.ny The Physicians o owet l eio dto nLiverpool asn Buwmanvtocos ter filbeus an cong.of te ousinufther Wednsda aiernons Incas ofby Chaplain F. D. Morley which is, ergWey at this time onqufre et met intcresting and several Can- tho hospital or telephone operator adian scouts were there. One para- Ser a doctor. graph reads: __________________The important thing was for the --Sout law te ho written on their, hearts, and net only te have their CIIIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS shirts decorated with badges. The THEROPY Scout spirit must find expression in DURWIN E. SrECICLEY their deaings with their felews. lour gadute t oroto ollgeScouting meant two thinga ameng et Chiropractic wiIl be in the Bow- many: First of ahl it givos evcryonc maaville Office Tucsday, Thursday la chance teaniake the mest et him- and Saturday evenings, phone 14 1J, self. Everyonc- bas certain gift. Residential caîls made during fore i Wc don'V boast about theni, probably1 200n. iwe bave littbe te boast about, tbough that doesn'. stop some pcepic. Tbel ---Seout belle vea that God gave himl feet Vo walk te and fro in the world, FNERAL DIRECTORS cyca Vo sec its beaury and cars ta FU ticar its music and banda Vo work His F. F. MORRIS CO. wilI in the worbd. He finds hiinself Complete Mtor or 'able te do a bnàrird things that AHerse Eqaipment. otberwisc be woubd noV have dreanat ) AIl calîs promptly binself capable et doing. A Scout \W MI attended ta. 1isl a man who can stand on bis own \U f Private Ambulance. teet; bie is aIse a gentleman who Bowmanvible phone: docs't tread on other peo-pl's tocs. - 0 and 34.* Br ancht ores- Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and FuneraI Director. Calls given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis-1 tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Pbones 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-tf. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Parre and House Sales a Spcialty. Termà moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY IL G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Mefner Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases gli en prompt a"d careful attention. Office-Dr. HgeElroy's _former office. Phonea; Clarkce 8921; Oronn 18-1. The Scout movement bas taugbt as the value of learning by doing. Tbey aim Vo beîp youtb Vo escape the evis o "bindalley" occupations by offering thein instruction in ncarly one hundred occupations through their menit-badge system. Scout craft includes training in first aid, nature study, ca'mp-craft, woodraft, civalry an~d bandicraft. Ail oethtem arc planned constractively te occupy tbc ScoFut's time by directing bis activities from idle play or barmful miscieftVo vital achievements. The summer la, the one season when the principles of scouting, its ideals et character developreent Vrough noble achievement, ought to, ha plan- ned for cvery boy and girl wbese parents or guardians have vision and concern for their cildren. During the summer season cildren and pai- enta bave more time together than usual. Some parents will find that to, send the boy or girl te a camp will be the best method of giving -the chibd the ccpericnce ncc-dcd. But most children wilb have te depend on dir- ect compnay with their parents for bbe stimulation Vo do creative things. 1 * * * d mer should be an carning as well as Do as M r. G ard learning tinie for cildren. Why "'V assign those tasks, aach as scrnb- nonA. Gard. th Ulaw* n liu bing thc kitchen floor, chopping wood otrtrf Ottaw..acid t 0 Wanu&U and storing i, washing and drying Ysioc the dlshes, kceping the car lean, fo:%tWO Tblcts t mkn h ea-n os:a ma1gte*es-n osta Tablots $Wb MY h.d' would save time for Mother or for soLs u ornlaethit do which yen woubd hire help-.-to the 0016 jgo 011 1 " child ren who can manage them? For sain bavnd 441W a.'the taithful accempishment ot these M. ~jj; ~ f j~ tasks rewar'd the children by paying 0*9 tey d Gamthom st.ated sures et money. Give them a sens. ut sharing the dutiea M W tak & tS ai well as the pleasures et summer. .iTWA7 7'E I SCREEN-wGRJD 11AD10 The set that brings new meamng to radio E ciMU5pwer-im.proving reception ln every way- isr rlaeby thne Screen-Grid principle, as applied by the skili and 27 years' experience of Atwater Kent. And this power doesn't waste itacif. Needle-peint selectivity concentrates it on the one station you want. There's new purity in tone, tee. It cornes net only frorntruer Electro-Dynamic reproduction, but frem new depths and heiglits of sound. Do you realize what a vast improvement that is? Yen need no longer make the slightest allowance in listening te music. Yeu hear on-Iy what is played or sung-juat as it is played or sung. Between Vîmes there is quiet. The fluer tone, the power, selectivity and en-round dependability ef the Atwater Kent Screen-Grid wiIl open new fields of ndioenjoymeztforyou.Startthat pleai- in at cuo-kW us demonstrate tod ay! George 1 Brown MMom. P-4 CONSOLE MODEL $275 COMPLETE notams Atwater Kent Radios Dealer Store next to J. B. Martyn's Store. Division St. Bowmanville d7* -b 'h. ~ ~-- fdnd I J 111E fam! Your father~s once perbaps-yoUir son' one day-and worth ail the bard work you bave put: into it. But bard work isn't enough. You mnust know 'wbat your farm cons to run-what it brings in. Ouir "Farmer's Accounit Book" wfll help you. Ask the Manager for a copy. TOU WILL LIKE BANCINO AT TUE tOTAL The Royal Bank nuof Canada Bowmianville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 5 OExtra Eggs 5 0in a Bag of Purmna Says 1,492,876 Hens A SEVEN months' survey covering 1,492,876 hmn in al eading poubtry sections shows: 2M8 egga In 100 poundaef Purina Poultry Chows 188 egus average In 100 pounda of other feeds Fift extra eggs i a bag of Purina! Si.5o extra value ini every bag of Purina Poultry Chows! Net a few hens here and there, but thousands of them frora cverywhere say,>Purna will malte yen more money." Tbat's why we've become the local authorjzed Purma dealer. That's why we urge that yen, tee, get some of these profits frorn feeding Purina te your poultry and ive stock. Corne in and let us show yeu the Purina Uine-et phone us for a supply. Phone 77 F. C. VANSTONE Flour Milis Bowmanville, Ont. The Store with the Checkerboard Sign Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Searnan Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of youxr order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cail and see us and get our prices before you buy. McCIellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville ý i In à J'ic lriwn
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