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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVU US THE CANAM~AN STATESMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE, THURSLDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 ~1930 'Power that says e Jo l w the leader to ans" car on the roa Outstanding among the xnany improvements in the new McLaughlin-Buick i. the niarked increase in power provided by the new Mc- Laughlin-Buick valve-in-head engine. This great new engine develops 98 horse- power in the 124 and 132inch Serles, and 80J horsepower in the II&inch Series, thus assuring superabundant reserve for every motoring need. This tremendous increase in power, together with innumnerable refinements bcaring on other phases of engine operation, Dot only endcw the new McLaUghilin-Bulck with un- r$vuled acceleraton, ji ability ads.d but imp.rt marvelous new fli=bileya:d velvet smoohness at any pace 1 * wlthout Env Increase i fuel consumption. See the new McLaughlin-Bulck todavi Coin' ure the beautv cf lhs new Bodies by Fisher. gctaav ead,.povwer ,ýon huisW,C,,,.e- ness, flexiblty henceo Ilaca McLaughlinBulck's greae.s moto car value. NEW LOWo PRICES flODLJCT OF GENBSAL >IOTOM OF CANADA. UN1Tr» Corbett Motor Sales King st. Bowmianville 'S h -TTER DCAUSB IT'S CANADIAN, 4Constant daily testing and blending of the. world's choicest teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavot and no4ver-yarying goodness. Every package guaranteed. 6 "I' Ais go0d tea' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good OBITUARY Samnuel Candiai, Bowmanville A well-known itizen and almost life-long resident of Bowmanville passed to rest on Tuesday, Septenmber 1Oth, in the person of Samuel Cand- er, aged 7 0 years. Dec eased was born in Cavan township, being a son of the late John and Ann Rahme Candler. The greater part of bis lifewa spent at Providence, Darlington town- sbip, and in this town. For the past forty-five years he bas been employ- ed wjth MeClellan & Co. No more faitbful employee bas ever had charge 01 a teamn, bis special prîde being in, discharge of bis duties and the care of bis horses. During all thesel years be seldoxu was absent from work, this and other things told upon Ibis nervous system and for the patý six montbs he bas been laid asidej froxu active duty, and for the pastl twelve weeks bas been confined to bis bed. His sufferings , '.ere severe and at times almost unbearable, but the last few days the pain grew less and be passed away very quietly. On May 24t, 1884, e was united1 in marriage wtb Louisa Hoar of this town wbo survives biin, besides two sons, Roy of Toronto, and Russell, caretaker of Post Office and Customi Building of this town. Four grand- sons, Stuat and Russell of this town, Stanley A., of Shei-burne, and Nor- mran Allen of El Paso, Texas; eight brothers, James of Uren, Sask., Wil- liam of Chicago, Ili., Edward of Lai- amie, Wyoming, George of Edmon- ton, Alta., Benjamin and Wesley ofi Liistowcl, Fredeîick of Stratford, and John of Miverton; and two sisters, MTs. W. J. Mitchell, Wroxeter, and Mrs. Charlotte Mainstock, Winnipeg, Man., also survive. A kind and faithful huaband and father, an uprlght citizen, a quiet neighbor and friend bas gone to the reward ai a lie weUl-lived, repected by »H who knew hlmn. The funerai tock pkce from nisi late reidenze, Kng Street, where he ham zesied for thc past tirty-nine yeaxs on Thursdày afternoon, ser- vice being con4ucted by his pator, Rev. J. U. Roblia, awieted by Bev. . AX Tonlain, hoth giving veryeom. forting memaffl ta the bereave< On«s. The pall.bearers werc Meurs. C. JeweU, W. W. Allin, John Stacey, Wm. Painten, JohnBesid and deceo- cd's ncphew, Arthur Key. INe goflwer bearers were tie Mc- Clehun & Co. yardmen, MmmS. Warren, Nehson Piper, Frank Terlnt son, Bd. Withcridge, Sid. and Cecil Toniinsoni, alsoA. Mitchell, F. J Mitchell,W.J BagneIl, C. A. CAu- ker, M. Nokes, Albert Kiiight, FTeý Pattinson. Anxong the ibeautilul floral offer- ings were: Pillow-Te FaTmily; Broken Cirle--MoClellan & Go. Liai- ited; Wreath-Mr. and Mms M. Nokes and Audrey; Sprays-Mis. Louisa CGoodiman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 'MeCicllan, Messis. M. W. Conistock and J. D. Carruthers, Fellow Employ- ces, Mi. and Mms. Hai'ry Allin, Mr. and Mis. Fred Mitchell, Mr. and M"s. W. J. Bagnell and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. ýGea. Souch, Mr. and Mis. S. G. Chartian, Mi. and Mis. J. N. Lawrie, MT. and Mirs. John Reid and Alfred, Mn. and Mis. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mis. T. B. Gilchrist, MT. Fred and Miss Florence Hoar, Miss Helen Kerr, Mis. Margaret Fletcher, Mis. F. M. Soucb and Mr. F. Chapple, Mr. and Mis. W. Painton, Mis. Chartran and Mis. Dumnas, Mr. and Mis. E. Reynolds, Mr. and Mirs. G. A. Ed- mondstone and Miss Dingman, Mr. and Mis, S. Woodley, Mis. Philp mother and brother, Mr. and Mis. Wesley Hoar, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Key, Arthur and Viodet. Axnong the relatives present, from a distance at the funeral were: Mr. boy Cander, Mi. Samuel Hoar, Mi. j and Mis. Arthur Key, Mr. and Mis.1 Wesley Hoar, Toronto; Master Stan- ley Candler, Shelbuine. Mi. and Mis. W. J. Mitchell, Wrox- eter, Mr. Fred Candier, Stratford, and Mx. Ben Candler, Listowel, visit- cd their brother a ohort time previous to bis deatb. i CARD 0F THANKS Mis. S. Candler and family desire to thank theiî many friends fer the kindness and sympathy ieceived dur- ing the illness and death of Mr. Candleî and for the beautiful floral off cri ng6. LOCAL TENNIS TEAM WINS Defeated Cobourg in Five Out of Seven Eventa PIayed Resuits of tennis match between Cobourg and Bowmanville on the lo- cal courts on Wednesday, Sept. llth, are: Bowmanville won 5 of 7 evenLs pWye. R ti Bownanville, defeat- (6-2). C. H. Dudley, Bowmanville, defeat- ed G. MacDonald, Cobourg, (6-3), (3-6), (7-5).. W. Dobson and S. R. James, Bow- manville, defeated Dr. P. R. Drewiy and J. Irvine, Cobourg, (8-6), (6-2). M. Gould and J. W. Alexander, Bowmanville, defeated Misses 0 H'ow- C. Earle, Cobourg, 6-2), (6-0). Miss V. Chilton, Cobour-g, defeated M".iss F. Werry, Bownanville, (6-2), isses S. Howard and H. Obre Bowninville, defeated Misses 0. LHow- ard and V. Chilton, Cobourg, (6-3), (6-3). Dr. F. R. Drcwry and Miss E. Will- nxott, Cobourg, defeated Dr. E. W. Sisson and Miss J. Mason, Bowm.n- ville (9-7), (6-3). Both Clubs were entertained after the matches' at Mi. and Mis. J. W.! Alexander'% beautiful residence onl Centre Street. Down-AlIin A quiet but verY Pretty wedding took place at the homie of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allun, Newcastle, on Tues- day afternoon, September lOth, when bis only daughter, Ethel, was uniteid in marriage to Mr. W. W. Down, Bowrnanville, Rev. W. P. Rogers, B. A., officiating. The bride, wbo was given awa by her father, was charmningly dressed in wQite silk. Atter the ceremony,l the guests partook of a weddingl luncheon, the table being beautifully decorated with flowers. The bride and groom left by inotor Splendid Record by Duarham CountY jYoung Fariners and Farinerettes Durham County young farmers and 1farmerettes ave been makng a 1splendid record for themselves in re- cent judging conipetitionS. At the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, Miss Ruby Dewell, Hamnpt.on, was 5th witb 181 points in the nutri- tion judging coTnpetitiofl, and Mis Evelyn Tink, Hampton, 8th with 171 point in the bouse furnishings de- ipartment. Durham County teain was 8th in the Household Science rCoxupetition. BE THERE!la I FRONT Row TNRILL new ini radio is in store 1 for you .' FACE- TO-FACE P.EA1.ISM-. Iu it you wil l ind genuine "front rw rill". The famous Spareon voice bas beeu developed to a perfection that is astounding, even in a Sparton. To listen is to step into the picture yourself;, to SEE and to FEEL. Tbrillingly you feel the tenseness of the moment. The newest Sparton EQUASONNE Îs trulyALIVE. Hear it. HARRY C. ALLIN -~ NEW SPPRTON Sparton Dae EQILiONNEBowmanville SPARTON RADIO i p I .1 G ETTH FA* e IRE-PROOF shoot st..! Oefinplook w..roltire effoct- bahom.Do notbn _elt h pios their return will reside on the Kings- Basn ipows6hwt 6 ton ighayeas of owmnvile.points (out of a possible 300) and Hamilton-BurBss Normnan D. Hogg, Orono, l2th in beef cattle judging witb 176 points A prett wedding was solemnized out of20 on Saturday afternoon in St. John's1 At the Peterboro fndustrial Exhibi- Anglican ýCburch, Bowmanville, by tion, Miss Ruth McKessock, Solina, Rev. J. M. Criscali of Ail Saints' took ist place in the Clothing Judg- Churcb, Whitby, wben Irene Margar- ing Competition witb 180 Points. lm et, second daughteir of Mr. and Mis. the Nutrition departinent, Mise5 Helen * William- Burgess of Peterborough, Baker, Solina, won 4th witb 189 Eng., was united in marriage witb points, Miss Dorotby Allun, Bowman- Williain Hamilton, Bowianville, son ville, 5tb witb -178 points, Misses Ellai of Mr. and the late Mrs. Hamnilton of Taxnblyn, Orono, and Mabel Dowson, Belfast, Ireland. Bowmanville, tied in 6th place with The bride, who was given in mai-I 175 points. Miss Dorothy Allun was riage by ber fbrotber-in-law, wa 2nd in flouse Fuîn-ishings judging cbarming in a gown of 'white geor- witb 171 points; Misses Mabel Dow- gette, ber veil of white tulle being son and Evelyn Tink being tied in 6th worn in cap cfect and beld by a plaýce witb 166 ipoints. wreath of orange bbossonxs. Sbe wore wbite kid PumPs, and carried a Durham County boys who were suc- > hower bouquet of yellow roues and ceseful at PeteA>bero in the varieus baby breatb. Mis. H. Wright, sister judging coinpetitiens weoee: Beef Cat- of the bride, was inatron of honor, tle-E. ih2dM mu th, gowned in rose beige crepe wtbW Swain 6tb, A. Mattcett Sfjh, Har- large mohair bat. Little Irene ry Mcanus loth; lDairy Cattle- Wright, niece 'of the 'bride, wasî Jaes Taniblyn 2'nd, A. Matchett 6tJx, flower girl, drcmsed in creani ailk,l George McKnight 7th; Heavy -Hores with bonnet ta match, trim-med withI -Normani Hogg let, James Brown dainty bunches ofi aii pink flowers. and Harry MalCanin 7th tic); She canried a basket of pink asters. Swine-Normian Hogg 3rd, E. Smith t MAter a reception held at the home 6th, HWM MyIkBan 9th; SheeP--An-1 of the bride'us&inter, Mis. I. Wright, son Balsan 5th, M. Smith Sth, W. Maple Grove, tihe bride and groom Swan 1O',h . left by train for Toronto> and Niaga- alle asuid showerm of confetti and egood wishea. The bride travelled ln THEi HIGHLAMNS OF ON4TARIO ea Frenèh blue velour suit and amall A"E AT.11àFAt DUT 1H green feit bat. On their return tbey sr~uM will reide in Bewmanville. dfriends et tihe home i n.1>einSptme d7 n h Brown St., when she reeived a great ceertmtin-eW on. hc air. Ev- numb1er of ve1y useful$bhiug yeo w l se=em ' rgt. - MlAUthe.Bumedsp»xures me a fufl1 ',Residy-Madc Mediene.-Yon need Swi4 -wederful IçcM and tennis- Sne ph for lordn=7 ilis b oaigbligrli< o a' yen havaan ad a bottle of Dr. eioose a ibotter tonie than a few Thom"' Eetrie OS', or cougha, Autaimu wceks in fOnario's Lake- colds, mare thicat, bronhilal trouble% 1 and&T'here js excellent scconmo- Lt is jinaluabl; for ucald, hnfna,-jdaion at any of thc resoit teiritiries 1bruises, spzains it la unsurpesued;I-a .I*eLkcfBysK- 'il while for enta, ores and the like it is' -ruikokLkesr ke of an Ky. a- no tmes onbl eo'r t needs agent of Canadian National Railwaya T-n tsimonial etiier than the use, and will gladly help yeun make your 5d that wiIl satisfy ayone as ta ita cf-1 chaîce, make reeervutlois, etc. 88-2 fectiveneas.1 Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 Kig St. E. Bowmanville IS LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oïl Marathon Gasoline ALL MIGflTY GOOD McCoIl-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency RoadService -, Rq jr mmizm- 7 ~\~~~rT1 f(l J il' Quality Plus Service on which we have foundation This is the buit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying such famous produets as Aviation and Sheil Gas- ofine, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Iring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Authorized Dealer: W. L ELLIOTT, Bowmanville - - Ont. AHeating System that is Unrivalled for CLEANLINESS No bulky radagto caet diutatm daud te ouaeepinu wue. Futnioblnp do smt aalkt p«tlclc of mot a m d u* The MecClay Sashin Wwm A» FSvmS um auai Mm *M tca e moitiTidela muae pouflul lý Ais e &mm Aiem* e bfimmes. To~u a* Au th hi Amatie c - - masi ea b. bored wlthout w A btcumloe umuW"m AM RstussMWe"en. MStud Code mmtalc. co oy boha mi me. rakatw aIA omlia.te add te ymw com millsi dmi.m y = you me wc. c4 ?mo= 5D~roduat ce< IMt4ÉRALSTEEL WARE. a mflBANcaOESCANMA _____Furnace STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. IlSTOCKS BONDS GRAINI Il Head Office: Reford Building I Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto r S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Prvate wfre Bytm il IKing Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 snd 144 Phone Calla At Our Expena. ,Ê

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