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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Who Said We are Leaving Bowmanville? THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURS&DAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929 __ -a E 'I 1! I Meats That Satisfy Hearty Appetites The choicest cuts of Steaks and Fasts that ever graced your meat platter. Tempting Chops? Certainly. Lean, tender and freeh. What kind would you like? We have lots of other good things besides meat, including Vegetables, Fruits, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, etc. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville NATIONAL SANIFBILT WEEK SAVES YOU $51.00 ON A BEAUTIFUL MOTHPROOF SUITE (If you buy this week) You will adlmire this fine suite in quality mohair coverings, with smait new frieze reverse cushions. Try it and note its roomy high-backed and com- fortable dlesignl. Visit ouir stor~e and sec it. THIS WEEK FOR ONLY $199.00 IU>egiulai- Price $2.50.00 Fe.F, MORRIS Co. Furniture Phone 10 Bowmanv il WE ARE NOT. WE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL. Specials For Saturday: Kitchen Clocks, reg. $6.75 for ..............$4.75 (8-day guarantee) Alarrn Clocks, reg. $1.25 for ..................9uc Ladies' Wrist Watches, 15-jewel movement, green or white gold case, for ............$8.75 FErL TS JE WELEY King Street Bowrnanville I4W d ber back- to liens donit lay ctggs. l'uit rïttig Poultry Regulator iii Oie fecd inid hens get the italit y Ltrriylir, p tlI,- ioilti. anid quck- iy get back to Iay ig eggs. It p ys to ue- PRATT fOOt) <.0 i .'AArLuuA 3,2 - .. 'XA,~ ,r' l 1 SALEM Mr. T. H. Lockhart, Bomwmanville, conducted the service Sunday after- noon. Mrs. Lockhart and Miss Lock- hart accompanied him to Salema and ail were enteotained at the home of Mi. and Mis. Squair after the service. ....Mr. and Mrs. Plunket and daugh- ter, Mis. Alvin Davis, and grand- daughtei, Miss Mariland Plunket, mot.oîed from Peterboro on Saturday and visited Mis. Alex Wilkins and at- tended BowNmanville Fair..Mi. and Mis. H. Baskerville and Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, visited the latter's sister, Miss Alice Silver .... Mrs J. Huteheson, Toronto, and nephew, Mr. Chas. A.dîed of Detroit, were week- end visitors with Mi. and Mia. F. Honey, and on Sunday motoîed to Port Perry and enjoyed a visit at the Rose Gardens, Mr. and Mrs Honey accompanying them..-Mi. and Mis. Geo. Cornîsh with Mr. and Mis. Short and sons motored to Janetville on Sunday and visited Mi. and Mis. W. Fitze. Mi. Kenneth Weîry left for Peterboro on Monday where hie willj attend Normal School.......r. W. Giffler, ýoui worthy station agent, is away enjoying a holiday while a sup- ply is t.aking care of business in bie absence. ..On Tuesday of last week Mi. and Mis. E. J. Doidge received a visit fîom Mis. Doidge's cousins, Mis. F. Manely, New York City, and Mi. and Mirs. and Miss Eusler of But- lei-, Ra. 'Uhey had aiso visited friends in Peterboro enroute .... Mr. E. Chisneli, Ottawa, was a weekend visiter with Mi. and Mis. Doidge, and on Sunday Mi. and Mis. T. H. Knight, Bowmanville, accompanied by their nepbew, Mi. Mark Roeniigk, and Mis. Roenigk of Vancouver, B. C., were guests at The Maples. .Mis. J. Ir- win has been enjoying a visit frona lier sister of Toronto. SOLINA Fildad Harvest Home Services wili be held in the Church on Sunday, Sept. .29th. On Tuesday, Oct.- lsti a Roast Fowl Supper and Concert will be held in tihe big enclosed shed&. Pull paitieiiiars next week. Mi. and Mis. W. J. Reynolds aind Ruthi spent Sunday with Toronto friends ..Mr. and Mis Ernest ULner an-d family, Bbckst<>ck, vWs ited at MT. W. T. Taylor's. ... i "lX Dunn, Thess"on, Mr. Bob REhli- day, Chatewoti, -te weekelnd with their uncle, Mr. R. J. Mcee- sock .... Mna. S. Ilompson, Osha.wa, visited at Mr. S. E. We....s.... Mr. A. L. Pascoe was in Toronto on Mon- day attending a meeting cf tihe MMl Produceis' Association .... Mise Aud- rey Weiry and Mr. Meredith Moffat, Oshawa, Mis. Carrne Diew, Cwmning- ton, Mi. and Mia J. H. WSery and Misa Florence, Miss Ellie James, Mr. M. A. James, Mi. Oea. W. James, William and Ruth, Bowinanville, vie- ited at Mi. A. L. Pascoes... .Messrs George and Wesley Werry spent the weekend witb Bowmanville friends. ....Mr. and Mis. Charles Mackey andI Miss Hilda, Brooklii, Mi. Mc- Quort, Toronto, visîted Miss Mary Hogarth and Mis. R. Mmace ..t Congratulations to Baby Glen Wil- liams, son of Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Wiliams, on winning first prize in the baby show at Oshawa Fair .. Congratulations to Misses Ruby Dew- ell and Evelyn Tink on winning prizes in the open class of the Household Science Judging Competition at the Toronto Exhibition, and to Misses Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink and Ruth McKessock who won prizes at the Peteib-oro Fair and attended the ban. quet in the Empiess Hotel, Peter- boro, on Wednesday evening tender. ed the competitors by the Canadiar Packing Co ....Several fîo.m here weîe among the exhibitors and prize winneîs at Oshawa and Bowmanville Fairs..Plans are being made for our Rally Day service this Sunday afternoon at 2.30, when it is hoped there will be a good attendance. .... Mi. and Mis. B. G. Stevens visited at Mi. Ro'bt. Armstrong's, MapI. Grove. .. . Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Stainý ton, Zion, visited at Mr. R. C. Scott's . ...Mr. and Mis. Kraft and Mr Lawrence Kraft, Acton, visited aý Mr. B. G. Stevens'. . .. Remember thi Division meeting in Sons' Hall thi: Thursday at 8 p. m..Mi. and Mrs Ernest Webher, Columbus, visited a .Mi. Jack Yellowlees... Mi. Normai Yellowlees attended Millbiook Fa. o n Tuesday. . Mr. and Mis. David son, Cherr;ywood, visited at Mr. Ja Snales'. Mi. and Mis. Donald Yel lowlees, Jean and Helen, Mis. E Yellowlees, Columbus, visited at Mi Norman Yellowlees'.... Regular Mii s ionary progiam on Sunday afte) noon was in charge of Mis. E.1 Taylor. Miss Jean M1ýilîsoyn gave reading. Mrs. A. J. Reynolds fa, ou-ed with a vocal "Ilo, and Mis. Rt Langmaîd gave a ,vplendid t.alkc ScolDays in India which was muc ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and family, Burket-on, spent Sunday with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin ... . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif- fin spent Sunday with their brother, i Mr. borne Griffin, Cartwright.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and daugh- ter Elsie, Uxbridge. visited tihe f orm- er's son, Dr. H. Ferguson ... . Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh Annis. .Mr. and Mrs. L. Pethick and family visited Mr. Pethick's aunt, Mrs. Ross Kelly, and attended Oshawa Fair...Misa Marion Orchard has purchased a new oar.. Mr. and E. J. Fallis, Toronto, spent the week-j end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley.. . Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Burketon. .. Riev. J. M. Whyte has returned home from holidaying with friends at Kingston and Nap- ianee....Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith and daughters Ruby and Wilma,1 Os'h- awa, called at W. J. Stainton's onI 1Sunday..Dr. and Mrs. Evans, De-i troit, Mis. Bessie Jones, Whitby, Mrs. F. A. McCluskey, Fred and Donald, >New York City, Mr. and Mrs,. M. J. Werry, Oshawa, M.r. and Mns. Fred Tanablyn end Mary, Orono, Mr. Frank. Burgess and Mr. Artýhur Randa-1l, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Miss Florence Weîry, B&wman- ville, were recent guests of Mrs. H.- J. Werry ...Mr. and Mis. C. W. Souch, Hlampton, Mrs. K. Caverly and babe were Sunday visitors at Mirs. J. Py'e's. . -. Numbers from bere attend- ed Fairs at Oshawa and Bowmanvile. ....Mis. Elwood Rhm and Betty. Mirs. Clarke, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. G. Preston's.. .. . Mrs. L Lyle bas returned to ber home i Bo)wranville after speinding a few days with Mrs. Preston... Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Virtue and daugbter Laura, Toreonto, visited bis miother, Mrs. J. W. Vi...... Mr. and Mrs. J. Raith, Mrs. L Gray, Toato, vàis ited at Mr. J. Freeborn' .. .. Misses Sybil a.nd Vida Lýangmaid, Oshawa, sPent the weekend witb Mrs. Roy McGilI ... Mrs. G. ptrestlon il, at BOcaYgeon attending the wedding of lier so« Fred whicb takes place on Wedneay, Sept lSlh ...Mimse Gertrude and WinInifred Oke, Bow- nmnville, sPeut the weektend witb their parents, Mr. and Mis. Wesley. Oke...Miss Margaret Young and Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mr.1 Ira Travail, Oshawa, spent tihe weec- end at Mr. E. C. Asbtoais... Mr. and Mms Wilfred Sand.ersoin and famn- ilY recentlY visited Rev. E. M. Cooki and Mr. and Mms E. Carter, Conse- Chieken Pie Supper at Ebenezer next Wednesday.1 DES TR OYERS Sprays that Kill: Whiz FIy-Tox Flut Sticky Couls Tanglefoot Poison Pads Get them at KERSLAKE'*S The Dependable Drug Store TYRONE TAUNTON Mr. and Mis. Willis Stewart, Mr. Mr. and Mis. Ross Lee were given and Mis. Ronald Scott Sundayed wîth a very cordial reception by Zion fîiends in Toronto.... Mr. and Mrs. people on their retuin fro- their Floyd Dudley and babe visited her wedding tip. Mr. J . G. Langmraid, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, Oshawa, was chairman; Mrs. Foster Green River .... Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Snowden sang a solo; M-i3. ROss Byam, Doreen and Yvonne, Sundayed Pearce îecited. Mrs. Jesse Arnot at Mr. Stanley Jardine's, Toronto ... read a very eulogistic addîess on be- Mr. and Mrs. J. MeFeeters, Toronto, balf of Zion Church and Sunday visited his sister, Mrs. A. W. Annis. School, and Mis. Gerry GlaspelI and ....Mrs. James Dudley spent a few miss Irene Pascoe presented the days with friends in Bowmanvile... bride with a handsome chesterfield Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooey, Mr. and table in recognition of the good Mrs. R. Mowers and babe, Bowman- work done. Mr. and Mm. Lee made ville, Sundayed at Mr. R. Hatherly's. suitable replies and speeches follow- .... Quibe a number froin here at- ed by those present. During the tended Bowmanville Faîl Fair and social hour îefreshments were serv-1 report a real good fair..... Mi. and ed and a happy evening spent. Among Mrs. A. Craigmiles and Miss Edith, the guests were: Mr. and Mis. J. H. Mrs. F. Thomas, Mi. and Mrs. F. Trull, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Taylor, Mr. V. A. Hooper. Miss F. Mm., Fred Smith, Enniskillen. Gray, Toronto, visited at Mr. D. Hooper's .... Mis. W. C. Lake, New-1 castle, Mrs. C. Bombard, Truro, Nova HAYDON Scotia, visited at Mr. H. Skinners. .... Mr. and Mrs. L. Barrabali and A concert under auspices of Hay- family, Orono, spent Sunday with don League will be given at the Mis. V. Smith and Mrs. H. Burgess.e Church on Monday, Sept. 30th, at 8 .... On Sunday morning, September p. m. Members of Trinity Church l5th, a special service was held in Choir, Bowmanville, wi]l furnish the Tyrone Churcli w'hen eigtht young musical ipart of the program.A childien were presented by their par- short play "How 'Betty Put Things ents for baptism. Those a'eceiving Over Pa" wil] be given. Admission the rite were:-Douglas Miller, Ora 30c and 15c. 38-2 Mowers, Lloyd Skinner, Edith Wood- ley, Glen Hodgson, Jean Davey, Brete Colacutt, Bessie Huis, Liberal Convention A Public Meeting of the Liberal Association of the County of Durham wiII be held at TOWN HALL, ORONO on Monda y, September 23,91929 at 2.30 p. mn. (standard tirne) For the purpose of Election of Oficers and the Nomination of a Candidate in the foith-coming Provincial Election. The meeting will be addressed by W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. C. THE HON. NELSON PARLIAMENT W. J. BRAGG, M. P. P., and others. A cordial invitat ion is extended Wo the ladies and ail those opposed Wo the policy of the present ggvernment. W. J. B. Davisc Prei God Save the Kiçng. on, E. S. Senkler, sident. Secretary. j' NEW FALL DRESSES In Smartest Styles frorn New York ' cornes this range of lovely NEW FALL DRESSES Fashioned of printed silk crepe and' plain fiat crepes and satipi in wantedK shades for Fali. Here are Women's, and Misses' stylish dresses presenting fashion's accepted skirt treatrnents- flares, side draping, uneven hemline and pleating-and the newest trirn- ming ideas. A group of dresses that off ers style and quality at a moderate price, $8.95 to $35.00 NEW FALL COATS Already we are showing a particular- ly fine assortment of smartest Coat styles for the corning season. You may purchase your new Fali Coat nox f rom our splendid assortment and by paying a deposit have it held until you are ready to weaî' it. Why not corne in to-day while you have a full choice of the new models? Prices range from $18.50 to $59.50 Ail New Merchandise. SEPTEMBER 23rd to 28th-OPENING 0F A NEW DEPARTMENT WITH EVERYTHING THAT IS BEST FOR YOUR BABY Permit us to demonstrate the safe, healthful, comfortable, convenient wav of dlressing youi' baby -the Vanta Way. Bring your baby dressing problems to us. Let us show you why doctors anil nurses for years have recommended Vanta Baby Gaîrments. Walker Stores, Limited YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPNG CENTRE Formerly S. W. Mason & Son Phone 164 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS King St. Bowmanville 1Blue Bird Beauty Parlor S PERMANENT WAVE t $5.50 and $7.50 1 extra free Finger Wave. Phone. 339. MRS. F. J. COLE, j Ontario St. Bowmanvifl. 37-3 J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 87-lyr. rX a# q ýWALKER STORES! Lixrnted MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNLTIES 4>q or'l FL Y il- ýýj 1 Mr. and Mis. Harry Ketcbeson, Ma-s. Borbrtdge, and Mis. C. A. Boni*- steel, Belleville, were guests of Mi.1 and Mis. Pred AMin on Saturday and' attoended the Pair. Mr. Ketcheson' was judge on Light Horses. I 1 1

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