THE CANADIAN STATESMA-%N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOPER 3rd, 1929 Business men of this district have! RALLY DAY SERVICE in The Statesinan a mediumn which1 gives tnom at low cost an excellent HeId at Newcastle United Church iàl %J 4, ýrf"t1J& 1 -CiE p -r c ge it goverage of the entire local trading ares. A nnual Rally Day Service was held' - - ~~~~~~~in \owcasle United Church Sunday T U S A ,O T B R3d .2 School on September 29t.h, and wa.s: H R D Y CT B R3d .2 "~~ T 1~~ well au.ended hy eld and young. _______________________________________ BL'-I L/1 The programi authorized by the Board - __ of Religlous Educatien was used inf NEWCASTLE Re-oopening meeting of Youngi PAVING NOW IN PROG.RESS t'etirety, the :heme, -In Quest of People's Society of U'nited Church PARLOR Others, en crflyfoi 1d Miss Elizabeth Hancock, St. Cath- will b. heid on Monday evening, Oc-' (Intended for last we-,ki The offering- for the Missionary and'armnes, spent the weekend at home. 1 tober 7th. 1Tepvn fNilSre n x Mn.E. onby, ormrlyOf -Mintnane Fnd as ake -byJîre Miss Hilda Ro'wiand, Toronto Nr Her friends are peased t,, learn! tensions through Newcastle and te Foshay's Hairdressing Parlours, Coyne. Lloyd Hancock, John and I mal School, spent the weekend at that Mms Isaac Seiby. who has been Orono is now in full swing. Merlo, Oshawa, is opening a BJeauty Bruce VanDiisen. home. quite ill for some timie, is consider- 'Merle & Ray of Windsor, who have Paolor on A talk for the little onles, but very Mr. Geo. Fenning and Miss Helen lablY better and able ta again help the contract, certainly have a th -r- September 24th, 1929 inzeresting t0 cîder one as well, wvas Tuf, Toronto, were weekend guest :htehushl uis ugl pt i edrotrlal gven I . lot cfJoaC.making mcninureran brMa. .C anok Sprof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Pearce :lt f tendedgmchney n atIintendent of -,hle Primary CIa.. natneiqimn adafreo tryad CREST HOUSE 'The Good Shepherd." MIrs. Han- Mr. Polfiey Moore is over from the the wedding of lher cousin. Miss Jeaneuietanafocofsrdan coc ks PrmarStaîs are always de States visitng his grandmother, Mrs. Cameron, of Xeston, daughter of competent workmen. The paver1 be-I NEW ASLE lîghtful, and ber story of the shep- Jas. Stapleton and other relatives. ex-warden Jas. Cameron of York gan worat h saiomorninr at NEWCASTLE ~herd wbo went le search of the one Mr. J. R. Fisher visited Mr. and ounty, on Saturda. Miss Cameron We.devdy ening a nd tby Sa t lamb whicb was lest, and her applica- Mrs. Gea. Wright, Toronto, who re- was the soloist at the Pearce-Walk- to King St., laying th-e concrete 18 tion of it te the good Shepherd cf1, turned the visit during the weekend. ington wedding.1 feet wide as far as St. George's our own 1,ives, was no exception. The. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parnali and Mr. Mr. J. Anderson Smith's auctimn Church and then 20 feet wide the rest Primary Class then recited in chorus, and Mrs. LeFevre, Toronto, vsited s-ale cf household goods and f urniture.ý of thee way up. The 20 foot pave- the Shepherd's psahe, Psahn 23. bis brother, Mr. Wm. Parnaîl, last Satiirday spelîs finis to the J. Arnder- ment will be continued sorne distance Mr. . H Stples OrnoWhO undy wek.son Smith Co. in this village and th,- north of King Stree't aIse. IT P YS as eena wlcom viito tothe "Wid Gese"basd o Matharesidence here of the senior membt-r' Mr. Jos. Coulson, ex-reeve, and I T PAYSlo svea frmroc stfde ek. s pf the firmi. Ris son, J. Anderso-i local concrete tile and pipemau cainteckase the theme of his ad- .wjîî be playe<i in Community Hall on totk ~ rsdne~ er ,fr fIspc B ig D ividenids dress "In Quest of Others," shcWýnni to SaardakOeobr5t atp. n. ae n eek. Rowere ea.,efothiedOro goverrnment and i how ervce or thes oten rins SturayOctber5that p.m. n te wek.on the job daily te see that every ti! happinesses everything else faihurch le pl-qoanin othe vArthur H oe1.Ao higi eacrigte rule and Proper Attention toth and telling several stories illustrat- a leTm upri h .S Granum, Alta., i h ihRvrseiiain. M.Gre awl îng hie teaching. a olde onTyzurMeve lehOc. 1S. Presbytery, accompanied by Mrs. is time-keeper and Mr. Geo. Butler EyRooandivs o uratoa g e eg . 391 , e and family, have been spending, water-boy. The company bas at and nvies OII paronge.the summer in Ontario., visiting his'tire. of writieg reached the juncteon will psy bigger dividende in finac- REEVE RICKARD'S RINK Mr. and Mrs. Louis Irish, accomp- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe cf of Manvers and North Streets and l' cial returns and physical confo in Thniehn Douthseir daughteran Mrs. Way- Nrt mto e wteonville, and other relatives.. teady te move their paver back te than any other invetment you can Wini TheocoentDoulas Trohy rin, and Mr. aiepotmtrd Owing to a breakdown in Rev.i the south end of N-Orth Street te reake. Reeve W. F. frein Rocheeter lest Mre and Mr:si.W.tedýy Mr. Rowe was given an indefinite pave that street aIse; and then on te Rickrd'srinkbasMr. ed Me. . W.Dud'y. ave of absence, but before coning, Orono. Ever Think of This ? shown the other six 'ifks coinpeting On Monday, October 7th, Young east was presented by his cburch' ithJonDulsCup tournainent PeOPle's Society will re-open. Pr-ordwtane Plm tbChser You can get another set of teetb ihow te bo«l, having won 9 gaines gaiP'rcareOf-eebo ard as a n cf lotranspratien. M.Fr, bydbyteva tha yo cn uebutye ca Iand lest only 3. This rink cloese the~ mer School. Pumpkin pie and sand- WlheeM.R e deenan ith Mr. W. F. Rickard, bad tha mis- NVRIe nteparo yssao ttetpoth itntwith- wi hl eeM. oeudreta fortune to 'break an ankle on Monday NEVR et nohe par f yesseso atth tp c te letne i iches served. Everyone welcome. operation ln hospital in Toronto for evening when unloaded bis that will be cf any use to you. .standing what reay bappen tc, two cri Mr. D. Cooper of the C. N. R. sec- thyroid trouble and is now co)nvales- tast load of corn into the blizzaird at OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT tbree other rinks that have flOt quite tien gang, Mrs. Cooper and daughter1 cing. He and Mrs. Rowe and daugh- the silo filling, jumped from the wag- nidri qipdadorcompleted their scbedule. The nein- Eileen pnth ekn ihtirtrwr gssofi bttM. je moenyeqibdan u ers cf this winning rink are C.R parentssetteweedwt hi e eeget fbsbohr r on te the ground. Registered Optometrist, R. ' Carveth, H. S. Britton, Go-JaieR t in Colborne, wbile on Mon-' Fred Rowe, Church St.. on Saturday. Mitchell, is in personal charge. W.vic.skip, amie day Mrs. Cooper visited lier sister lin - Have Your Eyes Examined To-day. sand W.cF.sRickardd Oshawa. ___ skip. Asuccessfui meeting cf the dean- Sec Mitchell and See WeilI iery was held in St. George's Church d- I NOTICE I est T hursday with both merning and, R /1. ftiitc ellafternoon sessions. The ladies of R. M. Mitchell ~~Tenders wlll be recelved fer the salhe hhpoie uceni h G a 'et the Old Court Flouse on Baldwin St..techrhpeieluhonite & LO.Newcastle, The fand and buildings rmay parisb hall.D & sold together or separae Tender'z r.J. W. Bradley gave the al te be le Cerk's Office befere noon eo M.f aly Drugisa ad Otomtrits oct. l4th, 1929. The highest tender net Day talk at the Lake Shore UnIon Drggss n Otmerst ecessarilY accepted. Sunday Scbooýl Sunday afterneen.1Gv3 H. C. Soniathan H a teget t1TALSE Phone 92 Bownanville Cek ewstegeta înro r SALSE Newcastle, Sept. 19, 1929. 39-11Robt. Martin and NIr. and Mrs or11859 o rm motneI h don Martin. by A & P Stores Io the strit attention Si of everythlng A & P sella. Here you Sind -- - ~~~Mrs. A. D. Wheeler has take, L p ' HE )EC MY ~ fOa _______________________________ b e idnc ee n fr'ir n. hil1 Nert are A & P low price. ERazely can ed dwn ast eeknd fr hc chid-of equal quaUty elsewhere at lower prAces. ren, Alden and Diana, who have be' YOUYL W AN ONEstaying with their gradpien*,sMi.1 YOU'L WAN ONEand Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Mr. David H. Axon, B.A. Ass't. ~r' T'L r Q ' fR F SES I IPrincipal cf Palmerston Avenue- For Friday and SaturdaY only, we have grouped a special lot of Dresses which were priced Up to $25.00 which we will off er f or these 2 days at $14.95 WHAT WELL DRESSED LADIES WEAR If you are fastidious, the new Coats now being shown at The Smart Shop will more than satisfy you with their smart tailoring-luxurotls, warm fabries enriched with beautiful furs. More new coats received this week. «SHOP 'iASON, Manager. The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Step into foot comfort in a pair of our fine fitting combination last Muî'ray Made Shoes. The styles and patter'ns are appealing to women of good taste in footwear, and the values are equal to and bettet' than most other makes. OUR FALL FOOTWEAR __ is on display. Stelp into î'eal satis- factoî'y and stylish 0 serViceable shoes . HERE SOui pîices are in - reach of eveî'y puise. Let us have the pleas- ure of serving youî' needs in footwear. Men's fine caif oxfords, double soles and leather heels, the best value we have ever had at $8.00 Pr. Women's fine black kid pumps, patent leathex' gore purnps, brown kid gore pumps, alI with covered heels and imitation turn soles.... ..$750 Pr. Boys' solid leather school boots in black caîf, $4.25 Pr. Growing girls' black or brown caîf oxfords, $5,50 Pr. Groig gxis' black or bi'own oxfords, low heels, se alat ................................... $3.50 Pr. Men's oxfords in black, wide toes and rubber heels, at ...................................... $345 Pr. W. C. IVES, Manager Sch&oo, Toronto, accompanied by Mrs.' Axon and son Harold, spent the week- end with Mr. Charles and Dr. Annle Higbee. MIr. Jack Higbee, who isi witb a Toronto construction company. aise spent the weekend wich bis par- ents. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil were: Mr. and Mcc. Percy O'Neil, Mrs. Tobin, and Miss Elsie and Master Jack Tobin of Belleville., Friends will bie pleased te learn that -Mr. and Mre. Percy O'Neil, wbo re- cently lost their home and ail con-ý tente by fire, have another bouse built and nearly ready to move into. A number cf neighbors, and rela- tives froin Newcastle, Oreno, Tyrone, Bowmanville, Oshawa and other points surprised Mr. and Mcs. W. W. Down, Shaw's, at their home Satur- day evening and tendered the newly weds their compliments and best iwishes accoinpanied by a miscellan- eous shower of icany useful arýicles. Mrs. A. E. Mellow visited ber par- ente at Napanee last week and onl Thursday evening was the cecipient i of an address and miscelianeous shower frein the choir and tbe mem- bers of lher Sunday school cases wh'ch she raught there. AIl regrettcd ber Idepartaire te Newcastle but wished hermuc j leinher new home. Mr. accompany her ho>nie. Board of Education has engagedI IMiss Margaret Smith, B. A., of Pal-I Imerston, 'but recentiy appe-in'ed on the occasional staff cf Toronto high I i school teachers., as a supply teacher i fer an indefinite terni in p)ace , f Miss Neya Switze r who was injured in an automobile crash in Oshawa oîn Sept. 24th. Ms Switzer :s ini Osh- awta Hospital whero_ she wiLs eperatedj upon foir an mnu ced knee and iviIi e .off duty f or soctie timie. R-eeve W. F. Riek ,rd, (hairman of, the United Crunties' Road (,'ij' sien, in c, iany with Xarden 'W. T.! Wox an>dcd otiier comrnisý'îo:iers, xe te gu-.slast wvekend of Mr' llyain(f1 !Merla,.Nlerlo & Rav on a 1111tor tl, I)i th r ugh %western Ontario ivs far as' Iideent. tpevcof motie'r okan<1 howx tht-y stand up unîler hpavy, j tt-atflc. The paIty, drivîn lv the c ,n.vcuctîon c îmipiny'schauitfir left here "ý n IFriuayaftern on and re'urned Sunday evening. Unted ('huirch-Rev. W. P. Rogers,, )atr . Sunday, October 6th: 11 ci. nt-Morning Worsbip and Quart- erly ('omejuni n Service; 2.30 p. nm Sunday School; 7 p. m.-5.ervi,2e! will bh ofeta speciai nature. Th Provincial Secretary et the Olderi Beys' Parliament, will speak, and re-j presenitatit-es cýf Canadm-in GirlIS l Trainingwill .peak and render spe- extended te the young people of the1 coniniunjty te bie present, as well asi te thase who are young at heurt. Mr. and Mrs. MeNichol, Glenholieý Rd., Toronto, and Miss McMilian, T '- ronto, were weekend guests of NMrs I. E. Boweii. -Mr. MeNichol is the 1,eli known Conserx-ative organizerl and has piayed an important part inj past campaigns. On bis reture te Toronto he tock with hum a gift frein Mrs. Fowell teoie Hon. G. Howard Ferguson te adore the grounds ef hie cew Toronto home, the huge aea shell which bave coticed witb curiosity on Mrs. Boweî's ver- anda. This sheli was brought years ago freirn Australie by Mrs. Bowell's fat.her-in-Iaw, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, I ene turne prime minbiter cf Canada. FRESII YOUNG ROASTING AVMEÂG l-ILun .0 WHOLE «M 27 ANlb marreS GOLDEN WEST W FOWL lb. 32o FRME4E EXCELLENT FOR BOIUMO GENImN NE9W SEASON SOFET-MEATE» %f LAb LEGS lb. 32a LOINS ib. 25o FRONTSlb. 1'7e PRIME QUALITY A & P SELECTRI) BREF R OAtSIS RUMP lb. 25 e ROUD Porterhouse lb.31%0 WITH LA'RGF UNDERCUT WING 'b. 34a BRISKET SHORT CUT Best Bolln ctsBtlb. 1,50 SU1%NYFIELD BRAND 13ACK BACON Smoked 'b 2j7e WEINERS Smoked lb. 22e Sweet PiekIed Pork Shoulders lb. 19,e DAVIES OLD ENGLISIS CUREi WILTSHIUE SMOKED Gamo ~~MS- imONlb- 380c sfleed lb). 45o BACON Beaslb. 29e Finnan Haddie TIROUT Fresh Georglan lb. » COD Vveesh l lb . IL40 OYSTRS Gass Jar400 Men 's Men 's M en 's Men 's Men 's SPECIALS Thorsday, Friday & Saturday $2.50 Worlt Pants, for ................$2.0W $1,25 Work Shirts, for ...............$1.00 $2,50 Overails, black only, foi'........$2.00 $2.00 Caps, assorted patterns .........$1.50 $6.00 Sweater Coats, for .............$5.w0 MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS 50 Men's Winter Over- coats, navy blue, fancy weave, coats worth $.35.WO, Sale Price for 3 Days $27.50 MEN'S SUITS $ 15.00 50 Men's Suits in Tweed effects, a good suit to knock4 around in, regular price $25, Sale Price $1 5.00 Sole Agency for the Famous~ Fashion Craft Clothes Se G. CHARTRAN ni A6P stores, ue v fee "Novc«n A & P Stores gAve such vales?" T" ,question IVen theqult asked more frequentl today ta ever before. Here icanada'. inO t 1. the reason: A & P i ia wcrld-wlde organization, pur- cbasln An ve t i«~nAte for the great system of A & P food tores nd A & P gets these foods to Ontario Lyou bur gefo familles so quickly and economically that A & P's values 1. cOnstantlY COmrnand the attention of aIl Ontario. Another New A & P Foodshop Open.d Wednesday, October 2, at 73 E. Main St., Welland, Ont. sevorv irem a iRoui Moneyw gavr PEANUT CRUNCH SOTING BW<EW lb. 2'70 DIXIE CARAMELS "" mTnmARE u lb. IL90 CRISCO lb. 23o PEAS BWRET, TENDER No. 2 Tin 220 KARA VAN DATES 2 Pkgu. 35o GILLETTE RAZOR BT.ADES 3GENULINF PKGS. 0F 5 $1 PICALLILI CROSSE & BLACKWELL Jar 23a PEACHES N'.imer ( hoice Qualîts filvdes BUT 1<0W AT TRIS VERT LOW PRICE-41NZ GRANULATUD SUGAR 10.i&55. THE SALE 0F THE YEAR CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup ACASE WWLAT 6 TIUS 59e OXYDOL CLEANSER..Lge. Pkg. 21c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES .2 Pkgs. 19e CHOC. EMPIRE, Christie Brown.. lb. 23c INGERSOLL Maytime Loaf Chees.. lb. 31c TUSE LEADING INFANT FOOD SINCE 1937 CONDENSE U ]BAGLUE MILK E 3nl&9 FOR AN EASY WASH-DAY Surprise S0AP Il0 BARA 490 CRO'SLD ?ISII SARDINES 2 Tins 290 cHOICEt.GOLDEN BANTANI CORN 2 No. 2 Tins 217o TIHE PFRSO'ttl. BLEND 0F A GREAT COFFEE PLANTER THE COFFEE SUPREME ROKAR'b. T'a 57,o ROWNTREE C OCQA FINE QUALITY NATIVE-GROWN ONTARIO '/-1h. Tin 2le Potatoes Fl 5 Pc33o S.O.S. CLEANSER SWEET POTATOES ......... 8 ibs. 25c IN~ THE HANDY PACKAGE ~ ïw~ ..i.. i. t. . 2 Plgs. 27e ROMAN MEAL 2 lb. Pk-gi.. 27o SHIRRIFF'S ASST. .WI.LIES 2. jrv .430 SCELERY, Crisp, Tender ... 2 Bur SCAULIFLOWER, Lge. White. 2 I STURNIPS, Native Grown .. GRAPEFRUIT BRAND0F ..IN SNATIVE-GROWN WEALTIIY OR WOLF RIVER APPLES 6 n riches Mead& 19C 25c 8Ibs. 15c 2 for 21 c Tue GUW1T ATm i.NTmc & IPAcn'w TUA Cei. CANADA -u LIMITEI> OS 'T PAGE TEIN THE SMART GEO. R. à Phone 200 King Street Bowmanville