THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1Oth. 1929 Miss E. M. We'rry, Toronto, setTh e %u c l -li n &e r the -weekend with Mrs. J. R. Ormis- I_________________________________ ton and Mis. L. R. Ashton ... Annual J- _________ quilting of Ladies' Aid will be held IH R D Y C OB R1t,12 on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 17th,1T U DA , CT B Rlt, 92 ini the baseme.nt of the chuîch. Ail _____ ladies welconie. Corne early and -______ have a soeiable afternoon ...Dr. NEWCASTLE A GREATLY PRIZED LEGACY C. S. E. T. AN snd Mr$. Ferguson tittended the Rugby gane in Toronto on Saturday .Mr. and Mirs. H. S. Britton arc St. George's Cburch, Newcastle, isý ..Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, visiting ber parents in Toronto. in receipt of a valuable and very lIn the Uniti spent Saturday with hier mother. 'Mrs. Miss Helen James, Conservatoiy of beautif ul communion set, a legacy, teen-age boys J. W. V.r....... Our cominunity vas j Music, Toronto, vi-sited ber parents, from the late Bishop Charles Henry opened Sunda saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Rev. E. R. and Mrs. James. Brent to the cburcb of bis boybood1 any of young T. . Hidg, yungst on ! R~x rs.Grudy nd issFlosieda ys. The set is of gold and con- w-ho had been T.seB. Hoidge, YHngeptonwoded.:Grnd, roy nto Miswere w en sists of two pieces, the palet, in the! in whicb Rev. josep Ro 2de atnouver, B C sts fToronto,(Dr.) Farncomb rim of wbich is set a large and brul-!ed when on tl on Ot.2d nVacuvr *B -guest fMs D. anob liant diamond, and the chalice, or j Newcastle tos The late Mr. Hoidge was a former Mr. and Mis. C. F. Fawcett, o! uaon h bs fwib eg omrpso sehol eacerandchor eadr hreHamilton, form'e.îlv of Tweed, werc ularly spaced, are set various prec- iprovide tber ande . rs. Her-nîy Stf r pW-.e recent guests of Rex-. W. P. and Mrs. ious jewels. The value of the set is1 service. Miss e...... redrs.pbHeyString he o'n ogers. Mr an,1wtnile sestimated at around $1500. The othy Sagar Miss edrsbr-isi hrois.1'i members of St. George's, w-ile f ully îendered thî< garden on Sat.urday ite makeallcetri ca spies.ns .M.and Mis. George Yelland staying with Mis ii alcBi- appreciating its value and its loveli-I a eetos .n..i.d.I. esOl cledo Mrs. ton's Grocery, w-ile Mr. and Mrs. ness, prize it more highly because o! sisdi h an k iecnetl Mialon Mis. Britton are away. the beloved bishop w-ho bequeathed. Misses Allisoi Gieighon and bne have.. retned Public and High Schools are pre- it-the Right Rev. Charles Henry each spoke or to their home in Aberta. M-is. Then paring for their annual Commence- Brent, honored and revered the wbole Laureson Ne Siemon and John accompaiiied theni ment Exercises and presentation of world round.Twe ri to Toronto on prizes and awards. h e a ue nTecurhfrBywee orai People's Dîamatic Club presented Woman's Association meets to-day the first time last Sunday w-ben the provided a vi ther la etitled ,yi__mie Yonson'5 Tus d _t r.Ge.P Rc-Rector, Rev. E. R. James, celebrated structive proý Yob" at the Foot Church on Scug0g ard's. Mrs. H. W. Dudley's group Holy Communion after the niurning appreciated. llnd n-on-y ngh. M. and will provide the program and lunch. service. I. T., Trail Mis. Wesley Oke attended adhaN M~rs. A. S. Hall, Miss Hall, and Sare Will i Faran iited witb 'Mr. and Mrs.1 Miss Dorotby Hall motoied to New- YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY adWne George Robbins, Maivein, an icastle on Satuîday and %vere guests Msinr and Mrs,. Thomas Robbins. pickering1 at Mi. and Mis. Dr. Higby's.-iMill- Start Autumnn Meetings with Splendid is ipory Mis. Richard Ashto.,i ited '.I. brook Reporter. Program-Clarence Allun Elected lf apoe and Mis. Thos. McGill on Sunday. .Peietsoni h Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodm an . Messrs. John Symons, Welconic.Pesdn were desnrib; Scugg Isandvisited the latter's and Robert Martin, Port Hope. called e dsrb parnts Mr ad Ms. . C. shton. 'on the former'.- cousin, Mrs. Geo. P. A splendid attendance of young .aetM. and Mis. H.Steen"AndRcad atWdnsa.eruepole and a few older friends Durham'st son Gordon spent Sunday w-tb i!rom Orono Fair. nfatedecate reUnin hmeetiong o poancia . l l Mi a ... rand Mr.,.,Mi.A. A.Colwill bas a force o h e-ate ntdCuc o n and . . E ftriens l Oi a-........-', People's Society on Mîonday evening o ona Albert Staintflb and sýon Clifford. To-' men engaged picking and barielliL Revisionpe ronto. spent the weekend with Mis. I a 400>0 bbl. crop of apples, Judlgheeetngw-son o'aricli npe Joh Pe. ev.W.W.Joes, Mili-j Reeve W. F. Rickard is busy handl<î;g9 interest, several itemis on the pîog- Jdgean 'oni Jro ohn eRme o Hmponcicuthi bJ coptamncornbining to make it a veiy Jc nhu brook foryer1v n Hapton ircu1,ýhi 1000bbl. rop.deligbtful e'vening. aqanac wii ak teservices, on this cicui M 1r. E. C. Brooks, Superintendent 'f rgaiwa i hreo i olk as theyc next Sunday. Oui pastor, Rev. J. of' Motive Power, C. N. Railw-ay.s, John Ashton, delegate te Bay of'______ M. Whyte. 'is pîeaching annivers-aiy. Montreal, accompanied by Mis. Quinte Sutmmei Schoal at Oak Lake. sermons at Millbrook .. . .Glad te îe-1 Brooks> and daughters, airived here John gave a tborougb, cemprehen- port that Mliss Elva Griffin. daugtei' in their private iailway car last week- sive and interestinig report on almost of Wmn. Griffin, who ha." been witb 1 end and visited ber parents, Mi. and every phase o.! the work at Summer Mis. C. A. Mathews, 122 Dawlish Mis. R. J. Rowe, Newtonville. Scbool and deserves bearty commend- Ave.. Toronto, for over five years. Mi. and Mis. R. L. Wright, Master ation for his careful preparation of was presente< with a rope o! pearls nicky and babe bave moved to Tor*- a fine report, which comprised Bible by Mi. and Mis. Matbew sa-, tbe end onto for the wintei. Study addresses, devotional service, o! hiei fiftb year... M. Georze -I. Volney Moore, Syracuse, N.Y., camp fire meetings, sports.. the Giegz. Toronto, spent a few daYs îs extending bis visit here into this school paper, stunt night, etc. with Mirs. W. Sweetman Mi, and %ve ek and aitho ugh he finds the U. S. At the close of bis report, lie led Mis. J. Slemon have ret.redt~ A. a gond place for big businesýs, the gathering in some o! the favorite their home a!ter a few- wek'vîi there is no place like the nId home songa o! tbe school. with their daughteî, Mis. Hlugh A-1 tow-n for genuine gond feilowship. Roars of laughter weie- producedi Scotia, w-ho bas been making an ex- Summer Scbool froni thisdsr r. E.Farnsw-orth and' i.Caec obrd oawe1h ongpolwh ted ejtended visit witbh er parents, Mi. put on an amusing skit, a "M-YocK O- son. Dr. Farnsw-or.-h, Belleville, .e and Mis. W. C. Lake, and other rela- cration," wherein John Ashton was; centît visited ber sister, Mis. (Rev.)l tires in this district, was joined last the unfortunate patient, Stanleyl W. A. Bunner, Liberty Place. week by Mi. Bombard. Rickaid the Surgeon, and Dorotby,1 -. The object o! almost as much at- Evelyn and Winnifred Rickard were _________________________ gtention and intciest as the auctioneer the nuise and attendants. The patient at heJ. ndrso Siti sle atr-was operated on for "A Can, sir," iattheJ.Andrsn îmths dl Stu "Two more," "Grîp," etc. day week, was a Newcaste oldimer Teieehenstkte!rmo C LE A R in the persen of Mi. "Forty" Fligg, Terfehet oktefrio afiddler o! repute for several de- a "Pumpkin Pie Social," the pie cades ail around this section o! the being supplemented by sandwiches country.TI He !ormeîly lived in Bond and coffee. V IS O NHead, better know now- as Newcastle- careduWing. the frst ccpart othe on-the-Lake, in a bouse long ag,)ai ungtefr ptofth lear Vision is net alwavys a buîned, that stood on the west side piogram and pîesided during the pion! that you bave normal eves. o! Mill St., south o! the large bouse flcnorfe reaide ef te yeargte Many people corne te us w-th ap- w-ich Dr. Caîveth purehased, moved formte resaident.oMisseliab thI paetyge iinbtwihtejand conveited into a duplex summer fre rsdnMs lzbt paretlygoo viion bu wih te 1resîdence. Many years ago bie mev- Haiîcock, having taken a position on complaint o! almost constant dis- 1 d te Toroate whre he bas resided the teaching staff at St. Catherines. com!oit, and upon examination ever since; but hie found it a gireat r.ana e allonwse'e asqede itisfondtht hc sc isint-pleasure to be in Newcastle again, wni e hld s asurd ly s on -tharat epe seino! te ovisit his cousin, Mr. W. C. Lake, _________as usal ly nlywit a 7ret epene o and meet many old !îiends of his nervous energy. Msdays.Hute vsiw-asr is younger dy. He wsaccompanied Ms lz utrvstdbrss Doyo xprenethis' by a lady fîiend and bis inseparable ter, Mis. Coulter. Her daughter, D o xeineviolin. Mrs. Carr, accompanied her fr~on - >rOiov il, wilp hit ui auLhe.Ms Youi eyes are of such vital im-' partance te you that you cannt LAKE SHORE, CLARKE afford te be indifferent. Heed Mr. and Mis. Gordon Martin spent Natuîe's warning and Sunday at Milbrook, gucgt.s of ber HaveYou Eys Eamied. aunt, Mus. Jes. Hamilton .... Mis. J. HaveYourEyezExamned. J. Baskeîville visited her daughter, We shalbe glad te have yen Mis. Clark, Toronto, on Sunday. ..- con'svut oui Registcred Optom- Mi. and Mis. H. A. Rowland, Toron- tew-cie Sunday gue.sts at his bîn- etri. t, R. M. Mitchell. theî's, Mi. Howcll Rowand's.. Mr. and Mis. John Farrow visited at Mr,. J. F. Bon's on Sunday. . . Mr. R. M . M itchell and Mis. Harold Skinner and son, Ty- mace, Mis. Bombard, and Mi. and & (Co.Mis. Claie Bemnbard, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W. C. Lake's on Sun- Drugaista and Optomnetrista day.. M. Gordon Ashton visited Phone 92 Bowmanvillel Mi. Howard Cryderman on Sunday. . I.. Miss Gladys Cana spent the w-cck- end with her parents at Salem. IS YOUR WATCH Keeping Correct Time? IF NOT BRING IT ALONG TO FELTSI JEIWELRY No matter what kind of a watch it is, it xili receive expert treatment. There is no other mechanical device in the wordd which gives you the same amount of service you get f rom your watch. Day and night for years your watch works for you. Don't negleet it A GOOD WATCH SHOULD BE CLEANED ONCE EVERY YEAR Have Yours Done Now. FELTSI JEWELRY BowmanviIle Next Bit 20 Book Store Douglas, came down te take hier to Toroate for the winter. Mis. N. L. Rickard's class o! girls, "The Gleaners," enteîtaîncd at a weineî and maishmallow roast, ac- companied by home-made candy, on Tbuîsday evening, at the home o! Mi. and Mis. H. R. Pearce. TYRONE Mr. Wm. Hambly, Boys' Training School, Bowmanvillc, Sundayed with his sister, Mis. battra Virtue. .Miss Veina McCoy spent a !ew days with friends in Orono ...Nis. Byron Moore attended Markham Fair .. Mis. J. Lillicrapp, Canaington, is visiting ber daugbter, Mrs. F. b. By- am.... Mi. and Mis. F. Thomas, To- rento, Sundayed at Mi. D. Hon1erS and Mis. J. Storey's... M. Rugh and Miss Annie McCullough, Ponty- pool, visite<l their brother, Mr. Robt. McCullug ... Mi. and Mrs. W. Tur- ner anul Niss Vera Turner, G;reen River, Mi. and Mrs. Beare, Miws Alice and Mliss J,,yce Beare, Locust Hill, Sundayed witb Mr. and Mis. Floyd Dudley.. S. S. Rally Sunday main-1 ing at 10.30 àî. in.. W. M. S. meet- ing wva- held in the rhiurch on Thurs-1 dla afternoon, Oct. 3rd, the Piesident, Mis. (Rev.> .. R. Trumpour, in charge. Piograiniw-a.- prepared b)v Mrs. Floydl Dudlev'sgop Red ing by M.sA. W. -\nnis; vocal (luet by Miss Margaret M. eandl Miss Kathleen Mc(ullough; re ing b)y Miss Leverne Buîgeszs; solo bY M rs. James D)udley; Mis. Trumpour gave a chapter o! the Study Bo)ok wbich w-as very interestîng. Meeting clos- cd with prayer by the president .... League Tbuisday evening w-as in charge o! the lat Vice President, Miss Margaret Moore. Reading, Miss bala Richards; piano duet, Misses Mae Brent and Mary Brightw-ell; a splendid topic was giron by Mis. (Rev.) J. R. Trumpouir taken !îom Di. Stanley E. Joncs' book, "Christ and the Round Table"; vocal solo by Mis. L. J. Goodman; reading, MissI borna Hooper..Tyrone Women's Institute will meet at 2 p. m. on i Wedne.sday, Oct. 16th, at the home of Is,. Ronald Scott. A paper will bel given on "Thinzs Miîney Cannoti Buy," by Mis. J. R. Trumpour. Al I ladies invited. Note change of time.j ...Mi. and Mis. Harold Gully, To- rente, spent Sunday at Mi. Narman Weodlcy's. Rev. and Mis. W. A. Bunner and family attcnded the Jubilce services of St. Paul's Unitîed Chuîch, Picker- ing, on Sunday, when Rev. Af red Brown, Windsor, a pastor o!f lfty years ago, preached an excellent ser- Mon. Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., B. D., is the present pastor. 9 ND c. G. 1. T AGAIN IJNDER WAY ed Cburch the work foi- sand girls was fornially ly eveniflg A cornp gpeople from Tw cd, rmeni)ers of the groups ,and Mrs. Rogers work- that charge, carne to spend the day witb the&î )r and bis wife, and to programi for the initial 5es Doris Houston. Dor- and Jean Richardson -e very beautiful nmusi- M.Nr. Frank Foster as- erivice of worsh:p; n and Millicent Moffat nr Girls' Work; and Mr. 1we-ton, Mentor of the Rangers' Group, on These young people ery interesting and in- gram which w-as miuch This week the C. G. Rangers, and Tux.z re-organize for the Faîl work. lantern sIides. <lpicting ýr homes of India. wer*c SUnited Churcb Sunday Sunday The picture" d by Miss Robinsan. two candidates foi, the iott, were in the villa.ze attending the (out t f sided over by Hi-' H )i ýr ior. They also imipiv-- )r two in cultivating the Sof as, many Newcast'e could meet. £~STRICYL Y MODERN A & P. modem meihod of merchanilalflg enabies you to purehase aH your table requlremmats under onie rouf. T'he full force cf A & ]Fs conslstently malntained polie>' of qualit>' food produets and lowest« priles la now exerclslng Usa beneficialiInfluence in thousanda of Ontario homes. This poUliexepresses Itself i more nourishlng dinners-i bealtby, happy, oontented EXTRA WEEK-END SPECL4L! DUTTw.ýaR' OU£ 0 OWM NT QUALI"--ilverbrOOk Brandfd tMuràSd caeamO" 21be. 8m51e i more appetzing varleties, and more temptng, better- balanced meals. It is being felt, most of ail, ln re- duced household budgets that permit a woxan many of those litte table luxuries which were formerly died her home. ]permit us to say that lt is a matter of great satis- facon to us to know that our efforts i ibis direc- tion are being so widely appreciated. SWIITS GOLDHN WEST' RRAIID-&VAE AEOtPT 3~4 LES. F0 WL b. 320 swmms PREMIE FOR ROASTINj» CHICKENSAVERAGoH3% ~b390 FRESU YOUNG ROASTflEG POR PORlK 2 No. z T'ne 23o SHROULDER ROAST lM. 220 VERY BEST QUALITY-MADE IN ONT4RIO'S FINEST CREAM.ERIES > U . Ii FANX L FRESH-e-12 LB. AVERAGE CHEESEold lb. 31. eNewlb.23c _________________________ Z EA~~WUOLE OR NEW GEO. WESTON BISCUIT NUMBER A VA HALF HAM People's Assortnient lb.-250 TRY A POUND TODAY - YOU'LL LIRE THEM THE PERSONAL BLEND 0F A GREAT COFFEE PLANTER DOKAR COFFEE lb.57c Imprisoned ln each pound of BOKAR CoffeIs a Iragtance and flavor so rare as to Instantly e BOKAR apart from even the fincaft coffres you have tasted. SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA VALENCIAS ORANGES GOOD 2 Doz. 9o NATIVE-GROWN YELLOW COOKING ONIONS NO. 1 GRADE 9 'bu- 25o AYLMEIt <CIEEN LABEL JyAM RA.SPBERRiY 40.0m. Jar 33o SOAP 4Cakes 150 CATSUP 2Zaz-oz. Bottiez 31le CAMPBELL'S PEA SOUP .- . 3 Tins 37c BABBITT'S CLEANSER ....... 2 Tins 13c JELLY BEANS......... lb. 17c GRAPEFRUIT - Good Suze PRUNE PLUMS 2 lb«.. 10 « * . ý ý.2 for 190 <OCOANUTS - Jamaca. i SWEET POTATOES. 7 Ib. 5c .. ... . 2 for 15e APPLES - Wolf River or I (RANBERRIES- Eatmor W ealthys ... ... 6 lbn..M ....... ... ... lb. 25e RED.TOKA1 GRAPES 2 îbs. 23o lb. Z5o YOUNG, SOFT-MEATED SPRNG LAM LAMBfi FRONTS lM. 180 LOIN ROAST KIDY H lb.2 5. LEGS lb. 30' Round Roast A & P BE 1-7 RunipRoast NJAED l.26o SNIOKFD SUGAR-CUIFD-1012 LB3. AVERAGE UNAU5~WHOLE OR SHANK HALE b2 , FANCY BREAKFAST BACON BYTElb.290 Machine Sliced . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 31c SAUSAGE-Pure Pork, Small Links lb. 28c BOILED HAM-Best Quality, 'SU'd lb. 49e COTTAGE ROLLS-Peamnealed "Ythe'lM. 27c FRESH SILVER BRIGHT NBY TUE %SALMON PC lb200 FILLETS-Fresh Haddie . ....... lb. 23e PERCH-Fresh Caugbt Lake Perch lb. 14c FINNAN HADDIE-Freshly Smoked lb. 12e OYSTERS-Fancy Blue Point, Glass Jar 40e ZSALADA TEA Wrok 1/2 '-lb. Pkg. 37c PEACHES-AutralianW,d"4 No. 2112 Tina 99e ZSHIRRIFF'S Orange Marmalade, 16-oz. Jar 21c DELMONTE Asparagus Tipa "',uNo. 1 Tin 29o< ZBRANS TON PICKLES-C. & B. ..Jar 23c CATELLI Macaroni or Spaghetti 16-oz. Pkg. Ilc MAGIC BAKING POWDER .... 6-oz. Tin 17c CRABMEAT-Choice Quality* '/2-lb Tin.36e ZHAWE'S FLOOR WAX ......... l. Tin 41c RED RIVER CEREAL ........... Pkg. 23e An SiUAnThe E GRq»EAT ATLANTIC & PACUW Tui < Wea Vrod Ubop Opened ~"'" -, PAGE TENl A REAL SALE 0F COATS Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Wionderfully Fine Cloth, Lavishly Furred Every detail that has Fashion's en- dorsement is presented in these new Coats. e The modish Pi'incess silhouette-graceful q lines with interesting seamings and details. deep fuir collars, exceptionally I)iiced foir FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $25.OO SCARFS DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Just the thing to set off your new coat or b' îghten up the nid one, triangle style, scalloped and point e edgzes. extra beavy flat crepe, variety of shades. a n< ONLY $3.50 f 'TITHE SM3lA RT SLIO1P GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Presh Creamery CORN 0, i LINMTZD OF CANADA 2 lhs. 830 imwvmm% »AM A OMM 7 ..m [jean