With Which Is lncorporated Tne Bowmanville News eb Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER lOth, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No4 St. Andrew's Church BAZAAR Friday, Oct. i 8th at 3 p. m. in SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM ATTRACTIONS: Fancy Work and Novelties Home-Made Cooking Candy - Aprons FisL Pond - Post Office Country Store. AFTERNOON TEA 41-2 Mr. and Mrs. K. Gasmsby, Oshawa, 11 Miss Clara and Mr. Geo. Moore and5 Mr. Alfred Reid of Boawmanville, were recent gueste of Mr. and Mr..I W. A. Mooze, Coiborne. Mr. Perey Bachus, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bachus and Miss Marjorie A. ýCole, St. Catharines, spent Sunday w.:th the latter's parents.- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. L Cole, Concession St. CONSERVATIVE RALLY wilI be beld in PORT HOPE ARMOURI ES TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY) at 8.15 P. an. SPEAKERS: Premnier G. Howard Ferguson Mr&. A. VanKoughnet, Toronto M. J. Elliott, Conservative Candidate The same evening at 7.30 Premier Ferguson and M. J. Elliott will1 ad- dress a meeting at Millbrook. Everybody Cordiaily lnvited. A PUBLIC MEETING IN INTERESTS 0F M. J. ELLIOTTI1 CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE 1 will be beld in OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE on MONDAY, OCTOBER l4th at 8 P. M.t SPEAKERS: Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines Col. Harry Multins, Toronto M. J. Elliott, Conservative Candidatei -Citize-ns are cordially invited to attend this 'meeting and hear the is- sues of the casnpaign discussed. C. E. Rebder, President, Bowmanville Conservative Association. A PUBLIC MEETING IN INTERESTS OF M. J. ELLIOTT CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE will be held in TOWN HALL. HAMPTON on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER l6th at 8 P. aM. SPEAKERS: Mr. Jo. .Harris, M. P., Toronito Mas. Loughoad, Torento M. 3. Eiliott, Conservative Canmdidt. pusblie cordlally inv4ted. Sam Snowdon, Proelent Daaitno OoiwMUtve Amwastlo Balance on baud......$151.241 Members' Fees ............. 12.001 Bank Inteîest ............. 3.82. Shekespearian Play.ý.........41.785 Tee and Sale of Gooda...... 81.8 Bithdey Tes.............. 34.00 Bridge Party .............. 104.00 Home Co-oking Sale and Tes 62.55, $491.21 Expenditures Coucb, Johuston & Co.... $ 46.77 S. J. Jackman & Sons........ 5.00 T. Eston Co............... 4.32 Caldwell Linen Mills......... 79.89 F. F. Morris Co ............ 96.50 Robert Simpson Co ......... 33.36 A. L. Nicholîs.............. 23.65 Canedian Statesman......... 3.20 W. T. Allen Estate.......... 7.00 Harry Alii................ 3.70 T. H. Kulght.............. 6.00 W. P. Coîbett............. 1.00 F. Knox............ ...... 2.95 Cordeste Gaiments......... 21.50 H.I Rîce..........125 $336. 0! Balance on baud ...........$5.2 Mis. A. 1- Nichoîs, Tesrr MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Joseph's R. C. Chusch-Rev.I P. P. Butler, Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 13th: M3.ss at 10.30 a. m.; Eveningi Devotion at 7 p. mi. Trinitv United Church-Sunday, October iSts, Fortietb Anniversar-v services. Rev. Dr. C. W. Bishop, Principal of Albert College. Belle- ville, wilI preach at botIs services. St. lPatl's chureh-lev.D.W B est, D. D..Nlin'ster. Sunday, Oe-1 tober 1"I 2h: M ,rn ing, Worsh'ip only al, 1 11 a. ii-.-"The Secr. c f Tactful- ness." 2,30 p. ni.-Sunday Scbool. St. Andrew's Pre sbyerjan ChurcL. corner Tensperance ani Churcb Sts. Mornýng %worshp iat il a.ni. Even- ing wu:ship at 7 p. ni. Sunday ScIsool and Bible Class at 2.30 p. mi Rev. Di. Wallace, Toronto, will preacb et both services. St. John's (Anglican) Cburcb- Re.v. R. J1. Sbires, Recter. Twentietb Sunday after Trinity, October 3t: S e. m.-Holy Communion; Il e. nm. -Morning Prayer, Preacher, Rev. R.* L Brydges; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evening Plrayer, Preacher, thse Reeter. Mis. B. M. Warnica, Bowmanville, in thse Sou-th Est Corner of Thse Globe reports having artichokes 10 feet, 9 inehes taîl, and'as e contîast to this, and in support of the theoiy, "Good goods arb doue up lu amaîl parcels,"1 several perfectly ioraned ripe tomatoes, each about five-eigh-ths of an Iuch iu diameter. Talk &bout Matt, and Jeiff1 $25.00 REWARD OFFERED A reward <>f $25.00 le being offer- ed by Mr. J. H. H. Jury to auy pet- son who will supply Information whlch wIll couviet person or persona who broke Int the Fresh Air Campi at the. lak6 and eamaed eonalsabu idamage 10 Vroparty thm. Mi.Cocil Belîman getbeîed at their home (formeîly the Albert Allin farim) on Fîiday evening, Oct. 4tb, to welcom-e tbem to thse neigbbor- hood. Afteî thse crowd had asserimbled Mis. E. J. Burk celled the company to order and explained to Mr. and Mis. Belîmen thse îeason of thoir presence tbeîe. Mi. and Mis. Bell- men assuied one and aIl that tbey weîe very welcomne end boped al would enjoy -tbemselves. The erven- ing was spent in gemes and social chat, sud efter abundance of eats and tbenkiug the bost sud hbostess fo)r the pleasaut and very enjoyaible time with the'm, the company dispeised after singingý "For tbey are jolly good Felio>ws." HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH Tuesday, Oct. 15 CHICKEN PIE SUPPER at 4 p. m. COME TO THE OLDE TYME SUPPER AND CONCERT at the UNITED CHURCH NEWCASTLE on Thursday, Oct. 17 and enjoy a treat. Supper will be served in the S.*S. Hall from 5 ta 8 o'clock. - PROGRAM - After which the following tal- ented artists will contribute to, a musical and literary program in the church auditorium: Mrs. F. H. Moody, Bowmanville, elocutionist; Miss Janey Mason, Bowmanville, solo lat; Mr. Frank Waters and Mrs. Geo. Annis, Courtice, duet- tists; Messrs. F. Sutton, A. Hoit and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, trio. Admission to Supper and Concert- Adults 50c. Children under 12-25c. ENTERTAINMENT Composite Mate Quartet, Whitby Costume Eîocutionist Mrs. Frank Wells Also Instrumental Music. TICKETS 65c and 35c PRESENTATION TO PASTOR HOSPITAL AUXILIARY AT PORT HOPE TO-NIGHT Newtonvitte Presbyterians Recognize Annual Report of the Women's1 iServices of teir Minister who is Auxiliary to the Hospital Board wasi iRetirini held at the Nurses' Resid,-nce on Fni- day afternoon, October 4th. At a congregational meeting and Hospital A'uxiliary officers are: social evening held at Newtonville President-Mrs. (Dr.) V. H. Storey. N on Friday, Oct»Iher 4th, Rev. Robert lat Vice Presid-Mrs. . . Goar. Mcflerment, pastor of St. Andrew's 2dVc rsdn-Ms .A oe Recording Secretary-Miss Peters. Presbyterian Chuich, was presented C.r.Secr. .y-.s..J O Nel... with a beautiful floor lamp, an add- Treasurer-Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs. ress and numerous expressions of re- Executive-Mrs. E. Flax7man, Mrs. F.i gret et bis retirement fromu the min- J.Mnig r .Spcers istry by the congregation of the lat- E. HMannigng, M. E . Secra Mrs. ter charge. Mr. McDerment bas been Eor. H egtr,14s .W rw 42 years oîdained and bas been in ford. ns uiiaytoBw icharge of this pastorate almost four TeWne' uiir oBw manville Hospital bave held twelvej yeaîs, winning the bearty esteem and meetings during the year on the first j t admiration of bis entire f b ck. Mr. Fridey of each imonth, at the Nurses' Arthr Mcay ws chirma on hi- Residence, also one Executive meet- occasion. Ms-s. 'Frank Law made tbe ing. aeamebrhp o1 presntaton, hil Mis Dudey.twenty-five with an average attend-I Jones read tbe following address,- ance of ten. Mis. Smyth, tbe Hos- Dear Mr. McDerfment,- pital Superintendent, was also able toi We. tbe members and adherents meet with us at most of the meetings. of your congregation of the Presby- On October l7th Graduation Ex-I1 Hon. G. Howard Ferguson terian Cburcb, Ne-wtonville, bave met ercises were held in the Opera flouse witb you tbis evening to bid you and afterwerds îefreshments wexe Premier of Ontario, wbo will address farewell.served at the Residence to the three tbe Conservative Rally in Port Hope Yo aebeen oui pastor for tbe graduates and their friends. Armouries to-nigbt in the interest of past three yesrs and nine months A Tea and Sale was held at Mis. M. J. Elliott, Conservative Candidate and have earned oui bigbest respect (Dr.) C. W. Slemon's on Oct. 27tb. for Durbam Counity. and loyalty. You bave been a faith- The usual Chr.istmas Cheer wvasi 1- fuI minister of the Gospel. Youî sei- sent to the Nurses and Staff in Resi- COMING EVENTS mons and iprayers bave been an in- dence. 'spiration to us,-alwsys so earnestly In Msrch came tbe Birtbday Teeat and clearly pîesented, and we feel tbe Residence wben tea was served. Come to St. John's Chuîch Home that the good seed of tbe words tbat Donations valued at $40. and $34. in Md okn aeo audy c you bave sown among us will surely cash weîe .received.1 tober l2tb, at 3.30 p. m. Afternoou bring forth good fruit in oui lives. A Bridge was given in April when tea 25c. Wýe bave enjoyed and highly ap- over $100 was realized. Loyal True Blue Association Church preciated the splendid help of you In June Graduation Exeîcises were Parade and service on Sunday, Oct. voice in the singing, a belp tbat ot again held wbhen four nurses received l31th, iu Trinity United Churcb at every minister is gifted te contrib- their diploinas. Tbey were eech pie-' 3.30 p. m. Rev. J. U. Robins will ute, and here youi voice will be miss- sented witb a book as a token of ap- pîeach. Everyone welcome.9 ed. preciation. Tes was served to the Ahl members of Trinity Y. W. Aux- So often, it is being borne in up- graduates and their friends at the iliary are requested to be present al on s, hatwe i'v ina wrldof n Sep. 2t e dsl fnext meeting, Tuesday, Oct. lStb, in on s, hatwe ivein wold f n Spt.28t'a ea nd aleofthse school1 room. Quarterly tea in change. Notbing ever remains as it home-made cooking îealized over $60. charge of Miss Florence Werry's is and we are sonry thet through The -Buying Committee bave faith- group.t physical disability, you are iesigning fully attended to the needs of the . An open meeting of the Bowmian- fs-om the ministry. We wisb you Hospital and the following articles ville Music Study Club will be held er trshat tbssin home fayue ote. hae been supplied by the Auxiliary: in St. Paul's Lecture Roin on Wed- fa rustat ths hmking it possibleaether pillows, il pneumionie jack- nesday evening, Octeber l6tb, at 8 for uistatemetuso nimes ossin l ets, 2 tablecloths, 1 doz. sherbet p. Mn. A miscellaneous program will our~~~~ finsiad e gasses, 75 diapers, 6 baby dresses, be given. Ail loves-s of miusic arel blresn of Goad may rs thponthou6 gertrudes, 2 doz. sheets, 2 doz. invited.e lsdn o yours berev resu ay be. draw sheets, 14 short sbeets, 18 aur- A concert will be given in Opera and our wheeve youmaybc. geon's gowns, 4 doz. towels, 4 doz. House, Bowmnanrville, -on T.uesday, We ask yourself and Mis. McDer- pill'ow cases, 3 pi. slippers, 2 beds, Ocet. 22nd, under auspices of Eastern ment to ac<tept this lam'p as a token mattresses and springs, 23 yds. cur-StrLde oga whhisn of tbe esteem and fîiendsbip of the tain material, 1 pr. chintz curtains. StrLde1rgrn hc si congegaion ou re lavig atNew A nmbe of ishs weeicharge of Miss Edith Peardoin, will congegaionyou re eavng a Ne- Anumbr o dihes eredonte include folk dancing, drilis, rhythmicc tonville. during tbe yeaî for use ini the Resi-, dances, musical numbers, etc. Re-r Signed on behaif 'of thse congrega- dence, and thse Auxiliary added two; served seats 25c. Watch for f urther i tion, Messrs. Arthur McKay, Joseph dozen tes plates and four large! paîticulaîs. 41-1a Sexsrnith, Robert Nesbitt sud Ham-1 Plates. RecipeAhout 25 neizeh.. of M. and Our Store Policv: Not How Cheap-But How Good NEW FROCKS EMPHASIZE THE SUBTLE CHANGES FOR THE AUTUMN SEASON The smartest styles that smaxitly dressed women every- where will wear-Side Length, Backward FMares, Shallow Curved Forehead Lines are indicated. Fashion, like everything else, refuses to stand stili. Every- thing is moving and Dame Fashion takes it upon herseif to keep just a few interesting steps ahead of ail the rest of the world. Autumn bats are no exception to this rule of progress. Their brim lines particularly have taken to travelling towards al points of the compass. Some of them go up, some of them go down, while still others follow an outward and bxoadening move-. ment and quite literally show a decided flare for the unusual. The long side and long back movements are exemplified in the collection on display of FeIt, Reversible Soleil, Satin and Velvet, which are the favored materials. English Green, Bur- gundy Reds, Brown, Beige and Black are the leading faîl shades. Authentic reproductions and expert adaptions define the new chic as it makes its debut at our store. LADIES' NEW FALL COATS Neyer have we shown such a large and exclusive range of Ladies' Coats as we are showing at present. We have selected the very best values from many of Canada's leading cloak manu- facturers. You will find among the large collection the very best values to be found anywhere. Many of our customers have already taken advantage of early choice, paid a deposit so as to secure the style and cloth they want. We advise you to take advantage of the wonderful selection and if you do not want to take the coat just now, by paying a small deposit we will hold coat until you are ready for saine. NEW DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY The daytime Silhouette for faîl is long and moulded with fulness placed Iow in the skirt. Frocks for business and sports wear show a new femininity with the introduction of flares, god- ets and gores. The waistline is raised a bit higher. Lingerie touches are a fresh note. New dresses are anrivng every day-even earlier than last season. We are all enthusiastic over this season's merchandise. Corne and see these new frocks. SOLE AGENTS FOR KENWOOD BLANKETS Also received an importation of beautiful Scotch White Blankets. In our Men's Dept. we are featuring the newest in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats fori Fail and Winter wear. Couch, Jihnston &Cryderman, BowmanVIlle Phone 104 Llmlted 'UIPAVP LV TALKING ROYAL THEATRE LIKF.TALKIN(G PICTURES PICTURES BOWMAN VILLE TH4JRS., FR1. & SAT., OCTOBER 10-il1 - 12 An All-Talking Vitaphone Production MONTE BLUE in "CON QUEST" Conquest of Air - Land - Sea - and Love! Based on novel "The Candie in the Wind" by Mary Imlay Taylor. The South Pole ! Stark nielodrama of the frozen Ant- arctic! A saga of a fligbt to the South Pole ! 0f two men who never relent in liheir bate of each other, even in the face of death ! And of a beautiful girl who teaches them that con- quest of self 'is greater than conquest in love or in physical combat MON., TUES. & WED., OCTOBER 14 -15 -16 Warnen Bros. Spectacular Singing Success THE DESERT SONG A picture that wlll live forever in your memory! The supreme achievement of th1e motion pioture art preeeated ,with boundless magnificence and unparalleled beauty--a staggeoing succession of 1bewitcbing song extravaganza held together by the most beautiful story ever told 1 Matinee Monday, October l4tb, at 2.30 p. m. Adulte 25c; Childr<.n 10c. THURS., FR1. & SAT., OCTOBER 17 -18 -19 Jack Mulhal Dakitret an all-talking pictur. rk S re t Tw.. Showes 7 and 9 p. m. Adulte 38o plusSZe tax; Chlldr.u 28c. t a t ...rrt a j FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY WiIt Be Celebrated Next Sunday in Trinity United Church Services of an exceptionally inter- esting cha.rscter will be held in Tria- ity United Church, Bowmnanville, next Sunday, October l3th, when the 40ith anniversary of this chureh will be obsesved. Rev. Dr. C. W. Bashop, Principal of Albert College, Belleville, and a former pastor of Sherbourue St. Methodist Chuxch, Toronto, wsl preach moirning aud evening. Music ~by the choir under the able direction of Mr. Francis Sut7ton, will also be a feature at both services. Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, will have charge of tbe services. Citizens in town and country arm cordially invited to attend thes" ser- vices sud perticipate in this great anniversary occasion. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Watch for date of presentation of the beautiful cantata "Esthser". Mis. R. Fewster, Toronto, visited at Mis. E. L. Brown's, Carlisle Ave. Coane to the 4Oth Anniversary Ser- vices of Trinity United Church on Sunday, Octoiber 13th. Mrs. L. W. Dippell will receive ait ber borne*on Queen St. on Wednes- day, October l6tb, froni 4 to 6 p. m. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Ward and daugbter Peg cf Owen Sound visited ber mother, Mis. J. Grîgg, on Sunday. Misses A. Allison, Myrtle LeMay, Margaret Reid and Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. land Mrs. F. A. Hladdy. Fallis Line anniversary in Cavan was on October 6tb. Choir of Unit- ed Cburcb, Millbrook, furnisbed mus-~ ic aud Rev. J. R. Bick, B. A., Hamp- ton, preached et bots services. Zion anniversary, 'Caveu, is on Sunday, Oct. 13th. Miibrook Choir will furuish music and Re. J. M. Wiiyte, Enniskillen, *farlington, will be the preach-er at both services. ,Mi. sud Mis. John S. Dowu,,Roch- ester, N. Y., while recently on a motor trip through Canada, visited bis cousin, Mi. Wallace D. Do'wney, and other relatives in his native town. Hlealth and happiness cannot b. purchased over a counter, but they can be geiued by hard work, sufficient rest aud recreation, sud it is a Christ- ian duty te try te keep, both healthy and happy. Mr. end Mis. A. W. Clenns, Ty- rone, Miss Edythe Clemens of On- tario Ladies' College, Wihitby, and Mi. -Irving 'Olemens, Bownianville, were recent guests -of Mis. N. H. Clemens, Castleton. Mr and Mis. Bert McMurtry and son Donald, Mi. sud Mis. Chas. An- derson aud Mis. Brodie, Tor-onto, end Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty aud son Ros, Elizalbethviile, weîe Sundey visitss t Mr. M. W. Tam- blyu's. Mis. Geo. W. James and Miss E. E. Haycîaft motored te Owen Souud on Friday end ope-nt the weekend with the former's mother, Mis. Geo. Woods. They als-o visited friendsa t Dundas sud Misses Etbed .sud Flor- ence Van Nesat t anflton. 1 . r enna J N-N( a ý rlt"ltteman