PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE 'INIURSDAY, OCTOBER 101h, 1929 L-EGAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE APPLE CROPi CENTRAL DARLINGTON PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT M. G. V. GOULD, B.A-, LLD.1 SCHOOL FAIR Barrister, Solicitor, N1 ar We were greatly interested in the' (Fromi The Daily Globe)_____i Report of Publie Health Nurs f......... Mony t ba o Fam ad own rpot of an addres-z delivered in Mla- Even though weat.her conditions iHeId at Hamipton, Monday, Sept. 23.1 September, 1929: Mrleyrt. oal B Fran ldiTon, rev HlT orno M.Denton have been very poor since budding I_____No. of homes visjted S6; N. ofin Bowmanvilla. Phone 351. 'Massey on Sunday afternoon, Sep-, season, the fruit growers of Ontario, Grain dividuals visiteld 1263; No. of visits to itemnber 30th, on l'The Majesty of xiii do fairly weli this year, accord- iI renatal cases 2, Postnatal 4, Adult W. R. STRIKE ýonen.' It was sa very good that'ing to P. W. Hodgetts, head of thel Wýheat, 1i qt.-Marguerite MNartin, 8, Infant 46, Pre-sehool .10, Re school Successor ta lato D. B. Simpson, K.C. wc (lesre to tel aur readers sorte of, Fruit Branch, Ontario Departmient 1 Marjorie Couch, Ja-, Sinales, May .îbsûnteçus 2, Re phy<caeil defecu- Barrister, Solicitor, Notr the h;gh tributes he paid te Our' of Agriculture. 1It is, another casý Westlake, Gladys Yellowleus, Marie (school age) 28; Miscellanelous vi,,it Solcîtr or an ofMonrel mthrsw îe~ sîte~, nd uns. f appy ad emudho explains. Collacutt; Whcat, Sheaf-Glady.s (-) Social welfare 3; No, found 13; j au rma i ve ers ii a nd the f s pp aHo dett m atd h t htOn olict o oan k Poe9 olwn r ol of his sserion There will be fewer No. 1 apples, yet Yellowlees, Neil Yell iwlees,; Oats. l 1Office hours S. Bowmanville. Ontario as reported and we sincerely hope more apples and cleaner apples. qt.-Wanda Clarke, \.erne MýcILaugh-1 No. of Infant Welfare Canference Mr.Hdetssae ha h n lin, Tom Baker, Perey Westlake, 1-14, total attendance 78, no. infants W. F. WARD, B. A. to remd themi. We quote from The tario apple crop was of better quali abel Yellowlees; Oat.s. Shef-E'I- 4b, pre-schools 29. ........ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mail and Empire the article as it ity than in years, and the yield xvas Lwoo S Iceton, Wan<la Cake School Repart Money to lban. Bonds for sale. apipeared. preliminary and ail: ithe greatest since 1925. But, as, IBarley, 1 qt.-Eliias G1na.y No. of visits to scho.oLs 29; No. of...... Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,[ * - Imentioned before, there will be few-IjKathleen Baker, Toom Olsen, Johni class room inspections 17; No. of Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonei J1Il pity the man who does not faîl er No. 1 size on account of weather Baker; Barley, Sheaf-Elias Green-. pupils inspected 749; No. of special Office 102; Honse 409. under the spell of the majesty of- conditions. The early apples are a\vay. physical inspections 8; No. of defect, woman." i practically aIl sold, and picking has suspected 9; No. of treatments 8; Denton Massey, leader of York' started on the late ones-Mclntosh, No. f exlusins 2 . Bible class, sounded this note yester- 1 Greenings, etc. In comparison with Potatoes, Dooleys-Gladys Thomp- D. o Bcir on M ..Hh, ttd DENTAL day afternoon in his address on "The' la3t year the apple crop is up 27pe son, Norma Cowling, Dora, immunizt.on.,gains: Dipte cent. ~~~~ ~eJjean Johns, Acy Horn; Potatcos, Irinztinaans 6I Appeai of Beauty'" at the ladies' dayl eteCbsrVen cLuhi, Irishhhave n t eriaî DR.G. . ONNCASLE service of the class at Massey hall. ArmourIohnuWatchorn, Ber hau.rcie hste et 7ppl Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto1 "There cames a time in the life f Il Amurwon tcon eeyAln re iven thir fat oe of7 Duih d University. Graduate of the Royal evr oma a hn h sOnf!'BRIGHTON BOY HAS RAPID RISE1 Russell Balson, Jackson Wray; Ensil-wr ve theraToi on St.dos27th. ph College of Dental Surgeons Of On- creature who embodies his idea of aîge Corn-Bruce Clarke, Lloyd Hoar, Og .Td taio Ofie in S.,Bowmant'ille. peoldio,"Mr.he e tGardon Lapp la Now Field Secretary, Maurice Baker; Sxveet Corn-JohniOgL.TdMo Ofiepon 0 osepoe2210FrOntario of Boya' Wk Beard RundIe, Gladys Martin. Muriel Scott,Co X -Ray Equipm ent in O ffice. 4,0 oupe a ve otme nous tr e p nsiil Berniece R ogers, N orm a Y ellow lees; Ke£th R:0e0ecy1ry, D n DR .C EITities," he counselled the wom en ofJiSo me ten years' ago a teen -age,,agl Ade ye ooh ent ude ee erDn DRth.auienc.."her is .arly acsas of boys in the Methodist Sunday jW onnacott, Ruth Colwill, Lela Welsh, aId Adcock, Bert Foster, Tom Olsen; Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson th uine Ter shrl chool in t.he town of Brighton, Ontar-, Marguerite Martin, Eva Johns; Tur- Milk Staol Or Bench--Aldin Hoar. Deta Cllge )man so dead but you may~ revive his 10 formed themselves into a Tuxis'np-vln an aiDi ç.. John Rundle, Tom Olsen, Harold Graduate of Royal Dna olgvanished manhood. Or you may np-vlnLnnad oi r-Hpun on otr alBx Toronto. Office, King St. East, BOW! break bis strength if you will. Beauty, group, a movement sponsored by the1 derman, Neil Yellowleels, Charliel epuooneld FostChrle rNaileBox- manvilie. Office bours 9 a. mi. ta 1 bas power to lift up or ta destroy." former Methodist church to suiplo- 1 Farn.lod hcelo, on ô p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone l * * *I ment the Sunday actix'ities bv week- iFoster,; YellOwlees. IS- an aueCleto 90, House phone 283. 1 me,', o our *< night meetings-, with al definit e cau.r>e labelle Rogers, Anna Wallace, NellieNaue oleio X-Ra Eqipmnt i Ofice beauty?" the speaker asked. "It is a of training designed to deîle' p chat-- Armour. Lloyd Staintiîn, Aldin Hoar; ee eesLeaIesb rsse hoplesly arpd ind whih r- cter and good citizenship and to lead i Carrots-Jimmie Adamison, Mildred an, Clover-Aldin Hoar, uy OR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 oeesywre m hc e the boys' thougzht-s ta the 'hizher Andrus, Vera Fisher-.Ma'Wetake. Bloomer, Tom Olsen; Forest Tree Holior graduate of Toronto Univer-itgardteionin eut sa mo things in life.i Eileen Stainton, Mario<n Balcon; Leaves-Aldin Hoar, Ruby BI oiiier. .iyadmebro oylCiee f epato.Aog h v i hs3îgtnPrnisJs m-i-.DîJ oln Lorne Foster, Tom OIsen. ett ad emerofRoalColeg i 1',ha kndof"irhatyu opktiindog cf girlnth., dol you hope toa. Snaes DraColigJ Dental Surgeons. Licensed to, group w-as Gordon Lapp, -ho raiJean Johns, Gordon WXilbur. Donald I Draw ing rctise in Ontario and the Dominion. marry. lvlpdads.nbcret(,ct dok nosMro er, Danist inailitDbrnces.u scecDo ou eca pety fceonacecx loed ndsoi beam th cn- d oc, OnonsMîion Wery, PoseoRub BoomrTomOlenGA Ventstr inall ts ranhes.Offce-tral figure. This group became the Kennetb Rundle, llarold Balson,' King St., Bowmanville, opposite "If you do, I'm afraid you wlll bec elgopi h itit n he oieBkr upi ,ai ~ Lloyd Hoar, Willi-e Darch, Joihn Run- s Idisappomnted, for there are not teldroy'paihedrlietwandThed 1LacuttseAIaerunle, iMmie Aîlm- o Bak fMotra. hoe30. enough to go around. thBt Gays Bro.die, Aldin Hoar; Map of your Toxwn-fo Ban sonnreshiPone301 thjorie oysCouchnen AimaonieRund Amae, de, imndsoani "Anyxvay, a pretty face becomes, h Brighton group ivas honored hysoBr Foster. lay Truil, Evoshpai-Jons; Mapof OntAlaiuRubvie ishpona e hl.having one of its niemboiS ele' -, - Nesbitt; Tomatoe-Percy Westlake, EBlooer, ai)oHo ir, John Rudie,1I ette MEDICAL Il hshopwornor-taeftery a Nor hele. Tom.Getthf 1 'What is the difference boîxveen temebr o tecony fNot-Mary Collacutt, MreWhite, Ru.,sel; B oomr lsn ert F o hn er. the empty, pretty face and the gesi- umiberland. Gordon Lapp was twice ' Hardy. -Mary Westlake, B'eryl Thanîp< ! ToolP deSn. o 4 rd C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. ut is not the con elected to the Boys' Parliament; the:-son. Sho aaeS .N.1 rd Graduate of Trinity Medical 'O inely beautifulheco- f-s time as a cabinet miemiier amdi Flowers icys; S. S. No. 12 Mitchelis; S. S .No. Tornta frmeîy.f ollge tour alone or the complexion or thel h ecntni spim iite.ilî Hampton; S. S. No. 20 Solina, S.j Offcean Releen e nnr.ihs .,features. Ih je the character which the work of the hiysV parliment G,1r-, are, GJohns. Y Sowle, S. Nu. 9 Salem. forcerandResidence. r.n Stee,!1 c f these joî pp, iCarne PreGay el)%le Physical Culture Exercise.-S. S. - Bowmanville. Pnione 259. 44-t "hr sntigwihGdh~gnzr.xdlalr a eanzDora Cowvling, Audr-ey- Avre; Zilnia' il Hampton; S. S. 2-0 SolinaS.. J. CLARK BELLt1 ade as appeaîing or as great .npr and he w-as later calleil uponm t ad Mîi -Dorothy Wonnacott, Lloyd Hoar, 14 Mitchelîs; S. S. 10Salethmda S.S J. LAR BEL ispt-i irectin n eeoigte r -, Mildred Andrus, Kî-nneth Rundie. 4 rd-ysL.l.9oydn. 91DCh.B., P.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. ation as a beautiful xoman." te g t he ingsand a lak(,;Af'ican Mai Pboeld-kn Cnt (Sucesrta Dr. A. S. Tilley> iel- leader declared. m<n1 b osi -i îoic. sbiYiole aln Bl.n Hoar, Mary Milison, Es ova, ; Wyaeaimrigsnthpy In 1927 at the World Boy.,'con- i S Ylole. lt;nBasn la omr deen Univearet; Fmaroiagesth Royalhapplesclave in Finand. Mr. Lpp represen i French Marigold-Marie White, Eh- Ruby Bloomer, Anna Wallace, Lornel "Oeanr thniver ority;füFeiiowd thecfystheO n a rixinod Shackelton, Ji mim ie .-Xan mon F oster. Bon. Gadut iMedin, r cnes9edithbe boy fanbot ianomerye;icpij School Chorus Singing-S. S. 14 Office and Residence, Queen St.i to shoxv tbe best of chat with xvhichbmiielayad rugthoew-hCa endui,-May Westlakez li- Bowmanvi]e, Phone 89. he or she is endoxved. Beauty is xeletrprinftexor o tano;CsmsAm Solina; S. S. 10 Bethesda. Ilv. Innefaeter s .dine at that conference. Some three Jh titn omsAm Run- Office Hrrs: z, ta 4 p. m.. 6 ta 8.30 P. . l. h ae hr et-be pic- . M. whl nh' ieSokJdigCnet-rn Convents agoshow pp, yet Westlake, Robt. Smale, Gerald Bal- W. H. BIRKS, M.D. a cioudy face in xvhich beauty le lac twenties, w-as called toAiherIa sn il rnis ey hmen Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 ta 8.30. jiîng and love will sufer. -to take charge of the boys. w'mrk' Cockerel, Barred Plynmouth Rock-I Lela Welsb. TelpFne108 xvb were he bas made a xonder- Harvey Balson, Olga Cowling, Russell Silver Sbield, awarded te«t-choo Teepon 18."As we bring beauty to tbe world, fuh7re s of the work. Ho leav--s i hI usuces Hrd, Byron Ne.,bitt, Ellxvood winning the highest average numberi Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's. s a hl we find beauty. now trye cho former residence, Wellington Street,i "We who love aur own w-jvc.' and not take up the w-ork of field sec- Sbackelton, Jas. Smiales; Pullet, Bar- of points per pupil in ail Schooi Fair nor nd espct hemkn-%v haretary of the Boys' Work Bnard of red Plymoutb Rock-Oiga Cowling, Work. won by S. S. No. 10 Betbesda. Bomavlt.ho fnor andospetthem, kn'.w t adthe United churcb in Ontario, heing Harvey Balcon, Mildred Andrus, Nel- DR. V. H. STOREYth netwed sterfeinad stationed at Toronto-Hamilton son Robbins, Berniece Rogers. Russel idemonstration of that honor and re- Sa cd Office heurs 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 p. m. - pect that w-e bave for ber. Specaor. Hardy; Pen, -Barred Plymouth Rocks; After 8 p. mi., by appoinmn only. i Elva bcetn a.S alej in Stornach ExcetionOffce wlit e oen 9to;"Mad je the man w-ho says that hie' Several farmer'. in Ibis district are Byron Nesbitt, Olga Coxling, Ethel' a s di e to 10 Saturday night. 36-tf1 success is bis ow-n. Even Christ in truckinir tbeir apples to Osbaxa and Hardy, Lela Welsb; Cockerel, W bite Ca s I d geât DR. . W CLRK is dvintywashe utouhedbY orono. hipersto oersas ur-Leghorn-Ruby Parker, Aldin Hoar, DR. R W. LARthie divinityofwaentouhedbyTo reto . Sacipe nsthanvesealfr-rFreddie Martin, Betty Knox, Jas. Medical authorities estate that nei r- the div&Sugen siniwt 0efacoman kith ts r e cietan uul~ Parker, Acy Horn; Pullet, White Leg- ly nine-tenths of the cases of sto-macb Phyc-Dvsicin &St., on s nvilxvc, aer theSae as- erî 1 of i raonorn-Betty Knox, Aldin Har, trouble, indigestion, 3s-iurness, hurn- lo Offe-Dtaii UiSted Bowmanvilme n ac," het a nd. o"Se te h ao ___________-Belryl Thompgo-nf'Ruby Parker. Jas. ing, gas, bloating, nausea. etc., arei o Offiex te rinity U ni t Chrch'M a nsçereb f an odoriWhymn.Parker, Acy Horn; Pen, White Leg- due 10 an excese of hydrochlorie acid 1 Beca Offic Hos-3 apoto 5 n7t o 9 . do"Wtoe hae face oodo? h a N tice to Creditors borns-Ruby Parker, Aldin Hoar, in the stomach. The delicate stom- - eo uxasb P onetoneydo s tre s have indows? Thih e face NoBetty Knox, Lloyd Hoar, AcyUHor, acb lining is irritatled, digestion le de- cn 4 5-t J'play. P h urgt oute h ntd erey Alîn. ayed and food .cours, causîng the di- ltn 1 "It is fun tb conjecture w-bat Ion-thCountiesat ort ofmeU ntd Live Stock agrecabie symptoms wb-ich every DOCORS HLIDY Ion bebind the face-if anytbing., DurhamCafBefAdnH r, oce stomacb sufferer know-s so xvel, The Phjs_______o Artificial digestents are not neededlxve cl hePsiin cfBowmanville Bakr;t faces areate farlell from human an maand eat!ar 1 have ageed toclose teir o odce rnIdress certainly places a 5ev- i n the Estate of Clara R. Go ode, la B ake; owel nsc aesadmyd enhr haeare t ls her fc ere test on the wearer." o f the Town cr Bowmanvile, in tire Colin- .Stiales, Tom Olsen, M!te r aigaiealdgsiead Wedesdy flenoos. In case of; be orBilcas ilhd ty of Durham, Spinster, deceasîcl. Andru.s; Market Lamnb--Audrey Ayre. and instead ge.t from any druggist! us a emergencyeat thisalieeenCuiretmassin.the Met- Notice le hereby given tirat ail 1p'-rsati Tom Baker, Gerald Belson; Bei-t some Bisurated Magnecia ansi take ajo r the hospital or telephone operatar jrpîînfe Crs-a nte having cdaims againsi the Egtate of <ira broken and exbibited colt, caif <Ot teaspoonful of pow-der or four tablets, for a dortoir. Iool Cburch, Mr. Massey an- IR. Goode, Spinster. deceased, lai. of tir am-RsceBkeMlde1ndu. nwte ibtatr aig. Ti nounced. His subject in Centtral!1Town cf flowmanviiie, in the Countv ofr alBalRocon a, i Smaes Adsn 5wates ie toacb r evnTs i brhnetunawilb "Cok-'- Durham, who died on or about tir' 2Ilth eai asn m jaeAdn weestesomcpeet h h.e nx Sna wl le "ro daY 11fAu,,It, A.,D.. 1929, are rolr - Ha, Tom Oisen; ao o-o oraino51es cdadtee CHRPATCed-Get ouI of Jail." bt.mai, r dlilverlie same wlth fuil par-,Bco o-Tmfrmto o xes cd n heem CHIRPRATICAND DRUGILESS 1 _______ticuiers verifled hy Affidavit to tire unilý-1,Olcen. Bruce Clarke, Lloyd Hoar, AI- le no sourness, ges or pain. -Bisur-I T RPYgeono eoete1t aofOc-dii HEOYtober, A. D. 1929, citer whicir datc ,,I<ii Hoar, Mldred Andrus. ated Magnesia (in powder or table t' We feel like adding a fine euicgy, Executor wilI distribute tire asse ts of th,- Apples form-never liquid or milk) is huam- DURWIN E. STECKLEY I once delivered by the laI-e Rev. Dr. j Estate having regard cniy to tire cltims erGay rile 0tesoah nxesv o bonor graduate of Toronto College! Talmage to women under the beadj then Ijled. 1nt o.ticMa-io Poerc, Werry, WsTul ess t ndj the tmost eicen formto cfChrprctcwil ein the Bow- of 'Wifely Ambition": twenty-first day of September, A. D. 1929. Maineyey aro Werry, ienSantnSoWes- cnagnesia for stomacbh purposes. It- and Saturday evenings, phone 141J - thank God there are in bundrede of Solicitor for the Executor, Cldinactî, Glays ruli, a e noytermaswtno oefar maidnil Officemaue dy, T or-bu oesrsdj S psete eein ourhomwie s) WiF.W9R, B A. - lin Ho, Garjo reuh, Mar e is ed y t tboumads t o popre w-ho Resintilcismd.urn oeIhmsr-rsne3ee o -ewf' 9 Bowmanviiie, Ont. low-le-es, Ellwood Sbackelton; Golden of indigestion. UOOfl. ~~~ibrone one who says, not- only by ber-------------------Rusetts-Gladys YelIowIees, Jas. _________ ______ I words, but more powerfulîy by ber! ~ t I ain Hny hwo FUERL IRCTRS actions: "My husbend, our destiniec Shacltn, PrcynAlune, ('bano Fus FUERLDIETOS are united; leit us sec w'bere industry J.J 'D AIa T I eMltosbsPeeyiilie DCarb, Tom- FF. MORRIS CO. hnsyadcmoncueadf h J. H R M O 1Baker, Lela Welsb, Eieen Stainton, in Gd wll pt u. Iam wth o uKathleen Baker, Bert Foster; Wealtb- as Compiete Motor or in ail your enterprises. I cennoti Buys l.e-IInIlaMroi oeLI ~ Horse Equipnient. -bc witb you in person as you go lu, - Welsh, Marion Werry, Hilda Thomp- ~IAIl cails proniptly your daily business, but I wiIl be - Poultry at Fair Prices i sîn; King.-ý-Gladys Truil, Lamne Fis- ettended ta. witb you in my prayers. Let us sec - to.r, Jo)hn Foster, EIIw-ood Sbackelton, Private Ambulance. 1w-bat w-e cen achieve by having God Phone&: -;Bert Fos-ter, Marion Honey; Baldwins 10 and 34. and God in our home. Be on the B3wmenvile: 3 aino (ow ar ie ollatoi, Branc Stoes- ide cf everything good. Go abuad Toronto: Trity 3949J LBak-er, ShvardMjl'oTai______________ Oron & Nw-catle. and do your besî, and aitho it e;-bîilBkr iwodSîklicPht-f diferet fom vba w' Address: 274 Augusta Ave., .Asoted Fruit-GladysTrlAdi turn out dfeet rHwat wjfoar . 10lYd1 Hoar, Marie îolîacu't,l ALA M.WILIAS have calculated, yau myawy Toronto. 3-y~ li u<lLm o-t" Emaleran Fnra Dreto. counit on 1w-o w-ho are going t-o beli Cooking EmamradFnrlDrco.1you-God is one and I am t-be oihî,..-'<aB-cct" ot-< l ai Cals given prompt and personal at-I1*I tention. -No extra charge for dis-1 Ta aimyhv ebehat ________________ Bel-YI Th,înip.ý,n, Gladys Toi uîvje, t >ok'*K.guIating Compound 1 extra free Finger Wave. Cosa Iss than i "' ' ""Blle r-, Pith nIsince 1858 A o.fe, reiabi.r.uLs Phone 39 Haif a Cent Crain &Sack-Downer Parker, Aldin OD m.,dicins. Sodin ticre 339. per hen per day Hoar, Jas. Smales, Byron Neeblît, grtmofstreîgtl-No. 1,81 M F to . 3 No. 3, 85 -per Zo. MRS. F. J. Werry. ' S old bý, ail druggista, or se 4 Ontario St. Bowr anville HIORDaToday Manuel Trsininu nipb]t. Addrem.: 37-3 FoaYu LclDae Bird Houc-Toni O1.en, Aldin W > COOK MEDICINECO. on receiptLooalpDial.r j Hoar, Lloyd Hoar, Bille Parker; 7 -'J tBIo.oNT.C'crieriyWadaat 1 Model of FaTm Gate-Aldin Hoar, LVANIZIED UNGLES rTho Roof lor carpeter. -TE Yots wiII nover re7r the. purchauea Shoot Stoo eiln BAtTIFUL- IlRE-PROOP Sbeet steel Ceilingslook wlreast fe efet i eiy. Add brightness ta 'aeoreChurces sch as icena an1 bathoMa. Do nothing t,], 12 atth rie and fi periua GALVANIZHD SIDING for OuiadeWoUe Three attractiv nt t.rn. With bnildin paper ame wa=m r wmndproof. FA"y te U on and paiit. SE YU LOA T SN11T . . sTE Hou sewives Agree.... They Cannot Launder As Well. . Most housewives xviii admit that they dread day, w,,ithi its long tiring day of \vashiný. ars- of this, manv womnen are ftnding it more nîomicai and health saving by sending their lfr v to iî:s once a wveek. let us have a tial bundie and see how weii do i+. We take ail the risk. Our deiivery truck xviilgiadiy eaul if you drop post cai-0 or phione our local rel)resentative in r town. ýshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED OWMANVILL17 AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL tire dIways"Bafipq The nutritive value of Corn Syrup is recommcnded by doctors--it's known to be the healthy food for everybody. So why flot assure strength, energy and happiness by havirig Croiwn Brand Corn Syrup always ready In your kitchen. It's delicious. WARDSBURG VIBRANB SxJul The CANADA STARCII GO. Limi ted NIONTREAL ,0 t PAGE TWO TFIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE TEURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1929