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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1929, p. 6

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THE CANADLA.l STTJ5M'J4 CWMANVTTTI 'I',Z1929tÀ1 1~ IIM-s. A. F. Rundle was in Tos-onto lafwdys last week .... On Thurs- jday Ladies' Berean Class held thel mcntbly meeting in the chus-ch at 2.30 p. mi. Meeting was in charge cof .Mrs. W. R. Coustice's group. The I President, Ms-s. Blake Oke, presided, and after the cpening hynîn Ms-s. G. F. Annis led in prayer. The Biblei jlesson, which was Psalm 25, was s-cadi esponsively by Mi-s. Herb. and the ladies. The tseasurer's sc-j - port ýwas given by Ms-s. A. E. Rund le,1 showing $429 in the tseasury. Con-I sîderable business was donc and a; gcod deal cf the nsoney donated toi the diffes-ent departmýents cf thei chus-ch. A piano duet was nicelv p!ayed by Misses Ilazel Rundie andl Sadie Muis-. Mrs. L. A. W. Tii e,, IBo%,nsanville, then gave a nios.t iln- teresting talk lin prohibition aînd1t hej j sepnsjbility cof wrmen a.. votes-s, j after which the meetinîg waus openl r for discussion, Ms-s. Tole s-cplyinii trr several ques.tions lirought uplî y the la~dies. 7Uisiio Tlehais been a wl fo ears puest and %we wcre all 1e-1 lighted to have her in cuir s-ný agi. The leader cf the gîcup iaj charge, Ms-s. W. R. ('ourtice, in ai few word.s; exps-esseîd appreciatilîn oi Mis. Tüle's address and a heartLy up-' plause was given lies- to which she ire- sponded. Hc me-rnade candy was *Ipassed asound lîy the gs-oup and il friendly haîf-hour spent tîîgether.. Sun<lay eus- pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain- ton, prcached annives-sary ser-mons at (aniheur-n and Rev. Msi-. Campbell cf that circuit liccupicîl the pulpil lies-e mcs-ning and cvening and deliv- ered two good sermon.s..Sunday evening Mesdames A. F. Run<Ile, G. F. Annis, K. E. Courtice and W. R. jCiturtice sang at the harvest home services in Zion te a most apprecia- tive audience . Several ethers fs-cm hes-c attended the service .s-M s. (Rcv.)J.H.' Stainten, M1asters Ron- I Id and Robe- t, and Miss Annie Tre- Win spent the weekend at Mjss Tre- IRoy NichoL, wcre in Lindsay on Sun- day. . On Monday evening the Sun- shine Clas., met at the home oîf Ms-.j A.F. Rundle te present a miscellan-î I ous shows- te Ms-s. Upton Stevens (nee Verna Pound), when she s--1 ceived some very pretty and useful gifts. The girls spent a pleasant! social evening togethes-, and one cf j I the attractions was refrcshments cf i ice cs-eamn and cake. Ms-s. Rundle i and Miss Hoît were ýmcst entertaining j in theis- home . s-.M. Roy Nichols trae h Wipt base baIl teami itosupe-randconertait Zion Tues-I day evening. The Whippet cars are; becoming very pepular, Ms- Nichlç r having delîves-ed fous- new cars last week. 1 Just received a car load of Oyster Sheli. Ful-O-Pep Layinqg Mash Makes Profits. IIARRY ALLIN, (irocer PHONE '86 BOWMÀN VILLE FEA TURING THIS WEEK 100 PAIRS MEN'S WORK BOOTS $2B55 PAIR 'I I WOMEN'S AND MISSES' LUXURIOUSLY COATS\ý Developed in the mosn fascinat- ing styles, colora and materials. A wonderful range of thî.. season's newest, smartest Coats, richiy furred, andi presenting 4i values that you would really ex- pect to pay almost double for. Our price $34*5o SMARTLY FURRED TWEED COATS Dressy sports and street mod- els in the most beautiful tweeds, richly trimmed with large, ma- jestic collars of loveliest furs. You will be amazed at the out- standing value of this offering. 1$24.50p YOUR EAVoi SI-oPPNG CEWNMgo &So A PUBLIC MEETING SALEMJ CARTWRIGHT CIRCUIT NEWS ~' .: iIN INTERESTS 0F M. J. ELLIOTTI Raliy Day Service of the Sunday Cadnius Women's Assoc. is making S e io l S h ow in g ONEVTV ADDT on Sunday. The prograin was rend- Day, Niovember llth., Bazaar at 4 L J~~ L I d 1 CONSERVT~~I e CND i DAT E rdchool y was hed a tchr h hour exa n sie pas fr T a kgvn 0F TW AL LCSOK adesbM.P .Sui saspec- p .adho olspera .m ialfeaure th man temeofthe ad- In the evening the Orono Dramatic on dessbeig anendavur o induce Club will present their very popular THURSDAY, OCTOBER l7th a larger attendance at S. S. and pl "okn MtE NpSm church service ...Mrs. W. MoffatPlyLokn for Mary Jane." Theyl SPEAKERS: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Squair, and at- orchestra. The regular Thank-of- ArthuJJ. Tebi rck, Tront tended the Rally Day service...... fering services will bie held on O VArEu J Teblcck Tro1t Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann, Miss Gladys Thanksgiving Sunday at Il a. nm. and A. J. Fallis, Millbrook and Mr. Percy Cann, visited with Mr.1 7 p. m. The pastor wiIl preach. THS WEKM. J. EIiott, Conservative Candidate Cann's sister, Mrs. Warren, of Osh- Rev. F. W. Newell, B. A., B. D., T I E KPublic cordia]Iy invited. awa, anid attended Sunday morning Pastor. Services, Oct. l3th: Cad- HenryThomson, service in Simcoe Street Chus-ch.mus 10.30 a. m.; Nestleton 3 p. ni.; j~jr'< ii eny hopsn,. . GIad to report Mrs. Geo. Cornish Blackstock 7 p. m. The paster wil 200 C OI A TJ. Sj President Cartwright recovering nicely after ber recent iiî- preach ...The Sacrament of The I IConservative Association. nes.... Mr. and Ms-s. W. Fitze, Jan- Los-d's Supper will bie administered a To choose from in al the ______________ etville, recently visited hier parents, Nestleton next Sunday...BElack- gup-to-date shades such as Mr. and Mrs. Cornisb; and Mr. Cor- stock Y. P. League are leoking for- nav bles in plin ndHAMPTON nish's sister of Oshawa also paid ward with deep anticipation to their. nav blesinlaian theni a visit. --.Sorry te learn that annual banquet on Friday, Oct. l8tb. 1 fanc, alo al th newst isitrs:MissRuthFer-tis, Ms-Mr C. Pollard is sick. May he soon . . .. Blackstock W. M. S. met at Ms-s. fany, lso ailthenewst isiors Mis Rth ergsen Os-ibeconie a convalescent ... . Mr. Leon- Alex. Johnston's on Wednesday af-1 shde o lgh bue, aw s awva, at Mr. Bruce Fergusons; Mr.Iard Richards has pus-chased froniMr. ternoon. A very interesting tîme and greys. 'Albert Allun, Ms-. Frank Csyderman1 Davis the psoperty known as. the \vas spent by al...There m-as a and friends, Toronto, at Ms-. A. B. Windatt home on the Middle Road, splendid atednea the Nestletonl $1 5.00) to $5 0.00() erans M.and a h d to the house. mid-week meeting on Tbursday ee- Cry erm n's Mr an Mr. J Musical numbers -%es-c given at Toronto; Miss Nos-a Kersiake, Dr. SOLINA Armstrong and Messr-s. Joblin and Don't fail to visit this ýJ. H. Elliott, Dr. Niddcrie, Torontoi Malcolmi. Ms-s. J. Wilson and the1i ýat Mr-. Chas. Kerslakes; Miýs Ehl Mr~. and Mm-. Robert Mc Cul]ough pastor also gave talk.% ... The Young stoe frstforyour Ovroa. 5tephen.s at Toronto; Ms.-. ad \Irs1 and Mr-. Fs-ank McCullough. Pontv Pelc ftecrui r lnigt 1 ave the finest showing in M. Sienson, Lloyd and Gordon. la- ool, visited bis sister. Ms-s. L . i oa pleoftciruit aeop1annseice j (onat rs.C. ohn'; issSadie Mn- ....ýI.. Douglas McLaug'hlmn,! on Sunday, Octobes- 2th. town.doaMs, .on;MSs , and Misses Madeline, Lorraine and Vistue Ts-ou, utMr J.J.Virtue's. Mavis. Toronto, viqited at Mr.A. L.. .-_____ A nunîbor ( friends and relative * gathered at the home of 'Mr. and Ms Pascoe's..M-. ani Mrs.N xtin C. W. Souch on Monday cvening to RyodM.adM-.AXhl S is . CA R T RN inivesary of their wedding and 'Mr. and Mrs. Jinu R To- ThePacoefail aýs;mbed t heronto, visited at Ms-. W. .'. -S ... Mr L.T.Pa'scoe, M iMa- Kin Sret owmnvile o e o ce xviThos.Pascue o rdyjory and Editb, Mrs.' Thonias P- ing her ighty-ninu.h bis-hday. . H-atMissHargat, ansM Af _____ ______ - Many frorn here attended Zion Har- MHog ar apen e guestso MsMay Hogar-th and Mrs. R. Pas-, vest Home ses-vices on Sunday and'ce.... Mr. and Mrs. Hl. G. Pasce,i ENFIELD ever by reasen of the promptate- setd a former paster, Rev. W.GI* rnLuhrad rn.Mr n tien gîven bim by the Doctes- and Jones, of Milibrook.......oung Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Ms-s. D. MeLaugb- omn rîcnwh r Ms-s. D. Armstrong, Saskatchewan, i parents..Ms. James Stark enter- People's~ League on Friday night,li dfaiyMî.ndMsHa-d is a guest at Mr. D. Ferguson's.. . . 1 tained quite a number cf young I Oct. 4th, xvas in charge cf lst Vice linadce , M r . and Ms-s. HaE.lTink. mapropate te va b?... om Mr. Albert Niddery and Master- Allun 1 people last Monday niIght to a weiner President, IMiss Camnpbell. Meeting P a nd rue, Mr. and Mrs. R Tn. Birtbday Gopifo have been vissiting at Mr. J. Hep-1 roast. A very enjoyable evening was r pened with a bynin, after whicb the J.vessoad c, an and MRb, R.isit-da ifs burn.s.... Rev. H. W. Hinton, Bob- ispent....Mr. A. Hulibard meteredý Lord's prayer was repcatcd in unîsoe cd Ms-s. Thomas Pasce, Hamnpton,1 Here are a few items a dollar esygeen, Ms. M. E. Hinton, Penty- 1 te Hamilton Saturday on business. .. Devotional part xvas taken by Mr. T. .îast Friaadhepdrlbat ilby pool, and Ms-. and Mrs. Purdy, Bow- ..M.Jelinsten Niddes-v (ied at hbi, Salter. Lesson was read by Miss' . siaad hle eert ilby manville, visited at Mr. E. 0rmutonssnsM.AozoNde-'shm nFlor-ence Burns. Topic, "The Spiritwîtbbier ber 89tb birthday.... Con- B Mr. and Mrs. John McC . c Mnday at Manchester. He was 1 cf the League and the Task cf I ese M r.Hito in ad a gb owSaîts B atoder are visiting relatives at Woodstock bus-led at Hampton on Wednesday. League," was taken by Ms-. Bick. - -ss .rtle Vice on their recent SvingBw oltWts and Harriston. . . . Master Keith Fer. 1 Quite a number froni bere attended Rolwas called xvhen each sesponded j aige._.. aWe Mis.h t herap- e-fluiPe BC opact so guon, having bad an attack cf in-! tbe funes-al. He spent rncst cf h is' te someth ing that intercsted them in berne, Margaret and Robert, Wbitby, fantile pas-alysis, hs around as well as)I life in this neighbbrhood.j the topic or a bible verse. A hymn 1 visited with the Misses Hockaday ... Paying Cards Box Note Papes- __________________________was sung. Meeting losed with the Several fromi here attended anniver- Thermos Bottle Box Chocolates ________________________________________ Mizpab Benediction..Hampton jsary services at Zion on Sunday and Women's Institute met at MssA. wes-e pleased to bear a former pastor. Come and look theirnioves- al- Trenouth's on Thursday afternoon,1 Rev. W. W. Jones...cNocburcb bere though you do not want theni Oc.3rd. The president, Mss. next Sunday on account cf annives-- now. We wilI show youî gladly. Rudie, pseided. Aftes- the business sas-y services at Hampton. Sunday w as transacted, reports fs-cm sevesal S h o t 2 p i O e i g c l was in charge of Ms-s. W. W. Horn, on Monday evening. The Rally conene ofCornmunity Activities: sheets wes-e used. The two address- A few of the speciai values being offered for Ms-s. Haro-Id Allin, reading, "Suggest- es were ably given by Ms-s. E. R. Tav- K ER SLA IE the week-end include: ionesforeCoirng unaty Wck"; s-as";les- and Rev. J. R. Bick, while Miss Rogrsreaing "Mry olts PansLena Taylor and Ms-. Harold Shuttie- The Dependable Drug Store eut............3 Ibs.29c Ms-s. otjya papes- on "Nature"; wortb favored with a vocal duet. Keralake's Glaises rive Macaroni, ready et ................ .2c Ms-s. 'C. W oucýiylh, seading, "Out]ine Thetre was a good number eut and cnfral iin of Commsinity Wos-k Helîpful to we s-ehcsrngfoi-a vidsinon.' Keilogg's Corn Flakes .................1Oc pkg. te Gmui-is;Ms.T at'rw r opnfo odwne i sead a papes- on "Flowes-s" which was1 ok Purity Rolled Oats, with china ..............Prared by Miss Lottie Hern; a pap - es- written by the late Ms-s. I. L. Tea, our own special blend ...............59c lb. Brown on "How to Keep Young" was W L imitSI COMFORT SOAP SPECIAL caîl "What we need in. ous- comnnun-1 1 ity" brougbt forth many splendid 10 arsComortsuggestions. Lunch was ses-ved by 10 Brs ornfrt oapand Towel ................. c the east gs-oup. Attendance 50. 1 Next meeting will be at Ms-s. 1- D. SEI L S POULTRy SUPPLIES Sykes' on Novenmher 7th. Sterling Growing Mash, 100 Ibs ............... $2.75 1NIP VU V A 1 1 A &Ir% 1 , We lead in Chesterfield Suites. supply you yours. Let us Furniture and Furnishings :ed TON 1-4r«jy iir-, Au WwIIEK APIPAREL HATS Chic New Styles Featuring FeIts with smart velvet and ornamnents in ail the nwshades at $ 2.98 We are also showing a large $ariet of Ne $5.95OPlal Tnelu(ling Feits, Veivets, in ail 1 DR ESSES High quality georgettes, satins, silk crepes and combinations, priced at distinct savings. Every dress is neW-every dress is a striking value.. . colorýful as one could wish, exquis- itely tailored and the cleverest ideas employed in their trimming. JerseyDresse the new colors. AIl the newest shades in one and two-piece jersey frocks fashion decrees so Popular for geealwa$ti9so.9 Walker Stores, Limited RUITE Formerly S. W. Maaon & Son BUY FOR LES~ Phone 164 w PAY CASH AND Just IIow we arc- showing some special Floor Larnps, Bridge Lamps and Table Lamps at specially low l)1ices: Some as low as ................................... $6.50 Ask to see our lamps complete at $9.50, $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 DINING ROOM SUITES AT $125.00 We have a splendid assortment of Dining / a. t 4 i I t 1< ROVi King St. W. MNIS 5110E STORE Next Door to Nelson'& L.- Il m PAGE SIX f f - -- 1 -Zr -mqww 1 -Vu THE CANADLA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THTTP-qnÀv Ar'relmv'D '-u ý Phone 10 1 Fe F, MORRISCo. 0 ý Phone 164

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