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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1929, p. 7

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'i ~- ~i ai. Ar' r~a" j -AR-E YOU CARRY-ING-I ENOUGH FIRE INSURANCE? Eacb month and each season brings its o'«n problem, and duning the next fe'« weeks '«e will ah be busy making our homes neady for winten, looking oven stoves and furnaces, niaking ready for the ligting o! the -winter fines. The lighting of the extra ktoves and furnaces in the home increases the danger of fine with itsg consequent heavy loss and before yoij must stant up the heat- ing system wby not laite an bour off and cbeck up your fine in- surance? Are you sufficiently pnotected against loss? You May have '«bat you considen the proper protection on your bouse and building but bow about the insurance of your househoId goods, furnitune and pensonal effects? Nine people out of ten do not carry baîf enough insunancp on the contents of their homes. Are you one of thesýe nine?, Take pencil and paper, go îbnough your home room by rcoom mark- ing do'«n the prices of the clothes, botb sunimer and 'inter, the furniture and houssehold effects, and it '«ill astonish you how fan short of the value your insurance coverage is. We have the agency for some of the best Cana<ian, British and Ameican conîpanies. and wilîl gladly help you decide ho'« te figure eut your insurance. J. J. MASON & ISON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Meats That Satisfy Hearty Appetites The choicest cut.s of Steaks and Roasts that ever graced your meat platter. Tempting Chops? Certainly. Lean, tender and fresh. would you like? What kind We have lots of other good things besides meat, ineluding Vegetables, Fruits, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, etc. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville Are You Ready Are you ready for the Fali rains ? Don't put off having the leaky roof put in proper condi- tion. We sel ROOFING-Shingles or Roils ROOFING PASTE ROOF PAINT We will gladly give you an estirnate roofing, etc. MASO N & DALE'S POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bowmanville PHONE 145 'J--- Your Kids .NeedSugar t supliIes ýQ0-, fùeî,fo 48 energy that keeps them noinig ahd growîng. No need to stuff or get fat 'and (azy. Use WRIGLEYS cbewing sweets for sugar and flavor. and sec bow ruddilb the boys and girls respond. It',s the new science of heaith- buildng. Try WRIGLEY'S Yourseif and stay thin. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B'OWMA-NVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lOtb, 1929 TRIP TO PÀCIFIC COAST !Mr. Annesley taking Mr. W. J. Brown, thresb, his wheat grading No. 2. rny wife and myseif for a trip by1 We drove out through the country By L E. Mountjoy, Cartwright, Dele- inotor to Stanley Park, Lulu Island,, and saw several combines and head- gate ta Suprerne Lodge, Sont of and other points of interest. We af-I ers working. The combine is a Egland, at Vancouver, B. C. terwards had dinner at thein home. great labour-saver. We saw one Monday we prepared for our ne- family where the son drove the trac- Friday evening, August 9tb, Mrs. turn jouney, and during the day we tor, the father looked after the com- Mountjoy and 1 left Toronto at Il visjted the docks and saw the large bine, and the wife drew the wheat to p. nm. on the Trans-Canada C. P.. R. ocean steamers loading and prepar- the elevator. While here I met a train for Vancouver. Next morning ing for their voyages-one going to Mr. J. C. Stuart, formerly of Orono. at daylight we were passing througbî Austnalia would take 21 days to make They were combning their wbeat. rocky country covered with small the trip. Harry Hockin bas a good half section timber with an occasional settler'sI1 At 6.30 p. ni. we bade goodi-bye to witb good buildings and well fenced. ahack in the cleared places. and with ou.r friends and startod on the return We left Morse on Friday after- several small rivens and lakes. journey. Tuesday *morning when noon and arrîved in Brandon on Sat- We anived in Sud'bury at 6.30 a. m. we arrived in Reveistoke it was ramr.- unday morning where 'Mrs. Mountjoy on Saturday. We had as fellow- ing. During the day we passed throhbas a sister and brother living Mrsl. pas.sengers NIr. E. R. Blow, S .0. E. 1 -everal tunnels and also thro the H. Chapman and Mr. Hanry Mason. delegate froin Whitby, and bis sonijSpiral tunnels, pas.sed the Great Div- rsdeta John, teacher in Upper Canada Col- ide, the Albert Canyon, Banff, whereciy lege, Toronto, and delegates also froni it was quite cool . Arrived in Cal-ý Labor Day, Sept. 2nd, we left for Windsor, Leamington, Hamilton and gary at 7.35 p. ni., where we were Portage la Prairie and visited at Toronto. met by my uncles, Messrs. Rober~t ani Mrs. Wm. Green's, an aunt of Mrs. Passng hrogh arterCh l ila McLaren, who were former M.%ountjoy, and a sister of Mr. Fred and White River. we found the coun- residents of Darlington and lived Ferguson, Pr er. Hryug try and scenery much the samne, rocky west of Enniskillen. est son had corne in contact with a and rough. We passed around the Wednesday we went out around the live wire carrying 33,000 volts and Horse-Shoe at Jack Fish Bay Satur-icity and in the evening motored out1was severely burned. He wa- tait- day evening which is quite a sight. 1 to the Aviation Field where Mr. pZ en to Portage Hospital where we saw Soon after we passed through a very McLaren's son, Gilmore, tpok us for few danys laerof is bunnes John severe thunderstorrn, reaching Fort an aeroplane ride. We enjoyed zhe e asltro i un. Jh William at night. so did not see theinew expenience verv rruc,,h. \½t Green and Wm. Green. Jr. have com- large elevators. I day Mr. and Mrs. Robert ýIcLaren,l fortable homes on farms near Port- Arrivedi in Winnipeg at 10.15 a. m.iMrs. 'Mountjoy and 1 went on a miotor' age. on undy nornng her wehada1trip to the Turner Valley and Higrh- We- then came to Winnipeg and vis- haif-hur st op-tg herne tweoponwod ilFelsaee e1awth ted '.%r. and Mrs. Richard Mason, al halfhou stli-theloneststo onoodOilFieds her wesawthebrother of Mrs. Mountjoy; and cail-j the trip going West. ihuge derricks ussed for drilling and ied onMr. and Mrs. Thos Hooey. ,aý,thp surplus gas beng hurned.' omr, We found harvesting was generali the" fires burning fiercely n'ght and fre resident of Cartwrigb:. on the Prairie-the harves- be:ng twvo theef Winnipeg on Fzlday p. ni., ;veek., carlier -:lan ther vear, on! ai Snret sth p" oe f f the gas that the roar of the flaine., Sept. ()th. for home. arrivini or uc , (if the dry season. Farthc 'er b ardqie(:sictySml onto on Sunday morning. Chan ged a e.s.t the grain i~nd gras showed thie e oo lunch Nwith us and ha<î (in- trains ani arnivoed at Burke-ton at 1l effect of the dry weatber. neron took lwd ýe weeo'elock. e were soon homne whe- We nrvdin Ca!,gary about 8 a. the Won te igh ond IReralHihr ' und the harvesst comiplcted an Il ni. oM .~a Anil~ rat Car" <I,,ý are drillir.g Onou reur everything in good shape. We vvere wasat'achd ,,)thetran ýer fo Ne lhad lunch at o Tourist Camip on way one month. had a .spend.l trip, the coinvenjence af thtiee~ he Shep Cee Rier t kotk. a de'gbtful holiday. anmi enjoye I see-, an( v cn a fr a Kmlops Fom Next day we visi-:ed at Mr. William Inc so nany reb:,-ives and fr-iends. thlis ,ar we ha<l a slndidew if hei nountainý. About 10 *o'ciock we en.- McLareti's across the Bow River in _____ teredthe Sun ny.side and xent \vith themi in the tee tePow R:ver Valley and '«cre Pererbaro' population is 22.407- soon at Banff. Pas.-ing ."ýn froni'evening to Bowne_-. Park-a very increase 475. hier-(, '.e so in camie to the ra pre tty place on the Box'. River w bore Divde-mar-edbya ýirg s;n it a fountain shoots stre'.nis 'n-,( the "Alberta" on on e sde and "rts air and on xvich (ifferent colored iColumbia" on the other. and Lrwi- ih: r trwn nain aer stone in the centre. This is 5,332 Saetuy , Augt. 2t.'e'ct feet abox-e ea level. A streani atvSitan tr an uncl4 e at Okoto LRS. this point divides-part running west isM n nan nr d lusunea kes. Theoagcl nnsba and part eass. One can stand on a -r n r.AfsMuks hv Mgcli t eu point of rock and put one hand into were busy harvesting, cutting withi '«ater running into the Pacific Oceani three binders with 4 horses on each. tifying effect on the * and the othen into 'aten running into iTey have a large acreage with herds complexon. Soothes the Atlantic Ocean. of cattle and horses. In the aften- sunburn-a subtie 4 Valley and follow the Kicking Horse the range and they drove us into Cal- 1 River. Teseeyhr svr gary on Sunday evening where we chann. Trythisdainty beautiful and soniething to be ne-lf t2a i o esen ak,~ toilet requisite. menibered. Wecudset no where Mrs. Mountjoy's sister, Mrs. 'A w on« on mountain tops and a glacier wit h ar o knMie, ar en n snow 140 f t. deep. Kîcking Horse other Enniskil'len boy. empties into the Columbia River We found tbey were through cut- B AL. whicb, the railway follows, winding ting and stacking, and started to around the mountains. W epassed oven a bridge 312 feet bigb, which is said to b>e the bigbest single span bridge in Canada on the M TGHTY MON~A1 C. P. R. systeni. ans we could look down to the riverj 1,300 feet below. Next we came to a tunnel 5 miles long and witb a mile of rock coverbead. Along here there wene snow sbutes built te pnotect tbe trains froni snow sldes. Arnived at Kamloopsaiat dark and in tbe mornàng found that the modint- ains were still witk us and that we were followîng the Fraser River, in- to whicb the Columnbia empties. We could ste an occasional farn and ranch and some gardens. The tim- ber wAs now getting larger and taller as we neared Vancouver where we arrived at 8.30 a. ni. Tuesday, Aug- ust l3th. We were met at the station by Mr.m W. J. Brown, an uncle, wbese wife was Margaret McLaren, non' deceas- ed, and who was a sister of mny mother. We were also met by the Vancouver S. 0. E. Reception Cern- mittee wbo wene at the train to wel- corne the S. 0. E. delegates. While in Vaincouver we stayed at the Patric- ia Hotel, a very nice conifortable hostelry.oi At 2 p. m. at the Moose Temple o O E 9 Burrard Street, the Mayor, in a well- worded address, welcomed the Sup-1 L w o renie Officers and delegates to the city. Mr. A. Y. Williams from St. 0 John, Newfoundland, niade a very $ 9 suitable reply. Wednesday f oundT h N e us again in session at 9.30. At 1 EST B J p. m. the members witb their wives and lady fiends were entei-tained to a boat trip te Wigwam Inn at Indianî River Park wbere luncheon was serv-1 ed. At 7 p. ni. the Vancouver bretb- non entertained tbe delegates and their ladies to a banquet and dancef liVI n o H M o t Thursday the delegates were again entertained at luncheon by the Mayor A k fr a F e e o srt of Vancouver at the Georgia Hotel A k fr a F e e o sr i and this wvas followed by a sigbt-see- ing tnpD througb Stanley, Park wbere HE117x1;pfý wives was taken in front of the Par- liament Buildings. We then had aALi sh ont time ta view the City of Vic- toria, and at 6.30 we wene entertain- ed by Victoria S. 0. E. Lodges at a banquet and dance in the Ohamben ofCmmreBuilding. MAJESTIC As our t.ime was imnited we did not stay the nigbt in Victora but left atKNGSR T 11.45 p. m. for Vancou'vir where weKIGS R E arrived at 1 a. m. on Sunday morn- Iing. We spent the day 'with our ---- cousins, MT. and Mrs. E. Annesley, 0--0-01-9-00-- PAGE SEVEN Tou wll agre. - thne finest you canikes deliejous "SALAD jd TEA fo '1'resb fromaithe gardons' Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Searnan Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of you.r order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us and get our prices before you buy. King St. E. Bowmanville RCH 0F THE AIR Models Ib1t McClelian & Co. Ltd. iacIqground" NOISE on-Let us prove this to you equal sensitivity and range at ail points on -the dial. Music and speech sweep gloriously through this radio and corne from its improved Super-Dynamic Speaker real as life and big as Iife-conplete, satisfying, truc! Let us show you the new 'Humless" Models and these sensational bettermenms àr-Power-Power i I)arch DEALER BOWMAN VILLE ý_-q =12" 1 ý--- - ýi

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