PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lOth, 1929 People who prize the finer things of if e usually demand Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea. A mnoney-back guarantee with -everE package. o fRom TEAis good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE la extra good --77..Why you sh--Jould ANSW1ýER PROMt-i'TLY BY thetme this wc-in n qnishes ! t.î hand of bridge 'and reach es the telephorie the party calling will have gîren up. Tic trrdy bridge- player will bc told "Sorry - theres no ane on the line now, Madarn". Bath of thern will be annoyed-the person calling and the persan callzd. Loth of thern have wasted tirne. Remember-it takes three ta complete a cal- There are over one million local calis in Ontario and Quebec cvery day which fail to get through. These uncomnpleted caîls mean two million min-. utes a day wasted-congestion of traffic-constant irritation-a handicap ta business. Some of themn are unavoidable and some of themn are aur own errors. But many of them are mis- takes made by the person calling or the persan called. It takes three people ta camplete a call. We are constantly striving ta reduce aur awn errars. Wc are now pinting out some of the common errors in telephone usage because our aim is ta provide the best possible telephone ser- vice* and in telephone service, co-operation is essential. Answer pramptly when your telephane rings. If it is nat conveniently located in yaur home, con- suit us about it. And when yau inake a cail, wait a reasonable tinie before Fiving up and causing a "No ane on thei.Une now'. *Eztensive new construc- tion and replacements af bth Wloa and long di8- tance tele phone plant wiU e mean an outlay i n 1929 af more than $27,000,000. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7 .Coal 7nat Sais fie SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES Y ou wiIllnex'eî have cause to regr et using oui' Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you wîil smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve voti\vith our high-grade fuels and courteous servie. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phonne 153 or 202 Bowmanville J For Sale By LJ..ohn A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. CARTWRIGHT EXHIBITION :R. Robbins, 3, J. H. Farder; Aged'son, R. C. Brow-n; Collection Of Veg-l 2nd, Walwin & Henry; Singles-1zt, SCORES BIG SUcCESSiEwe-W. R. Robbins, J. H. Farder;i etables-Ivan M. Law, Newto)n Tay- Win.NIMcLaughlin, 2nd. J. Walwin. _______Sh. Ewe-1 and 2, W. R. Rabbins, lor, K. D. Brown. Exhibitors please read list careful- Ideal Weather and High Standard of; 3 J. H. Farder; Ewe Lanib-1 and 3 FRUITS ly and if any omissions or errors are tExhibits Malce It An Outstandîng 'W. R. Rabbins, 2 J. H. Farder. Judge-W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. found repart to James Byers, Secre- Fair Shropshires-H. Skinner won all Appe-Spies-W. G. Werry, Wni. 1tary, Blackstock, at once. _____prizes. Farder, Mrs. F. Raines; Golden Rus-' Potato Field Crop Competition Favored with ideal weather candi-1 Oxford Down-j. W. Balson wan.sets-Wes. Campbell, Rupert Werry, Jýudge-H. B. Jeffs, Toronto tiasth anua firhel a B ýkail prizes. R. . Brown; Snaws-W. G. Werry, Prize winners in FieldC-i Com- S Market Lamb-H. Skinner, J. H. R. C. Brown, Norman Taylor; Bald-1 petitian in Potatoes are: stc. audaSpt 8hoeinade .R.Rbin.Iwins-W. G. Werry. Mrs. J. Elford ,1. L.E. Mountjoy _.971i P, mU- thd epain fafirs of the diwstictf SWINE iWes. Campbell; Nlann-W. G. Werry, 2. Staniey H. Malcolm . 9 ) n Pai an rpesnatveo tetoxnhp f Berkshires-Sow-MUrray Byers. iMrs. Gea. E. Wilson; Ben Davis-W., 3. R. R. Byers........ 93-%.Pu in-.- Tatwihoumth the fi alwast- Yorkhires-Sow--J. A. 'Johnston,1 G. Werry, Mrs. Jno. Elford, Wes. 14. Harold Nesbit ..9214 Points tracs a. larg atedacirom as teJas. Parr; Sow, aver 3 and under 71 Campbell; Talman Sweets-W G.1 5.E.A rdun ..92 Pit trsuonigcutysde h teî nnh-J .JhsaJs Parr. IWerry. J. Armstrang, Austin Bea- 6. Ed .Armstrong..91 ai Paints i àncethi yer ws prbaby lrg t Tamwertbs-Sow--Norman Taylor,l1cock; Starks-W. G. Werry, Mrs. J. 17.- Gea. MIarlow........ 911--, P9int- -,han ei-er due ta the splendid weather Newtonl Taylar; Boar-J. H. Farder; Williamis, Austin Beacock; King- Competitors scoring 85-,.anid ver conditions. Saw, over 3 and under 7 moths-J. W. G. Wcrry, Ivan M. Law; Wealthies i -Wilson Heaslip. Frank' Malconm The entries were ail of a very hl hiH. Farder, Narman Taylor. I -Wes-. Campbell, Ivan M. Law, Wni Ed. Hanna; Wes. Campbell, Jb-s. Cap-. sadrand ail classes, were welli Thre e Bacon Hog-Jas. Parr, J. IFarder; St. Lawrece-E. Dorrell. stick. cotandd, e er ariul A. Johnston. 1W. G. Werry, Mrs. W. E. Beaceck; iv conpeted Hl n orss 00e e atclr- POULTRY Alexanders-Mrs. W. E. Beacock,. BrT CO.AL .%OW Judge-Arthur Wi!son, Port Hope Wes. Campbell, Robt. Hamilton; Cl while sheep ranked high %vith those 1ardRcsCc-R .Bon et-.G erWs bi r .H oict lbîl exhibitions of other years. The cat- BardRcsCc-R .Bon et-.G erWs ampl, j M.R .Clirt vs o'n dewere probably a little behiîd the J. W. Bason; Hen-R. C. Brwn, J L. E. Mîountjoy; Rhode Island Green-1 form the publie that hie t prpnar(-d usual standard, though there were W. Basai; Cockeei-Mrs. A. L. By- ings-ý-W. G. W'Verry, Austin Beacock;j t contInue ta deliver Onai at Tvruîî.- soe peni aiaI.ers, R. WallI; Pulet-Mirs. A. L. By- Mlntosh Reds-W. G. Werry, F.î sitation aid to a!! parts off Ihp o row inorshioscme speiî aimls ers, Edgar Gibson. Crozier, Normai Taylor; Collection aid township. AIl orclers proînpt!ý The ndor ýxhiitscom wel u Minorcas-Cock-Mrs M. M.rnnt- of Apples-W. G. Werry, Mrs. Jia. Ifiled aid qatiaqfaction g':arintted to Tohthe adad cf former Y cars joy. Mrs. John Williams; Hen-C. Elford, Mrs. F. PhonA 518, Thogh hepast .'eason has been a McGill, Mrs_. M. M.%ountjoy; Cockerel Pears-Faîl Pears-Mýrs. J. Wil- - very poor anIe for vegetables and-rsM.Muto.CMGi;Fl-ia.Ms.m.FdeM.Ge.E raots in many sections of the coun-lt Mrs. M. Mountjoy. C. MGilI. Wl- ias lrsWnte rer-W. G.E. tLn-, there \vas no scarcity of exhibit- le-M. M onjy .'eil isn itrPasW .Wr in. these chasse- and many were of a Wyandottes, White - Cock - 1. Roy Ferguson, Mrs. Wmi. Farder. fine Ga:t. (ra:n samples xere Whitfieîd, Mrs. F. Crozier; Hen-I. I LADIES' DEPARTMENT very fine'_. while -hcre wa, no scarcity Whitfield, Mrs. F. Crozier: Cockereli Judge-Mrs. M. McGuire, Trenton in th f pe la -1. Whitfield, R. C. Brown; Hen- Baby's Bonnet, knittedi-Mýrs,. A.1 The donestie work was also ),el!1. hifield, R. C. Brown. IL. McIDermott, MIrs. F. Crozier;. untered( - %-th spcndid saniples of Leghorns, White - Cock-C. - I Baby*-,s Bonnet, crochcî-Mrs. F.1 baki p -c.mCet. hicne ill GuI, rs. M. Mountjoy; Hen-C. Mcl- Stinsoi, Mr.s. F. Crozier; Baby's v. k cù-w nilc co-ly ometel.Gi. I. Whitfield; Cockerl-I. Whit- Booîes-Mýrs. F. S-Linson; Bab)y'sq' jOfficers cf ( artwright Agriculturai j field. R. C. Brown; Pullet-I. Whit- Drcss, fancy- Mis Wcs.. Cornpl xfoi 1929 are. ;field, Mrs. John Williamts. ÎMrs. W. A. VanCairp; Babys Jncket,j îi,n, ir Drcr-JH.D LehrsBrn - Cock-J. W. ochet-Mrs. F. Stînson, Baby' Ex-Mý.P.P., R. 'hilp. W. .. Br-a Balson, M.Nrs. F. Crozier; He--J. W. 'Jacket, knt-Mrs. F. S-îns,ýn,. Mi. ~~~. ~~Basai 1 and 2; CocceiMsF..L.cDrtt M..I. . own M P. obCrozier; Pullet-Mrs. F. Crozier. 1 Bedrooni Slipperý;- Mîi-:. F. Stin-ý Wr g'nt. Mi.,and Mrs. W. C. I'eréuscn.1 R. I. Reds-Ccck-K. D. Brown, soi,. Mrs. 1. Whitfield; Be(lroom Tow- I..uon P.lack-. Mrs F. Crozier; Hen-K. D. Broawn, ci, enib.-Mýi,-s E. Hoocy, Mrs. Wes.' Rr. F. Crozier; Cockerel-K. D. Campbell; Bath Towcl, trimmed- I1 ie egd<n-R R. Bycr<.l Erown, Mrs. F. Crozier; Pullet-K. Mis. M, . Mountjoy, Ms VeraCc; Blctc.D. Brown. Mrs. F. Crozier. ýGuest Towel-Mýrs. T. lPercy. Mrs. F.I 2n Viak-ce reien-L . oln- Turkey-Maie-K. D. Brown; Fe- .Crozier; Tea TwlMs-F. Parr.-! joyd Xuie PeAen L C Miimu-e-Roy Ferguson. K. D. Brown.MssVera Cook; Bcdroont 'i.owel.i ici. Buketon.Gander-R. Hamilton, M.\rs. F.,cohe rmmdMs.T ex, Mrý.' Ey-sr-. cohttimI-r.T e Blackstock. i Crozier; Gooe-J. WV. Balson, R. A. L. Byers. Directors-Jos. H. Forder, Black-ý Hamiilton.J. .Bas; Buffet Set-Miss Ven Cc> jk, Mrs.ý ,stck Iaa Wifel. I.cktok; Drake-1 and 2,J.W asn Edgar Gibson; Bloomiers, fancy-j stock;IsaacWh::fild. Jacstock t Duck-J. W. Balson, R. Wall. Mrs. Pec anap igss ' w.A.VaCap.Bukcon Js.Ma Best B. R. Cockerel and 3 Puliets Cook; Button Holes on fini-hed gar-: low, Burketon; W. B. Ferguson, M L.BeE Burkcîon; Fred Taylor, Blackstock; Mrs. L.Bes dgar Gibson. ment-Mrs. J. A. Johîston, Mrs.A. R. J. Parr, Blackstock; Wes. Camapbell1 DAIRY PRODUCE AND DOMESTIC L. M,%cDermott; Collection of l-ancyI stock; J. J. JbBlackstock; EBi e- JudgeMs .odfellow, Dernitt; CroheWork in Q u ai t y i Dorrell; R. Hamilton, Nes--tletonî, N. Port Credit Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. A. L. MceDeimnott:l Qa i y P H. Marlowe, Burketon; Carl Wright 15 Ibs. Butter in Crock-Mrs. F. Child's Play Dress or Rompers-Mrs.1 C. Devitt, L. Byers, R. Taylor, A: Crozier, Mrs. Jas. Parr, Mrs. Jas. Ed. Harris, Ms.Percy VanCamp; This is the found Wright.- Nesbitt; 10 lbs. Butter in Prints- Cut Work Embroidery'- -Mrs. T.t ul u uies Lady Directors-Mesdames S. Jef- Mrs. Newton Taylor, Mrs. Jno. El- Percy, Miss E. Hoaey. bitorbsns. W fre, as Ber, . J Cozer Jhnfard, Mrs. Jas. Parr; 5 lbs. Butter ln Centerpiece Embroidery, %î;'hite-. h rets service fo freyo, Ja. WBy e, R .CozierJohn, Print--Mrs. Newton Taylor, Mrm. E. Mrs. T. Perey, Mrs. A. L. MclDer-! . gestio J. Jobba, C.WiMrl, yFrgsoi, Dorrell, Mrs. Jas. Parr. matt; Centerpiece Eqnbroid. Iooed sc famous rd tsa son, Miss Florence Parr. ýBread-White-Mrs. F. Raines, -Mrs. A. L. Byers, Mrs. T. Percy,1SeiGodn Q Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Jia. Elford; Centerpiece, knitted-Mrs. Jas, By- I oline, SelGle i HORSES Brown-Mrs. Jno. Elfard, Mrs E. ers; Centerpiece, crachet-Mrs. F. Goya ieteoi Jude-SmonAul, Sencrvile Dorreîl, Mrm F. Raines. f Stinson, Mrs. Geo. E. Wilsan; Gar- Heatvy Draught - Brood Mare- Biun-.Mrs. Jno. Williams, Mrs. tains, han4l.made-Mrs. T. Perey. of Supertwist Cord. Win. Thompsn A. Leighton, 0. Ed- Jas. Pa.rr, Mrs. Normai Taylor; B's-I Fancy Tea Apron-Miss Vers a wards; 2-year old-Geo. E. Wilson, cuits.-.>Mrs. Rupert Werry, Mms A. Cook, Mrs. F. Crozier; Fancy PinfI ASBESTORAS1 Chas. McGill; Foal-Wrn. Thompson, U Byers, Mrs. R. Hamiltan; Cookies Cushion-Mrs. T. Perey, Mrs. Wes. i A. Leighton, 0. Edwards; Teai- -Mis. Wes. Campbel, Mrs. W. E. fCampbell; Fancy Haidkerchiefs- Frank Stinsan. Beacock, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Gin- Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. F. Stinsan; Hemn- Bring your car in Licht Drautht-Brood Mare-Fred gerenaps--Mr. Normnan Taylor, Mrs. stitching-Mrs. W. A. VanCamap, lined with this high grad Gibeon, J. W. Bayd, H. McLaughlin; M. Mountjay, Mrs. F. Crazier. Mrs. Jas. Marlow; Kitchen Apron- 3-year ald Colt-M. Skelding; 2-year Pies-Appl---Mr. Wes. Campbell, Miss Vers Cook, Mrs. R. Wall. oid Colt-Win. McCabe, E. M. Larin- Mrs. Rupert Werry, Mrs. Stan. Mal- Knitted Sox-Mns. Jno. Williams, B a te 's S er, H. Nesbitt; 1-year old Colt-Wm. colm; Pumpkin-Mrs. Wes. Camp- Mrs. Win. Farder; Knitted Mitts, a te 's S Thaaupson, H. McLaughlin; Foal- bell, Mrs. Normnan Taylor, Mrs. Jas. men's-Mrs. W'm. Farder, Mrs. F. mFred Gibsan, H. McLaughlin, Fred Nesbitt.1 Stinsan; Knitted Mitts, wanan's- I Phone 110 Ki Gibson; Team-R. R. Byers, J. W. Canned Fruits-Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. A. L- McDermatt, M1rs. F. Stin- B.oyd, W. Ginn. Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. G. Bowers; son. CeneraI Purpose - Broad Mare- Jellies-Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. F. Stin- Luncheon Cioth aid Serviettes- Gea. E. Wil-son; 2-year aId--H. Mc- son, Mrs. E. Dorrelui; Pickles--Mrs. Mrs. T. Percy, !Mrs. F. Stinsan; Pil- ----- liaughlin, Gea. S. Cochrane; 1-yeat M. Mountjoy, Mrs. Edgar Gibson, 1(>w Cases, enib.-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs.- - - oid-H. Nesbitt, M. Skelding; Foal- Mrs. John Elford. Austin Beacock; PilIow Cases, lace Geo. E. Wilson, 0. Edwards; Tean- Honey in Comb-Mrs. Ne'wton trimmed-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. A. L. Gea. S. Cochrane, W. B. Ferguson, Taylor; Maple Syrup-Mrs. Newton. Byers; 'Piiîaw Day Slips-Mrs. T. NCJWV IS 1 M. Skelding. iTaylo, Mrs. M. Mauntjay, Mrs. F. Percy, Mrs. Percy VanCamap; Patch. Roadters-,Brood Mare-Roy Fer-Crie.Wkw lMs. .A.Vnap guon N Srut 2yer IdCo. 5 lbs. Butter in crack by girl under Mrs. Wes. Campbell; Pieced Quiilt, To Sr Evans, Gea. S. Cochrane; 1-Year aid£1120 years,-MissM. Elford. cotton-Mrs. F. Stinsan, Mrs. Jno.F -R. Hamiton; Foal-Roy Ferguson, Loaf of Bread, Rendeer Flour- Wiliams; Quilt, applique-Mrs. F. N Strutt; ROMd Team-1 and 3 Gea. Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. Jia. Williams. Sien r.Js alw esra S. Cochrane, 2 Col. Evans; Single WOMEN'S INSTITUTE EXHIBIT einbroidered-Miss E. Hoaey, Mrs.H ea Horse, 151/2 aid over-1 aid 3 Gea. Baef Loaf an Platter-Mrs. C. R. R. Byers; Quilt, crochet-Mrs. J. e l1 9 S. Cochrane, 2 Col. FEvans; Single Marlow, Mrs. Perey VanCamp; Pota- H. Farder; Quilt, Gea. Horse, 151/ under-i and 3 Cea. S. ta Szalad-Mrs-. L. Graham, Mms R. R. E. Wilson, Mrs. Jas. Byers; Comfort- ICochriane, 2 Col. Evans. Byers; Tes Biscuits-Mrs. A. L. By- er, home made-Mrs. Percy Van- st( Carriage-Broad Mare-Col. Ev- ers, Mrs. G. 'B&wers;,Drap Cookies- Camp, Mrs. F. Crazier. ans, Lamne Griffun, O. Edwards; 1- Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. W. A. Set of Table Mats, crochet-Mrs. til year Colt-Coi. Evans; Foai-Lonne VanCamp; Light Cake-Mns. R. R. T. Pency, Miss F. Parr; Sideboard ie IGriffun, Col. Evans, 0. Edwards; Car- Byers, Mns. C. Marlo'w; Dark Cake- Scarf, white-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. rinage Teain-A. L. Byers, L. E. LeW- Mrs. R. R. Byers, Mrs. G. Bowers; Percy VanCamp; Sidehoard Scarf, Patei lis; Single Horse in Harness-A. L. Apple Gea. Bawers, Ms.coîored-Mrs. A. L. McDenmott, Mrs. makE Byers, W. E. Lewis, E. S. Beare; A. L. Byers; Table Bouquet-Mrs. A. L. Byers. ro Gentleman's Turnout-W. J. Watson, A. L. Byers, Mrs. W. A. VatCamp. Sofa Cushion, in silk-Mrs. A. L. Po W. E. Lewis, Col. Evans; Lady Driv- GRAIN AND SEEDS MeDermott, Nirs. Jno. Elford; Sofapa 1 en-Miss Lewis, Miss May Grahami, Judge-A. Wilson Cushion, in iinen-Mrs. R. R. Byers, Mms Ws. dais Lay n Sdde- Faîl Wheat, Red-R. R. Bycos; Mrs. Jno. Elfor<i; Sofa Cushion, fan- Miss Lewis, Miss May Graham; Coim- Fail Wheat, White-R. Mountjoy, I. cy-Mnsr.. Percy VanCamp, Mos. R. R., ing bination Horse-W. E. Lewis, R. R. Neshitt, Geo. E. Wilson; Sprng Byens; Sofa Pilow-Miss F. Parr,hae I Ber, C Hlîs Grls Divig oîtstWhe-at, Hard-Narman Taylor, XVni. Mrs. T. Percy. I-isGracie Mountjoy, Mis MI. Hoaey; Spring Wheat, Soft-Rey Sweater Coat, wool, crochet ýon knit tel y Bradley, Miss May Grahanm. Fcirguson; Peas, large-Jas. Par, -Mos. F. Stinson, Ms T. Pcrcy; a . Bank of Commerce Silver Cup for Wmn. Fonder; Peas, small -H . Ns- Sweater, l)ullox'cn style, crochet or a Best Team Light Draught-R. R. bitt, Newton Taylor; Oat, wIhite- kni-2, Mns. J. A. Johnston; Ladies' Byers. Stan. Malcolm, L. E. Mtarîtjoy, Nor- Searf. onuchet or knit-Mrs. F. Stii- Royal Bank Silven Cup for Best mani Taylor; Oats, black ('. McGil, son, Miss E. Hooey. Feame rs Trot-. Blne G. Nesbitt, C. M e, M. ouîey . TMci)e-rm at . Tea Cos-Mrs. T. Farer Edie otwe ll.Brly 2rwe-ora ayo, .Poc, isE.Hoe;TnyCJt- iR e EL Farier' TotCarwriht nly cilt, WC. For<ler; Wit o Bens ns T. 'vclecm rs.onea y Vnm p; e.t PT. Judge-John Baker.Maîgolds, red--J.ohn J. Jl(bb, R.I C. Brown, Mrs. I. Whitficld. NcLLA Cottwoîds-Aged Ran--9. B. Glas- Parr, F. Gibson; Mangolds, yellow-I PLANTS AND FLOWERS pel; Sh. Ram-i aid 2 F. B. l a. Parr, John J. Jsbb, Normai Tay- Asters-Mrs. E. DorrelI, Mns. New- Phone 1.1 pel; Rani Laib-i aid 2 F. B. Glasr ior; Tomiatos-Norman Taylor, Mrs. ton Taylor; Dahlias,3-Mrs. F. Raineàq,i pelI, 3 J. W. Basai; Azed Ewe-14jam. Byeâ, F. Stinson; Watermeloîs Mms. Wes. Campbell; Sweet Peas- ldy'un and 2, F. B. GlaspeIl; Sh. Ewe-I l-Ivan M. Law, Normai Taylor, New- 2, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Gladiolu!Etmae-ldl un aid 2, F. B. Glaspeli; E'we Lamb>- ton Taylor; Citron-Ivan M., Mrs. R. Wall, Mrs. Newton Taylor; Grde of Seaman-Ket 1 aid 2, F. B. GlagpeIl. 'Normai Taylor, Mrs. Jia. Williams-; Collection of Cut IMowers-Mrs. R.; Loicester - Aged Ram-W. R. Cari, Dent-J. J. Jebh, W. A. Van-iWall, K. D. Browvn. Ro.>bbiîs, Wni. PFrder: Sh. Rani-W. camp, Ivan ;M. Law; Corn, Sweet- HORSE SHOE PITCHING R. Rabbins; Rani Lamb-i and 2, W., W. A. VanCamp, Mrs. Geo. E. Wil-, Doubles-lat, McLaughlin Bras.,. FR£R ABY DOOKSD Write The Borden Go. Lîmitedl, Dept. B 40, 140 St. Peul St. Wet. Montreal, for two Baby Weffare Books. 1aim to help you secure Ti your car by supplying s Aviation and Sheil Gas- il, Castrol and Mobiloil, ly tires in the world buit BRAKE LINING and have your brakes re- de lining. ,rvice Station' :ing St. East, Bowmanville THE TIME pecif y a Furnace elRibbed Firepot that ýs the radiating surfac-- ýmore heat with less coal. nted Fused Joints which :e it Gas-Proof and Dust- )f. Big Circular Water- gives ample moisture. his new, fine, modern heat- system is just what you 2been wanting. Let's you about it and give you ýstimate free of charge. .àOGAN ics Barber Shop ,er Bowmanville lus Service if 'jou ccrnnoi nurse iouN Babqj-uses EALIE BlIN CCMDEiI ~ILK *:~Ï"'Pure 71e NI~ 0 lvy-- ----y - %IF Il -r--r 7- THE- CANADLALN STATESMAN, BOWMANýrILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1929 PAGE EIGRT dation on which we have