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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l7th, 1929 LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Philp, Mr. Mr. Thos. McNeil, Orono, was The, N ~ 1 A C ~ tI l ~ I I i bourg, were weekend uest.s of Mq To th Sunday vjsit.or with bis daughter,a W. C. Blackburn and daughters. 1 Mrs. Gordon Martin .. . .Mr. Jim Mc-- Mr. and Mrm. C. Wardlaw, Weston,l Minn, Oshawa, visited bis cousinl ~r-A' ~ y~j~1 returning from their honeymoon 1 31rs. 'J. Hendry ...Mrs. Carr and 1I1J1U kJiJZ1, LTJ>IEfl,.LII, 192 through the ea-tern provinc,f, sp,,nt', M children, Belleville, were guests 0f __________________ _______________ the -%veekend wjth their c )usins- r. DEPEND- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bofle over thce__ and Mis. Eric Pearce. ABLE weekend. Mrs. W. Lake and Miss; NEWCASTLE OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crowther,: Mrs. Alice Elford, Mr. an(1d HERBA Met iie rs.inHarry Piardn .Atu el-Wseset Feerc arnCwn Bowmanville, spent the weekeîîd wltriC. J. Staples. Welcome, and Mr. Ern- HRA ville .. . .Mr. and Ms a ikrl r rhrBlWsoset FeeikWre oa bis parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Walter est Nott, Calgary. Alta.. v;,itcIl rrn- REMEDIES and daughter, Chatham, and Mrs. H. Sunday îith Mr. Lawrence Gaines.1 rwh. C. owe, Oon, ________WllaeMis Crown, oher. ofOshraouse relativan nedysavalote'nus ettivs"aon ti 1 d! FORFO C. oenOoa istda alae Ms ton, forerly o1Osha a Th redite aýi nd ofhaed-o Miss Hilda Rowland, To>rono Norr and Clernence familles at N\\a l erweight Hoes o unay now naking her home at Willow-, amodfin ntepasn fFe-nai School, spent a few days at home Shaws', Bowinanville, etc. on Sunday. mc W M. i dale Rest Home. erick W. Cowan of this village, and last week, during the of t;i( StGor'sC rhle Etoac NEWCASLE W. and. Miss Lind te general esteem in which lho was Teachers' Convention. StJa eRor.'s unday, Oc. E. R. Kidneys 1____ Mrs. H .H Ardagh ad t-ýhel use Ih ageatn- Jms jto. Sna, c.2t Bad Skia ReglarmeeingofW. M. S. of say gave an enjoyable afternoon tea ahedwas e'b the nr l argeat ate<- While Merla, Monro & Ray ý Il a. ni-Morning Prayer; 2 p.-. Pie Newcastle United Cburch took place Thurs<lay afternoon. noon. Rev. W. P. Rogers, the f-.,m-i Windsor have been constructing a! Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. ile in S. S. Room, October 3rd, withl Mrs. N. MacCoomb, Miss Y. Sand- ily pastor, conducted the service lit, concrete hig-hway 'o Orono, Ili,,binsi i 1Mi,. Lonne Thomnas, Tnini v Clg .Tonuils Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers in the chair, and; ers, Toronto, are visiting the fornîer'z the house, assisted by Rev. E. R. Clark & Cooper of NexvcaIstiC aelTor~onto, w.ill preaeh bath mi Aenoies goodly n!brpeet frnccMs ~Cak.IJames who offered prliyer. Mnr. Rog-i compîeted îaying a concrete dli',' 9n eeîg, llcteRet"ata transaction of business, prograiri in Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hurlbert,lers in his addrcss noversoe r rom the niiddle of Ciarln> Si. ' CobcOurg assisting in Harvest H orne Fevr charge of Mrs. M.Niddleton's and Mrs. Oshawa, were Sunday guests Of M r. words than when hoe called the at-! .Mr. J. E. W. Philp's gage o th erie t t etrsUhrh ayeo Harry Jose's groups xas given as fol- and Mrs. Albert Spencer. tention ofouhetlarge gathe local contrat:1 ,. cases of oflnhs inerour illage ra ]ows: Devotional-Mrs. Geo. Honey. iQuite a number from this sectioniCowari's fthdesslargegahrirng to Wr.jonience of the loaneir. Prv Wc are filesnor to illrtge e RhlTaeum whoals gae a iterstig tlk flattended the James Clark sale on the 1 neigh-borliness and his works of chai- 1cribbed and put a cac1etpo .T okar a ezdwt imEc Christian Ste-ardship; Leaflet- Lake Shore Friday afternoon. ity. And how mouch nearer could ai Miss Fligg's well, the weill wherc. sudden illness last Fridav. bur t- ci- man corne to Christ's ideal than the GereElek eington Fosteî, ported as somcewhat inîproved an Gaie Mrs. H. E. Hancock; Reading-Nlrs.i ereElek ei Middleton; Solo-Kathleen Spencer;ý Mrs. Irvin Allun, and three child'- late Fred Cowan who was a lover telt hmsMîau n tee writing. Her son, MN. Alia-, Reading-Tempera1ce, Mrs. F. Rick-Inn dvstdbr'obr r.Iof lîttle children, a good ncighbor school boys of their time weîe iwont» Lockbart. nbign'ifeliri< ard.Ge..RikdonTedydafin innd? "n no to qucnch their thir-t when 1,h y at-t down from Toronto ..Mr. H. E. 1 Plans were made for a spocial wer- Mr. A A. Colwill and Mr. W. F.l1abideth faith, hope and charity-," tended sehool 75 yeai's ago in the Hancock 15 incapacit.ated mwith foot l vice on Sunday morning, Noveniher Rickard each shipped a carload ofi'quotcd the minister, "but the grcat bouse now occupied by Ms l'. ailiment and has had the diaed1VhetI 3rd, when Miss Garret. wNioho as9 apples to Scotland last we. est of these is charity.'1 And'this An active cburch and busypý rrmmbrpti as. Ms .W taeldetnieyadvisited aur eMr.letandistars.a Jamesde inGlennev has heen confia cd tahfie le forignmisionfiedswil tae t Mr an Mr. JmesKaine and ecletCrsingaeaone n-Program of the United Church ihasvratckolunz. forignmisionfledswîl tae hcildren motored down Sunday to'Fred C outan xhose left band knewj Newcastle% for week of Monday, Oct ihasvr ttc flmao service. Miss Garret is a brilliant ý hrcosn rs s lak. iot what his right hand did. As the, 1~4th, to Sunday, Oct. 2th, inclusive: Young People's Sociezy met on speaker and we bespeak a speddninisteror ke one could alnioast hear I Mon. 8 p m-Young Perîple. La . Monday evening ini thte Unitcd congregatioii ta hear hier. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Thoînpson and ýthe te', oc I a aeladTe 0p .Cuc .S o. o eti ________daugbter of Toronto spent the week- ati oc I'u i- IailTe. .0p i-C.G.I.T. N chureo reet rhS..Rom . Cee A- YuCra yeclothed nie; 1 waLs an hangervId Wcd. 7.30 P. rn.-Prayei atnilB.'cag fPeienM.Caec I end wih lher friend, Mrs. Asa Clarke. and ye gave me nîcat; 1 was ia pris- Studv; 8.30 p. m.-OfficiaI Board lin. Misses Lillian Clenience, Flot-- flavors, or FORCEFUL TEMPERANCESEMN Mr. and Mrs. E. Laking anîd on and ye visited me"....Inanîich Meeting. Thurs. ) 1). iie. , nce Ashton and Lorcen Lorrimmn. r daughter Donothy, Toronto, rnotored as ye have dloniei unta anceaf th(' Suppen and Concert. F n . s p. lu. and Mn. John A,on xx't ppo. i Rev W.P.Rogrs inth Un~e down to spend Sunday with his pat- le:iSt of these, my bnethncn, yc have1 Choir Practice; aiso 'fuxi.s Squar, dlegates ta the Younztl ' Chocolates: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lakinig. joci nom. Conîmunity Hall. Sot. ). ni_. ference at Peterbîro u~n t}cr r Cbunch, Newcastle, on Sunday eveti-, Wrs. Laura Fisher pcddat tht j Miission Band in S. S. Hali;-r 26 and 27. P' gra a la ing, preached a forceful and lood- Rev. Mr. Adie, curate of St. Pet - stirring sermon on the evils of in-ler's, Cobourg, will conduct Harvcst paofrtesnigo w yîi[cm etn fTalfa'î..leatdorship of Mt-s Mîrani'S(- v temennce pocaimngha ni~hv ervce atSt Svior' Cure, r-in xhich the x' bol' gathering jiq.n1 ISunday:, -ii NI.ion:iry Vitelcesîan Scnip- tepeace rolimnThe f uneral was field unIonMoan 2.30 p. n.-Sunday eh' 7 pa ni turc Tapie ivas gîvon by 'Miss Lillia I nations of old, Israel, Bahylonîa. ono, on Sunday, Oct. 20tb. icasie at rudth rvcd' EeigSrvc. Tî ..: Ceece îuh r-aîudh Rame, had been wrecked and ruined Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Peance enter- in Bond Heoad Cenîeny beî1-1-1-typical of the church's v i* ttes bY Mr. Au< 1 'fîi- 'r on the rocks of licentiousnes.s, idola- tin a number of young people ant Masons from Newcastle, Bovman- r ]y prograrn durno the fal11,i. x n- Ann'e Wrog "toI ý-. IMr < ba"'o PONj9 try aditmea ,btmnla -;i Wednesday evening to mark the ville, Orono antI olher poýnts J.Oi <I d 11n11n0. lney a . I. " teiprace ad hi Cnaa f ur-.coming of age of their youngest son, in the beautiful bunial srvecon- 1.rripa' n. ________ wjth so many provinces unden 50-_ Ernest, of the B'ank of Commerce, ducted by Bro. W. F'. lickild, l'a S.' called Govennment Control of Lquon, Newtonvilîc. D. D. G. 'M. I___ _________ laws, is headed the samne way if tht'ý Paîl-bearens ivent six brother; ___ ___________ voters of Canada don't watch out.i HallDve'eii Masquerade in Neni- Mn- afDu"aniLodeJW Ontario is fast becoming know-n. ac-, csl oiuiy alo co-rBra dley. J. E. W. I'Iilp.W 1 n cording ta Sir Henry Drayton, as a,31st. Fine prograni; rcf resients ,)V 1 n province of whisky drnkens and the T-iniblyn'.s Orchest-'ra in attendanoe dors ni. (ho. Jol, James Wetb '11and F ovknwil nibe-ýý ,!eVAL UES Th< echo of Sir Henry's rcmarts il'e- Pizes for best AdlIt and ch;lidren'5F .Lvkn hl'anmo h sounding round the xonld. When couples and Comics~, best lady, gent, youtngr i embtrs oftWi lodgea e attending Northfield College Aî~ibyadgr.Jugn oenm e nr-_tha-e who att tczed thir summen, the colege founded hy D. L., promptly at 8.30 p.m. .misio s2eeAni and sympathy b l>xe Mooy, ev.J. . Belof ampon nd Oc Aupics YungPeoieswert: Durhom .Lo4dgo No. .6 6, A.F.1Yg* Fte was asked by an Amnerican preachen. Society. & . M.,w reath; L. 0. L N (ESTABLISHED replied that ho came fromn no stat". . the United ('hurch, q !ay W.ou o a but from Canada. O, says th Mrs. Wmn. Ianna gave a surpris~e M~.H .Bitn pa;W.a< American's small boy, the land of, afternoon tea on Saturday last la Mrs S. iddu tnspfail r. T ando AINSO U FNS foie S E FFREA ooze! s rsuch is Caenada nwnibor reath; K'athleen, Jack and Bert ,PROMPT SERVICE FROM COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT Cotoya euto ovniîtnib. Cowan, wneath; Mn. and Mi,,. Hancy ContaI.The event took on the characten Of L. Stark, sheaf; Miss Mrrtha Carson. Mn. Roger recounted a number Of an umbrella sbower, contrihuted ta xreath; Mr. and Mns. Gea. C. War- recent happenings to show the tragir- by the niany ladies pre"ent end in- ren, Swift Current, Sask., spray; and deplorable cansequences Of terestingly developed by the ingOni- Mr. and Mns. Allait rw'n lad fin- drinking governnment liquor. ous hostess. But the big unibrella ily. Succos.s, Sask., spray; Mn. and hanging from the ceiling assisteel Mns. Il. Glucklick. spray; M.and SALESMEN WANTED rather than hindered the bride froni Mr.. Chas. Stark, -spray; The Fainily. n V c a k n g O RNAE Men with pr"x'ious sales ~ir< many useful articles. Mn. DoNvi The late Fnederick W. ('owa~n vho mako good wth us9 You can îoo ' anived later in the evening and w-, asvinlabhi fifty-sixth yean wa.s lia' wilI hclp you mnakp goa(l. i:ciYe; fET *ppotunity; exclusive territeny i i'.\ also surpri.sed ta find that with thu eltîest sari <f -John Warren C('i 11 ortri.E à mnanviile. Write giving agn. and 0('("'P-- bis bride he a carload of gif ts founider of the C('ai oî('. 1lai' d1. tion te The J. R. Watkine Comnpanys i Dept. p., limiltO, ont. 41-3icarry ome. ncoa ad choc,1aA A n&aP maruketss At A iPtmaretsthe ftyir theconsideration.ion anîd Iîi. wife Lob 'I Dinînivik. i< Goodness knows no compromise. Your positive assur- -- was ha~brn in Pintfr , iat"' __________________Toronto xeth h:s prta" w%,,heatbut ance of getting choice cuts of meat is to buy at A & P a you'îg lad. Fred' ýyouînger l)ro- markets, for, like A & P stores, they offer choice thon, Mr. Herbect Norri ( 'os 1%a Iltuality at prices that meet your fondeat desire for 1 (Bert) was fin sex'ral voýar1 licolof svns the Coxvan Ca. Limited. Torronto, tun-_____________________ tthe Coxvans di. posoîl of tt aýri- AY M LARED terests ta Rowntrecs, the Enqzl-h QV A N' S reH:e is n:w be:d of the H. N. WEKENANELLSA Cowan Co., Toronto. Wbon Fred 2husa ,Fid .y nd at dc rnarried bis cousin, Miss Jennie u sd .)roia an atr y S ~ castle and bas since taken a keen in- terest in many of the com.munity's 1'This affaira. 7 5 5m SHe ssuvvd by bis widow; a son, John F., by an earlier niarriage; 'S o e W ee E d peiai e T. Cowan, Oshawa; Richard W. Plenie M.22 0Ani CoaMoose JwSak; Fnederick _____________________L., Norton J. and Samuel D. at home; Iw Ontario' also his brother, H. N. Cowan, and Bouled Hamn 9"I-> lb.49o two sisters, Mns. Chas. T. Stark and 121U Miss Kathleen Cowan, Toronto.I LookAt he avigs~Relatives from a distance attend- Baxter Herbert N. COwan, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Stark, Miss Kathleen Cowan, Bush Mn. Jack Cowan, Mn. and Mrs. Fred VO N uh _______________________Stark, Mn. and Mrs. Edwand Cowan, LOINS BREAST A K CKL Miss Mattie Carson, Mr. and Mrs. W. t W. Cherry, sans Westcott, Dick and Mb 5 b.1 .l. 2 e LOOK AT THESE EXI Bert, aIl of Toronto; Miss M. E. War- M 05 .1 7 2Ai Women's Shoes, ait Of sye and coors nren, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mn. and Mrs. h~h uba an lowhees T Cler $.95 Roland Davison, Warren, Dick and higi, ebanand ow eel, ........To Cear$2.5 MaieMorsh;Mrs. George Warren, Swift Current, Sask.; M r. Albert Chapman, Mrs. George Cain, Mn. and L UNoifCHTA Men's Work Boots,,50 pairs left, Fred oh Tamblyn, rM. and Mrs. Mrs. oh Tamblyn, oo Mr. and Mrsq. Green Wiltshire BREAKFAST VIEWS To Clear Saturday at $2.55 Pr. Chas. Bigclow, son and daughtcr, Roll Bacon BACON N W Fl.Il Tyrone; Mn. A. Rutherford, Mn,. J. WannnMrn nd Mrs. Chas. Rut1hen- CRLOSSE ILHI NCKWF fornerly Miss Mahel Douglas, now S OCDCSOR SPANISHI deceased, wVas a memben of the ' b rESII CATJGUT ROVAN S SIIOE STORE cuch ir anbyd a WHIT FISHlb. 2ca..ONIO W. Nit Dor t Nelon's Oillia Collegiatie Institute, a spec- King St. Bstin rnatbonNelson'& laliTuninGRUAT ATLANTIand PAA" -greut aunt, Mn.. John DoWulaa. LIMITU>Ou CANADA One Who Seeks Health PLEASE NOTE! The President of aur Organization M. H. THUNA Will Be at Our Herbai Store 79 Simcoe St. North Phone 2558 Oshawa ALL DAY MONDAY, OCT. 21st. He wiII be pleased ta interview anyane FREE 0F CHARGE who clesires inform- ation about aur FAMOUS HERBAL RE- MEDIES for Various Human Ailments. Your Healtb is assured if yau get back ta Nature for help. Our Herbai Remedies have been before the public since 1888, and aur org-anization bas M dvanced ta the stage where we now maintain * 25 0F OUR OWN HERBAL STORES IN ON- * TARIO as .well as distributing agencies * throughout Canada. * If you are ailing sec him while he is in Oshawa and get started on the path back ta health. Dr. Thuna Balsarm Remedies Ltd. lier You're f or a Dry or Wet Policy nly will enjoy a Hot Milk Shake, ail a Hot Chocolate. Try one of these ifreshing drinks at our store. 39c lb., Kisses 35c lb; Humbugs 25e lb; JelIy Beans 25e lb. ýowmanvi1e Bakery BOWMAN VILLE ait Fuglfili ot Desfre rTUE A & P .. . ANI), IN ADMMTON, TOU GEFT r MANAGERS. ... SAVE TODAY AT A & P. * b.54 k Strawberry 433o àb.4 A P Aimpe Weekt PPLES 'Is Fineut melntosh Redas shel B ske 1.37 Sor Wolf River Cookeru el Basket si .69 CEPTIONAL VALUES ON CHEESE U 3 1/-1b. Pkgs. 49. ;Ti Ilb. 230 OLD A(DJUSTI31 IlH M l aton îckle jarZlc Cream o£ DUM 5 iToniato Soup m TINS 1-oz. Pkg. Ilc BITS-Aylmer No. 2 Tins 45e 'hoice Golden No. 2 Tins 35e PINEAPPLE-Delmonte or Libby Sileed......... No. 2 Tin 27e MANY FLOWERS SOAP- .............. 3Cakeulc ND SESCIuL ON CHOICE TEi AIMA)VS GETABLES >Es T YS 2 Ibo. 21]L EEARTS-Crisp White . Bunch 19e CALIFORNIA VALENOIAB.2oz 1 - MED. 51E .. oz 1 -NATIVE OROWN - 6-Qt. Basket 29C lPS 8 ibm 25o NS 6'm25o FIC KSt- Tote. .1!) -t PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 é %I t

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