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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURISDAY, OCTOBER l7th, 1929 I.GLTHE EDITOR TALKS AMER ICAN AND CANADIAN DARLINGTON COUN CIL GOODYEAR TEAM BANQUETTEDIý ]I. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. ___ FORMS 0F GOVERNMENTI:- __r____ Barrister, Solicitor, N try Are young farmers too husy now toi a he aae mutn o O audyceig Octob4rSh Maney teo ban on Farm and ow give attention to what an observingI Was Subject of Instructive Address $284.00 at the Bowntan Hlouse, the Goodyearj Property. Royal Bank Building, editor w rites? We grew up on a at Womnen's Canadian Club I Athletic Association gave a banque t Bowxnanvilia. Phone 351. Ifarmnto 20 years of age and lcarned i Regular meeting of Council wasito the victorious Goodyear Softbafl te do well most kinds of work that Meeting of the Wonwn's Canadian 1 held on Monday, October 7,h, wihTa. Aottit epewr W. R. STRIKE !a fariner needs to performn. My Club was held in St. John's Parish1 members ail present. Rueve S ilas Xii- present including the bail teai.! Barrister, Solicitor, Notary fatlier always worked on a farn i Hall last Thursday afternoon, w ith, liams presiding. league officiais and men froi !belc Solicitor for Bank of Montreai jEngiand before hie came to Canada 'Mrs. Rev.) Geo. Mason presiding.1 Communications were read froi factory who have been inteetdi Money to Loan Phone 91 in 1851, and tvas a thoroughiy pract-~ The hall presenteci a festive appear- W. Ross Strike; Ale-, S. Leith and the teain throughout the ssn Bomavll. naro icl ame adliestock aman, hence ance, being adorned w ith yeIlio, Co.; ueu c u1lîa far The team has had a verv suce.-s-i roses.illBureaur ofcalMarmirandalve fi seaon. innin tball o u .Cu),- W. . WRDB. . is sons were wel trained as ail- rse. Tea was servcd with Mn'. i Ontiario Bridge Co.; CaadlnotBoIwnt-nviviieSoftbai eaueCup. ah round agriculturists. As our older T.W. Cawker and(] s.(Dr.) G. C. Iron Co.;Nrhr lei a n inr fteTw ege fo Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary readers know since wve became own-J Bonnycastie as hostesses. were orderedfiled.nEeri O n Money to boan. Bonds for sae. er and editor of The Statesmian we1 The speaker of the occasion n'as W .KrCer ftePa a hard series with the Whiz who werc W.F.Ker, lr o -li P. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,, have riven miuch attention to agri- Mr.H. Finlayson. B. LL. D.,gv oiefr h eet f dofeated 3 gaines to 2; and the Bankj Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones-! cultural interests in generai, bavingi of Winnipeg, who dolivered a forceg- otc o1teslcto fjur-l of C mmorco Cup, as champions- ofi Office 102; House 409. 1 enamme fteBado m-fiad îlmntn drs ors fo-r year 1930. Referred ta IDai-îingtoii. a titie earned lien the I ectors of the West Durhamn Agricuit- "American and Canadian Forns f ! i ev.Asso n on.i ick ei eetdteEoee hp ural Society, nine years of wbich -we Government," on three baso.s: Ex-t Canadian Pacifie Railway CO., Pt-," 13-12 on Fair Day. wee Secretary-'Preasurer and menm- ecutive, Legîslative and Jdio. wrote in reference to r pIacing oid te a plddnatfoii- DENTAL ber of the M.%anaging Committee of H pointed out that in Canada, as in time alarm beils w l'h up)-to-baIte ner, everyone took part in a sing-, DR. G C. ONNYCSTLE the Exhibition. We were, for many Great Britain, the ward politician wvig-wag signais at certain cro.sîng... song with D. R. Iori ison officiating BnrgautinDnstyTooto yeans on the Board of Directors of contnolled the machine wherebv of- This reed filed. at the plîano. Honr rauae n Dntsty.Toon the West Dutrhain Farmers' Institute ficials wene appointed, whereas ini Notice ïvas receivcd fr)mt Counties'; Mr. Wnî. Crosscy, Pre...î<ent of the University. Graduate of the Royal ian servedi as President for a year. United States, every offlcc,1-. f romn Clerk that John Ward had beeni ad- To&wn League, presented the cup t,, Gollege of Dental Surgeons of On- We were aiso honored by election asi dog catcher to President, xas elect- numtted to, Oshawa Genenai Hospital.I Herb. Moorcraft, manager. and J. tario. Office King St., Bowmniie a Director of the Horticuiturai Soc- d by the people. i Filed. O'Neil, in the absence of . Cra\v- Office phone 40. House phone 22. Inforth UnitedtSttheeBanJcf Cent iety of Bowmanville for sonie years nteUie ttsJdca an Clerk acknowledged receipt fronilth rsneteBakoCo- X-ayFqimet nOfic. and no one will say we were not an rthe Supreme Court has ,ihfznule Pow-I Judge L. V. O'Connor of bis Certifi-1 merce Cup to Bert Colweii. aIl f4)ur DR. J. C. DEVITT active member on these boards. So 1 er in the enforcenient of lawsý alongt cate of Voters' List f -r 1929. nîmaking snappy s;peeche. Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisso I we dlaima the rigbt to write and dis'- h ifeetuns cdrla<lIEblVlîmsnîq1~c Words of appreciotion if theý Grdaeof Royal Dental College, ,cuss ahl farnm interests. State, each with its separate machin- ditch near his premise at Centeamsfn okwr xir.sdb Graduate * * *ery. In Canada. one set of machin- Lot 18, o.1,b 'endouadMr. A. M. Hardy. Assý't. Superintenul- Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- ,Cn5,b laeouan onR Scis ertryfT,)vi manville. Office hours 9 a. nm. toI1 We start off with the statentent erY enfonces al iaws. The Domnin- enlarged, and Win. C,,wling requcst- cnt, R.andds eea-vf ,t t -n' 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phon that we observe as we moton througb ion and the provinces each nttke iats cd that road leading -,-bis pr-emîses supporters~. 90, House phone 283. n the country few reaiiy dean wcl!- ns outlined by the British -North in Hampton ho improved. Counicil The Town Loague usuallv pî-e-en:.- X-Ray Equipment in Office. 'kept farnîs, and the Noxicus Wood -nierican Act, but each province 0(1- idecided to investigate.neaîtohe inn, utb vnj 'Act, in mos: sections through which Iiministers these withia its Ott R.Mcel.Lo i. m 9 od t nk n eq u'l t yan- DR R E DNNWEL w-e have passed, is alntost a dead let-1 bounds. The Canadian High Court MIr,. Estber StevenanSE i Le 1 t'. cf - Honor graduate of Toronto Univer-'ter-vnint 0( ane ovn-I is lacking in power, not heing a cour- Con.6 aerqe'tfrwr oc of sweaters which were, prý---z-' sity and member of Royal College af ship of Darlington the noadsides areO)f final appeai. bou. 6 Raaeeroques: for mine. fonce banqe, n pleli ntt'ca Dental Surgeons. Licens-d to a positive diagroce. XVe regret ta) The spaker <ecibîc{ the nýit- report. .ehnu~ practfse in Ontario and the Do.ninion.- observe tee that the saine may be s iifl toll consitution of Great Britaýjn. Frdanrou-i rt-. 'na Dentistry in ail its branches. Ofýi'ce-: of many of the farnas. Drn te[Whih odcld îe -for g oer r u.dwia edtr t enIile Liug St., Bowmanvilîe, oppositelpast Surnmfen woimade a special trip flexihilty and perittcd the anomialy1 Lot 23. Con. 1. 1efprrî.ed t, Dept.i TENNIS TOURNAMENT Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. Ithrough xht we considen the hi-t iof a Canada, a nation within the Recve Annis with pou OiTh nmnil~TnisCu a lot of farnts in this township amInato, roBntiadi T-htivFrze u-: dIIn opetBod is Mleen5nisClurnba- !wcre greatly surprised to sec ',h, n, -,-.; elhis fait-h in the futurelIsien toecut drrwn deal t'en nuid1(1 nite orts 'lsSngl und . a-e MEDICALi pasture fields and orchards a fore,,of Cnd and the Bn:.hEmpiro. side at Lot 1, Ccii.. Reerîd -a clred tinetfo h e.snt afteS.R.amves~ of noxicus weeds and the other fields The m'eeting was brou9,b: to a Coun. MIlutton with po4wer te act. clos e matchinthe inrasfth Xavey C_ W. SLEMON, M.D, C.M. surrounded by the persistent and un- close3ý with the singing cf ",lCst- CmncicliriMttoneafinathlszd Graduate of Trinity Medical Cllege pdesrmittc golden rod that as been, ada."tsualrisnaftceno.sde TeCbdcddteunood- Toronto, formerly of Enniskil]en.,emtd to oven-nun a great in î<c ro li n- Inx-' Jo Offcean RsiîeceDr. Beith's farins and is supposcd to becenti HOME AD SCHnLdCLUBCon. 8, at hS r L _ cap tournamea' this. year and the I former residence on unurcn Street,!r utory to hay foyer that afflicrt. -oE N SH LCU Con. 8.1Loi.fgrsat hepyr'nieae Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-timany people in this countny. Ma inv S. R. Hant & Co. Tarant,. ne- thiadca . A-~c -t farins toc are pctered witb the innj- Opens Fall Season With Good 'ustda nerfrA.- -notaIttnS handicap nmu w Iin enu JIIIDC.. FCARK BEdLL DPH.cent littIe buttercup. In oui- f arm-i tena1 adSleddProgram iCollectonrs Rolis fr m-cri193. ipaints to hring bis score uî týar, Ch ..F.R.S, (di), *PH. Canaclian thisties andchr1 Clonk wa.s authoî-ized I cr<er ~fenwhene lho scores ;ilthe regular i (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) bock or wild mustard weîre the chef Hm and Schaol Club hfid the Treo-,uî'ci- acknawlelg Throceores: Rons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- weed pes-ts and we used te sýpend first î-gular meeting finrte aeason cf $124.06 frein L. T. Pa..c 40. ~ First Round deen University; Fellow of the Royal miany daya spudding the for mer andr lin Central Public Sehool on Wcdîîo.ý-. 1928.C.HDuly 30wnfo JS, College cf Surgeorns, Ed inbairgh.: pull ing the latter. diay. Octoben 9th.wvith a g40)d attend- Orders %%oe<Ion Trea411i-or Emerson par, (6-0) (6-0). Offcean RsieneQuenSt., *-ac- In tho absence of tho Pno-.i-1 as feliows:- N. A. Jacknan -1.-) won front E BowmanvHb e, Phone 89. Teoyexue eha e evendent 'anîl lst Vice Pre-sident thneugh T. H. Richards, salaty. .Oie 1.(34 (2-6) (9 -7>. Office lloojrs: :1 te 4 p. m.. 6 te 8.30 p. ri.iheard given for neglecting to esctny luneýs.Ms Harrv Aluin, 2ncl Vice stamps, telephone....S10I:1.3 * Dr. E. W. Sîsson -:0 men frei the weed pests is to o-ie--aele'iI-toosdd. Meiîgcia T .Rc rd,îi :a 1. M. Gould -30, default. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. lac timo t) do it. Labor is tee ex- cd -with cc ntmunity s-itting, followed.ý T. H. Richards. rîad maini Rcv. Stainteai -1.7,v-rn frein C. Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 t .0 pensive te employ extra beip ta c<îm-, v -0 C ~ ih M-IaJ tnno30 H. Petbick par, defauît. Telephone 108. bat the eviii' and therefore thev are 1 Bragg as piallis-t. Minutes of la1 T H. Richards. bridges ... I 2>ý.94 .Sit a mo renT A. Dus- Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's 1alien-ed te spread os rapidly as* Nat-j1 meeting wvre ne itad and approx-ed. _SA. Northett. sheop in- tan par, (6-3) (6-41. former residence, Wellington Street.- une assists thon and it is very wcn-i tj J. Hateiy, Mr-s. W. B. Wil-, spectira--------------------... 2.00!i S. R. James -30 w-an front J. R. Bowmanvîbbe. ýderful how- very fast tbey do spread liami' 'tirs. Dunlop, Mis--A. . Hon- W. R. Allun, sal. 3ind "nurton 17500 Shrubb -15, (6-0) (6-1). DR .H T YIden od and daisies, for in- cyman, Mî-s. Frank Jacknian and Municipal Werld. s-uii. I.S1 F. Sutton par wvon front J. B. Mit- Dfte oR. V. H. adS6TOREY . m y1 -sane 'Mrs. F." lanko xiii be conveners cf, W. R. Stniko, legai s1_-rvices. 2 S 5 cheN Jr. -30, (6-3) (6-4>). Offieheurs 2.te 4 an 6 t We have eniarked the neglected the grcups for this saan. 1It wan Robt - Philp, cement side- L. Dippeil par w-on fnonî A. H. Efcerpnic by appenopen t n appearancc cf ntany farnesbetween idecide-,ltc) baveàcrntùet inhe-> walk (Burketen)----- ---19.05: ;Bounsaîl -15, (6-3)i (7-5). ExcetionOffce wlb e opn Otht-e points w-c noter on the Provinciail i gnîp.s for nogulaz- att -ndance annd E. L. MacNachtan, mainten J. W. Alexander Jr. -30 w-en fron, 10 Saturday night. 36-tf ýHighway. One weu-id :bink tho farml the seî-urng if ni-w oenibins. Mn-'. once S. G. Davies, Bow- ID. A. McGrcgor par, (6-1) (6-2). DR. R. W. CLARK pide would spur the ewners te make IF. C. Ce1nîer conseuted te Ieîk af-t- nianville Hospital .... 9.63*j A. Kent -15 m-on frein E. S. Van- their f arinsteadi' look as neat, tidy,1 this w( rk. 1 Mrs. R. Hiathenly, inilk 30 o par, (6-31 (6-1). Physicdan IL Surgeon i productive ai geneîally attractive Afteî- iti-h bu-nes the 'iv F. b. Byarni, supplies.; .. 12.001 W. Dabson -30 won front W. R. Office-Division St., Bewmanville. as possible along the hîghway ceii-iprogront wai- giv-n: Misor'. 1.aid C. D. Hailzson. suppi:oe,... 1.;-Strike -10, (6-3) (3-6 i (6-21. (next te Trinity United Church) which se many tesn people piasGlodysý Janiieson pinycîl tee pitO , F. R. Kerslake, disinfectants 4.10 Second Round Office Hurs-3 te 5 and 7 te 9 P. Mnidaily. chietz- cciv niceiv; Mn;. R. Th, aip-, . Di-1. Foî-guson,M. B., med I C. fi. Dudley, Rev. Stainton. J. W. Suzday byappintnen ony. * *j accoittpanleid bv MIiss Hùlen Ag icai cervices---------------64.50: Alexandien. A. Kent and W. Dobson Phone 24 1 There ane net ntany farin.- bu: sang "The Arrow aîîcl :h' S 'io" nril J. H.Mu. tan, shecp <idat-'al dew byus te ',he third round. 45-t,1 show a need cf ,oate attention tir the b er usuai good voice; Miss Argue, oc-I age.... 1 sheep--------------5.0()I Dr. E. W. Sisson -30 won fro-m residence and surroundings', te the ca'tîpanied by Mý1i ss .-,, sang i Jock-, Bros., shecp d!ag- N. A. Jacknian' -1.-, (6-2) (6-2). DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS j farm buildinigs aad fenceýs. Onth"Smih-n a Veice i.. C'll1ing" and' 2 sheep. 4 lambi' 35._-0 0 S. R. James -30 w-en frein R. The Physîcians cf Bowmanville saine piinciple that in the homne "a' "Lond of Gln{i Tomiinî-,aw." t,)the ai-t i - ('ollacott, sheopdaloin i ith -15. 16-1 1(>-0>). have agreed te close their office ;stitcb in time soves nine" the sa.aî' pr-ciatien of aIl.i agos. 2 sho-p. 1iantb .39 0 F. Sutten par w-on front L. Dippel Wednesday afternoons. In case of motte appi-s with equal force. Wc Mn". F. C. Cointon tead o papier. R ht. Col hoet t. sheep i nt- par, defacit. emergency at this time enquire cf'!xrondeî- mihy far-ners are now pin-l'The Home-utaker's Task," .-howing ages, 13 sheep, 1 iamb - 150 the hospital or telephone eperator 1 mitting these unfavonable condition, il wtt; i sacrod charge and -he nik- C N How.sant. cutting wceds Thr onIi for a doctor. mentioned. We knexv very welli iig of a crrnifortable braie aniit it-t cemetery. bot 21ý, Con. r6 10.2- C.H uîc-- nn --i r frinur long expenience that fari-laont wrrka nulitoi4u.3tbing- dopo)(ndl- J. J. Snmith, adv. T.SS S. E. W. Sisson -30, >8-6) (6-3). crs cf 50 te 75 years ago teck mn re id ait i. Shu' rîutiined the niaany No. 19--------------100.001 S. R. James -30 won frein Rex-. pide in kceping their forums dcean'duties of the o bre-nînkon and the'j' Council odjourned te Tbur.-do.l I Stainton pan. (6-2) (6-2). CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGL.ESS and aIl buildings in btter reltair sentital points of characten needc<l t> lNîwember 7th, 1929, at 1 . I.n. -S 0,ton pan mm-enfon). W THEROPY ýthon they are kcpt in year.s. nînkoe a succens-'îof theiti. The manyi W. R. Allun. Clcrk. exander -0 75 03 DURWIN E. STECKLEY 1 labei-.-axing dcx ici'- make tho wo:'k _____Kn 1,(->(- honr rauat c Troto oleg jWe caine ocre,,. aitarticle toda--vimucb caisier and the moderntwcmni it 1.5, ( -Fi(6-2) of Chiropractiexiiihe in the Bow-;bedc AFrnr, pnos opi ~ ibtotn; h BURKETONi jTeRural New Yerken c f Octobcr 11culdwt h od Seloeî DS .Jnî 3 o ri .H manvi' e Office Tuesday, TeThursday Ite ors we ooeh S . fames -n30xwon frin F. Ht. andSaurdy venng, hne 141J. ,-ich ba.,:soine boaring cf tue farnai Ilito the noys Of lber householdl M- D M eni- î:di- ui dley -30, (5-7) (8-6) (6-0). Residen-lal cals made 'during fore-; question. FiriLanmNto kand eatct.b aîît the breod îof idlener.-." fanîiiy, andl Mn-'. art, Tyrona.xhfltnpî.c faon. tee quote: A cone tt, "A banquet cf W1 i1 e-d recently at Mr. and ton parimg(6-:3)(6-4). "A Shvlcck ha- liten manoeueux-ing I nown fluixeis" nocnducted by Rah's. Finals - ~ - n ngotiating fer- tho pur-chase Of iMn-z. F. Jacknoît. 5<venol nex Mi-. and Mrs. C. W. Rabniatnn S. R. Janies -30 won froin W. FUNERALDIRECTR ouc-rfanai. lHo holîl..I) ut foicitt- ii'iioert ro 0,1(10<tritt' il-,1. .Ababe Bettyv. Mr.and Nr. A. bt -Dbo -30, (7-5) (8-6). cessions that tee refuse te grant. 'ni-eat f frucdlv in i l Sov,- edand and son Arthur , f Xeton, Mn.r-. ,- 1 Tbe Ladies' Singles Handicapi F. F. MORRIS CO. Most buyers bolîl thue wbip bond cxci, aiet<tiutg lsdbs:gn oSa,- Rabat ond fanîlix, and Mn. t.'rI Tournain-t is net completed yet but Comîpete Motor or I the sellers of fatata. Wre arc i-,hernithe King. Robin ad faaîiiv. Bunkoton. , s-.iOhope t(ro bave - ho isui.; fo)r n-xt Hos qimn 1contpelled non onge o es- Nox\I,___1____________________________ 1K-nneth and Clorence Pc-ilioar fx-kspapi., Il. O-sionne, Mn-z1 Herse Equpmet. is ,heoaîest favurable tinte tiii S n.eo r adM-.. Vî'- rc:-iDipiB. Songent, N.Metri W ~~attended te. forrist.. at I box' kitoxi n tînîluicFo' -5.~ 0 1 brught apolir, au-ox-t tnt- d Jeatn ) f rn'îx - ni'J. Mo on tandS. llirîd tr-aYii I ivate Ambulance. i aîet unfaxiralie -ti- ,, saiil thîtît iiing-hared uraft marie thoa-. nad CMn-.---------i--v. IlixI-t hr- t attnîa. 13 t tatilephone: A licol fiai th' %xithit atap-' c' sifvas ao li g on croît--ait. She Iw-ri-s' lt-ir-t otie f 31: a- I? 10 and 31. ment-, pneaontt an attracti i<.l iheh- 1,200 lb-. i fi-ilher up. Harry Rabin.Yrngtînautv ttk-n : Bran-I Stores- anleu,-, ;i I aolttot .iixî îir. - i; .1 aî, lni-î-ulrli-iu.nn:-a-da gai i-k , xx oniîr-r Orno & Newxcastle. nmach 'i'îrfat uttha- d iîsn't cr-:î iiieItr ,i aor'.n,ai tt i n er (1,up r iii~t.tiirIl.iV1t*ranli Ntd,,,-gf'ihi-ayfNiOi yt 1,650 1lb- . anil îl b leir f r-'l75 7 1i)vOtt lhiti i* ' thilil î -1«; nut a try : Ino n j-: t-x- ALAN M. WILLIAMS Pi-ipli i-Naie orn m -tti hiIc- Titt-.nt r t~ an w:n %%11xlt-r--i Embaumer and Funeral Director-------------axxiiurwai-d r-i:iuar- b u-îw' oh -t-ti-t.- I Simple ond Sure.-Dr. Thontas', Cails gixen prompt and nensonal at it 1 - rr 1î an -td '2. ..tîk,,'i iio o Iùci-ne 0:1 s - ati' t;r'r t irur' Ciýa-- tentien. No extraa charge for is f aai îî 1 .- i i.iA rIin-r-io.x 'i. in -k-1:1,-nu, -- ' - 'C l ai' t ir- ' ' ii itr a>In i-. -I-. Jvie. Pon- 1OInn159,qtdcrwt. l, Ye '1:, i'a J.-1).irstrucionsxxix nss a iniment i1 juvenotes the skin, and makos it ex- Fraservihle, Cavan,Ne t, '~ 't o m ' ~ u fl or yo u r -uii in tex nture. Delizhtful t cr i si.Ne 'ate ~sa~gUsa1 gi.. ~..copy writ ust uwdMoinr. Sdi in tirri-,de- Co. Llrnited yotthf ul chonni te evùry complexion. J.Y iL U H 01 ai;No Indispi-asable to ail dainty wonien. I- ~ No. f3.r95îper box. 1, SI Sold f ail druggiBte, or bet o ni0tPrei. Si.specially necomntcnded te niakel- Agricultural Representative, Port Hope mireceipt of prie n hie eicatelvi 1- lUE 001 MEICIE C.,ifragrant. Preserves and enhancesu pmphlet. ADrCIeaa:bads ef aul h-e.--l- 1- ,u~.I..sI.(formeiYWLd~1jthe loveliest complexion. - We have just reeeived this smnart new ROGERS RADIO...0 And it certainby is, as the factory says: "New in every- thing but reputation! " Eight re- desig ned tubes (this year)-incbuding one rectifier-ail of themn uncondition- ai/y guaranteed (as in former years) to give you satis- factory performance. A gem of a walnut cabinet, with egenuine Electrodynamic Speaker. Single dial control, automatic voltage regulator, ~ phonograph '" p>ug-in" jack. And the price is only ~'1 $215-0 C031PLETE Five years of expcrience ini batteryîess radio arnd five years of provren perforari nce stand behind this new Rogers Low- boy. It ouplit to ite coou-and it is ! But You ',-)e tiîe judge- îl-ehA C Tubeo that is filv grue rante'ed. at our store or in your home... W. J. 1BAGNELL ______ BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Quality Plus Service This is the buit oui' business. foundation WXe aim onl which wXe have to helu> vou secure the greatest service from your car by stlpplying such famous pro(lucts as Aviation and Sheli Cas- oline, Sheli Golden Oil, Castrol anid Mobioil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, BowmanvilJe BUY POTATOES NOW WHY NOT EAT THE FINEST POTATOES GROWN? Our Potatoes are produced in sandy loam, grown by farmers that are specializiflg in potato growing. If you haven't ordered your potatoes order them nom, from Werry's Wholesale at market price. Potatoes are going to be scarce. By hold- ing off you'Il pay a higher pice. We deliver daily through October. JAS. A. WERRY & SON Phone 195r2. Enniskillen THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 PAGE TWO

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