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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1929, p. 4

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rAGE FOUR TEE CÂNADdÂN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE., THURSDAY, OUPOBF~R l7th, 1929 1~~ r The Elite Shoe -Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Footwear for ail Occasions Quality is High Price is Low Women's dressy patent leather strap shoes with medium height spike heels ...........$6.50 Pair Women's black satin with cuban or spike heels, $5.50 and $6.00 Pair Women's brown kid and black kid pumps, with covered heels, combination fitting, $7.50 Pair Growing girls' and women's street oxfords in brown caîf, black caîf and patent leather, med- ium heels and good weight soles, real good fit- ters and serviceable in wear .........$5.50 Pair Men's fine black caîf oxfords on new lasts for Faîl, solid leather heels and double soles, $8.00 Pair Men's black or brown boots, goodyear welt soles and popular shape, priced at $6.50 & $6.75 Pair Boys' and young men's black oxf ords in variety of patternis and prices ranging from $3.45, $4.50, $4.75, $5.00 and $5.50 Pair Boys' school boots in best quality available. made of winter caif with solid soles and rubber heels, $4.25 and $4.50 Pair Misses' oxfords in black, brown and patent, good for school or best, just real good shoes, $2.95 te $3.50 Pair Farmers' work boots ........$3.65 and $4.25 Pair Hunters ! You need a real waterproof hunting boot. W/e have it here ini an all red rubber laced boot with billows tongue, Ph o OnIy $6.00 Pair ne 200 W. C. IVES, Manager Days are Growing Shorter How can those children of youurs make up for tha't Ioss of sunshine? Mihk is a natural food which supplies the vitamines so necessary for the health and growth of children. Cali 408 and order an extra quart a day. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STEVENS & SON PHONES: Office 408; Houa. 175J BOWMANVILLE LAMPS AT LOW PRICES Just now we are showing some special Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps and Table Lamps at specially low prices: Some as low as ................................... $6.50 Ask to see our hamps complete at $9.50, $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 DINING ROOM SUITES AT $125.00 We have a splendid assortment of Dining iRoom Suites in walnut, as low as ...$125 a Suite W/e head in Chesterfield Suites. supphy you yours. Let us F..MORRIS Co. Pfroue 10 Furniture and Furnishings Bowmanville j (Advertisexnent) WORLD BROTHERHOOD l'il Boing Encouraged Among Tuxis Boys Conservative 1.eclares ad___lRngr A is T oermn1The 8th B'oys' Primn a en A g? st T e o e nnt sponsoring a laudable plan for f os- tering worid brotherhood between the boys of different countries, ofý GaitLaw er rgesMem ersof Prtyto e Tre t Pr- wich plan James Hancock, memiber' GaltLawer rge Me ber of art toBe rueto ro-for Durham, is an ardent promoter. vince and Reject Mr. Ferguson-Government Through the medium of its fort- Extravagant and L. C. A. a Failure nightly journal, "The New Citizen,'1 naines of boys in other countries with Gait, Oct. 10-John H. Hancock, a cannot be liquidated by paying off whomn Canadian Tuxis Boys and Trail well-known lawyer of this city, who three millions per year. We must Rangers may correspond.* A.mng supported the Conservatives in the call a hiait and change the pilot. For the names listed ini the latest edition provincial elections of 1923 and 1926, the good and wefare of ail. lay of "The New Citizen" arc the fol- ýhas taken the platforni against the aside ail politicai sentiment and give lowing: e ,'Ferguson government. He spoke at some one else a chance to pull us Boys of Czecholovakia-Positage 5c! Dr. Charlton's meeting in Hespeler through. Name Address on Monday of this week. «'I cannot sec why for the sake (if Milan Chumchal - Bno, Travniky, 47 I M. Hncok oposd M. Duryinpublic poîîcy, as we are sometimeI Bedrich Rippel Beroun il, C 276 1923 election because of the heavy tod eti nomto snot f orth- i (Be sure to add Czechoslovakia afterj provincial expenditures of the Farm- coming. Take for instance the h q-1 each address). er-Labor regime .And hie sulppaort- uor cantrol act, or as I prefer to co Andoys of Hungary-Postage 5c AdrKaszab - Seminarium Vac jed Mr. eerguson Tn the 1926 élect ion it, government monopoly, for the ex- EdeDma rf Csaky lu 4 Vac beause he hoped to obtain an "ad- clusive purchase and sale of afl kind 7EdeDma r l vanced temperance measure" froni i of liquors, etc. Why should the AdaFdra eiaimV that source. But both -on theipeople not be entitled ta know: (1) (Remember to add Hungary after grounds of governiment extravagance the total pure-hases of ail liquors. etc.. each address) and an unsatisfactory liquor law hie quaîity and brand; (2) the total re- feels hle must vote against the Fer-1 ceipts of ail liquor stores and beer guson ladi atei this year's elect-, wvarehouses; (3) the net gain to theS ak n ion, Iprovince from the traffic; (4) theS a sR g tI "1 arn a Conservative," says Mi. Isalaries paîd ta officiais. Hancock, "desirous of conserving the "We do knaw that $20000 i- pýiA nd Lrde sU tion, for ail mcen, and after due, oh- to. Sir Henry Drayton. the- chief corn- ýseratio ofwhathas appned ur-mîssioner. 1 agk in ail ,eriousne.ý in ervation of what bas hapved dr-does lhe earn it? Is lhe wortli mo~re t to, the deliberate conclusion, for te hI rvne he preier Pj Stit Joints welfare of Ontario, that the time ha;s oi h aty u fS20 corne when we must part with Prem- Jp er year to maniage ail the af fairt-.,__o__f ier Ferguson and his goverrnment and this great provnce, ncluding the Pharmacists cail it ",Joint-' put in charge of affairs in this caun- supervision of the liqrI board, th, . tr- men who will realize the i,. hydro and the education departmnt Ease" because its for cails for rigid economy in the affairs Ithat has to do vwith the trainiarnzwlln Sr'Ianfl of this province. th' 0,0leide n u eaN Creaky Joints Only 'We shouil face the situation fai- "It la possible for any anc persan _____ ly and squarely and f orgetting party, 1ta purchase each day ane quart o1 look only te, the interests of the caua- 1 liquor, and a ca.-.eof twcive bottles )f It to'ok a good Many years ta) geti try. Ail around us we sec nothing beer. That is not contrai . iar together a combination of pain sub-J but extravagance, the désire for lux- nat one wha cao bel jeve the premic- duing and sweiling rcducing agents unies, and th, lave of spendn in- and hîs foliawers when thevy t h- declarcd ta be the one renmedy tha-. stead af saving judiciausiv, for tn cutr becrrming mare tempCrate. almost instantiy penetrates thro ugh i Thefaca ae 'rr zlrin tar.wîla. kin and flesh and starts riglht ini tai raiay day. Tefcsaetoclrm esal-v make swolien, inflamed, creaky. pai "Do we realize that the debit af Mnl. Fergu..rro had na real, cn racked joints as good as new. Ontanio la now more than the Damia- scientiaus or -iul)staiittrl reosaor. to They cail this aexvdw and eru ion debit was before the war. î1 advise the lieu Ienan *,-z,)ve rilr ',<--'.préparation "Joint-E.asu' hecause tieý 1928 it was $394,113,528, an increase salve the hause. He had na ao il medical man who turned the trick, I of over $90,000,000 siace 1923.' framita suhmit ta thrnuIle for ir nworked for years to, perfect san,ýie 1ev. - practically no debt lanthb- year trsement. wbtch he cauld t ii ý,priced remedy tha' wc.o]d rea.lY ben- 1 These are figures xve shauld ponder_1i caricd into law or the iiext t the millions of pea-pie wbr brr over. We should ask ourselvo,; As a mtter of p l a xpdeu n or more joints that aeed he'nfu1l when it is gaiag ta stop. and iout of h. dr<r ta keeribio rr- tenrtion. "I **ecano unth cunrv~ erament in power and gratify his p<.r- iS() "Joint-Ease" la prepared oaiy the revenues froni the people we mwilî r son i ambt,(ion bu evth I nhto for peopile wba have a swollen, an have ta da wbat is do.îe ian aenr adisv ttbue" fui, c'neaky, distorted or stiff jainit, affairs, retreach and live rithin auri_____________________ whether it be la knee. elbow, shauld- incarne. Ontario, has no mnena-. f i er, ankie, neck or fingcr and whetber paying its délbt cxcept fnam the po- STORM 'WINDOWS it iscusr by or sanie- kets af i Ls people. In 1928 the thing cisc. eramneat obtained from the ]Pou S J1 aI I ki ;, Il F 57 0f course, it can't hep but quickiy cotri c, 8,0000,frm t ii'. trso a'Ii Ilt r;:,.."-*Il' r«put an end ta such superficiai ail- conrt ai, 8,00,00,frm lion!,, rl gasoline tax of 2 per cent., $3.5I0. i- io rtn rrr.r" al]meis a lumbago, ncurahgia, neur-ý 00;fram iquon permits, $90000;i frrr î itis, aching muscles, sin~ l the -side, 000; (>~,ir p!rîrr' foi, 'i V/J:!,, fttiv cnici nte ekosore feet beaur.e from autto petmita, $3,000,000 a1d' r. r;îrrin.ithe r t t r to yet la 192S the "surplus" na;niv ;rorn'trî. rinrr ri of its penetratinz action, but w-bat it $228,236, wbile the debit increaqeà irst't~ti "r . i . l realiy recomrrended fir iS joint i rZ ti". t t rt e t fa y n t r h tv r twenty-faur millions. vinjour w.rrt.r. i. r. .r in.nso n auewavr r int.roflr I i,' Ask for a tube of '.ai:Etr. "There must be sametbing wvrong. rrrtrtv o .ttrli You can tise it scveral trimes ini ane We are piling up a huge debot, %whicb l.t',riltofl. everaag for qutir rsusbecaL.1 goes right rhraugh the skiui wi'b , j - a fcw seconds ruhhîng. It surely i.1 a ,wift penetrator ;andi whea it gs under the rrkin. fi. atarts îigbt ' tri News and Inform ation end ail joint trotible. It L- nmade iiin I For the J usy Fariner60 cents. Ail druggît. ispn'. dnily, as do firt class dnuggistr; Cv- i (Furnised bythe Otario Department of A:r:c:ueet and value ta our readers in 'h le rural districts, The Statesman. will pubiish fro.m time ta Urne a column of farrn ncw.s ad- advicc in the farm of the paragraphs below. The material cams forntheDcpntmnt f Ariulture and the Ontarlo I Agrieulturai College and will be presntdibreedbeY o A shortage of feed in inany part-1Islat.he tbrcshin« machine useilfi of Ontariaolias hurt the dairying in- yaur farrn equipped with a weed dustry ta no little extent. A scar- screen for removing smali wecd city of water and pasturage bas ne- sceds? It might pay you ta find aut. sulted in a failing-off of the' milk suppy ad wii robblybe eflectedi The autumn can scatceiy be cnled' sual andresein prodta n cbe o:saocfan idle rimie in the rural districts,1 milk. what with fali fains, school faira,T 1 0 ' ploingmatnea Lîr-u..r,rrr- nd r Ononlo forera nnuhiy asesiio-filliia«, la addition ta the usual thousands of dollars from parasites r ua of chores. int sheep andiriogs. Dr. L. S. Stev- New Regulations thisoproblem adesi bc ial tn ev rNow hag grading re«u1a.,ioas, en-I bulletins. Crpiscon be olitainedi ct-d ai'îLtlrriyundrfe -n rv n frce.r at yor ~Distric, Agriculturai Office. nrtiubrtaenWnfruur Ail hb gs rtiii naw bu trarlod anditr Brainwork on the Farm pittilucer paiti acrartitae' t gtt The Ie:ter b.tgs are nro\\ r!vt<ieil att, rEvery formie r ,h(auil lanbis rr bt 'ca-.tnm ,S u ireon' anti rork bis plrn. Ile sabt0 U "Ba orraond '"Bu! cht r-." u\ i r specialize ia the 1unes rof farmirt .2' sul f uh:...innarvatira, 'h 'itI r that hi' anti bN forn are adapted r t : w oarted a.ý, .t ..:; ri r use lais hoad a zwel a- b'. bohnd..and: pnVti'r;are modt-in type rr ttte'r, rrrore rigli qunlîry Pi.- erù-dink practices. E." b railt r:v iiuert a' tire lrrw"-t pa-asiht wa-. lamrtili recire a noirea u o i A Deadly Menace W:traîng - l'hte7ttO . Thistlî' i tht xxorst 'terrin Canodtr. 1A Peculiar Seasan It s. So r -rrtrus ila r-m arceq -ht' Errlv (rolpa tbrtug.hrritt C)nari i fara'ers have ieft iheir frm.C o dglnatlt,'s1eking, r rie a g' r jdrainagre, garni euitivatirin, s;bat' rr il.ttbl tt trîsgj r r l jtnt ions o nd goti<ifariring ahi help to ri ti ttii i ' 'eon the tFlý,' e ipi 1 i keep this veedi under cantrol. Everv1rtively p it lfias beetu ta tr1l:r former sbrruld give i, pcilstudy;Ii .~~t. ti a if ht rrr., f, an ateto.evea tht, best-infa rmed andîtl mst: 1n tenin aref'ul formers. The av<'ra,.fe farmi-r j Free Trip to Royal Fair er bas takin bis rt'x' ;îb)i~iczçlih- I ba tho t i; rîain I aliy, however, and remeibeuîrs tha' IThe Department of Agriculture hc xii bu compeasateîi, partially at, 1asanaoriced]ta ti, gi f leas.t, by bigher prices for- saie pri)-' j ring a freetrtip ta the Royal Win-; ue'. te Fair la Noveaiber ta, the tua_____ fyoung mua who quaiify iant(ai'h county lan01<1 Ontario andti afv The School Fair voung mua ia each district la Ntîrtb.hT- nsi1 1o oisbvebe cmn Ontario. The fortun te yî)ungi.t aaiiy grîîwing la popuiarity dur-j jme n la Durham ceruaty wili be thrîsû ing the eigbteen ycars la wbicb tbevI who rank bigbest ia the judging crrn- have been beld la Ontarito. Figures pettitis tir hi held ti aHamptorn are availabie for -the 1l928 seîso anti; an Oct. '24th. froim ahi signa 1929 wîil vun surpas, the' excellent results abtained in thte Worid Mlkmen Meet Last yî'ar there were 560 schîroli Mare thon 1500 miIkme n fro,î fairs beld in Ontario. Ia tues, 560j forur continents wiil garber la Tor-, faims, 4,859 sehools wt're represe-4nteti onto on Octoher 24 for the anaruai making a total entry ist of 135,153. I three-day conventioin af the' liitet'-!iVi.itors ta the foira numbered weli national Association of Miik Deniers. aven 360,000.1 Delegate.s frtîr South Africa, Newr The growing papularity of the j Zealand, South Ameica, Canada and s chatrl fuim can be attriiuted ta some i the Ulnited Status will uiscuss prob- extent ta the attention given ai lems of the industmy, rangîng fmom chamipionship school faim at maay of thc question of the annual lass 4df the fal eounty exhibitions. i n $6,500,000 fmom loat hotties ta theimany locaities the newly arganizctfl long standing pnobhem of choosiag1 school fair bas proven a greatrer between horsedmawn and motor-pow-j dawing card than the Qlddr townahipl ered niilk wagons. or oorInty fair. how Different from that Ted jous Weary Washday Have you ever sighed for more minutes- added hours-an extra day in the week for those things you've always wanted to do, but neyer found time for? Subtract wearying washday from your sched- ule, and add a whole new world of pleasant pos- sibilities. Do away with aIl the hustle and bustle; the bother of preparing the tubs; the time-taking inspection trips to the basement; the humiliation of serving the laundress; the trouble of cleaning up after her; and that eternal smell of steaming clothes and acrid, dirty suds. Our laundry lifts washday right out of your if e, and in return gives you a new-found freedom. iWhat's more, ouîi aundry can be relied upon to wash clothes dlean and make them hast long. With scientific care oui- laundry safeguards your fam- ily's health. And this service really costs less than home laundering! Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. -LIMITED BOWMANVILL'r AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL NOW IS THE TIME To Specify a Hecla Furnace Steel-Ribbed Firepot that triples the radiating surface à gives more heat with less coal. Patented Fused Joints which make it Gas-Proof and Dust- Proof. Big Circular Water- pan gives ample moisture. This new, fine, modern heat- ing system is just what you have been wanting. Let's tell you about it and give you an estimate free of charge. R. vE. LOGAN Next to Pethick's Barber Siiop Plumber and Steamfitter Bowmanville ~i. !ve read about it- now HEAR it! ?t with the PUNCH » ee--: - RADIO SrE NEW "Champion oftheArl it9here, ready for you. Corne and listen. Know the extra value of this latest Stcwart-Warner achievecmeoL Learn uby tbey cal h "the set with the PUNCH." Thiis is the famous new 900 series, wlth the marvelous %Screen Grid" circuit. You wiil marvel at its power, its keen sensitivity, its amazing realism and clearness of tone!1 Corne and heur. Compar with aay set, prioe regardless We have this set in console, cou. ' soletteand table models-cabinetu of exquisite beauty. We will gladly gieyou a demonstration, whethoe ce not youwinsh tobuy. ÀAsmail duwn payment Winl put a set la your home. DUSTAN'S HARDWARE KING STREET BOWMANVILLE Appraved Jacobean Cabinet No. 5 with Model 900 Stewne-Wamer Va. dio; 8 tub«s incl di grectifier. uilk-in aeniaL Zorphongxpb.Illum. inated visible angle diaL. New et.wait.. Warner lectro-Dynamie Eeproduoet Cabinet of Americsn Walaut. H.eg6 bB in, widh 27 Ù4.,dept i 15 la Table Model 900, *145»0 lm .tube&. l?ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT-IJ, THURSDAY, OMOýBER 17th, 1929 PAGE FOUR .L rirw 16-YIP

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