M. - - -~ driven Chevrol et TT'S ail very well to listcn to So.ard.so's J-opinion of car valnes, but after ail, the per. son v.hose opinio~n cotunts Most is YOURSELF. It's al 'cry wei! to sit ba-ck and wonder how Chevroletcr an roduce a really high-class Six l'put a h *,7 - c0'-ircssion, valve -in -head engine in ht . . enplo Fisher Body genius ta create and buid a ci rs of magrificent bodies for ià . . cquip à i:: the Most detailed and U- to-the-mi;nute fashioîî. and sell it at the price of a four. The uniratchcd reseurces of General Motorg, backing uip Chevrolet's ewn trenmendous facili- tics, expl.îin ail that, of course. But how mach more satisfving ta, test ht ail out for yoarself . . behind the wheel of the ncw Chevrolet Six. That is xvhy we urge yau . . no matter how many nice things you have heo'rd or read about Chcvrolet . . ta, DRIVE CHEVROLET before yoa bay any car. If yoa dent sell yourself a Chevrolet, nobody else is gonig ta, do it. Picase don't feel you are obligatine ourself in any way. Its a pleasure for us te rXsice a Chevrolet Six at yeur disposai. c. 28 -9-29C AI- cit thle GÎMAC Deferred Payment Plan PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Ontario Motor Sales WHITBY - OSHAWA - BOWMANVILLE IT'3 rUTr-R BECAUSE ITIS CANADIAN ARE YOU CARRYING ENOUGH FIRE INSURANCE? Each menth and each season bings its own problein, and du'ing the next few weeks we wili ail be busy niaking our homes neady fer winter, looking over stoves and furnaces, making ready fer tihe ligbting of the winter fines. The lighting of thse extra steves and furnaces in the home ineneases the danger of fine witb its consequent beavy loss and before you must start up the heat- ing systemn why net take an heur off and check up your fire in- surance? Are yoa suffiiently protected against loss? You miay have what yoa consider the proper protection on yoar bouse and building but how' about the insurance cf your bousehold goods, furniture andl personal effeets? Nine people eut cf ten do net carry haîf enoagb insurance on the contents cf their homes. Arc you one cf these aine? Take pencil and paper, go througb yoar home roni by room mark- îng down the prices of the lothes, botb sunmmer and winter, the furniture and househoid effeets, and it will astonish yeu how far short cf the value yoar insurance coverage is. Wle have the agency for some of the best Canadian, British and American companies, and wîli gladly help you decide hoNv te figure eut yoar insarance. J. J. MASON &,CS-ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowrnanville CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Geengina Henning and fannily wish te thank their fniends fer the many kind expressions of sympathy and the beautiful floral offenîngs gîv- en during the illness and death of the late Samnuel J. Henning. Irlends Tell !riends ZUTOO Stops Ileadache Fi» yuaraMo ZUTS wu WactIcaly To-daY, thoornandaan touand«of men Swomnendapend ohu*me ie harm- tableta fSr q" raim rm Hesd- Wol fu hmgens froe fend te bien&-*= to town-fom cosat to couat ..Ibe ZUTOOMta4ebiiv TEN TEST is made in Canada and used through- out the. Empire. SoId inj BowmanvilIe and viciity by McCleilau & Co.,Ltd. Bowmanyille, Ot. G. N., Patterson, Port Hope, Ont. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSIIAY, OTOBER 17th1 1929 OBITUARY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Charles E. Bonnycastie, SeymourI Mr and Mns. W. S. Carneron, Toronto, Township Celebrate Slver Wedding Following an iIlness of severa i£J M Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Camneron, 533 weeks. Charle Bonnyca-tie died at Baby Point Cres., Toronto, celebrat- his residenco, Lot 5, 'on. 3. Seyniour elj d the twenty-fifth anniversarv of township west, Monday. Sept . 30tb their wedding on Saturday, October The late Mr. Bonnyca-tle -%as in hi 5th. A receptien was beld and 59th xear, and wuz a :fe-l ing re.si- some txvo hundred friends congre- dent of the community. île \O gated toe xtend their good wishes. the n cr f the late Frank Boiiiiycasti!lbf a s The house wns miassed witb rose-, and Mri' Bonnycastle. Born on th(:- getting the greatest possible ýferns, ard autuinn flowers. The týea fanm xxhich xývais hi.s home. Charles number of eggs from evey table was adorned with green and Bonvastle received bis educat 1n li en at the pink tulle and roses. A miniature th(, Myersbtîrg P'ublc nnd the C, amip- bridec and groom eoccupied the centre belîford Iligh Scbool. His lw ping! lowest cost per egg! of the table. The wedding cake ar- leaves a i-n f h l Forrngdi ans f ivrcloth and fami'iw- ýf the disýrict. The farnm o that y0u need- flow'ers was placed on the buffet. known a-sPonnycas'lp, Ilomesteadl and Tali creamn candles in silver candie- which vas bis home bad been in the sticks twinkled in the dining rom family namie and operatLed by the and fromn the cciling bang a silver fanîily for four generations. Ir had wedding bell. for many years l)ecn know n as oe The tea-table was in the charge cf the leading farmiýz in the( district. of three sisters-in-law and six nieces. The late Mr. Bo.niivcas'le xas not The former wene Mrs. Helen St. John. a memiber of any lo<res o r fratennal Mrs. (Dr.) W. H. Canieron, Toronto, ordjer.-. Ilie was a miember (if it arid Mrs. Fred Downey of Boman- Anjehca o churcb andl on .-everailoce- ville. The nieces were the Misses casions held the offiîceýs cf Peoffle's.. St. John, 'Miss Mildred Dovrney and warden and llector's xx-rde-n. Dur-- iMrs. George Downey. and Mns. Cor- icg h:.; lîfeime lie enjc-,edi the priv- !d~on Hunt-er. Mrs. B. J. Johnstone ilezu- o f a wd circle of friends. aiso assisted. Mir. Bonnycastle N s urvived. .by hi e s rMthan Mrs. Cameron was frocked in peach hi, wid, Ftx nk ;onny eo r Haif a Cent transparent velvet with shoulder cor- his ido, t\ 'le,* - sos. eof -,sage of butterfiy roses. Witb Mrs. Windsor, and Ailan of Ptroi 1per hen per dy Cameron ,vere Mr. Cameron and the tbrecr dqiigbers. Helen cf l'eterbcrc. Duy BLATCH3FORD'S Today twe sons, Grant and William. France: ýo f FraSerx illeanIdoric A. B. Orrnsby Ce., cf wbich 'Mr. Castîcton. One bro:,he.Dr. Grl From Your Local Dealer Cameron le the president and rman- C. Brnvastle. Boxx manville; anid ____________________ aging directer, presented thein witb a thiece -isteix-, Misz. I. E. Hiand. Phila-1 sterling silver rose bowl and Mrs. delephi i. Mrs. Elean r Val lace, To-1Cameron receiv(,d aise a bouquet of onto. andi Mis. Fred ClarkLpt, roses. The West Toronto Kiwanis aIse. tivxBIG GAME COUNTRY Club presented thei wxith a bouquet Iof twenty-five American Beauty A hunter's success depend.s entire- roses. OBITUARY IV on his ability te select a ternitony Mr. Richard Hainlyn of Bowman- Saul .Hnn ,Bomnile cntaîning the greatsst amiount of ville, the father cf Mrs. Carneron. Samul J.HeningBowanvile i game per square mile (if walking. was present at the anniversary. Citienscf owmax'ile 1e, Czark Ripley, noted rrad Mrs. Camieren 's niany old friends hCketie larof th< at if wr sportsman, returned a short tinie ago in Bowmanville extend heartv con- shoced t lean afthe eat o on front a careful survey of the bLîlting! gratulations. of the town's mc.st respectul citizens1 grounds of Northern Ontario. The in the person cf Samnuel J. Henning-. gist of bis report, made te the tourist w-ho after a few heurs' ilîness passedj offices of the Canadian Pacifie Rail-ý~ Corns disappea.r when treated with te bis rest Monday evening, Sept. 1 way, is as follows: 1 eelloway's Corn Remover w ithout 3th, following a stroke. There is a considenable increase laving a sear. Deceased was the second son cf of deer in the French and Mattawa the late John and Olive Head Hen- river districts. Moose show a good ning and was been la Huron Ceunty increase al the way dowývn the west HewsSr edo prsadRvr eebracd big 1866.LandEth Sep. lth 186.side cf Lake Temiskaming and thE Heoung er y fspnt manportFands inOttawa Rier.N D fbi deuner hunting. Ho w-a all n gaine regons along the north eshore HA N bye trae hng He aned tbnereof Lake Superior, just north of the by rad, avig eared hetraelCanadian Pacifie Railway line, are Busy hiands-at hard tasks with bis father while a boy. I lat- well supplied with moose and deer, day in and day out. Persian or years he worked for the late Joehn particularly in the Missanabie and Baini keeps the skin soft and Poole of Newcastle and Chas. Heal Metagama districts. pibe eoe ens of this tewn, but during the past five- Worth while information on thel pibe eoe ens years bad been eniployed by the aboive subjeet la contained in pam- and relieves irritation. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ce. phlet entitled "Tips for Hunters, A t yoT r uggist Deceased w'as a loyal member of whieh may be obtained frein anYj PE n Ak O. . L. Ne. 2384, Bowmanville, and Canadian Pacifie agent or W. Fultxrn,' E f was aise Bandmaster of the Fife and Asistant General Passenger Agent, - I4LivI Drum Band antil two years ago when Toronto. C. B. Kent, Town Agent, ýM hie ,uffýered the first stroke. C P. R., flow-manville. 42-11 The faneraI, which took place frein the fanerai parleurs of F. F. Morris Co., on Thursday aftern&on, at 2.30j p. m., was largely attended. Ser-1 vices at the parleurs and grave were conducted by Rev. R. J. Sbires, rec- ter of St. John's Anglican Church, whe gave a ceinforting address to the bereaved ones. The paîl-bearers were friends and relatives of the decéased and were Messrs. T. Sellers, E. Moise, Le-on Henning, Horace Henning, Alan Yee and Elmezr Henning. Siirviving a.re bis wife and five sons, Harold, Norman, Cordon, Ain- slie and Ross, aIl of Bewmanville; three daughters, Alberta ef Ganan- eque, Lottie and Ruth of this teîwn; three brothers, William ef New'castle, Frank of Teronte, Fred ef Wesley- ville; six sisters, Mrs. John Morris, Oshawa, Mrs. B. McMurdy, Torento, Misses Helen and Lottie Henning and Mrs. Win. Randails, Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Thos. Adais, Black Dia- nxend, Alta. Included ameng theïbeautiful floral offerings were: Wreaths frein The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Relief Association, Mn. James Lambros, En - gineering Departinent of the G.T and R. Ce., Mn. and Mrs. Thomasi Cartwright, the Family, L.O.L. 2384; Sprays-Mrs. Bawks, Mrs. Ciii, Aima Richards and Has-ny Fry, Mn. and Mrs. E. Moise, Hospital Staff and Nurses, Mr. and Mrs. Cee. Humpage and family, M,%I. and Mrs. Willet Haw- ley, Fif e and Dram Band Old Cein- rades, Hanry Cigg, Mn. and Mxs.ý Thomas Sellers and family,1Mn. andý Mrs. George Graham, Mn. and Ms Alan Yeo, Mr. and Mns. Peter Lamn- bros, ClarenceanHaodKgrs Wallace Rouiston, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burns. B o d y t Relatives and fiends freont a dis- O o a r h tance includod: Mn. and Mrs. Frank McMurdy, Mr.s. Chas. Wells, Mn. andi1 e S ,- Le Warmnest homes like a refrigerator you buy, build or rexnodel your home, take a Erom the book of the refrigeration engineer. Se alis are insulated . .. that your home is protected &T and COLD and SOUND by TEN/TESI. ALJ.N/elt J.qrie nf .Luato pabeW UI.A.J.LA JAA~A~ tween the temperature you want and the temperature YOU don't want. That's why TEN/TEST, used in Place Of OrdinarywOod sheathing, keeps your house warmn in winter, cool in summer and QUIET all the tinie. For TEN/TEST is sound abaorbing, too. Before you build or renmodel, or buy, becsureta leamr ore ébout TEN/TEST. Many a non-hnslated homne is paying the price of TEN/TEST .. . without enjoying its advantages. Ask your architect or contractor. And write for the free booklet, 'TEN/TEST and the Mot Wonderful Adventure in the World." INULTU G BUILDING BOARD INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOAPD IUUTED lits EEAVM EAIl iL.i wo5ETEI "us PAGE PIVE the Iasr t u, iat, n è'1tt soothes the nerves 7,1 Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Searnan Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of youn order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us and get our prices before you buy. MclelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phone& 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville i tpiàaaa ý. -.6- - ----