PAGE SIX THE CANADLAY STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER llth, 1929 AUCTION SALES H IAMP'TON BLACKSTOCK TYRONEi Orono.... 31 SatudayOctber 9th-Anauc isiors Mr.andMrs Joh Pa] tonto Normal Satrda, ctoerI9t.-n Vsiors M. ad rs.Jon Ps- Mr. R. J. Newell and Miss Gladm-s Miss Ruby Virtue, Bown-manvil:e, her parents. tion sale Ï11, be be:d in large aue om ,Si -P isLzieRec:Nmelo era: ihaevs:n spent Sunday at home... Mr. and had hier tons in rear of Economic 5c to$ Dr. and Mrs. Davies, r. and' Dr Mrs.; Rev. F. W. and Mrs. N well...... Mrs. C. W. Woodley and litte Ms in Bowmaný Store, Ring S-. West. the sale s:ar- Geo. Edger and Roasna. Mr. and Mrs.î The citizens of this camnmunity ai-, Edith visited at Mr. Win. Smi:h's. Mary Alidre inga:Si t i. lsd, r'ur,ý. Cle;-e Ciemence. Oshawa, a: Mr' Ha1r- loakDing fD.vrward with eep an-ic;pza -Oshawa ...Mr. Win. S-:aple. Mi.sé,with MisE Clt:adsniP . erGd F wl i W uX Mr. and Ms. RY Nie,- -,;on ta -he cornin, of the hydro. F. Virtue spent Sunday mv:h -:he la:- Charles Hoi Evrm-'~d wec ne.ca1,f and chl-idren, Ba-e LUne,, r.M'-Most of :be wrn ~pe-~ . ter's brother, Mr. J. J. Vi;r:ue. Han.r- spent Mondý Wm.J.Chlls, ucioce. 4-offe. a-o- ry boWde ydr- r. ni n-.SA.; !o lf- la-- ton, and attcndcd -ho Than,'-O fer-' Albert H. A mai, Trno.a: SMr. A. . i--w -r an cextendled ni --.- rt-, ing ser-ices. .Mrs. C ~ a1- Mr-. R, Tuesday, October 22.-J. E. 11ppzrr-. ans; M:sz Es',her M -.Sr. Ta Mea1rd. Sau e \Mar-, .a-. dale, Lindsay, -M:ss Annie Penrose, rer. visie-dI Con. 1. Lot 2.5, Dar1lnz: .n. . ,. I Sykes. Mr. Fred E.~:.Tor, x rc n *no.......1argz.c , il n- a :,n a- Oakwood, spcn: a few damys w:h :he A. Trenouth ai: . f hlz a-- -n :ck. :ml ,.i..F-ak H-:z. , a- : .rendd l :' United Church Sî"<Inv sisters, Mrs. Laura Burg-ess and Mrs. the re-openi SaIt alt1 p. nm. e bI- Wan.tstte:S- d Sr.R-,-; -n~:. Rev. F. W. No -.:z--Eure-.-a Woodlem-, an! ufr,--ndz. Our pas-or. Maw, auci.toneer. ma:d anci c!i'.dr-a. Si.. a - Mr ',, eae1hed )n he thea¾ ...:' .Mr. and Mo Erneso: ùardnrer preacbed Suý Chas. Lrn.,d Mr. Wrni CD e F ......ben . Wowelcý,m.. and babe, Miss cD'n...Ing'ehar:, in a strong Wednesday, October 23rd.-Mr. E. Toron-,-.M . E. H. t Mr-ci 1,mjaLe 51 an.! Mro. H -ny sisi:e hspa-it Mrs. B. withai a ver J. Black. L-,- 29, Con. ., r'rrn Jack Ycl:o-v:;cos and fami '. a ou:ja l-wmw-ed ~n f r- n. F. Gardiner...rM. B. Hurd, M'ISBible S-udy who i- giving up f5m.z. ý l t a- Mr. E,!ga H 'a;Mr. and Mrs. t efmaruî 'as- wek . '. I, larmý-.- Helen Hurd and Mnz. E. V":i-ue, T - are to be cor aIl o bis arno : n' . i. ": ~-er~ n~.5h-. ' "J-\an-G hsopened Upa barb'er sh- onto, vni:,tcd at Mfr. O-o :ru ..week. A hay, grain and other feed: ai:s -nl Camp and Earle. Bas-:e L -ne, at M n e Eers b ck B *', -F ' 1 r elyLti.Ohsa shI~o us hou.-ehol:d furn' Sae a- 1 P. ni- . OF - hU;: %.sMM ' ~ n -d Chior '"as beta :î--xd daying with h' gadroier. Mrs. number was Theo. 'M. SleninmD In e-ri2a a m: IsWilnoo Leach; Mr.saap'ytbe n:usic a- i.-Tnn- Wnî. Little ..-. DamId Hooner vice- s-El be and Mr.-7.W. Ran:on and Marar. .....N .. :3rd,-. F. W.vsie riends ln Or 'na ..: 1;ss and Fr!day ' Friday, October 25th.-Rc'-ber: Tren:oa. a: Mrs. W. Vrc;M-Ne-.vll made a b)usne:;s :rip to Or--' Grace McKay a:ndTE:acbtrs'iwben i-, la b Burze-zs, Lot 9. C-'n. 7, Dr:z'.Fana;el- Vrtue .Mr. W--..S-aPl,, . aisa on M Inday. SIosSu-le Van- ove:o'a rria: 1ci. .africr.t (Tyrarie v-illagel wh, :z g'virg rh-Ti--ae, a- Mr. J. J. V-eo Mr. Camp spcn -c w eekend w h M.h Rer. Mr. Hawlcr. Cen-re on, - Eil' bath Fcbon-l. team n" - r-s ewll cl -"an- ard Mrs. WVa:ecr C-vde-ma" M"Ir and: Dorothy St. John a-S: 'mn fiel d .... preach here ncxt S-ur lai' eve-ng~z :tec:d (arco Ild i 'OO os. each< b-jbayh-re. Mrs. Harold P-.sco)e. Mr. and M- United Chu' c" X ai-g le, p e'z:Leag-' 7 p. m... Ouor r -t-P J. r. ed tha- this 7 mea'-sb'.;- nor-ox S vyca'-s -e C-as. Sni::- nndMure - a- -ne hcld an e i memec ng a-Ma-- TrumpDur wii! cr- n erai eîoof ai wagv' m spg nzzs r n-5. L. dCrm - mn* - Mrs.Howard Effie Wrlg 1.s on Fr dam me" n.- srvices at Centt,,- dS . nz hich ç% grave' S x. e :o gr : ~ Xaa .S lina. a: M" .chas. plans for -ne lSannue-' nI X o1un: .League Ra' ten-cau'e "'f douS c1e la-n-c.,7 : cla - hw Mr. ad . X Ca"n FenlcoS. I v,- d-cý l ng. Specýal pr :or-fr nithi.- F blan Sa"" a: i- .n.a- ano and baby Gr.,ce, Cane,"v a- W. M. S. ne I..'- cd Chrc~'-', ic . u&. "~o arso Ternl-:On _ n-1 ~ Q~'.0 -' I-n .Cl:. a:'. ;MM; :a mery n........a - r weil a:t ,ndcd -- evening, nn'-' rcas:; -'-er r.a:n-a-I r andi Mrs. A. T",,n Aiex. J-,1-ns ' . pe V;1F. when Sunr-.M7. .W. noon n -- nhr m bo:'-enc r . P - ' m W.N ne - 'AnI. ', o wnt - - : -'- I na a a :nT md M, F- ni a,-'ean n"'...-gave a FnleadcC: Time D.M.- r n.11uI-. reE': 7. n.,-hCa;'erly and h ' cý«7,n e'- 'ea; n. ' --b-"- '- S - Shcr-"--2 M-. R. f C.n ni c-t , _er a- : u.-"rr.: rAIm nad OIj'---ý P ":. I ~pn: g :e -n:m'- ' fnol.' a ~i: : n .. nii'-Scb qol"; Ir ik' 'J. R. :a: r. C. ;V. S u -,M.-. a- r Ta" n-u nr n F.lIiilan X Ma'-- rn-n- eY pe "'no-'-n r-ri rware-:'MLare and Mr. . ' H.P r -uLg Our Rep tation "$5 re n,.t. :.COURTICE i";J. 1. Tr-u"r . . _ze:1mBe-r. eJ. '1 On Thursday af-er n las: lie ev"ang zwas i:r - 'W.~,, ..En - "'d". P lr n.e:ir -f th-e W. M. S. v-as' VIce Pre"<denti . ~~Tl- -' I Iar V Has bcenno r "T"'oP-"i h (n . 'li: S-. S.r.', -': Mrs. Ar- T_ :c w'as gim-on I MsFDen' ;f lia' .n-e"ZcMM. Tc,.. thu.r okes group l charge h adnro ".-.-fleb~ ge heGrînronao 1, Tja n -7ri ne vice. We have se- ' ai scaercfnea0,,ann asSI'."Frmar m-ih h ' ' 5z highstanard a am a:dv'Mrz. Chas. W'g'::-) f Prý-i-, Jonce wh!- gave James D ud'cy rv, m- n. Ml-s E'Ina prea- - ghCam--',-a-ed Mr - A.o a Ew-. a beau'Iful aidmE2, on 'HloldIa :i" aeo;rala.5r aeAmn- na a ~ n M"P-'- Cn """ 0n , Oher nun,ers .n :he nro- cmî - we mus't lire un -o 'at ana dmdc"i "gan nc oclslsbrMs raMAPLE GROVE 1 o~ ardtamai:an ar epua n 1c"tra'n'ng ae "un-e '1lang ýPo'lard. Bow-man-ivl,,. vhichn e-'__]_ y only w' a d t a n an o rr n - -o . H D__________________I':________y-,; a -lad:g y Thti wyy'ogt'uab t '.ra nt i a nurnberofa "'c oung munneHo; njyda vocad ilo-by M-.- MIrs.Rov VanCamap is ,pendlng a ners-. us el Th t s hy yo gýtzu h ho- people at a thea ,re ar-y. E ery- (Rev.) Santon. The bible sudy few :5 with n .:;c and frlnel- Do ya ogsevc hn u c o us anc-,iad an enjai a' w -ken-- Mrs. R -' 1G-y.Af -lTrna 5-.Mc!o. oug sevic whn y-a 'rnm-.s ,cn o; .. a~ --b 'rz. i s pendlng - feov days -: for eyesigbt exanminatiom and termiards Siras. Oîce's g-m up scrved 'S Your ey ISOLINA i refreSbmcn:s anmd a --ciai :rnoe wasber dauçrhcr. Nl- Sam ic Snn-%'d,-n. glasses. I____ spent. . .. Friday evening. an bebalf- Mr. and M-. Nesaqn Trimb1e portance t A orMissionad Sir-. \ Whi:- I and daugbter m".jtheir caus-. af! rd t." Our aptical departrnent is equ:P- neil and June, Mr. and -r. N. w -.Drama:ic Socic:y prescn:cd th cir 3. and1Srs. Gm eneC .Sr Naturc's çm ped with the latest and mos: Reynolds and )az:er Narman,SMr.! play "Looking for -Mary Jane." The E!gin M.%undav, -,v'i bas be-n p-coi- scientific instruments for yaur and Mi-s. Joe Reyno'ds, Mir. and il . play is under the direction of Sîrs. eto te'ý .L.hsgn o0 aeY R er: X im::, Tor.onoù. at MIr. Jack, D. Robb and thie characters toa1. A. C., Guelph, to 'ke up a B. Se. .A. benefit. Rteynods'; Mýr. and Mrs. Errnest bar-!their parts spiendidly. Piano due:;ý course. and Miss Marjorie Steven-. Wc shal mer and famfuly, Blacks: cI at _M. were contributcd during the inter- bas been elected ,)rc.sident nhs cnuta W. T Talor'; Mss HlenBaker !vals, as a vocal solo by Miss Helen stead-..Rev. G. w. Irvine. Cedar- etrist, R. I with her grandparentz, Mr. and Mn-.j Powcrs, Orona, and some beautiful dale, Soutbh'mwa.ilI accupy the W. J. Bragg, Bommanville; Ms-. vialin selectians by Dr. E. G. Kers- pulpit next Sunday. .. 'r. EIgin Frank Orclard and Mrs. Gea. Reid, lake. The evening's entertainnient Munday, Guelph, spent the weckcnd R.A Jury &~ Loveli Enniskillen, at Mr. Thos. Bakrz; was most enjoyable and appreciated with bais parents .... Maretta Yrs. E. J. Black wt Toronto by the full house..Sunday morn- Law. Miss Aileen Grahani, Newcas- e. friends; Mr. and Mrs. 'Mac Jones and ing Our pastor preacbed an enthus- spent the weekend with Mi5s Vera WhenWe Tat Ee. I la onc son, Mrs. Li.zzic Higgins, Troronto, a: iastic sermon an "Prohibition." nPwr- isAice Arnol, Cart- Duggi Poel.Mr. J. J. Broýwn's; Mr. Harvey Hardy the evening the service was in chargeie hospn Thursday and F"ri- Prpîl.witba Columbus and W'itby frienda; of the W. M. S., Mrs. Frank Ruimdle day with Mi ss Vera Power and at- Phone 92 Mr' and Nms Chas. Howsani at Port presiding. Mrs. (Rev.) A. L. Ricb- tended the teachers' convention at Perry; Master Bobby Scott has been ards of Whitby gave a very interest- visitiag et Southampton; Miss Vera ing and inspiring Missionary addre-s. Baker a* 5fr. Leslie Snowden'sý. The ladieG' choir sang twice and 'Mrs. Maple Grave; Mfr. French, Mn-. E.i (Rev.) Stainton sang a pretty solo at Soanes and Miss Dorothy, Oshawa,,the beginnin.g of the service Sunday Mrs. John Armitage, Oakwood, irs I eveninz. NMn-. Richards canducted M USICAL Soanes, Lindsay, Mrs. Peter Harkcus the Affiliation Service of the C. G. I. AT S Toronto, at Mr. E. J. Black's; Mr. I T. witb the W. M. S...M-. Thos. WALKER'S Chas. Warder, Rochester, Mr. and Powers and Miss Helen, Orono, were St INSTRV~VU ENT "n-s. R-sbt.' H. Warder and Mrs.1 weekend guests of Mn-. G. F. Annis. Sanesof Bomç-manvilIe, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Levi Ellens, Columbus, at Mr. Meeting next week in charge of theT Jas. Mlýorey's; Miss Marlon Williams, 3rd Vice President, Mr. Emnest DeTh rit S op _______ ~Port Perry, sivhber siater, Mrs. bar.... Division is making plans forh T rfy h p Chas. Howsam; Mrs. Thos. Pascoe the annual Hallowe'en MasqueradeEa h te r and Miss Margaret, Mr. L. T. Pascoe, in the Sons Hall on Oct. 3lst. Get a h Ie 'Misses Marjory and Edith. Hampton, your costume ready and came and with Mfr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascie; Mfr. enjoy the fun .... The annual Grand- Pianos bath new and used; or- and Mrs. Harrv Grooms and farno,-,'. niothers' meeting of our Womnen's gans for churcb and achool; rad- Toronto. a- 3Mr. S. E. Werry's; Miss Institute was held at the borne cf the ios and phonograpbs sod on ternis Mary Hogarth, Mn-. R. Pa-co>e and President, Mrs. A. M ilîson, an Thurs- AUTO CUSHIONS convenient to custoniers. Miss Edna Rcynolds were recen, day afternoî-n, Mn-. Jas. Smales, 1st Th re n hloaecnJguests at Mr.L .F 'e-es Enfie'd; Vice Pres. preiding. It was decid-I 10 only, wedge shape Cushions. Miss Ruth at Dr. C. W. Slenion's, other year and the leaders were chas-! covered with a serviceable plush, sdered marvelous for distance Bcwianville, and attended arnaS-ct- en as foîlomss: Mrs. J. J. Smitb, Ms in grey, tan or blue colors, at and cnequaill. Te 1eisa- srs-IVcea at Trinity Church; Mrs. R. J. 'MeKessock, Mrs. ArthurMi thing finer in ra dio. Francis W'err -and Jean. Enn:-kilcn. son, Mrs. Chas. Hows-am, 'Mrs. Roy Mr.W. H. P. )w lng, Lond .n, , Lan-maid and Mrs. Jas Smalesi. 69c. ~ aland Hele-n Van Camp.) Black1-,Ar-ang-ements mserc made for air Have yau seen the new 4.5 inchj stcck. -M.A .P,'.'- bazaar 'i o b eld in the basenien' Dominion piano? An aitoçe-he-, Se; eral froim ber" at:'en4eî"d Hanir- the church on Nov. 22nd. Pr"mram charming ins:rumcnt. ton Aani;'ersary so-ce. -: n Sun'Iay was la charge of Ms Vera Sh',r- ýME ' FLEECED SHIRTS and v'sPced friendo .... Rt--..unne"- ridgo. leader of group 6, and wal, jof Bj-.; m-onmiIl-m' "-a--ep 'ubej the grandmo:bers talc- AND DRAWERS pit here noc-' Sundar **c*'-)n .. ng anac'- part. Piano sol. S- Leagirr m--'a:z S -nIa -nn "'w-azîle. n Da!ýn; readings, Mrs. Tt. we'i a>'ende-eI. M.V ae.Mr'. J. T. li:î- - ' Ms. i his is the neavy quality super- sas ch 'en a."'s d":Anr 'ar :h" eQ5mrd.ani Mrs. Tb -. P ", fi eece in cream mottlecl shade. minder (-f lie m'ar ;na plicr f ,M-. -iRe;'. i J. 71. Pck ra've a Sok-'noia clerýeahr F. J. M ITCHELL I-l n Tink mli.c n 'ac' O cEd anndMmJasroaef tc pfrtecle'wahr 105T-e NI'ýz:oan-' a'r rrmm --cal si. ,)riluî Almen's sizes at79 Phae Bwmnvilej 5'.Pcry ewcI Mr. .I Pascf J. J1. Sni:b at the p0am o. .fea an1A1.' naryo' ck'o.' no ve. -v, adaFra n os izsi an go ult WEEK END SPECIALS, Men's S6.00 Men's S5.00 Men's $2.50 Men's .32.00 Men's $1.25 Men's $2.00 Men's $1.50 Swveater Coats foi'----------.......$5.00 Sweater Coats for----------......$4.00 Overalis, black, for '.............$2.W0 Overalis, blue, for ............$1.50 Work Shirts for ................$1.0 Caps for........................... $.50 Caps for ...............................o 50 MEN'S BLUE OVERCOATS Sizes 35 to 44; Regular $32.50 value FOR $25.00 1 made a special purchase of these Coats, so corne and get your Winter Overcoat this week and save $7.50. Se G. CHARTRAN King Street Bowmanville 59c. each WOMEN'S FALL WEIGHT BLOOMERS 10 dozen for Week-end Sale. Macle of soft brushed cotton yarns, in faîl and winter weight, made good and roomy with a set- in gusset; small, medium and large; colors cream, sand, pink and peach, 72-INCH SHEETING Bleached in snowy white and un- bleached, is free from specks. Both are of excellent weight that will improve with washing. Special Value at yard 49c. YOUUi FAVORITE SHOPPNG CENTRE Miss Nellie Snowden, Tor-! al, spent the weekend çwithl siLs and adenoids removed, nville Hospital... Miss' .ad spent the weekend: Ellen G;iiblýe:t...Mn. me and âauzhter Doro:hy ay with her sis-er, Mrs., ýllin, K',igston R_,ad Eao. Dy MIercaif .and -,o ch'id-, ier parenýs, Mr.and Mrs- h. Hanîn: n. ald atndud îng church .er. .e. .Rev H ..J. S-anton, nday lazt on Temn'Purance, zand împreýsîve and] ye: y impart' i, sermn .. Fand Fel',-,zship miec,":nzsi iduc:ed by our pao:or t«Y.: splendid nîee* 'ing was h.'1 ,evening and a goodly! sprezent. The(e s )e continued on Thur-(ayý evenings of lis 'o. oed that ail the laes chers, of he churclb S b-: and League. and ail in- ;il be presen-. h' work may develoP i.~a Yecial ev.;-anz-t:c rne r will be a real sUccQsýz. :e :- )r. n1 co~ r>-ec:' -a ix-û of~ .s on Thu-"ýain,1 Fr*- 0cý. 17,h ard 1-St. 1 .LEAR DP.o c-mte uz .x znod l n1'. . ' candanun A that t:1ev s(: ý .n mergy. ,u experience this? yes are of such m-i a ni-~ to 7o u "iat y-u cann- be indlffern:. H ut-! warning and Four Eyes Exanined. ll be glad Io have vou mr Registered Opton- MI. Mitchell. W. Mitchell & Co. ti and Optometrists Bowmanville h I - _______________________________________________________________________________________ The New Coats Are here in gî'eat variety, popularly $1 9.95 to $49.50 There are many speciai values in this l'ange. Let us show xou the Sporty Tweeds laxmishlxy fur trim- med, dî'essy mod- el1s. We are showing aIl the new shades. HO FTNDOYOIL' Every few clays, although your car works only a few hous caily, with quite a lot of days off. HOW OFTEN DO YOU HAVE YOUR WATCH OILED? Your watch woî'ks 1007o daily, wýith no time off. Experts w'ill assur'e you that no known oil will maintain its lubricating properties longer than 12 months. We use the finest oil obtainable. Don't neglect a faithful friend. BRING YOUR WATCH ALONG TO cleane(l andi oile(1. Expert now andi have it tvoîkmanship). FELTSI JEWELRY Next Big 20 Book Store Bowmanvfej IF YOU NEED STOVES HEATERS S ee our Display. We have one to suit your needs -and at the right price. MASON & DALE'S POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bowymanville PHONE 145 irday Specia1s AT per wiIIl find Pleasure in Shopping Here Listed - an Outstanding Value MEN'S HOSE "SPECIAL"9 49c PAIR These are mostly English makes and are of pure wool and silk and wool, plain colors, fancy ribs or novelty checks as îyou please. Alil first quality andi ail sizes. WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE A special faîl weight. In the making of these, silk threads have been brought to the sui-face of the stocking to give them a pleasing silky finish, alrnost that of a pure silk hose. Guaranteed for service and in dozens of new faîl colors, sizes 81'2 to 10. 98C. FINE WOOL POPLIN 98c YARD These fine all wool Dress Goods fromn England, make up very pretty for cooler evnings. They are made of aIl wool and are 36 inches wide. We include here a complete new range of Fal - shades, specially priced for this sale. FOR TH-E KIDDJES WARM FLEECE WAISTS A good weighit, white fleece, size 18 to 28. Special 45c. Walker Stores, Limited Formerly S. W. Mason & Son King S. Bowmnvill Phone 164 PAY CASH AND 'I s i. f *1~ ~, --I - I 1, r SATURDAY 15 REMNANT DAY A grand clearance of ail Rem- nants from every section of the Piece Goods Department-bring- ing unusual savings to home dressmakers-in many cases less than haif price. Choose from plain or printed silk, plain and printed cottons, wools, unbleach- ed cotton, etc. Lengths range from :VIto 31/,yards, Saturday Bargain, eac l ength 5c. to $2.95 OIL! PAGE SIX THE CANADLA-N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THMýSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 YOUR CAR? %rd-% 9 y rik " A 1 Tý-,