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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMÀNVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l7th, 1929 PAGE SEVEN Clothes Economy It is a simple matter to be wve11 dressed at small cost if you know how. W'e make old garments look like new. Suits cleaned and pressed ..75c O'Coats cleaned & pressecd, 75c up Suits dry cleaned & pre.-oed. $1.50 O'Coats dry cleaned ind pressed. $1.50 up Dresses dry cleaned and presed, $1.25 up We also clean SwcLaters, Tic.ý, Scarfs, etc., at the 'IOwest cen 1Si.- ent pricc's for guaranteed worl, We would be p1eased to servec yeu ncxt. d"Scotty" ie Cleanler Next Glave & Mitt Co.-Upstairs King St. W. Bowmanville Evangel Coac OPERA HOUSE, SUNDAY, OCTOB Evangelist Mrs. Edwarc Sunshine" Workers F Corne and brin IWHAT DO Y Our Grocery Stor measure up to our custon We pride ourselvei variety of fresh groceries We buy for cash ýN a very close margin of pi We extra cost. business. deliver proml What more HARRY AL PHONE 188 CORBI WLIOLESON The whole fa "THE BREAD Ti There's a reason. Try. not already enjoyed a sli and nourisl "PASTRY LIKE M~ That's what they say aftei have your verdict after one ofo No complaints abot- trucks and wagons at yot Baker and C Phone 3 Bakeries at Bowu Womet NE - In t Lade CLAR] ENCE S. MASONJiMsAom and ÀDfTa7nK iwij o, Jury & Loveli adDaughters and Miso nlnW. ene fDuspoe7 frtheir floral offeringa and kind - gympathy in their aad bereavement. _____________ MORE NEW COATS PLACED ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING *"ON TRIAL" WINS IN LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS SCREEN REVIVAL1 COX-In Bowmanvtlle Hoapitall on Fr1- Lost or Found _______See Fro]ic of the Frogs in Opera' dy, October 4th, 1929, to Mr. a.nd Nirs.1i Besdethenoabe cst whchin Hoseon ueda evnig.Kenneth F. Cox, a datightt'r. SPECTACLES FOUND-1E-nquîlre ailt Besde he otale ast whch Ho~~e~ Tesdy vcnng.i SuTTAt K:,marVila',l2oman IStatesynan Office, Bowmnanville. 42-tf cludes Pauline Fredcrick, Bert Ly- Mrs. G. L. Coulter, Brighton, visi -.,' on Monday, Oet. 1I l. 192q. te Nir. GLSE OS- ro ar-itî teilLoisWilsn, an Johny d lher daughter, NMrs. Orville Peister. anti Nrs. J. Ross stttt iti .GLASSES tOST tHw-k n or a-tt.nilk. tell, Los Wilson and toher Arthu, 1929,etoostflat wti .irin.tar. Restrve Saturday, Nov. l6th, for! ELLIS-In Montr,-al, ,n Ttc s.Iay. Oc-~ Finttr rilease r<turn tut Satrnan Office. over two hundred persons are secos Chicken Pie Supper in the Parish ts. a tihter, (ttr iinv ';tnrs . MNY FUN 1te mt i' in te curtoomand urdr tia~Hall under auspices of Rebekah' .MASON--)n S.tturdl.y, Octebt r 1*201. 1 saline hy lrottroi,,l.rty ttnd playiflto <'- scens o Warer ros192udemystIog' iél. N t ifosiî.tta. 'Foreýnt',,t'), P-fl' s. Aî t o 1 ej"jl ason at ' ijsor scees f Wrne Brc.'inudermy" LogcMr. and1Mrs. 1S. W. itni "onr.,a son..'&Dale, R3owxrtanvtlte. t tery special, "On Trial." coming toi Bowmranville Rotary Club wazs well i UN NER At Mait'i st. r, N, w ltaîtti-i_____-__-____ the Roy'al Theatre, on Oct. 21-22-23. repre..entcd at inter-citx' 1o'arv. sîtr' . tn ritty t t. it'-'t. te "On' Trial" was one of thege' nîctii held at Port Hope Tues.doMr. an 'tirs W. R vitIîu' .' .f i Articles For .Sale lie grtal .lett'.ptt't -, Geil C t 'st. lii 'i-sh W.s :Successs of Broadway, and enjoycdi ' Afi"..ltgt ______________ phenrtonenal "uccess on tour. Elmi r ndMs F ,Vaitnetc' ___________________ 0RSAiLv. t' - Rie isou.îoWAtalaw ch.'ti-cornpan:ed Mrl and Mrs. B. S. Van- .t î( 7tt.i0o tf R'hoe fnili uoritywizh namnal 'I tone on a niotor trip to De1ret'. MARRIAGES WE IE O AEttta. whos famliarty i-,hcrimnalprtt- Mich, la.t sveeLk. SETCDRFRSL-ýý%iil cedure inade it pos;sible for himtni. amsa< juWI MRS-OPRToot te t D'ch. Itîton.' 139-221toitatl.4 2-2 writ ths nostrpîcc-w1t5mate i j "t - 't al tr.a9.October 2 .ii-.Iti rý PIGS FOR SALE-S cooti Yorksltîr-- depndetlyric byit. It os heJantes wore inl Port Ihope 'fue><liI9' Canon td,' Penchcr. Rot. I .tar l 'pxgs 6 w,,ks oId. Appîtî o Lorre firaetla c y naeus the moathen aftcrnoon attendingthe funoral F bro"e sltaaii, and \'Mai a Mîîi b.EnniskIl n42-t* picture *"fla.-h-back"--which caused lFreder'c W. Wilson. Editor tf The VIIlIO('.Sxît eî furore in the theatrical world. Tht- Guidle. ISUDDS-JACKMAN-', Troîit,- 'iOtt'-1 i~ ng Machitne, $219, b nf lr"t class condititon; manner of the stAge play malle il es- There was an importLant meeting CTtîctîay, On Pohe î. " '.ix' yrBigy 6.1j. 11, - 16 2-t pecially suited to the screen. 42-1 of the shareholders of the Port Hope! i-.Robis nsRichard -.Xtltr. t' Sivt' l" tt' FOR SALE-one hevv.raitîtClyti' Tclephono ('ompany. Limted. and of iAlla Lytlîa. idaurht-r if 7Nr. ,ni'tnt Mc- are, $,'0 cash. Apîly ýte ;o r. it te subscribers of the system in the Fan .1'tCýlman h ffotr'o'l.. Fstr igS.l. o ntvl.. 4- ornn;i,,utity Hall, Newtonville, _ln- TI.NKVîC-A Ii. 'nlt,,I Cttttrt _________________ ' P .uson.'t-,. 1Jaiopton, on Situtrdav, n(t. HORSE FOR SALE-5-, -r-.îl.î Itorst day cvcnnAg, te die:cuz;s the future of i 5dh 1929', hy Rçv . J . R le.Mrl sound Out of Pet' rboro l.n.r it the x'.semi. Mn, S. M. Haskill. fi-na Lottise, dticlttrcflnan r 2t. Applty BL 7 rtlon 'M s __________Pres:dent cf the Company, w'.ls chair- ' '\It' . I.111 n S'linlf sttn cf' a .... man and Mr. A. M. Jono", son of the FOR SALEone rezisterttl Sh:Or in lato Cec. W. Jm)e. organier andDATSamad1-rmInI..ilu" .r. geerl ancr ofthe lystem, tc- Phono 176-6.' .R ,Rwtn~h gçr, r.Sut crvi.or cf Tcleproncs !for the. jrtt .tl'9 Jolit)itt.Nidt' ri- 'v PIGS FOR SALE-9 yun, sli-e Ontr' R~lay & Muicxi ~t rd; t tr. rIýs, 9 w.t, kit tMl nîst bn soldttttt nt'. 1Otiý r-MncplAettvTI. G tew' . R. R t1~ot dtrs-dthe nmcc7inz -iîhd"ei- BROWN-At t" 9"'t- ut"t 'lp' t~Phono 376 ýri. 4*111\v "cd tho atl't'ieal.ilit', cdilii, f orzan'z:irîr 'ho'-,;ai 'cars. SETCE OTltleravi. i sy. 'Fl1 OaO tunicipta clephone s"rz-I MOSES-In Toront'.. onW' tSPECTAC1ES't.OttT ocut ' 'et, 7c .' (1'e..r Oh. ft t ' '- ý: P, 1 '.i. ifi loo li \ l 'toýninvtitto. ct -.65 e'trs, - l'ror f le si,, rettiri. s. n.r r. nt i chofToonote ,Irs. F.r . . v'. n ..nt'. MonrA. .hcfToono T'ntr . '..-u\ ox ittç O W LON-At t l . orn'- ut t:L, or Th ' S':ttt tiilo (11 t4'-'-t toltet' c o' n PWTi-la xninll il .i ot.. r Liii. 1929 t... t' WW -' BOWVMNANVILLE ithe zcl .îo.'tn f t '-rL ' '.tlt.rof 'Ti- . - ______________ of 2I».'fl.îl ett,.or dCi!' LAI NG-tn t"t'.t' ER 2th, at 7 p. s"xm.i'M- l W et Y11 (9."ehr tt',t. (9. i9ý1- It t~. t ~' dDay, with "Gospel of g U'.t9 'ula iC" 9 1 tltit 1 'lt o rii t.,. WANTED-Ins.'ct Cieto atd le o CO A N 9 IW'tith' 't " t.y. '. Alt'19 teC. W. I tr.iw tI>. IBow'man'itlt'. and Radio Singers. cool ;' Wertre lrcad'n ' 4 ntti,'* 9'i WOWNE -.Xtltît igyu red.ls1i!rtg;n front Sea tt'tSca; b'. M- 1 1C. 'i r.-"Me-e lý TOOARDERS WNE îg ou~ fiens.Fred J.' Sp"'.; and ' W ho Svll( BUTLR-in'y i'. ttt,2', - H Nit'îot". 41-2St. study hcok. "The D9ugh et - cf Xf lott'nr. t alti' i '.t WAT - cal -on. fr, te crat tinsiework l ithr.' atîtîts. A ppty t o nica" was token b-,l's . E. FMi " sah'tKb mth-' e 1inSr ' crat. he ia to t.Id:,, Bon'tanville. Phono 295J. 42-t crf. Teinvit'ation of the W'. M. i Ot. î4th, 1929.\'îolt iMaty, (tugitîer ofr:_______________________ S. to attend "heiir on Thur-- the lattt T . Ml. înlat, inr, day, Nov. 7th. w'len MissM. are" Nanr Wpstern litîlctan.ita, .anIT e 'OU EXP CT ? ! oroto,-,vll e te ýpecal opeaet: r. Nellaiof Oshiawa. n'as cet. Placean date of .Possession Oct. ltst. Appty Stotesmian netmeigwihwl eThank-fce.42-tf: offerng, nnouned lten.ENNISKILLENOfie ________ ________ atr. -OUSE T RENT-6roomns, bath,an ______________H central location, imnidaeps Viios Dr. and Mrs. Fergusoný session. H-arny Allin, GrocerBownman- LAYMEN'S BANQUET 'and Allan and Donald, with the' ville. 42-ta' former's parents, Mr. andIllrs. J. i HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomied brick1l t Plnne b7 uhiwa rezbter fo Ferguson, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs.bouse, modtern conventenc'.s. and fIre- re Ser-vice endeavors to Thursday, October 24th. H. Johnson, Toronto, with her toM'se, w . S o el. et ErangeAgent. Laynse ofth Untedof mother, Mrs. J. Pye, Mrs. Johnson re- King St., Bownvtnville. Phone 189. ies xetto.LymnothUntdCnurch o maining over for a wcek; LMIr. ad 42-lt Oshawa Prcsbyten' are planning ai Mis. F. W. Smith and Mr. Claude' in hequliy ndlage large banquet to be held ait King Smith spent Sunday with their son, Real Estate For Sale asi. h qaiyan ag Street Church, Oshawa, on Thursday, Mr. W ilbert Simith, Oshawa;- Mr. and1 always kept in stock. October 24th. Special speakere Mrs. H. Douglas and daugliter,*Tor- HUE FOR SALE-Two new brick have been securd and the laymen are onto, at Mr. J. Freebon'; r.J .on Grant Ave.Att conveniences. Bar- asked to keep this date in mnd and Virtue, Miss M. virtue, Toronto, gain for quick sl Terme te suit. Ap- which enables us to seil at plan to attend a real get-togethEýr spent Thursday with their mother, ply To J. E. Flett, Centre St., tlowman- ro fit. affair abounding in good fellowship Mm. J. W. Vrte Mr. H. W. Point- ville. Phone 384. 7t and to discuss the problerns of the en, Toronto University, at Thos. Mc- LAUNDRY WANTED--- ptl t yur oo a ~ church. ____Gill's; Mr. anMrs.The. Sleim-AllYds or 1r.ifury work dalo ont can e doto sare ourFURNITURE SALE Anni spent Sunday with friends in r oi fceBx ' o aIMm can we d tSature yayr oronto r io ito n Mr.ira%. aJoa.King S. .Bowmanvllle. StdaOctober i 9th.-A salle Margaret Young, Toronto, Mr.Ira P>'one 479W. of household furiture and effetc Travail and Miss Maud Ashton, Mr. CARTING AND TRUCKING wil libe held on the lawn of Mrs. H. and Mrs. WiIl Trewin, Haydon, Mr. ____ -W. Burke, Centre St., Bow-rnanville, and Mrs. Elias Ashton viaited the lat- Carting anid Tmucklng, local and long at 1.3 0 P. ni. A quantity of gond ter's daughter, Mrs. Stewart Rod- distance. H. Bombard, Martyn'a Bowl- furniture from sorne of the best man, Port Perry, on Sunday; Mr. in Âyowavîe Phn35r j 'homes in town will be off ered for sale and Mrs. James Oke, Miss Margaret'- 38-tf r Coenud buy needed articles at Oke and Mr. Will Fairbead, Clarke , I , G o eyour own prices. W. J. Challis!, Union, Miss Margaret Allun, Misses music Auctioiqeer; C. H. Mason, Clerk. Gertie and Winni-fred Oke, Bowman- r prepared to taire a llmnited Note:-If you have any good articles ville, Mr. and Mns. Albert Oke and 1snumber of puplîs in piano. BOWMÀNVILLE you Wish to dispose of bring them family at Wesley Oke's; Miss Myrtle JOHN B. KENT te hi sale. 42-1 Brunt, Toronto, spent the weekend Phone 395, Bowmanlle 41-2 with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levij AUCTION SALE Brunt. _____Miss Reva MeGiUl and Miss M. Dal- BUY COAL1 NOW Wednesday, October 23rd.-Mrs. ton attended the teachers' conventioni Mr. R. H. Collacott wishes to in- - Ira Trull will sell on Lot 32, Con. 1, Thursday and Friday at Orono . ltorm the public that he Is prepared Base Line, argo, at 2 P. n.- Mrs. W. H. Moore hiss bd pleurisy te continue te deliver coal at Tyron,± Liglit D cat1 rling Wgonut for two weeks. -Hope she will soon station and te ail parts ef the town te, incrato, Setng agron, u be around again... .Mr. Roy McGill land township. AI! orders proniptly ETT'S~is sick. . . . Rev. J. M. Whyte preach-, fîlled and satisfaction guaranteed.1 Single Harness, and a quantity of ed anniversary services at Hamtpton Phone 618. 1o usehold Furniture including An-int r-, tique Walnut Settee (Qie n ane norning and at Zion and Cav- n1 B REIK A I) SyeTDm ah W. J. Sulley' Rev. W. W. Jones, Millbrook, taking -- __________the services here. y amily says its IN MEMORIAM HYO Pharînacy MONTGOMERY-in Io.vic m.-mory cfiHYO 'EY ALL LIK bushanti and father. rdwantl Montlm ery,' aila'Posîm.kgten of Tlt'kstnck.u%-be, a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d loft-apfyuhv rrtet iIbis life Ottoht'r il. 1q28. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Me- a laf o-ay f ou ave , %%ilot'.'dhim. se '. n"sIm .5 ~ Innoml""mr'.' hej, dean Lean and childmen, Mrs. Sharp, Tor- ice of unis ricn satisfylng ovxed, rernerl. tîtech, cf awa onte, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry and YilRrinizinc Yiany il sil ntI-r family, Lindsay, visited at Mm. E. hing bread.Il1 tai.;no ont a t. t non4?'ý Mountjoy's; Mrs. E. Bradley, Sr., Mr. 4 OTHERTh Tp Heavpnlv gntI-s sv.r" <pnetlad. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley and familyI ot-hic ,n. " sltti "ornae'are Sundaycd at Mr. C. Coultcr'sansdi .r trying our pastry. Let's R ntd.'d, fît'.yîî a- ' Mr. A. Morgan's, Oshawa; Mr. andi W'tl I t'On t flt ,v o ýn.' X. ' ' d'.nc'. yuhave gtoutsicîe of1 n p ate. or-- wtis tîne, Mrs. Theron .Mýountjoy Sundaycd at j y ~ ~ ~ ~ % ougolo voln ] cn , 'v ttt"- . t' Mr-î . W. Chaîlîs', B manvie, and ur pis. T'verret.qîit. loI 1 Wif- iant F.tmitx attended Trinity anniversary ser-; AF T it srvie wih 7delieryvices; Miss Helen Wordcn, Tozonto,l it srvie wih 7delielTspent the weekend at home; Missi- ýur service. ri Ada Beccit spent a few days with her I~ird sister, Mrs. Austin Lirmier, Burke-1 R Iue E ton; Mi.and-Mrs._oodyrd, M SATIN AND MOIRE DRESSES Variety of Shades and Styles $19.50 to $22.50 SMART AFTERNOON DRESSES Satins, Georgettes, Crepes, and Velvets, also different materials combined. $11.95 and Up. THIE S-3 AR T 8SHO 0P GEO. R. MASON, Manager. It's in the Quality j 0f the Meat That wonderful savory flavor that the men folk love in meat-you can't get it in a cheap eut, no matter how cleverly you prepare it. We have- the finest quality cuts-the kind that make any meal a success. You'll find our prices very reas- onable-and you will neyer have to apologize for the quality and good taste of your meat dishes if you buy here. We also have Canned Gonds, Fresh Veg- etables, Fruits in Season, Tea, Çoffee. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowinanville Decidedly a New Value in Clothes Tailored to Order Introducing "Royal York" Clothes tailoreci to order exclusively by W. R. Johnston & Co. And Sold by T. B. Gilcbrist One Price "Royal York," Canada's newest line of tailored-to- measure Suifs and Over- coats, is introduced to the public by W. R. Johnston & Co. as the direct result of public demand for better clothes at $27.50. Only the name and the price are new for this unusual made-to- measure clothing has behind it the prestige of Canada's oldest tailoring bouse, es- tablished 1868. We believe that with their authentie styling, built-in quality and superior workmanship, "ROYAL YORK" Clothes offer the greatest dollar-for-dollar value at or near $27.50. We in- vite you to inspect the models and fabrie sampiles and judge for yourself. Suit oxu Overcoat, tailored to your personal measurements, one price, $27.50. T. ]B. GILCHRIST Dir.ctly Opposite Bank of Montroal Phone 61, Bowoeanvjfl. A4iNTS 'OR WRJOHN$TON &cO.4~~~pom~ Exceptional Values $25-00 and $35.00 EVENING DRESSES Taffetas with Knit Trimmings and Frilis $10-75 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUMDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1929 PAGE SEVEN

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