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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1929, p. 2

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PAGETWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THUR.SDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1929 1£ýLTHE EDITOR TALKS 4 1 f1hNs1 # E IALIZING TH CONR M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. History of the ircGl& Bequest CHURCH Barrister, Solicitor, NDtary I "An Apple a Day Keeps Dolctor ________ Money to loan on Farzn and Town'Away." "A Deight In Every Bite."1 Social Service of Canada Makes Property. Royal Bank Building, Such are the apple slogans we read.! The Following Article Appearetî In The Canadian Suggestions Bowmanville. Phone 351. ' We admire apples-like to see them Saem n nJn12 98 W.R TIEat this season of the year so rosy-red ________O___e 4 108 That the country church neetk re- W.RTIEon the trees and in our daily menu iaingalivlareadth l- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary the year round; indeed, we neyer tire BoýýMVNVILLE'S BENEFACTOR 1 * gioundsng, ail boys aandegindstho es Solicitor for Bank of Montreal 9of apes, ra- or cooked.. Apple et ____ iuns othe b oysai ls ut stcp must be to consolidate its furet Money to Loan Phone 9 are the cheapest medicine you c endn heIuli eiol f tho if it la flot to disappear front the Bowanvll. Oitaioboy Th fuitind1ty hsblie h Late James H. McGiII of Wash- tow.,n-$ý50 Worth for the boyos and face of the tarth. Some good people one cfle Otaio bu.The fchitfindustriebs b e ington, D.C., Bcqueathes His Na-. fl %wortlt for the giIrlý." xiii have to >sjcritice their preju- W. F. WARD, B. oneaof the applefinby-fritei Canada tive Town Ail Hîs iReal Estate, In a letter dated Januury 24, 1906h, dcsad W sd soa rlr W. . WRD B.A. an th apleis y ar hemost im- Said to be 'Worth >150,000.00. when forwarding hi.-, ubseription tu, onces n doetrainal erstatem e an Bariser Sliito, otry po-,a, !-i; goýn, due inu)doubt ___ndotrnl___eiet n Barrster, oan citos fory s ale rothe frit rrnaaow u teThe Statesmuan, li( . wrote: Yhile WV formas of worship and they may have MOnfey to ban. y Bon for mile otheflac tha t hanada proued te Mr. James H. McGill (died at his cannot tell what the next ton years to drive farther to church. Bu: ai OfiesBealy lck ig t, et lvord ma hglyclordresidence in Washington, D.C., on înaY (do for us, let us hope that w aycs h iiu itegüpso Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonea-anding't keepirkig apples. The'I Iriday, May 22, 1908, after an illne-,s shail both live that long. 1 have n:ottepfu itegop-c Office 102; House 409. ýarea in the Dominion over w*hich the o eri titree weeks. lie had suf- read The Statesmuan ever since 1i a neighbours who wxvork togcther and __________________-appie ean be grown succesfully, fered front liver trouble for somne 01( enough to rend a ne(w.slýppr anlI play together ho brought to comMercialiy, is very groat, se great, timoe, but xvas thought te, bo progres- each week still read aill the local worship zogether. It is flot too miuch that if it wero ail covered wvithl ing favorably to recovery. Coml- articles in it iith undiimiinished in- to say that. if thi.s i- flot donc, it is DENTAL apple trees in bearing, there wouldl plications unexpoctedly aroso andi terest. 1 desire to keep 1tosted on doubtfui if the ins:,itution can sur- DR G C ONYCSTE be more than enough apples to supplyji eventually pnoumionia developed and what is going on in niy native town vive. DonR. G.dC.te n DntAStTornt the markets of the w~orld. proved ton much for hiis impaired and will ho unable to dIo without The A rearrangoment of the congrega- Roorgrdat i *nisr* ornt* strength and ho passed peacefully to Statesman as long as 1 live. It is a tions in country parishes so that thty Uniev e ntty Gal ureoo f On- s rlya ppecontr.h is eternul rest. It was reported hetter paper now than over hefore. will be grouped around n iturai om Unersity.Denrad utonofe Oya-, Canada I tuya ppecutyhore that (bath followed a surgicai I enclose $10.00. Croîlit MY sub- munity centres miay be required. tario. Office King St., Bowmanrille.J We are officially informed that in ab Office phone 40, House phone 22.' 5 year average Canada produces 3, operation, but thero vas no such scription to Jan. 1, 1908<, and use the Because- the minister is Iess. trans- X-Ray F'zuipment in Office. 546,524 barrols of which the Pro_ oporation. remainder to provitie assistance toi) int than the toucher and other lead- vince of Ontario produces 1,073,342 Ilis brother, Mr. John MrGilI, To- some poor old sick l)Otsoinitttlo-w- es h hrhi nabtýrpsto DR. J. C. DEVITTbarsN aScta13485 a- ronto, xvas at his hedside and romain- manvillo. than othor institutions ta supplv h Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson reis, Queboc 81,269, New Brunswick' ed for the funeral. The following Christmas Mr. 'Me farmor and his family with an ar,,- Graduate of Royal Dental College 31,850, barrols and British Columbia James IL. McGill, was a son of the Gili sent tho oditor of .'li Stat,-smiaî able social life, and if it can meci Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow: 2,926,612 boxes annually. Those lite William _McGiil, I'towmanviIIe, ý25.00 to holp muake the Chiistmus- this nood it will de rv nd eccort manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to' figures do flot include apples used uand was educat'ýd at tihe Union tide happier for, soîne worthy ()Ili his support. The church rnay have @ p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonefor the evaporators, canning or for; Srhool, which stands wýhere the Cen- people. to provi&< a programme of pienics, 90. House phone 283. j the manufacture of cider and other r tral Public School now stands. fi-e The foregoing gces to show that concerts lectures, debates- and otheî X-Ray Equipmont in Office. by-products or home uses. The apple' went to Lockport andi thon to lii- M.MGl a u- oeta 1frso netimn.Tee-e Sitot u stil the king of fruits;. chester wvhen yut a young man where1 sentimiental regard and interest in tial thing is that "pe,)ple with a coin- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL !whether fresh, dried, evaporatod or hie studied for un urchitect anid bh0 his ntv onuiispol îdmnitra hudocinlyb Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- cannod it is a wholesome food, easily çame, very lirtficient in his profes- pe radvanture, these financial tionti-hruttotethti. ihi zity and member of Royal College if prepared, a!truictive and palatable ti. -[lis enfployer, I. 1ui ,tobalsntt heeiorooiîspaight disgtane, cf anc anothor Dental Surgeons. Licens.ed toat ail tumes.' i Itetr removed to Washington, 1). C., journal, formed or -ýtrengtheîîed the 1jfpthatgnctea hiondon..-otýil iiftecr. prctlenOtroadtoDiin Apples vary in flavour and texture.: and Mr. McGili ticromipnieti hiitandiiiliink of affection ta liownianvilie tittt take cure of itself." Dtityin al its branches. Of9ce- ;They are often marketed hefore th - ubsîîjuently hatll an interest it the ilnthte l7th (171 of (h tober, 1'10(; Tecuc hui oteiae Kiug St., Bowmanville, opposite tev f i rm Th'le Le IDroit lPark Co., the jlrit)o( hsC'î i h at Will inaileffours tohu(ifythe counr- Bank of Montroal. Phono 301. are mature and the cooking and keep-I eoi gmemIbers of whi*i Wretnd Testament of decea.sed which ide, making roads, school grounids, j i n g q u a l i t i e s a r e t h u s i n j u r e d . T h e M s ýr s . A l b r i g h t a d B r e , p r - r a a s o l w :c u h g r n d a d c e t r y p c s s o u n d , t a r t a p p le t, a r e t h e m o , s t -,h e M h s u n i r ii B a r e r , l o ytîn rt I n t h Nf n elfbo w s :v d f b a t y i i s e i h l r able for preserving but, care should ln s he rhior ka i, ntei "Inthe fAl Nin ft. Blvdcuc rin~at eeypae MEDICAL lbe taken te use theni in their proper, hlm ttd ef ritectand upnd ottftfoor- F-i;%hoien u ni wurtl desineti rîd uperitend 1,thJaofes ILAni-n. f beaty. miniterewi:h afi0r season. When this is done spices: the et-ecticît cf sexeral tif the c1 amesng Hn, cDistr c e i tcffo1grdnig ho : ottaa nIli C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. need flot be added as their flavour, tol's public buildings. Ctp adhUitond )Stit f (icl bin i tognut ncesbaîtata n t.aTenh Graduate of Trinity Medical College, cannot ho improved. I std i aet lvewipan dU ffnitd Stutet f Iterica beie m a kgoud.-a a c uyrspgo Tho Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. * * Hoîstt i aet eewieaotffvnn er ftg,~ h takdacuc adgonu OffceandReiîlnc. D. eit'sthev we'*o alive ttnnutiily but cf bite heinip cf seundi and dii-îosiitginidwith veeds and unmiow %n grass and ~offieandresîd ence brc too Dn brtyteîsustealwyshiur h vîsîts hatve bue-n less fre- jand imomory, Do Mtîke, 'ublish tInIII before long had a hort:culturai - Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-ticook appfles in earthen or g1ranie tiet Declare, this My Last WiII anti Tes- cioty under way. I sitrlytu utensils and use silver, granite or lu the vear pl90'ý witon the (ouncil i tament, herehv mtîking nll t'ni voii that his presence has transfornted J. CLARK BELL wooden sipoons for stirring. The I îietiîied ta selI the -iteocf the clii ail other Last Aills and iTestaments the appearance of the place. FA.D., Ch.B., F.RC.S., (Edin), D.P.H. use of the apple as thle basis for ali Town Haltll and thene Munticipal by me matie heretlfori-, The citurch in the country ha, t ,o, (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) mnanufactured jam is weli known. 'lIuild ing tyns prcposed, the titei, Frt M vilis th:tt aIl ilty the opportunity (f nitniste ring tu the fios. radatein ediine Aer-Thi i~tlu ~'~helage irnont aiSlort, . .A. JmeWho W'U;just tiebtsandrttfunoîîl exponses sh:ill enlargeient of the intýeIlectuai in- deen University; Feliow cf the Royal:ý pectosin which it contains. There:îiersonitl ac(luaiitte(l with Mr. M- ho paiii out cf îtîy Esttîte, 1 Ot eeto h tcie :n au College cf Surgeon.s, Edinbargh. 1is ne waste to a good apple; even Gi, anti kncwing cf bis profes: îci after de s s iill ho foluitî Cirbouses, even those îtrovitied wit-Ih ex- Office and Residence, Queen St., the paring and. core may hoe utilized, skiIl as ttn urchiteet cf public huilil-j venient. pensiveeuîenusectî lgh Bowmanviile, Phone 89. for jei]y. Fruits are classifled as ings, wrote a letter to hini asking Second:-I Give, Pieise aînd l ti a lutomobieas e ctri cf ig Omle 1-ours. 2 te 4 p. ni.. 6 te 8.30 P. nM., flavour fruits, and nutritive fruits- o ugsin tctteeetoitftuah tc nîy wife, Jane L .McGill. books and literature. Sunday sehool the apple cornes under both of theso the itroposeîl publie buildings, think-1 the use of ail my reii-I estute ta ho' libraries are an attempt to nîcet this W. H. BIRKS, M.D. 1 heads. iig thtt hing a B)miivl boy, usoîl anti enjcyed by itîr îuring titinebu hyae fotokdwt Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 to 8.30. lie* h woulîi have un interest in the pro- terincf lher natuini life, antd edbuthyaeoensck wh Telephone 108.I gress cf his native town. Il( e ce 1 Give and Bequî-uth ail mv roui poor books. A church which could It ia hardiy nocessary te inform our ilied, "I retired front pructice as atni tstate tii the Corportiitn cf Bow- shle eeahi% ro acnmnt Office and Residence:- Dr. Hazlewood'm readers that Canadian grown appîos ,Jrchi'tect netîrîx twenty yearq ugo, SOj nianvilie, Otro aaa u hslbayo ot-hl ok ol former residence, Welington Street, have gainod notable distinction by, ctîIlnîo et o îsgso nalt titiibtttslbayc ot-hl ok u Bownmanville. j tsn o n dsgso Ybqeta the Corporaition cf 1Iew- do scmething foi' its district which capturing each year the British Em- ow-n, but 1 will try te write ycu iwith- manville is net tc hoc effective until would help te make up for failure in DR. V. H. STOREY ipire honours in both desse rt and in a week or se anti senti ycu soute aftor the decease cf nmv wife, Jane its- social duty in almost every other Office heurs 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. cuinary classes at the Iniperial Fruit gi ttu itous suggestiîiný, fter I have L. McGill. rset After 8 p. mi., by appinmînt only., Show in England, since its inaugturath ntt--oe.' ooc ned htnr iî espcntecuc lysm atu E 0ception-Officewilho open -tftien in 921.Chalee honours nde1 A few days luterlite wrote: "It puy off anv moitg:tge or ban serai- the effort tii revive the industry of 10 atudaynigt. 6-t th God CallngeCupfordeserti tests Ibut little nmore toer(i-ct a huilit- cilhy tecti cf tru-t on nmv rouI os- agriculture? Ne ene denies that this DR. R. W. CLARKj apples, and the Sîlver Challenge Cup, ing haiving architectural menit titan tate, but la te have authority te re- basic industry la ecîînoutically dis- ýfor culinary apples. At London itOle vithout any. l'lte education, nov. said boan or miake a new letin cf advantagcd. and as a consequencea Phsian&Sugen1922, anchestor 192, CBimina titistic taste anîd ontet-prize of the the samie aitunt on the most favor- surprising numbor cf farniers are 1924, and London 1925, Canadianle people cf Itcwmanvillo v.i11 ho muni- able ternis avaîlable. living from hand to mouth. There is Offe-Dtoii Uit.,Bed nvilie exltibits won 64 firat prizos, 43 sec- ft-i in thii public buildings. Iý My wife îiuring bel, life is to pa a great field awaitiitg the mnntste.r Offitce rini ty U ni t Chprch.ond prizes, 27 third prizos, andi offer te rentribut S250 tii tIte-S-:tid al intorest, taxes anti insuruncetatd W-ho is brave eîtaugh te attemp tot Sffic.Hos-3 apte en7te 9ni. sovonteen specials after the keenest, biuildiing comnmittee in socuring th it- take 7111 nocissary iî-ptirs ou1myfmlv bis church a factor in the tech- Phone 24 possibe cm * iiomeszt suital l esign." reai estate antI the imlprover't-m-î-ncltr igcsongurclras 45-ti liv titis tiîtte Mr. J. W. Sidilal Of thereon aînd i., t, have titi- i-iittinil-r ncltann fyuzaziutr.t IWe are cenvînced of the great Torontolitaîl beeneît<-gugoti us ati- cf the intoime forliter sole Lise-. " Avtl hichihectyide-o DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS I food value cf apples. Th rit tect, and Mr. McGili was informel Robert Prestcot Sheaioy andîiSa penîlnt on the prospeitanic- j Branch cf the Dominion Dopartment cf tic fart. uel A. l)rury itf Washinigton, 1..,tenietlutcbtrfann.Te The Physiciens cf BowmenviIe'0f Agricultue taa aor u tvi,10,hi gi lecMv are tht' oxecttrs nantoîl lu thtvil church, if it have a specially trained hiave are te lsetei ficeson thi t, uMa 11 92,h aan rt '%i bu tti- vear 1"c4 tir I lt', ministry, is in a unique position te agred cosethei ofice thorit subject. It la well or Jantes: "I have yeur favîîr tf the late .Janmts i-i. lc(;ill %vas v.orking ts helpi the farmors te find the way te Wednesday afternoons. In case of te know these facts: 12th inst. My frientiiv interest in arste' apenie î î0rîi tt o er farrning antI hetter bii-nt's. emergency et this tume enquire ofaThcvaieteoifritsconumd ae' rwmnvllebusnoxercGOeictitnt the hospital or telephone operator nuThe ritheifr usis ismpornt lu te île hs nr emohngt sistvt 9ta atnidfte 1 tt1ali fiti elioi n ia ndatv fo otr ut eosadte uei motn eir o(osnehn îass o ng alutest tirectiy oppîaite Titi- wax'it xiii have te do it. It ii fbut anocor fruit la more abe thantIn oS~ur lautiall effort to oit-ct i Statesman Block anti knowu tas Htîr- gt-cw in strength anti influence as the the apple. Apples act as a tonie and' cretitable hall for~ the ttiyit. Pi'r- se's Bleck. ' Mr. W. M. Horsev, ()tlr peeple about it grow in prosperity. VHIROPRACTIC AND DRUG1.ESS jassist in purifying the biood, build- 1 imit uieto i helî tite cause aleng by Police Mttgistrate, xvho ivas ere t iîîg THE:PY ng up the bonies and nervos, and ii onating $50000 te hi' expentied onI the building, discox-ereti that the- THEtP keeping the skin clear. Thoy are tite bu ildings or tîte fui-nishings inj youth had more than ordinary ahility DURWIN E. STECKLEY i valuable for the iren, ýphotiphates "'tiY Wt o nt heCuciinlywth the pencil in drafing as wi'l as I vi eiv od-ed r »onaur graduate of Toronto Collegej and lime as well as other valuabIeý set- fit with the understantiing that bele'and if neetedlenso may a e eicu ntinrala sugr, nd aîdathe con' mynam wil lu e xay h conert ng an inti'lligent mechanit-. Thistecmoetalmnsc akn of Chiropractie will ho in the Bow- tain. They suare and ansthein-1ail ine ith a nyobject f er c t-gvehlm a special lntrî-St it youugladi eetdmyla osrou md~~~~~ ~e Saturdy evenngs, ponof11 wFO i usod" -Mgave ndh ada ntriw ihconditions. Dr. Thomas' Eiectric ManvilIe Office Tuesday, Thursday 'taRn nds cfa VIAInan d in are une5 93 o rt h er hclm and tred unKinterviwanti e-Oil wil relieve the bronchial pass- Residential Calîs made during foé-cooling, refreshing, stimulating and Ju kî5d103,tirti' r ecfyor rente te get hint into ai-chiterts' cf- ages of inflammation speetlily and !lo.wholesomne. Apples contain pectin, ai esna et",ad ioo your of- lices but failing, hie aîivise'î him ti thereughly and xili strengtht'n them __________ jlelly like substance necessary infialctrenosgacpye a cross the lino, ta seek an opeuing antid against subsequont attack. And as it - - -'-- making jelly, and are rich in potash,1 resolutien paqssid hy the Ceuncil. Be gave hlmt a letter cf introtduc tion "te ne h nlmato twi sal 17UNERAL DIRECTORS iat n malic aciti. Fi-cm a d'et-' kinîl enough te thank thi' ('uncil for ý&hom it uight conci'in. -isexj tcp the cough because it ailys the etic standpcint they should ho eat-ý uccî-pting the little contributioni 1 plains how ho camle te g o t Lock-- irritation in the throat. Try it and F. F. MORRIS CO. en before, or between meals. They- tu uiepnig tfrtobn-i port. prove it. omet oo orare obtainable noarly ail the year, c tet<', orildig eit is ahi- , ~ Cmpoe oor~ and on account of their variety - 1 vr-î Herse Equipment. I-, iiig me in partly pnyîng a delît I oxvi', ( ~ AllI cails promptiy chea.pness and abondance are tormed: tii the town, foîr i'tucatiolnul facilitie-i attended to. the KING 0F FRUITS. ftirnishi't,in l my lievhtîed îays. 1~ \U~ P ateAmblane. Varieties Coud for Cooking:- wisvi-bou great success ini your builti-i P onanville phone: 1 Dutchess, King, Astrachan, Rhode!- ing onterprise'" Pra-nLh Stores- j win, Gravenstoin, Blenheli, Golde iig the- MtivoI.fritat invitaîtion ta Oron, &Newcastle. Russo(t, Spy. Iiibston, S-. Lawrence,' att-litulthe riiî-ne-i stonut layinlg, ne-1 ',ealthy. 1ri-ti intîtiiity ti ttu. utlinz: ALAN M. WLLIAMS 'Gucd Dessert AIpbo..:-Wleaith, 'I siîli 1rliatdyxisit fi i;ti% e IFanteuse, Mrinto.-h Red, Spy, King,, tv. n lîtfîtît-ittupl-tituor ft1ioi- i-w Enibaimer andI Fanerai Director. ilt)ýI C a lî s g î v e n p r o m p t a n ti u e r s c n a i a t- ~~~ý J o n a th a n , S p itz e n b u r g . D o u dc o u s . l v i I i , b t t u v ii t i - u - o x i t AUC gvn rmt n ERS fre cpycf tolc1!- \,(,Ldc It-tltîî i tî ndnU 1 OUican- kention. No extra charge for dis-I j i--ittit- ift.1 tanc. iMtor Ambuilance at ,'our! We adviaeù evcry ba-c-kc-eper and! Aiugii t 22, i 903. in oi--iv atri 1I ~ook's R.ulating Cmpound 't, '~.. ~grown-up people henc thetti youtig- s0 ' ~ w >ok suife. Compbo ud.e aybi YwhtovrlJSd S0 o itn ad a ~ A eiane. SilO in tre u . i Alitiw m'e t Io something for [hem Rou h e.SAtrnt-agc-- . 50 that thvy will hi' interes ted ln the- o 8:No. 73, $5 per boz. -tthusiasnt cf your tpening celebre- &iBod &H dr . itîit or ben WEE AST BDO@KS [ion. I send you herewith e bank Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager mplt. Address! Write The Berd.en Ce., Lirnlted,Dpt draft for $100.00 te ho used ln pay- 1049 IIIECO@MMEDICINEC .e B4I4St. Paul Street W.~ oar. n o mlmnsfrgmso lm£ COOK MEDICINE ort9 B =1e in fo imlemrt orocrns.o NITSAUI.C2onieare Books.tamusements te ho uaed at the achool - - j il - I ti -is r- If you want a Radio that has ... 1. super-power, sensitivity in picking up stations. 2 .-five ycars of proven performance. 3.--tiic ONI.Y guaranteed Tubes. 4.-outsoîd every other electric radio in Canada. 5 .-outperformed EVERY radio in an im- partial test of nîne Lading makes. 6.-been created, deveîoped and perfected mn Canada and is soid nowhere else. You 31UST Get a 1930 Rogers! Rogers alone can give you the six features Listed above. And in addition to those points, which are exclusively Rogers, yuu get evveryothcr advantage that ahigh-grade radio offers, inciuding:- Electro-Dy-namic Speaker whih rare powýer and exquisite tone quality. A genuine Dynamic. Superb cabinets designed by the mnakers of the highest priced furniture in Canada. Automatic Voltage Control. Perfect Volume Controi. Complete shieldiug. Phonograph plug-in jack. 4-gang Condensers. Output Tramnsformer. Greater Seîectivity. Siri,.e DiaL Control-Illuminated Dial. A combination Radio- Pho nograph- supreme as a radio, superb as a phonograph, known as the Rogers Phonolectro Radio. We challenge a check-up of the statenients we have made. These are the claims of a successful, conservative Cana- dian institution. The 1930 Rogers Radio models are on display now. Visit the Rogers dealers store and prove or disproz-e in your satisfaction the dlaims we make. Exclusia-e Distributors: Q.R.S. C-VNADIAN CORPORATION, LTD. TORONTO and 31ONTREAL TRADE MARK REGISTERED IN 1925 W. J. BAGNELL' BOWMANVILLE, ONT. STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Weilington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calle At Our Expenne e ~.1 ..u Quality Plus Service 'l'h is -is the oundato fl on which we have buit oui' business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service fr-orn your car by supplying such famous produets as Aviation and Sheil Gas- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. ]Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvjlle =22= PAGE TWO Irl- - kl- ý

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