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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1929, p. 3

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,.Ti M JflL1fMAS.N ~. 'n lv Walk Harry C. AluinKigSre KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I. HEU' YOURSELF TO LOCAL AyM DOTHERWISE __ CRIY "LEAR MT.__and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Rl No matter ho~w much the hem of! Mrs. Glbert L. Gibson, and son plenty holds, smre people neyer Douglas, Oshawa, and Miffa J. H. manage to get their &haro. But the Werry, Kedron, viited Bownianville hi~IiI chap who knows what he wants and frienda on Sunday. VISIO N R gees Out alter it i3 u5uD.lY suee& E at one to six apples a day--ex-1 fu.cellent niedicine for men, women Cear Vision is not always a s Se it goes With ton, too. an chdr. Red te dtr proof that you have normal eyes. Some towns never get out of the! Talks on page two of thi-, -aper Many people corne to us with ap- rut. But that the town that know& and write for Bulletin No. 35, Apple! parently good vision, but with the h, what it wants and works for it never Recipes, as advised. complaint of almost constant dis- 0 gets left out when the proeperitY Mr. W. J. Rees, Foreman of the 11a checks are passed round. .n .Brgtnfo h as ie contfort, and upon examinationi Get this important point: You i on htte e itn prspriy nlsaBe-years, will publish the Ensign af'cer 1it i.oudtatte sedstnt can't enjoy poprt nesBw the paper being published by the ly only with a great expense of t mavllie is enjoying it. Farers Lapp farnily for forty-three years.~ nervous energy.N wil tell you that you can't fatten a Mrs. C. T. Lapp, the retiring publish- ' cow on sage brush. Your successa smvngt oot.Do yueprec hs la linited by your environnient , i ivn tlomt. o xeiec h every time.1 The senior editor was delightedi Your eyes are of such vital im-n Help Bowmanville to proape.rity to greet Rev. T. Watson and daugh- pracet e ta oDcno NEW 1930 il you want to help yourself to it. ter, Misa Evangeline Watson, Sec- Keep your money at home. Save retary of the Baptist Sunday School afford to be indifferent. Heed l WALLPAPERS *. seme of it. invest some of it in fBoard, Toronto, on Saturday at Nature's warning and t ARE IN STOCK NOW !local enterpriseo. Sp.end the rest Lorne Villa. Rev Mr. Watson 11haae orEe3Eaiei Beautiful new plaster effects for1 with your hoxne-town merchants. contributed many nice poenis to The' Hv orEe xmnd livng oom, dnin ronîs 'They give you vîne for your money, Statesman the last 20 years. He i W sa1b la o ae o livng oom, dnin rorns be- and they have an interest in Bow- living retired now at 67 luetr W shlb gatoavyuh reoms, etc. Dainty bedroom pa- anil.SToet,.TeyGoctr consult Our Registered Optûrn-b pers in chintz and alispli avleStTrno5. hy were en tiR.MMtcelc effecta p.aln Be a booster and a worker for i route to Coîborne to attend a con- etiR.MMtcl. veMYlarg and up- vocate everything that will improvel stock awaits v our inspection. : Bowrnanville, that will make it ai MUSIC STUDY CULB R. M . M itchell Papers range in pKce froni 20e :betteer place to live in, and attract j per rolUp. outsiders and outside dollars to it.1 The cpening meeting of the Music a ~ Place your order with us NOW 1 A town that has the respect of its, Study Club was held in St. Paul's& CoS for that room and you have first inhabitants commanda the respect ef Lecture Rooni on Wednesday Oct. Druggiste and Optometrists choice of the new line. Prompt 'everyone else. i 6th. Mr. Frederick H. Moody, Phone 92 Bowmanville service, reasonable prices. We can't be self-respectîng unileses Presgident, presided. we are self-sustaining. Your job The program wwas cenaposed of ai________________ y-'.~~ and ours is to sustain Bownisnville, piano trio by Mesdames Dudley, Ci eo Frithard industry and business by trading at Clemens and Cole; a vocal duet by 1M iller's Worm Powders will not home and to attract outside dollarsi Mrs. D. J. Chambers and Miss H. only expel worrns from the systeni, PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE by a prograni of loyalty and pregres-1 Argue; a vocal solo Mr. L. W. Caw- but will induce healthful conditions sive civic improvement. ProspefltY ker; and a quartet by '.%rs.C .o htyte ne hc om wil tencone o ae ad eer Cwkr and Mrs. M. A. Neal, Messrs can no longer thrive. Worms keepr _____________-one cf us as day follows the night. Chase and Knight; A skit entitled a child in a continuai state cf rest- WEDDINC._____ "Fast Friends" aras presented by lessness and pain, and there cari ho IMr. Walter Corben of Oshawa and no comfort for the little one until CLARKE .TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 1Mrs. F. Moody. the cause cf suffering be rernoved. Young-Marlatt1 At the close cf the progra an which can be easily done by the use enjoyable social hour was spent and cf these poxders, than avhich there is St. John's Anglican Church was Coniie tOoo ref reshrnents served. nothing more effective. the scene cf a very pretty wedding Reoeve M'J.Holan redn g ant. d i, on Saturday October l9th whenmemers.aJ. presen eidn aý Glady& Hazel, only daughter cf Mr. mm unaios w sernr da.fl anto Mrs llam h.aridattore lows: Alex. S. Leith and Cc. To- ontor, becanetesbideof Georgeronto; W. J. Crawford, Provincial' Yiofre, ouns ton cf Re . I A. Municipal Auditor; Ontario Bridge Youn, c thi ton. Rv. . J.Ceu Toronto; C. B. Sissions Orono, Sbires rector cf St. John's, officiated. Wrre' opnainBadr To the &trains c f Lohengrin's F. Alun spa m en t ioB a d Ie A.rc Gun the brideoentered the notice witb regard to selection of j cbh o nhe an c her father Jurors for 193 0. This was referred' whogae erawy.She wore a IVo Reeve, Assessor and Township period gown of white crepe trinamed Cîerk. with brocaded satin and white kidClkwaauhnedtorraH AVS shoes with brillant buckles. Her ement ad corledto rdeol s-: embroidered veil was held ii lae I 1930n.clee.hsl o bya coronet cf orange blossom land193.H AV som and'Inspecter Jos. Coulson brought toi ahe carried a boquet of Butterfiy attention cf Council condition of1 roses with baby's breath and iyc roadway at Dean's corner and Tan-, the valley. nery bridge in Orono. Room, Tront woe a enid c-, Hope Telephone Co., addressed by' tien of baby blue silk moire trim- Mr. S. Haskill, the president, and',B m1e carrîte amebaque falenpink1 blt c h owsi akn vrIGG~ER BARGAINS -BEll me t he amhqe mteofialei pink. others with reference te the advi- chrysanthemums and baby's breath. thebsinoftesTofnthip ang and ar The flower girl, little Irene W rightIoean the iesarntecas a Mniciald was prettily attired in a frock cf; oean h aea uiialcr raw silk and cream aeannh Telephone Cc. The directors andi laceandsheTelephone holders of the Co. are carried a basket cf sweet peas andiarranging for a meeting Vo be held fall bloorns. Oscar Andrus, a brother-1 on Oct. 14 at which full explana- ChlrnsS e tr n-4àw, siupported the groom. During' tion will be made by the Telephone hlr nsS e tr the cOf the register, Mrm. authorities front Toronto. Gunn played an organ solo, "Gloan- IRa ueitnetaa uhr cepton as eldat he rid' art- àdta make arrangements in replya d Pul er TH cin Afe tthe eres at-t M.C.Bzedonslet nment, and the guests arere neceived .B. ss ons eter A big purchase-25 dozen Pure Wool by ir. Yun an Ms. aratt red Grahami, cernent ... 381 and Silk and Wool Sweaters and Pullovers The wedding cake which stood two Rolph, Hardware " ... 4995; -a big clearance from a leading maker at tiers high and was beautifully iced, A. J. Staples, Srd., Quater's wrea nd cu rnteadtions al ninedtsR. Saary ... 150.00! adiscount of 251/,' values worth $1.,95 to AN OPE funinaadreaiesatnddtisR .Wcod, Carteaker .--20.75, $2.95 each. fhnctio msgf oth iew. Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, Mcnthly " a filigree pendant set aith sapph ires, IE. L. MacNachtan, Treas.119VS A E$ 2 ~ W te the bridesmaid a silver neh Min 2.1elokar band bag, te the best man gold cufllFreokackuarsce links and te the flower girl, a Pearl damages ... 13.00(11Th nekae Chas. Eddy .... 8.00 Ho ie y pe l s Whe nfe]ace rcpto the hapylNorman Allun, Inspector .. 6.00Ho ey pleasure couple lef t on a short honeymoon 1Jes. Coulson, cernent tule.. 4.00 Orsoki o peeadw fe h oso trip ta Toronto. The bride traa'el-1 . .Oeurgs1.0 fn stolue s o hewleefadily. o ys- atheloto ed in a dress cf blue velvet %,with11E.. orga150 blue hat, coat and shoes. Mr. and IM. j. Holman, selectng jurers irls-Mialues-oren's e adM en's OS- ur n a Yon ilreside in Bowrn an- R. .Rw, "30 r t ~ Yu~eawîs. tepr Vrille. A.1 J. tape ....o5.00n.+Our s Preicu t th wddn a"shw-Jno. Henry, Road Sntp: for Corne in and iispc our values. tse er" n the foi-m cf a silver tea ,ser- 1 Sp 130 vice was presented to the bride Sept. Minteanc. . .. 12300 , fase up- be, t te hme f Mr. W J . ICounicil adjourned te mieet Tue. Ou Ormiston, King St. arben "')'ut fi -oA day,' \yeimbe lt 10 A. C ia-Oauacepicsr fty friends gathered and enjyed à pleaantev ,rngand e'.ten ld ler'A.J. Staples M. J.Hoina" av good winhes Ce. Reeve The war on China continues-You can buy o sa v __ ___it this weekend almcst at y own price T requirethis corr sponsibi 1 $1.95 Swiss Panels $1.29 enlfdev inzr rAMw&)fl T.A qATP1SMAN RflWMAN'VILLE, THTURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1929 BLACKSTOCK Mr. S. A. Devitt, Mn. W. VanCamp, MIr. and Mrs. S. Jeff.ney, and Mrs. R. J. Burton recently visited at the home of Mr. Jeffrey's sisten, Mis. Richardson, Orcno. Mr. Norton VanCaip of Toronto spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamfp. October meeting cf the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church, held at the hoeeof Mn. and Mrs. R. Hamnilton mn Fniday evening, October 4th, had an attendance cf 38 members and visitons. The -meeting aras conduct- ed by the President, Mn. Fred Hamil- ton, and at the close cf the business &es"on tare very interesting contests were put on by Mns. A. L. Bailey and Milss Flonrie Parr. The prize win- nrs were Misses Evelyn and Aileen Devitt, Messrs. John Smith and Han- ry Sanderson. Lunch aras served and heanty vote cf thanks tendered ta the hast and hostess. Meeting elesed with te A.Y.P.A. motto. The negular mont1ly meeting cf the Victorian Wcmen's Institute aras held at the home of Mrs. Luther Mountjoy on Wednesday afternoon, Ocbober 2nd, with an attendance, cf 40. After a lengthy business dis- cussion the meeting aras favored with the folloaring pnogramt in charge cf group 5: an address on Teniper- ance bv Mrs. Norman Mountjoy; two sales by Mis.-D. Lethangue; piano duet by Misses F. and G. M1ountjoy;: and a contest -won by Mrs. Oscar' Grahamo and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Lunch was served by the grcup. STORM WINDOWS Stortn vino za~iFsn il 2 tii, first wV ,r. sixiy oi1i rs tltoL,,ii--r ,aved v,-r ýiiirte, ehundrel rielliirp Reports front :in ov'-r trove avfrage sîa - lac of ove r 24,. <aimnost one fourit1i Or prie' s for ltEAtiY GLA»zi-T winilow s are astotiis1iing1ly low, iin- te (iitt t production, tand direct O Vin. srit e for FREE price 1int of 82 ready-te-siîip 517(5. w. pay fretght. Orlon .our ivinter wimdows nois, they pay for f-i -1ves in fuiel rave( . Addcss 1-aihîlay Company, Box 115, Hailiday nin. HarnlIton. .- Regular' 1924 Rickenbeker Sedan, 1924 Dodge Touring 19~23 Ford Sedan 1924 Durant Coupe 1923 Ford Touring 1926 Chevroiet Landeau Sedan Price Sale Price $475 $200 $400 $300 $375 $100 425 Above cars are ail in good running Terms can be arranged on same. $200 $150 $175 $ 25 $275 order. WM. J. CHALLIS Temperance St. Dodge Dealer Bowmanville maSON'S FESTI VAL SALE ontinues Till SATURDAY, OCT. 26th. rER VALUES; A f ew of which we list here striking examples. AND NOW 50 Doz. Silk Bloomers Reg. $1.00 to $1.95'ê69c Peternitt from the miii of which arei price-Every( Silk Bloomers-oddments and travellers samples many worth more than double the color and size in the assort- ment. IHARVEST SALE...69c. pr. 60c. Congoleum Mats 39c. This is a real bargain on, guaranteed lst. quality Congoleum Mats-This is an- other instance of when you profit by our keen buyng- Size 18X36 Reg 60e f or ..............39c 36X36 Reg. $1.00 for .............79c 54X36 Reg $1.50 for .............$1.19 9ft.X4ft 6in. Reg. $4.98 for .......3.95 Staniped Goods This season we have a very comprehen- sive range of this much wanted merchandise including - Aprons - Hoover Dresses- Table Centres-Runners--Scarves, Lunch- eon Cloths -- Bedspxieads-Cushions--Pur- ses-Tea Cioth, etc., Prices 19e to $1.25. Winter Underwear We are in a position to give you the finest values in Winter Underwear-in cvery wanted style-for Ohildren,Misses- Boys-Women or Men. Don't f ail to see our big values-befo>i making your pur- chases on this uine of Merchandise. Nelson saves you money on any line of Winter Underwear. 0ON'S STORE a Bloch and Save a Lot Bowrnanville PAÂGE TEMU CLEAN SWEEP SALEI I have decided to make a dlean sweep of ized cars, so look at these real values. The following cars wlll go on sale Friday and Saturday only, October 25 and 26 at prices neyer heard of ini this town before: STOEOF HONEST VAL LJES 'EN LETTER TO OUR CUJSTOMERS ire glad to have you corne in and ,und. in you visit our store we esteem it a .e-a friendly ple.asure, flot a duty- * you our newest merchandise. You obliged to buy. stock of merchandise is selected with .pose in mind of catering to your xnd needs. We strive always to of- :o-date merchandise in ail our lines ir merchandise offered at practical in every departrnent represent money values f or you and we guarantee it atisfactory. success of this establishment flour- ,n the good-will we have created in nmunity. It places upon us the re- ility of holding that good-wlI and rice which we have gained thru our ,r to make this- store your store. , shopping day is a worth while day n this store-because we off er hion-, .es. We look to the future with con- that our continued efforts to recog- ur requirements w111 reflect in this emaining your headquarters for the )f you, your family and your friends, Sincerely yours, NELS ON'S [ORE 0F BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES q m

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