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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OC'rOBER 24th, 1929PAESV1 Special Coat Sale AT THE SMART SIIOP_ Here s a real welcome event that will bring keen shoppers to our shop this week. LADIES' NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS Bought this week for special selling, ariranged in three groups, guaranteed as to cloth, lining and 1 fur. .. ..Group No. 1 Specially priced at......... $1 9-75 Group No. 2 ...................25.00 Group No. 3 ...................35.00 If after wearing these coats they are not as rep- resented we will gladly r'eplace them. NEW EVENING DRESSES We are ha-ing quite a demanci foi, Evening Dresses. In orcler to keel) oui- stock fresh andi a large assortmnent w-e have ordered another attrac- tive lot for, Fridav. Corne and see them. THE À'S-MAWF ,SILOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Evangel Coach of Toronto OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th, at 7 p.m. Evangelist Mr. W. E. McCowl, with "Gospel of Sunshine" Workers and Radio Singers. Corne and bring your friends. OVERCOATS SPECIALLY PRICED THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25 Men's Overcoats in f ancy Blue Satin lined. Regular $35-00 Melton Cloth, Overcoats for $25,00 20 Boys' Overcoats in fancy Tweeds and Blue' Melton Cloths Plush lined size 33-34 and 35 Reg- ular $20.00 for $15.00 Se G. CHARTRAN King Street Bownianville IUw tc Hé-ivc kFût Ccinknt An Exposition o the newcest sci- entific methods «of correcting Foot Troubles will be held ai our store B!, "D) not fail 80 take advantage of tbis opportunity if you have foot trouble fredt ; aykd.on the above date w. shal have at our store an ETpert fo hstff off the worid'a most noted Orthopedic spccialit-WMn DL Schoil, ILD. nie Wingive you a scentific analysis off your stockinsed feed and explain and show you hOW the mosipainful of foot troubles ame matant1>' relieved and their cause removed by thse newest isnproved Dr.Schol Foot ComfortApli anoes and Remedies. No charge i.î made folr valuable service. TIRED ACH'NCPEG A ,ch S.pMrt*irivoAi,cý 1WWCORNS arhle (lut, wu kor lÎce.Î. » ssea Iu..> et. iht anuepd -to.Ile. ~Cormmnacd pa i neaa wc. in D hi e 43.50fortblusci rimeu, biction sud *LOO F- eu ar . aIiam. m5. FRED KNOX Footwear and Foot Comfort LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MARRIAGES Ni . \ t 1< < . n t l .îîct BUTTERY-COCKBLJRN-At the Presby- 'i Ni rs . Ilt t. (tuni trut' 'i. tl'2t hv Re,. Frantk C. 1Itirîer Thotitas Wiii* it: t"ti ',la ckbiiî,n i ri. lttp i îr \Ii " l-. \\lit. Nie 1 kux\III b'lit-RANDY' , iii n vtîer. <.<i,<u (t ti t ' Nir tti i t. . i. ir, ),)2,,R. , 11<râni, <itttS a.5ttle 1 t' 'i 'il '<Xi . I'. iîtît lcarN etofcdth atit lut :ia \I. t'Nt X j ittc nt Nt.*t i Bnraggetie t Xi <' it; i \trt:i, 2.iti tii <ut .. Atiit i i t.rtle, i Simid%_____________ m 'I. IN MEMORIAM Oe -a it ()icber it2 I < tt~titi i t i..i<.i L.ost or Found Mr, and Mrs. John Maynard, Dr. LOST-Abî.îtk Angora l'ai t ,jui and Mrs. Watson, Canipbellford, cal- [eti, lîîî,%ttt<st te, ,iltS.tit<t Ftiuet led on friends here Sunday. t le.tu 'e ph'ue'nilai'.iceici e e l.ti-.,(\.N.. itit. I~* ~ Mau-eSuelo glove for I ft lîtîtîti. Fit' i.r 't i~tt'-<.~< Xx ~tt. iî~<.COW LOST-iTJerue,,et",'ot etîr, 1,1 «<tii t t t r ', t l 'i\c c i M ,hv N - n , ci i' .~ " t N r I i .î',tc GLASSES LOST-Pttir of durkri t,îeîîi- pl ,I trI '.Agasses lostt ast tteek in 1tw titit ,' t ' <, ' N< \. easciiceturnto Statiettait Otite", tMONEY F'OUNO-O,,--iIr m:,y Iiiv" SatiI' t)N*ltrt)t'ing iîroplc'ty <tuiitt ying ix- i iiîýIi t. T. 1, 111- ;'tu l i t I ý S. Ai luItiN' F. IH Nttsýnn i uiti & Dale, BLL<..nville.S 41 3 Sali ~~SWEET CIDER FOR SL-ttti r <ii Nit i ..r I'Ii tc tti' IDarch, phonte 139-22, Bowxman'iiie. 12-2 't. ct' ii Sttii.txW i USHROOMfS FOR SALE - Freh ntttsît 1i:. tutti NIjt. lic k rtci\'iitt FOR SALE--One heavy (lruglt Cix'd' t' . ci tii~c itt!Mc. ç<u.tJ.t'mare, $50 .pp1y te "George C. «~~<f < fllOtFoster, Ring St. LI., Bownuanviiie. . 2 -1 ci ti ii t tii îtîtiîFOR SALE cit,('tcai. Ni lci t wtîuî ii ilhia, o tU-tei..iLI: lo 'titie,rue stîinte<i S îitit îlkc cttirrcci fCtjIrîtiIit's iAtî't .W. Cas ker, L utiitil.43-l t 1rL :itt ie Nlr. tai twrii<ttliui itg MILCH COWS FOR SALE--One H>oltin ;i fli c lIt o sp it l it a brikci rck. cotî t resheiteultien cotes abotut to renew. A. 237-3. 43-il 1 iii lut 'iinà .îttiiiig tlic.guideit <t utIiiitg of N rand N\irs Il. J. Lowtr. APPLES FOR SALE-Goi<i c,ttking altîles, -Nir. I ttwrv is a brcitlcr tif the Itite r'.\[ ll aldwinc, iNeitinigs, Snowc anîi Spies. 1'rice Crx ,iurîîîtîn.reastttaiuie. Ap1tty <o Arthuîr tueilittun, R. i. Ni . .F. iru~,St. NLrys, wlic - lias jit re:ttiriîucl irtîi a tip tîîo thc FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-A 3 spring "<1 anditcities 'i'.1tilte, spelît ther Denwtt w.agon, îdouble bend hiaftu, pititrni boiîom and wouid enake the handieci wagon week end with his Cousin, Mr. W. J. o frn. Appii> to John Percy, Bliutman. Briagg, and numerous other relatives ville. 431w It c . FOR SALELî,1,,,., habt' carrnage,cea NI . I <wc' i aîvi, Srucfttd, rani- bue reed, c.'riiuroy tiphoi'.tcring, reversîbie, soni ofNirs. F*. IRickard, Centre St., cear. ctorni citin, in good condition. Orig- andt f<iîîrth 'c'ar stîu'ent ini lit nor phil- mnai rPtceI $4'. Appiy Mrs. Muriei Sy.mont, usî1tx t I tîtutt ..'îîcrîi', ta beni.tbert Plarýe, liowmanviiie. 43Iw I îw'artluîdt'e seco îtlnd Iîuricc Cod ccliotitrship. To Let THjREE SUITAnLE ROOMS for bouse- BURKTTON keeuing. A1tPIV toMet. Ted Bird, 80 Liberty ___________Si., Sotit \X'ard, ]iownnan'.iiie. 43-1w Mrs. Hermian Wotten and daughter AATET T ET5 roa Wilm,.and Mr. Edetar Strutt. Hav- noU.seî1n Oct5. 91t- Arnn don, Mr. and Mrs. James Dart,Bu- keton, Misses Gladys and Blanche, and Master Leslie Wotton, Enfld,, Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornish, Sai-1 emt. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant Miss Violet Tramner and littie nieceJ of Oshîawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Webber. CALL FOR MR. VANCE! It's a fact the people are demand- ing Mr. Vance's attent&on so muchi equipping thetir doors and windows with the famous Chamberlain Weath- t er Stripping that he is compelied to stay in tItis district another wek. If you need hts services phone 53 atl Stateman Office aand he will cal 1' and tell you how much it %vtll cost' to do your work. This places youý under no obligation. WALTER PIDGEON SINGS THEME SONG IN NEW PICTURE Wateir PI'tî l, fîttuilte' of Ill'e stIi' an'tdiilscl'oel<i, latys oppoîstte Dillue est piieture '-1er Pri aie lifo-, aiithe ltttyailriethti.e, Octîor 28-29-301. but i îiiisicittîi if î'ttiittlo'îiio aill Ilii iîays 1 îthe iti xcvii and lias ai t 'v i îIu'y iî siîgiiig t iti'.I Ilit'sigs Il hic' liîontig,'laite Is AUCTION SALE Saturday, November 2-Mr. Wni.t Ar'mstr'ong, Orono, xvilseit 60 head of 2-yeiîr old steers and hifersý, Dur'- hanis, Polle<l Angus and Hemlefords. At the sanie time and place Mr. AI-i bert Chapnian, who hait sold hisi .dairy îîutfit te Mr. John Tamblyn,l will soul ail hic dairy cattie, princip- ally Heisteins and Jerseys. No re-1 serve. See large buis for particulars I Geo. Jackson an'd Son, Auctioneers. I 42-2 Notice to Creditors IN TH1E ESTATE OF CHIARL.ES MAN. C'..N, iaie «I<tie \Villaige iNewcastle, in titi Coiiniv ni Dtrhani. Ail person'. ia'.ing lainîs agzainst the Es.- laie ti[ Charles NMatgan decaceil wio tiilt tun teabout the tc3rîi îiaî'of Seîteniiier 1927, arte tutti fedto t, enîi tut te iuttersigtîed i l-i nîinî'.îeaîîr. The Victita Trus~t ant i s ng.t Cotiipatty t' ituiav,' or t o' ti nhe utniierigttei tfecte... !iicIlatîcliitt ltîtcthon, )drrheaîl andl Nfacuîtai'. it'. Solicitru, tus or belote the 9th lae tu[ Noveintier. 129, heir iantes antd ail. cIrecîci anti ftul tarticitiarc; of titeir riais,'. andt he n l ,atutre tf te eettri t ies (if anvi itelul b'. ilîctn. gJlv'. '.eifie ie b.'St attior'.'Deciara. t itn. Inîuîeiateiy aller te caid Qthi dai' of Novetîiber, 19291, the Estate of the said de. rîtîtil tiereto. h.tvîtg regardti tuti" tut hie dlaims ef whlch fit hall then have notice. flaiedtisti.7tit ia'.'ofIOriober. 19291. THE VICTORIA 1TRUIST AND SAVINCIS CONIPANY. ILIND}SAY, Qîttacrtî. NiciAUG;IiIlN, TOUINS'lON, NMOORIIEAI) & MACAUL.AY, 302 Day Street, TORONTO, Otario. Sulicitor'. for te said The Vic. toris Trust and Sa'.ings Cunpany.. 43-3 Clarence S. Mason Announces SIXTH ANNIVERSARY SALE STARTING FRIDAY OCT. 25TH1 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F NEW LOW PRICES DOZENS 0F NEW DRESSES SPECJALLY PRICED WARM WINTER COATS-LAVJSH FUR TRJMMINGS AT PRICES THAT SAVE YOU DOLLARS. CLARENCE S. MASON Next ta F. F. Morris Co. Wbere you neyer see Where you are neyer two garment alike. urged to buy. Wanted1 WANTED-2 birels of reai giiod Spics- l30 ier barrel. 1honc 196 5. 43-1w1 POSITION ,.,,,NTED-A, crl union or t. * <kepît itl, d liteaier Itchi. Cuutitrv «t oi tteed Apîly t, C.E.W, B.x367, H ,Iltlnî ui. 43 1w' Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE-Two ne W brick rslcncus, oie (on George St. , and one' <n tntAve.« AI icon <'n encos. Bn r-ý tinfor quick sle. Terms to suit. Ap- lily to . . . Iett, Centre St., Bowman- vilt, . Pione 384. 17-tf CORRECTION 'The report tliai2'Mr. Jacobs (Btwrianiville ilakerv) mas 'elling oui to Caniada B3read is unru.igneti) Arîtiod MacDonald. 43-1* HAIR WORK Msa Randall, George St., Bow- ninville, i3 prepared ta resurme her hair work in the making of switches, etc. 3 * LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds or xa'înury work done prompt- !y, satisfactoriiy and at resacrnable prIcem WVrite Post Office Box 12. or cal! Mrn. W. Marjoram. King St. B. Bowmnanvlie. Pbone 478W. BUT OOAL NOW Mr. R. H. Oollacott wishes to in- form the public that he la prepared to continue to deliver coal at Tyrosse Ptation and ta ail parts of the town and township. Ail orders promptly fIlled and satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 518. Frank Brtinaconibe, 319 Raven- Posseione zgt. ' l Stae,, wood Ave., Rochester, 1N. Y., son of TO ____________the late Geo. Brtinacombe of Bow- APARTMENT T RENT--4 rooms ailltoc- t man'îille w-rites.-Dear Sir It inight be tierit ct>n'.Ctieces, cenîtral location. Mrs. W. f nt C. MWahiingtoîî, Division St., Bowmanviile. fitrest ta you to know that the _______________________43-t speech deiivered ini Oshawa Oct. 16th. -by Hon. W. E. N. Sinclair was heard HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed t ckwith aims efc leresi u bouse, modern conveniences, and fire- motefctlans nar place, wlred for eiectrie range. Appiy home in Rochester, N. Y. to Mrs. E. V. Sco)bell, Real Estate Agent, It was a good speech. 1Ring St., Bowmjanville. Phone 189. __________ 42-3t EYE -GLASS SER VICE Go 'into any place and pick up a pair of giasses. Perhiaps you can read with thent to youm on- tire satisfaction-for the tinte. But continue te wear thent and you niay not only experience headaches and other disagreeable sensations, but miay ini the mean- while be ruining yotar eye-sight without knowiitg it. That Ls guesswo rI. The Optometrtst has the know- iedgo andl facilities for detcrm- ining pesitix-ely the c'indition of your eye-sight-not enly today but can protoct it fron t(ho fu- tur- That is Science. Jury & Loveil When W. Test Eyes It le Don. 1 properly. Holland Grown Bulbs We have a nice selection of house flowering bultbs wlhlch if planted now should bloomi dur- ing the Christmas Season. Hya- cinths, TulLps, Daffodils Paper Whites, Chinese Dilies, etc. Make your selection before i is too late. This week's Special Pure Vi- nolïa Gastile Soap. 8 Cakes 25c. Jury & Loveli When in need off Drugs phone 78 mhe Rexali Store Whether You're for a Dry or Wet Policy i You certainly will enjoy a Hot Milk Shake, al flavors, or a Hot Chocolate. Try one of these refreshing drinks at our store. Chocolates 39e lb; Kisaes 35e lb; Humbugs 25c lb; Jelly Beans 25e lb. The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE "HOT BREAKFA "*T" SEASON AGAIN PURITY OATS with chinaware is the nation's vim and energy, breakfast special this week at 38C AYLMER'S CANNED SOUPS combine delie- iousness, high food value, convenience and econ- omy. Special this week ...............3 tins 29c BAUMERT RELISH CHEESE is proving im- mensely popular. If you haven't tried it get a package to-day at .................................. 30c Fresh in every Wednesday. FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS are coming in daily, order one for Sunday dinner. Cranberries-Fish-Oysters. HARRY AL-LIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BoWMn&"VILLE GILCHRIST 's WEEK END SPECIALS Clothing Special (No. 1) $1L4.95 Young nsen's 2 paut suite, in ts.ncy tweed effeets, shades off Urey' and f awn, coat vest and two pair off long pants, a genumne bargain for thrifty shoppers, only a limited number out they go for only $14.95. S i Clothing Special (No. 2) $ 19.50 lthis lot you will ind fancy adsingle breasted modela, gray t i wn and brown shades, in &tripes up to $27.50 out they go this week end for only $19.50 to clear. Special (No. 3) Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $23.75 In this lin, yen wmiI find double and single hroasted modela of thse latest designs, in man's and young man's Navy Blu4e suits. Three piece suit& and a big speciai value this week end f or oni>' $23.75 esch. Men's Work Shirts At 98c Mon'& cotton tweed work shirts in a variet>' off shadue, fawn, greay and brown shades, ver>' heavy qualit>', good washors for ousI> 98C eaCh. Men's overalis with bib $1.39 A Iimitled number off ver>' heavy qualit>' mon'&t overalîs witl, bib and braces. On sale titis week end for ouI>' $1.39 each Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers on Sale at $1.29 Each Garment. Men's Work Soi Heavy Quality on Sale 4 Pairs $1.00 Men's Tweed Raincoats Shades of- Brown and Grey Effects, Rubber Lining $7.95 Each ~Te B. GILCHRJST âDirecti>' Opposite Bank off Montreal Phone 61, Bowsnanville la PAGE SEVM Mý il Bowmanville King St

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