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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1929, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24th. 12 how Différent (rom that Ted jous Weary Washday Have you ever sighed for more minutes- addecl hours-an extra day in the week for those things you've always wanted to do, but neyer found time for? r Subtract wearing washday from your sched- ule, and add a whole new world of pleasant pos- sibilities. Do away with ail the hustie and bustie; the bother of preparing the tubs; the time-taking inspection trips to the basement; the humiliation Iof serving the laundress; the trouble of cleaning upafter her; and that eternal smell of steaming cohsand acrid, dirty suds. Our Iaundry lifts washday right out of your life, and in return gives you a new-found freedomn. What's more, our laundry can be relied upon to wash clothes dlean and make them last long. With scientifie care our laundry safeguards your fam- ily's health. And this service really costs less than home laundering! Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLF AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL NOW IS THE TIME To Specify a Hecla Furnace Steel-Ribbed Firepot that triples the radiating surface- r" gives more heat with less coal. Patented Fused Joints which make it Gas-Proof and Dust- Proof. Big Circular Water- p an gives ample moisture. This new, fine, modern heat- ing system is just what you have been wanting. Let's tel you about it and give you an estimate free of charge. Next to Pethick's Barber Sbop Plumber and Steamnfitter Bowmanville It's in the Quality 0f the Meat That wonderful savory flavor that the men folk love in meat-you can't'get it in a cheap cut, no matter how cleverly you prepare it. We have the finest qualit «y cuts-the kind that make any nieal a success. You'll find our prices very reas- onable-and you Mill neyer have to apologize for the quality and good taste of vour meat dishes if you buy here. - ni(,, t i t:i n rring. Wori derf u 11 in f a g' ni ianr Sciftt-ns on wbia -eit hand' M. k sskn oft-tr'xtuirtd andi vr uthfiîî IJ cd by avomen as a wtiî ýrlr se 'nd as apeetrît-s.',aid te o FO QUM, 1 10.,Rrlutt acompltexions. lIse<i by mon as La #1l<4t ](tioîn.Andi for eblîdron, ntbîin<_Wbt, r (Wh&.FDEW.F %Miteoh-, a< potet her ede au so5h.E. nd rotctLthgr ener ki oegWWWAMaDU DMwJîJgj likt tht- deicàtely cool Persian Balm.' Fresh Veg- WTe also have Canned Goods, etables, Fruits in Season, Tea, Coffee. G. A. EDMONDSTONE CARTWRIGHT 60 YEARS AGO ON BEING FRIENDLY By J. H. Medd, Exeter, Ont. Te rn'r w't give him La k:ndl. b'.'he:-i'b. ~ Instalment No. 5 al ]east )i-n à~ w:' There was James Johnston, nmer- t.nes. Gui ,nic :i C ' ,.'s chant, who sold out and went West. a fw th;ng. - 'o:h:i W. H. H. H. Minineck came after, Thi .r. s.i ~ him. The next was Joe Davis, the' 1ýow isrt-c'a~e i Ishoe-maker-~a good one. Thon Ho Nvw û -rca: :bt 'J came tht- Methodis: Church. i~ada n 'eîIù nl: r,ài wakdthere nearly every Sunday.' o, yv-ie--w< -:'c .. The first revival servicýe 1lever at--, n: an~d tr a r: tended was ht-id by the Rt-v. D. A. .) V i w. Nn:'~w.' about twelve year old), sat. in thte ped up in ou:-:o:ul back seat-"The Devil's Conr,~flo? Gb-e ot- a '- the preacher called it. migrant on strout-e This preacher had a great disliko imhoorby -amii : for dog-ý. He said "with J)uz are! ,hould and vôtur w :- u -x 171--1 dogs; 1 want sonie one to take tnatý a pence and joy -tha: .. bý 1 N orne out," referring to a dog lying' sfying. under a seat . A young man, J 1Mahaff ie, took the- dog by the etarc-"Vbnanaai'gt c - and walked down the- aisie Nwith hi-i"îsnnamnai' o eyes haîf shut, looking as if hw-r ADOZEN dificrent things may he's feelin' kind o' lblue. doing a very rigb:eous act. Ont- of . cause a hecadachie but there s A nd the clouds hang dark and cathe- boys said -l wish hoe would bite, Just one thing you nced ec er (in to1 an' xon't let the sunshine -1hrougr.i him." The- dog did. He thr-ew ;gct inîmcdiate relief. Aspirin îc- an lt's a great thing, O miy brcthren. \.r him down, picked himt up and threw absoltite antidote for such pain, r a fellow just te lay hlm out. Another mut-k' wbich we Kecp it at the office. Have it re'îdyr His band upun your shou!dier : enjoyed very much. It wtas the only in the home. Those suiicct to fre- friendia'sort of w-av.' fchurch in the- village. 1 joined it, quent or sudden lheadoches shouild Thus the British Wei n, C. amli btfore 1 left Cartwright. . carry Aspirini in the handy pocket Welfare League, To ronto. appt-al 'zt, The ieue an shp east f th tin Untl yu hae ued i fo licd- ou for finlancial asistaince to carry' Th-ho~ nd~ho at fth- tt.Uti o hv ue t o ha-on tbt-ir work of etxendi-,nranh.arta- ch urch atas Rober: Fallis's. Rt was riches, culds, neuralgia, etc., yoi'vC wecomne to settlers froiit he- Bris i1 a very quiet, easy-going mani. Acro,-. no idea hoat-nîuich Aspirin can hielp. is tht- road atas Doctor Howe's place. I It means quick. conilete relief to _____ We fa: boys hidwhen hie passed for! millions of mcen and wonn ho tht-y :old us lie made castLor ehl out!r use it every ycar. And it Idoes flot DO YOLJ KNOWI offat boys:. On the corner was depress the heart.____ Fîtike's Hütel. Across the rond on' the ncxt corner was Tooiey' Hotel; / ..Dû o yuknow that the Lord's Day' he wa.s a rt-aI oid English inn-keepti. B2kI Xlance of Canada la this year celo- It was part of hic- religion to do cv l' rUaU i T iP' 1o':Athr-îv.rg: erytniiig on the square, even se1ling â *UUR 1U izatiun haville 'aken place March 21, liquor. r1A&"Lrin 19a aTradeniark llt-gistered in Canada i1SS9, ini tht- Cita' of 0'-awa,? i South of lhte hotel avas Wmi.' Do You kno-w hat Canada has- the; fVances store and post office, likely 1lit St St:ndalaw vi n -ho w- r1l the first P. O. North of tht- hote1' OBITUARY DoÀî ynu knoav that leLnr' Day was Tom Chittic's house and shop. Athae, rado andeLabortonl ofa He atas a big man, a tippler; but he. h rdsadLao o-c! a got converted and became a vert' Mss iolt M McMlIa, Ohaw ict-runentaI in thne passing i active worker in the Methodis-: of tbis law- in 19011. and *ha+ theo church. The botel came next; tht-i Tht- fontrai .-ht-Id We-dîîecday-,1 egisîntion was introduced becauýe of' Methodists bougbt it andl made a par- Octuber- 9th, front thu- rec-;idvnce of lie"! the- judgment of the- Pr-v Council. sonage of it. The first minister t, sister, Mrs. F. W. Cowan, j57 Slt:- lin 190.3. thé- Provinces have nD occupy it avas the Rea'. A. Edwards, cet street south, .-hawa. If the-.att-pew'er te enact Sunday Lez:itin and the- next Rt-v. Henry MDwh Miss Violet MaY Me.Millan, d-'-cend- D oino'tathLrs ayn and the last while I nas in Cart-, ant of one of the- c:"s oldect and Att <lIs with one question onl-v. wright was the Rot. Wmn. NcDonagh. most highly resîîced tl ainlies. TI"' - tht- week'ly lest day, that it doe, not Ht- n'as a great temperanco man.' laite Miss MeMiliaii bad bot-n taken'1 dictate as to bow Sundav is ýte be The wbiskey men burnt bis buggyý suddenly 111 several days ago and p.Uc used eitbor for religion 'or for re- Iwheeis. 'The bote] keepe'r, T. Mason, sed away a: th' e ûnt-tai Iloc-pita._ creation? cal]ed him the black dot-il. M1r. Monday nigbt. Ht-t deatbi came as Do vou kno-w that during the- War McDonagb said tht-y aould likely a st-acre shock tu ovmbrstf lier of the- Alliance ha'. bten and 's the- w'ant the- black devil to pray axitb famnily and frionds. somne of tht-m before lhe lef t. Tht-y 1 The deceased nas blrn in Oshawauday cinemaof anhd te aSurna di.ithe fiftb daugbter of tht- late T. H.ppr t fwhc aeasrn He ws a rea Oragema. 'MeMiltan, general manager of the effort to establish themselves during Hedas a ge at o-rangemaee n' ~Western Bank of Canada, and Mrs. that period? thearill himed;an orange sp ehai hilMillan. Ht-r parents %t-ertenum' 1Do you know that the- Alliance has thousand people; it was full. He hered among the nost prominent citi- advocated tht- cause of employees in said he was bort an Orangeman, bis zens of the cuntmunizt' at a tinte industry', and that as a rt-suIt thous- fathor was an Orangemtan, hie intend- wben Oshawa was but a sitail, strug- ands now enjoy either Sunday or an- ed to die one. He described the ap- igling town. T. H. MeMillant took an other day a.s their weekly rt-st day? pearance of a Catholie Irishinan and active part in the founding of the- Do you know that the Alliance their peculiar temperament. 1 hadiWestern Bank wbich had office and deals with hundreds o-f cases of a]- neyer seen a Catholic until 1 aent ~to headquarters where tht- Standard leged breaches of tht- Act every year, Hullett and sett]ed beside tht-m. I Bank (Bank of Coimmerce> noný chiefly by friendly correspondence foud tem oodnatredandthestands. This financial institution pro- and interview and witbout rt-course t.o btsofntei gors-no dffre ndthromved. of great valut- to tht- municipal- tht- law? thi oest ant eglbrohereet ftr ity and it fostered and gave support Do you know that the chief work treligidutresiocnae.o of the Alliance has been an dis tht- reliion.nunabered among the largest and> development of public opinion, andi Tht- last thing 1 saw Rt-v. Mr. Mc- ht-st e6tabiished ini the city. T ho that it carnies on an uninterrped Donagh do was to tie a knot that bas part it played in the development of campaign of educatin by nt-an hel fo mre ha sityyeas 'Oshawa fr nc>m a smali distributing addresses, newspaper articles andi Nor'th west of tht- village was1centre to an important manufactur- the- distribution of literature? Ho'oey's sugar bush-tht- loveliesti ing community was hb' nu moans Do you kno'w that public opinion, maple bush I lever saw-eveoey stick'ý small. removed and you could drive any-1 The lat.e Miss MeMillan resided a xrse nth aainpea where through it--an ideal place *~tt-egreatt-r part of bier life in Osh- 13 increasingly in favor of an un- holdpiencs. The ranemenandawa ho or sorte time sbe rt-aidd commercialized Sunday, and that tht- Sons of Temperance bt-Id their cel-i on Queen St., Bowmanville, in tht- andin Sunday is generally rt-c- ebrittes th-rt-. Many a good speecbý residence now occupied by Mr, ognized to ble a great national asset?. and story I heard and many plas Moody. She was beloved by ail wbo Do you know that many leaders of anttbours I bave enjoyed in that' knew lber. In religion she was an opinion in tbe United States frankly beautiful grove. Anglican and attended St. CGeorge's admire the Canadian Sunday, and are Ont-yearht-ore lef CatwrihtChurcb. Tbe rectory on Athol street asking horw tht-y cMrrginwa 1IeaSt My first vote-Edw'ard Baewas the- former residence of the Me- they ha-elest in tbat country? ad John Milite were the cBdiae. Millan famnily and waa presented toi Do you know tbat tht- Prov'ince of I a pn pull for andidaetes. hrc by tht- family. Quebec is the only part of Canada 1was open m vteo days. Wn Rt-v. ('anon C. R. De Pencier coin- wht-re coimnercialized sport and on-' ofi wentt cast my vte tt rtri1ducted tht- funeral service assistod tertainnient prevail, net by law, but offieasky a I wa la limottît- ev S C. Jarrett. Tht- number out o-f consideration for the- more une asy It-n. ssna of beautiful floral tribute', and nies- liberal conceptions of tht- observance tht- pull closed tht-rt-suIt was an- sage,; of synîpathy whicb at-t-rt- re'-1 of the- day whicb bave characterized i nuunced. Tht- lilyerals had pulled ceivt-d spoke eloquently of tht- lveiPRc>man Catholic peuples,? ony igtyvoesinth twnhi.nnd t-steeim with which the- <l-I Do you knew that the- RomanI ongbty.SamBotes iwtt- oship. ceased was ht-id. Internient wa-aCatholic Cburcb in that lProvince is mnake a speech. He tbanked tht-m1ý made in tht- MeMillan famil plot tit'at present working for a botter Sun- .fo te upprtthey adgienhislthUno cemetery, the- paIllnarersýd ay, and that tht- Premier is taking broter. Ho aidtht-t- t-a a i- eing Major R. C. (outAlann PhiI- action in tht- court.s te establis h tht- athon Cartwr'ight gave only five votes.,Iip1 andI Col. W. E. Phillir)s. Osh- efficiency of the- Lord's Day Art forj te Liberaîs . He thought tht day awa, nepheat--'of tht eu -el, t- tht- prohibition fcntîrilzdr aaould conte athon tht(- Liborals woUI< anMBin oono ilcf.ld amusement? bat-e a nîajon'ity. ýMajor Hidgitts anîd BuitinMth' Do you know that with tht- pros-ý 1 en te ex, aytoa sil] î,f oshawa. n-ilco(., ol- lrvation of tht- Lord's Day is wrap- I r.sant thts-ex: <la tow a nieigb th e sîaiigInl or' ped up met tof tht- cultural values i wa h eor'c- and akt-dhl ox'H lid tt-ers,' Mr'.. Dort, cf talifo-ti:i; M: .which have elevated our race, andi n-uytht-elecion t-cn? Hosnidit, auryý, of Seattie; Mr. W. E. Phil- ta hsSidyk sEiro n'as tht- pifz-heade<1 Englishmen of1 ips, Mr5ý. F. W. ('uwanî and 1W h adtht-ure of cyias Emeirnson Darlington atho put Blake in. I wl.':Ada McMillan, of O.shav i and US '1 Do voti know that the- Lord',s Dayý plt-ase4l to tbink I1n'as nut une tOfn brothr'r-, 1I:rrv T. MeIMillaii, of Pa-1 linei h-oi raîaini thoni. aîthotigh i voted for hlm. It ris, Franco; and Arthur MeMillan, ,filia guardihe n Suna fo sin ha hat-.- bten a pît-aant riem<rr\' rBownanville. ICandath- uitri oppuunitiefrs wbih t( hn that my fir,.zt vote was custL a h for une, cf our greaf men. ttene frsmnt ofati thi t htts-i South of tht- village lit-t-cl .d htmwy uBatmnilead h:e j n Chrchenu ofCaada? 1roes- - a - h 1bdn agefmi . -i: erwa oBomnilead . Ont. Take Off Over-weight Modern science says sugar su>' Plies energy that lets You carry on with less food and safeIv reduce weigbt. WRIGLEY'S ls Pure chicle, sugar and f lavor. Chewing the chicle dissolves the sugar anid releases the flavor. ln this Pleasant way i'ou Eet needed body fuel and reduce the Pounds. cl wholesone food ' good health. There ls no more. ie or econounlcal food than- a Bread mes to suit ail tastes )WU, Cream, Fancy, Whole Wheat YOUR HOME HEALTHILY__ - HEATED? STANDARD CODE INSTALLED Thsir, vnzn s the j cnti,'tcg at f a -1m Ys-ci tar"O te tire ,c j .lnoQ1,r<5f thie Nnn'ror.atSiar, tard Code. A !st,Ci.ra "S..- shjnnc". Conte "ýt.iiie.t guar.tAtces 70 of Incat nn zero rwestlner. k- ;. C OLD Novemnber Skies!... Biting wiiater Days!"* ChilIy Nighits of Early Sprritag! Months fraughit with dn-rto childish health. Plamy safe! The McClary Sunl- shirne Warrn Air Systeni he.urs the homec in the mnost HealthfLi atd Ecoîaoniical way known to science ...Humidified Wartn Air. The air is kept properly Ir/oisict:cd.. Fresh . . . Re-circulating . .. alive! So unlike the dry, dead heat front iron radintors. The McClary "Sunshine", Standard Code Installed, costs only about haîf as much as Hot Water or Steant! Burns completely the cheapest grades of fuel! Even Lhe smoke and volatile gases are humn- ed. The exclusive 'VENTI- BLAST' Ring assures Economy anad Cleanliness. Investigate to- day. cI' 5ramous Prociuct of' GENERAL STEEL WARES. JMUTV.O 25 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA _____Furnace Bowmanville Phone 21 Authorized Dealer: W. L. ELLIOTT, Bowmanville - - rjLxrý PAGEEIGRT

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