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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1929, p. 9

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TEE CANADLAN STÂTESMAN, ROWMANVILLE1 THURBDAY, OCTOBE~R 3lst, 1929 PAGE NUE Bright nietal packages keep it always fresh. SA»JIDA! 'Fresh fromu the gardle STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 1l King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cal At Our Expense IT'S EASY ON YOUR LAUNDRY Isn't it the sensible thing to send your wash where efficient machinery and effective chemicals transformn soiled fabries into fresh clean clothes? Our proeess ha4ms only dirt. It's easy on your property and easy on YOU.' Quit being a slave to wash day drudgery. Let us be your slave to the family washing. We cal rlght at your door and deliver when finished. Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED' BOWMANVILLF. AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL NOW IS THE TIME To Specify a Hecla Furnace Steel-Ribbed Firepot that triples the radiating surface- gives more heat with less coal. Patented Fused Joints which make it Gas-Proof and Dust- Proof. Big Circular Water- pan gives ample moisture. This new, fine, modern heat- ing system is just what you have been wanting. Let's tell you about it and give you an estimate free of charge. R. E. LOGAN Nezt te PothWek Barber 5h, Plumber and Steamftter Bowmanvill. B. H. S. SPRINGS SURPRISE B.H.S. OUTPOINTS PORT HOPE TWO MINUTES OF SILENCE BowmanviU.e Lads Outdo Thon,. Win Rugby Gaine by Narrorw Martin Manager F. Williams of the Bell selva in Fait Rugby Came against Tolephone Company announces that Peterboro. (Crowded -out Isat week) conforning with the general customn For the second Urne this season of observing two minutes' silence at Once again the Queen St. lads B.H.S. rugby squad carne through Jil a. zn. On Armistice Day, Nov. 11, put on the laurel wreath. This time with a victory over the newcomers in the telephone operators will suspend Peterboro Juniors, the headliners n the league, Port Hope. Thiis time the the answering of calls until the two djefeat or victory was flot as decisive minutes have elapsed. the Inter-Collegiate Rugby League,ias the first, and the game was very withtherecrd f fot avig bt agood. The locals received their only _______________ gaine, took the short end of an 18-.16i point nteecdqurroakckTh r tally, Saturday afternoon at the by Herb. Coîrner, which passedl over Hiere and T e - the toucb uine. A Port Hope player Fiair Grounds. iseized it, but unsurcessfully tried to - What a gamne !-thrills, spilis and!evade the formidable tacklers, who (412) inishaps ahl tended toward sending brougbt him down behind bis own iustory w;uý 0i'1(einl<~nd some parents and spectatooes into Une, resulting in a rouge, which by when ('bief Ilinîhatow Wahwash- convulsions and hysteric. ithe way, counts one point. kaicle (funfn" Dc'r),r). of the . Th gam prved o le a ard Ojibways. met and izreeted in ail The amelookd lie a walk-jfought battle and scrimmage aliter friendlmocass ('bief Ostianonto DIeer) away for P. C. 1. at the start, as theY 1 scrlmmage resulted in unchanged po- of the Iroqu'ois. at Uaughnawaga seemed to be able to go just wherelsitions. indian Reserve. tiear Niontreal. re- they wished. They scored a Couple Of The locaîs were strengthened by cently. There is no record of them'e touchdowns on fuinbles. Both touch- the return of Herb. Colmer. star boot- trihes ever having met before in es should neyer have beeon more than e r and fieet-footed back fielder, who ('anadian bistory. The Ojibway rouges, 'but fumbles allowed the i as been out for a couple of weeks Chief is better known as Paul Cam- Petes te jump on thie bail, behind with a sprained ankie. Bill Ingram, eron, head Indian guide for the Bowmanville's goal line resuIting in a newcomer to B.H.S., formerly of past thirty years at Nipigoni CamP. ten Points instead of the two they Lindsay, bas been doing Borne fine northern Ontario. Neither could would have received on rouges. But1 tackling on right balf, but received a speak a word of the other's lafl- what are tenl points to a teain like wrencbed knee a week ago ti prac- guage and conversed tbrough the the home gang? Nothing more than tise. He was out Saturday bowever medium of English. an inspiration. and right up to form. "Billy" Bag- The second quarter they begana1 neli was also back into the game Sat- Judges of the annual fishing con- comeback, or rather sae a glr-urday, and although quite diminutive test-, held at French River, Nipi- Ous onslaught. I t age>d glori- does some fine work. gon and Devils Gap (Lake of the surelY surprised the ood. Theyut Two minutes' silence previous to the Woods) bungalow camps, have an- the ootrrs bu start of the game was accorded to the nounced the winners as follows:- don't think fora moment that they'memory of Fred Butler, a popular W. H. Graf, of New York, and Frank had it their 0w-n way from n 'hen on. B.H.S. student, who recently passed S. Slosson, of Chicago, tied for the Not a bit of it. Every inch was pure away. This was bis first year at trophy at French River wth a 30- f ight, and the way bath teains buck-1B.H.-S. and lie gained a place on the lb. muscalonge eacb; J. H. Lunn. of led down to real business was cert- ruby squad, whieh soon learned to Hammond, Ind., won the Nipigon ainly good te watch. admire bis skill and fine character. trophy 'wth a 71,4-lb. speckled Straight bucks were the main tThe team deeply sympathize with bis trout, closely followed by Mrs. feature of the advance on Peterboro, 1 parents in their sad bereavement. Bundy, of Kansas CitY, wlth a 7- although "Herb'" Colmer can ",Burn Line-up: - pounder; and A. R. Joslin, Jr.. of the old Terra Firma'" on end ruas i Port Hope Position Bowmanville Cincinnati, took the Devil's GaP and made sorne long gains. The squid M. Roach snap K. Mitchell trophy witb a bass weighiiig 3 as wolewee ackin abutasA. Emmett insides M. Vanstone pounds. nine ounces. nicely as Possible and the fiying at-' L. Carr I .Mri tempts were vetnmros n'fiying wing J. Minore "The destinles of Canada and soeimswernme, be arne W. Houston middles A. Williams Japan lie together in the great PI&- quite P. Sommerville J. Vanstone cific Ocean," declared Hon. lye- AtT. Cancilla outsides K. Osborne masa Tokugawa. K.C.V.O., tiret Athaif time the score was 12-11 G.LoadHIlmn mnsert ersn h meo and both sections still wGingwarC oebuH lmo iitrtorpeet h me with reatgust. Th."Orage ack quarter D. Williams of Japan. when he rcached Domin- lack" seiatshtswTe "re angtte and1 W. Symons balves W. Ingram ion soul here with the arrivai of the. Blck wet-hrt er alttethe! B. Hudson H. Colmer Canadian Pacific liner Empresof stronger teamn in the third quarter H. Meldrum Leo. Gunn France. at Vancouver recently. Ho and rarnmed through for anotheri Seaton subs N. Hackney was accomPanied by Togo Fukuma, toucbdown, ýwhic] was ,onveted;l Sotbby W. Bagnell Japatiese Cotisul-Geijeral, both of thus ended the Ithree-quartper time, R. Emmett C. Oke them being on their way to Ottawa, 18-11. I P: Ryan A. Osborne where the former later dellvered The fourth and final episode prov- C. Kelley " N. Osborne bis credentials. ed almost the undoing of the lads M. Ferguson ~a srgre sarcr w-ho study dow» the streetfrm'moert s radedrec ent catto Harry Allin's, as Peterboro are noted1 mSaskatwan mdeheatPoleatorh for being very effective toward the Sacea ha olEeao finih o evry trugleend tusNo. 7 at Port Arthur, when in 4% gameish f eegy try eend tishours, 550,000 bushels of wheat Williams, the efficient quarterback,weetasredfrmbelvtr and udrtde eeb this t10 t the hold o! the steamship Le- undeatuieswer by tine moyne. There were periods dur- getting pretty w-cIl fagu'ed, owîng nt ing the loadlng of the shlp w-heU to poor condition, but te their hrd* the wheat was carrled lîhe a tor- te get ahead of a 10 point Joad, rential golden river !romn the ele- and the visitors beomme quite danger..- vator at the rate of 2,66614 bushels ous again, and with but three min- .... per minute. utes te g0, pilcd OVer the liue for a ____ teuchidown-n aking the score 18-16. m'ty different steain5hlp linos Howevemr, t11P ft minutes la flot long now serve to carry Canadien pro- in a rugby game, and it usually takes ducta to every continent !romn the quite a while te "Shunt" fromn one port of Vancouver, states a recent end of the field toi the other, and as.. trade review Issued by the Royal th ai Tsy oemrpus et 8 Bank of Canada. 'Mie review adds jthe fray endec witbout furtiier that in a period wben the. other counting on either side .. great ports havre had dlftlculty lu Tis Saturday the boys journey <... .' maintalnlng tier pro-w-ar volume PeterboSeo, where w-e hope they wll 0ftae rftic through the. port repat ii.fin exhibtio. *B -Oof Vancouver has experlenced steady growth. Prom 132 ocean- -- £ um m - golng shlps iu 1913, the number in- creased to 1,344 lu 1928. During er s i'Hr s I avto work inctore andi the past year total traale of the port P KeeThe largest sugar beet crop on Gaiagher s Ke ps bderyfsmeTeesnie record In Soutb:rn Alberta lasbeing woul mak USfleroti. I U ~ centre Of the industry. About 8.500 You W onderfully acresyi E lkhi' Vf were sown to sugar beets table Coiiifoqiuad I have taku this year, 2.000 more thati In 1928 seven botles.kthmsmad me sro and the crop wlll on estimate yield W ell etadptmr olrit lfc about 65.000 tons or 23,000 above 'Takelit. Eat better. Sl..p, last production. f work, play bte.adm orCik al die rmLno tt IMother Naturels own good herbe, ricebcotsdm ou hJrm Cbeavie rmLno tt ini healli-gi -,ing power, these axe what sud I auxtrn lng iis ucaly .c1 that Captain Ronald Stuart, V.C.. mae alagers oneand Systeun -Mma J7.Malè%ILIL.o. ;, Ban., D.S.O., U.S.N.C., R.N.R.. comna- make(3alaghe's Tntfier of the Canadin Pacifie liner iBuildersogood. Itreallyworkswonders st a4 a%0n1ýcmca Duchess o! York." has heen off - for people who are constipatcd, rundown, cially selecied tn attend the Armir- nervous folk who have ekin diseasea. tire Dav rprernoni'ýs at tbe Ceno- Even Jreaded Lczcrna yields te it. tfnph lu l.ordon. tCaptiln Stuart is Try a hottle. I ilîsSld as othcer oal- 0U(if thi' votinrest liner captains cold weather ios.Sol a hterGalo-l h:l Ailanti, and t,he oiy by 1ýP '.hip captain tb wear the laghr HebaiHoushoCdRemdisare ia C -ossa Tt is extmcted thai Jury & Loveil, Bowmanville a 1so he prescrit at the A. E. Mellow, Phn,.B., N'ewcastle I Vr,* ý .ies' dinner to V.Cs. Prize Fight Opera Premiere Whnte gLlsiiMualc and PolkI Danc. etl e làZd at thieI Royal York Rotai, Toronto, fromin November 18 to, 18, the spot Uight wlU b. turned on the firet per- fornmance on tuis continent on November 15 ci "Hugh the Drover", opera by Dr. Ra.Iph Vaughan Wiiams, on.e oftà: greatest of modern composema Written around oarly l9th century icenes lu an En lish villagthé costumes ame CUO.U Mthé oetting i. pecullarly mniled te tthe folkmuuh vhlich lniod ai. a m- Poser. Thé. unique feature of theii opera in the great prize fight be-i tween the. ho andtheii vilain, the. stalces b.lng the. hand of the. heroino. Ths la One of the monti roalistic scenea ever put on anY stage, andi la a fight front start tO knock-out. The. cries cf the. crowd, the. staccato sngie of tii. yjclatii. exhortation <dthe bak fthe. tvo mon arO bleud- md uith orchestral mfets lusan ensemble that te à tour de fore. cf modem musical repreetatton, IIoa'vtag t* audiesl me satuIes and as excited ai if they vere siectators gatiiermd around the. rIg non* of the. mot rmmark- able curtaizis e emnon the. theatm .The prtci Eugh la te be la ed by AlenZnes, a brU- = Cut tetfWelih extractin, vi. bai been starr1,t inthe Deau- ville Opom ansd the pe Cmique et Paris. Cnt showe grouplng et shwa Au"anJe». ANOTrHER AMAZIKQ SPARTON DEVELOPMENT %NEW SPARTO EQCuiSONNI àbw0o SPARTON RAIMJFO "Radio's Richest Voice" Ask for free demonstration. Harry C. Aluin Sparton Dealer Bowmanviile i THE NEW IMPROVED I Greater Structural TakesAmy FIRSPROOF}r J For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont..j QUAKE OTS Cooks la ZIA ft mi- Muo 'i e TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, OCMBER Slst, 1M PAGE NM

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