~rnrnbta bfa With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 3lst, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 44 k LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and SWIMMING POOL AND E aeB id n bayHlnrecently visited her par-r YNSU PND Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMullen, Jean ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holdershaw, GMAI OE DA d ie Sa eo M é l B l in B ~ A E I n oan c ndMs car egav.Sit Prograin Features Presen.tat.I Bequeathed to Bowmanville B EW AE 1 en, Windsor, apent the weekend with 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harris and ýon 21f Rotary Gift to Training Schooi; friends in Toronto. isons, Desmroud, Millar and Kirk ofi I Mms Jennie McGibbon, Toronto, i Edaonton, Alta., arrived on Satur-1 Friday night, October 25th, was1 Senior Editor's Son While ini U. S. foreign country, mllionaires', senat- , nd Mrs. Allan Gordon, Cleveland,!,day ta visit her parents, Mr, and Mr,..a gala night for the directors, i Capitol Visits McG.iII Building- os n te fiil'hms h Colds are Coming Ohio, were recent guests of Mr. and S. J. Henry, and other relatives. !teachers and pupils of tt.he Boys" Mahes lnteresting Observations Potomac River, Rock River Ravinel Mrs.E. Arnmstrong.1 and other natural scenic beauties of I M. udMr. ni Wico hvere aMr. Jos. Halpany, Ottawa, gave us Training Sehool and for the large, the 10 square miles of the District The est ay t iht acol1i tr. ned flr spendi fi ve eeks iaifriendly caîl on Thursday enroute!nurniber of guests £romi Bowmanviliel Aft.r patiently waiting for more fCumiad th sronin la to fortify the system. so colds Toronto with their daughter, .!r Mrs. JohttndigJeefnes, al of is sin and elsewhere, who f illed everylithan twenty years the citizens of sections of Virginia su an ry;and, cannot develop. Wise who has been very M1. Toronto and was buried in Uxbridge. available space in the building, on! Bowmnanville have taken f resh hope make a thousand places that will ce- Edto sd r. eo W ams re By.an MaC C1Ws ingo the occasion of the official o'pening: in recent months that tee 7-story psy even the niost casual visitor, and Do hisby akig vsitnghis sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Wîl- land family, Fenelon Falls, isted 'of the $3 5,000 gymnasium and McGilI Building, located in Wash- S. citizen, familiar since childhod Keppler with Cod Liver Oul lian A. White and Mrs. Jas. A. Phil-, bis mother, Mrs. W. C. Wishington, simng pool, munificntgfto jigton, D.C., which was bequeathed with the history and the prominentl lips, and other relatives in New York< over the weekend. Rev. Mr wý the Rotary Clubs of Ontario. 1 outright to this town 'by one of its persons who figured in and made test an old and tested remedy. 1City. ington pceached anniversarv sermons Rotarian H. M. Robbins, Deputy: native sons James H. MeGilI, ardui- history. Mrs. M. J. -Burrows, who has spent: at Janetville on Suuday.1 Provincial Secretary acted as chairr tect, who died May 2.2, 1908 may Coene in two sises-95c & $1.50 several months with ber son, Princi-; Mr. aud Mrs. R. W. Lawrie and' maowth oflyrve the school froni itsalit infan- rte willFAgeWELsomething.O NEED A HT-WATERBOTTLE? pal J. H. Johnston, Horsey St., left!I Helen of Erie, Ps., Mis. J. J. CrDs- cy sribditwheoenlsucof uru the ps score of years Mr. C. E. Brunton Remembered B NEE A OTWATR OTTE? Sunday for ber home in Vancouver, j keni and Miss Rhea Croskem, Tor- and pa id tribute to the generou. I there kas been one legal fight after Pupils. We~~~~ «aeadny ulygaa- B C. ente, were in town Thursday calling . . We kve dany, ullyguaan- -lr. and Mrs. Fred J. Clemens,! on the former's aunt, Mis E. E. Ha - spirit in which private individuals, another to have the provisions of the teed, and only $100 each. lOshawa, Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Lake- ccaft, and cousin, Mrs. Joh*n 'N'.uotably Mr. J. H. H. Jury who pi-es-I will Carrîed out -or set aside. This On Tuesday evening, Oct. 29th, at view, accompanied Mrs. W. J. Cleni- lare ented the original 150 acres with i has resulted in obstructions and de- 7 p. m. the pupils of Mr. Bcunton's Then for $1.50 we have themi ens adM.adMs ar rc are buildings to the school, societi es and i laya cf varions kinds, legal coutro- room and the -members of the staff extra large sîze. Cuaranteed b u r.sdMs.lar Bok Ms. Vivien R. Oliver, Bownian- service clubs had so contributed tolversies, court proceediugs, and even met tegether te give Mr. C. E. Brun- tthe wedding of Mrs. Brock's neph-! ville, announces the engagement o h efrtecneine n s a special act of parliament in which ton a facewell party. Varied gcoup of course. ew, Mr. Ray Eagleson, aend Miss1 lher 'eldest daughter, Lucy May, tof tewefarthe co reles nd a tiesf-elt c cil amaadrly eeetrdit 'Beulah Brishin at Manilla on Wed- . M oad isn letsotsoh col eaie ftelt r cilgmsadrly veeetrdit ________ !of Mr. David Gibson of Bowmanville.- Dr. C. E. Reaman, superintendent, trust cempanies, eminent Iawyecs in with spirit and enjoyed by ail. an___ e day. ri atnan h edn il aepaevr spoke a f ew words in appreciation, United States and Canada and the Principal Johuston briefly expressed fMýr., Band rs. E rni .Wltand s 1qiTthe tedding we tke placevebry of the Rotary Clu.bs' offe.ring and Towni of Bowxnanville have taken the regret cf the whole school in BuonWattnasovi eorc endMr. 1uitA theti r weku anovebrtintroduce<l Col. Frank MosToronto Part. losing Mr. Brunton's services, and KnE Wlousd o GogeArKA Ntinl rcSs Taspr1 member of the Advisory Board of By a rodent decision hsnded down Jean Spry read the f.ollowing ad- aud Mis. Robert Walton, Mrs. Abar, Truck, driven by Percy Brcadbeut of the Sehool, who formally declared the 1bY the Supreme Court cf the Unit- dress. and Mr. Ellison Moise, Newcastle, Oshawa, crashed over the embauk- new building open. ed States the Town cf Bowananville Dear Mr. 'Buntan and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Niohols sud!'ment east cf the C. P. R. overhead Asetclr n id is to secure possession cf the build- As pupils of your iDoohad nee apeMl-,big nSaudymrig ofogan-ïing. A prevwos arangement finds class for tes erm, we have even in TheDepndbleDr Sore Doosthy ndniece, Mrae;one br idg n Surdayd mo rucng No ofsports, under the directiono Mr.the~ municipality to give John Me- this short time come to know aud! T o w n s p n t S n d a w i t M c a n d e u e w n s n j u e d , n d h e fck W he s c u nh a s n ,t h y s i a l re f th e ,r i G l l f T o r o n t o , b r o t h e r f d e c e a s e d a p p r e c i a t e y o u r e f f o r t s i u o u r b e - J M s. s c a L u t e , P o v i e n c . n t a d l d a a g e . e s c , was t hlu ed fex h t ie o f t h e b e n e f a c t r 4 1 % f th e s a le I ric e h a lf . I t is th e r e fo r e , w jth d e e p e - several of Canada's forsmest athletes of the building which value la esti- gret that we have leaz-ned that youi and hampons, manywith intr mat.ed anywhere from. $150,000 te are leaving us ta take up you.r dut- au t r o i-n ca mpion s, mpu ati n y withCuninge-1 $300,000. ies as principal of a schtool at Niag- Ou tr oi' Not How Cheap-But How Good hamrt inl rpu ths.mc. Cunnuof With these facts iu mmnd and ara-on-the-lake. Mlthough it is cur To.oto's West End y. M. C. A. knowiug that Dr. Marshail A. James, loss we are very glad te kuew cf Tjeldest son of Mr. M. A. James, Son- YOur mnuch deserved promotion whichi Basketball tesa, Senior Ontario icr Editor cf the Statesman, was tocenscuentîcus wock here bas gaiued Champions, who put on a f ast sud le in Washington this mouth ..e for yeu. Ycu will take with you our brillant exihibiOion game, refereed asked him, if he had tine, to,'visit sincere wisbes for youir continuied W A- -~ by Percy Miller, well knewn basket- the McGill Building sud seud us his succelss throuÉih the ceming yea.rs A * ' all expert snd authorlty. impressions of the building. pSano,~ d we ask you ta, honour us by Ar Thunderous applause greeted the the foilowing exeipta froni a letter accepting this little rememberance. F ALO ASL-- p uaace cf Ernst Vierkottec, POP- to bi$ father it will bie seen thst be Signod by your class ularmarahonswimmiug champion, made a very therough su-vey of thbe Rosm Williams, on behalf of thoge oeesfo BrsEeCnrcbservatio-ns: and eversharp pencil. Althougb cern- aquaie cmedinsud Olive Cafter- ou Satnrday I located the Mc'GiIi pletely taken by surprise, Mr. Brunt- dam îunner-up iu the 1928 Wrigley Building without aeny trouble, asi on expressed his thauksansd apprec- We invite you to come in and try one of these t*dies' Marathon, and a generai la at the. very centre cf the citylatio>n in weIl chosen words. favorite &amang awkiMmg enthusi- only 100) yards freni the U. S. pst Refreshuseuts were servemdu asta, 'wiio demcnstrated the art of eut Office. teschers sud pupl did justice to N ew Luxuriously Furred swînrnig tthe utter enjoyment and It isaot 90Per~ cent ren ud dte nru upl o adihs admirtion f thegvectbors.Otheris ocupiedmo&lyby paffltat- cksadcnissple hog aquatic Sports it1ý1âdei exhibitions torneys who have Ïbesu tenants for the kinduess cf the parents. by Helen McCormick, Canadian suany yezn-s.J went tiîrough the Divl. ham in l 1927, 1928 sud building froni basement tue attie. It At a specisi meeting cf Public the curreut year, sud Alfie Phullips, !S net a modéra office building, and SchOOl Board held Mouday nlght the of on t DOw'nou"hanp"ihorr andîn stetenants become moe<pros_ Robt CLecd, Segrave, wh:holds teseason and so reasonably priced. Beaut- Tommy Walker, swîuîming instruct- These oocus sud suites miade va- commence his duties on Nov. lat. ~.k iful broadcloth, tweed and the wondrously penastîC stunts were cleverly ied sud do not inWress fsvourably pefome y nsrutrsfrmTor- seekers for quartera s tb la cuba Central! Y. M. C. A. The defen- ing aud ligbting fixtures are 6very Id ..Nte, the Japanese aud s new feruiof value the location aud thbe low rentai TALKING y(lcttrimming which makes them so distinguished sport ta moet cf the oulookers, vas compared vith that askod for th,.@fI ahYdeancnstraked by Mineru Akiy- moderm buildings, meve iute it. PICTURES O A looking. The furs importantly featured are anis, Japanese ç.hamipion sud Chief 1 censider that the promunt acheme Trotter of Central Y. M. C. A. A of selling the building is best forBO M Wolf, fox, raccoon, caracul, etc. livey wrestling bout took place be- 'Bowmanvillo, as if could net Se made twenDanyMcon su-ad George a source cf profitable sud permanent THURS., FRI. and SA Daly, Olymipie wrestlers. inCOMe unlesa consideirablo sunis 'Ple. compniised the 1isf cf dis- voie speut on improvements. Tbe COLLEEN tiugu.ished athletie stars wbo coin- site la vaiuable, but athers eau be tributed a prograen, the like cf which bOught Where cost cf razing thbe pie- i sM L N bas neyer 'been witnessed bere sud sent buildings would hoe mucb lem.. jL N G I whicli will thecefore lie long remeau- It la net fireproof 1k thbe moder-n bered in tube minds cf the local citi- office buildings and would lie a fire-I izens numubered amoug the guests as trap in case cf a serions conflagra- Colleen as a 'Coll welI as the cesideuts cf the Boys' Iton In tube building, or adjacent ta scampering in and out of Training Scbool. it, as nisny cf the recuis are filled Ifla ilre.A i ________ i with bocks, files cf papers, sud old tUî sKlare.A i 'Style wooden furniture.edwt ro ac for COMING EVENTS Renta caunot hoi increased easily in Chockfulroacmed from sucb a building vithout driving ont N I4 R SS S F R ~Robekah Chickeu Pie Supper ou tenants at each raise, and they can- 1 olee' greatest-by fa Boy' Tainng chol Cncet o! ng adadvertising, .as volas el AFrtN ioaVtph Tuesday, December 3rd.ou estate agents' commission expeuse. ing Picture. No THE SOCIAL SEASON S.ndaNos mhurd Anniversacy S80 my opinion la -that; selliug it as Town patrons are as a fali puceecan hoSsWiseed ture Thursday or Friday Leaa A yier an sd Ceose. 1 hope the ncncpalFty of B.w- night rush. Each of these dresses bas something new.... Dinner Nov. 3rd sud 4tb. manville gets vl cf the -9 per cmnt The personnel cf "Esther" insures cf fie sale price sud that it will SeMaie Saudy t Smtigdffrnt about it, a color or a col- a beautiful production of the cantate. sold s-on. M tneStra t2 So ebn eeWatcb f»r date. IWashinieu n 'w., a cîty cf 7,0o0hlr lar. ....a neckline or a hemline.... .a tuck or a tier Wcenen's Auxiliary ta Hospital, 000 population, sud rrowÏng ca'pidly I Board will meet on Fh-lday, Nov. 2nd,I in the residentia! sect'-in,. The t,- ....a flare or a drape. And featured signif- at 3.30 P. ni. af Nurses' Resideuce. ansd three-story shacks9 downtown are MON., TUES. and V~ Reseive Monday, Novl. l8th, for1 raPidly rePlaced wit.h handsonie icnty hrugot hecoletonth hghrConcert 'Hec ital by Tom MacDnff white atone and machin fbulding.s The Ail Ta kCopoland, World's fanious Scottishi co'vering 'Vhole blocks ind the choice waistline and the longer skirt are eloquent re- entertainer. corners. Sinie are taken ever for NORMA SHEARER ir A harming cemedy, "A Full Governient buildings snd ot ers fo- House," wifli gales cf laughfer, will prîvate enteiprises, semi-public in "The Trial of minders that this is a season of stately femin. ho preéented by St. John's Cburchb in character, sncb as the 'U. S. iChani- ine fashions. ber. Watcffor vem. ing, Washingtuon Auditorium, novT e .aw f , The Bowmauville Music Study It ells, etc.abeutf Ct Club la ]coking forward vith muchlo S u ft heillalvas ho a gefu dy WitlBasil Rathbone,F pleasure te Wednosday eveuîng, Emal parkairclessdf pnsuae a 1~ DURHAM ELECTION It lias been found impossible at the time of going to press for The Statesman ta got reliable information of the results of the voting on Wed- nesday for Durham County in Pro- evincial Election for W. J. Bragg, e Liberal, and M. J. Elliott, Oonserva- ,ftive. Fromi the figu.res obtainable ýit looks as though Mr. Bragg is elect- 9ed by a smail m-a.jority. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES F. St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Rev. dP. P. Butler, Pastor. Sunday, Nov. 3trd Massat10 . i;Evenîng tDevotion at 7 p. mi. Rr.:v R. J. Shir'es attended the an- nual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Clerical Union in Picton last week and preached a fine sermon at the yTuesday evening session in St. Mary Magdalene Churoh. Trinity United Chareh-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday Services: il a. m.-The pastor will preach; 2.30 p. nu-Sunday School Temper- ance RalIy addressed by Mr. 0. M. pAlger, Osawa. Evening service .w.ithdrawn <iwing to St. Paul's An- dniversary. il St. John's (Anglican) Church- dRer. R. J. Shires, Rector. Twenty- third Sunday alter 'rrinity, Novean- ber Sd: il a. m.-Hly Communion and Sermon; 2.30 9. m.-Sunday rSchool & Bible Class; 7 p. m.-Even. ning Prayer. Friday, November lat, dAil Saints' Day-Holy Communion at The citizens of *Bowimanville *will uhave an opportunity of hearing em- mnent ministers who will be preacli- ing in St. Andrew's Presbyterian rChurch each iSunday for next few fweeks -for a call toe ûll the vaeancy hcaused by the resignation of Bey. jRobt. Mcflenment. Strangers es- rpecia1ly welcome. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. sBest, D. D., Minister. Aniiiversary yServices will b. held Sunday, Nov. Brd. The Re. Piricipel H. A. Keni, M. A., D. D., of Queen's Theological eCollege, wiil preach at il a. m. and 17 p. m. Principal Kent will be wel- icomed by ail who heard hian on' a -former occasion, and may ho expeet- -ed with pleasure by those who are te -hear him for the first time. A musi- cal service of exceptional quality and 1appropriateness will b. provided by the choir umder -the direction of Mr. H. J. Knlght, with Mrs. Cecil Dudley iat the organ. HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEEMMNG L The annual -Meeting in connection iwith Ba'wsnanville Hospital for elec- -tion of Officers and Btard 'will b. ' held in the~ Couneil Rooeu on Friday, iNovember 8th, at 8 p. ma. PuIlic Icordiaily in'vited. C. H. Mason, Secretary. 44-2 A"L !IIEATRE ;LM AVILLE Ai., OCT. 31, Nov. 1-2 1MOREin IRISH EYES lleen.' A wild Irish rose )f romance. It's as beau- Tely as an Irish jig. Pack- n the land of romance. )m the home of wit. It's :r. With James Hall. one Ail Talking and Sing- ,Advance in Prices. erequested to see this pic- yand avoid the Saturday .-30 P. ni- Aduits 25c; *en i oc. WED., NOV. 4 -5-«6 uiking Hit ! in lier great successor to fMary Dugan"p Mvrs. Cheyney Hferbert Bunston, George . ýbt