TEE OAINÂDUN S TATESMÂN, DOWM(ANVILLE, TRUM8DÂ, O(7rOBM 3jsît.,1929 BOYS' Training School In Pictu res JURY LODGE NELSON'S KIWANIS LODGE NORTH, CENTRE, SOUTH LQDGES 'OTARY GYM AND SWIMMIf4G POOL ACADIEMIC SCHOOL BUILDING DINING HALL 'I.: EIMI NATION Commences Thursday, October 3lst and Ends Saturday, November 9th A Pre-Xmas Clearance Sale of odd lines that take up space tha.t we need for Xmas merchandise due to arrive November let. THIS IS A CASH SALE-NO CREDIT AT THESE BIG SAVING PRICES RUG SPECIALS EVERY HAT IN STORE $1.00 This Week's Super Special We have about 75 Rats in stockYA D These are a few odd Rugs we worth from $1.98 to $4.95. You 200 YA D will clear out at can have your pick 4'n at this sale for ...... 1.0 3L C 1-2 PRICE DUCHIESS SATIN EVER DRES INSTOR $1Regular $1.50 yard for 79c yard 1 (Jongoleuni Rug, 4½/ ft. x 71/2 You can have your pick--the We bought. fromn a leading ft., regular $3.50, Bizes and quantifies arie limited maker 200 yards of high grade Haif Price $1.75 so corne early. Dresses as high Black Duchess Satin at less than 2 only Oilcloth Rugs, size 101/2 as $7.50 in the assortinent. haîf Price-fée the simple reason ft. 712 f., rgulr $.95 Eveythng oesthat the lengths were short-2 ftHa½ftrgla ric$6.,8vrthing......goes.........1.00 Yards to 5 yard lengths. The HaifPric $34 atwholesale price for this Satin 3 only Linoleumi Rugs, size 9 ft. was $1.10 a yard, but we made xft., regular $10.50, MEN'S WOOL SO an offer to clear the lot. This is Half rice 5.25good time to get a cheap dress 2 oly ape~y aifPrie $25We have some very special for yoiurself-Or you can buy a 2ol aetyRugs, 9 ft. x 6 ft. uines to offer including some fine puiactical Xnias gift for some one 9 inches, regular $17.*95, values in Engiish pure wool Sox at a big saving. 36 inehes wide. Haif Price $898 in a big variety of colore and de- Regular $1.50 yard, ry lonly Tapestry Rug, 9 ft. x 9 ft. signs. Specially Fo eiad..........7 c. regular $16.95, priced, pair 39c to 79c 00cc0ccD>c0ý Haif Price $848 TMEGOD 1lonly Tapestry Rug, 9ftx 6 ft.TMEDO 9 inches, regular $19.95, SILK AND WOOL HOSE 15 doz. Starnped Aprons ..19c Haif Price $9.98 Two special offerings in Lad- 12 doz. Stamped Runners, 1 only Tapeâtry Rug, 9 ft. x 9 ft. ies' Silk and Wool Rose, in ah 25c to 98c regulaxi $23.95, colors and sizes at away below 6 doz. Luncheon Cloths, Haif Price $11.98 regular prices. 79c to 98c No. 1-40 doz. reg. $1.19 for 79c No. 2-60 doz. reg. $1.39 for 98c 3 doz. Bedspreads ....... 13 5 doz. Stamped Pillow eaues, LINOLEUM SPECIAL CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE 98C to $1.59 79c Value for 49c yard. Penrnan 's WooÏ Cashmere 6 doz. Tea Towels ........19c 3 pieces only at less than the Rose are the best investment- - price of ordinary oileloth. Cornes you can depend on the wearing in two yards wide. This is the qualities of this hose-ail sizes $1.95 MEN'S SWEATERS $1.59 biggest floor covering value ever in sand, black and cream, offeied in this town*.9c Per pair.3co.75 A special purchase in mediumn at, er q. yrd .......... 49 . 35 to75cweight for wearing under a coat, at, pr sq.yardin ail sizes and three colore. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R e g u l a r $ 1 . 9 .5 WINTER UNDERWEAR For ............. ....... 1.59 SILK BEDSPREADS We can supply you with your $525 Value for $395 winter underwear for the entire family at prices that mean big LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS A special purchase that we savings to you. . Men's, Wom- have sacrificed Our profit on for en's and Children's in one or two Regular $2.98 for $2.19 this sale. Colors Rose, Blue, piece styles. Don't buy your Pure wool, in ail sizes, colors Helio, Yellow and Green. These supply before seeing ouri com- arie Red, French Nude, Copen make an ideal gift,p$309tck ndViery Spvl-Bl eaBach Extra Special, each $ .5pue sokdbgs.ving al- Bl e andBlac,...$2.1*9 Walk a Block and Save a Lot NE3LSON es King St. We-st Bowmanville MANUAL ARTS BUILDING Your dollars will do . ouble duty on ..these . .big - Clearance . Specials. DELINQUENT READERS WHO ACCEP PAI>ER mxent mailed him frein tuas te turne. jthe PO&t OMOce recerves a bee ,t(DURHAM OLD Boy CANBEFOR EDTO AYPinll, dfedan cme o ilean iand pIseurs arlaing frein such labor OCCUPJED LOCAL PULPIT CANBEFOR EDTO AYby that time am:unted to $lif25 lappropriated :ny other product ofiRev. David R~ogers, SLt OM&S, Weekly Publisher Wins Appeal to High Court in Suit to Plaintiff, ye editor and publisheýr,,anether's labor, and by such set hel reachez Seul luspuring Sermon Collect Subscription Fees Covering 13 Years tience in the matter, and instituted-scription price."i legal action to collect. Defendant! 1 Rev. David Rogers, st Thomxas, For the benefit of sonie of our ried a number of years it lbas cost i-ePlied that bis subscription expirediTeg-ne h dfiuttea Durham (Jeunty boy, who keeps delinuentsubsribes wh arecon-the ubliher oney wit thesix onthyhehis okeenj Thntereer te inficurrente delnqen sbseibrswh ar cn- te pblshr ony. ~ it te sx onhohreadorerdry in su mounting it. S5h11 young byhske nesticret I iderably ini asrears to The States-1 From a strictly legal standpoint, ad contended that the mere ac-more gploagi hi euainîeet n h apnnso i mn we publish the following article; there is neot nuch doubt abu h eptance of the paper by him thr- ro trsand tmptI iabh fapbise o olc i le l out ere-erfronstor__ teni esta. 'snative county, and who has been vis- from a recent issue of "Editor and rgto ulse ocîe th fer wudntrne u ibestain ftaskn.Te wteefore, because it was forced Up- iting former old friends hereabouts, Publisher". To whom this may con- stain ofksknd Th lwonim cern, please consider this a :remind-1s'eems rather well settle-d that theonhm Have I the courage of my pray- preacheci in Trinity United Church or [ a a nc Oblngot a subscriber, creates an fimplied cord, and in stating the law thereon, I pray for a thing, but if it camerto snnuated forn some yesrs froinofa activeTh out n eiein tereJ rs O Sndymonig.Touh upr standing indebteciness to this paper', promise to pay. The following re-1 among other things, said: Amn I sure I should have the fortitude anae o on er rmatv and thus save the publishers and 1 cent case constitutes an inestg oacpt work, ée retains a wonderful mena- yousef te mbarasmnt of"ngilustatonof heappictinOtersting Apparently the only defense rae-cit coursethoe embarssmn fui ilsrto o h plcto fti lied upen is that because the de- Have I the capacity ta accept ory regarding facts and events. r le aw toa typical subscription: fendant did not personally tureqiuest wo Sndywa "h The article reads -controversy. tepprjett hmstrethesx1 1 te ppersen tohimaf er he ix e rsy, and have not the cour- 11%visibility of God." He pointeci Without doubt eveiry newspaper In this case, the plaintiff, the pub- months, he shoulci not have te pay,lage to accept the answer te our- -out the hidden power- of God in bhas to deal wth non-payig sb ise fawekynwp1r, ee hogih i rciete p rayers.-And still we pray. 1 material and spiritual thinga inani- sciibers from imtreVo time. This! directed by the def endant Vo enter; per and enjoyed its benefit through-1 -MrA trd.' t etoseo the sleie f anind class of reader xnay remain silent'his name for a six months' subscrip- eut the years for which the plaintiff There ia endless menit in a At 8frrdtohe ls e of hesservaceohe re- for years then, upon receipt of a tion. This was in 1914, and the de-1 is seeking paynaent. knowing when to, bave doue. the Wesleyan Methedist (Jhurch (now subscription statement, ,vill break fendant paid spot cash in the sum of The Courts have held and we -.lye Pinity United Church) and mention- out with the plaint, "I neyer asked fif ty cents therefore. hoId now, that sucli a condition as ed the nàmes of Revs. Breedin, Wbit- for your paper." Or, "you f oreed1 Following the expiration of this: ahove stated, talng the defend- There is no elevator to succesa n, cade1< .insHne I your sheet upon me, and I certainly'subscription, the plaintiff continuedisnt's own version, creates an im- tae.the. stairs. -Seectci nd seeral oter wiemth whon e as will flot pay this dlaim," etc. te mail defendant the paper until iplied contract to pay. The prepa-, 1 a Icto selyapcuesociateci when he began the work of 0f course the publisher can stop' 1927. Duning this time, the plain-;ration andi publication 0f1 news- book ef bis creeci. -Emerson' ltearstian nnsryoe ifyf sending his paper, but how about itiff received no notice of aeh- paper involves mnuch mental asnd esràao ce]lecting for services rendered? 1 ian, the defendant contniued to take i physical labor, as well as an ltay Don't blow your o-a-n horn; when i A quartet was nicely sung by For, after aIl, when a supposedly the paper fi-cm the post office, but' of anoney. One who acc,;ptthe it's worth blowing it won't needi Messrs. Pickard andi Azhtan andi bona fide subscniber has been car- he ignareci aIl statemenst for pypaper by continuously aking it from1blowinng. -R. F. OuteaultMisses Argue and Plumnner. 2!W 1 i- --7- - PAGE TRRER SA