PAGE POUR_______________ ___I Notice to Creditorsi IN THE ESTATE 0F CHARLES MAN. GAN, late of the Village of Newcastle, in tht County of Durham. Al persoos havimg caimas against te Es- tste of Chartes Mangan deceased who ditS au or about the 3rd day of September 1927, are notified to send 10 the undersigned Ad ministrator, The Victoria Trust and Savings Company. Lindsay, or te the undersigned Messrs. McLaughlin. Johnston, Moorhead and Macaulay, ils Solicitors, on or before the 9th day of Nos ember, 1929, their naines and ad- dresses and fuil particulars of their claini, and the nature of the securities (if any) held &y thern, duly verified hi' Satutory Declara- tion. Immiediatels afier the 'aid Oih dat of Novexober, 1929, the Estate of thte aid de- reased will be dstrihuted anitong te parties entitled liierete, havîig regard un ly it th clairrs of which it shall then hav.e notice. Dated Ihis l7th day of Ocloher, 929. THE VICTORIA TRUST ANI) SVINGS1 COMPANY,' INISAY. )Ontario. McLAUGHLIX. JOIBiSTON, MOORHE.\I) MACAULAY', 30'2 Ba Steet, TORIiNTO, Ontario, Solcitor' tir tde said The \ic- toria Trust and Sas ings Compniy- 4331 OVER:-IGHT.the newStwr- \,X rer Radio haýSf.rged ahcad to îopmost place in the opinon of cxperic-nced radio buyers. It's an outNtanding lead- er bv cverry' e5t cf performance! ThL thrill of hasing the bis: la ,ours wiýh the new Stewart- 'arner Radio. Just compare- se and hear it NOW! ]RADIO DmUsn'a Cash Hardware F110 EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambtlou, rellable mmn wanted t onre. part time psy whiie training for Aviation Mamhanlcs, Garage Work. Drlvlng, Battery. Eletrlc Acetelyne Weidlng. House Wirlng, Industrl51 Electicity, Machinist Brcklay- In'g, Pltrng Draftig, Barbes'lnirand HsirreeA .t quicIo get your applica- tien in now..Write or caU for inormation- DOMINION TRADE SCHOOJ-S, LTrD. Eastern Headquartcrs, 163 Kng St. W., Toronto. Employment servie-toast 10 toat J. HERMON Buys1 Poultry at Fair Prices i Phonos: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. r as3y hand -ar hn.'dt0s ciay in . nd -d:- .v u. Prrsian Bahnm keeps the skin soft and pliable. Removes redneSs and relieves irritation. At Y c' Droig PEPfiAN Any tMeadache -Sick -Nervous Eelieved by Zutoe 126 VOIiington 8L. Tosonto, Ont. D"r k#adan, Whlo vsiting uris M, ah.a ssa WN.gau 'i x= addon e . . ruea %.,d~ mrn I h» f ubave -V4" pain boue» he #~NoV me à.bas I*a baW moe*ab mmpntaitl * M.t a ddbaen. te* »*Moln Od Sold il qbowmanville by jury & LovOi, Drugoiste Rt. M. MitChOll & 00-1 Drugglata Keralakea Dependabi, Drue Stora Artists in British-Canadian Concerts Brilan enertinrs re o b hardthi fai nd intr i anation- Rengina, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria with a probabilty of Other wide chain of musical centres throughout the Dominion, sponsored ciisbngaddtthlst Amntoeno tangprtntee by te Cnadan aciic ailay.The wil apea ina srie ofsix concerts wlll be Florence Hoodk brilliant Canadian-violinist; Mary by te Cnadan aciic ailay.The wil apea ina srle 0f5~X Frances James, lyrie soprano of Montreal; Stanley Maxted, Montreal concerts, the outgrowth of the Music Festivals, now internatioiiailly tenor; Rudolph Plamondon, Canadian-born star of the Paris Opera; known, which have been staged bye the Music Department of the rail- and the Hart House Quartette, internationally famous as players of way. Each of these concerts will be given at Toronto, Winnipeg, Chamber Music. GOOD CONCERT ON BAD NIGHT STANDARD TRA1NIENG SC&IOOL Mies Peardon Directe Excellent Proj Third Standard Training. School is gram Under Auspices Of Eastern to be held in Trinîty United Church, Sta.r LoilgeI Bowmanville, £rom Monday, Novem- ber 2 5th, to Friday, November 29th, In spite of the inclement weath- 17.30 to 9.30 p. m. ur anid unfav'oura.ble conditions, al Pive specialîzation courses are be- g09d orowd turned out foT the con- ing offered: 1-P-rriary; 2-Junior; cert under the auspices of the Eat- 3-Býoys and Girls; 4-Young Peop- tern Star, in the Opera House onf he ~fitfou courses will be con- Tuesday evening and found the pro-j ducted by specelly trained teaehers gram was well worth the effort W 1 provided by thé departnlent in Tor- attend. onito. 'The course taken this year j ill net be the samne as last year. One of the meat unique nunsbersw Registration Fee 50 cents, on the programt was a dance, "Frolic of the Frogs", in which a score of littie girls sang and imtated frogs. "Flattery is, like eolongé-rater, The Sword Dance and Highland 'r.w to ho amelt oh, not swallered.'" Fling, executed by Miss Norah --JshBfllings. Brown, gracelully and skilfully, God *f -the his, grant me te go were also výery Wopular numbers. back to the cities without falterin.g. Mr. Henry J. Knight rendered two Strength to do my daily task with-l 'fine solos, "The Gay Huzzar" and our tiring, and with enthusiasm. 4Beautiful Ship front Toyland" in Strength to help) my neighbor, his usual masterly style and re- who has no hifl to reeniber. ceived hearty encores. The "Rhy- -Selected. thinic Dance" by Miss Marion Con- ners and Grace Welsh was also note- The very esence of a free g'evern- worthy. ment consisa in considering officees Miss Edith Peardon, under whose a apublic trusts, bestowed for the direction the programi was given. od f the country, and net for demonstrated the art of dunXb bellith benefit of an individual or a exercises and club swinging in herIPaty well-known accomplished style. --John C. Caiboun. 1A number of other dances, games - and exercises, participated in by ,aeveral little girls and boys, werc STORM WINDOWS greatly enjoyed by ail. Through- 1 wnossvdFakFu 2 ontth evnig. rs C.H.Dude1 the tirst winter. Sixty others altogether acted ini the capacity of efficient i saved oer thirteen hundred dollars. i pianist and acconipanist. Reports frorn ail over prove average stîv- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Enjoy Unique Prograns on Value of Books Octopber meeting of Bowmanville IWoenn s Institute was held Friday afternoon in ühe S. 0. E. Hall, in charge of Mrs. W. E. Armstrong's group. Mrs. Frank Jackman, presi- dent, presided and after the business a good prograra was presented, Mrs. Win. Adams leading in a splondidly prepared subect, "What Books I2an Do For You." Roll call by Mrs. F. C'. Colmer brought forth a variety of opinions on our favorite magazine or papes'. The subject was then introduced in short readings as follow.s: The Song of the Printing Press, E. E. Hay- craft; Cover of Books, Mrs. Adams; How to Read a Book hy Bishop Quale, Mrs. B. M. Warnica; How ta Read a Book by Beecher, Mrs. J. H. Morris; When to Begin a Book, Mrs. J. Thickson; How Books Are An In- fluence, Mns. F. L. Squair; Friendship snd Companionship o! Books, Mms. W. L, Buttery. Mrs. Adam.' con- cluded with a aplendîdly prepared paper that was interesting, educative and helpful te aIl. Excellent musical numbers wero provided by Mrs. A. Colvîlle and Mrs. G. Pritchard, in vocal solos, and by Mrs. D. A. Alldread in a piano solo. The social hour afforded profitable amusement hy the 'Measuring of the Feet," and in a book word contest concluding with the usual refresh- Next meeting November 29th, in charge ef Mrs. F. C. Colmer's group. Delegate to Central Ontario Conven- tioh in Toronto on Nov. 26-28, Mrs. J. TMickson wlth Mrs. B. M. Warnica, alternate. Ouîr pr ces for READY GIAZE'D windows are astonlshingly low. due to Ouit produet!ion. an d direct dealinz. ri' for F~REE price lst of 82 ready-tosî; sizes. We pay frelght. Ordêr 3>our winter windlows now. they pay tor t1îem- I selves ln fuel saved. Address HIla Company, Box 115, 1-alliday uidnt Hamilton., CLEAR VISION Clear Vision is flot always a proof that you have normal eyes. Many people corne to us with ap- parently good vision, but with the complaint of almost constant dis- comfort, and upon examination it is found that they see distinct- ly only with a great expense of nervous energy. Do you oxperlence tbis? Your eyes are of such vital im- S portance to you that you cannot afford to be indifferent. Heed Naturels warning and Have Your Eyea Examined. 1 We shall be glad to have you consult our Registered Optoxm- etriat, R. M. Mitchell. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiste and Optometrias Phono 92 Bowmanvillo Said a eheerful old bear at the1 He, who r isea te, mnust trot ail Zoo: day, and ill <vertake bus- "I never have time to feel1 blue; inesa at night. -OFrankU.n. If it bores me, yeu kznow, Ti crane that waited for the To walk to and f ro, ae: a to eink, 1 reverse it, and walk fro and to." And bave dried fish to feed hi=, -Century Died, 1 think. --Selected. CAN YOU DEPEND ON YOUR WATCH tIs it always at the correct time? If it is a littie erratic at intervals that is the f1rut oign that tyou have forgotten to take it to Felt's for ts an- nual cleaning and oiling. A good watch deserves good treatment. Have it cleaned at Felt's Jewellery now. Don?'t wait until it breaks down. What would you think of the man who waited until his car stopped bef ore he bought any oil? Two days at Felt's is the best tonie your watch can have. Bring it now. FELTS' JEWELRY 1 Repairers and Vendors of Fine Watches King Street Bowmanville THE BO0DY BUILDER Bread has been recognized as the great body builder down through the ages. Corbett's Bread is pure, wholesome and satisfying-being made from best ingredients in a scientifie way. Satisfy that appetite with Corbett's High Loaf or Butter- milk Bread. We delivexl right to your home in tow'n or country. FEED YOUR STOCK CANADA STOCK SALT and WATCH RESULTS We are receiving a lot of inquiries among dairymen and stock men for this economical conditioner. Costs lesa than haif a cent per day. Cali at store and ask our drivers foiu partic- ulars of this tonie. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3Bowmanville Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono DO YOU KNOW The present generation is'two inches taller than the last according to statisties. Leading authorities attribute this to the rncreased use of milk in its different forms. Drink more Glen Rae Dairy Milk with the low bacteria count. The last test taken by the M. 0. H. was below that allowed for, certified milk. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STEVENS & SON PHONES: Office 408; Hous 175J BOVWMANVILLE SOUND business principles and a policy of gradu&.1 expansion have marked the steady growth of this Bank for sixty years. To-day, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Banik G90 of> Canada Bowmanville Branch- R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 s Ini Tune with Nature Nature bas dictated the colour scheme for Men's Clothes this FaIl. With ail of the artistry for which they are famous, Fashion-Craft have translated Nature's bid- ding in line and drape that wiII delight- college "grad." and bus- iness dad alike. Smart individuality and com- mon sense have been happily blended in the new EaIl suits. ]RemnarlcaHe v.alue -from $2 9.5C up SoId Exclusively in BOWMANVILLE BY S. G. CHARTRAN "-W ' TRURSDAY, OMOBER 31st, 1929 THE CANADLAN STATESMA.N, DOWMANVILLE,