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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1929, p. 10

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,-. AeArSAN SATZS~MAN. OWMANVILLE. THTIRSDAY, NOVEM ER 7th, 1929 PAGE TEN THE tlfll rNAUIA. L~ --~*-. - - - - NEWCASTLE Canoen Rlie ef Toront.o preacbed inspiring sermons te the cengrega- tien of St. George's Cburch last Sun- day. The A. Y. P. A., under the presi- dency of Mn. Lawrence Gaines, beld an enjoyable Hallowe'en party in the Parisb Hall on Wednesday evening, October Sth. Newcastle bas again washed its bande of the liquon tnafflc. The vote indicated thst it bas no desire for a shane on a partnenship in the liquor- selling business. Miss Berniece Belîman. Bowman- ville, was n weekend guest of Misses Dorotby and Evelyn Rickard, and ac- companied thein te Newbonville Sun- day te sing witb the Newcastle Unit- ed Churcb junior choir at the New- O>nville anniversary services after- noon and evening. "KingofKings" Thie celebrated film deal- ing with the Lif e of Christ will be shown in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL on Saturday, Nov. 9 Ini order that ail may enjoy this picture, the committee are tnaking the popular admission fee of 35c for Aduits 25c for Children. TOM MacDUFF COPELAN D World Famous Scottish Entertainer will ive a Concert in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL on Thursday, Nov. 14 Consisting off Songs, Recitations, and Various Instrumentais, inciuding Bagpipes. ADMISSION: Aduits 35c Children 25c THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1029 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE COURTICE 1Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider visited Mr. and Mns. Wni. Hockin and Miss Helen Grubbe, Xeston, spent his fathen and mother at Wagensville sons, visited his mother and his bro- last week with her aunt, Mrs. Philip rcnl. M.Sie radsn ther Fred, Maple Grove, last Sunday. LeGnesley. accomnied Te nid therindreton The Durham GCounty Gouncil -of Mrs. Geo. Staplcton, Port Hope, ýhome and spent a few days at Mr. Religions Educatien met in the Coun- visited ber daughter, Mrs. Alvin W. H. Nichols'. Mn. Walter Snider, cil Chamber on Friday, Nov. lst, to iJoncs. last week. ýfather and brother, have gene on a ne..organize and arrange for a con-1 Mr. Walter Douglas, Providence, tirip to Brantford where they are vention for 1930.I R. I., visited his mother, Mrs. John! spending a few days ...Mrs. S. S. LowryBro.,Onoohav nisedI Douglas, last week. 1 Brooks is visiting bier sisten, Mrs. picking over 4000 barrels of apple-s Mr. and Mns. John Symons, Mr. 1 Will S. Percy, Toronto. . .. Mr. and for D. J. Gibson & Son, which areiRobert Martin and Miss CÀristiana Harny Brown and Master Alan, being shipped to varieus parts, one Martin recently visited the former's I Lindsay, were Sunday visitons at Mr. car going to South Africa, one car to sister, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. W. R. Courtice's ..Mr. Rae Brooks South America, and one to England. Miss Marjorie Purdy and bcr pupils bas gone north on a hunting trip. .j Gaines, Gaines, Breret-on and Mof- lof the junior roorn of the public r n m .H ihl ted . I -1sebo-ol held a Hallowe'en party wit ed the presentýation in Solina at Mr. fatt, Newcastle, have been raisiflg a r n asls his f Jack Reynolds' Saturday evening in and putting a concrete wall under aproga honor of bis tw brotbers . On the bouse which Mr. Geo. Jamiesoien oon Tuesday evening, Oct. 29th, the lad- recently purchased from Mrs. Els- St. George's Cburch: il a. ni-,les' quintette, Mi-sA. E. llundle. worth, inmediately west of bis own M orning Prayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday! Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Stainton, -Mrs. G. resdene. Mr. Jamieson bas rent- Scbooi; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. F. Annis, Mrs. K. E. Courtice and ed it to Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper ~rusadm.i ilb fasbc~Ms .R Courtice, accornpanied wbo are now occupying it. lial Thanksgivinz character. Pulpit by Miss Hazel Rundle as pianist, and The pliedanfrooen'ToBontog, Mrsome others from this v icinity motor- Thb3e Men'sing Woei nn's Bolingt! rs. Julia M etcalfe, who heen ed to Prince Albert where a splendid Cbae n he oldinthiannallJontstaying with lber grand-daughter,: cbicken pie supper was served and briaque ing the . week when Mr- (Dr.) Allen, in Toronto, camne afterwards a concert in wbicb the Friayevnin o tnsdown on Wednesday to vote. Sbe quintette gave several selections. Mr. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, will pre-j intends to spend most of the ivinter The people of Prince Albert gave sent the John Douglas Cup to W. F. with bier daughter, Mrs. Swaisland,1 theni a very cordial reception and Rickard and bis wnning rînk, and in Windsor. entertained therninb a st)lendî4l niaii- Dr. J. A. Butler will present te Mr. Bert Brereton and others bis singles The Public Sehool bas secured the! ne ..Mr. Frank Walters was in competition prizes. Conîmunity Hall for it.s Commence-lIToronto on Monday on busines ... ment Exercises on Friday eveniîîg,: The young people beld a Hallowe'en With tbe absence of Arthur bock- Nov. 22nd. The High School Coin- social Thursday in the Sunday School hart, Newtonville, froni bis classes, mencement will take place two weeks rooni. A good prograin, and praii- Newcastle Higb School dîdn't seeni Iter on Frid.ay evening, Dec. 6t.b. enades ini fancy costumes and can'ly quite the saine last Monday mornng. Please keep these events in mind. afterwards made a pleasaîît evening. He bas been consistently bigb pupil Mr. Bert McIntosli, wbo bas bc-en 'Miss Aura Osborne is spending a ofscorel inc927. On trday t he in China for seven yeans as engineer 'wIeek in Toronto witb bier sister. Mis-s scho)1 i 197. O Saurda heof a great oil company. ani wbo bas Lyla Oshorne, and other relativeè; 1 suffened a severe attqck of appendi- been visiting bis sister. Nliss B. Mc- tbere. citis and on the advice cf Dr. J. A. Intosb, and bis uncle, Mr. Wellington_____________ 1 Butler was rushed imiwedîately te o tetifa, -snNeYokn 1bospital in Toronto wbere, hy al ce- busteins forallfew dasti N weeok.-o ports, an openation was quite Succel- b unies or eb-Rev. astW. P. R Sful and the patient is doing well.* Uie hrh-e.W .Rg (Rev W.P. Rgersadd er es, Pastor. Sunday, Nov. i th: Mrs. ilv)W .Rgesade-1 a. m.-Monning Worship; 2.30 p. ed the W. M. S. of King St. Church, m.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.-Even- Osbawa, at its annual Thanksgiving ing Service. Thanksgiving Day ser- A isriels hrdyafterrioon. At mons and special music by the choir the oncusio ofthe ervcesix at both services. Sunday, Nov. 17, groupa of C. C. 1. T. girls in uniform Anniiversany services. filed into the auditorium, softly sing- Mr. J. H. Jose is building a second ESTABLISI4ED ing "Holy, Holy, Holy." Mns. Rog- bouse on bis farmn as a home for 9 ers, who is the Presbyterial Secretarymaielephe aybvfrntme of C.e gi.T.nd rk, soend nie the -to tinie. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Dv-WHERE ECOOMY MUI"l thegirs ad henconuced he f-ey, who are at present occupying -filiation service in wbich buth the Mrs.MayMLosbueonMl W. M. S.i anj .G I .minbers St. South, will probably bye tihe first hertlyjone.occupants. It is a good niove. it The Youing People's Choir of the will be a Halliday "Comfort-stead" SNewcastle United Chunch jounneyed home and Mr. Jose was in Haimilton t Newtonville on Sunday and rend- ene day last week selecting the de- Ail Poultry Boughtj ered the musical nunibers at the an- sign and material. Mn. W. H. C.ow- niversany services of the United an will superintend its ei'ection on a s hip c hrmasdr h bl ede-stenabMut W. J. S. aarmofesidence.FAZd shupncb thruner MtheWabJe leademr e stiO od estofth mi Rickard, with Misa Marion Rickard as acconpnist. Among the musical ART-A NATIONAL ASSET Freshly Killed numbers was a duet by Misses D'or- othy and Evelyn Riekard. Rev. J. Mrs. Eric Brown, Ottawa, Gve Young U. Robins, Bo-ivianville, pneached i Women'a Canadian Club off Bow- the afternoon, and Rev. W. P. Rog- manville a Glimpte off Canadian FANCY YOUNG ONTARI ens, Newcastle, conducted the even- Art ing service, wbile the paster, Rev.D U K Thos. Wallace, boek change at New- The Woinen's anadian Club en- castle. . joyed a deligbtful treat on Tuesday AVEKA(iE WEIt.HT 5 LB 1 ev. W. P. Rogers, preaching in afterncson in the forini«f an ilbis- the interests of the W. M. S. at trated lecture on "Canadian Art, al Sunday monning to-ok as is text, National Asset,"1 by Mrs. Eri Matt. 27:-55, "And many womten were Brown, whose husband is curator of there bebolding afar off, whicb fol- the National Art Gallery. Ottawa. I orA&P aktcr lowed Jesus f nom Galilee, ministering Thue meeting was held in St. Paul's your Ah&lPday re a r unto hum." Ris subject was The Lecture ReOO'm, wiîb the President, A & P ... Or complet Ministry of Womanbood, an intelli- M-s (Rev.) Geo. Maso-n in the chai r. purchase. in the interests of the Kingdom, a Mns. Bro'wn aptly fulfilbed ad- FRESH YOUNG ROASI gent, consistent, sacnificial ministry vance notices ef ier abilty as a ministry wortiby the study and enni- speaker and engaged the close atten-I lation of the men of the church. tien of ber audience throughout with Members of the Young People's ber charming9 manner, tlbougbtflui Choir assisted the negular choir, reasening and thorou«h knowbedge FANCY SELEC.TED A& special numbers in addition te the et her subject.1 anthem. "The F.artb Shaîl Be Full of The province of artists, MXs. teKnowledge of the Lord", being Byown tated, is te open our eyes te 1 ut"0 Jesus Thou Art Standing" new beauties and new trute, and Ivw by Mesdames C. R. Carveth and W. te express wiiat we can only feel RJ14%à Read That Sweet Story ef Old," by terpreten, and needs aise the good PORTERHOUSE - 1 rs. Geo. Honoy. servi ces of art as a link between ienr 1-~. provincs,1conec_1ngme peel î- WINC-An xce The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Shoestfor lhanksgiving'Wea At this season you cannot wear your old shoes when new shçes wiiI cornplete your wardrobe, thereby putting on the finishing touch you desire. Better step in this week and get outfitted. Men's fine black caif oxfords, made in London, double soles and solid leather heel ...$8.00 Pr. Men's medium grade black and brown caif ox- fords ........................................ 4.5 r Men's black oxfords, full fitting with rubber heels, $3.45 pr. Men's boots for factory wear, box kip leather, sewn soles .................................. $3.45 pr. Boys' school boots, in black elkola leather, $3.25 pr. Women's brown kid pump and one-strap, cover- ed heels..................................... $7.5 pr. Womcin's iat'ltan(1 blaek kid one-strap, $5.50 pr. CGîcwing e:rls'oxfor(ls iii bac1- r'r brown, $3.50 pr. Women's patent one-stral), cifban heels, $2.75 pr. IFull stock of Rubbers and Galoshes. Farmers' leather top rubbers, knee boots, laced r-ubbers, etc ...................$2.75 to $6.00 pr. Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager o-ne another and teacbing theni tbe different aspects ef the whoie Dom- inion. For the people of each prov- ince seoin te feel that they are a people unto thenLselves, that the pan. ticular type of landscape peculiar te their province is the only beautiful type, and the artist, by is pictures of dîffenent scenes, serves% te destroy this illusion and tbus builds up the Nationalism of Canada, whicb is in danger of being doninated by Prov- incialism. Pictures are much more valuable in this way, than photograpbs Mr.s. Brown declared, hecause an artist puts. s0 mucb -of bimaclf into bis work, ffo that the very feeling, e- motion etc., stirred up hy the scene, can be gra.'ipod. The speaker sbowed that art is a neoessary factor in our lives for it is bound up in nearly everyLbîng we use and do, landscape gardening indoor decorating, designing, etc. Art is undoubtedly of great commer- cial value and even as sucb serves to maintain the spirit of Canadianinin, declared Mrs. Bnown, as she teld of the immense popularity of Canadian designed Cbistnias cards in Paris. Moreover Art is the fineet way known cf ex'pressing one's f eelings,- the most natural ton cof self- ex- pression. There are ne fimer naturel resounces in Canada than the abilit- ies and talents et ber people along this line. The club tben bad tbe opportunity of seeing lantern slide reproductions ef fanacus pictures by Ceinadian art- ists, whicb are hung in tbe National Art Galbery and of bearing Mrs. Brown point eut the fine pointades- cibe other works of tbe artist and give a short synopsis of bis career. There wene pictunes f rom the ealiest Canadian artists te the youngest, meet modern artistis, shewing plainly the growth and expansion et art in Canada. At the conclusion et Mr&. Br*own's intenesting and witbal educative ad- dress, tihe president expveseNd the f thanks cf the Canadian Club te berI and the membene dispereed wlth thee ainging of O Canada. nL'Q.r flhl JU.PrV =z i ~ ir siohe NL-iFao POULTRY DRESSING. .. o. Pkg. 9c PEEL--.'-m n or Orange ...........1 Pb 23c 0i PEEL-Citron. . lb. 33ec T M . l b. 23c iI SHIRRIFF'S Assorted Fruit Jellies ... Ja1r 23e -MONARCH Pastry Flour....... 7-lb. YRag 36c SWANSDOWN Cake Flour.. .211-lb. Bag 36e Pi j CURRANTS-.flulk, 3 Crown....... 2 &. 31C FÀ RAISINS-Sulh Sultanas............. lec Y CATSUP-A 'ne.......... 12-oz. Bot. 18e nesday. Nov. 8. at Wedding Belis are again ringing Newcastle Young People's Society The W. M- S. of the United Cbureh in this neighborhood. will meet Tuesday evenng.wilodit nulTakgig Rev. W. P. Rogers, B. A., of the Mr. Percy Rare, C. N. R. agent, service in the S. S. Roorms this Thura.. United Church, was elected president acoompanied by Mrs. Rare and Jack, dayftero-on wben Miss Rowland'a Pof the West Durham Ministerial As- is away on vacation and is spendîniýg group wïInlbe in charge of the pro- sociation at its organizaton meeting part of it on a niotor trip to Kingston, grami, and Mrs. Geo. Allin'a, Miss *held in Trinity Cburch, Bewinanville, Golin's Bay and other eastern On- Louisa Hedges' and Miss O. Warren'a la-st Monday. 1 tarie points, groupe will provide the lunch. I SPECIAL *THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 50 Men's Fancy Blue Overcoats SaiRieulr Pies$35 t044 Sale Price $25.00 Se G. CHARTRAN Kin-- Street u Il ThankisgivIngDaySpeciall1 Cali upon the A & P Food Stores for your Thanksgtvlflg food needs this year. Commiand this great chain of natlomffly lamous food stores to serve you. Each store Is faiy bulging wlth good things to eat fnom ail parts of the world. Awating your selection are mouth-waterlng cranberries . .. crtsp stalke of celery ... olives from sunny Spai ...fresh meaty au. . . flgs, dates, citron . . . succulent fruits . .. fresh, green vegetables, and the choicest foods Ontario packers produce. Wherc cisc could you go and be so ure of the fine quallty and wide assortinent that Ontario's Foremost Food Service effets 700? And what a dellght to know that at the A & P Food Stores you spend less for choice quality than you spend for ordliy quality at many other store., at A & P Markets WiII be Cheerfully Prepared for Your Table Upon Requcat rcy THANKSGIVI&G PO UL T-R Y GEESE Avge.Wgt. 10-12Ibml. 290 L10 PANCy MILK-PKD bASTING WlFT'S 'GOLDEN WS" lb. 37@ CHICKENS 'b. 42o FOWL lb. 33o ~e.AVE-RAGE WEIGHT 5 LBS. AVERAGE WEIGHT 3tý, LBS. MEATs PUMPKIN 2No.7. Tîns 2ILe 'les f inet qnallty freshly kMfed poultrY for rabsolute satUsfactlol be sure to by at 4.. coc ULT e money-baeck guarautee goeS wlth e"ery Hitor Wola D lbVICTORY BRAND 1--b.Aeae -23c& O LIV ES QuEEN 20-o. jar I19 kP BEF S OUR OWN BLEND-DIRECT FROM PLANITATION TO TOU OA STIEA rnend.d Nadia lb. 49,e "ound or Square ide m25 cOMANDERC BYRJS POLAR EXPUIiITION RAS ALREADY IJ5ED WithLarg Un«cut.1b.35C5,000 LBS. OF TIS FAMOUS COFFEE WEI ith Large-Und.cut. lb. 35 Mient Roast .......... l b. 30C DO <A IR STRE OIER T-lbnFavrtlt5'70 FANCY NEW TORK STATE Bd ~ ~ CELER YCrisp ad 2 RUnohs « Pe-,meabl -s1l@ed 32,0~ LATE RED CAPE COD laack il 39a Breaktaist Ca:: By the PCRAN DERRIES lb. 21c' cJIECUTS FRESIi volUNG ROASTINO CICELETTUCE-Iceberg .........2 Head 19c SWEET POTATOES ........... 7 Ibs. 25c TENDRLONS-resh.......... lb. :i.GRAPEFRUIT-Texas Seedless . .2 for 19c BUT ROSTLeaI...........b. 5c ONTARIO-GROWN Mcintosh Reds Fancy Cookers LOIN ROAST-Rib or Chine......... lb. 33c 0 P L S 4 b.~6 . 5 FRESHLE NTA2R's.25 PICNIC HAMS-Fresh Shoulders....... lb. 17c &N Hlf whle am HI'EFISH lb. ]190 10-12r-lb. Average 10.) H op,.HADDOCK FILLETS-Fresh ...... lb. 20c 3OILED HAM-Best Slced...... lb 49c»- FLOUNDERS-Fresh Atlantic ..... lb. 15c ________________SMOKED FILLETS .............. lb. 18c NEW SEASON FANCY I.iUEPOINTS MINCE. EAT2 lb.z5e' YTR ........,-.1..q..*Y;.ira ................ ................ wiUqGGEs TIONS .... FROL LAINORPIMENTO 2 PK 25e F lUEI O WN 4AYONNAISE.. ENCORE BIRAND 8.12-oz. Jar. 25c 'ALLOWI DATES ............... lb. lc JAGIC Paking Pocvder ....... 16-oz. Tin 34c 'XO CUBES-4's ............ Tin 12e ~, REA.M 0F TARTAR . 2-oz. Pkg. 9c XTRACT .. PU S .l/~Z 3 .X T R A CI P R E O R F '5 AT IIC AL 1 8-. 2 c X TR.4 TS . HEM R ARTILLCA .L OZ..o Se VICTORY ICKLES SWET MIXED . 30-oz. Jar 43ce IRESIDE COOKIES 25e ONDOLA CHOCOLA Box 49c'. 'HFRRIES-Maraschino ...... 5-oz. Bot. 19c ~ TRIR GRIRAlr AJMAN(11 CA&ADACC AC,197Gnratu __________________LIM1'flD els 1 Bowmanville il Of CANADA ; Regular Price $35.00

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