~be ~rrnain With Which Is Incorporated Tht Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. VI BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advane I II~ 'I PROCLAMATION! ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY 0F ARMISTICE DAY Monday, November 11, 1929 Two Minutes' Silence In compliance with the desire of His Majesty the King, 1 do hereby request that two minutes' silence be observed in Bow- manville at the hour of il o'c]ock a. ni., so that in perfect stillness the prayers and thoughts of everyone xnay be concen- trated on reverent reinembrance of the glorious dead and of the Victory by God's grace vouchsafed to the Empire and its de- voted Allies. A COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE to which ail citizens are cordially invited, will b. held in front of the Sodiera' Monument at the hour of 10.45 o'cloclc a. M. sharp, (20 minute service). to give the citizens an opportunity of perpetuating the xemory of those who lost their !ives ini the Great Wer. In witness whereof 1 have hereunto set tny hand and caused this proclama- tion to be made publie. M. J. ELLIOTT, Mayor. Novembher 6, 1929. CH-ICKEN PIE SUPPER in ST. JOHN'S Parish Hall on Thursday, Nov. 14 Commencing et 5.30 O'Cloc& Undes the auspices of the Rebekah Lodze ADULTS 66e CHILDREN 35c No.45 TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ELECTION RETURNS ROTARJANS ENTERTAI14 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 1 RURAL SCHOOL CHILDREN ANNIVERSARY Report for October 1 The Statesman bias found some,____ ~oom -Sr. 4th-raceOra 1 difficulty in obtaining the correct Addreàs by Captain Dancey-TaWies A beuflAtim na, Boo 1-r. 4h-GaceCra-;figures in Durham County election i at Royal Theatre A batflAtm udy Lh, Jean Morris, Aileen Hately, owing to some deputy returning of- _____warmn and bright, its lovelinese and flen Mason, Gertrude Hooper, Dav- ficers failing to, send. in their reports1 The Royal Theatre was filled to its quiet enhanced the pleasuire and Andrews, Jean Blrough, Mary tothe candidates as the law requires. i utmnost capacity on Friday afteirnoon deep satisfaction f elt by ail who at- impson, Russell Hayes, Pau-line The official report will becnmade aL when the school chàlîdren from every tended the Anniversary Services at anis Joh Shies, arryr>epw,'St Paul's Church on Sunday, Nov. lam, Jhn birs, arr DeewMillbrook this (Thursday) -evening corner of Darlington township were r.Tebatflndh1uns o ian Pritchard. by Mr. J. McCamus, returning officer. transpoeted froni their various seats cr.T eseaifladehelpfu.lnesao J. iH. Johnston, teacher.1when it will be known wh-ether Mr. of learning in motor busses, and un- the Service aemd tadyt B~oom 2 -Fut îs - Doris W. J. Bragg, Liberal, or Mr. M. J. der tîhe chaiperonage of their teach-1be remembered. The Rev'd H. A. -ly Giacoundiela Bart Elliott, Gonservative, is elected. ers, were treated to, a full afternoon Kent, M. A., D.D., Principal of t, Ma-j orie Jones, Helen Pritchard, Folowing is the resuits we have be.en of educative and enjoyable entertain- toens heol kownic al ie Knga la Clarke, Jean Spry, Carl Ra43y,I able to gather: ment, as guests of the Bowvmanville ton lradiown and adirede by ed Wood, Clara Bellman. Polling Place Bragg Elliott Rotar-y Club. ny B0Vfelie pole wa Rot ced ece.Bowmanville welcomed by large and expectant Robt.McLeo, teaher.The afternoon's progran was out-lcongregations wh~ose delight was Boom 3--Jr. 4th-Heen Gunn West Ward.......... 263 -292 lined by President D. R. Moirrison mte yterpoi ste Lt iford Hall, Mai-ion Jewell, Audrey North Ward......... 410 513 after which te talking comnedy, "The emted by the ufir prof as els- ot, EMaine Reaiman, Dorothen South Ward.......... 188 354 Crazy Nut"' was enjoyed to, the fuillsg.Intemri iepo fm der, Ian Bell, Hazel Woodward,181 15 by young Darlington.jsas.Ith origespkfon McflveentJoyce...ton.. 298 Captain Stanley Dancey, w'he, it lift up mine eyes unto the hbis" re- mis& M. M. Jeunings, teacher.aort will be remenibered, spoke to Chau- minding his hearers that the Hebrew Darlington Boom 4-S-. 8od.-Mary Birks, 1. Providence.....226 71 tauqua patrons here in the summer,ipeoiple were Highllanders. with. the [ard Nickerson, Madge Moses, 2. Tyrone........... 133 98 then took the platform. After pay- virtues and the failings, the courage Lcy Shrubb, Billie MeFeeter;s, Joe 3. Maple Gi-ove 157 85 ing due tribute to the Rotarians for and the contentîotieness charactîer- ihtman, Greta Raby, F*reddie Neal 4. Hampton.......... 181 89 the spirit of generosity and thought- istie of peoples of the bills. In devel- i George Soinerscales equal, Brt 15. Ennisllen.....120 135 fulness which lied pronipted them in oping his subject he spoke cf three iston. 1-6 Coutice.......... 205 103 their invitation to the township1hilîs to which the eyes of men have Mis Hle G Mrrsteche. . ........20 4 schools, hie spoke interestingly and been lifted. Sinai te bil cf the Law- Boom o--Jr. 3rd.-Frances Hear,- ___ ___ nformally to, the chuld.ren on "Can-I wjich lies et the basis of all oui- wence'Shotter, Louis Dewell, Edit-J 1222 628 adiaiiisni." systeni of rîghts. Zion te Centre of e'e, Hazel Flint and Kathleen. Rob-I Majority ...... 9Be de-clared that education is a the national life of the Jews, cf their in equal, El"i Flint Grace Sel- Newcastle necessity, in apite of the highi payl worship, and their hopes- and finally- s and Donald Sanders equal, T.hel- J Twoal.....7 htueuae lbrr fe rw f Golgotha-"the green hill fer away" H1--iI2. Town Hall........ 126 81 This condition, ho'wever, la mnerely on which three men died because Miss Greta M. Wickett, teacher. - temporary. There is no one in Can- both Sinai and Zion notwitlhstanding Boom 6--Jr. Srd.-Gordon Beown,I 205 135 ada who can not get an education, ail the good to be accredited to theni, arneTomiEnson, John Westnutt, Majority............. 70 and aIll hould take advantage of this had failed. What these had failed to lsh Henninga, John Walsh, Mary. Clare fact, because Canada is in need of do Calvary ia able te do. The Law, e and Ernie Rehder equal, Albert 1 Newtonville... 124 81 leaders. The home, the church, and cen put a wronig-doer where hie cen estnutt, Jack Mutton, Ainaley Hen- 2. No. 5 Sch. Houe. 49 38 1te scitool, alone, cen produce theni. do no more baim o society, but it 19& 3. No. 9 Sch. House. 92 24' He deplored te fact that althougli cannot make him. desire te do good. Mies Viviau Bunner, teacher. 4. Kendal............ 55 96 there are more boys in Canada than Zion was a place of wiorship and of Rooin 7 - Jir. 3rd. - Margaret 5. Orono............ 143 85 girls, yet the majority of those ait- high bopes , bu t its hope was to. ho Dod, Marion Scott, Ruth Ives, Betty 6: Leekard .... 65 5)5 tiending school are girls. exalted over aIl the other peoples. igle, Ruath Logan snd Morion 7. No. 18 Sch. Hou,, 30 33 He advised the reeaddng of news- Calvary brings men ta the best mmn equal, Josephine Caverly, 8. No. 10 Sch. Bouse 62 61 papers Vo broaden ene's viewpoin-t worship and, the highest place by iery Mitchell, Dorothy Bai-ton, 9. orolo............ 184 117 and enlarge one 's vision s0 that one seeking supTemely te gooDd of ail. tty Edger, Ruth Crydernian, Do(r- - - might never ha "too big to under- In the evening, Princlpal Kent'a tBradt. 804 590 take thse small things, and neyer too subject was "Perfect Love Gans o ut Miss LetaL Bragg, teacher. Mejority.......214 small ta undertake the big thînga." fear." In a masterhy way ho traced Room 8--S-. 2nd.-Leonard Som-.Catrilt Captain Dancey declared that the the place of fear in developing lufe caies, Jack Underhull, 'Bennie 1. Blackstock.... 98 127 1saddest sight hec ever saw was a Can- fi-cm prebistoric times to, the modemn e, Helen Cotton and Lawrence 2. Devitts.......... 64 77 adian wbo didn't know any-Uhing day. Fear as a servant lbas a gi-est anors equal, Willam James, Jack 3. Ceesarea......... 66 108 about Canada. Thle-e are many sucb, useifulness. Fea- as tyrant destrcys ler, Kathleen iBlunt, Lois Cx.4. Wenacott's... 87 79 and more than that, there are 40,000 men. Then with vivid sud telling r. let-Byron CrawottL, Kay- men in Canada who liste Canadians illustratilOns hie shOweid how in act- ieilI. chas. RoSi 15 3-91 and the Canadian flag. Learn lual life both in -te individul and in Miss Edna E. J..11l, teacher. Majority 76 sometihing about Canada and the socety, feai l being cat ont by love. oom "-Si. 2nd.-l-Marion Davies,MiIoe Canadian people lie urged, and se>me- No ba-e eutline cau give any sag- is Dean, Veda Pui-dy, Wilfi*d 1. T,,, Hall .......63 122 thing of other peo>ple beyond te gesk> ocf the impression made by Donad& RIa. Drew, Russe'i 2: Ton Hall........ 71 98 seas, thus breaking down te barrier these two gr-et sermons, in which rtt, Alvie Welali, Mai-y Irwin. - of mnutual nsiaundei-standing between not only the directness andî limpid r. 21id.-Helon P .king, Patricia 134 220 countries. Plut "service aborve self, clearness of expression, but am the "on, George Morris, Geai-gens Majority ..... 86 humanity atyove nationalieni, and personality of the speaker were suds nbo.1Mauvers God above aIl]." Be concluded with potent factors. Mss. Muriel S7mm», teacher. 1. Lotus............ 38 59 tlie adjuration ta ths childi-en ta 'Mhe musical services were excel-. tom1 10-8. lst-DSeaid "4 2:. %lyduf......... 22 76 make saime worthwhiîe contribution lent. Mr-. Knight's choir dîd great n, Elve Potter, 'Doria Moses, 3. Poitypool......... 91 178 tawa-dte uipbuilding of the Canada work in the fine anthemis, the solos 'e Se&7le, Beatxiic Kenabrin« sud 4. Manvers.......... 23 M3 we love so well. bieVknb ss .A-ln-Cw stySae a.5. Bethany.......... 90 152 After asking his youtihful audience bas-, Mrs. Alexander Oolville, Mei-s. t. -Janne Adanus, Baywood 6. S.S. No. 6........ 50 '65 several questions regarding current C. S. Haliman and H. J. Kisight. A idy, Mai-ion Knox, Alan TI.iflyn>,i, 7. JanetVille......... 95 10M avents ln Canada, Captain Dancey mixed quartet--Mesdanses C. Arthur Sge ~Bellman and Mary Lemon - - delighted theni with his rendîtan of Oswker, Muni-ce Neai suid Musa. al. 349 716 several favoirite arnty songs, and, a Geo. E. Chase snd H. J. Knight, was Mins Flarence Mloore, teacher. Majority...... 367 negro minst-el nuasber. veTy enjoyable, as was aise a fine trio tom 11--Jr. Ist.-Roy Swindells, I Cavau At te conclusion of his a<di-ess, ---Mms Arthtur 3a'wker and Messrs. Tonslinaon, Kenneti Bamni. 1i1Carmel ........ 38 131 the childi-en clapped long and loudly Hallman and Kniglit. Mis. Cecil Pr.Moia innwel sd Br-2.Wis......77 107 for CapVain Dsncey and Rotai-ion T. Dudley at the organ gave gi-eat de- nitit sud Hen-y Wightman equal, 3. Gardiner's........ 117 88j1 C. Ross, Manager of the Royal liglit te, ail loyers of ci-gan munie ris Gai-ton. 4. Ida.............. 128 91 Tete oh nteacmnnmnsadI W*innera-Jarion Dudley, Ethel 5.Mt. pI,eosnt....108 67 The popular Valide production, botli iii Iaccoumbe nmena ndi tglie, Bachaei Bilderley. - - "Smiling Irishi Eyes," starring Col- A generous Thsak-offe-ing was Mi** B. M. Sar-gent, teacher. 468 4841 leen Moore, co.mpleted the after- made by the people. Mom 12-Primer A-Aillin Brook- Majority ......16ijnoon's prograns and be'ouglit Vo a The minisier and people cf Trinity Margaret Storey, Jimsmy Clarke, Hope close an afteron long to be renient- United Churoli dispensed with tbleli- bie Purdy, Meunerie Tonilinson, 1. Budi's........... 108 52 bered by the sohoal children cf Dar- evening service, and Vhs gracions mld Allin. 2. Welhan's .... 15 82 lington township. courtesy was warmly au~pec-iated. riner B--Jack Bately, Jean Pat 3. Zion............. 105 4,6 Thse presence of se many frenm Trie- on, KestIt SIemon, Russehll BaI& . C ampbellcroft.. 86 79 Daughters cf England will hold a ity evertaxsd te capacity «f tle -iotMcA4sr. 5. Garden HillI.. 65 116 Bazaar in thse S. 0. E. Hall on1 Set- churcis at thse ev'ening service. Thie ýierCVilt -Alit. 6. Elizabethville . 79 53 ni-day, Nov. l6th. Bonte-satade cecI- Rev. J. U. Robins, te minister cf Yamer D-Wealey Mas-tin, Mildmred - set, Effie MeFeeters. ing, fancy and useful articles -for 'Prinity Qhnrch and presdept of Bay 658 428 sale. of Quinte Conference, clcsed the ev- Misa Laura Hartt, teociter. Majority............ 230 Mms. S. B. Leggott and daugister ening service with ths benediction. South Ward Schooi Port Hope Marion, and bier asiter, Mm. Chas. à=m 1-Jr. I--FISence Cals-ar, No-rth Wrd......... 202 242 Berring and daugliter Jean, who have Ms-s. P. C. Trelbilcock and Misa I'-arohnMWoodwPyi South Ward......... 132 1'89 been spend4ng somtenvonths, with Margaret were called te Peteniboro y a atWas4.......... 200 239 relatives at Neweastîe-on-Tyne, Eng- lest week owing ta thse ihinem cf te IDorothy Buttonahaw. 1Ws Wa-d..... ....3206 414 land, have returned ta their homes fermer's sen-in-law, Mi-. ?Norman r. il-Doïra hy Nickerson snd! Advanced Poil... 1 8 Itere. Hamley. n 0onnors equal, Gai-chine Brown, 1- ph Cole, Edits Richards. 841 1092 ml"s Masio. Coii&cott teacher. eo1 t 5 >oo 2--. PVr.-Eazsl Aider-, 1I urd Westaway, Jean Woodward,'Total Majority . 1108 1094 ALL ni Ommond, Hazel Little. j Majority for Bragg. 14 E rPr.-Eieen Stephens, Gayi TCOMîGE OY 1 HE TR IRE lop, Violet Berrett, Rasbei-t Ws O A H A R ehd Spencer. 'I1 CM1GEET ITRSBWAVLEPCUE lias Margaret MeGregor, Veaches- Reserve Wednesday, Dec. 4tIt or BWANVLL TIturFdey, Dec. 5tIt, for presentat- 1 THE CHURCHES ion cf the "Queen Esther"' cantata. THURS., FRI. and SAT.-NOV. 7 - 8 - 9 The regular meeting of the Home tJnseph's R. C. Church-Rev. lasnd School Club wihi lie held in Cen- Alice White in the ail talkiug, singing Dance Hit Butler, Pestor. Snnday, Nov.it I t Puiblic Sohool on Wednesday, I otion et 7 p. m in charge of group, 1, Mrs. J. Hateîy,"B O DA A IE P 'nity United Cburch-Pev. J. U. convener. Mm-. ( Rev.'i Cee. !ison ans, paxtor. Snnday services: wiIl ha Vite speakeer for the evening.1 à m.-Armsistice Service; 7 p. mi. Gi-oup one cf Bowmanville Wom.. Featuringa three new Witmark Song Hits, "Broad- hanksgiviag; 2.3,0 p. m.--8unday ea's lnstitiite wiTI hltod e "Thiitiblei way Baby Dolls", "Jig, Jig, Jigyaloo)" and "Wish- ooI. tee" at te home cf Mrs. G. H. Bick- vangel Temple meeting la Opera elI, King St. on Wednesday, Nov. 13, îng and Waitrng for-Love." se, Sund-ay, Nov. 1lUth, et 7 P. m. fi-cm 3 Vo 6 p.m. Bring, yonr sewing lit Tlienkagiving service. Lots land enjoy the fun and refreshments. Matinse Saturday at 2.30 p. M. Aduita 25c; ccod singing. Address by Rev. AU for 25c. <'hildre 1c. P.MeKenzie.____ .Ise _________________________M 0w~StrePoIcr':Not How Cheap-But How Good FA LL COAT SALE We invite you to corne in and try one of these New Luxuriously Furred Ladies' Winter Coats They are the niost important coat fashions of the season and so reasonably priced. Beaut- S iful broadcloth, tweed and the wondrously soft suede-like textures ...with the lavish fur trimingwhich makes them so distinguished loking. The furs importantly featured are wolf, fox, raccoon, caracul, etc. NEW DRESSES FOR THE SOCIAL SEASON Each of these dri.sses has something new.... Something different about it, a color or a col- lar .... .a neckline or a hemline. . .. a tuck or a tier .a flare or a drape. And featured signif- icantly throughout the collection the higher waistline and the longer skirt are eloquent re- minders that this is a season of stately feminý ine fashions. C ouch, Jthnston &Cryderman, Bowoeanville Phone 104 Limitti 5c a Copy No. 45 Our Store Polir,-: >tait man