PAGE TKREE THE CA.NADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. NOVEIMER 7t]4 1929 BATH TOWELS 39c Yoru wi lle surprised ai mur price on this large se. AB8O-An assort- Lient of large sized heavy unbleached Bath Towels that measure 23 inches wide x 44 to 47 inches long. These towel.s are in plain nat- ural colora with white stripings, as well as wth fancy combina- tion colored atripings. Fringed ends, and very heavy absorbent nap- ping. Just a once-in- a-long-while opportun- ity at a price like this. DURING 3 BIG 3c DAYS, each...P7 LEATHER MITTS FOR MEN 89c A substantial saving on substantial qualities ht wihl pay yen to corne early for these Mâts. FB819-Men's lined Leather Mitts. An assortaxent of alI Horsehide and Horsebide with Sheep backs. Some with kait- ted wool roll cufs, others with straight knitted coinfont cufs. All with warm knîtted woiol linings, made with welted seanis. Full sized Mitta nmen will appreciate. Regular $1 te $1.50 values. DURING THP.EE BIG DAYS,89 Per Pair ......................................89 LARGE HEAVY1 A Splendid Saving for you on thee.Gioves. JB810-A reinarkable as- sortment of Knitted Gloves in plain knit, Heather mix-ý tares, silk and woel, etc. Some with fancY turned cuffa, thers with fancy xnb- bed cufs and others with/' plain cufs. BIGTO R 1 SPECIAL VALUE I? You will need those Gloves now and juit note ibis price 1 JB811-Otmr share of a great manufac-. turer's overmakes. An assortment of fancy and plain knits and Brushed Wools, with fancy color coxbinations on hands and cufs. In colora of Grey, Mode, Sand, etc. Sizes for cbjîdren ages ifive to twelve years. Regular 45e te 60e values in this assort- ment. While thejy last DURING TflREE BIG DAYS, 25e perpair ....................... WOMEN'S SPECIAL KNITTED GLOVES 35c W. shared in a great miii clearing lot. lu coloringa of Ca.mel, Grey, Mode and Black, in ail won- en's aizes. Regular 50e te 75e qualities. DURING THRZEE BIG DAYS, 5 per pair............35 BLEACHED DAMASK CLOTHS 97c A very useful ize and a Very low Price. HB808-Table Cloth4 nieasuring 50 x 50 mns. hemmed ready for use An exceptionally at tractive Cloth of Irsl manufacture . Seve'ra. floral patterns in cen- tres, with floral border effect in colora of blue, gold, rose, sainion and lav'endew. A usual $1.50 value. DURJNG DAY S, eah .9 c FPILLOW CASES 0F PURE LINEN $1.69- Pure Irish Linen Pillow cases. Size Z2 x 36 inches. With attractive color- ed border &trip«s. HB87-An oppoirtunlty you slP>id iUaêmiss te SecO ure Irigh Linen Hm.titched Pillow Casesl at a pnice awaày below the erdinairy. Size 22 x 36 inches. ýAn UtMa-heavy qualitY Linen with woven coioored bvrder strjeS 'Ôôf Pink, Gold, Blue qmd Gmieen. Would b. big value if -OffeMd et $2.50 a PN*r. Note our price. DURJNG THEEMBIIG . d... 169 DAYS, per pair.................. ........ GES15 - Belta nmade of [Imitation fancy Leather one inch wide wth bound edges of contrasting colora, %wth gilded and ilvered buckles. In such colora as wine, grey, silvertone, nile, gold, etc., in sizes 38 to 44. A regu]a.r 25e value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS,13 Each ................13 GB816--"Walker'a Rig Beauty" Bath Soap. Four full ounces of the quality that go te make high ca" Soap. Wil not injure the moat delicate ski. Daintily perfumed ini Lilac and Rose. A regalar 10 cake. DURING TIIREEBmIG DAYS, per cake..... ...... S Not more than Fiv. Cakes to a Customer. ,VOMEN'S AND MISSELS' BROADCLOTH COATS $19.5o A speciai grouping of Co0atà for Our Three Big Days Sale, made Of fine Broadcloth, and each coat is Perfectly tailqred and styles are the very lait word. colora Back, Navy, Beige and Dark -Brown. Sizes 16 to 44. PURE IRISH LINEN TOWELLING 17c At a price that wiIl make it wel worth your while to stock up iberally. RB806 - Pure Irish Linen Crash Towelling of exception- ally fine, even weave. 16 inces wid, wthcolored combination borders in pastel shades. A usual 25e quality. DURING LLTHREE BIG DAYSO ...17e per yard ..... BOYS' WOOL GLOVES 33c For Thrifty FB817-Boys' fine honey- coxnb kuit Wool Gloves in Canrel shade only. Seaxu- leus style, wfth snug, rll>bed culfs, in ail boys' sizes. Us- ually sold at 5Oc. DURING THRE EEG DAYS, 33c per pair ...... CHILD'S GOOD, SLEEPERS 179e Seo these., examine them carefugiy aad note ithe prie.! FBS18--Sleepers, made from' godd qua>lty strongly woven Flan- nelette, with stiiipinga of Blue and PInk, wîth oontrasting band, trias- mingsa round ueck and down- *ront. Made with drop seat and button back, for children fIm tWê - tic ben years of age. Would b4t exceptional value at $1.00DR ING 7TERE BIG79 DAYS, per suit...........7 CHILDREN'S FUR TRIMMED COATS $3.98 Sizes 6 to 12 years. Gvood warm Coats for achool or general1 wear, made froim Tweeds, Velour anxd BlanlSt Cloths. Every coat is, lined aud interlined thriugho'it. A variety of styles i such good colora as Brown, Garuet, &and, Blue and Grey._______________ W. sharod in a great eiearing quantity-you cau sharo in the great saving. AB804-27 x 54 inch good quality Rag Mat in a vamety of hit-and-nxiss patterns with "Orowfoot!, border designa, and knotted finged ends. We have divided theee inbo thnee lots for early àhoppena on Thursday, Frlday and Satiurday. DUR- ING THREE BIG39 DAYS, eaeh ...........39 PYJAMA FLANNEL Heavy ne~py Pyjama Flannelette i a variety of attractive wide sûripes of blue, rose, fawn, mauve, etc. A good wearing and "aily washed fals- rie. DUEING THREE BIG DAYS, per yard ........ 2 MEN'S FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Men'a Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers, extra fleece, soft and warmn, ail aimes. DURING THREE 79 BIG DAYS................79 BIG DAYS Formey S. W. Maéon & Son Phone 164 King St. Bowmanvlî. ,N THESE CHILDREN'S KNITTED GLOVES 25c t ~The wide vmniety of styles, colora and aises de àA wiil please Yeu. 0' RIBBED BLOOMERS FOR FALL & WINTER For Childrem ages 2 to 8 yeurs. A saViuin er. y-u Wil surely appieciate. MB812-Children's Creain rnb- bed Cocton Bloormers. A good weigt for Faîl and Winter wear. Made wth G usset, and elastic at kneea and waist. For chiktren ages two to eight years. Sold regularly frein 30c to 49c. DUR- ING THIREE BIG DAYs, 2 3 Per Pair ,............... - - - - -- - - - - - YOUR FAVORITE PAY CASH AND SHOPPING CENTREWv~ALK R TO Et IMTE UYFO LS to - à à 1