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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEM.BER 7th, 1929PAEIV NEW 1930 WALLPAPERS ARE IN STOCK NOW Beautiful new plaster effects for living rooms, dining roorns, bed- rooms. etc. Dainty bedroom pa- pers in chintz and aIse plain Effects. A very large and u.p-to-date stock awaits your inspection. Papers range in price frorn 20e per roll Up. Place your order -w.ith us, NOW for that ro-om and you have first choice of the new line. Prompt service, reasonable prices. Geo. Pritch-ard PHJONE 489 BOWMAN VILLE Or FmILQIC Chdd.nn (nI kI CfeAfl iYPIE More cups to the pound, n tang to the taste. That's v so popular. Every package News and Information For the Busy Farmer Supplied by the Departznent of ALgriculture Potato Grading As federal lav requirezs that al' Po- tatoes in commerce be graded, farm- ers are instructed in standards and methods of grading. This will be a feature of an exhibit at the Royal meant a reduced price which in the distress conditions of last year meant about 50 per cent belew the top. Growers are improving their cultural niethods and are producing tubers which when properly graded cannotl .Show, oeng arranged b y the urops> eDae o uny and Markets Branch co-operating1TrtoBle with the Ontario Agricultural Col- Tr oBre lege. Prom reports of agricultural re-1 Ontario Rama for West presentatives during the past twol weeks, it appears that there il le The first consig1nment of Ont.anco a decided falling off in the area of purebred rams, numbering 275 ,,~ fall wheat te bc harvested next year. j four carloads, have reached' the In ail probabilty, the land on wh:chj ranches of Western Canada. Thev it was ntended to sow faîl wheat will! comprised Southdowns, Cheviots, bc utilized for sertme other grain forj 1 Hanipshires, Leicesters, Cots-%olds 1which there is a steady demand, thati and Lincoîns. It is the largest sn-lis, barley. The increasing demandi Igle shipment ever sent, but the Can-1 for- this grain for industrial purpo)ses, adian Co-operative Wool Growers ex- t in Ontario prac-ucally assures the; peet that next year's shipment will bel grever of consistently good disposi- even greatex. tion at good domestic prices. As a _____1 resuit cf several years' special de- Valuabie Rainfali i velopnient effort on the part cf On- Recent rains have been of unto Iditarie growers and a splendid harvest value te the province. Reports frei esnthsyater hud b the varieus counities indicate that' availabie next spring almost unlimit- I while too late te materially mproveled supplies of seed harley of the fin- IPastures, the widespiread rainfali has.1 st qualiy.-O. A. C. No. 21. inproved faîl wheat wonderfully and1 has permitted faîl plowing te pro- The Roots and Vegetables Act, as1 ceed. Live stock is generally re-lamended this year, in the section, ported in peer condition, and with dealing with marketing, distinctly grain scarce and feed igh, the whole provides that "eve.ry person who by milk supply is short in alI parts cf hiinself or through the agency cf an-1 the province. Most of the appie and other person offers for sale, selis, or reet crops have been harvested. has in his possession intended f or sale' any vegetables for which grades are Ontario Potatoei provided by these regulations packed "Ontrlo otates ae i in baskets, bags, closed barrels, clos- come-back," states J. A. CarrToîl, of~ ed crates or ini bulk, sha.ll mark the the Crops aad Markects Branch. ! initiais cf his Christian names and his, "Ontario has always grwng<>«d po- full surnaine and address or in the' tatoes, but owing to a faulty market- case cf a firm or corporation, the firm ing sYstem the bulk of the crp'ha or corporate naine and address and reached the market intproperîy gra- the grade oe the vegetabies, also the i ed. In strong competition this weight, in a plain and indelible man- ner. On baskets by tag or on the handie, in bags by tags or printod on nore flavor in the cup, more in crates by % inch letters. EX- what makes Red Rose Tea ceftioas to this ruie are vogetalos guarantee& -wihte o lae atchdo gen - ___ closed barrea."1 lIED fOlE TEAis good tW~ RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good le Ftghting the. Corn Borer According to Prof. Caesar, who bas directedl the war against thel E'uiropean corn borer in Ontario, a eonsiderable improvemoat bas been shown in the borer-i'nfosted countiesi during the past year, and although one or two counties ia Western On- tarie still have a -ceffious infestation and the farmer's inrenutting vigil- ance wili admit no relaxation, tho alarming aspects have been vastly imitigated. The work o! the county inspoctors during the past two yean' and tIhe increased co-operation of faarmers generaliy have played a pronment rôle in the dlean-up. Prof. Caesus' ia now cancentrating on a macihne that will eut tho cern staîks close to, the ground and make "plow- ing under" an easy proceus. Noxt youar he hopes that this machine will flnd gene.ral use ini the corn-growing area. Parnera who dosire to learn more about the proper meth-ods of cleaning up their fields and of wag- iag effective war against the boror should obtain froni their agriculture] represe*ntative one or other of the instruction pamphlets which have beon issued by Prof. Caesar. LIMBERS 'EM UP 'Wilh Christmas just 'round the corner - >-%RiGI1TNo w is the lime 110 order a ROGERS# BATTERYLESS RADIOI Sipemne as a radio, superb as 10jhonograph, tkis uMnderfal instrument &ives wou rio or records at the fi'? of a handy switch. Rogers FINBST Creation for "/oe w/>o demand tix fines: for their bomesi W . %Np %p l& tE ma UU%# SCHOOL DAY RECOLLECTIONS It's foin joint troubles in fingers, Last Statoaman eontainodabre ankie, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder obitu.ary for Johnston Niddery cf En- knuckles or spine-whether rheuina: j eld, aged 83 yeams Very few of tic or not. Johnston's schoolmates survie ho attended what was once known a Sodom, Academy--a name aplid t the old frame building that stood 3 Q or 4 rodseesat of Where the fine brick - j o.olhouse now stands. The teach- or at that ýtinie was Miss Elizabeth Srckland, afterwards Mrs. J. L. Smith cf Whitby. She was succeed- ed by Ebenezer W. Panton, after- ) wards a popular Preshyterian min- ister. Ho was a splendid teacher, bis y.ounger brothew being later Pro-j fessor James Hoyes Panton of On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph. Mr. Panton was succeode.d by Elisha Jeusop of Port Perrr who taught fEn- field school two years, murried Miss V Mary McCulloch, and later becaine It Hnbers themn up, reduces the toucher cf Enalakiflen school for swellilng, chases eut the pain and in-sanie yeairs, later gru.duatiag a dec- flammatien-whea Joint-Ease goe, in ton sud pnactised till bis death in St. joint agony goes out-no tume wat Catharines. Ho aise, representod ed. iÂncoin county for somne years in the But Iateiy theusands of peopie On tario Legisiature. It wus thiqugh bave discovered that its aise u. the good teaching of these two mon Premely 900d for quick relief il - ,that tihe senior editor of this journal bago, nenralgia and neuritiis. bme s teacher wdth a Firat Clas Made in Canada-JointEFe s a Certiicate in 1867 and taught the stainleua emeflient that soaks in --,- En6eld achool front nidsnunoer tu m'utinsanty. tue 6 cets.Chriatimas as substitt, for Mr. jes-. AUl druggists sali lots cf it. soi> while ho attended Toronto Nor- ______mal school. Moet of Jôohneton N-Id- dery's ach colmates predec'eased i, PUBLIC HEALT'H RPOP(RT but of the remalning cnes are these eitizens of Ibawmumvlle: Rev. Edwin Report of Public e elth Nurse for Ne. of homes vînited 119; Ne. et individuals viak'ed 189; No. of vWgts lie: Adurlt 18, Infant 42, Pre-achool 59, School 61, Re sente commuai- cable disease 3, Re communicable skin diseuse 3. fare 7; Not feund 10; Office hom-s il. Ne. cf Infant Welfara 0ocferences held 4, with total attendanceof 80. Sehoo Report NO- Of visit t achoola 34; No. of clam room inspections 16; Ne. cf puplis inspected 626; No. cfexclus- tons 6. Oie.1- Tod. Wben Yen trip up, ftel]forward, AM d et up, furtier &lione. -I'rott7 Vftk. King Street A. Tonkin, John B. Martyn, M. A., James, John Lane; also Dr. James fBray and Mrs. Albert Arnot (nee -Annie Bowman) of Toronto. John- f ston Niddery's fathee was Mr. Ed- ward Niddery, J. P., known far and wide' as the County Squire. Re was, a great friend of the school and vis- ited it quite frequently. Stop Indigestion Before It Begins Don't wait for sourness, gas and the gnawing, griping pains of indi-! gestion to attack you before you s>eek relief. Stop these things before they 8tart. Even the: wo.rst stomach suf-1 f erers avoid indigestion by forxmng the safe and plessant practice of tak-1 ing a littie Blsurated Magnesia,- eîther taiblets or powder inunediately after every meal. This instantly neutralizes exceoe acid in the stom- 1ach, prevents its further formation and reafly niakes indigestion impos- tsible. Food digests naturelly, health- 1fullY, just as Nature intended, giv- 1 ng the bodY full benefit ci its nour- ishing qualities. That is why Bisux- ated Magneaia in used every day, the world over, by many thousands of former sufferers who now -eat what bhOY want witb nM more feu o f in- di estion. Druggiots everywhere s and recoeiunend BiOUiuted Mag- nevia, and a good tUie t» staiit its use would b. today. Over flty uilon paclk- ages are »ld each year. TEA ?west b h f@te go rdmu c~Q3yTH the sales of Rogers Radio increasing on the average 100% each year for the past four years-the demand for "the original batteryless radio" every holiday season is tre- mendous. So if you are planning to say «Merry Christmas" to your family with a Rogers-right now is the time to place your order. The New Rogers uses eight Guaranteed A/C Tubes. It is ruggedly buiît for long trouble-free ser- vice. It is completely shielded-minutely adjusted. The cabinets are of distinctive beauty and finish. Electro-dynamic Speakers built into al 'console models. Automatic voltage regulator and phono- graph plug-in-jack. GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE - proven for the past five years in thousands of Canadian homes-yours with a Rogers.' Corne ini nou', choose the model you prefer, and instruct us to de- liver it for Christmas. Convenient payments, if desired. Bowmanville STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building t Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systom 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calla At Our Erpena. IT'S EASY ON YOUR LAUNDRY Isn't it the sensible thing to send your wash where efficient machinery and effective chemicals transformn soiled fabrics into fresh dlean clothes? Our process hamins only dirt. It~s easy on, your property and easy on YOU. Quit being a slave to wash day drudgery. Let us be your slave to, the family washing. We cali right at your door and deliver when finished. O-shawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLF AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL le J. BAGNELL Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of your order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontai and Steam Coal. Cail and see us and get our prices before you buy. McCIeIlan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville PAGE ME

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