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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1929, p. 6

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PAGE S1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAINVILLE, TEURSDAY, NOV-EMBER 7th, 1929 s i I pi i -4 g t t -, j, k k *1 s,- Il t 't atio wee Mc an Mca W.G. esi s A Hlen etn, F adiner MT yeSrand Mr elmMss ie W. St,, afls .Cll nLé..I1M s.A. CtoToontio, vi.- _W. eM. s, lnch a ter j teéd -Mcr. an Mca. -F. *Caton ]asat week M-o.Sn f Wtlhe yf* . Th ora fe- and returned home on Saturday and ndayn je vninga- -Y,P.suL lion N R RY A L N,(irc r took baby Douglas home afteic he had dTanksgiing pcote s being pr HA R L IN rcr spent soqae months in fis grand- paced. Topi i 9ta e. yMcab PH N 8 O M NVLL.E mthe' cae... . Mr. and Mca. No- A. W. Cle- .. M . A-wde, TOT.Wch a Bl c -_- I ~~neigbborhood te Osha'wa. wsiïe, ak Boc MAPLE GROVE HAMPTON SOLINAi HAYDON CARTWRIGHT CIRCUIT NEWS __ Mr. Elgin Munday, Guelph Co.-1Sle Drmatic Club wiil prest Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce, New-i Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart, Rev. F. W. Newell, B. A., B. D. T lege, recently spent t.he week-end at their play "'Star Bright" ;n the bas(-- castie,vite Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Robinson, Pastor. Services Nov. lOth: Cadmus W hoe. is Hld Fle sen te et f hechxrh ndr heau-Pascoe..Mr. and Mrs. Mac Pen- Toronto, at Mr. Wes. Thonapson's;j at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Pastor will weekend with hier aunt and uncle. pices of the Young People's Society fouiid and Miss Hazel, Mrs. John Mrs. Publo, Mrs. Grant, Toronto, preach. Thanksgiving Day the MIr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, «Ebenezer. on Nov. 1llth, (Thanksg-iving even-; Penfound, Oshawa, visited at Mr.! Messrs. Jim and Leonard Stainton, Women's Association are holding a .... Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, dtvugh- ing), assist.ed by instrumental duets,;Will Baker's. .... Mr. and Mrs. Will Miss GIadys Martin at Mrs. A. Me- hnzaar at 4 p. m. and a hot fow,%l ter Margaret, Toronto, visited with vocal solos and viulin ,elect ions.i Wariter of Hastings spent a few Neil's; Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, supper froin 5 p. mi. Orono Dram- Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow on Sunday Admission 25c and 1 5c. Cafeterialdays with Mr. and Mrm. H. E. Tink. Kenneth and Milton, Oshawa, at his atic Club will provide the entertain- .... .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, 'vl. lunc.h extra. Come and have a good!...Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitnell, Mr. father's, Mcr. D. Graham's; Mrs. W.î ment with their very popular play Edward Foley, Mr. and Mrs. John time..................... .....Joe Reynolds, INr. and Mrs. McLean, Pontypoýol, Mr. Bert. Fergu- "Looking for Mary Jane." They Munday, son Wallace, visited thei'r'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Billett and baby Jim Reynolds, Toronto, Mrs. Fred' o ndduherEvMr. Bruce ilbacmandbyneclet th l: brother, Mr. Bert Wilkins, Ebenezer. Jean of Sovereign, Sask., recently Gilette, New Toronto, spent the iveek~ Montgomiery at Mr. E. Bradflev's;' orchestra. on Sunday.... Mr. and Mrs. W. J.,motored here and are visiting their end with Mr. and Mca. W. J. Rey- Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley at Mr.'A]- Nestieton Thank-offecing services ing oi Snowden spent the weekend with uncle, Mrs. A. E. Billett .... %Mr. and noids .. Mr. and Mca. Moodie, Mr. bert Oke's, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs.ion Nov. l7th. their son Ray, Toronto... Mr. Ross Mrs. Frank Virtue and fainily, Bur- and Mca. Young, Mr. Frank and Miss Austin Lai-ner, Cartwright, at Mlr.1 Nestleton W. M. S. held Hallow- od Martin, Napanlee, has engageil with lington, and Miss Sadie Virtue, Tor- Evelyn Young, and Miss Rodd, Osh-j Arthur Beech's; Mi-. and Mrs. Win.le'en party in the Hall on Thursday, his cousin, Mr. Fred Stevens for the onto, spent the week-end at Mr. J. J. awa, visited at Mr. J. T. RundlIe's. . Sainells afid son Kcnneth, Mr. and' October Slst. Mrs. Newell and Mrs.fom coming year .... Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Vir-tue's .. . . We welconie ta our vil-. . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. H ofgarth and Mrs. Jnoron S twriand r. 1 Cawker, Port Peccy, acted as jde. frm ford Wilkins, Mr. Theodore Wilkins, lage Mr. and Mrs. Ainey and family family, Hampton, were gucats o r n r.Jc.Mols jyaddauprh-1 Cadinus Mission Band meets Sat-, wheel visited the fornier's sister. M'-s. E. of Oshawa. They have moved into Thos. Baker. ...Mr. and Mrs. Ellis tr isRs n r oez urday afternoon.itag W. Foley, on Saturday...Mr. and the house receently vacated by Mc. Pascoe. Brooklin, Mcr. and M.%rs. Edgar Mo'untjoy,Catrg, udv t1 l s1 Mrs. Garnet Symons and children, A. E. Jennings ...Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe. Thornton's Corners, caldo r a.Csawrighsnd ad] AMEa CU Town, visited their cousins, M.%I. and Frank Mason. Friendship, N. Y., were their uncle, Mr. W. N. Pascoe, %vhose Mr. Gordon Beech. and Mr. Harryl 1 Mrs. N. I. Metcalf. on Sundav ....reeent guests of hi.s brother, Mr. C. condition show-s but slight improve- Milîs motored to Toronto; Mi-. and Providence Fai-mers' Club willl eh A ul cuchgreedRe-.D. or-Hastings ..Mr. and Mrs. Allin and ment... .Mr. Thos. Baker and MissMr.Jhonadt cireo-metn Sa'sShoTsay one te imer on Sunday. Dr. 'Moriner family and Miss Ruth Ferguson. Osh- Vera attended the funeral of the lae ahn h aebe iiigot Nov. 12th, at 8 p. m. Dsuso wh ws ssstd by the pastor, awa, spent Sunday at Mr. B. Fergu- Mms Jos. McCarter at Villa Nova last the West, called on Mrs. Chaýs. ai of Resolutions and Election of Dole- spoke in a very able mianner of China sons... Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery. week ...League meeting 'Monday rard ducing the weekend; Mi. md;(gate for U. F. 0. Convention. Havej and hier conditions. Dr. W. H. Buffalo, visited at Mr. R. Av'ery's on evening was well attended and ivas Mrs. Gordon Lennox and daughterj H. E. Osborne, 0. R. Bragg, Lton Birks of Bowý-anville., a close friend Sunday ... Miss Annie Wilkins, Bow-- in charge of the lat Vice President, Muiel, 'Mrs. Jas. 11,ll1Sr-., B rch.j Seec'y.-Treas. PrsdetSt osf of Dr. 'Mortimer, also spoke?,fnw- manville, spent the week-end nt 'McI. Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Devotional eliffe, Mr. Roht. Hall and daul-hter asf words at the close of the service .... Rov Knox's. . .'Ir. and MNrs. Saund- 1period was taken by Mrs. Isaac Har. Maryr.adM. .EfukTi- ANNUAL SHOOTING MATCH i Rev. Wmi. Sterling. Orono, Nill oc- ors and family and Mrs. Hammond.Ijdx oi o.ilca n odm ot, Mr. and Mr-s . C.F.BurN or-s -ir.v cupy the pulpit on Sundny,...... Toronto, wece Sunday gue.sts of Mca.1 Thanksgiving w-ns well taken by Oshawa. Sunldayed a', Mr Dave la] A Shooting Match will be held oni and Mcs. L. C. Snowden, _Mr. Thos.; T. Pascoe-. very jolly Hallow-e'en Misses Ruby Dew-ell and Helen Bak- Mr. and Mrs. RstIW-e,~ Monday,(hnaii Baker. Mis-. Veca Baker. Soia not- party was held in the baseneit of the er; Mrs. A. J. Reynolds gave a Grove. Mrs. Jas. B. Woren ai r Day), at 1 p. m. on the farn of Mr.! oced to Bcantfocd and Vila ;N%--a 'an, church on Frîday evening. Nov. 1iSt - splendid Thanksrgiving ceading. Meet- Wm. T. Wordenýs. A. E. Billett, Scugog Road, 'ýa mile jRt Thursday. visited relatives in Brant- , There wero several neat masquerade in, closed with League Benediction. Thanksgiving Concer t under the north of Hamnpton. Shot gun and ford, atlending the fanerai of M costumes and a variety of comnicail Meeting next week on Tuesday night. auspices of the Longue w-ilbe given rifle ranges. Good geese for prizes. King 5 cousin at Villa Nova on Thursdayiones and many typical of the occas-,..Our Hallow-e'en Masquerade on in the church, N ýv. lilat Sp. ni.Amnto re on n n afternoon, and returned home on ion. such as owls, etc. After teThucsday evening, under auspices of'A good musical program fsînng ya good afternoon's sport. 45-i Friday. .. Mr. and Mrs. li, Mua-I conclusion of the march of those in t he Diisin, randsces yEnsilnand Hax-don schools day, baby Ray, spent Stînday wit.hicostume, prises were awarded. A The costumes were many and variedijunder the direction ofMbs Orchard; hec parents at Port Granby .... A good program w-as given consistinerof, land were judged by Mrs. Roy Lang- 1 orchestra niusic; singing ami elocu- splendid address on the effects of' cornet solos by Mc. Wallace Horn maid, Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and Mc. Jtien. Refreshnients servcd. Ad- alcohol on the human body w %as giv-i and recitations by Bety Knox ami 1 B. G. Stevens. As the masqueraders 1 mission 25c and 1 f5c. en by Mc. C. H. Mason, Bownanvile, Johnny Virtue; vocal* trios by T. macched around the hall to music____ atteS .seso udv feno aleC oc adWlaeHon h j ne r ikd sflosfENNISKILLEN - ...League meeting last' week took community singing in charge of Miss Best Dressed Couple--Miss Ruth Mc- the foi-m of a Hall-owe'en masquecade Lottie Horn. A pleasant evening KescXn c acc ae;IMr.F edn o ent n quite a number being dressed in cos-] was ended by tceating the companyBeat Lad-Mss MurHelen Baker; emtPd.uhter Lois onlu nib vstedhec at heS.S.sesio Sndy ftrnon aler C Suc an WllceHoa; t Lawinners eenic kerflewst auhtrLA N O IHIbu, iitd e tumes and sonie winning a prize.'to apples, popcorn and candy. Gen-Mr. Godfrey Bownaan; BestJ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orchard, Aftec the masquerade wa over ithe Girl-Miss Mary Millson; Best Boy-'jon Sunday. . . .Mrs. Robert Ashton, rest of the evening was siiient in con- BLACKSTOCK Mr. Tom Baker; Booby Prizeý-Miss Colunmbus, spent a f ew days with AOH tests and a social time. Mr. and Dorothy Paseoe. A short prograni I hec grand-daughter, Mca. Henry! Mca. Garrett and son Gacnet, and Mc. and Mrs. Josepih Rutledge, Mc. a given wi hMc. A. L. Pascoe as Strong, and Mca. Thos. McGill.. Miss Philips, Oshawa, visited Mc. and:- and Mcs. Oakes, Miss Doris and chaiteman. Violin and guitar musiciMr. and Mmca John Siemon ke spend- Mca. L. Hockin on Sunday... .Miss Chai-les, Miss Jenkins, Miss Robin- by Mc. Wallace and Miss Dorothyiing a fe'w days with their son, Dr. V. C. Ruth Armstriong, Grace Hos-1 son, Miss Webster, and MT. John Pascoe; cading, Miss Evelyn Mill- C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville... .Mc. pital, Chief and Mrs. P. R. Jones. Rutledge of Toronto, Mc. and Mrs. son; several stunts were then put on 1 and Mca. Stewart Rndman, Port Per-1 Sundayed at Mr R.H.locktronto, maret, Mr. and Ms.Joseph Forder pichn Cc s e sredm fu nd<JPl u Vas mBlackstock, 'vited N l on B y i Nally and family visited at M. and te.... -About 70 friends and foot- Fred Preston, Mr. and Mc. Fredj !Mm Car] Wrights. bal associates of Mesrs. Joe and Mo.ooey, Peterboo, Mc. Elwoodnda p e PO U T R YMm.S Montgomery left Friday for Jini Reynolds gatheced at the home Rabm and1 Betty, Oshawa, spent Sun- O U LTR Y ~Millbrook whece she wili spend a few ej Mc. and Mca. Jack Reynolds on day with the focmec's niteMa P3(li< TEDek with lier dauWght r. Saturday evening to, extiend congi-at- G. .tst... . -li. and L.a..Le1.,11 Linger V N TESM . dMsN arig ttend.ed ulations bo J.oe and Jini on their ce- ing and da-ughter, and Mr. E. Jvnhn- Mrs. N.S.MNlyatne th cent mariages. Mr. R. J. McKes- son, Oshawia, Mir. and Mma Alvin I want aIl kinds of 1wedding of thieic brotheir, Mr. Joseph1 sock called the company to order and Hunter and faimily, Prince Albert, Poutr an a pain Rtledge, at High Park 'Baltist called on Mc. John Baker who in a Mr. and Mca Leslie Grahanm, Black- o f M ontreal at Poutr ad an ayng Churdi, Toronto, on Satucday, Oc- happy speecih explai-ned the reason stock, visited Mc. and Mca. J. Fcee- highest price. Phone tober 26t$i. Of the gathering. At the proper bc.... .Mr. and Mca. Howard Stev- ~Whiby 1 ad rvers ~ ~ ~O~ ot te Messrs. John Kiveil, Chas. ens and Gordon visited the forme-'s Whty 8 ad rvrs o f edn mte roddot Shotridge and Russell Vice present- slater, Mca. Robert Bur-gess, Tyrone,5 0p charges. The auto whi-ch two bandits tock ed Mr. and Mca. Joe Reyno'lds with a on Sunday .... Mms. Thos. Gildeira is 5 L 1. STEI N man, on Thursday night near Couîrt- Mca. Jini Reynolde with an elettrie Preston, Toronto ....Mi-S. A. Walker FF R E( ice, was recovered by Oshawa police floooe lamp and a naahogany tcay. who has been Mca. J. Fa-ee- O FIR G WHITBY on a street in that city. No ti-aze Joe and Jiin replied thanking theni hem, returned to hier home in Toc- ______________________ ofe th'em has been found yet. for theic gif'ts. Short speeches wece onto on Sunday .... Our school child-I m nade by aevei-al present and the ce- cen wece delieihted with a eeaI treatl These go on Sale this wet mainder of the evening was spent in Ion Fciday afternoon last when the a social way atter which lunch was Bowmanville Rotary Club entectain- Anticipate Your Xmas Gift re sea-ved by the ladies ... . Mr. and Mca. ed theni at thse taikies at the Royal S easonable Suggestions Newton Stacey, Muciel and Alan, Theatre. A bus coniing froni Bow- Included in thisà Oshawa, visited Miss Mary Hogai-th. manville for them and bringing theni LOO0K YOUNG HOLLAND BULBS ' ..Woqnen's Institute meets i n the home again. In spite of the pouring Wrinkles make you looI old. We have a full line of fine basement of the chucch on Thu.rsday, j aia they aIl had a jo.]ly tinie P J...AC. In Sik Wrinkles go hand in hand with Holland Bulbe in stock: Nov. l4th, at 2 p. ni. Meeting in Mr. and Mis. J. BTadley, Mc. and PY JA M1II-AS 3 l fthe Ieye strain. Hyacinths .... 20c and 25e ea charge of Gcoup 1. AIl ladies wel- MTs. Eli-as Ashton spent Sunday with Have youc eyes coccectly ex- Chinese Lillies........ 15ce e come .... Thece was a good attend- friends in Peteu'bor .... M. and ALL AT F amined and ceimove the wink- Paper Whites, ance at Sunday School Sunday aftec- 1Mca. Ehnec Heri-ing and Bobhie, les. 3 for IOc-35c doz noon. Bible leason was cead by Mr.~ Oshawa, Mr. and Mca. Wni. Wotten Pro'per glasses niay bie aIl Darwin Tulips....... 35c doz B. G. Stevens, and a quartet was and family spent Sunday with theirN you need. Singl.e Daffodils..60ecloz nicely sung by Misses Ruby Dewell parents, Mc. and Mca. Wni. Hei-ring. I H ON We fumnish you with the Double Daffodils ...Oc doz and Muriel Baker and Messrs. Harold j . ... Mc. B'ert and Miss Violet Rice,l glasses aftec an accurate scien- Shuttlewort!h and Allan Balson. Af- Lo»ng Sault, Mr. J. Gordon and dau gh- i Nisoec tific examination. COLD WEATHER ter the leason period Mca. A. J. Rey- ter Jennie and son Douglas Gordon, L ATI Two graduate Optometrista The weatherman prom- nolds pcesided over the monthly. 4estleton, visit»d at 'Mr. W. H. alwaya at yiouc service. ises us cold weather. missionacy pcoe'ram. The children Mooce'a. Glad to report Mca. MoreAL ATI Fortify youcaelf against sang an opening chorus; Miss Edna much inipcoved and able to e hoaroundS ne ry atds 0tg " j, coughs, colds and si)re Revnolds gave a missionary reading; again ........ Mc. and Mca. Clarence L P neer atds throats by taking Cod and Rev. Bick gave a vecy int.erest- Werry and sons William and Robert, IlP Liver Oil or Compounda. ing talk......A number fromi hece at- Kedron. were Sunday visitoca at Mr. ALL AT 1- it onl & e Hece are a few of the tended Quartecly -meeting at Zion and Mca. Harvey McGill's... Ma. @l best:' Sunday mocning-..Mrs. Ten-nysqoniFletcher Wecry and son Harold andl ~~ f Kepler Gcd Liver Oil with of Toronto, Mca. H. F. Werry, '%isF'Miss Wilma Wecry, Kedron, Missi jg gfj L D In Bri Mat-----Smli9 Wilnia and Mc. Hîciold Werry, Ked-1 Tennyson, Toronto, visited Mr. J A 1 olr O 1 br Large $1 .50 con, calied on Mc. and Mc. A. L. W.ecrys...îMss ~Aurey 'iorîano olo bIO~k.~J~Q d~~ Waipol 's xtcat of Pascoe and Mc. and Mca. S. E. WerryMis ablH-ispetSnyw-h t-.CdLver Ou -.. .$1.00 on Sunday.. - M. andMca Gilbert Miss Annie 0k-e ..Mr. an<d Mis'.L ATf. TobccoB~'Ppouct & Jeica Puetet Pre od iv 1 Gibson and son Douglas, Oshawa,, Harria, Orono. visited with -Mc. an<l Corp. Incorporated, Louisville, KY. Oil.-. 50 and $100 Mrs. Rich. Luke, Miss Nora Werry Mrs. Wilfced Sanderson. . - . Mc. and Scott's Emnuision,' and little Miss Marlon --ountjoy,,- Mca. RusselIl Ocuiston, Mî-s. A. Tain- 60 O 49c and 98e Kedron, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe'a-. blyn, Mca. H. J. Werry and Gordlon,I Sqib'Coci Liver Oil, Don't hearing Sale-m Young visitcd Rev. and Mca. W. E. lIon-v,, panor mint flavoced, People present their play "Star Welcome, and Mca. S. G. Rhrke, Port WM50c and $1.00 Brieht" on Thank-siving evening. Hope._ _IS c i c eJ J &R e es Ye& Lts O VE PoeLL AE Miss, F. Vitue and M. W. Stayi<ýs ONE DAY'S SELJ.MrG SHj When /e Tet Eys It . Doc Proeryi visited at Di-% C. W. Slenion's, Bo-w- 1AA Phone 78 We Deliver Pastor Rev. J. R. Trunipour con-: manville -.... - Mr. and Mca. 'E-aI ___________________________________________________ ducted the afternoon service on Sun-! Hughson and Billy, Mc. and Mca. XW. day...Despite the inclemency of1 Hughson, Toronto, Sundayed at Mc. SHIPI the weathec quite a number turnoLd R culogsM .'nrc.P. _____________ out te the Y. P. L. Hailowe',en -Mas- HopR. Mca. J. Stocey, M. d . Noble be-e.s-Adig te smmeewih M .s. Jmey and M r. GlenKe- RSCOOP s the Floor Stock from one of the rie Nlanufacturers Br cent JLAR PRICE lk-end at Half Regular Prices. equirements and save One Haif. speciai purchase are. cCrepe, Soisette, Mulla, etc., in newest colora and styles. HALF PRICE «%In Silk, Rayon, Soisette, Plain Sand Fancy Crepes, Muil, Lawn, HALF PRICE style, make and colora, ail sizes. IALF PRICE roadcioth, Rayon, Silk, etc, ail qALF PRICE ) Worth F9or $300,,00 OULD CLEAR THE ENTIRE 'MENT. HALF PRICEI Special Purchase 50 doz. MlensI Initial Handkerchiefs These Initial Handicerchiefs were made to seil at 25c each. We made an offer to clear the lot which was accepted, 80 We pas& them on at haif regular price. Made from Fine Irish Cambric and Initiai daintily en1broidered. PRAE ....... 4 for 50c. S STORE md Save a Lot -j !iat is the Eighth Wonder of the, World? It may be said with some justification that ,ngth of time your watch will go without be- [led, is the eighth greatest wonder of this lrful world. 18,000 vibrations pexn hour without any rest onths and years-that is what the balance 1of your watch does. Is it any surprise that sa littie after a number of years. Your watch is a remarkably fine piece of Lnism scientifically made with accuracy to en-thousandth part of an inch. Don't spoil it by allowing it to rlun dry. it cleaned and oiled now at Felt's Jewellery. y takes two days. Expert workmanship. .action guaranteed. FEILTS' JEWELRY >pairers and Vendors of Fine Watches Street Bowmanville and Save a PAGE SIX

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