PAGE EIGHT ~THE CANADEÂN STATESIMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY,NOEBR7t,12 /1 Heating System that is Unrivalled for CLEANLINESS A McCLARY Sunshine Warm Air system, Standard Code £~Installed, neyer fails to delight women. The Air in the home is always Moist, Fresh, Re-circuating and Healthfui. No bulky radiators to collect dust and add to housekeeplng wiorrles. Furnishings do flot collect particici of soot and coal duet The McClary Sunahine Warm Air Furnace burns ail th. geu that cause sooti This s made possible by the fanio» 'VENTI-BLAST' Ring-an exclu- sive McClary feature. Smoke and ag volatile gases are ignited, into an lntensely hot flanie. You get ALL I the heat 1 Even the cheapeat grades offeIa ebre ihu at '~ A McClary Sunshine Warm Air Heating system, Standard Code Installed, costs only about haf as Hanàme.comact mucli as Hot Water or Steain 1 Taflk vagisters talte the thilgs over with aMcClarySunshine §lIac£ of cumber- Representative today. He s in a soT adititoTs whiîh position to add to your com-fort and collect duat. save you real money. ve' 5amous Protuct o' GENÉRAL STEEL WARES 6.84 Iigo 2BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA -- M 3U3 Authorized Dealer: W. L. ELLIOTT, Bowmanville - Ont. F1 LËff 1-etiu o c tu sustains-. da i., PKLMDR 1 I For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. oif MAKE SOMEBODY HAPPY TO-DAY Ifyour own sorrows you uant to forget, Make somebody happy today; If in your heart you know no regret 2dake somebody happy today; Others near by you may be En despair I Struggling 'neath crosses so heavy to beaM; They miay take heart, If yo-a show that you care, I Make somiebudy happy today. Maesomlebody happy today 0 sing a glad song on your wayl, The good that you do brings blessing to you, Make sonebody happy today. Do not complain that you've nothing to give, Make uýùmebody happy today, Do your whole duty and preach as you live, j Tho'Make somiebody happy today; Th'you have only a smille, or a flower GivoE t, and speak of His love, of His powver You înav cheer many a pain weary hour MNake somebody happy today. Sent us by Mrs. Cora Amerlaad. ORONO DURHAM CLUB <Promn The News of October 3lst. The thirty-second aniual iiietnii MNr. J. J. Gilfillan s able to be out of the Durham Ct lb was held at the after his recent illness. residence of Nlr. and Mns. W. H. Mr M L raeleha be o teClemes, 123 South Drive, Rosedale,1 h uue Mr.M.L.Traele asbee o te.Toronto, on Wednesday evening, sick lst the past few weeks. October 3th, 1929. It has becn ouri est foundai Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Thorn- customi for yeairs tu have our frtwhlch tabuil bury, attýended the funeral Of Mrs.- meeting of the< soason at the home W. F. Rolfe. of our President, but on acct)unt oif atnc saving u '.%r. Len Gamisby has received the the severe illnre-. of Mrs. Hughes t1 contract for painting the ruof of the wvas impossible to do as En f ormerl Orono Armouries. years, and Mr. and Mrs. CEornes very , Mr. Charles Reid, a prominentikindly offered their home for thel Starkville fariner and dairyman !meeting. pas.sed away with heart trouble las;ý The secretary gave a report of the week. ýmeeting and uoher itenis of interest Mrs. Henry Junker bas returned in connection with the Club duringý home from St. John's hospital, Tor-ithe year. The treasurer gave a sat- otwhere she has been the pastiisfactory report of the finance . otoe ees Officers for the present year are: three eeks.Honorary Presidents-Messrs. R. W. One f te cnînonet cTnpaina KngW. D. Robbins, 'M. A. James, i of infants la worms, and the most E. F'Ieding and S. R. Wickett; Pres -i effective application for them i dent-Dr. Jas. L. Hughes; lst Viel Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. -Dr. Goggin; 2nd Vice-W. H H. J. Souch and C. A. Chapman at-iton; 4th Vice-E. T. Brittain; Sec- tendesi the Laynien's Convention of retary-Wallace Maas; Treasurer-TOT L AI the Osh'awa Presbytery at Oshawa, ýJ. D. Keachie; Auditors-D. W. Arm-TO A A8 October 24th. strong and S. Jefrey. We understand a lumber firm has A splendid prograin was given byBo anil leased the late Harry Hooper store Mrs. Reginald Rogers, Mlr. Banger, omnil1 for an office and will have lumber Mrs. Winnifred Sinalley, accompan- yards here with a complete lune of ist; and Mr. George Neil gave soane builders' supplies. of bis favorite Scotch selections, al Mr. Cliffoxd Winter had his ankle of which were vcry much appreciat- hadly sprained last week. He was ed; Mr. Otto FrEnd gave a splendid running Main Street when his talk on "A Young Torontonian out ________________ foot caug'ht on the water pipe used in the Empire." by the road construction coinpany. T1he Club is noted for its sociait HORSESHOE CHAMPIONS Mx. ewi J.Nigtengiewhohasnature, but it neyer was better shown '____ Meenon teistaff of teon wo brac than at this meeting during the serv- As many Durharnites take a feno h tf fteOoobac ing of refreshinents. lively interest in horse-shoe pitchin.g, ofthe Canadian Bank of Co>mmerce, i The meeting closed with a vote of our readers wilI be interested ini a sailed Friday frein Montreal for Eng- thanks to the hos;t and hostess and clipping from a Western paper which land, he having partially lost his eye- the talent, and singing of the Nation- rprts the succesoafrmrD - sight since cc>mng te this country. al Anthem. hampoy n ehs sof a former Dur Mr. George Livingston, who his ham bo han ndliEsson sfonlCow.,s o been a tenant on the old Jewell farin MiariMan.,have and his son .A.ho east of the town the past few years, doubles, an.,sihave caatilon hei lias rented the 120-acre farim front-7 Mdobsanfod osleshaxpioship liA Mr. R. F. CIe.mence, south of thepMovnialfor horsehoe pithg A Kingston Road between Oshawa and poica orain a eda Whitby, and expects te take posseas- Headingly the latter part of last ion îmot innedatei. ionth in which some thirty of the best players took part. The Orchar, The Premier Construction CO. coin- father and son, won the doubles pleted their contract laying concrets against keen competition, and the on the Orono Highway, October 25th,, son, A. C. Orchard, success.-fully de- retaining only a few men to complete t: ended the single chainipionship which shouldering the road. The pavinIg hoe won at the Brandon Exhibition was put down in almost record time,. last sumnier. not an hour having been lost by un-I M, These results of the tournament' favorable weathe.r to within a dayor give the Orchards the honor of re- two of the finish.o . presenting Manitoba again at the Persian Palm creates and por Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, where serves lovely and youtliful complrex- te Dminon-id cos ill air ions. Tones and stimulates the skia I held during the frhcmn ar Fragrant as a flower. Cool as morn- wihwl aeplc oebr2 ing dew. Swiftly ahsorbed by the Thcai s 1pit adwt h tissue, making the skin wonderfully ert te oe is 1 lmoat e ndthrth, so ft-textured. Unrivalled as an aidmexp bytritecre s. It hs eentsug- to feminine elegance. Deligrhtful ta gmaded, an erbelIetheasuge stion u se. Imparts additional charm to; et, n ebleetesgelto the aintcatof wmen Periana good one, that a special priZe beý Baîn is the one toilet requisite fnr, ost i'erd rs the playesorninte the exacting woman. Peerless as a OCTORS mot rngos drin thvtornaent beautifier. D uO qieaprv h Edonon Ata, ouna iquc comfort of Aspirin. For Farmers Not Immune the meeting, of Weslev Unit ed Woi these perfectly harmless tablets working outdoors in the- fresh air. en's Missionary Society a p 2air will ease an aching head without as yttu wu i ardis '1Tt!t-C pleastnr ~ *Lfnrncr i t htl oliài' i feature of the aftcrnoon was, the pre penalty. Their iîîcreasing use year F il Hwvr tr .rt sentation of a life meinbership cor- after year is proof that thcy do help t 'il il tao0j, ** '1Y %W t, îlo y tificate to Mis. Nelson Hýivoosmad andccan't harm. Take themi for any raV4 ta suitl ik hy rs.A. . arrel on 1)( *~ ah; o vd the pain peculiar to 'lit], tttoly ottt t' i * friends of Mrs. Haynes' inother ai oe; ayhae oudte Xrtî.. , * Orono, Ontario, where heîr fathe'. voe;ainyhvet Ithe ýlin hi, f. Mr.~~ Se'ig spso.marvelous at sucîx titiles. The t i y "' i' '1 Don~t Suhit Vo Astma.rIf yudirections found in every tv'i riat ,tgt sufer without hope of breaking tho akg fAprntl owt .wtltlvwt chains which bind you do not put off. treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, n, hi, t tt ri iI another <ay the Of Dr. T1. D. neuritis, etc. Ail druggists. l t' Kellogg's Remedy. A trial will drivf itît 1î-qte Mt'i, it away al douht as to its eficienc\ -t r. -jflif ndt, t n, tît t' t T h e s u r e r e lie f t h a t c o r n s i l c n - ,I I d -t t n da'- o t I it tl;> o vince you more than anythinz ha ,,,i. %u Ii sn ao' can bcvrrittn. th hel. s -,a htiuitî.n amiA. FI. AmleB sure, why sufer? This matchieFs AsPIrin 1»a a msrk flBereld l- Cad- t 1 i 'otit-et.Sîret. Toronto reme4ly iqs mld hy dealers eve- - where. INTE EDTlR'S Mc LAIL inister, The -Hoônorable ,*J. Ramsav MacDonald, and his clever daughter, Miss lshbel 'MacDonald, at New York, U. S. A., as plain]y as if te reception were in our next room- syrens, cheers and ail; and then the speeches by Mayor Walker and Premier MacDonald, followed by te singing of the Bimitish National An- them and America's "My Country 'TEs of Thee"-all of which made a wonderful hroadcast. On the day previous 1 had "listen- ed in" to the services of t.he actual ceremony of The Union of the Scot- tish Chaches-an interesting histor- ic ceremony with sucli very beautiful singMng and splendidly approbsrLate addresses. Truly, wireless is a mar- vellous invention. Last Sunday we had quite a gale to end the dear old Summe.rtisne. We have had a large aimount of ram Tre- cently so tbere's no lack of water now. Corna aTe caused by the prsUTe of tght boots, but no one need be &oibled with theai long when co "iple a. remedy as Hoiloway'm Corn Iteniovcr in avallabwe1 SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES uu wilI neyer have cause to regret using oui' Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment yo enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with oui' high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Sijpplie8 and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bownmnville 'THE Bank of Montreail of- fers safety, convenience and compound interest for those who build up their savings accounts here. < 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 ~SBTS IN EXCESS OF $900,000,000 -Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager. jl DO YOU KNOW TUhe present generation is two inches taller than the last according to statisties. Leading authorities attribute this to the increased use of milk in its diff erent forms. Drink more Glen Rae Dairy Milk with the ilow bacteria count. The last test taken by the M. 0. H. was below that allowed for certified milk. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STE VENS & SON PHONES: Office 408; Houa. 175J BOWMANVILLE I1UfI~tP Now, New and U 1 c KDifoerent China QUAKEîvJ-R OATS Marked I"Chinaware"l NOW IS THE TIME To Specify a Hecla Furnace Steel-Ribbed Firepot that triples the radiating surface- gives more heat with less coal. Patented Fused Joints which make it Gas-Proof and DuA1r Proof. Big Circular Water- pan gives ample moisture. This new, fine, modern heat- ing system is just what you have been wanting. Let's tell you about it and give you an estimate free of charge. Re E. LOGAN Next te PaeVeio' Barber Shop PIumbe and Stemitte Bownv.iil. àu i -'l eý jé- ý PAGE EIGIIT NOVEMBER 7th, 1929 iour phtm for tZ strong- ýation upon lild is mtem- n th-e b-ank.