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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 10

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PAGE Tffl THE LINGERIE SETS, $1.98 MB829-High lustre finish, fine knit Rayin Bloomer with gussctt, fancy inset of Ecru Lace and daintily col- ored medallion. Run- ning elastie at waist and knees, Opera top style Vest with fancy Ecru Lace to match Bloomers. In colors of Peach, Pink, Maize, and White, and smail, medium and large sizes Each set in gift box. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per set, Bloom- ers and Vest .....$19 STORE UMNBRELLAS FOR XMAS GB834.-.Twelve rib, full Paragon satin finish frame U-brella, celluloid tips and ferrule; silk mixture cover,' light weight hollow mets! tube im- itating wood; fancy handles of celluloid and Wood conibiîatîoaîs, in straight with silk cord and cruolk styles. Biack, Green, Red, Navy. Regular $~ Each in gift box. DURING THREER ,. f BIG DAY S, each ...................... Y BATH TOWEL GIFT SET, 89c 0F PRACTICAL ]BATH ROBES $3.29 NECKWEAR, 49c New Tacs in Xmas Boxes FB837-Men's Four-in-Hand Ties. A special lot of iinported materials made up for us. Bright colorings and conservative patterns, Stripe.s, Diag- onals, and Jacquards. Usually priced at 75c. Each in Christmas box. DURING THREE Al BIG DAYS, each........................ 49c HANDKERCHIEFS,Ilc GIFT GOWNS, $1.79 Wall easily salv, one of your Gift Problems. M]3830 - Fine knjt high lustre R aYoIln Gown, sleevelesq square neck style. Col- Ored deep applique aîîd lace front, colored and plain ecru lc rn .nnalso hemIstitched tailored style with lace Flesh, peachWhjte, and Sweet Pea,' small, r aed um, large. Each Gow n Christmnas b,, DURl 2. value. DING THREE BIG DAYS, MIEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 17c An Attractive and Practical Gif t AB821-Towel 20 x 40 inchea, with Jacquard patterns on colori of Rose, 'Blue, Gold, Lavender, contrasting color in ýborder. Tw1 face Cloths, 13 x 13 inches. Box ed for a gift DURI.NG THREE BIG DAYS. Per s et 89 3 pecs...............%- BATH SOAP, 5c Secut'e Yours Now RB624.-Men's 18 x 18-inch, ultra-fine Linen finish Handkerchiefs; woven strip- inga and borders in conbination contrasz- ing colorings, half-inch hemstitching. Splendid 25c value. Buy these banded in half dozens. DURING THREE 1 j BIG DAYS, each . .......... or 6 for ,...........$1.00 GWFT BOXED ]BRACES, -49c Always Acceptable FB839-Men's fine Silk Lisle elastic web Braces- cross back style, in neat patterned light and dark effects. Each pair in Christm&,s box. Usual 75'c value. Our price DUR- ING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair . . 9c POUCH BACS, $3.89 Ideal for Gift Purposes KB8.6-l-g,-and medium Pouh sîzc,, aiso strap styles. Plain Grain, Suede finish, Embussed, and Reptile. Grey, Beige, Bro ýîi Navy, Black, Green, etc. lm.i<le purs-,.1 mirrors, etc. Regular up t, $600. I" ING THREE BI(; $ DAYS, each ...........................9 Walkerls "Bit Beauty", As a Gi Suggestion - Why Not? The qualty is there nd sure tc appreciated. GD832 - Walker's "Big Beatl Bath Soap, four ounces of high qu ity, delicately Perfumed soap, ]j and rose. Regular 10c. DURII THREE BIG DAYS,1 p e r c a k e . . . . . NOTE-For "Deceniber ThreeE Days" yau maY Purchase a ful b of twelve cakes instead of the usu ART SILK AND WOOL HOSE, 59c Art Silk Outside and Warmn Wool Inside )Blý2-Art Si1k to the top, mocc fa.s;hj ,ning, imitation seams, Even. gl, ,, Merida, Allure, Gur.- m'-tal, Aloma, etc., .sizes 8 1, to 1 0. Big value at 85c DURLING THREE 131G DAYS, c l'er Pail ...................59 MEN'S TIES, 79c Three.Day Opportunity ta save on this Popular Gift Item l l'l, ~t Weshare(j in a great nmanufacturc.r's C(lIi) a)fupt n btter class Ties. Thisi attracti;.- ai ' ar~. beaut iful Swi vel s, Stri pejs, .UIv,. l'itcnsa large varic'Îv dîle ns ar are attractive to well*<re-.. <4I mii. E'îuh Tie n (11lri tnla. C ift BOX. A uISUal $100( DVRIîNc TIIREE BIG var, ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. 7 9 c PILLOW CASES $1.39 MB831-Bath Robes of soft finish C2ot- ton Eiderdown, Floral, Conventional, and Block patterns, in Rose, Mauve, Blue, Green, Tan, etc., corded edges on collar, contrasting colored silk cord ties, with pocket. Sinall, mediuim and large wom- en's sizes.- Usually $4.50 DURING TRHREE BIG DAYS, 32 eûch ........................ 32 Au Xrnas Gift that will be appreciated. HiB825--Wonen'a Pure Lii-a, Printed Handkerchiefs, 10 x 10i inches, white centres with narrow and wide colored bordera. New designs and dainty colorings. Very narrow hem. Usual 20e value. DURING THREE BIG MUFFLERS $1.89 ci be ual -F BiBG DUTC CL CKS$1.9 A IATON ELM Ths 4z 1 e An Xnas Gift Suggestion That Should HeIp You Yau would orcinarily pay mucb more for these. Be at the Store Early. GB833-Dutch Plate Clock with 8%-inch porcelain dial, decorated with [)utch scenes in blue on white background;- wich one-day good(l ulity move- ment. A regular $2.00 value. DURING 3 BIG ~ .2 WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES Shrewd Lýy--------------- to 3ae adIalieg oaterials ar ( Csreesti rp adVlvtc.bie-ad itCrpswtl ai A Boy will certainly appreciate this as a Gift. Sec this new Headgear at aur Store. JB3827-A warmn Helmet made of Fabrikoid, in tan shade, with dark brown binding and muif- ler. Heavily lined. Two styles from which te choose; size 6 %4 to 6 7/,. Usually sold at $1.25, Your choice DURING arShcCreLuesSin be uand ta take advanagean Flat C- W O M N'3 V.T NTE 2 ~ TS LES T H r;min4. i l e e w ili a d e s a r e icjd d Group No. 1 Values ta $18.50$ 9 15 only Womnen's and Mss$C4t.95sp.b.-'ual Broadcloth rîc i rmed w:"' Oppossumn and Sable (ors, la r ,e shawl collars and deep cuffs. Colors. Navy, Black, Sand and Bron-RIN THRE$BI.00d $49.5 ______ _____ Y ...... $9.5 u W ALKER S OE _______________ OR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PYCS N U O --. - __ _ __ __ _ __ _ ormerly S. W . M agon & Son PAYCA H ND UYFO L is popular Scarf priced ta please you. BS38-One of the MOSt popular muif- for men this year ia the irnported 2berg Art Silk Square" in Allover Tone Check and Plaid effects, Black White, Black with Navy, -Maroon wjth e, and combination colorings. Worth 0.DURING THREE DAYS, each ........$18 KID GLOVES $1.85 In Latest Styles JB826-French and other imported Kid Gloves, variety of fancy cuiTs, stitchings, and tailored effects. Mode, Beaver, Brown, Grey, and Black with White Sizes 6 te 7'%. U-Sually $2.25 te $3.0o. DURING THREE BIG DAY S, Per Pair .....................$ .8 Kting St. iowmanville Not the Xrnas packang HB823-Pillow Cases 21 x 33 ins., both hemstitched and scalloped edges, wth em- broidery patterns and eyelet effects. Each pair tied with silk ribbon, with Greeting Card in Xmas ýbox. Regular $2.00 vali, DURING THREE BIG39 DAYS, per pair ....... ]BIG DOLL 98c Be sure ta corne early for these. GB835 - Big 25-inch, dres.sed, Crying Dol!, with unbreaka'ble head. Has Ioud, long cry. Several styles of dresses with lace trîmmings on col]ar and Bonnet to match. A real - surprise value. Be here early. Divided in thrce DAYS, each... STAMPED TEA CLOTH 98C Pure Java Linen in Fine Basket weave. HB822-Oyster shade pure Linen Cloth, 36 inches square, lustrou fin- ish, easy thread drawing Stme Pattern on ail four cornersSever.. al designs. Worth $1.5.DRN MEN'S GLOVES Men'. Mocha Gloves, fleece lined, sizes 6 te 71. WOMDVEN'S WINTER HATS You wilI be sure ta flnd 8omnething in this assortment that will plcase you and at thas law prace you can buy several. Velvets 'Velours, Satans, Felts, etc. Values as bigh $5-95, DURING THREE BIG DAYS..........a......$ .9 TEE CA.NA.DIAN STATESM&J, BOWMANVILLE, THURSAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 s J; w. r -- -,Ym GIFTS LESS AýàirlijeG E

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