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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWOj THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, LDECEIMB'ER 5th, 1929 Time flieg and childhood neyer re- THE EDITOR TALKS as we rush down the road in oui' DURHAM COUNTY GIRL BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL turna.--photogaphs live forever. moto r cars. Nature inakes us pay rsne D)on't delay any longer. Phone 256ý The Family Doctor in Farmer's the penalty. We lose our teeth be- Mrs. A. W.Bellamy, Moose Jaw, Sask. Superintenclent's ReportPrsne for appointaient and have the photos Advocate advises parent~s to boil or cause we don't use them. hais elbt872dBrdyBy AAnulMtngoHspa- fo Critms ifs. H.Huphie.'aseuiz mlkgientochldenin 1what happens to our hiens. SO take, Giving Enjoyable Party Year's Activites Reviewecl -stead of raw milk and offers this, warning. Our poor stomachs dis-; ILEGAl I practical explanation which aIl par- play the red Stop signal time and Mrs. A. W. Bellamy. of M.%oDse Jaw%,' Allow me to present the seven- ents will do well tohe eiiu litme again, but it is of littie avai akantv fBwavle w here' teenth annual report: Barrister, Solicitor, N)tarY wjli not have the germs of tuber- penitent, but the penance must be oaC ryderman, and a Sister'of -NIr.1 ictefr ient26V,1913,th e doo y u L k Monley to loan on Farzn and Townl cuoais in it, but itlaiay have oth er kept up until the last chapter-until J. H. Cryderman of Bowmanville,!4899 patients have been adniitted, Property. Royal Bank Buildinig, germs, for example, the germ that ithe undertaker is called in to offic- cel1ebrated her seventy-second b,*rth- and of this number 417 received Do you know meat simply as BIJY Bowlnanvilla Phone 351. causes septic sore throat, which is of- iate. day on November 25th last. Mrs.l treatinent during -the past year. "gmeat," or do you know il by T N ' ten more dangerous than diphtheria.*** Bellamy left Bowmanville more than! There were 35 patients who received ils full naine - aie a cut of meat? EDMONDST N S W. R. STRIKE A]I gernis in milk can be made harm- We believe that eating too fast and fifty years ago, as the wife of the1 treatment who were not ininates.Th latri limoanfrM A AN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary less by pasteurization or by boiling too much have shortened thousands late John Bellamv, the founder of There were 87 hirths, and 186 op- Th latrsaI-poanfrEA AN Solicitor for Bank of Montreal it for three minutes. Ilt is neediessilof lives. We recaîl when Horace Bellamy and Co. Furniture House of erations were performed. i nbe o opeae et R A IER A Mtoney to Loan Phone 91 to repeat the method of pasteuriza-, Fletcher tried to overcome our hasty Mîoose Jaw. For the las forty-sixi There are eight nurses in training a intienabl a you prepare et R A IER A Bowmanville. Ontario tion. It has been told over and over! eating habits, but his xvas a voice cry- years she has been a much luved l and two graduate nurses on the staff. sld rsu rpsr.M A C N M again. In boiling the niilk niake j ing in the wilderness. He wanted dent of the western city where shc isi Graduation Exercises were hield in W. F. WARD, B. A. sure that it actually boils the three us to chew every mouthful once for now honored as one of the originï.i June in the Opera House and four There are more than a hundred different cuts of Barrister, Soliricor, Notar' iinutes-then cool it as rapidly as every toloth. That means thirty-two settiers of the district. shre is well1 nurses received diplonias. DT. meat. AIl are equally nutritions, but mray not* Money to loan. Bonds for sae. possible. This is siaipler than pa.s-I tiaies for soine of us. You should and hearty and enjoying life in a wïay Rontley addressed the gradruating bie suited to the saine puipose. For instance, you Offices-Bleakley Block, King St,e' ztin n i1diiotecudhv tit-wo teeth which includes that quite belies her age. class and afterwards refreshinents Bowmanville, Ontario. Pols of boiled rnilk is more easily digest- four wisdoni teeth (sonie have the On Monday last to celebrate hier were served in the residence by the wouldn't buy a cut of sirloin for a stew, Would you ? office 102; House 409. ed than that frein raw milk. I wish Ifour wisd'oin teeth but not the cor- birthday, she presided at a dinner members of the Auxiliary. Yet there are cuts for stewing that taste as fine as 1 could persuade aIl my mothers toi1 responding ainount cf wisdo) -eh? given in hiem beautiful home at 444 During the yeam a great many me- the best siloin-and cost much less. Ask us te DENTAL boil ail the inilk that the children 1If you haven't tried to Fletcherize, Langdon Crescent, te a few cf her pairs and improveiments have been teach you the naines and uses of meat culs. drink. In France, where it is the do it. Ilt is fun for one meal. We many friends in Moose Jaw. Among carried out as follows: DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE estabUshed customn te hou the milk, have sometimes wondered if the pop-1 the guests weme first of nIl, Norman, We eceived freai the Wonien's ___________________ Ronor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto bovine tuberculosis among childmen is ulamity of chewing gum can bcecx- hem only living child. and the success- Hospital Auxiliary a bed and mat- University. Graduate of the Royallunkn'own. The younger the child, pained by the fact that we do net cor to his fathLr's great bm.,iines-s in- tress wbich were put in the Beitb College of Dental Surgeons of On-1the more susceptible hie is te this use our jaws at meal time, ani, terests. He and his wife, Mrs Nor- Rooni, and a Gateh bed and mattres tarie. Office King St., Bowinanville. type of tuberculesis. Pasteurize or s ince our jaw muscles need exercise, mac Bellaniy, occiîpied the pinces fi which weme put in McMurtry Rooni. L'1 AII I %U j~ Office phone 40. House phone 22. oul and prevent pain and misery foi, we chew gua. (Jawing does nt horirn There were ase present:' West Durham Wonen's Institute G .A "MN D TN I exeripm tinOfie. iisete jaw n-usces-only the Mr. and Mirs. E. N. Hopkins, formre supplied a Gatch bed and niattresa, N E ~ 'N A .K F X-Ry Fniimen inOfice yor cilden.Ilongue muscles.) Fletcherisin was mnember of Dominion Parlînniert f ,r and Bowmanville Wonien's Institute DRT.i doctr.aie say: 1 em- a fad, but it did some good if it help- Moose Jaw; Mrs. Ni.A. Youn", Sup. linoleumn for the floor in the Institute M A AK T Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson commend te any person the study of ed te train people te ea't slowly and erintendent of the Moose Ja,, (;en- Rooin. Graduate of Royal Dental College, medicine unleas they are strong and chew their food tberoughly. as al cml Hospital, which Mrs. Bellamy The 1. O. O. F. Lodge supplied a Phone 21 B wnnil Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- r tist0srneu o o shouîd do w-be are wise te their owni w-as instrumental in feunding son*e ateh bed for their rooni.Bo na mnanville. Office heurs 9a.i o any but a srn constitution. Then benefit. 1wen yams aire; Mms- Elsie R. The nurses' dining meoin was paint- 8s.m.trongxet uda.Phn * * * S:r.ith, Directmess cf Religious Ed[u- ed and linoleum laid on floor. The ___________________________ 90, House phone 2.3.cmys th y bsratways:ge ett Here are seme real practical idea.s1 cation cf Zion Chu"ch; and Rev. and Nursery and Opemating Room Suite, X-Ry quimet i Otic. edoc tors wfe(ad tes the r ab uteating some thinga that may be Mrs. E. F. Church, hem paster and hi sDxet Pantiy, ll, er I, painted.Th th-Ray Equipinent(an in tOffice.h DR. R. E. DINNIWELL er's wife) especially in a mal coin- safely eaten when well iasticated: wife. De aty lo Iwspitd Bono grduae o Toont Unver muny. ustimaineprearig aIl is cuatomamy te soak cucumbersi After a delightful dinner, the The sinks in pantries weme raised and Honr gadute f oroto nivr-aiuity Jut iagne meprin ain saIt and watem "te dmaw eut the zuests spent the evening in eannie;z made moere sanitary. slty and member of Royal College if1 meal for a docter witb the telephone ryadsca ovrain-n eta- Ascinaprtsfruei Dental Surgeons. Licensâd toiringîng1 about every five minutes, poison,' but it is an unnecessaryadsca ovrain m ctn- Ascinaprtsfruei practise in Ontario and the Do.niniol. I know a doctr, a comparatively Nvaste of sat. As youngsters we ter Many tokens of flowes and af- troat operatins was added to the Lmtistr in aIl its branches. Of-9ce-1 young man, still in his fifties, Who were warned against cucumbers and fectionate remnembrnnce cf the dajy eperating roin. King St., Bowinanville, opposite sj ersfrein indigestion. He bas green apples. They were sure te and c wsh-for '.sman h cuyRtains ainnd hadesowere pton th Bank of Montreal. n 0. had an -operation, takee medicine, Poe31 cause cholera-anther naine for coli- pt n h ___________ ---- -- -gees on a igid diet whenever lbe cleand diarheea. Cheese had the S unre~ or a audmer haef wd o -'~ MEICLdaan nwinte as ixmnts iinc a tedietono1ohrf o, DDYO VE TP OTHN efrans r inos get away frein his practice for a holi- reputatien of being indigestible, but-TeWmnsAxlaysple ~~~(14 w.SLMN.MD. M. le bas developed sympteins of heat hence cheese witb apple pie. None ________or t re oms, one doz. disease. He bas a briliant brain, of these foods are bard te digest if - George L. Eastmas, President eof akes s ela sheets, twl,'*. 1raduate or Trinity Medical Colle«ei illow lipsTed tc. asspledwt Torente fominely of E nisilf is a leading specialiat in his coin you use your teeth. Youngstems the Los Angeles Chainher of Coni- plo lpec 1 office and Residence. Dr. Beith'a iiitnity aad bas a very sinaîl bank yoswllow haea no in chunks. A few inerce, says: new rug, dishes fer the tmay, and former residence on ulnircn Streetlaccouat. 1 ain satisfied that if this yugtr aen izr rco- That if every successful business dresser and stand covers, and bied- Bowaianville. Pnene 259. 44-ti man had engaged in alaiost any ether pîng machine behind their belt, and man would devote a year te bhis coin- sreada. e îine of werk hie wouîd have been able se they have pain when the stomach munity what the resulta might be? FrathMeag eqstee- J. CLARK BELL te retire with a cemfertable income, has te bandle hunks of cheese, eu The community ivould have the Ftain e neletie rerieator and V*.D., Ch.B., F.RC.S.. (Edin), D.P-H. but more important still, with good cumbera or apples. If they weme benefit of talent and experience that caIin.a lcrerfieao n (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tille,) bealtb that would enable hlm te en- chewed se fine that tbey would pass the taxpayers could net aff ord te pay The eiencefrte e' a Blons. Gradiiate in Medicine, Aber- iey 1f e. As it irregucontin e t o dsta siget.y oîd blae T hefreut of mm îuniywud. frwrdpainted and walîs murescoed. Jeen University; FelIow of the Royal on a few years longer-thiru-esetodsedgs. Dotbae Tecmuntwudgofrad The grounds were improved by Collee of Surgeons, Edinb i!gb ar aieals, nigbt driving and wory theai, but yeurself-too niuch scoop along aIl lines at an outstanding rate, putting gravel on the diveway. Office and Residence, Queen St., eiver his s erieus cases. Docters are shovel and. net enough use of the jaw providing itself ýwith ample atreets qti witlh deep regret we record Bowmanvidîe, Phone 89.* not te be eavied. muscles. Take the Family Doctors anîd bighways; an adequate develop- the passing of the President of the ooceHoie: : to P. .. 6to 830 P*T* advice and chew, cbew, chew sucb ment plan and al these thinga whie' Board of Directors, the late Norman We bave1,foodi horoly. ** make a cominunity one in wbich s .Jaewh a iena emerH U 0WeHus t .m.6 o83 .n pavople likeete live. e f theS B ard f wor t en ara mn wasA i rJ W. H. BIRKS, MD. paei armer's Advocate for yeas pol iet ie fteBadfrtnyas n a Office Hours: 1 te 4 and 7 to 8.30. age in F h ami y s adooor ecm vr srga- Population would flk te tl In esimÎdto teLoficeofui VtI,'for Telephone 108.,i useful information therein. For in- vocate of toaiates-eat some eveî-y dustries -would ho drawn there and aIl the te rth er e i of Preefo THE FINEST DISPLAY 0F Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'~s tance, bore are some food fallacies: meal. To-matees woro at one tme tho things a city needs te insure it al bered for the outstanding part ho former residence, Wellingtoni Street.Ia t'he little red school bouse of an onameat on the mantel in the, souad, econe'aiic f oundation would lookin l tho recent campaign in con- Bowmanville. it atgnrto hr a ntpro h Ileap eof ur acTue te l.I nection with the new nurses' resi-' N ' OS tuh past gorerilo hreads net gaparen the lappes'a food. accr oftea wo criticize the peole one ad or isNaD ]iBOctY SI DR. R. W. CLARK aicb1oomferfrils rnfds. Butoraciarets;'bu laer y aus I bo Pj PhsceI&Srenthiags have chaaged. This is a day Thon in disfaver because they as- oaccept public office. Yet, if t is a very groat pleasure iadeed Office a & Srgonvle of officiency and that means a aiad ed cancer, it was said. Fiaally an 'business miea Who have made a suc- -te stato tba t during the past year the Ofc-Division St., Bomnile rush bither and yen liko se many acceped food rîch in calcium and cesef their business would devote a uss'rsdence, which was built in (nezt te Trinity United Church> anti, but wve do net aceomplish near- vitamiuns. Tomatoes are fortunate, year te their cominunity througb 96,s ee c lae ofdbth Office Hours-3 te 5 and 7 te, 9 p. . ly as inuch as they do wbon considor- tee, in that the vitanins are net de- some organized group such as the mrgg aigbe adbfr Sui.das y apontien ony. atien is given our sîze and im-port- stroyed in caaning. Straiaed can- localCa eroCmecerehe maturity. Phone 24 46-t ance as coinpared with theirs. For i ned toniato juico is one of tho best civie body sucb tbings as polîticaî1 We wisb te thaak the Women'si IN TOWN IS ALL READY FOR YOUR instance, we rush at outr meals juat foo-ds te give the baby frein one trickery, graft aad maladininistra- Auxlliary, -the Women's Instituite, tion of public affaira weuld vanisb. the 1. O. O. F. Ledgo, and those Who INSPECTION AT THIS STORE -A group of suceeasful business men have icontributed furnishiags for oHRPATCADDULS f a commuaity, expressing their in- their rois, for helping te maintain______________ TEROPCADDUIES ________ - __ - dividual and collective views tbrough the hospital and impro-ve the service. DR IE.SEKETh lt h eS o ethat coiniunity outstandine in e'iery Doctors for the splendid manner in Crei n okte vr ho ur graduate of Toronto CollegeE li e1to eph a n of rgam nition, would C oaknWeiarangdaloyoinde ted te th elCiorci illei h o-SHOES THAT SATISFY paeo onuiyodao. wbich the lectures are given, and manvCbirOfaficwil eathe Bew- Ilwhich have enab.led the graduates of insNcwa........ Sct 2O anille Officevesa,phn14J Tbuarsday dy adChitmswilb the sehool te pass sucessfully their, Men' ek er.................. 0 o$- Reidential cails made during fore- here and gone. o can make this store your IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL examinatiolis for registration in the InsM flr............. . 0to$ 0 boon. YouProvince of Ontario. e' ufes............$ ( __________headquarters for choosing many useful gifts. A. E. Manning, 41 Hemkimer St., fesed by ai the iwho h a ie-eu hrs......... 15 o$0 FUNERAL DIRECTORS The choice in slippers and overshoes is full right Hamilton, a native of Tyrone, writes: sdon ati and have haed in 1 FF.MRICO o ,but don"'t leave it to the last minute and be I value yeur paperathonyin way te briag cenfort and cheer te e' ya a......... 20 o$0 F. nteMto o orrwi o ieyura sriea l that connecta me with the peeple anld the sick.MesPjms.................$20 o$4 Compete Metr o sory. We im o gve ou ealsericeat il cenes of my boybood. Sad, isn't it, Herse Equipaet. mes . We await your pleasure. that the Obituary Celuman is aîniostiSgeFlrne myh Men's Hosiery ..............................50C to, $2.(0 ~i AIl calîs promptly ims the first place scanned? 1eisGoe......... Sct 40 attended te. You will find listed here just a few of the M nsGoe .................... 0 o$. 'W ! ~Private Ambulance.SstrReU td \~' B 10mandil poe ,4. rile ht is the wise head that maires the M3ary d Ellen are sses 22 4C Men's Bath Robes ..................$7.0 to $15.00 Braneh Stores- 1 o "tes tl dead, and tire girls mnust needAi Orn & eI te. 1Provide for themselves. Mary h" l odsidacyBxs$22 ad.3.0"Public office is a publie rst" jtst beguili t arnacomfort,5ble G osi ac Bxs I (J.'erMo............... $,25he discbharge of duty te one's fellow- waneu when i3he was strickon with Eman1rad uealDrctr vershoe Rubbers ..............................$1.50 men,the WOk of resisting violence, MÜîus,a Hopital. Callagiver prmpt nd DrsoCamelLam HairirSllippers, throllithlrro.....co2.2ar .$2,25ng oniaiaandaigning terd1er,,I ando rightingso the 1 O enlEeryightTillXhar No t chage f di I Sipprs................~ $,75ongs of the oppressed, la liigher havln t work harder than ever, tention. Noexra cag u -l Fet nuholerta .o.e ro vecntc wt hq sitr.cupe Ambulanceo at journSoleBoots, wdeand ro y otions. The service of man i te longe otaet o th er diseaethough tancie. Onter Cushion t wor1hiwiciGroomv. Iy thenwith overwork. brought the inevit-_ as a gloe $van5able result; a few nonths Inter airs manvlle On. 3f. s agloe................. ~ Dke.too ws.s compelled te give Up and joi) ________Sol__________n______kid_......_$3_ 25 ler sister ini the hospital. S .CATA i CshonSoe iiper, n ro n id$3.25 hreboth girls aedoig weil, anid1 AUTOEEST'eavym Socks........................... 95C to$1.25 .their restoratioîi to he&lth in cou- THEO M. SLEMC'N month on. It wilb make bone and fidently exp îe t e r uc igSretBwnnil Foor trong teeth work as this? Your contribution wil Frarm and Aouctioaler For Mothers: Vegetarians are calbed faddists, be g;ratefully acknowledged if sonittu HoseSaesa p-il0.. but they have taugbt u something. W.___A._______________and___A.___11________________ Tari'.ndeat. nnakllfiP.O. Galshttsahcoor...... $235to $3.00 Meat, cereaisg and white bread pro-1 College Street, Toronto 2 .~ ;~ cause she bas 'eeen told that carrotal Fanc Slppes -Overshoes - Strap Slippers will give a clear akin. Many a crust B acna ona of bread bas been eaten rather than OfrsadBos asted hecause of the heief tbat buiaigcutJi Studio Ltd. OxfrdsandBoos. ill inake bair curly. This ila alit- gPsil.212 ~ S .OHW in and look around. r splendid exereise for the teetb. AI____ ___________ raw carrot is a faim substitute gE; ____,2%SmoeS S S viiPhone 200 W. C. IVES, Managerr tooth brush and excellent foed in, liinited quantity for 'herses and bu-1 Jmans tee. Avold aiuch pastries. m

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